IAIH :: Volume #4

#376: Very hot

Eric stops the car(riage), to pulling up the «Point Break» square of warning line walked. n ∈ 艾瑞克将车停好,向拉起了警戒线的《惊暴点》片场走去。n∈ Here is southwest Fox mountain the community situated in Culver city, naturally, this Fox with Fox Film Studio not any relations, the words that must haggle over, can only put the blame on the westerner weak naming talent. 这里是位于卡尔弗城西南的一个名叫福克斯山的小区,当然,这个福克斯福克斯电影公司没有任何关系,非要计较的话,只能归咎于西方人薄弱的取名天赋。 Staff of square has recognized Eric, has greeted warmly, pulled open the warning line to make Eric walk. 片场的工作人员一眼就认出了艾瑞克,热情地打过招呼,拉开警戒线让艾瑞克走了进去。 The front is one by the temporary blockade intersection, has not approached the shoots scene, Eric to smell irritating the nose smoke after the gasoline combustion, bypasses a trailer of play assembly stage prop, Eric sees outside a street gas station, several car(riage)s belch smoke as before, several staff are taking the fire extinguisher to bustle about. 前方是一条被临时封锁的街口,还没有走近拍摄现场,艾瑞克就能闻到汽油燃烧后的刺鼻烟味,绕过一辆剧组装道具的拖车,艾瑞克看到街边一家加油站外,几辆车依旧冒着烟,几个工作人员正拿着灭火器忙碌着。 The vision took a fast look around at the scene, Eric found the Kathryn Bigelow form quickly, woman that typical dressing up was too good to recognize. 目光在现场扫视一圈,艾瑞克很快找到凯瑟琳.毕格罗的身影,女人那副典型的装扮实在是太好认了。 The white baseball cap, outside the personal white-colored long-sleeved T-shirt is wrapping a black short sleeve T-shirt, the lower part of the body is simple laundering jeans, the waist is tying up a satchel, looks like capable incomparable. 白色的棒球帽,贴身的白色长袖t恤外面套着一件黑色的短袖t恤,下身则是一条简单的水洗牛仔裤,腰间绑着一只挎包,看起来干练无比。 At this time in Kathryn Bigelow is taking playscript with stage directions with two actor Keanu Reeves and Terry to subdue|grams. Swayze was saying anything, often also waving gesture several. 此时凯瑟琳.毕格罗手里正拿台本跟两位男主角基努.里维斯和帕特里克.斯威兹说着什么,不时还挥手比划几下。 According to script, this play should be Utah has discovered Paul and the others the bank robber status, in Paul steps on outside a bank to squat, finally evolves a chase the scene. 根据剧本,这场戏应该是犹他发现了鲍蒂等人的银行抢劫犯身份,在一家鲍蒂踩过点的银行外蹲守,最后演化成一场追逐的场景。 Vice- Director of dramatic team sees Eric to appear, runs over to ask: „Does Mr. Williams, need me to shout Ms. Bigelow?” 剧组的一位副导演看到艾瑞克出现,跑过来问道:“威廉姆斯先生,需要我喊毕格罗女士吗?” Eric shakes the head: Does not use, is the shoots progress what kind of?” 艾瑞克摇摇头:“不用,拍摄进度怎么样?” Also good. Today has completed seven scene. Then is that play that Utah pursues Paul.” Vice- Director answered. “还不错。今天已经完成了七个镜头了。接下来就是犹他追逐鲍蒂的那场戏。”副导演解释道。 Eric said satisfied: Finds a place to rest to me, I come to have a look, did not disturb her to work.” 艾瑞克满意地说道:“给我找个地方休息吧,我就过来看看,不打扰她工作了。” Does not have the issue, please here,” vice- Director lead Eric to arrive at the rest area that opens specially, here should prepare to Actor evidently. “没问题,请这边来,”副导演领着艾瑞克走到一个专门开辟出来的休息区,看样子这里应该是给演员准备的。 A silver-haired middle-aged man was sitting on the chair drinks water, sees Eric to appear, stands up: Mr. Williams. Hello.” 一个满头银发的中年男子原本正坐在椅子上喝水,看到艾瑞克出现,才站起身:“威廉姆斯先生。你好。” Gary, calling me Eric to be good, just should that play be very tired?” Eric shook hand with the opposite party with a smile. 加里,叫我艾瑞克就好,刚刚那场戏应该很累吧?”艾瑞克笑着与对方握了握手。 Silver-haired middle-aged person named Gary Busey, plays boss Angiello of Utah in this movie. Pappas. Eric previous life watches the movie that many Gary Busey have participated performance, said that Gary Busey is the same with Virginia elder brother Michael Madsen, in parallel world, two people both are that type have participated performance dozens Hollywood movies, but has feeling continuously extremely weak Actor. 银发中年人名叫加里.布塞,在这部电影中饰演犹他的上司安杰洛.帕帕斯。艾瑞克前世看过不少加里.布塞参演的电影,说起来,加里.布塞维吉尼娅的哥哥迈克尔.马德森一样,平行世界里,两个人都是那种参演过几十部好莱坞影片,但存在感一直极其薄弱的演员 Also good, my morning actor's pay has completed. And Pat will be very then tired, they have a very long chase play to pat. Possibly today one not necessarily pats all day,” Gary Busey said with a smile that puts out one bottle of water to give Eric from nearby box. “还行,我上午的戏份已经完成了。基努和帕特接下来才会很累,他们有很长的一段追逐戏要拍。可能今天一整天都不一定拍完,”加里.布塞笑着说道,从旁边的箱子里拿出一瓶水递给艾瑞克 Eric received, draws a folding chair to sit side Gary Busey, chatted with the opposite party at will. 艾瑞克接了过来,拉了一张折叠椅过来坐在加里.布塞身旁,与对方随意聊了起来。 As in the shoots field resounds the Kathryn Bigelow shout, another scene started. 随着拍摄场中响起凯瑟琳.毕格罗的喊声,又一个镜头开始了。 Eric then discovered that the place that two male chauvinists sit, just faces Director monitoring device more than ten meters away, Kathryn Bigelow has not been noting Eric at this time as before, returns to behind the monitoring device, after telling shoots starts, woman hugging one's shoulders stands behind the monitoring device, stares Utah that in the picture is playing with bringing Terry to subdue|grams of mask. Swayze thrashes in the same place. 艾瑞克这才发现,两个大男人坐的地方,刚好面对着十多米外的导演监视器,凯瑟琳.毕格罗此时依旧没有注意到艾瑞克,回到监视器后面,吩咐拍摄开始后,女人抱着肩膀站在监视器后面,凝视着画面中基努饰演的犹他与带着面具的帕特里克.斯威兹厮打在一起。 But Eric and Gary Busey as if by prior agreement stopped chatting, enjoys is staring at beyond several meters the back of woman. Some people said often Bai Zhebai are ugly, actually high can also obstruct hundred clowns. Naturally, Kathryn Bigelow is not only not ugly, but also is attractive, let alone also has 1 meter 82 height. 艾瑞克加里.布塞则不约而同地停下了闲聊,非常享受地凝视着十几米外女人的背影。有人经常说一白遮百丑,其实个高也能遮百丑。当然,凯瑟琳.毕格罗不但不丑,而且非常漂亮,更何况还有1米82的身高。 After a while, Gary Busey turns head to note the Eric vision to be the same, focuses on not far away Kathryn Bigelow, the middle-aged person grins to reveal a big thread chaser, said with a smile: Is very hot, not?” 过了一会儿,加里.布塞扭头注意到艾瑞克的目光与自己一样,都聚焦在不远处的凯瑟琳.毕格罗身上,中年人咧嘴露出一口大板牙,笑道:“很火辣,不是吗?” Eric and Gary Busey have looked at each other one, two male chauvinists simultaneously reveal a ribbon small dreadful smiling. 艾瑞克加里.布塞对视了一眼,两个大男人同时露出一丝带着点小猥琐的笑。 Yes, is very hot.” “是啊,很火辣。” Gary Busey had as if found the intimate friend, said very much straightforwardly: Really was cheap Cameron that bastard.” 加里.布塞似乎找到了知音,很直白地说道:“真是便宜了卡梅隆那个混蛋。” Ha, this......” “哈,这个……” Gary Busey changes not far away once more Kathryn Bigelow, the scene that Utah and Paul thrash has not passed, the woman walked to discuss with two actors in the past: Eric, actually, I and Kate knew that had more than ten years.” 加里.布塞再次转向不远处的凯瑟琳.毕格罗,犹他和鲍蒂厮打的镜头没有通过,女人走过去又与两个男主角探讨了起来:“艾瑞克,其实,我和凯特认识已经有十多年了。” Wow, this I have not known really that Eric looked at Gary Busey surprisedly. 哇哦,这个我还真不知道,”艾瑞克惊讶望了眼加里.布塞 Gary Busey is having recollection tone: That should be in 1977, the specific time I am unclear, I still performed in the modern drama in Broadway at that time, occasionally will meet several movies. Remembers that one day, my friend me introduced that to Kate, said that she wants a shoots short film, is looking for the actor. I still remember that now in a Manhattan Soho cafe, first time saw Kate then appearance, at that time she wore a black high-necked sweater, the black jeans, were hanging loose the brown hair, a very shy appearance, the body was having the Soho art young woman unique nous aura. She is unsocial, to the present saw that the strangers also will blush. At that time saw her first, I such was infatuated with her like many male of her side.” 加里.布塞带着点回忆的口吻道:“那应该是1977年吧,具体时间我记不清了,我那时候还在百老汇演话剧,偶尔才会接几部电影。记得有一天,我的一个朋友将我介绍给了凯特,说她想要拍摄一个短片,正在找男主角。我现在还记得在曼哈顿苏豪区一家咖啡厅里,第一次见到凯特当时的样子,那时她穿着一身黑色的高领毛衣,黑色的牛仔裤,披散着棕色的头发,一副很腼腆的样子,身上带着苏豪区艺术女青年特有的知性气息。她不善交际,到现在见到陌生人都还会脸红。当时看到她的第一眼,我就像她身边的很多男性那样迷上她了。” Afterward?” Eric have a relish asked. “后来呢?”艾瑞克饶有兴致地问道。 Afterward, I had participated performance her short film, probably called «Fighting tooth and nail», narrated that the stories of two man duels, I have become with her the good friend. In recent years, our these friends entered the middle age, but she regardless of the appearance or the stature, almost did not have any change, this let going crazy that her many woman friends envied.” “后来啊,我参演了她的那部短片,好像叫《搏命者》,讲述两个男人决斗的故事,我跟她也成了好朋友。这些年来,我们这些朋友都步入中年了,但她不论容貌还是身材,都几乎没有任何变化,这让她很多女性朋友都嫉妒的发狂。” The Eric dim daylight | asked dark: Is only the good friend?” 艾瑞克暧丨昧地问道:“就只是好朋友吗?” Gary Busey shrugs: I marry early, otherwise certainly will pursue very much her, but the difficulty is very definitely big, she is one very alone | the vertical woman. Has the talent very much. Moreover the automatic control ability is strong. The innermost feelings are the feminist. Afterward many years, she continuously unmarried, our these friends think that she continuously unmarried, has not thought for three years ago, she married Cameron suddenly.” 加里.布塞耸耸肩:“我结婚很早,不然的话一定会追求她的,不过难度肯定很大,她是一个很独丨立的女人。很有才华。而且自控能力非常强。内心是个女权主义者。随后的很多年,她都一直单身,我们这些朋友都以为她会一直单身下去,没想到三年前,她突然跟卡梅隆结婚了。” Really is a heartrending result,” Eric teased. “真是个让人心碎的结果,”艾瑞克调侃道。 Gary Busey haha has smiled several, nods to say honestly: Naturally, looks that the goddess in heart has married other man. Possibly not to be how brokenhearted.” 加里.布塞哈哈笑了几声,诚实地点头道:“当然,看着心中的女神嫁给了别的男人。怎么可能不心碎。” Two people have smiled several, looks once more to Kathryn Bigelow of shoots scene, the woman again is also negotiating anything with the lighting engineers of dramatic team at this time, but also is often giving the hand signal, that lighting engineer as if some dissident views, dance with joy are disputing with the woman. 两个人笑了几声,再次看向拍摄现场的凯瑟琳.毕格罗,女人此时又再与剧组的灯光师交涉着什么,还不时做着手势,那位灯光师似乎有不同意见,手舞足蹈地与女人争执着。 Sees this scene, Gary Busey sighs with emotion: In Hollywood, a woman wants to make Director is very really difficult, if I already did not do, presses her to persist in such for a long time not giving up.” 看到这个场景,加里.布塞感慨道:“在好莱坞,一个女人想要做导演真的很难,要是我早就不干了,难为她坚持这么久都没有放弃。” Meaning that Eric has not gone forward to help. He believes by the Kathryn Bigelow strive to excel disposition, does not hope one meddle. Looks at the woman with that lighting engineer's dispute, the Eric nod said: Truly is this, as Director, besides individual professionalism, not only the request has strong control strength, even the request to the physical strength is very high. Very intensive work is very difficult to withstand regarding the majority of women, therefore Hollywood, is other movie circles, female Director cannot too the high production.” 艾瑞克也没有上前帮忙的意思。他相信以凯瑟琳.毕格罗好强的性格,也不会希望自己插手。看着女人与那位灯光师的争执,艾瑞克点头道:“确实是这样,作为一个导演,除了个人专业素养之外,不但要求有很强的掌控力,甚至对体力的要求都很高。高强度的工作对于大部分女人来说都是很难承受的,所以不论是好莱坞,还是其他电影圈子,女导演都不会太高产。” Two people were chatting at will, one hour, toward noon, the dramatic team temporarily has also shut down to start to rest and have the lunch. 两个人随意地闲聊着,又过了一个多小时,临近中午,剧组也暂时停工开始休息和吃午饭。 Kathryn Bigelow finally has also been informed, knows that Eric came the dramatic team. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗也终于得到通知,知道艾瑞克来剧组了。 Hi, Eric, how did you come?” Kathryn Bigelow walked warmly, hugged with Eric, asked. “嗨,艾瑞克,你怎么来了?”凯瑟琳.毕格罗热情的走了过来,与艾瑞克拥抱了下,问道。 Eric with following two actors 11 side Kathryn Bigelow has greeted, replied: I passed by, just comes to have a look.” 艾瑞克又与跟在凯瑟琳.毕格罗身边的两位男主角11打过招呼,才回答道:“我路过,刚好过来看看。” Kathryn does not believe that stretched out the finger in airborne to draw a great-circle: You said that you go to Burbank from Malibu, passing by here?” 凯瑟琳不相信地伸出手指在空中画了个大圈:“你是说,你从马里布伯班克,‘路过’这里?” Eric showed the whites of the eyes, referred to saying toward west side: Who told you me to go to Burbank, the Firefly team is inspecting in the western about three kilometers Playa Vista area on the spot, Firefly planned that constructed the movie studio base there, I escaped to roll.” 艾瑞克翻了个白眼,朝西边指了指说道:“谁告诉你我去伯班克了,萤火虫的团队正在西边三公里左右的普雷亚维斯塔区实地考察,萤火虫打算在那里建设摄影棚基地,我脱团过来的。” Kathryn Bigelow then nods to look at the west side, asked: „Doesn't that side need you to present?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗这才点点头望了望西边,问道:“那边不用你在场吗?” Specialized matter gives certainly the specialized person to be done, I on the scene cannot add on am too busy, so long as looked the result that finally they give was good.” “专业的事情当然交给专业的人来做,我在场也帮不上太大忙,只要最后看他们给出的结果就好了。” Gary Busey interrupted at this time: Eric, Kathryn, the lunch was good, we chat while eating.” 加里.布塞这时候插嘴进来:“艾瑞克,凯瑟琳,午餐已经好了,我们还是边吃边聊吧。” The place that the dramatic team dines in a not far away scale not small dining room, this point can see the difference with ocean opposite shore dramatic team, Eric previous life participates in some movie shoots the time, the majority of time had the lunch to take the lunch in rear service there, found a place to assemble casually. 剧组用餐的地方在不远处一家规模不小的餐厅,这一点就可以看出与大洋对岸剧组的区别,艾瑞克前世参与一些电影拍摄的时候,大部分时间吃午餐都是在后勤那里取了便当,随便找个地方凑合了事。 Such dining way also means that the expenditure of dramatic team increases, but these small details under the supervisions of various Hollywood types of trade unions, in detail were interpolated the contract, so long as you want to make the movie in Hollywood well, has to compromise to the trade union. 这样的用餐方式也就意味着剧组的开支增加,不过这些小细节都是在好莱坞各种工会的监督下,被详细写进合同的,只要你想在好莱坞好好拍电影,就不得不对工会妥协。 Naturally, some people can sign the dependent contract specially, changes these rules. 当然,也有人可以专门签署附属合同,改变这些规则。 However this needs enough strength and energy, Hollywood can achieve these people few, knows according to Eric, Spielberg, he even can request the Actor signature to give up the trade union salary standard contract, gives the Actor extremely inexpensive salary, but in order to cooperates with Spielberg, majority of Actor will often choose the compromise. 不过这就需要足够的实力和底气,好莱坞能做到这些的人寥寥无几,据艾瑞克所知,斯皮尔伯格就算一个,他甚至可以要求演员签署放弃工会薪酬标准的合约,给予演员极其低廉的片酬,但为了能够与斯皮尔伯格合作,大部分演员往往都会选择妥协。 By Eric in the Hollywood strength, he also has the energy of destruction rule now, but he has not met to need such to do. 艾瑞克现在在好莱坞的实力,他也拥有破坏规则的底气,不过他还没有遇到需要这么做的时候。 Took some lunches, Eric and Kathryn Bigelow chooses a table to sit down, possibly thought that Director and producer have the matter to discuss, several on the scene act the leading role has not come ultra lively, although Gary Busey wants to collect very much, actually by Terry to subdue|grams. Swayze arrived at their table. 取了一些午餐,艾瑞克凯瑟琳.毕格罗选了一张桌子坐下,可能觉得导演和制片人有事情要商量,在场的几个主演都没有来超热闹,加里.布塞虽然很想凑过来,却被帕特里克.斯威兹拉到了他们那一桌。 Kid, I also thinks that you will again not then come to the square,” nobody neighbor, Kathryn Bigelow trades to let the Eric depressed incomparable name again immediately. “小家伙,我还以为你接下来都不会再来片场了呢,”没人再附近,凯瑟琳.毕格罗立刻换了个让艾瑞克郁闷无比的称呼。 As the producer, I appears here is not a very reasonable matter?” “作为制片人,我出现在这里难道不是一件很合理的事情吗?” Naturally, but this you appear, you actually ran New York entire one month, came back movie starting.” Kathryn complained that said. “当然,不过该你出现的时候,你却跑去纽约了整整一个多月,回来的时候电影都开机了。”凯瑟琳不无抱怨地说道。 That is because I have very important matter to do, relax, some time, I will frequently then come the dramatic team.” “那是因为我有很重要的事情要做,放心吧,接下来一段时间,我会经常来剧组的。” Kathryn Bigelow left beyond some circle obviously, therefore like other people, had not inquired that Eric has made how much money, the woman even links him to go to New York to make anything not to ask, but said: „Don't you need to prepare your movie?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗明显已经出了某个圈子之外,因此并没有像其他人那样,询问艾瑞克到底赚了多少钱,女人甚至连他去纽约做什么都没有问,只是说道:“难道你不需要准备自己的电影吗?” Eric swallows the food of mouth, wiped the mouth saying: I decide slowly, must give other Film Studio means of livelihood.” 艾瑞克咽下嘴里的食物,擦了擦嘴说道:“我决定缓缓,总得给别的电影公司一条活路吧。” Really...... Rodomontades,” Kathryn Bigelow has smiled, but associates to the result of Eric beforehand these movies, the woman suddenly discovered that the words of Eric exaggeration as if are very so reasonable, according to data that the Box Office forecast organization published, summer files «Ghost» is so far this year the only Box Office possibly broken 200 million USD movie. “真是……大言不惭,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗笑了起来,不过联想到艾瑞克之前那些电影的成绩,女人突然发现,艾瑞克这么夸张的话似乎竟然很有道理,根据票房预测机构公布的数据,暑期档的《人鬼情未了》是目前为止今年唯一一部票房可能破两亿美元的电影。 Was right, this year don't you plan to instruct «Home Alone» again?” “对了,今年你不打算再指导《小鬼当家》了吗?” Eric shakes the head saying: This project I have given others thoroughly, later will again not meddle, most only hangs a title of producer.” 艾瑞克摇头道:“这个项目我已经彻底交给别人了,以后都不会再插手,最多只挂一个制片人的头衔。” I have looked at second part, but also is very interesting.” “我看过第二部,还挺有意思的。” Approval thank you,” Eric said. “谢谢你的认可,”艾瑞克道。 I actually discovered that before you these movie too deficient connotations. I think to make the movie, should transmit the thing to the audience, this is also I chooses to make the Director goal. I studied the drawing, but afterward some people told me, the movie can transmit own idea to others easily, but like the drawing, does not need certainly to accumulate can understand significance.” “不过我却发现,你之前的那些电影都太缺乏内涵了。我觉得拍电影,应该向观众传达一下东西,这也是我选择做导演的目的。我原本是学绘画的,不过后来有人告诉我,电影可以更加容易地向别人传达自己的观念,而不像绘画那样,需要一定的积累才能够了解其中的意义。” Eric shook the head: „ Kathryn, I do not approve your view, my movie has been conveying all kinds of information to the audience, but these things influence subtly . Moreover, I thought that this is the correct transmission way. 艾瑞克摇了摇头:“凯瑟琳,我不认同你的说法,我的电影一直在向观众传达各种各样的信息,只是这些东西更加潜移默化,而且,我觉得这才是正确的传达方式。 The audiences only will often see the thing that one want to see, has 1000 Hamlet such like 1000 reader eyes, they will only accept that in oneself idea Hamlet. Therefore, if you want to transmit your viewpoint to audience, must with letting them produces a resonance, like this you do not need to state clearly, they can from your movie understand thing that you want to transmit. Otherwise, even if the ingenious rigid theorizing, only will often play the counter-effect. Like you now in shoots «Point Break», I have looked at several script earnestly, you know that I do see these things from your script? ”( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 观众往往只会看到自己想要看到的东西,就像1000个读者眼中有1000个哈姆雷特那样,他们只会接受自己观念中的那个‘哈姆雷特’。所以,如果你想要向观众传达自己的观点的话,就必须与让他们产生一种共鸣,这样你不必明说,他们就能从你的影片中理解你想要传达的东西。否则的话,哪怕是再巧妙的说教,也往往只会起到反效果。就像你现在正在拍摄的《惊暴点》,我认真看过好几遍剧本,你知道我从你的剧本里看到那些东西吗?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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