IAIH :: Volume #4

#375: Was used to you

Elizabeth took the check has come to see the eye, the amount was 30 million USD, before Eric the information that said that the «Dances with Wolves» production cost was only 18 million, now the movie has not distributed, therefore did not have no announcement cost. Then this 30 million enough sold outright the release contract of entire movie as well as Orion, if negotiated the strategy to be appropriate, even also possibly could not all spend. 伊丽莎白将支票拿过来看了眼,金额是3000万美元,按照艾瑞克之前说的信息,《与狼共舞》制作成本只有1800万,现在电影还没有发行,因此并没有什么宣发成本。那么这3000万足够买断整部电影以及猎户座的发行合约了,如果谈判策略得当的话,甚至还可能花不完。 Regarding the Hollywood majority of movie makers, invests about a cost 20 million USD movie, through several years of release operations, if can gain to over 50% profits, that this project greatly attained successfully. The movie of «Home Alone» such superelevation rate of return, entire Hollywood several years not necessarily presents one, Hollywood is more common, instead is several million invests, finally loss. 对于好莱坞大部分制片商来说,投资一部成本2000万美元左右的电影,通过几年的发行操作,如果能够赚到50%以上的利润,那这个项目就算是大获成功了。《小鬼当家》那样超高回报率的电影,整个好莱坞几年都不一定出现一部,好莱坞更加普遍的,反而是几百万投资进去,最后血本无归。 However, at this time Elizabeth is actually raising the check in hand, a face despises is staring Eric: Your this bastard, but can also be shameless, I have been the big villain, the movie property rights that finally buys actually turn over to you, this matter you want not to think.” 不过,此时伊丽莎白却扬着手中的支票,一脸鄙视地瞪着艾瑞克:“你这个混蛋,还能不能再无耻一点,我做了大反派,最后买下的电影所有权却归你,这种事你想都别想。” Eric face loyalty does not jump to ask back: „Do you buy richly?” 艾瑞克脸不红心不跳地反问道:“那你自己有钱买吗?” I can borrow with my Papa.” “我可以跟我爸爸借。” Good, check also I, you when I have not come today,” Eric puts out a hand to say. “那好吧,支票还我,你就当我今天没来过,”艾瑞克伸手过去说道。 Elizabeth wants also to go back the check subconsciously, but quick received, Eric is so simple, instead makes her feel somewhat restlessly, hesitant, Elizabeth the non- sentiment hope did not say: Person of half, you take 15 million, I want 15 million with my Papa again.” 伊丽莎白下意识想要将支票还回去,但很快就又收了回来,艾瑞克这么干脆,反而让她感觉有些不安,犹豫了下,伊丽莎白才不情不愿地说道:“一人一半,你拿1500万,我再跟我爸爸1500万。” Check also I.” “支票还我。” Your this bastard, copyright turns over to you, but the release turns over to Fox. This general headquarters?” “你这个混蛋,版权归你,但发行归福克斯。这总行了吧?” Deal,” Eric hit finger click, on the face has shown the smile once more, said: Actually I just had not said that this is also one point. Your available this condition makes bait, told the constructor of this movie, so long as they agreed that sold to you this movie, you can lobby the Fox help to distribute, even can also promise that helped them distribute the later movie. Regarding this Hollywood small Production Studio, climbs up Fox such giant is similar to Walmart complies to help a small workshop sell on consignment their products to be the same. Tempts | being puzzled strength is very big, so long as this bait throws, so long as that Production Studio Boss is not a fool, must comply.” “成交,”艾瑞克打了个响指,脸上再次露出微笑,说道:“其实我刚刚还没说完,这也是其中的一环。你可用这个条件做诱饵,告诉这部电影的制作方,只要他们同意将这部电影卖给你,你可以游说福克斯帮忙发行,甚至还可以许诺帮他们发行以后的电影。对于这种好莱坞的小制作公司来说,攀上福克斯这样的巨头就如同沃尔玛答应帮助一家小作坊承销他们的产品一样。诱丨惑力是非常大的,只要这个诱饵抛出来,只要那家制作公司老板不是傻子,就不可能不答应。” Eric said that in living room peaceful several seconds. Drew and Julia understand quickly that Elizabeth by the Eric pit, two girls immediately was put on the sofa haha to smile, Elizabeth maliciously threw the bosom hugging pillow again: Your this bastard, occupies my family to be cheap, I do not do, you said that any I do not do, you are the big villain.” 艾瑞克说完,客厅里安静了几秒钟。德鲁茱莉亚很快明白,伊丽莎白又被艾瑞克坑了,两个女孩顿时扑在沙发上哈哈笑了起来,伊丽莎白再一次将怀里的抱枕狠狠丢了过来:“你这个混蛋,又占我家便宜,我不干了,你说什么我都不干了,你自己去做大反派吧。” My this is rational utilization resources. If I personally act, this movie definitely will be regarded the big gold ore by all people, when the time comes wants to snatch the possibility again is almost zero. Therefore this time not only I cannot act, but also the entire item matter cannot even have any relation with me, I will avoid suspicion as far as possible, looks like that you must install.” “我这是合理利用资源。而且要是我亲自出面的话,这部电影肯定会被所有人当成大金矿,到时候再想抢过来可能性几乎为零。所以这一次不但我不能出面,而且整件事甚至都不能跟我产生任何联系,我会尽量避嫌,你也要装的像一点。” The Elizabeth pupil shines, feels under high and steep small to look forward to Eric saying: Aiya, truly is such Oh. Movie that you have a liking for now, even if one group of trash. Will be regarded the treasure. Said that I can definitely abandon your individual farming.” 伊丽莎白眸子亮了亮,摸着尖俏的小下巴望着艾瑞克说道:“哎呀,确实是这样。你现在看上的电影,就算是一团垃圾。都会被人当成宝贝。这么说,我完全可以抛开你单干啊。” Yes. You should better convince your Papa again, lets Fox TV Network and Fox Film Industry also with me, as soon as pats two powder, truly speaking, places Fox TV Station to broadcast 《Friends》 and «Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?» and following «X-Files» that I thought very owes.” “是啊。你最好再说服你爸爸,让福克斯电视网福克斯影业也跟我一拍两散,说实在的,把《老友记》、《谁会成为百万富翁》和接下来的《x档案》放在福克斯电视台播出,我觉得还是挺亏的。” Elizabeth said immediately: «1 million Wealthy man» and «X-Files» Fox and Firefly share copyright, you cannot take away, moreover 《Friends》 has also signed several season contracts.” 伊丽莎白立刻道:“《1000000富翁》和《x档案福克斯萤火虫可是共享版权,你拿不走,而且《老友记》也签了好几季合约了。” But I can the beginning of the year such, making the first two projects reach a deadlock, at the worst everybody does not make money, in my brain the drop are very in any case many, forms in one's mind several TV series to come again, as for 《Friends》, ahem, that was simpler.” “但我可以向年初那样,让前两个项目搁浅,大不了大家都不赚钱了,反正我脑子里点子还挺多的,再构思出几部电视剧来,至于《老友记》,哼哼,那就更简单了。” The Elizabeth unwilling heart said: Words that you must do this, in the Hollywood reputation on as smelly as family/home.” 伊丽莎白不甘心地说道:“你要这样做的话,在好莱坞的名声就臭到家了。” If can bring the massive profits for them, who will care about own collaborator is the angel or the devil?” “如果能为他们带来大量的利润,谁会在乎自己的合作者是天使还是魔鬼呢?” Son-of......” Elizabeth could not bear just wanted a whirlwind bad language, but faced the Eric threat the look, the girl the last word will swallow back immediately: Your this...... The bastards, cannot I be the unprincipled person to help you take copyright, finally any advantage cannot obtain, simply miser who you look like Balzac writing.” “son-of……”伊丽莎白忍不住刚刚想要飚一句脏话,但面对艾瑞克威胁的眼神,女郎立刻将最后一个单词咽了回去:“你这个……坏蛋,总不能我做了坏人帮你拿下版权,最后什么好处都得不到吧,你简直像巴尔扎克笔下的吝啬鬼。” We just did not reach an agreement, attains copyright, is distributed by Fox. In material that I obtain, this is one is four hours of movie, four hours, you should know that this means anything, the movie theater are most every day also can only arrange four, Box Office of this movie will not be definitely good, it is estimated that I must be able to recoup the cost by the final recording tape release, what I settle on under is the Oscar potential of this movie, Firefly also needs to select the Oscar movie to keep up the appearance.” “我们刚刚不是说好了吗,拿到版权,由福克斯发行。我得到的资料中,这是一部长达四个小时的电影,四个小时,你应该知道这意味着什么吧,电影院每天最多也只能排四场,这部电影的票房肯定不会太好,估计我还要靠最后的录像带发行才能收回成本,我看中的是这部电影的奥斯卡潜力,萤火虫也需要点奥斯卡影片装点下门面。” Eric said is the truth, although in the memory this movie has taken the best picture and best Director and other important awards, but how Eric actually does not know Box Office of this movie, but in this movie according to memory when is four hours is long, Eric thought that «Dances with Wolves» Box Office should not be good. 艾瑞克说的都是实话,虽然记忆中这部电影拿下了最佳影片和最佳导演等重要奖项,不过艾瑞克却不知道这部电影的票房到底如何,但是根据记忆中这部电影的长达四个小时的时长,艾瑞克觉得《与狼共舞》的票房应该不会太好。 Elizabeth said with amazement: Four hours, did you say really?” 伊丽莎白惊讶道:“四个小时,你说真的?” Yes, four hours, are longer than the «The Godfather» time, although I thought that this movie is possibly good, but wants to surpass «The Godfather» I thought that definitely is impossible.” “是啊,四个小时,比《教父》的时间还长,虽然我觉得这部电影可能不错,但想要超过《教父》我觉得肯定是不可能的。” Good, I believe that your one time,” Elizabeth was saying, read the check in hand, the eyeball transferred the revolutions, said: Heard that you this time have made a lot of money in the petroleum Pe­tro­leum market, after that this sum of money buys copyright, if has surplus, I may not give back to you, I bring to work as the spending money.” “好吧,我就相信你一次,”伊丽莎白说着,看了看手中的支票,眼珠转了转,说道:“听说你这次在石油期货市场赚了很多钱呢,那这笔钱买下版权之后要是有剩余的,我可就不还给你喽,我拿来当零花钱。” This does not have the issue,” Eric said with a smile. “这个没问题,”艾瑞克笑着说道。 Elizabeth disguises to say with amazement: Ha, unbelievable, the miser can say such words unexpectedly.” 伊丽莎白假装惊讶地说道:“哈,难以置信,吝啬鬼竟然能说出这样的话。” To own woman I is always very natural.” “对自己的女人我一向是很大方的。” The voice just fell, another pillow has pounded. 话音刚落,又一个枕头砸了过来。 Eric being driven beyond the limits of forbearance holds the pillow once more, sets out to bypass the tea table to walk toward Elizabeth: „The third time, little girl, was used to you.” 艾瑞克‘忍无可忍’地再次抓住枕头,起身绕过茶几向伊丽莎白走去:“第三次了啊,小丨妞,惯着你了是吧。” Elizabeth screamed that wants to run away, actually by Eric one according to sofa. 伊丽莎白尖叫一声想要逃走,却被艾瑞克一把按在沙发上。 Feeds, how you can hit the woman, your this bastard, Aiya, Julia, saves me, you hit Drew, she likes this, the bastard, calls a halt.” ( to be continued ) “喂喂喂,你怎么可以打女人,你这个混蛋,哎呀,茱莉亚,救救我,呜哇,你去打德鲁啊,她才喜欢这样,混蛋,停手。”(未完待续)
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