IAIH :: Volume #4

#374: Occupies my family to be cheap

These years before Eric rebirth, Oscar became getting smaller numerous, even if many movies have attained the best picture, does not have the big improvement on Box Office, naturally, this condition was also related with that time environment. But in the 90's, the Oscar award item gold content is very high, the movie wins the Oscar prize, brings is not only the fame, solid benefit. 艾瑞克重生前的那些年,奥斯卡已经变得越来越小众,不少电影即使拿到了最佳影片,却在票房上没有多大起色,当然,这种状况也和那时候的大环境有关。但在九十年代,奥斯卡奖项含金量还是非常高的,电影获得奥斯卡奖,带来的不仅仅是名气,还有实实在在的利益。 Moreover, Oscar nominates the treatment that the winner and Oscar award item winner receives is also the day badly leaves, only obtains the Oscar award nomination, most can only before the past years promulgated slightly scenery, from now on little some people will again mention, once obtained the approval of Oscar, this movie forever will be recorded in the middle of the Hollywood shade history. 而且,奥斯卡提名获得者和奥斯卡奖项获得者受到的待遇也是天差地别,只获得奥斯卡奖项提名,最多只能在当年颁奖之前小小地风光一把,过后就很少会有人再提起,而一旦获得奥斯卡的认可,这部电影就会永远被记载于好莱坞影史当中。 After 《The Silence of the Lambs》 since early June screens, to the present two months, not only attained has surpassed 100 million USD Box Office, but also obtained the film critic massive praises, can say that became the gold medal seeded player on next Oscar. 《沉默的羔羊》自从六月初上映之后,到现在两个多月时间,不但拿到了超过一亿美元票房,还获得了影评人大量的赞誉,可以说已经成为下一届奥斯卡上的金牌种子选手。 But if on Oscar cannot attain several important award items next year, that extensive and lasting influence that then 《The Silence of the Lambs》 definitely cannot have like previous life again. In the 70's is similar to 《Exorcist》 that created a stir, if not raise Oscar, Box Office or the fame, 《Exorcist》 must exceed 《The Silence of the Lambs》 to plan, because previous life 《The Silence of the Lambs》 has won many important Oscar prizes, the status of this movie in many person heart actually be higher than 《Exorcist》. This is also diligently the reason that many Director and Actor pursue the Oscar prize. 但如果明年奥斯卡上不能拿到几个重要的奖项,那么《沉默的羔羊》肯定不能再像前世那样产生的那么广泛而持久的影响力。就如同七十年代轰动一时的《驱魔人》,如果不提奥斯卡的话,无论是票房还是名气,《驱魔人》都要胜过《沉默的羔羊》一筹,但因为前世《沉默的羔羊》拿到了多项重要的奥斯卡奖,这部电影在很多人心中的地位却要比《驱魔人》高很多。这也是很多导演演员孜孜不倦地追求奥斯卡奖的原因。 After 《The Silence of the Lambs》 obtains is successful, wanted in Hollywood to have Elizabeth of achievement more smug. Then operation 《The Silence of the Lambs》 lets it, in next Oscar has captured is in the Elizabeth plan a very important part, because this can in expand the TG Film Studio influence most in a short time, making this three girl's tenable Film Studio obtain the approval of Hollywood. The attraction are more outstanding film-maker to cooperate with it. 《沉默的羔羊》获得成功之后,原本就想要在好莱坞有一番作为的伊丽莎白更加踌躇满志。接下来运作《沉默的羔羊》让其在下一届奥斯卡有所斩获是伊丽莎白计划中很重要的一环,因为这样可以在最短时间内扩大tg电影公司的影响力,使这家三个女孩成立的电影公司获得好莱坞的认可。吸引更多优秀的电影人与之合作。 Therefore, after Eric analyzes, Elizabeth attach great importance to compared with side another two girls, the girl neglects Eric had just pulled out oneself buttocks bitter hatred temporarily, said earnestly: Eric. Since this movie is not favored by the field at present, perhaps we can find the way to make this movie postpone to next year screen. Un, I remember that the Orion current holding company is the metropolis media, my Papa with Boss John of metropolis media. Kruger is a good friend. Could let John. Mr. Kruger greeted with CEO of Orion.” 因此,艾瑞克分析完之后,伊丽莎白要比身旁另外两个女郎都更加重视,女郎暂时忽略了艾瑞克刚刚抽自己屁股的‘深仇大恨’,认真地说道:“艾瑞克。既然这部电影目前不被业界看好,或许我们可以想办法让这部电影延期到明年上映。嗯,我记得猎户座目前的控股公司是大都会传媒,我爸爸跟大都会传媒的老板约翰.克鲁格是好朋友。或许可以让约翰.克鲁格先生跟猎户座的ceo打声招呼。” Although Elizabeth in operating 《The Silence of the Lambs》 this project has displayed own astute strong, even if in the process has drawn support from the influence of family many, but without many experience. Held the post of Producer successfully to complete an outstanding movie for the first time, the Elizabeth ability among Murdoch several children absolutely was most outstanding. 虽然伊丽莎白在操作《沉默的羔羊》这个项目上已经表现出了自己的精明强干,即使过程中不乏借助了家族的影响力,但在没有多少经验的情况下。首次担任制作人就顺利地完成了一部优秀影片,伊丽莎白的能力在默多克几个子女当中绝对是最优秀的。 However hears this saying, Eric thought that the girl was tender, or lacked the aggressiveness. Eric can affirm that what if the opposite sits is Murdoch. The old fogies will not spend the favor to discuss anything to postpone with others, what is possible is instructed that the subordinate seizes to distribute this movie. 不过听到这话,艾瑞克觉得女郎还是嫩了点,或者说缺乏侵略性。艾瑞克敢肯定,如果对面坐着的是默多克。老家伙可不会花人情与别人商议什么延期,最可能的是指示手下人将这部电影夺过来自己发行。 Liz, this is the business, related to several million USD business, you planned that makes your father spend the big favor to help you mediate?” Eric asked one. 莉兹,这可是生意,涉及到几千万美元的生意,你打算让你父亲花多大的人情帮你斡旋?”艾瑞克反问了一句。 Elizabeth saw Eric to deny this proposition, has realized his goal quickly: You said that we do snatch from Orion there this movie?” 伊丽莎白艾瑞克否定了这个提议,很快意识到了他的目的:“你是说,我们把这部电影从猎户座那里抢过来?” Bingo,” Eric has hit finger click. “宾果,”艾瑞克打了个响指 Elizabeth twists the brow slightly: Has not signed the release contract. Should this be very troublesome?” 伊丽莎白微微拧起眉头:“不是都签了发行合约了吗。这样应该很麻烦吧?” „It is certainly troublesome regarding a movie of being favored, but «Dances with Wolves» obviously is not this, you must know. The beginning of the year that «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» , because Fox does not favor the release prospect, we bought very much with ease the distribution rights......” “对于一部被看好的影片来说当然很麻烦,但《与狼共舞》显然不是这样,你要知道。年初的那部《忍者神龟》,就是因为福克斯不看好发行前景,我们很轻松就将发行权买过来了……” Eric has not said that Elizabeth holds the pillow to pound maliciously toward his face on one: Added! Your this bastard, occupies my family to be cheap!” 艾瑞克还没说完,伊丽莎白就将一只抱枕狠狠地朝他脸上砸来:“还说!你这个混蛋,占我家便宜!” Eric caught to hold the pillow to lose quick of eye and hand, actually fell on the Julia bosom. Saw that Elizabeth takes up one to hold the pillow, Eric said immediately: Stops. Pounds me to pull out you again.” 艾瑞克眼疾手快地接住抱枕丢了回去,却落在了茱莉亚怀里。看到伊丽莎白又拿起了一个抱枕,艾瑞克立刻道:“停。再砸我抽你啊。” Elizabeth acts, purses the lips grudgingly holding the pillow places on the knee to rub maliciously. The still mumbled seeks vengeance to say in a low voice: You like occupying my family to be cheap.” 伊丽莎白动作一顿,噘着嘴不情愿地将抱枕放在膝盖上狠狠地揉搓着。犹自嘟嘟囔囔地低声报怨道:“你就喜欢占我家便宜。” This is the business, decides to buy to the hand, wishing the gambling to concede, you think that your father has not thought occupies me to be cheap, but he cannot prevail.” “这是生意,买定离手,愿赌服输,你以为你父亲没想过占我便宜吗,只是他没能得逞而已。” Elizabeth be angry groans as before two, the non- sentiment hope did not ask: How should I do?” 伊丽莎白依旧生气地哼哼两声,才不情不愿地问道:“那我该怎么做?” Is very simple, moreover you also very much excel, then you must play the role of the young lady.” “很简单,而且你也很擅长,接下来你要扮大小姐。” I am a young lady,” Elizabeth raises the chin, proud said. “我本来就是大小姐,”伊丽莎白一扬下巴,傲娇地说道。 The Eric nod praise said: Right, is this flavor, but must exaggerate a point again, you must perform that spoiled little princess's appearance.” 艾瑞克点头赞扬道:“对,就是这个味道,不过要再夸张一点,你要演出那种被宠坏的小公主的模样。” These words said that not only Elizabeth, Julia and Drew have shown curious and doubts expression. 这句话说完,不但伊丽莎白,茱莉亚德鲁都露出了好奇和疑惑的表情。 Eric has not kept guessing, then said: „The following story is this, Miss Elizabeth of Murdoch family has produced a broad well-respected movie, to let this movie wins the Oscar prize smoothly, the spoiled little princess uses the family unscrupulously in the Hollywood influence, ambushes the movie of these possibly prize. Just, the «Dances with Wolves» movie previews after the interior, obtained the good appraisal, to prevent the «Dances with Wolves» participation next year contention of Oscar, Schoolmate Elizabeth requests this movie to postpone unreasonably screens, the «Dances with Wolves» release side has not lowered the head to the Hollywood evil force, Elisabeth Murdoch is in a rage, spent the high price to sell outright all copyright of this movie directly, , had ended the story.” 艾瑞克也没有卖关子,接着就说道:“接下来的故事是这样的,默多克家族的伊丽莎白小姐制作了一部广受好评的电影,为了让这部电影顺利获得奥斯卡奖,被宠坏的小公主肆无忌惮地利用家族在好莱坞的影响力,狙击那些可能获奖的影片。刚好,有一部名叫《与狼共舞》的电影在内部试映之后,获得了不错的评价,为了阻止《与狼共舞》参与明年奥斯卡的角逐,伊丽莎白同学非常无理地要求这部电影延期上映,《与狼共舞》的发行方没有向好莱坞恶势力低头,伊丽莎白.默多克一怒之下,直接花大价钱买断了这部影片的所有版权,,故事到此结束。” Tsk Tsk, the plot was full of twists and turns, has been full of the negative energy, can make a movie,” Drew said grinningly. 啧啧,情节跌宕起伏,充满了负能量,可以拍一部电影了呢,”德鲁笑嘻嘻地说道。 Julia also with a smile acclaiming said: Worthily is Hollywood gold medal screenwriter.” 茱莉亚也笑着‘赞叹’道:“不愧是好莱坞的金牌编剧。” Elizabeth actually showed the whites of the eyes: Why to want me to be this evil person, you why don't act that what ‚the Hollywood evil force?” 伊丽莎白却翻了个白眼:“凭什么要我来做这个恶人,你干嘛不自己去扮演那什么‘好莱坞恶势力’?” I will certainly not make you do without charge,” Eric pulled out the check book to write a check to hand over quickly: , spends my money, was this always OK?” ( to be continued ) “我当然不会让你白做的,”艾瑞克掏出支票簿很快写好了一张支票递过去:“,花我的钱,这总可以了吧?”(未完待续)
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