IAIH :: Volume #4

#373: Biggest enemy

Toward noon, Julia was bustling about in the kitchen with the maid together the preparation lunch, the ringtone has been making a sound, Julia shrank the neck subconsciously, in the hand has been stirring the large bowl of egg also almost to fall. 临近中午,茱莉亚正与女佣一起在厨房忙碌着准备午餐,电话铃声响了起来,茱莉亚下意识缩了缩脖子,手中正在搅拌着鸡蛋的大碗也差点掉下来。 Over the two days she has had the slight ringtone phobophobia, because that night Elizabeth not only has rejected the request of Eric, has not waited for the man saying that directly has made the telephone call, causing the ting to resound for these days each time, the girl will produce a disturbance, the worry was Eric hits to look for her doing accounts. 这两天她得了轻微的电话铃声恐惧症,因为那天晚上伊丽莎白不但拒绝了艾瑞克的要求,还不等男人说完就直接挂了电话,导致这几天每次铃声响起,女郎心里都会产生一阵忐忑,担心是艾瑞克打过来找她‘算账’。 Actually, starting from the next day, Julia has many time to call to tell Eric on own initiative, oneself did not want that role. 其实,从第二天开始,茱莉亚就有很多次想要主动打电话过去告诉艾瑞克,自己不要那个角色了。 Although Eric is hateful every so often, but Julia is at heart clear, she can have today's all in Hollywood, is Eric gives, Eric is only wish makes her give up one is not the too important role, this request is not excessive. 虽然艾瑞克很多时候非常可恶,不过茱莉亚心里非常明白,她能在好莱坞有今天的一切,都是艾瑞克给予的,艾瑞克只是想要让她放弃一个并不是太重要的角色,这个要求一点也不过分。 However several days passes, Julia had not hit, the heart of hearts she was anticipating actually Eric hits once more on own initiative, said that two roar woman the words of pleasant to hear...... Good, this possibility is not too big, moreover she is not familiar with, Eric more possible reproves her two persistently unreasonable, then she push the boat along gave up this role. 不过几天过去,茱莉亚一直都没有打过去,内心深处她其实是期待着艾瑞克再次主动打过来,说两句哄女人的好听话……好吧,这种可能性不是太大,而且她也不习惯,艾瑞克更可能地是蛮不讲理地训斥她两句,然后她就顺水推舟地将这个角色放弃掉了。 The telephone rang 56 nobody to answer continuously, nearby maid noticed that Julia stood in dull same place, in the hand grasped the mixer to stir in the bowl mechanically the egg, made noise to remind one: Miss Roberts, did the telephone ring several?” 电话连续响了56声都没人接听,旁边的女佣看到茱莉亚呆呆地站在原地,手里握着搅拌器机械地搅拌着碗里鸡蛋,出声提醒了一句:“罗伯茨小姐,电话响好几声了?” Julia recovers, will stir the good egg to hand in the maid hand, goes out of the kitchen: Hello, Liz. Drew, the telephone has rung several, how don't you meet?” 茱莉亚回过神来,将搅好的鸡蛋递到女佣手里,走出厨房:“喂,莉兹德鲁,电话都响了好几声了啊,你们怎么不接?” Shouted, looked at the eye across the main living room toward the leaning hall, inside as before is big pile of script. However two girl actually disappearing traces, Julia cocked the ears to listen , the window outside transmitted Elizabeth and Drew sound indistinctly, they possibly played the badminton in the backyard, Julia then arrive by an extension to pick up the microphone conveniently. 喊了一声,穿过主客厅朝偏厅里看了眼,里面依旧是一大堆剧本。不过两位女郎却不见了踪影,茱莉亚侧耳听了下,窗户外面隐约传来伊丽莎白德鲁的声音,两人可能在后院打羽毛球,茱莉亚这才走到一座分机旁随手拿起话筒。 So to be how long meets? I outside your main house gate, open the door to me quickly.” The girls have not spoken, in the microphone spread that familiar sound, simple direct, unquestionable. “怎么这么久才接?我在你家门外,快给我开门。”女郎还没有说话,话筒里就传出了那个熟悉的声音,简单直接,不容置疑。 „, Eric. Good...... Good, my this comes,” Julia puts down the telephone flurriedly, walks toward out of the door. “啊,艾瑞克。好……好的,我这就来,”茱莉亚慌乱地放下电话,朝门外走去。 Opens the front door personally, the girl looked at the eye toward the villa out, sees outside to stop black Chrysler car, very ordinary appearance, but the girl was one recognizes on the driver seat to bring sunglasses Eric. 亲手将大门拉开,女郎朝别墅门外看了眼,见外面停着一辆黑色的克莱斯勒轿车,很普通的样子,不过女郎还是一眼就认出了驾驶座上带着墨镜艾瑞克 car drives into the courtyard slowly. When Julia front door closes, comes back saw that Eric stopped to get out the car(riage). 轿车缓缓驶入院子。茱莉亚将大门关好,回来时就看到艾瑞克已经将车停好下了车。 What is making, such for a long time answers the telephone?” Eric spoke thoughtlessly to ask. Puts out the briefcase to fill the girl arms from the car(riage), stands up from failure with the mobile phone. “在做什么,这么久才接电话?”艾瑞克随口问道。从车里拿出公文包塞到女郎怀里,又翻身回去拿移动电话。 Julia received Bao Lin to explain in hand: I have not noted.” 茱莉亚接过包拎在手里解释道:“我没注意到。” Oh,” Eric spoke thoughtlessly to ask the sentence, took the mobile phone, closed the vehicle door also asks: On you at home? Didn't say Liz and Drew here?” ,”艾瑞克只是随口问了句,拿过移动电话,将车门关上才又问道:“就你一个人在家?不是说莉兹德鲁都在这里吗?” They in the backyard,” Julia have referred to behind the villa. Looked that Eric grasps the mobile phone to walk toward the villa, the girl follows hastily in the man behind. “她们在后院,”茱莉亚指了指别墅后面。看艾瑞克握着移动电话向别墅走去,女郎连忙跟在男人身后。 Quite fragrant. It seems like I arrive is very time, is just the meals and snacks.” “好香啊。看来我到的很是时候,刚好是饭点。” Sound that the named Mary's middle-aged maid hears man. Poked head to look at one toward the living room curiously, suddenly has not recognized Eric, quick is tactful to shrink, as the servant of bright astrologer, the wage that Mary attained is not low, the employment agreement that but signed was also harsh, most important cannot inquire cannot disseminate the employer *, will otherwise face the sky-high price claim. 名叫玛丽的中年女佣听到男人的声音。好奇地探头朝客厅看了一眼,一时间没认出艾瑞克,很快就识趣地缩了回去,作为明星家的佣人,玛丽拿到的薪水不低,但签署的雇佣协议也非常苛刻,最重要的就是不能打听也不能传播雇主的*,否则会面临天价索赔。 One side Julia places briefcase that Eric brings, has not sat down on the sofa with the man together, a little slightly afraid said: I called them.” 茱莉亚艾瑞克带来的公文包放在一边,并没有跟男人一起在沙发上坐下,有点小心虚说道:“我去叫她们。” Sees Julia to appear, met to empty Drew serve Elizabeth then to put down the badminton racket saying: Must eat meal, does not hit, Julia, I thought that we should change to the tennis court here, the badminton is light, a meaning does not have.” 看到茱莉亚出现,又接空了德鲁一次发球的伊丽莎白便放下羽毛球拍说道:“要吃饭了,不打了,茱莉亚,我还是觉得我们应该把这里改成网球场,羽毛球轻飘飘的,一点意思都没有。” Julia this time has not disputed with Elizabeth, said: Eric came.” 茱莉亚这次却没有与伊丽莎白争执,说道:“艾瑞克来了。” Elizabeth asked sentence indefinitely: What?” 伊丽莎白不确定地问了句:“什么?” Drew discarded the tennis racket in hand to run toward the villa. 德鲁已经丢掉手中的网球拍朝别墅里跑去。 Elizabeth looks that the Drew back shrugs: Good, I understood, her master came.” 伊丽莎白看着德鲁的背影耸耸肩:“好吧,我明白了,她主人来了。” Julia threw has smiled the sound, hit on Elizabeth under said: Always do not say that said carefully was heard by Drew freely spoken.” 茱莉亚扑哧笑了声,在伊丽莎白身上打了下说道:“别老是这么说,小心说顺口了被德鲁听到。” Hears is also what kind, she was very perhaps happy that” Elizabeth does not care muddily said that then has lowered the sound: Eric, that what kind of?” “听到又怎么样,说不定她还很高兴呢,”伊丽莎白浑不在意地说道,然后又压低了声音:“艾瑞克,那个,怎么样?” I...... Does not dare carefully to look that who knows he does have the vitality, in any case that day was the telephone call that you made.” “我……没敢仔细看,谁知道他有没有生气,反正那天是你挂的电话。” I for you, you a little take on to be good!” Elizabeth immediately with expecting too much the expression said. “我可是为了你呢,你有点担当好不好!”伊丽莎白顿时用恨铁不成钢地语气说道。 Not facing Eric, therefore Julia refutes immediately garrulously: You , if unafraid, why to ask this.” 又不是面对艾瑞克,因此茱莉亚立刻伶牙俐齿地反驳:“你要是不心虚,干嘛问这个。” I am unafraid, is only...... That fellow was too hateful,” Elizabeth refutes immediately, looked at the eye toward the villa, the Drew form vanished, Elizabeth hugs to kiss Julia immediately: Treasure, waits for us to share a common hatred, cannot submit absolutely, this is not a role issue, this relates to the dignity of our woman.” “我才不心虚呢,只是……只是那个家伙太可恶了,”伊丽莎白立刻反驳道,朝别墅看了眼,德鲁的身影已经消失,伊丽莎白立刻将茱莉亚搂过来亲了亲:“宝贝,等下我们一定要同仇敌忾,绝对不能屈服,这不是一个角色的问题,这关系到我们女人的尊严。” Julia breaks away from the Elizabeth bosom flurriedly: No, Eric may here, if made him see is bad.” 茱莉亚慌乱地从伊丽莎白怀里挣开:“别,艾瑞克可在这里呢,要是让他看到就糟了。” Made him see just, him thoroughly has lost like this heart,” Elizabeth said. “让他看到刚好,这样他就彻底死心了,”伊丽莎白道。 Two women enter the villa together, saw that Drew greasy whispered side Eric is saying anything. 两个女人一起走进别墅,看到德鲁正腻在艾瑞克身边嘀嘀咕咕地说着什么。 Saw that two people come, Eric gains ground saying: Julia, the lunch completes makes the maid have a vacation, we have the matter to discuss that does not suit the bystander to hear.” 看到两个人进来,艾瑞克抬头道:“茱莉亚,午餐做好就让女佣放假吧,我们有事情要谈,不适合外人听到。” Elizabeth just about to reflectively the rebuttal, actually has been drawn the sleeves by Julia. 伊丽莎白刚要反射性地反驳,却被茱莉亚拉了拉衣袖。 I under and others told Mary that Julia said. “我等下就跟玛丽说,”茱莉亚道。 The lunch completes quickly, the maid listened to the Julia's instruction, left the villa without any objection. 午餐很快做好,女佣听了茱莉亚的吩咐,没有任何异议地离开了别墅。 I told you, Eric. This time we are will not submit absolutely,” on dinner table, Elizabeth is supine the chin, take an oath said toward Eric. “我告诉你,艾瑞克。这次我们是绝对不会屈服的,”餐桌上,伊丽莎白仰着下巴,宣誓般地朝艾瑞克说道。 Was cutting the beef steak Eric to catch the eye to look under sat in the dinner table opposite girl, the corners of the mouth reveals wipes the evil badness to smile: Has not related. Treats the woman to refuse to accept this small problem I to be very experienced, slapped several to be good toward the buttocks on, a while started from you, first ten free.” 正在切牛排的艾瑞克抬眼看了下坐在餐桌对面的女郎,嘴角露出一抹邪邪的坏笑:“没关系。治疗女人不服这种小毛病我很有经验,朝屁股上打几巴掌就行了,等会儿就从你开始,前十下免费。” You, you...... If you dare I to report to the police like this,” Elizabeth said immediately. “你,你……你要是敢这样我就报警,”伊丽莎白立刻说道。 But Julia actually immediately recalls that evening's situation. A light numb feeling has spread over the whole body from the buttocks, the cheeks also very shazam red, even...... Also has some type to anticipate at heart inexplicably. 茱莉亚却立刻回忆起了那个晚上的情形。一股淡淡的酥麻感从臀部传遍了全身,脸颊也很快变得通红,甚至……心里还产生某种莫名地期待。 But this anticipation makes Julia somewhat frightened, the girl clearly knows very much that this mood absolutely is not normal. Therefore she said quickly: Eric, «Hook» I do not develop, I give Kapoor to telephone the piece approximately to turn down in the afternoon, you want to give anyone to whom.” 但这种期待却让茱莉亚有些恐惧,女郎很清楚地知道,这种情绪绝对是不正常的。因此她很快就说道:“艾瑞克,《霍克船长》我不演了,我下午就给卡普尔打电话把片约推掉,你想给谁就给谁。” Eric happily selected under the eyebrow toward Elizabeth, Elizabeth has patted the tableware in hand on the dinner table, stared panting in indignation Eric, has given a Julia despising look, stood up fiercely: I ate to the full. You eat slowly.” 艾瑞克得意地朝伊丽莎白挑了下眉毛,伊丽莎白一把将手中的餐具拍在餐桌上,气呼呼地瞪了眼艾瑞克,又给了茱莉亚一个鄙视的眼神,猛地站起身:“我吃饱了。你们慢慢吃吧。” The girls said that left dining room to walk toward two buildings. 女郎说完,出了餐厅朝二楼走去。 Julia thinks that Eric achieved this line of goals , after having had the lunch, should leave. But the man actually not according to her wish conduct, until her and Drew together the tableware sweep trace, the meaning that Eric do not walk. 茱莉亚以为艾瑞克达成了此行的目的,吃过午餐之后应该就会离开。但男人却并没有按照她的意愿行事,直到她和德鲁一起将餐具收拾干净,艾瑞克都没有要走的意思。 Sees two females to walk, in the living room was looking that Eric of television said: Goes to shout Liz that I have the matter to with you discuss.” 见两女走出来,正在客厅看电视的艾瑞克才道:“去把莉兹喊下来,我有事情要跟你们商量。” Julia just nodded, Eric actually stands up: consider as finished. I go.” 茱莉亚刚刚点头,艾瑞克却站起身:“算了。还是我去吧。” Eric, you leave...... Always do not bully Liz.” Julia looks at Eric to move toward the stairway, finally said one weakly. 艾瑞克,你别……别老是欺负莉兹。”茱莉亚看着艾瑞克走向楼梯口,终于弱弱地说了一句。 Eric gives the hand signal that has felt relieved toward Julia reluctantly. Walks up to two buildings, because has come a time reason, he knew the room distributions of two people, arrived left turn the second bedroom entrance, Eric have knocked two, opened the door, saw the Elizabeth whole person to lie on the bed slantingly, the head buried in the pillow of bosom. 艾瑞克无奈地朝茱莉亚做了个放心的手势。走上二楼,因为来过一次的缘故,他已经知道了两个人的房间分布,走到左拐地第二间卧室门口,艾瑞克敲了两下,推开门,见伊丽莎白整个人斜斜地趴在大床上,脑袋埋在怀抱的枕头里。 „Did Liz, fall asleep?” Eric arrives at side the girl, sits down to ask in sides of the bed. 莉兹,睡着了?”艾瑞克走到女郎身边,在床沿坐下问道。 Hears the Eric sound Elizabeth to stand up from failure, holds the white pillow in the front looks at Eric: Snort, the bastard, I do not want to speak to you.” 听到艾瑞克声音的伊丽莎白翻过身,将白色的枕头抱在胸前看着艾瑞克:“哼,混蛋,我不想跟你说话。” Have not made, goes downstairs to eat a thing, I had the matter to say that Eric hugged the girl in the front pillow pulls open, said earnestly. “别闹了,下楼吃点东西,我有事情要说,”艾瑞克将女郎抱在胸前的枕头拉开,认真说道。 Elizabeth is brandishing the arm, snatches childish the pillow, hugs once more in the bosom: Your goal was not has been achieved, what added?” 伊丽莎白挥舞着手臂,孩子气地将枕头抢过来,再次抱在怀里:“你的目的不是已经达到了吗,还说什么?” If the matter about «Hook» role, I will not come, is another very important matter, the little darling is obedient, goes downstairs with me.” “如果只是关于《霍克船长》角色的事情,我就不会过来了,是另外一件很重要的事情,乖乖听话,跟我下楼去。” I am sad today, does not want to listen,” Elizabeth lengthened the sound saying that simultaneously has stood up from failure the head once more buries in the pillow lies on the bed, is also curled upwards to kick legs two by the slender calf that the jeans wrapped, flung the sandals on foot on the floor. “我今天心情不好,不想听,”伊丽莎白拖长了声音说道,同时再次翻过身将脑袋埋在枕头里趴在床上,被牛仔裤包裹的纤细小腿还翘起来踢腾了两下,将脚上的凉鞋甩在地板上。 Looks that the girl as if must plan to depend on the appearance on bed, Eric actually remembers has buried the ostrich in sand the head, then, he raises the hand with a smile, pats toward the outstanding buttocks of girl. 看着女郎似乎要打算赖在床上的模样,艾瑞克却想起了将脑袋埋在沙子里的鸵鸟,然后,他笑着扬起手,朝女郎的翘臀拍去。 „......” “啊……” Elizabeth was screaming jumped. 伊丽莎白尖叫着蹦了起来。 # # Has read this book?” Urging went downstairs Elizabeth, three female male gathers in the living room, Eric puts out a book to place in front of three people from the briefcase. “看过这本书吗?”将伊丽莎白‘劝’下了楼,三女一男聚在客厅里,艾瑞克才从公文包里拿出一本书放在三个人面前。 Elizabeth attained the books front looked at a book title, «Dances with Wolves», the author is Michael. Brack. 伊丽莎白将书本拿到了面前看了眼书名,《与狼共舞》,作者是迈克尔.布雷克。 Has not looked, do you do with this book, even if you must attain copyright to make the movie, why looks for our three, I may tell you Oh, this time we want to choose script, absolutely in letting you will meddle tiny bit,” Elizabeth expression as before some bitterly, although wants to put out a hand to rub as before the somewhat pain buttocks very much, but the girl is actually not willing to show weakness in front of Eric. “没看过,你拿这本书过来干什么,就算你要拿到版权拍电影,又何必找我们三个,我可告诉你,这次我们要自己选剧本,绝对不会在让你插手一分一毫,”伊丽莎白的语气依旧有些恨恨的,虽然很想伸手揉揉依旧有些疼的屁股,但女郎却不愿意在艾瑞克面前示弱。 Eric smiled, explained: This is one narrates the Civil War time. After Dunbar's first lieutenant is wounded, was dispatched western guarding, is together the story that with the local Indian, the specific content you find the time to be attractive, good that the story writes, moreover this is very important to you.” 艾瑞克只是笑了笑,解释道:“这是一本讲述南北战争时期,一个名叫强.邓巴的中尉负伤后被派往西部驻守,与当地的印第安人相处的故事,具体内容你抽时间好好看看,故事写的不错,而且这对你们很重要。” Three women go to that book the vision together, Elizabeth said: I have not understood, can you explain?” 三个女人一起将目光投向那本书,伊丽莎白道:“我没听懂,你能说明白一些吗?” Matter is actually this, this book earliest is only script, wrote in 1980, at that time probably called any «xx Knight», the specific name I had not found. Afterward Kevin Costner in 1986 from author Michael. In Bragg hand has attained this script, but Kevin Costner rushed about for several years, had not found the production company to invest. “事情其实是这样的,这本书最早只是一个剧本,在1980年就写出来了,当时好像叫什么《xx骑士》,具体名字我没找到。后来凯文.科斯特纳在1986年从作者迈克尔.布雷格手中拿到了这个剧本,但凯文.科斯特纳奔波了几年,都没有找到制片公司投资。 Until the year before last, Michael. Bragg at the suggestion of Kevin Costner, original script will have written «Dances with Wolves» this novel, good that because the novel sells, finally small Production Studio were interested to invest this movie, but then also did not have appropriate Director to be willing to take over this movie, Kevin Costner has to go forth to battle personally, self-directed has developed this movie. 直到前年,迈克尔.布雷格在凯文.科斯特纳的建议下,将原来的剧本写成了《与狼共舞》这部小说,因为小说卖的不错,才终于有一家小制作公司感兴趣投资了这部电影,但接下来又没有合适的导演愿意接手这部影片,凯文.科斯特纳不得不亲自上阵,自导自演了这部电影。 According to the material that I collect, the movie last year on the manufacture has completed, because of striving for perfection of Kevin Costner, after the investment of 15 million squandered, that small Production Studio is not willing again to invest, he has to pull out 3 million USD to make up this sum of money, afterward the release of movie is not smooth, seven big Film Studio are not willing to take over the distribution, completed from the end of last year manufacture, recently, the movie found the release side continuously, was Orion Film Industry, this Film Studio should you know? ” 根据我收集来的资料,电影在去年就制作完成了,因为凯文.科斯特纳的精益求精,原本1500万的投资花光之后,那家小制作公司不肯再投资了,他自己不得不自掏300万美元将这笔钱补上去,随后影片的发行也非常不顺利,七大电影公司没有一家肯接手发行工作的,从去年年底制作完成,一直最近,影片才找到发行方,是猎户座影业,这家电影公司你应该知道吧?” Elizabeth nods: Knows that but you me told that these do do?” 伊丽莎白点点头:“知道啊,不过你跟我说这些干什么?” I was expressing a fact to you, is this movie starts from the manufacture now, was not favored, this is advantageous to the matter that you must handle in the future.” “我在向你表达一个事实,也就是这部影片从制作开始到现在,一直都非常非常不被看好,这对你将来要做的事情非常有利。” Elizabeth understood anything probably: Said that you do favor this movie?” 伊丽莎白好像明白了什么:“这么说,你看好这部电影?” Yes, but I got rid late, manufactured that small company of this movie to sign the release contract with Orion, one month ago. Moreover, they plan small scale to screen at the end of the year first, walk Oscar to the mysterious piece route, through taking the way expansion influence of prize, then screens through the theater, recording tape release and other ways recover the investment slowly. This is the key point that I must say, according to material that I collect, this movie threatens to 《The Silence of the Lambs》 very in a big way, you should know that Oscar discriminates against the horror film, so long as there is other choice, Oscar will not issue the award item absolutely to a horror film.” “是的,不过我出手晚了,制作这部电影的那家小公司已经与猎户座签署了发行合约,就在一个多月之前。而且,他们打算年底先小规模上映,走奥斯卡冲奥片的路线,通过拿奖的方式扩大影响力,然后通过影院上映,录像带发行等方式慢慢收回投资。这才是我要说的重点,根据我收集来的资料,这部电影对《沉默的羔羊》威胁很大,你应该知道奥斯卡是多么歧视恐怖片,只要有另外的选择,奥斯卡绝对不会将奖项颁发给一部恐怖片。” Elizabeth has to 《The Silence of the Lambs》 self-confidently, heard Eric saying that the girl had doubts saying: This movie, if some you said is so good, why can that nobody be willing to distribute?” 伊丽莎白《沉默的羔羊》还是非常有自信的,听到艾瑞克这么说,女郎疑惑道:“这部电影如果真有你说的那么好,那为什么会没人肯发行呢?” High-quality movie may not attain high Box Office, you flipped these year of Oscar prizes winner's list just knows, a large part alone | set up the production company to distribute, moreover many movies were not favored before screening, but after screening, became the matter of Oscar winner occurred frequently, naturally, the counter-example was also everywhere, therefore these Film Studio are not willing to distribute is also very good to understand. “高质量的影片不一定能拿到高票房,你自己去翻翻这些年奥斯卡奖的获奖名单就知道了,很大一部分都是独丨立制片公司发行的,而且很多影片在上映之前不被看好,但上映之后成为奥斯卡大赢家的事情经常发生,当然,反例也比比皆是,因此那些电影公司不愿意发行也就很好理解。 What I must say, localization of Orion to this movie to Ao Pian, but according to this novel, the subject of movie should be the race fusion issue of Caucasian and indigenous people of the Americas, this movie often can receive the favor that Oscar savors, in addition Orion is also experienced to public relations Oscar, if you do not make anything, on next year Oscar, this movie definitely will become the 《The Silence of the Lambs》 biggest enemy. ” ( to be continued ) 我要说的是,猎户座对这部电影的定位就是冲奥片,而根据这本小说来看,电影的主题应该是白人与美洲原住民的种族融合问题,这种影片往往能受到奥斯卡品味的青睐,再加上猎户座对公关奥斯卡也非常有经验,所以如果你不做点什么的话,在明年奥斯卡上,这部电影肯定会成为《沉默的羔羊》最大的敌人。”(未完待续)
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