IAIH :: Volume #4

#372: Big hole

In the middle of the Beverly Hills village Julia's villa, at this time is 9 : 00 pm, three women sit in a circle on a leaning hall long several nearby floor, the surroundings are putting several piles of script scattered in disorder, Elizabeth and Drew in earnest is glancing through, only then Julia appears some interests lacks, is reading script of front love comedy bored, after a while, Julia did not have the interest finally thoroughly, gains ground to ask: Yeah, we such select to pick up script to come, these should be the matters that manager handles.” 贝弗利山茱莉亚的别墅当中,此时已经是晚上九点,三个女人围坐在偏厅一张长几旁边的地板上,周围散乱地放着好几摞剧本,伊丽莎白德鲁都在认真的翻阅着,只有茱莉亚显得有些兴趣缺缺,无聊地翻看着面前一部爱情喜剧的剧本,过了一会儿,茱莉亚终于彻底没了兴趣,抬起头问道:“哎,我们这么挑能挑出好剧本来吗,这些应该是经纪人做的事情嘛。” Elizabeth and Drew white Julia, Drew has lowered the head to continue to look at front script together, Elizabeth explained: Gets rid, Jolie, our present status are Producer, is not Actor is good. Moreover these are several Brokerage Firm manager recommend, if you do not want to look that watches the television.” 伊丽莎白德鲁一起白了茱莉亚一眼,德鲁低头继续看起了面前的剧本,伊丽莎白却解释道:“摆脱,朱莉,我们现在的身份是制作人,不是演员好不好。而且这些都是几家经纪公司经纪人推荐过来的,如果你不想看的话就去看电视吧。” Some Julia heart movements wanted to stand up, saw two females, finally sat on the cushion: consider as finished, I accompany you to look together, was right, Liz, you did not say that few days ago that fellow for that the woman who called Jennifer Connelly has selected a comedy, perhaps we can look for that script screenwriter to write one again.” 茱莉亚有些心动地想要站起身,看了看两女,最后还是坐在了垫子上:“算了,我陪你们一起看吧,对了,莉兹,你不是说前些日子那家伙为那个叫詹妮弗.康纳利的女人挑了一部喜剧吗,或许我们可以找那个剧本编剧再写一部嘛。” Drew gained ground a face to despise looked at Julia, Elizabeth but once more said: That script screenwriter is also Director of that movie, he should make the movie now, is impossible to have the time to write any script for us. Let alone, even if opposite party had time to write, not necessarily greatly sold, was not everyone looks like...... That fellow such changes | condition.” 德鲁抬头一脸鄙视地看了眼茱莉亚,伊丽莎白再次无奈道:“那个剧本编剧同时也是那部电影的导演,他现在应该已经在拍电影了,根本不可能有时间为我们写什么剧本。更何况,就算对方有时间写出来了,也不一定大卖,不是每一个人都像……那个家伙那样变丨态。” Good good, when you my anything have not reached an agreement.” “好吧好吧,你们就当我什么都没说好了。” Was saying, nearby telephone has rung suddenly. 正说着,旁边的电话突然响了起来。 I meet,” Julia stands up to pick up the microphone three gaits to the telephone by: Hello. Here is Roberts............” “我来接,”茱莉亚站起身三两步走到电话旁拿起话筒:“喂。这里是罗伯茨家……啊……” Julia hears the sound of opposite party, immediately covers the microphone, Elizabeth and Drew that toward looking silent have made a shape of the mouth: Eric......” 茱莉亚听到对方的声音,立刻捂住话筒,朝看过来的伊丽莎白德鲁无声地做了个口型:“艾瑞克……” The original face looked earnestly script Drew jumps immediately, a face jumped for joy throws took the microphone in Julia hand in the past, the mouth also shouted to shout: Definitely is looks my.” 本来一脸认真看剧本德鲁立刻跳起来,一脸雀跃地扑过去将茱莉亚手中的话筒抢到手中,嘴里还嚷嚷道:“肯定是找我的。” Whatever Julia Drew overtakes the microphone. Shrugs to return to oneself seat, has looked at each other one with Elizabeth, has pouted to say with a smile toward Drew in a low voice: Like only hears the puppy that the master summoned.” 茱莉亚任由德鲁将话筒抢过去。耸耸肩回到自己位子上,与伊丽莎白对视了一眼,朝德鲁努了努嘴低声笑道:“像只听到主人召唤的小狗。” Elizabeth also with a smile said: Not having the medicine may rescue.” 伊丽莎白也笑着说道:“无药可救了。” Who knew Drew to say after Eric chatty several words, a face has turned head to shout disgruntledly: Julia, looks your.” 谁知德鲁腻腻歪歪地与艾瑞克说了几句话之后,就一脸不悦地扭过头喊道:“茱莉亚,找你的。” „......” The Julia doubts have referred to themselves, sees Drew to nod. The non- sentiment hope once more does not stand up. “啊……”茱莉亚疑惑地指了指自己,见德鲁点头。才不情不愿地再次站起身走过去。 Hello, Eric, asks me to have any matter...... Yes, Kapoor said that this role actor's pay are not many, pats to be very relaxed. Moreover the salary that side Samsung gives is also very rich, let alone cooperates with Steven Speilberg...... Like this?” “喂,艾瑞克,找我有什么事情……是啊,卡普尔说这个角色戏份不多,拍起来很轻松。而且三星那边给的片酬也很丰厚,更何况还是与史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格合作……这样啊?” Does not know to hear anything, Julia has hesitated some little time, but also prays for rescue toward Elizabeth looked, then said: But that side Kapoor what to do, he hopes that very much I receive this role...... I...... I...... I...... Or, I again......” 不知道听到什么,茱莉亚迟疑了好一会儿,还朝伊丽莎白这边求救似的看了看,才接着说道:“可是卡普尔那边怎么办,他很希望我接下这个角色的……我自己……我……我……要不,我再……” Saw that Julia became stutters as if heard any awkward matter, remembered the hateful disposition of that fellow. Elizabeth stands up to collect immediately, takes the microphone from the Julia hand: Hello, Eric. You want to compel Julia to make anything, I have warned your Oh!” 看到茱莉亚变得结结巴巴似乎听到了什么为难的事情,想起那个家伙的可恶性格。伊丽莎白立刻站起身凑上去,从茱莉亚手中拿过话筒:“喂,艾瑞克。你又想要逼茱莉亚做什么,我可是警告过你!” „......” “……” „It is not good, why must make Julia resign this role, you gave up any idea of!” Elizabeth said that has made the telephone call directly. “不行,凭什么要让茱莉亚让出这个角色,你休想!”伊丽莎白说完,的一声直接挂了电话。 Liz, is this not quite appropriate?” Julia refers to the telephone call that had been made disturbedly. 莉兹,这样是不是不太合适?”茱莉亚忐忑地指了指被挂掉的电话。 Elizabeth waved. A face said self-confidently: Do not pay attention to that fellow, Jolie. You will go to sign the contract tomorrow, ahem. When really we quite bully.” 伊丽莎白挥了挥手。一脸自信地说道:“别理会那个家伙,朱莉。你明天就去把合约签了,哼哼。真当我们好欺负啊。” Elizabeth said that drew Julia to sit once more, three people continued to read big pile of script, the following atmosphere always appears some non- natures. 伊丽莎白说完,拉着茱莉亚再次坐了回去,三个人继续翻看起了一大堆剧本,不过接下来的气氛总是显得有些不自然。 Drew does not have anything actually, although she just has collected side Julia, heard the content of Eric speech, remembered Nicole Kidman that woman to call to inquire that couple days ago the Eric whereabouts, Drew approximately understood the long and short of the story of matter quickly. 德鲁倒是没什么,她虽然刚刚一直凑在茱莉亚身旁,也听到了艾瑞克说话的内容,想起前几天妮可.基德曼那个女人打电话过来询问艾瑞克的下落,德鲁很快就大致明白了事情的来龙去脉。 Definitely was Julia and Nicole has a liking for the same role, Eric has wanted to make Julia give Nicole the role, although somewhat slightly was jealous at heart unavoidably, but this matter were little significance eventually with her. 肯定是茱莉亚妮可看上了同一个角色,艾瑞克想让茱莉亚将角色让给妮可,虽然心里难免有些小吃醋,但这件事终究跟她没多大关系。 But has rejected Eric Julia and Elizabeth two females neatly actually throughout cannot be relieved continues to read script, moreover always once for a while looks the telephone on table to the sofa, seemed anticipating that machine makes a sound once more. 但干脆利落地拒绝了艾瑞克茱莉亚伊丽莎白两女却始终不能再安下心来继续阅读剧本,而且还总是时不时地看向沙发旁桌子上的电话,似乎期待着那部机器再次响起来。 What a pity, crossed for nearly one hour, Eric will again not have hit. 可惜,足足过了将近一个小时,艾瑞克都没有再打过来。 Yeah, Drew, you have stayed with Eric in New York last month is right?” Elizabeth sinks finally does not vent anger, first opens the mouth to ask. “哎,德鲁,你上个月一直跟艾瑞克呆在纽约对不对?”伊丽莎白终于沉不出气,首先开口问道。 Drew did not lift the place, with pen one side front script superscript a small star has placed, another read. 德鲁头也不抬地点了下,用笔在面前的剧本上标了一颗小星星放在一边,另外一本翻看。 Elizabeth sees a Drew indifferent appearance, thinks possible, quick then asked: You should know how much money he has made?” 伊丽莎白德鲁一副无所谓的样子,以为有戏,很快就接着问道:“那你应该知道他到底赚了多少钱吧?” Then Drew gains ground, in the attractive childish face is hanging a faint smile expression, looks is somewhat afraid , the girl who Elizabeth jumps several words: I do not know.” 这下德鲁才抬起头,漂亮的娃娃脸上挂着一副似笑非笑地表情,将伊丽莎白看的有些心虚之后,丫头才蹦出几个单词:“我不知道。” „......” Elizabeth curls the lip speechless: Does not want to say that did not say.” “……”伊丽莎白无语地撇撇嘴:“不想说就不说呗。” Drew has smiled, pulls out chewing gum to force in the mouth to chew from pocket, since continued to look down script. 德鲁笑了下,从口袋里掏出一颗口香糖塞进嘴里嚼着,继续低头看起了剧本 In the morning I look at newspaper, above said that now that any crude oil Pe­tro­leum price rose to 30 USD, several months ago 14 USD, heard that many fired the Pe­tro­leum people to gain turned, Eric should be able to gather many hundreds of millions USD, it is estimated that now at least must gain one time,” Julia be irrelevant added one. “早上我看报纸,上面说现在那个什么原油期货价格已经涨到30美元了呢,几个月前才14美元,听说好多炒期货的人都赚翻了,艾瑞克应该能凑到好几亿美元吧,估计现在至少要赚一倍呢,”茱莉亚不着边际地加了一句。 You do not understand, Pe­tro­leum can enlarge using the release lever, ten times, 20 times of release levers, can enlarge the capital to ten times of 20 times.” Elizabeth appears to understand but not really understand is explaining. “你不懂,期货是可以利用杠杆放大的,十倍,20倍的杠杆,可以将本金放大到十倍20倍。”伊丽莎白似懂非懂地解释着。 Immediately, responded two girls who both shut up, stared the big eye to look at each other while surprisedly, looked once more to Drew. 随即,反应过来的两位女郎都闭上了嘴,惊讶地瞪大眼睛对视了一会儿,再次看向德鲁 Visits me to do, my anything does not know.” Drew once more redundant say|way. “看我干嘛,我什么都不知道。”德鲁再次重复道。 Elizabeth holds in the arms the small shoulder of Drew: Yeah, disclosed that Drew, how many Eric has gained? I and Julia ensure did not say.” 伊丽莎白一把搂住德鲁的小肩膀:“哎,透露一点嘛,德鲁,艾瑞克到底赚了多少?我和茱莉亚保证不说出去。” Drew casts off the shoulder of Elizabeth, as before is those words: You asked again 100, I do not know. Moreover knows that I will not tell you.” 德鲁甩开伊丽莎白的肩膀,依旧是那句话:“你再问100遍,我也不知道。而且就算知道,我也不会告诉你的。” What did your one entire moon/month follow to do side Eric?” The Elizabeth unwilling heart asked. “那你一整个月都跟在艾瑞克身边都干了些什么啊?”伊丽莎白不甘心地问道。 Drew told the facts: Plays, that is New York, the heaven of rich man, amusing place were many.” 德鲁实话实说道:“玩啊,那可是纽约呢,有钱人的天堂,好玩的地方多了去了。” „......” “……” ...... …… Cliff Peak Manor. Eric puts down the telephone, to sitting said in nearby Nicole: Was snatched the telephone by Liz, has hung directly, I found time to look for Julia saying that now is not in any case anxious.” 尖角庄园艾瑞克放下电话,对坐在旁边的妮可道:“被莉兹抢了电话,直接挂了,我抽空去找茱莉亚说吧,反正现在也不急。” Nicole nods, she knows Eric, since has promised, definitely will do everything possible. 妮可点点头,她知道艾瑞克既然已经许诺了,肯定会尽力而为的。 Next day, Eric has not gone to Julia there immediately. But went to Firefly as usual. 第二天,艾瑞克并没有立刻去茱莉亚那里。而是照常去了萤火虫 Had understood a next these days company operated, watched the screening situation of next several movie, now is in mid August. «Ghost» and that «Basic Instinct» in July screens is staying in Box Office list first several as before. 了解了一下这段时间的公司运营,关注了下几部电影的上映情况,现在已经是八月中旬。七月份上映的《人鬼情未了》和《本能》依旧在票房榜前几名呆着。 This summer files also reached the last act, has possibility broken 200 million USD Box Office «Ghost» besides the tendency strongly, the entire summer files have not emitted other Box Office dark horse. 这个暑期档也进入了尾声,除了势头强劲有可能破两亿美元票房的《人鬼情未了》之外,整个暑期档没有冒出另外的票房黑马。 Even if most starts with «Ghost» evenly matched «Die Hard 2», the second week decline range has also surpassed 40%, only income more than 20 million USD, this total Box Office achieved 200 million to recoup the cost the big piece looks like in the North America native place returns this does not have the hope. Fox can only hoping to pin on the overseas market. 哪怕是最开始与《人鬼情未了》势均力敌的《虎胆龙威2》,第二周跌幅也超过了40%,只进账2000多万美元,这部总票房达到2亿才能收回成本的大片看来在北美本土回本是没有希望了。福克斯只能将希望寄托在海外市场。 As for «Basic Instinct», in late July the theme hot R-rated piece that is distributed by Universal. Four weeks have taken near 70 million USD Box Office, then broken hundred million surely do not have any suspense. 至于《本能》,七月下旬由环球发行的这部题材火辣的r级片。四个星期就已经拿下了将近7000万美元票房,接下来破亿肯定是没有任何悬念的。 Meanwhile. Universal parent company MCA and negotiations of Japan Matsushita Financial group also settle down, Matsushita purchased Universal parent company MCA by six ten 100 million USD large amount of money capitalizations, Hollywood another film giants fell into the Japan financial group hand. 同时。环球的母公司mca日本松下财团的谈判也尘埃落定,松下以六十一亿美元的巨资全资收购环球母公司mca,好莱坞又一家电影巨头落入了日本财团手中。 However Eric actually knows that Matsushita has not actually looked like Sony that to boil, after experiencing several years of unaccustomed to the climate and huge loss, Matsushita quickly once more Universal hands over to under the family/home. 不过艾瑞克却知道,松下却没有像索尼那么能熬,经历了几年的水土不服和巨额亏损之后,松下很快再次将环球转手给了下家。 Stayed the most of the day in the company, Eric had not seen Robert Shay, after inquiring, Eric knows that Robert Shay looked for a project these days, was negotiating with copyright all people, to under has not disclosed the rumor as for script specific content Robert, this was guarding against him very much obviously, this made Eric feel somewhat funnily. 在公司呆了大半天,艾瑞克都没有见到罗伯特.谢伊,询问之后,艾瑞克才知道罗伯特.谢伊这段时间又找了个项目,正在与版权所有人谈判,至于剧本的具体内容罗伯特却没有向手下透露出口风,很显然这是在防备他,这让艾瑞克感觉有些好笑。 Reported some Firefly business, Alan has packed the script Jane Gang dispatch case to give Eric one pile afterward: Eric, this is about the pirate type movie that you made me seek a while ago, because you confessed that must keep secret as far as possible, I had only found 37, here is only story Jane Gang, if after you have looked, needs detailed script, I relate again.” 汇报了一些萤火虫的事务,艾伦随后将一摞装满了剧本简纲的文件袋交给艾瑞克:“艾瑞克,这是你前段时间让我寻找的关于海盗类型的电影,因为你交代要尽量保密,我只找到了37部,这里只是故事简纲,如果你看过之后需要详细剧本的话,我再联系。” I knew, you work first.” “我知道了,你先去做事吧。” Alan nods, turns around to leave office. 艾伦点点头,转身离开了办公室。 Eric opens a front dispatch case, because there is a concrete goal, therefore the Eric reading speed is fast, but read the story outline simply, if not the goal that must look, conveniently lost in one side. 艾瑞克打开面前的一个文件袋,因为有具体的目标,因此艾瑞克的阅读速度非常快,只是简单地看了一下故事梗概,如果不是自己要找的目标,就随手丢在了一边。 Quick, the Eric vision focused on light script outline, on a screenwriter column writes the Bruce A. Evans name, in this name and memory «Cutthroat Island» screenwriter just tallied, rapidly script outline read, the plot, the male & female leads name completely to, just the script name was not called «Cutthroat Island». 很快,艾瑞克目光聚焦在了一份薄薄的剧本大纲上,编剧一栏上写着布鲁斯.a.埃文斯的名字,这个名字与记忆中《割喉岛》的编剧刚好符合,迅速将剧本大纲阅览了一遍,剧情,男女主角的名称都完全对的上,只不过剧本的名字并不叫做《割喉岛》。 It seems like was this,” found this big hole, how Eric started to calculate to operate this script, this bad egg was certainly used to cheat, but, wanted to guarantee that this big hole can play the biggest effect, the best situation was uneven the previous life lineup collection. “看来就是这个了,”找到了这个大坑,艾瑞克开始盘算如何操作这个剧本,这颗臭蛋当然是用来坑人的,不过,想要确保这个大坑能够起到最大的效果,最好的情况就是将前世的阵容集齐。 In the memory, male & female leads of this movie separately is Geena Davis and Matthew Modine, but the Director Renny Harlin Geena Davis husband, Renny Harlin ambitiously wants to hold action heroine the wife, finally actually almost ruined the Geena Davis performance profession, although does not know the following story development, but by the Hollywood convention, Eric thought that the final two people likely divorced. 记忆中,这部电影的男女主角分别是吉娜.戴维斯马修.莫迪恩,而导演兰尼.哈林正是吉娜.戴维斯的丈夫,兰尼.哈林野心勃勃地想要将妻子捧成动作女星,结果却几乎断送了吉娜.戴维斯的演艺生涯,虽然不知道后续故事发展,不过以好莱坞的惯例,艾瑞克觉得最后两个人很可能离婚了。 Eric remembered last year, the best supporting actress young metal statue who gave the Geena Davis means personally, afterward the opposite party also cooperated with another star Susan Sarandon that famous feminism movie «The Long Kiss Goodnight», similarly was also the Oscar popular movie, if the history did not have the change, this star became along with the «Cutthroat Island» Box Office disastrous defeat is unable to recover, was similar to another sad Cui actor Kevin Costner is the same. 艾瑞克记得去年,还是自己亲自给吉娜.戴维斯办法的最佳女配角小金人,后来对方还与另外一个女星苏珊.萨兰登合作了那部著名的女权主义电影《夺命狂花》,同样也是奥斯卡热门影片,如果历史不发生改变的话,这位女星随着《割喉岛》的票房惨败变得一蹶不振,如同另外一个悲催的男星凯文.科斯特纳一样。 The thought is revolving rapidly carelessly, thinks of Kevin Costner, Eric and remembers several outstanding movies that Kevin Costner has played the lead, 《The Bodyguard》 and «Million Dollar Arm» as well as «Dances with Wolves» and so on, if not because of afterward «Waterworld», Kevin Costner will not compare Harrison Ford, Schwarzenegger and the others to lower many in the Hollywood status. 念头胡乱飞转着,想到凯文.科斯特纳,艾瑞克不由地又想起了凯文.科斯特纳主演的几部优秀影片,《保镖》、《百万金臂》以及《与狼共舞》之类,如果不是因为后来的《未来水世界》,凯文.科斯特纳好莱坞的地位一点也不会比哈里森.福特施瓦辛格等人低多少。 Moreover, Eric remembers quickly, «Dances with Wolves» this movie is the Kevin Costner first time personally Director work, moreover | the female did by the Director place has taken best Director and best picture and other award items. 而且,艾瑞克很快想起,《与狼共舞》这部电影是凯文.科斯特纳第一次亲自导演的作品,而且以导演处丨女作就拿下了最佳导演和最佳影片等奖项。 In the chaotic memory, pulled a big string information along with the Kevin Costner name, Eric quick throws the «Cutthroat Island» matter temporarily after the brain, because he has discovered another matter. 混乱的记忆中,随着凯文.科斯特纳的名字牵出了一大串信息,艾瑞克很快将《割喉岛》的事情暂时抛在了脑后,因为他发现了另外一件事情。 «Dances with Wolves» seemingly should be this year screens, and is correct because of the absolute politics of this movie, conforms to the American main melody the characteristics, has taken this year's Oscar best Director and best picture award item. 与狼共舞》貌似应该是今年上映的,而且因为这部电影的绝对政治正确,符合美式主旋律的特色,拿下了今年的奥斯卡最佳导演和最佳影片奖项。 Regarding being ahead of time one year of 《The Silence of the Lambs》, this obviously is not a good news, although 《The Silence of the Lambs》 has been regarded as this year's Oscar is greatly hot, the performance of movie person's to Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster is full of praise, has to commendation these months of this movie, can say, if no «Dances with Wolves», this movie definitely becomes this year the Oscar winner. 对于提前了一年的《沉默的羔羊》来说,这显然不是一个好消息,《沉默的羔羊》虽然已经被认定是今年的奥斯卡大热,影片人对安东尼.霍普金斯朱迪.福斯特的表演赞不绝口,对这部电影的称赞这几个月也都有断过,可以说,如果没有《与狼共舞》的话,这部电影肯定会成为今年奥斯卡的大赢家。 But bumps into the «Dances with Wolves» American main melody movie, 《The Silence of the Lambs》 is enlarged as the inferiority of horror film like this wireless enlarges again, wants to be similar to previous life such, takes best Director and best picture again, that is almost at all the impossible matter. 但碰上《与狼共舞》这样的美式主旋律电影,《沉默的羔羊》作为恐怖片的劣势将被无线放大再放大,想要如同前世那样,再拿下最佳导演和最佳影片,那几乎是根本不可能的事情。 Thinks of these, Eric quick shouted Alan again, confessed that the opposite party finishes up the work immediately, inquires news about this movie. ( to be continued ) 想到这些,艾瑞克很快将艾伦再次喊了过来,交代对方立刻放下工作,去打探关于这部电影的消息。(未完待续)
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