IAIH :: Volume #4

#371: Small female celestial

In the memory in «Hook» the actor of small female celestial is Julia, acts the leading role in the Box Office rallying point that three Box Office broken hundred million movies have brought by present Julia continuously, the competitive power must fling Nicole to be very big a distance. 记忆中《霍克船长》中小仙女的扮演者就是茱莉亚,以现在茱莉亚连续主演了三部票房破亿电影所带来的票房号召力,竞争力要甩妮可很大一段距离。 Thinks of these, Eric then realized that from yesterday to the present, why Nicole always unintentionally mentions the Julia's name, yesterday afternoon sudden making such, is not definitely balanced because of the intensity of moral nature. 想到这些,艾瑞克这才意识到从昨天到现在,妮可为什么总是有意无意地提到茱莉亚的名字,昨天下午突如其来的闹出那么一出,也肯定是因为心底的强烈不平衡。 This time competes the small female celestial role, the Nicole biggest match definitely is Julia without doubt, although on Nicole a movie was just failed, the popularity that but she accumulates by «Sleepless in Seattle» still, as before is in a level superstar ranks, in this situation with Hollywood other stars competes the small female celestial the role, the probability that Nicole takes is very big. 这次竞争小仙女的角色,妮可最大的对手肯定是茱莉亚无疑,虽然妮可上一部电影刚刚失败了,但她凭借《西雅图夜未眠》积累起来的人气还在,依旧处于a级巨星行列,这种情况下与好莱坞的其他女星竞争小仙女的角色,妮可拿下的几率还是非常大的。 But Julia joined completely was different, what consecutively three movie Box Office broken do hundred million mean completely? Had a look at Schwarzenegger just knows, because consecutively two movie Box Office broken hundred million, Schwarzenegger shouted the 15 million USD sky-high price salary to «Terminator 2: Judgement Day». 茱莉亚加入就完全不同了,连续三部电影全部票房破亿意味着什么?看看施瓦辛格就知道了,因为连续两部电影票房破亿,施瓦辛格对《终结者2》就喊出了1500万美元的天价片酬。 It can be said that Julia is Hollywood most has Queen Box Office of rallying point now, if she is interested in any movie, considers for the benefit, let alone is filthy rich seven big Film Studio, even if these alone | sets up Production Studio, is loses everything to be also willing to collect the high quota salary to ask her to play. 可以说茱莉亚现在是好莱坞最具号召力的票房女王,她如果对什么电影感兴趣,为了利益着想,别说是财大气粗的七大电影公司,哪怕是那些独丨立制作公司,就是砸锅卖铁也心甘情愿凑出高额片酬来请她出演。 In this case, only if Julia drops on own initiative, the role that otherwise she settles on, other stars do not want to strive. 这种情况下,除非茱莉亚主动放手,否则她看中的角色,其他女星根本别想争取。 Spielberg looks from the Eric expression that Eric definitely is knows what he just referred to was . The movie project that «Hook» is a focus of public attention like this, every action and every movement of dramatic team will bring in the strong attention, Julia participate in the news of small female celestial Ting Bell screen test also already to be dug by paparazzi. 斯皮尔伯格艾瑞克的表情中看出来,艾瑞克肯定是知道他刚刚指的是谁了。《霍克船长》这样万众瞩目的电影项目,剧组的一举一动都会引来强烈的关注,茱莉亚参加小仙女婷科拜尔试镜的消息也早就被狗仔们挖了出来。 Sits Nicole that has kept silent in side has sized up under the Eric complexion secretly. Sees the man to look to hesitate, Nicole shakes the hand of tableware is becoming somewhat makes an effort slightly. 坐在旁边一直默不作声的妮可偷偷打量了下艾瑞克的脸色。见男人面露犹疑,妮可握着餐具的手微微变得有些用力。 Eric, the bolster support of Sony Film Industry to this project is very big, fund completely is not the issue. Samsung that side producer also very much hopes that Miss Roberts can play, therefore the present issue is, if Miss Kidman wants to attain this role, only if some people can convince Miss Roberts to withdraw on own initiative.” 艾瑞克,索尼影业对这个项目的支持力度很大,资金方面完全不是问题,而且。三星那边的制片人也很希望罗伯茨小姐能够出演,所以现在的问题是,如果基德曼小姐想要拿到这个角色的话,除非有人能够说服罗伯茨小姐主动退出。” Said finally, some Spielberg's look dim daylight | dark, Julia can become Hollywood super superstar in the short two years. All people know that all these support with this young people cannot withdraw the responsibility at present, the Julia's three movies are stem from Firefly Pictures this point to see. 说道最后,斯皮尔伯格的神色有些暧丨昧,茱莉亚能够在短短两年时间成为好莱坞的超级巨星。所有人都知道,这一切与眼前这个年轻人的支持脱不开干系,茱莉亚的三部电影都是出自萤火虫影业这一点就可以看出。 Although Julia recent «Sleeping with the Enemy» as if with Eric any relations, Robert Shay spare no effort has not boasted own merit, as long as is some colleagues of intelligence quotient. Does not think. Therefore, Eric and Julia's relate are also vivid, relates as for concrete anything, Spielberg actually very much did not care, reason that he today will come personally, actually also has other goal, therefore, Spielberg selected bright way quickly: Therefore. Eric, so long as you can convince Miss Roberts to withdraw, I can take responsibility this role directly give Miss Kidman.” 虽然茱莉亚最近一部《与敌共眠》似乎与艾瑞克没有任何关系,罗伯特.谢伊也不遗余力地吹嘘自己的功劳,但凡是有些智商的圈内人士。都不会这么认为。因此,艾瑞克茱莉亚的关系也就呼之欲出,至于具体什么关系,斯皮尔伯格却不是很关心,他今天之所以会亲自过来,其实还有另外的目的,因此,斯皮尔伯格很快就挑明道:“所以。艾瑞克,只要你能说服罗伯茨小姐退出,我就可以直接做主将这个角色给基德曼小姐。” Eric looked at Nicole. Then said quickly: „The Julia that side I will greet, as for this role, asked you, Steven, if in the future has any need I to help, please freely open the mouth.” 艾瑞克看了眼妮可。很快便说道:“茱莉亚那边我会去打招呼的,至于这个角色,就拜托你了,史蒂文,将来如果有什么需要我帮忙的,请尽管开口。” Actually I just also something need you to help today.” Spielberg smilingly looks at Eric to say. “其实我今天刚好也有些事情需要你帮忙。”斯皮尔伯格笑眯眯地看着艾瑞克说道。 Eric has gawked, in the heart has one type the misconception in pit. However can also fall this favor immediately, Eric is very happy: Or. Do we have the lunch to discuss again?” 艾瑞克愣了下,心中产生一种掉坑里的错觉。不过能够立刻将这个人情还掉,艾瑞克还是很高兴的:“要不。我们吃过午餐再谈?” Spielberg nods: Does not have the issue.” 斯皮尔伯格点点头:“没问题。” After the lunch, two people looked for a position to sit down before the window of seaside, Spielberg from arriving here has brought to open in satchel, pulled out one to bind good script to advance in front of inside Eric. 午餐之后,两个人在临海的落地窗前找了个位置坐下,斯皮尔伯格从来到这里就一直带在身边的挎包打开,从里面掏出了一本装订好的剧本推到艾瑞克面前。 Eric, this is «Hook» script, you can look first.” 艾瑞克,这是《霍克船长》的剧本,你可以先看下。” Eric according to is stroking gently the title page on the tea table script, asked: Steven, are you?” 艾瑞克剧本按在茶几上摩挲着封面,问道:“史蒂文,你这是?” Spielberg has depended toward the sofa on, looked to the sea of side out of the window, on the face actually appears some exhausted looks, after a while said: Eric, on newspaper is passing on me to be interested in the Peter Pan story now since childhood, has wanted to manufacture the movie this story personally, this view not wrong. However, I over 40 years old, to be honest, I already did not have any interest to this story now, before identifying this project, I declined continuously several times, but Samsung Film Industry CEO Mike of this host project. Davao once was my manager, he pleaded me to receive this project personally, I have to take over.” 斯皮尔伯格往沙发上靠了靠,看向旁边窗外的大海,脸上竟然浮现出了些许疲惫的神色,过了一会儿才说道:“艾瑞克,现在报纸上都在传我从小就对彼得.潘的故事感兴趣,一直想要亲手将这个故事制作成电影,这个说法并没有错。不过,我现在已经40多岁了,说心里话,我对这个故事早已没了什么兴趣,在确定这个项目之前,我已经连续推辞了好几次,不过这次主持这个项目的三星影业ceo迈克.麦达沃伊曾经是我的经纪人,他亲自来恳求我接下这个项目,我才不得不接手。” „Don't you have the confidence to this script?” Eric asked pertinently. “你对这个剧本没信心?”艾瑞克切中要害地问道。 Spielberg had not denied that the expression said low and deep: I felt, if the movie shoots according to front script, this project is very possible is time overdraws to my prestige one seriously.” 斯皮尔伯格没有否认,语气低沉地说道:“我感觉,如果电影按照面前这个剧本来拍的话,这个项目很可能是对我个人声誉的一次严重透支。” Eric has not taken up front script as before, asked again: What can I make?” 艾瑞克依旧没有拿起面前的剧本,再次问道:“那我能做什么?” I looked at your «Home Alone» series for these days specially, especially second part, this sequel becomes | the person element and movie child to the style union unusual is perfect, but I to present this movie very worriedly place, therefore I hope that you can help to look at this script. I know that at your sale price, trivial screenwriter expense is definitely insufficient, if you are willing to participate in the script revision, I can communicate with Samsung that side, allowing you to participate in the part of investments of movie.” “我这几天特意看了你的《小鬼当家》系列,特别是第二部,这部续集将很多成丨人元素与影片儿童向风格结合的非常完美,而则正是我对现在这部电影非常苦恼地地方,所以我希望你能帮忙看一下这部剧本。我知道以你的身价,区区一笔编剧费用肯定是不足的,所以如果你愿意参与剧本修改的话,我可以与三星那边沟通,让你参与电影的一部分投资。” Spielberg said is sincere, Eric was not good to shirk again, takes up script to read. 斯皮尔伯格说的诚意十足,艾瑞克也不好再推脱,拿起剧本读了起来。 Spielberg is drinking Nicole for the coffee that they deliver peacefully, often pays attention to the Eric expression, obvious that too although Eric has not displayed, but Spielberg the small detail that notes Eric occasionally to knit the brows. 斯皮尔伯格安静地喝着妮可为两人送上来的咖啡,不时关注一下艾瑞克的表情,虽然艾瑞克并没有表现的太明显,不过斯皮尔伯格还是注意到艾瑞克偶尔皱眉的小细节。 script is very long, if all shoots comes out, it is estimated that two -and-a-half hours, previous life Eric has not watched this movie, has heard the information about this movie merely. 剧本很长,如果全部拍摄出来,估计有两个半小时,前世艾瑞克并没有看过这部电影,仅仅只是听说过一些关于这部电影的信息。 Eric thought. As a Spielberg movie, even if the appraisal is not high, again disappointingly but should also not miss to goes, but read the script process to make Eric intertwine at this time incomparably, several times he wanted to give up directly. Simultaneously urged Spielberg simply not to pat. 原本艾瑞克觉得。作为一部斯皮尔伯格电影,即使评价不高,但再差劲也应该不会差到哪去吧,但此时阅读剧本的过程却让艾瑞克纠结无比,好几次他都想要直接放弃。同时劝斯皮尔伯格干脆还是别拍了。 But this project started now, two actor Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman have signed, the big fund also put into the earlier arrangement, in addition most people to this movie confidence full house, want to stop basically are the impossible matters. 但这个项目现在已经启动,两位男主角罗宾.威廉姆斯达斯汀.霍夫曼都已经签约,大笔的资金也已经投入到了前期筹备当中,再加上大部分人都对这部电影信心爆棚,想要停止基本上是不可能的事情。 More than 100 pages of script Eric spent for nearly one hour to look. 100多页的剧本艾瑞克足足花了将近一个小时才看完。 Puts down script in hand, Eric said to Spielberg: Steven. You manufacture the experience of movie me be much more, moreover you had also realized this script issue leaves where is right?” 放下手中的剧本,艾瑞克才对斯皮尔伯格道:“史蒂文。你制作电影的经验要比我多得多,而且你自己也意识到了这个剧本的问题出在哪里对不对?” Spielberg nods: Samsung hopes that this filmmaking an entire ages movie, was similar to past «Alien et» such, but this script, said......” 斯皮尔伯格点点头:“三星希望将这部电影制作成一部全年龄段电影,如同当年的《外星人et》那样,但这个剧本,怎么说呢……” According to my understanding. If this movie shoots comes out, will not flatter by the adults and young people.” “根据我的理解。这部电影如果拍摄出来,在成年人和青少年两边都不会讨好。” The Spielberg smiling face is somewhat bitter and astringent: Truly is this.” 斯皮尔伯格笑容有些苦涩:“确实是这样。” We said «Alien et», reason that this movie will become a very successful entire ages movie, because in the movie will have the thing that all people will be interested, first, alien theme will have very strong attraction to the adult, but similarly, friendship of et among with several young leads intensely will also be attracting the young people. Therefore, this movie will obtain the huge Box Office success.” “我们说说《外星人et》吧,这部电影之所以会成为一部非常成功的全年龄段电影,因为电影里有所有人都感兴趣的东西,首先,外星人这个题材对成年人有很大的吸引力,而同样,et与几位小主角之间的友谊也强烈地吸引着青少年。因此,这部电影才会获得巨大的票房成功。” As oneself so far the most satisfactory work, Spielberg is listening to the analysis of Eric. Often nods with smile on the face, obviously is somewhat self-satisfied. 作为自己目前为止最得意的一部作品,斯皮尔伯格听着艾瑞克的分析。面带微笑地不时点头,显然有些得意。 However Eric changed to front script quickly: But this «Hook» obviously is not this, from script, the movie wanted the thing that expressed to be too many, if has not read the original works, most people in the character vein relations including movie were very difficult to clear off. Although Peter Pan name many people have heard. But I dare saying that most people regarding the understanding of Peter Pan. Stays child, in does not want to grow up this type and in the understanding of surface, in story as for Peter Pan original works. Such as Hawk and alligator, Peter Pan and Hawk also or between Peter Pan and small female celestial and the others the back stories, little some people know.” 不过艾瑞克很快转到了面前的剧本上:“但这部《霍克船长》显然不是这样,从剧本来看,电影想要表达的东西太多了,如果没有看过原著的话,大部分人连电影中的人物脉络关系都很难理清。虽然彼得.潘的名字很多人都听说过。但我敢说,大部分人对于彼得.潘的认识。都只是停留在‘一个不想长大的小孩’这种及其表面的理解上,至于小飞侠原著中的故事。诸如霍克与鳄鱼、彼得.潘与霍克亦或彼得.潘与小仙女等人之间的背后故事,很少会有人知道。” Spielberg has realized obviously also anything, always the lack point, as a westerner very universal reading barrier sickness patient, Spielberg really does not have any talent regarding script compilation, so far the position, he most successful several movies, without any screenwriter are his. Spielberg can become story shoots the movie, but has not actually reorganized the script talent a thought. 斯皮尔伯格明显也意识到了什么,却又总是抓不住要点,作为一个西方人很普遍的阅读障碍症患者,斯皮尔伯格对于剧本的编写方面实在是没什么天赋,到目前位置,他最成功的几部电影,没有任何一部编剧是他本人的。斯皮尔伯格可以将一个故事拍摄成好电影,但却没有将一个念头改编成好剧本的天赋。 Therefore, because most people do not know that Peter Pan original works concrete story, we do not need to join that many original works details to script, this will only let being confused that the audience looks.” “所以,因为大部分人都不知道小飞侠原著具体故事,我们就根本不用将那么多原著当中的细节加入到剧本当中,这只会让观众看的一头雾水。” Really is this, I suddenly discovered that I fell into an erroneous zone,” Spielberg said suddenly: Because I listened to mother to read the entire original works to me in childhood, subconscious thought that others should also know all stories in movie, therefore when compiles script with James, always wants to join these details, finally instead makes the story extremely fat.” “果然是这样,我突然发现我陷入了一个误区,”斯皮尔伯格突然说道:“因为我小时候听母亲给我阅读过整部原著,下意识就觉得,别人也应该知道电影中的所有故事,于是在和詹姆斯编写剧本的时候,总是想要将这些细节加入到其中,结果反而使故事变得臃肿。” Eric said with a smile: Yes, but, this is only an issue, moreover is, the status of this movie, even if the family photo movie, should the stress, like «Home Alone 2» such, although has added many adult elements, but mainly locates as before is the child. But since I have looked in the middle of script, the localization of this story is chaotic, regarding the child, before they will not like obviously, 30 minute of these long upholstery, the child most does not have the patience, the 30 minute, enough they lose all interests to this movie, but regarding the adult, Peter Pan and little friends definitely does not ask for in that plot of illusion island happily.” 艾瑞克笑道:“是的,不过,这只是其中一个问题,另外就是,这部电影的定位问题,就算是合家欢电影,也应该有一个侧重的,就像《小鬼当家2》那样,虽然加入了不少成人元素,但主要定位依旧是儿童。但从我看过的剧本当中,这个故事的定位却非常混乱,对于儿童来说,他们显然不会喜欢前三十分钟那些冗长的铺垫,小孩子是最没有耐性的,三十分钟,足够他们对这部电影失去所有的兴趣,而对于成年人来说,彼得.潘与小伙伴们在梦幻岛的那段剧情肯定不讨喜。” Perhaps we should look for the element that all audiences are interested, connects two plots,” Spielberg the connection said at this time suddenly excitedly. “或许我们应该找一个所有观众都非常感兴趣的元素,将两段剧情串联起来,”斯皮尔伯格这时突然兴奋地接口道。 They have looked at each other one, looked at the eye not to participate in this discussion as if by prior agreement, sat peacefully, in not far away looked on magazine Nicole: Small female celestial!” 两人对视了一眼,不约而同地看了眼并没有参与这场讨论,安安静静坐在不远处看杂志妮可身上:“小仙女!” Right, I thought that small female celestial like «Alien et» in et such, this is one asks for the happy role, as a stature several inches elf, moreover is a young beautiful woman, this role will obtain simultaneously the affection of adult and child, but in the story, actor's pay insufficient many of small female celestial, the presence time also somewhat are late, I thought that should enter the stage within ten minutes.” “对,我觉得小仙女就像《外星人et》中的et那样,这是一个非常讨喜的角色,作为一个身材几英寸大小的精灵,而且还是一个小美人儿,这个角色会同时获得成年人和孩子的喜爱,但故事中,小仙女的戏份却不够的多,出场时间也有些晚,我觉得应该在十分钟之内出场。” Spielberg took script to read to look at a while, said: This is one is truly good to pay attention . Moreover, I suddenly thought that should increase behind that small female celestial with the scene that Peter Pan kisses erases, this was too awful, among them should not have any sentimental play, um...... In order to cater to the grown audience, could add Little Ai | dark, but among them more should be the friendship......” 斯皮尔伯格拿过剧本翻看看了一会儿,又说道:“这确实是一个好注意,而且,我突然觉得应该将后面那段小仙女变大与彼得.潘接吻的镜头删掉,这正是太糟糕了,他们之间不应该有任何感情戏,嗯……为了迎合成年观众,或许可以加一点小暧丨昧,但他们之间更多的应该是友情……” After provoking the thought that two people started enthusiastically to discuss, to the setting sun in the western sky, Eric has sent out the villa Spielberg. 打开思路之后,两个人开始热烈地讨论了起来,一直到夕阳西下,艾瑞克才将斯皮尔伯格送出了别墅。 Eric, I unusual hope really you can participate in this movie, I can strive for at least 20% entering capital quotas for Samsung that side for you, hopes that you can consider, I believe that discussed in the afternoon these that revise after us, this movie will have the potential, before” boarded, Spielberg has not given up convincing the plan of Eric join as before. 艾瑞克,我真的非常希望你能够参与到这部电影当中来,我可以为三星那边为你争取到至少20%的入资额度,希望你能考虑一下,我相信,根据我们下午商议的那些进行修改之后,这部影片将会非常有潜力的,”上车之前,斯皮尔伯格依旧没有放弃说服艾瑞克入局的打算。 After a afternoon discussion, Eric also regained some confidence to this story, but he has not planned to enter the capital as before the thought: Steven, this is your project, I have provided corrections, moreover I have my movie to be busy.” 经过一下午的讨论,艾瑞克也对这个故事恢复了一些信心,但他依旧没有打算入资的念头:“史蒂文,这是你的项目,我只是提供了一点修改意见而已,而且我有自己的电影要忙。” Although Spielberg knows that Eric said these words make excuses, but he is not good to demand: Such being the case, that this, was right, acts the issue of candidate about the small female celestial, please as soon as possible give me an accurate news, I quite help you arrange, then, I left first, bye.” 虽然斯皮尔伯格知道艾瑞克说这些话只是托词,不过他也不好强求:“既然如此,那就这样吧,对了,关于小仙女扮演人选的问题,请尽快给我一个准确的消息,我好帮你安排,那么,我先离开了,再见。” My meeting, bye,” Eric beckons, looks that Spielberg's car goes far away gradually. “我会的,再见,”艾瑞克招了招手,看着斯皮尔伯格的汽车渐渐远去。 Eric, this should be a good opportunity, why aren't you willing to participate in the investment?” After Spielberg walks, Nicole cannot bear ask. 艾瑞克,这应该是一个好机会啊,你为什么不愿意参与投资?”等斯皮尔伯格走后,妮可才忍不住问道。 Although script underwent some revisions, but this story itself has the mechanical damage, the profit space is not big,” Eric shakes the head saying: Moreover, Spielberg and two actors these time not with any salary, but is direct participation movie final gain sharing, you know how many they can attain?” “虽然剧本经过了一些修改,但这个故事本身有硬伤,利润空间不大,”艾瑞克摇头道:“而且,斯皮尔伯格和两位男主角这一次都没有拿任何片酬,而是直接参与影片最后的利润分成,你知道他们要拿到多少吗?” Un?” Nicole looks to Eric, has sent out a syllable of doubts. “嗯?”妮可看向艾瑞克,发出了一个疑惑的音节。 Eric stretches out four fingers: They must take away the movie finally 40% profits, this does not apportion outside Hollywood that gain sharing of investor, but is the entire channel profit of movie, in this case, the constructor basically makes less than how much money, Sony finally also only gains to a reputation, participates in the investment with it, might as well produces a movie with this sum of money again.” 艾瑞克伸出四根手指:“他们三个人要拿走影片最后40%的利润,这可不是分给好莱坞以外投资人的那种利润分成,而是影片的全渠道利润,这样的话,制作方基本上赚不到多少钱,索尼最后也只赚到一个名声而已,与其参与投资,还不如用这笔钱再制作一部电影。” Nicole has also watched the report about «Hook» anticipated profit, it is said this movie can gain 200 million in the future, 40% profits are 80 million USD. 妮可也看过关于《霍克船长》预期利润的报道,据说这部电影将来能赚到两亿,40%的利润就是8000万美元啊。 Eric, if...... I meant, if I attain this role, you thought how many salaries Sony Film Industry will open to me?” 艾瑞克,如果……我是说如果我拿到这个角色,你觉得索尼影业会给我开多少片酬?” I have helped Spielberg busy today, refused him to enter the proposition of capital, therefore felt relieved that he definitely will strive for a very good contract for you, when he just left had suggested.” “我今天算是帮了斯皮尔伯格一个大忙,又拒绝了他入资的提议,所以放心吧,他肯定会为你争取一份很不错的合约的,他刚刚离开时已经暗示过了。” Nicole remembers Spielberg leaves that quickly common I will help you arrange, obviously refers to matter about small female celestial role. Nicole somewhat slightly jumps for joy first, but quick worried that asked: That, Julia Roberts that side......” 妮可很快想起斯皮尔伯格离开的时候那句不起眼的‘我会帮你安排’,显然指的就是关于小仙女角色的事情。妮可先是有些小雀跃,但很快就又担忧地问道:“那,茱莉亚.罗伯茨那边……” Eric pats dorsal comforting of girl saying: I give Julia to telephone in the evening first.” ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克拍着女郎的后背安抚地说道:“我晚上先给茱莉亚打个电话。”(未完待续)
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