IAIH :: Volume #4

#370: Rude

Eric this is first time delivers itself the gift, Nicole gains ground curiously: What thing?” 艾瑞克这还是第一次送自己礼物,妮可好奇地抬起头:“什么东西?” Under your just knows,” Eric said with a smile. “等下你就知道了,”艾瑞克笑道。 Nicole sips had the lip angle white Eric. 妮可抿起唇角白了艾瑞克一眼。 Has the lunch leisurely, Eric leads the girl to arrive at the study room, put out a dispatch case to give from the book shelf in the girl who on the sofa sat down. 慢悠悠地吃过午餐,艾瑞克才带着女郎来到书房,从书柜里拿出了一个文件袋递给在沙发上坐下的女郎。 Nicole pinched to feel opened, first touched a big string key. 妮可捏了捏感觉了一下才打开,首先摸出来了一大串钥匙。 „Is this key?” Nicole asked one strangely. “这是钥匙?”妮可奇怪地反问了一句。 On Manhattan the apartment in east district,” Eric then explained: Inside also check, a while ago borrowed your 8 million.” 曼哈顿上东区的公寓,”艾瑞克这才解释道:“里面还有一张支票,是前段时间借你的那800万。” Nicole surprisedly thing in the dispatch case completely but actually, besides the check and apartment property rights document, one pack of apartment pictures, looked at from the picture, this should be over 200 square meters duplex apartment, the interior used the brief warm tone repair style. 妮可惊讶地将文件袋中的东西全部倒了出来,除了支票和公寓产权文件,还有一叠公寓内部的照片,从照片上看,这应该是一栋超过200平米的复式公寓,内部采用简约的暖色调装修风格。 Said, these days hearsay really?” The girls read that pack of pictures to say. “这么说,这段时间的传闻是真的了?”女郎翻看着那一叠照片说道。 Hearsay?” “传闻?” Nicole said: Many people said that you have made a lot of money in this oil shock.” 妮可道:“不少人都说你在这次石油危机中赚了很多钱。” Truly has gained,” Eric said ambiguously. “确实赚了些,”艾瑞克含糊地说道。 Nicole raised hand the picture, selects the eyebrow to say with a smile: Definitely incessantly some, on the duplex apartment in east district does not go against mansion cheap many compared with Beverly Hills, that...... Do other people have?” 妮可扬了扬手中的照片,挑眉笑道:“肯定不止‘一些’,上东区的复式公寓可不比贝弗利山顶豪宅便宜多少,那个……其他人也有吗?” I wanted to raise more money at that time as far as possible, will borrow toward you, has not thought that afterward some people gave money generously suddenly, therefore I considered to lead you to invest together, this house gained with your capital, only then you and Vicky had. Said that I also really am miserable, in the woman only then you and Vicky can draw cash to me.” “我当时只是想要尽量筹集更多的钱,才会朝你们借的,没想到后来有人突然慷慨解囊,所以我就当是带你们一起投资了,这套房子还是用你的本金赚来的,只有你和维姬有。说起来我还真是凄凉,女人里只有你和维姬能拿钱给我。” Can see you from here unpopular how,” Nicole has ridiculed one, pursues quickly asks: Julia Roberts should be richest that she...... «Sleeping with the Enemy» took the 8 million salary.” “从这里就可以看出你是多么的不得人心了呢,”妮可揶揄了一句,很快追问道:“茱莉亚.罗伯茨应该是最有钱的那个吧,她……一部《与敌共眠》就拿了800万片酬。” Eric shrugs: I go to her there time. Just bumps into Liz also, heard me to say lends money, they think that I was cracking a joke, caught up with me.” 艾瑞克耸耸肩:“我去她那里的时候。刚好碰到莉兹也在,听到我说借钱,她们以为我在开玩笑,把我赶出来了。” Nicole has gawked, has smiled quickly elatedly. 妮可愣了下,很快乐不可支的笑了起来。 Eric also shows a helpless look, although afterward Julia knew he does not crack a joke. However at that time he from seven big had attained the big fund, the girl that several million were also dispensable, again has not wanted. 艾瑞克也露出一个无奈的神色,虽然后来茱莉亚知道了他并不是开玩笑。不过那时候他已经从七大拿到大笔的资金,女郎那几百万也就可有可无了,也就没有再要。 Since is my money Zhuanlai, I accepted,” Nicole quick takes back in the dispatch case to say the thing on tea table. “既然是我自己的钱赚来的,那我就收下了,”妮可很快将茶几上的东西收回文件袋中说道。 Was right. What matter do you ask me to have today?” “对了。你今天来找我有什么事情?” Just received good Nicole a big pile scattered becomes the hidden bitterness gets up once more: Now sees you to be really difficult at the same time enough.” 刚刚将一大堆零散收好的妮可再次变得幽怨起来:“现在见你一面可真够难的。” Good, said the proper business,” Eric said hastily. “好吧,说正事,”艾瑞克连忙道。 „Do you know the Spielberg recent that movie?” “你知道斯皮尔伯格最近的那部电影吗?” Eric has thought, asked: «Hook»?” 艾瑞克想了下,问道:“《霍克船长》?” Nicole nods: I participated before small female celestial Ting Bell's screen test, the person of competition are many, can you help me dredge.” 妮可点点头:“我之前已经参加了其中小仙女婷科拜尔的试镜,不过竞争的人很多,你能不能帮我疏通一下。” Eric recalled one next these days in the news that on newspaper sees about «Hook», this movie is the thought that Spielberg has since childhood, these years also continuously in repeated writing script. By the near future under recently established Sony Film Industry urges to initiate a project officially, it can be said that filthy rich Japanese another ambitious project, investment institution's prospect to this movie project non- also often favors. Very specialized movie magazine also analyzes this movie at least to attain the 200 million USD profit. 艾瑞克回忆了一下这段时间在报纸上看到的关于《霍克船长》的消息,这部电影是斯皮尔伯格从小就产生的念头,这些年也一直在反反复复的写剧本。直到近期才在新成立的索尼影业促使下正式立项,可以说是财大气粗的日本人又一个野心勃勃的项目,投资机构对这个电影项目的前景非也常看好。有一家很专业的电影杂志还分析这部电影至少能够拿到两亿美元的利润。 However, Eric actually knows that this movie final result had not actually estimated that bright eye, manufactured the announcement cost to surpass 100 million USD, North America Box Office also only then 100 million many, returns to the book through the overseas release reluctantly . Moreover the reputation of this movie was in a complete mess. The commentators criticize this movie are the deliberately creating trouble fantasies that the expensive special effect builds. 不过,艾瑞克却知道这部电影最后的成绩却没有预计中的那么亮眼,制作宣发成本超过了一亿美元,北美票房也只有一亿多一点,通过海外发行才算是勉强回本,而且这部电影的口碑更是一塌糊涂。评论者批评这部电影是昂贵特效堆砌的胡闹幻想。 Nicole, although this movie is the Sony investment. However the leader is actually Spielberg, I do not have any friendship with him. Moreover before he wanted to attain the «Jurassic Park» reorganization power, but also was refused......” Eric to say by me was saying, actually discovered that the expression of girl by losing was turned into the hidden bitterness, was turned into the grievance by the hidden bitterness: This, you......” 妮可,虽然这部电影是索尼投资的。不过主导者却是斯皮尔伯格,我跟他可没什么交情。而且之前他想要拿到《侏罗纪公园》的改编权,还被我拒绝了……”艾瑞克说着说着,却发现女郎的表情由失落变成幽怨,由幽怨变成委屈:“这个,你……” Said that you are not willing to help me.” “这么说,你不愿意帮我了。” Actually, this movie also......” “其实,这部电影也……” Nicole has interrupted the Eric words immediately: You are not willing to help me!” 妮可立刻打断了艾瑞克的话:“你就是不愿意帮我!” You listened to me saying that this movie not to......” “你听我说,这部电影并不会对……” Has sufficed,” Nicole looked at Eric suffering from injustice, in the eye was overflowing the tears slowly: „, Why you always so are why unkind to me, where I do insufficient good? Why you so are good to these women, a while ago you just had taken care of a comedy movie for that woman, now many people know. Julia Roberts, my which point was inferior to her, you have prepared three Box Office for her hundred million movies, you know that what the shoots three Box Office broken hundred million movies do mean continuously? In Hollywood, she is nobody can, Drew, ha, 15-year-old producer. But I, I always very much listen to your words, you make me trade manager, I have traded quickly, you need money, you who the credit card that I overdraw lends, you know that they had their house, several you bought for their, in villa that but I also live in now renting, you said where I have made the mistake, I made you help me say that several words, you must such refuse......” “够了,”妮可委屈地望着艾瑞克,眼睛里慢慢溢出了泪水:“为什么,为什么你总是对我这么刻薄,我到底哪里做的不够好?凭什么你对那些女人都那么好,前段时间你才刚刚为那个女人张罗了一部喜剧电影,现在很多人都知道。还有茱莉亚.罗伯茨,我哪点不如她了,你一口气为她准备了三部票房过亿的电影,你知道连续拍摄三部票房破亿的电影意味着什么吗?在好莱坞,她已经是无人能及了,还有德鲁,哈,15岁的制片人啊。而我呢,我从来都很听你的话,你让我换经纪人,我很快就换了,你需要钱,我透支的信用卡借给的你,你知道吗,她们都有自己的房子了,好几个还是你买给她们的,可我现在还住在租来的别墅里,你说,我到底哪里做错了,我只是让你帮我说几句话,你就要这么推三阻四……” The girls were saying was saying, held the knee to shrink in the single-seat sofa to sob unexpectedly. 女郎说着说着,竟然抱着膝盖缩在单人沙发里抽泣了起来。 This situation is somewhat sudden, Eric also becomes helpless, he has not thought that Nicole accumulated these many to read to own resentment at heart. 这情形有些突然,艾瑞克也变得手足无措起来,他没想到妮可心里已经积累了这么多对自己的怨念。 Was good, Nicole, do not cry, my this telephones, certainly helps you take this role,” Eric arrived at side Nicole to squat down, pats the arm of girl to say. “好了,妮可,别哭了,我这就打电话,一定帮你把这个角色拿下来,”艾瑞克走到妮可身边蹲下,拍了拍女郎的手臂说道。 Nicole breaks free from the hand of Eric, buries the head on the both legs continues to sob, like a spiteful little girl: I do not want, does not want, your this bastard, you is a big bastard.” 妮可甩开艾瑞克的手,将脑袋埋在双腿上继续抽泣,像一个赌气的小女孩:“我不要,不要了,你这个混蛋,你是个大混蛋。” Good. I apologize, before I somewhat was truly excessive, always neglects your feeling,” Eric drew a Nicole small hand: Actually, I think you such intelligently competent. Should always not make me worry like them.” “好吧。我道歉,以前我确实有些过分,总是忽略你的感受,”艾瑞克妮可的一只小手拉过来:“其实,我以为你这么聪明能干。应该不会像她们那样总是让我操心的。” You quibbled, you were the bias,” Nicole has not gained ground as before condemned one. “你狡辩,你就是偏心,”妮可依旧没有抬头地谴责了一句。 Ok, I do not quibble, I have made a mistake,” Eric apologized hastily. “ok,我不狡辩了,我错了,”艾瑞克连忙道歉。 I do not want you to feel sorry. Your this bastard.” “我不要你可怜。你这个混蛋。” Yes, my bastard.” “是的,我混蛋。” Some little time, Eric has comforted the girl, works as the Nicole surface dial telephone to exit. 好一会儿,艾瑞克才将女郎安抚了下来,并且当着妮可的面一个个拨打电话出去。 Although «Hook» will not bring any advantage to the enterprise of girl, but will not bring any fault. This after all is a around the world influential movie, moreover finally is defeated, the responsibility is impossible to advance on Heroine, since Nicole wants to develop, that strove. 虽然《霍克船长》不会给女郎的事业带来什么好处,不过也不会带来什么坏处。这毕竟是一部在世界范围内都具有影响力的电影,而且最后就算是失败,责任也不可能推到女主角身上,既然妮可想要演,那就争取过来好了。 Made a phone call, Eric has put down the microphone: I related to Spielberg, just he in Los Angeles, noon tomorrow I will invite him to come Cliff Peak Manor to be a guest.” 打了一番电话,艾瑞克放下话筒:“我联系到斯皮尔伯格了,刚好他在洛杉矶,明天中午我邀请他来尖角庄园做客。” Nicole restored at this time from just malpractice. In the hand grabs several facial tissues, is cleaning up on the face the makeup allows, to hear the Eric words. Nicole curled the lip, shrinks as in the sofa. 妮可此时已经从刚刚的失态中恢复过来。手里抓着几张面巾纸,清理着脸上化掉的妆容,听到艾瑞克的话。妮可只是撇了撇嘴,依旧缩在沙发里。 Now, making us chat well,” Eric sat in the Nicole opposite. “现在,让我们好好谈谈,”艾瑞克坐在了妮可对面。 On the Nicole face shows the flurried look immediately, like one faced with suspect of trial: I...... Under I go to the washroom.” 妮可脸上顿时露出慌乱的神色,像一个面临审判的嫌疑犯:“我……我去下洗手间。” Un,” Eric nods. Looks that the girl stands up to run into the bathroom, some little time the grinding chirp once more walked from inside. The chignon that gripped has dispersed at this time is hanging loose on the shoulder, the eye socket blushes slightly. Whole person were many several points of delicate makings. “嗯,”艾瑞克点点头。看着女郎站起身逃进浴室里,好一会儿才磨磨唧唧地再次从里面走了出来。原本扎起的发髻此时已经散开披散着肩膀上,眼眶微微发红。整个人多了几分柔弱气质。 When the girl sits down in the opposite, Eric asked very much straightforwardly: Nicole, you like me, right?” 等女郎在对面坐下,艾瑞克很直白地问道:“妮可,你喜欢我,对吧?” I...... No,” Nicole refutes immediately. “我……没有,”妮可立刻反驳道。 Eric has not heard the words of girl likely, said: Before, I am very always difficult to determine this matter, but I can affirm today.” 艾瑞克像是没听到女郎的话,说道:“以前,我总是很难确定这件事,不过今天我可以肯定了。” That...... That is also what kind, you do not like me, your this...... The bastards, you will only play with me.” “那又……那又怎么样,你又不喜欢我,你这个……混蛋,你只会玩弄我。” Isn't serious?” “没那么严重吧?” Nicole toward not far away desk one finger: In there, you me according to kneeling on the ground to you mouth | the junction, ended has also made me swallow down these disgusting things, did you forget?” 妮可朝不远处的办公桌一指:“就在那里,你把我按跪在地上给你口丨交,完了还让我把那些恶心的东西吞下去,难道你忘了?” cough cough, this, has one time.” ,这个,只有一次而已。” Twice, one time in the Beverly Hills villa,” Nicole refutes immediately. “两次,还有一次在贝弗利山的别墅里,”妮可立刻反驳道。 Good, twice, I thought we now not discuss this topic to well.” “好吧,两次,我觉得我们现在还是不要谈论这个话题为好。” Snort!” “哼!” Throughout the afternoon, the girls look like abandoning one's wife of hidden bitterness, numerous before Eric evil conduct scolded, goes to bed to sleep to the evening, the girls are playing the small temperament. 整个下午,女郎都像一个幽怨的弃妇,林林总总地将艾瑞克之前的‘恶行’数落了一遍,一直到晚上上床睡觉,女郎都在玩小脾气。 Tonight I do not want to make | the love with you, you cannot cross the middle this line,” wore a Eric T-shirt to be the girl of night clothes to put out a hand to gesticulate in the beds, warned that said. “今天晚上我不想跟你做丨爱,你不许越过中间这条线,”穿着艾瑞克一条t恤做睡衣的女郎伸手在大床中间比划了一下,警告地说道。 The Eric somewhat reluctantly pass/test lights a lamp, lies down in another side, said: You know the words that Nicole, you just spoke are actually a cold joke.” 艾瑞克有些无奈地关上灯,在另一边躺下,才说道:“你知道吗,妮可,其实你刚刚说的话是一个冷笑话。” In the darkness the girl snort|hum one is the response. 黑暗中女郎哼了一声算是回应。 Eric continues saying: Said that is another pair of male and female appointment, they stay in a hotel, the girl compared to act with constraint, before sleeping, has also drawn a line in the beds, said the boy, if more passed, was the animal.” 艾瑞克继续道:“说是又一对男女约会,两人住一家旅馆,女孩比较矜持,睡觉之前在床中间也画了一条线,说男孩如果越过去,就是禽兽。” Eric said here, stopped intentionally. 艾瑞克说道这里,故意停了下来。 Nicole had not heard obviously previous life spreads very broad piece in the network, crossed some little time finally could not bear ask: That...... Afterward?” 妮可显然没有听说过前世在网络上流传很广的段子,过了好一会儿终于忍不住问道:“那……后来呢?” Afterward a boy really whole evening had not crossed that line that the girl draws.” “后来男孩果然一整晚都没有越过女孩画的那条线。” Oh,” Nicole has complied with one, stood up from failure likely, complained: Does not have the meaning.” ,”妮可应了一声,像是翻了个身,抱怨道:“没意思。” Eric said with a smile: I have not said that sleep wakes up, the girl noticed that the boy rests well-mannered in the boundary other one side, the action that a whole evening has not overstepped, put out a hand to give the boy a palm of the hand, scolded: Your animal was inferior.” 艾瑞克笑道:“我还没说完呢,一觉醒来,女郎看到男孩规规矩矩地睡在分界线另外一边,一整晚都没有逾越的举动,伸手就给了男孩一巴掌,骂道:你连禽兽都不如。” Nicole has gawked, eats to smile quickly several, stretched out the longleg to come on Eric to trample a foot maliciously: Bastard, you again said that ten cold jokes do not think tonight.” 妮可愣了下,很快吃吃笑了几下,伸出长腿过来在艾瑞克身上狠狠踹了一脚:“混蛋,你就是再说十个冷笑话今晚也别想。” Eric has smiled under: Naturally, this is only one laughs very much purely.” 艾瑞克笑了下:“当然,这只是一个很纯粹地笑话。” Nicole also snort|hum, said: Sleeps.” 妮可又哼了一句,说道:“睡觉。” Good, sleeps.” “好的,睡觉。” Two people have both closed eye, unknowingly has rested, sleep wakes up, Nicole discovered one do not know when had been hugged by Eric in the bosom, treats as the night clothes T-shirt not to know when did not have, in only remaining are from top to bottom small | the trousers, the big hand of man also turns round in her chest. 两个人都闭上了眼睛,不知不觉地睡了过去,一觉醒来,妮可就发现自己不知道什么时候已经被艾瑞克抱在怀里,当做睡衣地t恤也不知道什么时候没有了,浑身上下只剩下一条小内丨裤,男人的大手还覆在她的胸口。 Your this animal,” felt that Eric wakes up, Nicole scolded one immediately, in expression more is actually charmingly angry. “你这个禽兽,”感觉到艾瑞克醒来,妮可立刻骂了一句,语气中更多的却是娇嗔。 Eric embraced the bosom the girl, the big hand has rubbed several in the girl chest, slid following the smooth waist curve quickly, searched into that flower bud | the silk small trousers, has teased the girl maliciously, pant started on own initiative Suo Wen until the girl, Eric shoved open Nicole, teases: , early, we did not get out of bed.” 艾瑞克将女郎揽进怀里,大手在女郎胸口揉了几下,很快顺着光滑的腰肢曲线滑了下去,探入那条蕾丨丝小裤,将女郎狠狠地挑逗了一番,直到女郎气喘嘘嘘地开始主动索吻,艾瑞克才将妮可推开,戏谑道:“,不早了,我们起床吧。” Bastard, you plays with me,” Nicole sudden looks like only small stray cat jumped, presses Eric under the body. “混蛋,你又玩弄我,”妮可突然像只小野猫似的跳了起来,将艾瑞克压在身下。 Toward noon, Lincoln car drives into Cliff Peak Manor, waited for a long time that Eric moved forward to meet somebody quickly, Spielberg got out, as if saw that the old friend hugged with Eric generally under: Eric, does not see for a long time.” 临近中午,一辆林肯轿车驶入尖角庄园,已经等待多时的艾瑞克很快迎了上去,斯皮尔伯格下了车,仿佛见到老朋友一般与艾瑞克拥抱了下:“艾瑞克,好久不见。” For a long time does not see, recently was what kind, Steven?” “好久不见,最近怎么样,史蒂文?” Also good,” Spielberg also exchanged greetings with Eric several, change stands in Eric Nicole: This is beautiful Miss Kidman, I have watched your screen test video recording.” “还行吧,”斯皮尔伯格又与艾瑞克寒暄了几句,才转向站在艾瑞克身边的妮可:“这位就是美丽的基德曼小姐吧,我看过你的试镜录像。” Thank you, Mr. Spielberg,” the Nicole politeness has grasped starting with Spielberg, both sides exchanged greetings, Eric brought Spielberg to enter the villa quickly. “谢谢你,斯皮尔伯格先生,”妮可礼貌地与斯皮尔伯格握了下手,双方寒暄了一阵,艾瑞克很快带着斯皮尔伯格走进了别墅。 Before the lunch , the chef who was invited specially has completed, shortly after Spielberg divorced recently, has not led the female companion, therefore in dining room, only then they. 午餐之前已经由特意请来的厨师做好了,斯皮尔伯格最近才离婚不久,没有带女伴,因此餐厅里只有他们三个人。 From the beginning, three people have not referred to the matter about «Hook», was only to the lunch review, chatted much about the amusing thing that finally Hollywood had. 一开始,三个人并没有谈及关于《霍克船长》的事情,只是对午餐点评了一番,又聊了不少关于最后好莱坞发生的趣事。 Until after a half hour, the lunch eats was similar, Eric is probing asking: Steven, «Hook» hasn't Heroine determined now?” 直到半个多小时之后,午餐吃的差不多了,艾瑞克才试探着问道:“史蒂文,《霍克船长》的女主角现在还没有确定吧?” Spielberg looked at Nicole, vision somewhat is strange, nods: Yes, Eric.” 斯皮尔伯格看了眼妮可,目光却有些怪异,点点头:“是的,艾瑞克。” You thought that Nicole is what kind of?” Eric has not beaten around the bush, certainly must in any case owe a Spielberg favor today, can come from Spielberg today personally the manner that takes this role to be very easy. “那你觉得妮可怎么样?”艾瑞克也没有绕弯子,反正今天肯定是要欠斯皮尔伯格一个人情了,从斯皮尔伯格今天能亲自过来的态度来看,拿下这个角色应该很容易。 „The performance of Miss Kidman is very splendid,” Spielberg truly has watched the screen test video recording of Nicole, told the facts: Eric, some some other issues, in the current candidate, another star also is very competitive.” 基德曼小姐的表演很出色,”斯皮尔伯格确实看过妮可的试镜录像,实话实说道:“不过艾瑞克,这其中还有一些其他问题,目前的候选人中,另外一个女星也很有竞争力。” Eric has thought slightly, immediately has remembered the form of another girl. ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克稍微思索了一下,顿时想起了另外一个女郎的身影。(未完待续)
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