IAIH :: Volume #4

#369: Having the thing must give you

From early August, Eric stayed in New York half a month, the low key returns to Los Angeles. +◆ 从八月初,艾瑞克纽约又呆了半个月,才低调返回洛杉矶。+◆ Compared with Eric ahead of time going back, is he cash flow that screens out from oneself under several companies, along with several billions USD capital feedbacks to Firefly and other companies, because originally the fund dried up to fall into the scared several companies quickly to resume the normal revolution suddenly, Firefly chief financial officer Carloyn Elliot was also quietly in early August has taken back the mortgage application of Citibank. 艾瑞克提前‘回去’的,是他从自己手下几家公司抽走的现金流,随着数亿美元资金回流到萤火虫等公司,原本因为资金突然枯竭而陷入恐慌的几家公司很快恢复了正常的运转,萤火虫的财务总监卡洛琳.艾略特也在八月初悄无声息地收回了花旗银行的贷款申请。 At this time, that is the slow person, realized that the Eric gambling won. 此时,那是再迟钝的人,也意识到艾瑞克赌赢了。 That side Middle East, Saddam after annexing Kuwait, has not stopped the offensive, 100,000 armies after eliminating Kuwait revolt, direct pressure to the Saudi Arabian border, if Kuwait were annexed, the Western country is also only shocking, Saddam's this time movement has made the majority of Western country feel frightened. 中东那边,萨达姆在吞并了科威特之后,并没有停下攻势,100000大军在肃清科威特内部反抗之后,直接压向沙特阿拉伯边境,如果科威特被吞并,西方国家还只是震惊的话,那萨达姆此时的动作已经让大部分西方国家感到恐惧了。 Because the land area surpasses a 2 million square kilometer Saudi Arabia to have 70,000 conventional forces, the average compared with Kuwait might as well, resists the ability of Iraqi invasion not to mention. 因为国土面积超过200万平方公里的沙特阿拉伯只有70000常规部队,平均下来比科威特还不如,抵抗伊拉克入侵的能力就更不必说。 Once Saddam invades Saudi Arabia once more, holds the Persian Gulf important highway, then the Western country thoroughly lost the controlling force to Middle East. 一旦萨达姆再次入侵沙特阿拉伯,扼守波斯湾要道,那么西方国家就彻底失去了对中东的控制力。 But Iraqi, Kuwaiti and Saudi Arabian three countries has verified the crude oil reserves to occupy 45% of world ultimate reserves, other surplus 55% actually disperse across the world, therefore, once Iraq annexes Saudi Arabia once more, then Saddam is shouted that each barrel of 100 USD high price, share that the Western country also can only the little darling take out money. 而伊拉克、科威特和沙特阿拉伯三个国家的已探明原油储量占据了世界总储量的45%,其他剩余的55%却是分散在全世界各地的,因此,一旦伊拉克再次吞并沙特,那么萨达姆就是喊出每桶100美元的高价,西方国家也只能乖乖掏钱的份儿了。 Facing the threat of Iraqi so bare naked, does not hope that the West meddled the Arabic various countries of Middle East business to compromise rapidly, accepted the American Pie soldier's suggestion. 面对伊拉克如此赤丨裸裸的威胁,原本不希望西方插手中东事务的阿拉伯诸国迅速妥协,接受了美国派兵的建议。 Meanwhile. The western nation rapid has applied the large-scale sanction to Iraq. Not only has frozen Iraq and Kuwait in over a thousand hundred million USD properties of overseas. Also has implemented the severest embargo measure to Iraq. 同时。西方国家迅速对伊拉克实施了大规模的制裁。不但冻结了伊拉克和科威特在海外的上千亿美元资产。还对伊拉克实施了最严厉的禁运措施。 However, all these have not prevented dramatic rise of crude price, because the Iraqi armies are ready to make trouble to Saudi Arabia, within short one week, the crude price rose dramatically 29 USD, the increase scope has surpassed 40%, until August 7, 1990, the Pentagon announced that the federal sharpest 82 nd airborne division advance forces arrived in Saudi Arabia. The panicky rise of crude price has slowed down. 然而,这一切并没有阻止原油价格的飙升,因为伊拉克大军对沙特蠢蠢欲动,短短一个星期之内,原油价格就飙升到了29美元,涨幅超过了40%,直到1990年8月7日,五角大楼宣布联邦最精锐的第82空降师先遣部队已经抵达沙特。原油价格的恐慌性上涨才放缓了下来。 When Eric returns to Los Angeles, the US forces had to surpass the 100,000 person to enter Persian Gulf, forms the confrontation with the Iraqi armies, the international oil price rise speed reduces speed once more, but faces the war of being ready to be set off, sign that the rise of oil price as before has not actually stopped. 艾瑞克返回洛杉矶时,美军已经有超过10万人进驻波斯湾,与伊拉克大军形成对峙局面,国际原油价格上涨速度再次减慢,但面对一触即发的战争,油价的上涨却依旧没有停止的迹象。 A black helicopter in the Los Angeles western suburbs Playa Vista landing, Eric is leading some people from the helicopter, after coming to greet the administrative area brains that introduced mutually, Eric to Stan Winston that comes together said: Stan, you think here what kind . A front less than 100 meters place, was Howard once. Hughes airport. Naturally, now has left uncultivated, I plan to purchase about 100 hectares lands here, the construction belong to the Firefly shoots base.” 一架黑色直升飞机在洛杉矶西郊的普雷亚维斯塔降落,艾瑞克带着一干人从直升机上下来,与前来迎接的行政区头脑们相互介绍之后,艾瑞克才对跟着一起来的斯坦.温斯顿道:“斯坦,你觉得这里怎么样。前面不到100米的地方,就是曾经霍华德.休斯的飞机场。当然,现在已经荒废了,我打算在这里购买100公顷左右的土地,建造属于萤火虫拍摄基地。” Stan Winston has sized up, said: I can affirm that your this time has truly made a lot of money.” 斯坦.温斯顿四下打量了一番,才说道:“我只是可以肯定,你这次确实赚了很多钱。” Eric smiled slightly, has not initiated this topic. 艾瑞克微微笑了笑,并没有接这个话题。 Now knows that he fired the petroleum Pe­tro­leum people curious he to make how much money a while ago, these days probe has not broken. 现在很多知道他前段时间炒石油期货的人都好奇他到底赚了多少钱,这段时间明里暗里的试探从来都没有断过。 However now specific figure he does not know, because that side New York takes three months later can conclude. 不过现在具体数字连他自己都不知道,因为纽约那边要三个月之后才能收尾。 Noted the Eric expression, Stan Winston has also smiled, he just at will teased one, shifted the topic to front matter at quickly: Here to the Venice that side, only then less than five kilometers distance, if you must construct the photographic base here, perhaps the special effect work room of digital domain can also move here, in the plan the Tyrannosaurus Rex model in «Jurassic Park» reaches as high as 20 feet, needs very big space to operate.” 注意到艾瑞克的表情,斯坦.温斯顿也笑了起来,他刚刚只是随意调侃了一句,很快将话题转移到面前的事情上:“这里离威尼斯那边只有不到五公里的距离,如果你要在这里建造摄影基地的话,数字领域的特效工作室或许也可以挪到这里,计划中《侏罗纪公园》中的霸王龙模型可是高达20英尺,需要很大的空间才能操作呢。” I am considered this point,” Eric said: I not only need construct the conventional movie studio here, will also build a special effect film and television base, Stan, if you want, this base can be under the charge to you.” “我本来就是考虑到了这一点,”艾瑞克说道:“我不但要在这里建造常规的摄影棚,还将打造一个特效影视基地,斯坦,如果你愿意的话,这个基地可以由你来负责。” Stan Winston somewhat is slightly excited, but he discretely said: Eric, here geographical qualification is truly good, but actually very big shortcomings, here left the Los Angeles urban district to be too far, the transportation was not convenient, if according to your plan, but needed the massive specialists.” 斯坦.温斯顿微微有些激动,但他还是谨慎地说道:“艾瑞克,这里地理条件确实不错,不过却有一个很大的缺点,这里离洛杉矶市区太远了,交通非常不方便,如果按照你的计划的话,可是需要大量的专业人员的。” This I have also considered, I will disburse money to construct the total system here the necessary infrastructure, including the residential district, the supermarket, school wait/etc.,” Eric said quickly. “这个我也考虑过了,我会出钱在这里建造全系统的配套基础设施,包括住宅区、超级市场、学校等等,”艾瑞克很快说道。 Stan Winston somewhat is surprised, but followed in Eric Playa Vista fishery administrations actually already excitedly to the extreme, if the plan of Eric achieved, then the economic development to this administrative area will play the huge impetus. 斯坦.温斯顿还只是有些惊讶,而跟在艾瑞克身边的普雷亚维斯塔行政主管们却已经激动到了无以复加,艾瑞克的计划如果达成,那么对这个行政区的经济发展将起到巨大的推动作用。 Mr. Williams, what you said is real?” tall Shou a middle-aged white man cannot bear ask. 威廉姆斯先生,你说的是真的吗?”一个高瘦的中年白人男子忍不住问道。 Naturally,” Eric looks at the opposite party to say earnestly: But, if you can fully coordinate, I ensure this plan achieves the time not over three years, total investment no less than 1 billion USD.” “当然,”艾瑞克认真地看着对方说道:“但是,如果你们能够全力配合的话,我保证这个计划达成时间不会超过三年,总投资不少于10亿美元。” Follows to talk in whispers immediately in Eric Playa Vista fishery administrations, 1 billion USD big project, they want unable to think before that has not thought will come across such good deed suddenly. 跟在艾瑞克身边的普雷亚维斯塔行政主管们顿时窃窃私语起来,10亿美元的大项目,以前他们想都不敢想,没想到会突然遇到这样的好事。 Eric leads Stan Winston and the others to continue stand forth, reason that chooses this region, is not Eric is prompted by a sudden impulse, but DreamWorks that because in the memory, previous life Spielberg and the others founded, choice shoots base here, many years later, here also developed a famous Playa Vista community, the well-known movie chose here shoots, for example «Iron Man» series. 艾瑞克则带着斯坦.温斯顿等人继续向前走去,之所以选择这块区域,并不是艾瑞克心血来潮,而是因为记忆中,前世斯皮尔伯格等人创建的梦工厂,选择的拍摄基地就在这里,多年之后,这里还发展成了一个大名鼎鼎的普雷亚维斯塔社区,很多知名电影都选择在这里拍摄,比如《钢铁侠》系列。 Used morning time, Eric to stroll the Playa Vista area, discussed with the administrative area managers preliminary plan, toward noon, one group of people were standing when an artificial lakeside was directing to the surrounding terrain, SUV has arrived on the people nearby path, on the vehicle was quick several people. 用了一上午时间,艾瑞克普雷亚维斯塔地区逛了一遍,与行政区主管们商议了初步的方案,临近中午,一群人正站在一个人工湖畔对着周围的地形指指点点时,一辆suv开到了众人附近的道路上,车上很快下来几个人。 Present Playa Vista is also equal to the Los Angeles suburb. With described sparsely inhabited a point is not overrated. Therefore the sudden all-terrain vehicle captured the attention of all people. Many people realized, the person on vehicle is definitely concerned with their this group of people. 现在的普雷亚维斯塔还相当于洛杉矶的郊区。用人烟稀少形容一点也不为过。因此突然出现的越野车将所有人的目光都吸引了过去。不少人都意识到,车上的人肯定与他们这群人有关。 Really, as the person on vehicle walks, Eric has recognized the tall and slender girl of taking the lead, somewhat is immediately surprised, how Nicole will find here. 果然,随着车上的人走下来,艾瑞克一眼就认出了走在前面的高挑女郎,顿时有些惊讶,妮可怎么会找到这里来。 Distant place the bodyguard of Nicole to accompanying had confessed that only led a 30 year golden hair woman to walk quickly. 远处的妮可对随行的保镖交代了一声,很快只带着一个三十岁左右的金发女人走了过来。 To Eric also 45 meters times, the tall and slender girl has shown the light hidden bitterness look. Moreover the vision not minces matter, locks on Eric very much directly. 艾瑞克还有45米的时候,高挑女郎已经露出了淡淡的幽怨神色。而且目光毫不掩饰,很直接地锁定在艾瑞克身上。 Eric notes about to look as if by prior agreement to own dim daylight | the dark vision, somewhat reluctantly welcomed the girl: Nicole, how do you know me here?” 艾瑞克注意到左右不约而同望向自己的暧丨昧目光,有些无奈地迎上女郎:“妮可,你怎么知道我在这里?” Yes, found you to be possible not to be really easy,” Nicole has not answered this issue, but complained one in a soft voice. “是啊,找到你可真不容易呢,”妮可没有回答这个问题,只是轻声抱怨了一句。 Eric had not asked again that knows own whereabouts on such several people, thinks also to know news where Nicole obtains. Eric then looks to following in Nicole golden hair woman: This is?” 艾瑞克也没有再问,知道自己行踪的就那么几个人,想想也知道妮可从哪里得到的消息。艾瑞克转而看向跟在妮可身边的金发女人:“这位是?” Hello, Mr. Williams. I am the faction. Kingsley.” “你好,威廉姆斯先生。我是派.金丝莉。” Eric was astonished however has sized up one up and down this woman, he only remembers that initially spoke thoughtlessly with Nicole said one. Has not thought that then several months, Nicole has traded manager. 艾瑞克讶然地上下打量了一番这个女人,他只记得当初随口跟妮可说了一句。没想到这才几个月,妮可已经换了经纪人 Grasped starting with the opposite party, Eric said with a smile: Hello, Ms. Kingsley, that Cruise recently fortunately?” 与对方握了下手,艾瑞克笑道:“你好,金丝莉女士,那个,克鲁斯最近还好吧?” Is very good, thank you for your concern,” faction. The Kingsley politeness said that secretly is taking also a look at the present young people, although Eric and Cruise have the cooperation, but at that time, Cruise manager also calculated Paula Wagner, therefore this is their first meeting. “很好,谢谢你的关心,”派.金丝莉礼貌地说道,同时也在暗暗打量眼前的年轻人,虽然艾瑞克克鲁斯有过合作,不过那个时候,克鲁斯经纪人还算宝拉.瓦格纳,因此这还是两人第一次见面。 After the opposite party exchanged greetings two, Eric looked at the watch, said to Nicole: Nicole, you come unfortunately, I must go back really exactly.” 与对方寒暄两句之后,艾瑞克看了看手表,对妮可说道:“妮可,你来的真不巧,我恰好要回去了。” The vision of girl once more becomes the hidden bitterness is immediately incomparable: „Don't you so much like seeing me?” 女郎的目光顿时再次变得幽怨无比:“你就这么不喜欢见到我吗?” Hears the words of girl, the faction. Kingsley raised the eyebrow, was tactful to draw back slightly quickly several steps, will exchange the space to leave this men and women. 听到女郎的话,派.金丝莉微微挑了挑眉,很快识趣地退开了几步,将交流空间留给这对男女。 Eric shook the head: No, what I said is real.” 艾瑞克摇了摇头:“没有,我说的是真的。” „Can I go to your there to be a guest?” The girls said again. “那我可以去你那里做客吗?”女郎再次说道。 Good, but I ride the helicopter to come, perhaps you must make your bodyguard assistants go back.” “好吧,不过我坐直升机过来的,或许你得让你的保镖助理们自己回去了。” The hidden bitterness on Nicole face vanishes into thin air immediately, somewhat slightly jumps for joy nods: My this went to say with them.” 妮可脸上的幽怨立刻烟消云散,有些小雀跃地点点头:“我这就去跟他们说。” After a while, Eric and Nicole sat to return to the Malibu helicopter together, as for Stan Winston and faction. Kingsley and the others, are tactful has not made the electric lamp bulb. 过了一会儿,艾瑞克妮可一起坐上了回马里布的直升机,至于斯坦.温斯顿和派.金丝莉等人,都很识趣地没有做电灯泡。 After a half hour, the helicopter in the Cliff Peak Manor aircraft parking area, Eric leads the girl to move toward the villa, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: manager when trades, how don't I know?” 半个小时后,在尖角庄园的停机坪上下来直升机,艾瑞克带着女郎走向别墅,随口问道:“什么时候换的经纪人,我怎么不知道?” You had not cared my matter, how possibly knows, I...... I listened to your suggestion to trade.” “你都没关心过我的事情,怎么可能知道,我……我还是听了你的建议换的。” Eric awkwardly cough, hastily shift topic: Thought that she is what kind of?” 艾瑞克尴尬地了下,连忙转移话题:“觉得她怎么样?” Also good, Petheo suggested that I take the low key mysterious performance route, as far as possible maintains the distance with the public, other, I had not looked that she has any special place.” “还行吧,派特建议我走低调神秘的演艺路线,尽量与公众保持距离,其他的,我还没看出来她有什么特别之处。” The Eric slight bow, has not expressed any opinion, the previous life faction. Kingsley can in good order, with seems this type of packing route that the Tom Cruise enterprise handles, in more than ten years image continuously maintained perfect of Cruise, obviously this route is very practical. 艾瑞克只是微微点头,没有发表什么意见,前世派.金丝莉能够将汤姆.克鲁斯的事业打理的井井有条,采用的似乎就是这种包装路线,十多年里克鲁斯的形象一直被维持的完美无缺,可见这条路线很实用。 Opens the door to lead the girl to enter hall, the villa appears empty. 推开门带着女郎走进大厅,别墅显得空荡荡的。 Los Angeles that although Drew returns to with Eric together, but only stayed for day to return to the Culver city in Cliff Peak Manor, simultaneously started with the Elizabeth together busy TG's second part movie. 德鲁虽然跟艾瑞克一起回的洛杉矶,但只在尖角庄园呆了一天就回了卡尔弗城,同时开始与伊丽莎白一起忙碌tg的第二部电影。 Connelly was entered the «Hot Shots» dramatic team, obtained the affirmation of Eric, Fox gives the green light to this movie, now started shoots, therefore, in the villa remaining Eric people, the servant in manor usually will not come once more only here. 康纳利则是已经进驻了《反斗神鹰》剧组,得到艾瑞克的肯定,福克斯对这部电影一路大开绿灯,现在已经开始了拍摄,因此,别墅里再次只剩下艾瑞克一个人,庄园的佣人通常是不会进来这里的。 , Eric enjoys the feeling that this person lives alone from the bottom of the heart actually very much. 从心底来说,艾瑞克其实很享受这种一个人独居的感觉。 You sit first, I call to call to go,” Eric has made an optional look toward Nicole, said. “你先坐吧,我打电话叫外卖,”艾瑞克妮可做了个随意的神色,说道。 I make the lunch, what do you want to eat?” “还是我来做午餐吧,你要吃什么?” Eric has not postponed, said: Does not know that does some casually on the line.” 艾瑞克也没有推迟,道:“不知道,随便做点就行。” The girls nod, walks toward the kitchen, although comes the Cliff Peak Manor number of times not to be many, but Nicole to the villa is quite familiar. 女郎点点头,朝厨房走去,虽然来尖角庄园的次数不多,不过妮可对别墅里还是相当熟悉的。 Eric goes upstairs to take a bath, after trading one clothes came out, Nicole the simple lunch will have carried the dinner table. 艾瑞克上楼洗过澡,换了一套衣服出来之后,妮可已经将简单的午餐端上了餐桌。 Under Eric in the dinner table is implicated, looks that the girl to sit the opposite for a oneself minute of good lunch, said: Was right, is your this movie result what kind of?” 艾瑞克在餐桌旁坐下,看着女郎为自己分好午餐坐回对面,才说道:“对了,你这部电影成绩怎么样?” Just took up Nicole of knife and fork, lost puts out a word: Flop( threw).” 刚刚拿起刀叉的妮可顿了下,失落地吐出一个单词:“flop(扑了)。” Volume, good, we eat meal first,” Eric said hastily that also realizes Nicole today's purpose in coming, but, raised the fund a while ago time, Eric took away 8 million USD from Nicole here, it is estimated that this is the girl in this year all saved, perhaps also has that threw the street the movie salary, as for that movie was anything, Eric transferred the head, has not actually thought. “额,好吧,我们先吃饭吧,”艾瑞克连忙说道,同时也意识到妮可今天的来意,不过,前段时间筹集资金的时候,艾瑞克可是从妮可这里拿走了800万美元,估计这是女郎这一年来的所有积蓄了,或许还有那部扑街了的电影片酬,至于那部电影到底是什么,艾瑞克转了转脑袋,却没有想起来。 But the hidden bitterness of Nicole to Eric is also lying in this, the girl thinks one and Eric relations should to be closer than Julia Roberts. 妮可艾瑞克的幽怨也正在于此,女郎自认为自己与艾瑞克的关系应该比茱莉亚.罗伯茨要亲密一些吧。 But now, Julia had consecutively three movie 《Pretty Woman》, 《Steel Magnolias》 and «Sleeping with the Enemy» Box Office broken hundred million, she only obtained «Sleepless in Seattle», afterward Eric no longer managed her, on a movie was Nicole that manager originally and she elects together, «Sleepless in Seattle» just obtained successfully, did not have the participation of Eric, the girl does not dare to change the play road rashly, choice as before was a love comedy, finally in July screened, to present almost one month, has only attained more than 10 million USD Box Office. Must know, because this movie is the reason of love comedy, she took the 5 million USD salary, the total cost has achieved 30 million USD, Box Office will at least want 60 million to recoup the cost, the present situation is, this movie total Box Office can break through 20 million to be good. 可是现在,茱莉亚已经有连续三部电影《风月俏佳人》《钢木兰花》和《与敌共眠票房破亿了,她却只得到了一部《西雅图夜未眠》,随后艾瑞克就不再管她了,上一部电影是妮可原本的那个经纪人和她一起选的,《西雅图夜未眠》刚刚获得成功,又没有艾瑞克的参与,女郎不敢贸然改变戏路,选择的依旧是一部爱情喜剧,结果七月份上映后,到现在差不多一个月,只拿到了1000多万美元票房。要知道,这部电影因为同属爱情喜剧的缘故,她可是拿了500万美元的片酬,总成本达到了3000万美元,,票房至少要6000万才会收回成本,现在的情况是,这部电影总票房能够突破2000万就不错了。 Because becomes famous by «Sleepless in Seattle» such love comedy, now she throws the street in the theme that oneself most excel, if did not find the favorable turn diligently, perhaps will degenerate into the Box Office toxicant quickly. 因为凭借《西雅图夜未眠》这样的爱情喜剧成名,现在她在自己最擅长的题材上扑街,如果不努力找到转机的话,或许很快就会沦为票房毒药。 With teasy is, these days she has related Eric several times, front young bastard shirks by various reasons, Nicole is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, today directly drives to go to the suburb to bet Eric. 跟让人恼火地是,这段时间她联系了艾瑞克好几次,面前这个小混蛋都以各种理由推脱,妮可忍无可忍,今天才直接开车去郊外赌艾瑞克 Was right, waits for me to have the thing to you, hopes that you will like,” Eric is having the lunch, thought that the scene is somewhat desolate, quickly looked for a topic.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “对了,等下我有东西要给你,希望你会喜欢,”艾瑞克吃着午餐,觉得场面有些冷清,很快找了个话题。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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