IAIH :: Volume #4

#345: Maya

Exaggeration software Cameron is knows that simply speaking, the function of this type of software through the computer to the primary artistic image that manufactures in illumination, material quality, color and other complex calculations, making the image effect is truer, even achieves the genuine and fake the degree that is difficult to distinguish. 渲染软件卡梅隆是知道的,简单来说,这种软件的作用就是通过对电脑制作出来的初级效果图在光照、材质、色彩等方面的复杂运算,让图像效果变得更加真实可信,甚至达到真假难辨的程度。 «The Abyss» special effect Production Studio Industrial Light & Magic currently uses is the renderman exaggeration software that Eder Camors develops. 深渊》的特效制作公司工业光魔现在使用的就是埃德卡莫尔开发的renderman渲染软件。 Eder Camors still in Industrial Light & Magic, George Lucas very much had forward-looking buys the perpetuity of this model of software, after Jobs has bought Industrial Light & Magic Animation Department established Pixar, Eder Camors this model of software posts Pixar to gain certain stockholder's rights, but continuously carried on the fund to pour into to loss Pixar along with Jobs, the stockholder's rights of Pixar several supervisors were reclaimed by Jobs finally, the reanderman software also has become the Pixar property. 埃德卡莫尔还在工业光魔的时候,乔治卢卡斯就很有前瞻性的买下了这款软件的永久使用权,乔布斯买下工业光魔动画部门成立皮克斯之后,埃德卡莫尔将这款软件置入到了皮克斯获取了一定的股权,但随着乔布斯不断对亏损的皮克斯进行资金注入,皮克斯几位管理人的股权最终都被乔布斯收回,reanderman软件也成了皮克斯的财产。 Initially Eric wanted took over Pixar from the Steve Jobs hand the time, Jobs also once tried to strip from the inventory sheet of Pixar work room the renderman software, finally cannot prevail, from this can see the value of this model of software. 当初艾瑞克想要从史蒂夫乔布斯手中接手皮克斯的时候,乔布斯还曾经试图将renderman软件从皮克斯工作室的财产清单中剥离出来,最终没能得逞,由此可以看出这款软件的价值。 Looks at the development program about fluid simulation software, understood the general situation that reanderman exaggerates the software, Cameron has had the strong interest to the 3D modeling software that Eric just said immediately, from Eric just words, Cameron felt keenly, the 3D modeling software that Eric said was most important of this plan. 看完关于流体模拟软件的开发方案,又了解reanderman渲染软件的大概情况,卡梅隆随即对艾瑞克刚刚所说的3d建模软件产生了强烈的兴趣,从艾瑞克刚刚的话里,卡梅隆敏锐地感觉到,艾瑞克所说的3d建模软件才是这个计划的重中之重。 That side San Francisco had not discussed that the detailed plan comes out, I planned entrusted Autodesk Corporation to develop this model of software, but has not discussed in the property rights issue of software gathers together. Finally can only do.” Facing the curiosity of Cameron. Eric lets go to answer. 旧金山那边还没有讨论出详细的方案出来,我原本打算委托欧特克公司开发这款软件的,不过没有在软件的所有权问题上谈拢。最终只能自己来做。”面对卡梅隆的好奇。艾瑞克摊手解释道。 Autodesk?” Cameron doubts asked one. 欧特克?”卡梅隆疑惑的问了一句。 Is the industrial design software development company of that model of famous autocad software,” Eric also said that according to the information in memory, previous life several main 3 D animation designing software maya, softimage is the products of Autodesk, Autodesk Corporation has almost monopolized this kind of film and television special effect software. “就是那款著名的autocad软件的工业设计软件开发公司,”艾瑞克又说道,根据记忆中的信息,前世几款主要的三维动画设计软件maya、、softimage都是欧特克旗下的产品,欧特克公司几乎垄断了这一类影视特效软件。 However even if the history does not have any change, that was also more than ten years later matters. 不过即使历史不发生任何改变,那也是十多年后的事情了。 Present Autodesk also concentrates on the development and management of autocad this model of industrial design software, because the computer film and television special effect just emerged, 4 D software development of Autodesk to being used in film and television special effect is not interested. Because they think this kind of specialized rank very high software not many business outlooks. 现在的欧特克还专注于autocad这款工业设计软件的开发和经营,因为电脑影视特效才刚刚兴起,欧特克对用于影视特效的三维动画软件开发一点也不感兴趣。因为他们认为这类专业级别很高的软件并没有多少商业前景。 Reason that Eric wants to entrust the Autodesk development, because mainly Autodesk will have the technical accumulation of nearly ten years of 3 D designer software development, can greatly shorten the development time of 3D modeling software, but, Autodesk, although will not be interested in this kind of software, as before will actually want to share the property rights of software with Eric, finally both sides have not discussed gather together, Eric can only organize the team to develop. 艾瑞克之所以想要委托欧特克开发,主要还是因为欧特克拥有将近十年时间三维设计软件开发的技术积累,可以大大缩短3d建模软件的开发时间,不过,欧特克虽然对这类软件并不感兴趣,却依旧想要与艾瑞克分享软件的所有权,最后双方也就没有谈拢,艾瑞克只能自己组织团队进行开发。 Heard Eric to mention aut Cameron to think, closely examined a series of details. Cameron finally asked: Eric, how much money do you plan for these planned investment? I think that this definitely is very big expenses.” 听到艾瑞克提起aut卡梅隆才想了起来,又追问了一连串的细节问题。卡梅隆才终于问道:“艾瑞克,你打算为这些计划投资多少钱?我想这肯定是一笔非常大的开销。” „The optimization of development and renderman of fluid simulation software does not need too much money. 30 million USD was enough, what is main is maya, investment that this model of software needs to continue, but, I will think definitely to bring enough repayment for me in the future.” “流体模拟软件的开发和renderman的优化并不需要太多钱。3000万美元就已经足够了,最主要的还是maya,这款软件需要持续的投入,不过,我想将来肯定会为我带来足够的回报的。” Maya, you are the name of 3D modeling software referred to you saying, cannot think that you were also interested in the mysterious maya civilization.” “maya,你是指你说的3d建模软件的名字吗,想不到你还对神秘的maya文明感兴趣。” Eric explained: Here maya does not refer to the South America Maya civilization, but is a pronunciation of ancient Indian glossary, is illusion meaning.” 艾瑞克解释道:“这里的maya并不是指南美洲的玛雅文明,而是一个古印度词汇的发音,是‘梦幻’的意思。” This name also...... Really appropriate,” Cameron said with a smile. “这个名字还……真贴切,”卡梅隆笑着说道。 Naturally, actually, the 3D modeling is only maya most basic function, in my plan, one after another will also increase 3D aspect the animation, simulation, special effect and other functions in the future, and can conduct docking with the reanderman exaggeration software, forms a complete special effect production process,” Eric spoke with confidence self-confidently, naturally, these were only he ambition in technology. “当然,其实,3d建模只是maya的最基本功能,在我的规划中,未来还将陆续添加3d方面的动画、模拟、特效等功能,并且会与reanderman渲染软件进行对接,形成一个完整的特效制作流程,”艾瑞克自信满满地侃侃而谈道,当然,这些只是他在技术方面的野心。 Reason that previous life will have that many mainstream or the non- mainstream special effect software, in ten years that because mainly the computer special effect starts, the majority of software giants do not favor the business outlook of this kind of software, established special effect company can only research and develop, after the software industry giants see the special effect software huge commercial output value scale, the special effect software in market became all kinds, wants to monopolize is almost the impossible matter. 前世之所以会出现那么多主流或者非主流的特效软件,主要还是因为电脑特效兴起的十年内,大部分软件巨头都不看好这一类软件的商业前景,很多老牌的特效公司只能自己研发,等到软件行业巨头们看到特效软件庞大的商业产值规模之后,市场上的特效软件已经变得五花八门,想要垄断几乎是不可能的事情。 The chess that but now, Eric goes out of be much earlier than many people, moreover he has not let the digital domain monopolizing maya thought that but after this software design is mature, in guaranteeing digital domain technology absolutely leading situation, push market in a planned way. He believes that in situation when the model of mature special effect software can use, many special effect company meetings are not willing to research and develop again independently. 但现在,艾瑞克走出的这一步棋要比很多人都早得多,而且他也没有让数字领域独享maya的念头,而是在这款软件设计成熟之后,在确保数字领域技术绝对领先的情况下,有计划的推向市场。他相信,当有一款成熟的特效软件可以使用的情况下,不会再有多少特效公司会愿意自主研发。 This is the first step, along with the development as well as the promotion of maya of software digital domain, slowly, the solution and special effect plug-in unit of many film and television special effect will base on the maya software to develop, based on Windows system development such like afterward many application software, ultimately forms the intense binding effect. 这还是第一步,随着数字领域的发展以及maya软件的推广,慢慢地,很多影视特效的解决方案和特效插件都会基于maya软件进行开发,就像后来很多应用软件都是基于windows系统开发那样,最终形成强烈的绑定效应。 Has waited till that time, even if there is a giant of software industry to meddle this software arena, but maya has been equal regarding the software status of film and television special effect profession to Windows with the operating system, even if these software giants have the fund to have the technology to be competent , can only look that this number 10 billion USD output value the fat stares on helplessly. 等到了那个时候,哪怕有软件行业的巨头想要插手进这一软件领域,但maya对于影视特效行业的软件地位已经相当于windows之与操作系统,即使那些软件巨头有资金有技术有实力,也只能看着这块数百亿美元产值的肥肉干瞪眼。 The women tidy up is very always troublesome, Eric came back from the tennis court, takes a bath to change the clothes only to spend for more than ten minutes, but Famke Janssen used for a half hour to carry pot coffee to enter the study room, the girl changed that hot dew navel vest and hot-pants at this time, wore the simple white T-shirt and khaki loose slacks, on the hair also brings wet intent slightly, on the face also to melt the pale makeup. 女人收拾起来总是很麻烦的,艾瑞克从网球场回来,洗澡换衣服只花了十多分钟,而法米克詹森用去了半个多小时才端着一壶咖啡走进书房,女郎此时已经换下了那身火辣的露脐背心和热裤,身穿简单的白色t恤和卡其色宽松休闲裤,头发上还带着微微的湿意,脸上也化了淡妆。 „The Cameron husband, does Ms. Bigelow, need the coffee?”. Famke Janssen the coffee was asking but actually. 卡梅隆丈夫,毕格罗女士,需要咖啡吗?”。法米克詹森倒着咖啡问道。 Stood in the wall appreciates Eric to divide Kathryn Bigelow of scene rough sketch to turn around, is smiling nod, but also walks to go forward to help on own initiative, but just shocking Cameron at this time actually completely was lost the interest by Famke to the beauty, was discussing with Eric full of enthusiasm the special effect issue of disaster piece series, hears inquiry also slight bow of Famke, has not turned around including the vision. 原本站在墙边欣赏艾瑞克分镜头画稿的凯瑟琳毕格罗转过身,微笑着点了点头,还主动走上前帮忙,而刚刚被法米克惊艳了一把的卡梅隆此时却对美色完全失去了兴趣,兴致勃勃地与艾瑞克讨论着灾难片系列的特效问题,听到法米克的询问也只是微微点了点头,连目光都没有转过来。 Miss Johnson, you do not mind that Jim is this, will concentrate on a matter to come anything not to pay attention again,” Kathryn Bigelow will see disregarding of Cameron to Famke, was sorry that said. “詹森小姐,你别介意,吉姆就是这样,专注起一件事来什么都不会再理会了,”凯瑟琳毕格罗看到卡梅隆法米克的无视,抱歉地说道。 Under Famke Janssen two coffee end to Cameron and Eric, returning to here sofa to be implicated, said: This does not have anything, sometimes actually Eric also like this, once I will think that he frowns to walk back and forth in the window, then going forward issue how, but Eric was awakened likely, becomes is angry, said me expelling his inspiration.” 法米克詹森将两杯咖啡端给卡梅隆艾瑞克,回到这边的沙发旁坐下,才道:“这没什么,其实艾瑞克有时候也会这样,有一次我看他在窗边皱着眉头走来走去,便上前问题怎么了,但艾瑞克像是被惊醒了似的,变得非常生气,说我把他的灵感给赶跑了。” Famke Janssen said that two women have looked at each other one, the feeling of as if by prior agreement producing having same problem. 法米克詹森说完,两个女人对视了一眼,不约而同地产生一丝同病相怜的感觉。 Perhaps is this reason, two women chatted quickly in one, and also affectionate called the opposite party with the nickname.( To be continued......) 或许是这个原因,两个女人很快聊在了一起,并且还亲昵的用昵称称呼对方。(未完待续……) Chapter 346 may: 第346章may: ... ...
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