IAIH :: Volume #4

#344: Two series plans

Because of the reasons of few tidying up, in study room appeared more disorderly, on several tables was piling up books, rough drafts, folder and other goods everywhere, on the western entire wall also pasted completely the rough draft 因为很少收拾的缘故,书房里显得更加凌乱了,几张桌子上到处堆放着书籍、草稿、文件夹等物品,西边的整面墙壁上也贴满了草稿 Went down the revolving staircase, Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow simultaneously captures the attention by the dividing scene rough sketches and all kinds of rough drafts of full wall.... 走下旋转楼梯,卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗同时被满墙的分镜头画稿和各种各样的草稿吸引住了目光。…≦ Eric, are these you do?” The couple looked at one from south to north approximately the contents on these manuscript paper, Cameron unbelievable asked that because the contents on these drafts were too astonishing, although mostly was the minute of scene script of sketch, but also had related to the aspects content of filmmaking, Cameron even also saw a large part to involve the movie special effect the thing. 艾瑞克,这些都是你做的?”夫妇两人从南到北大致看了一遍这些稿纸上的内容,卡梅隆才难以置信地问道,因为这些稿子上的内容太让人吃惊了,虽然大多是素描的分镜头脚本,不过还有涉及到了电影制作的方方面面内容,卡梅隆甚至还看到很大一部分涉及到电影特效的东西。 Felt that surprised of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Eric is at heart satisfied, although had determined that cooperates with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, but Eric can also look, although his movie sell greatly, but Cameron somewhat despises to him, even works as person silly money many rich handsome guy on «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» obviously. 感觉到卡梅隆夫妇的惊讶,艾瑞克心里非常满意,虽然已经确定与卡梅隆夫妇合作,不过艾瑞克也看得出来,虽然他的电影部部大卖,不过卡梅隆还是对他有些轻视,甚至在《终结者2》上明显是将自己当人傻钱多的凯子 Although others will not care generally to their view Eric, but wants to maintain the long-term cooperation with the Cameron such unruly person, shows enough strength to the opposite party. 虽然别人对自己的看法艾瑞克一般都不会太在意,不过想要与卡梅隆这样桀骜不驯的人保持长期的合作,向对方展现出足够的实力是必须的。 This is I following several years of movie plans, actually in New York I occasionally started to do, you see since has been my this day achievement.” “这是我接下来几年的电影计划,其实在纽约的时候我偶尔就已经开始做了,你们看到的就是我这段日子以来的成果。” Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow hear the Eric words, changes the vision once more pastes the full manuscript paper the wall, just they sketchily looked, at this time, Cameron noted the contents of these minute of scene rough sketches. 卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗听到艾瑞克的话,再次将目光转向贴满稿纸的墙壁,刚刚两人只是粗略地看了看,此时,卡梅隆才注意到了那些分镜头画稿的内容。 Scary Twister has curled up the entire house. Huge Tyrannosaurus Rex is pursuing all -terrain vehicle. Several hundred meters high Tsunami fires into the New York city. The Washington special zone was covered by one group of huge shadows...... 骇人的龙卷风卷起了整栋房屋。庞大的霸王龙追逐着越野车。几百米高的海啸冲向纽约城。华盛顿特区被一团巨大的阴影所笼罩…… Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow more look are more surprised, because of this age, these pictures only will usually appear in the cartoon or the novel, but looking back now, Eric wants to move the big silver screen these pictures with the Live-Action Film thoughts obviously. 卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗越看越吃惊,因为这个年代,这些画面通常只会出现在漫画或者小说当中,但现在看来,艾瑞克显然是想要将这些画面以真人电影的心思搬上大银幕。 Kathryn Bigelow is calm, but in the Cameron vision disclosed frantic that not minces, he felt a brand-new time as if must open. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗还算冷静,但卡梅隆目光中已经透露出毫不掩饰的狂热,他感觉一个崭新的时代似乎就要开启了。 Also looked at these minute of scene rough sketches, Cameron asked: Eric. How you plan become the movie these idea shoots, I meant that you did have the detailed feasibility to plan?” 又将这些分镜头画稿看了一遍,卡梅隆才问道:“艾瑞克。你打算如何将这些构思拍摄成电影,我是说,你有详细的可行性计划了吗?” Naturally,” Eric explained: I will then use for about ten years, builds two main series, except for me two years ago publishes that novel reorganization the «Jurassic Park» series, is a disaster piece series.” “当然,”艾瑞克解释道:“我接下来将用十年左右的时间,打造两个主要系列,除了根据我两年前发表那部小说改编的《侏罗纪公园》系列,还有就是一个灾难片系列。” Disaster piece series?” Cameron changes these rough sketches the vision once more. “灾难片系列?”卡梅隆再次将目光转向那些画稿。 Eric arrives by Cameron, points at the contents of some rough sketches to explain in detail: Yes, at least includes the disaster piece series of five movies, you look. This is «Twister» script, mainly described one group of frantic scientists to pursue to study the Twister story \; Here is an alien invades the conception of Earth. Temporarily is named as «Independence Day», but resembles this name to involve other copyright, does not know that can attain smoothly \; Here is the comet hits Earth humanity faced with a conception of destruction, script named «Deep Impact» \; Finally here, is a global climate decreases temperature suddenly, most United States by the frozen story, I was called «The Day After Tomorrow» it, the implication will be we never knows after tomorrow, will have anything.” 艾瑞克走到卡梅隆旁边,指着一些画稿的内容详细讲解道:“是的,一个至少包括五部电影的灾难片系列,你看。这一块是一部名叫《龙卷风剧本,主要描述一群狂热的科学家追逐研究龙卷风的故事\;这里是一个外星人入侵地球的构想。暂时定名为《独立日》,不过好像这个名字涉及到另外的版权,不知道能不能顺利拿到\;还有这边是彗星撞地球人类面临毁灭的一个构想,剧本名叫《天地大冲撞》\;最后这里,是一个全球气候急剧降温,大半个美国被冰封的故事,我把它叫做《后天》,寓意是我们永远不知道明天之后会发生什么。” Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow listen to the explanation of Eric together dedicated, waited for Eric saying that Cameron put out a hand to stroke the rough sketch on wall to ponder for a long time, asked: Eric, how you plan to realize these, can the present technology achieve?” 卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗一起专注地听完艾瑞克的讲解,等艾瑞克说完,卡梅隆伸手抚摸着墙壁上的画稿沉思了好久,才问道:“艾瑞克,你打算如何实现这些,现在的技术能够达到吗?” Naturally, so long as is willing to spend,” Eric said self-confidently: Actually, these two series involve is I imagines, in the future the two development directions of special effect movie. I before already they talked to Stan and Eder several times, few days ago just came back from New York, I also specially went to San Francisco, for these matters.” “当然,只要肯花钱,”艾瑞克自信地说道:“其实,这两个系列涉及到的就是我想象中,未来特效电影的两个发展方向。我之前已经跟斯坦和埃德他们谈了好几次,前些日子刚刚从纽约回来,我还专门去了一趟旧金山,就是为了这些事情。” Even if by crazy of Cameron, in mind is imagining the Eric «Jurassic Park» series and disaster piece series, is the feeling is somewhat inconceivable, as technical class Director, Cameron can achieve any degree to be clear to the present special effect technology, therefore, he knows, although the Eric these movie shoots words also can definitely manufacture forcefully, but each definitely is the sky-high price. 哪怕以卡梅隆的疯狂,脑海中想象着艾瑞克的《侏罗纪公园》系列和灾难片系列,还是感觉有些不可思议,作为一个技术流的导演,卡梅隆对现在的特效技术能够做到什么程度一清二楚,因此,他知道,虽然艾瑞克的这些电影强行拍摄的话也肯定能制作出来,但每一部都肯定是天价。 Cannot bear including Kathryn Bigelow is thinking that this kid as if husband is at present crazy. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗都忍不住在想,眼前这个小家伙似乎比自己丈夫还要疯狂。 Cameron seems not interested in the «Jurassic Park» series, instead discussed the manufacture possibility of disaster piece series with Eric full of enthusiasm. 卡梅隆对《侏罗纪公园》系列似乎并不是太感兴趣,反而与艾瑞克兴致勃勃地讨论起了灾难片系列的制作可能性。 Eric, you looked that deferred to you saying that special effect relatively simple «Twister», how did you plan to show Twister on the silver screen really? As far as I know, now the Industrial Light & Magic most advanced special effect is also very difficult to show Twister true on the screen.” 艾瑞克,你看,就按照你说的,特效相对简单的这部《龙卷风》来说,你打算怎样将龙卷风真实地展现在银幕上?据我所知,现在工业光魔最先进的特效也很难将龙卷风真实可信地展现在屏幕上。” Eric turning over/stand up to dig up a document to give James Cameron from the desk conveniently, Cameron looks at the document seal feeling to be somewhat accidental, these to Eric should be very important things, but, since Eric with him, Cameron not artificial, opened to look directly, side the Kathryn Bigelow also curiously gathering husband looked to the content of document. 艾瑞克翻身从办公桌上扒出了一份文件随手递给詹姆斯.卡梅隆,卡梅隆看了看文件封皮感觉有些意外,这些对艾瑞克来说应该是非常重要的东西,不过,既然艾瑞克拿给他,卡梅隆也没有矫情,直接翻开看了起来,凯瑟琳.毕格罗也好奇地凑到丈夫身边看向文件的内容。 Front document is one scientific group that entrusted a Stanford University renowned physicist to lead develops plan of one set of fluid simulation software approximately, the goal of this set of fluid simulation software was realizes smog, running water, strong winds and other special effect on the computer. 面前的这份文件大致是一份委托斯坦福大学一位著名的物理学家带领的科研小组开发一套流体模拟软件的方案,这套流体模拟软件的目的就是在计算机上实现烟雾、流水、狂风等特效。 Mr. and Mrs. Cameron read front document time, Eric said in side: Stanford that side Ron. Professor Fidy Kaess confirmed the feasibility of this plan, the research and development effort started to arrange, needs six months probably, this model of software can be operational. When the time comes, about several disaster pieces in Twister, Tsunami, explosion that and other scenes I said that can pass this software implementation. Moreover, Ed Carmore also arranges a research team in Los Angeles now, the plan develops a model of 3D modeling software, this model of software can realize building collapsing and city to be destroyed and other scenes, Ed Carmore will also optimize Pixar original exaggeration software randerman, enabling this model of software to adapt to the exaggeration work of Live-Action Film.”( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 卡梅隆夫妇阅读面前文件的时候,艾瑞克在旁边说道:“斯坦福那边的罗恩.菲迪克斯教授已经确认了这份计划的可行性,研发工作已经开始筹备,大概需要半年时间,这款软件就可以投入使用。到时候,关于我所说的几部灾难片中的龙卷风、海啸、爆炸烟雾等场景,都可以通过这款软件实现。另外,埃德.卡莫尔现在也在洛杉矶筹备一个研究团队,计划开发一款3d建模软件,这款软件可以实现楼房坍塌、城市被摧毁等场面,还有,埃德.卡莫尔也将对皮克斯原有的渲染软件randerman进行优化,使这款软件能够适应真人电影的渲染工作。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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