IAIH :: Volume #4

#343: Discovered

About 9 : 00 am, sports car arrived at outside the Cliff Peak Manor front door, Kathryn Bigelow had a lingering fear has made a deep breath, toward sitting Cameron in driving position complained: Jim, if goes back you open again are so quick, I forever will again not ride the same car(riage) with you.” 上午九点左右,一辆跑车来到了尖角庄园大门外,凯瑟琳.毕格罗心有余悸地做了个深呼吸,朝坐在驾驶位上的卡梅隆抱怨道:“吉姆,如果回去的时候你再开这么快,我永远也不会再跟你坐同一辆车了。” I think that you will like this exciting feeling,” Cameron looks at the wife still shaken appearance, having slightly happily saying that simultaneously made the vigor press the loudspeaker, ahead of time had the appointment, the security of manor saw in the car(riage) is Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, opened the front door quickly. “我以为你会喜欢这种刺激的感觉呢,”卡梅隆看着妻子惊魂未定的模样,带着点小得意说道,同时使劲儿按了按喇叭,提前有过预约,庄园的保安看到车内是卡梅隆夫妇,很快将大门打开。 sports car drives into the manor, Kathryn Bigelow said: You know one just opened quick? This is cracking a joke with own security, I do not like, does not like.” 跑车驶入庄园,凯瑟琳.毕格罗才说道:“你知道自己刚刚开的有多快吗?这是在拿自己的安全开玩笑,我不喜欢,非常不喜欢。” Good, Kate, I apologize,” Cameron shrugged totally lacking in sincerity, is looking at outside the glass the Cliff Peak Manor scenery, envied said: Yeah, you said that we later also do construct this kind of manor to be what kind of?” “好吧,凯特,我道歉,”卡梅隆毫无诚意地耸耸肩,望着车窗外尖角庄园的景色,羡慕地说道:“哎,你说,我们以后也建造这样一栋庄园怎么样?” Kathryn Bigelow knows that the husband started to shift topic, somewhat reluctantly ridiculed saying: You thought when you can gain to 30 million USD?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗知道丈夫又开始转移话题了,有些无奈地揶揄道:“你觉得自己什么时候能够赚到3000万美元?” Cameron said self-confidently: Perhaps lower part the movie was OK.” 卡梅隆自信地说道:“或许下部电影就可以了。” If you do not exceed expenditures, there is a possibility,” Kathryn Bigelow also teased one. “如果你不超支的话,还是有可能的,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗又调侃了一句。 Cameron after «The Terminator» and «Alien 2» and other sale movies, is Director, besides the fixed Director reward, but can also enjoy movie gain sharing. 卡梅隆经过《终结者》和《异形2》等几部热卖影片之后,已经算是一线导演,除了固定的导演酬劳之外,还可以享受影片利润分成。 However, makes the movie to pursue the perfect mental disposition by Cameron extremely, finally often by the extra budget of way receiving in exchange movie-making side reducing oneself is divided into. 不过,以卡梅隆拍电影极度追求完美的秉性,最后往往是以降低自己分成的方式换取制片方的额外预算。 Except for «The Terminator» of that 600 ten thousand USD fixed investments. Afterward «Alien 2» and «The Abyss» is this situation. previous life «RMS Titanic» and «Avatar» is no exception. The cost of especially «RMS Titanic», Cameron unceasingly climbed high the almost presses spirit break, as before has not actually given up to the perfect pursue, burnt 200 million to be many cost. 除了那部只有600多万美元固定投资的《终结者》。随后的《异形2》和《深渊》都是这种情况。前世的《泰坦尼克号》和《阿凡达》也不例外。特别是《泰坦尼克号》,卡梅隆被不断攀高的成本压得几乎精神崩溃,却依旧没有放弃对完美的追求,一路将成本烧到了2亿多。 Just got out, in the morning Cameron looks under sunlight was sparkling the silver ray ‚the city of freedom, sighed: Really was too suitable to make in movie, I must shoot in the movie it.” 刚刚下车,卡梅隆看着清晨阳光下闪耀着银色光芒的‘自由之城’,感叹道:“真是太适合拍进电影里了,我一定要把它拍进电影里。” Kathryn Bigelow takes out the satchel to carry from the back seat on the shoulder, along with tastes: This also wants that kid to agree to be good.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗从车后座取出挎包拎在肩膀上,随口道:“这也要那个小家伙同意才行。” He will certainly agree.” Cameron asks for leniency does not control self opens the both arms, composed a square sets of the mansion with the finger, calculated is selecting a scene well from any angle. “他一定会同意的。”卡梅隆说着情不自禁地伸出双臂,用手指组成一个方框将豪宅套了进去,盘算着从什么角度取景最好。 Was good, we go, today many matters must discuss that Kathryn Bigelow made an effort to pull the Cameron sleeves, the Cameron then non- sentiment hope did not walk toward the villa front door with the wife. “好了,我们进去吧,今天有好多事情要谈,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗使劲扯了扯卡梅隆的衣袖,卡梅隆这才不情不愿地跟着妻子向别墅大门走去。 Has not pressed the doorbell with enough time, they heard the laughter of woman to transmit from the east side. 还没来得及按门铃,两人就听到了女人的笑声从东边传来。 It seems like in that side,” Cameron lifted the chin, leading the wife to bypass the barrier that the tall yaupon composes together. Saw in the tennis court the form of a man and a woman. “看来在那边,”卡梅隆抬了抬下巴,带着妻子一起绕过高大的冬青树组成的屏障。就看到了网球场上一男一女的身影。 Kathryn Bigelow saw that puts on Eric of white tennis dress somewhat distressedly to deal with the opposite woman to brandish the racket angle cunning attack, the corners of the mouth is revealing the chuckle that takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗看到穿着白色网球服的艾瑞克有些狼狈地应付对面女人挥舞着球拍角度刁钻的进攻,嘴角露出幸灾乐祸的轻笑。 Cameron was actually attracted by Eric opposite that stature tall and slender vigorous form. On the women wears the black tight-fitting movement vest and hot-pants, reveals the slender healthy waist and slender both legs, the seal brown long hair grips ponytail at will, the line slightly hard face is having one to be uninhibited and wild. 卡梅隆却被艾瑞克对面那个身材高挑矫健身影所吸引。女人身上穿着黑色的紧身运动背心和热裤,露出纤细健美的腰肢和修长的双腿,深褐色的长发随意地扎着马尾,线条略硬的脸庞带着一丝不羁和狂野。 tall and slender, healthy, wild, uninhibited...... 高挑,健美,狂野,不羁…… On girl each characteristics completely echo Cameron to the sexy definition, even if the wife stands in the side, in the Cameron vision cannot bear reveal frantic. 女郎身上的每一个特点都完全附和卡梅隆对性感的定义,即使妻子站在身边,卡梅隆目光中都忍不住露出一丝狂热。 Saw that Mr. and Mrs. Cameron appears, Eric disregards Famke Janssen another angle cunning boundary ball directly, is saw likely the liberator drops out the tennis racket in hand generally directly, walked toward two people. The girl in field was just about to say anything discontentedly, actually saw Eric to refer to toward here, the girl turned head to see Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, placed also to follow Eric one side the tennis racket. 看到卡梅隆夫妇出现,艾瑞克直接无视法米克.詹森又一个角度刁钻的边界球,像是看到救星一般直接抛下手中的网球拍,向两个人走了过来。球场上的女郎不满地正要说什么,却见艾瑞克朝这边指了指,女郎扭头看到卡梅隆夫妇,将网球拍放在一边也跟着艾瑞克走了过来。 Jim, Kate, I think that you can ten o'clock come,” Eric and Cameron and Kathryn greet to say. 吉姆,凯特,我以为你们会十点钟才过来呢,”艾瑞克卡梅隆凯瑟琳打着招呼说道。 If late comes some, was very perhaps difficult to see Eric your distressed appearance,” Kathryn Bigelow could not bear tease. “如果晚来一些,说不定就很难看到艾瑞克你狼狈的样子了,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗忍不住调侃道。 Eric smiled awkwardly, introduced for Mr. and Mrs. Cameron: This is my girlfriend, Famke Janssen.” 艾瑞克尴尬地笑了笑,为卡梅隆夫妇介绍道:“这是我女朋友,法米克.詹森。” Although clearly knows Eric little said one and so on phrase, but Famke Janssen is very happily, warmly has grasped starting to Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow. 虽然明知道艾瑞克少说了‘之一’之类的字眼,不过法米克.詹森还是非常高兴,热情地对卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗握了下手。 Eric also noted Cameron to look at this time to the difference in Famke Janssen look, understood quickly the Cameron thoughts, showed a faint smile, put out a hand to hold in the arms the girl smooth waist to stroke gently two, asked to Cameron: Jim, is Famy Heroine in very suitable your movie?” 艾瑞克这时也注意到了卡梅隆看向法米克.詹森眼神中的异样,很快明白了卡梅隆的心思,微微一笑,伸手搂住女郎光滑的腰肢摩挲了两下,向卡梅隆问道:“吉姆,法米是不是很适合你电影中的女主角?” Naturally, if were not «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» Heroine had determined, I will certainly invite this Miss Famke Janssen.” “当然,如果不是《终结者2女主角已经确定了的话,我一定会邀请这位法米克.詹森小姐的。” This may be a pity really that Eric replied with a smile, simultaneously could not bear glance several Kathryn Bigelow, «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» Heroine Linda Hamilton blasting fuse that but the present this divorces to the husband and wife, during previous life shoots «Terminator 2: Judgement Day», sex scandal between Cameron and Linda Hamilton made noisily, after «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» screened, Cameron divorced with marriage less than two years of Kathryn Bigelow. “这可真可惜,”艾瑞克笑着答道,同时忍不住瞟了几眼凯瑟琳.毕格罗,《终结者2》的女主角琳达.汉密尔顿可是现在这对夫妻离婚的导火索,前世拍摄终结者2》期间,卡梅隆琳达.汉密尔顿之间的绯闻就闹得沸沸扬扬,《终结者2》上映之后,卡梅隆就与结婚不到两年的凯瑟琳.毕格罗离婚了。 Then, Kathryn Bigelow is also Hollywood unusual beautiful woman Director, even if 20 years later, when by Oscar first best female Director is on the Dolby theater podium, this Hollywood iron lady looks like also has a 30 -year-old appearance. But in fact, Kathryn Bigelow now 39 years old, the maintenance degree of its appearance and stature made the star who a Hollywood big dial needle projected on to disfigure one's face envy to go crazy sufficiently. 说起来,凯瑟琳.毕格罗也是好莱坞少有的美女导演,哪怕是20年后,凭借奥斯卡第一位最佳女导演登上杜比剧院领奖台时,这位好莱坞的铁娘子看起来也只有三十多岁的模样。但事实上,凯瑟琳.毕格罗现在就已经39岁了,其外貌和身材的保养程度足以让好莱坞一大拨打针打到毁容的女星嫉妒到发狂。 Two women noted their man to look quickly to the opposite woman, Kathryn Bigelow the trace have kicked Cameron with the tip of the toe, Famke Janssen was puts out a hand to hold in the arms Eric, has pinched on the man waist under. 两个女人很快都注意到自己身边的男人看向对面的女人,凯瑟琳.毕格罗不着痕迹地用脚尖踢了踢卡梅隆,法米克.詹森则是伸手搂住艾瑞克,在男人腰上掐了下。 „......” Eric eats the pain underground consciousness to lift the hand to give the girl the outstanding buttocks to come up, but realized quickly the situation is not right, has also saying: „, We go to speak face-to-face.” “啊……”艾瑞克吃痛地下意识抬起手想要给女郎翘臀上来一记,但很快意识到场合不对,只好又说道:“那么,我们去里面谈吧。” Un, yes,” Cameron also hastily echoes. “嗯,是的,”卡梅隆也连忙附和。 Returned to the villa, Eric to take a bath to change clothes to walk in a hurry, will sit Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, in the window drank the coffee brought in the underground study room together.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 回到别墅,艾瑞克匆匆洗完澡换了套衣服走出来,将坐在落地窗边喝咖啡的卡梅隆夫妇一起带到了地下一层书房内。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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