IAIH :: Volume #4

#342: Another dud

Returned to Los Angeles Joanna to separate with Eric, although the Eric hope girl can move to Cliff Peak Manor to live in some time, but Joanna actually did not want, with her words, does not want to encounter certain awkward situations again. 回到洛杉矶乔安娜就与艾瑞克分开了,虽然艾瑞克希望女郎能够搬到尖角庄园住一段时间,不过乔安娜却不愿意,用她的话来说,就是不想再遇到某些尴尬的情况。 However, the girl actually accepted Eric to buy in Beverly Hills for the small villa that her one set had a concubine, this was the second house that Eric sent out, before Famke Janssen had also chosen one set situated in Beverly Hills Sunset Boulevard nearby villa, that set of mansion that but bought to Eric first was very far, instead approached western Hollywood. 不过,女郎却接受了艾瑞克贝弗利山买给她的一套金屋藏娇的小别墅,这是艾瑞克送出的第二套房子,之前法米克.詹森也选了一套位于贝弗利山日落大道附近的别墅,不过离艾瑞克最先买的那套豪宅很远,反而临近西好莱坞 Regarding the Eric present net worth, the value million USD about villas are not anything, therefore, Eric anticipated the place that very much some day he has a concubine can surpass Howard. Hughes. 对于艾瑞克现在的身家来说,价值百万美元左右的别墅并不算什么,因此,艾瑞克很期待某一天他金屋藏娇的地点能够超过霍华德.休斯 Returns to the Los Angeles first matter naturally about the matter that 《The Silence of the Lambs》 screens. 返回洛杉矶的第一件事当然是关于《沉默的羔羊》上映的事情。 Before two weeks, Hollywood had not presented any Box Office bright eye movie, compared in the same time last year 《Indiana Jones》 sequel first week close 50 million USD Box Office result, in movie that these two weeks showed one after another, be only distributed that «Total Recall» Box Office that screened on June 1 attractively, «Total Recall» was the movement big piece that Schwarzenegger acted the leading role, also after was Sony Film Industry was established, first part big manufacture movie that smugly distributes. 之前两周,好莱坞并没有出现任何一部票房亮眼的电影,相比于去年同期《夺宝奇兵》续集首周接近5000万美元票房的成绩,这两周陆续上映的电影中,只有在6月1日发行上映的那部《全面回忆票房好看一点,《全面回忆》是施瓦辛格主演的动作大片,也是索尼影业成立之后,踌躇满志地发行的第一部大制作电影。 Although this movie first week has attained 3 6 million USD Box Office, but has not achieved Sony anticipated as before, because the «Total Recall» production cost reaches as high as 6 5 million USD, the announcement cost also surpassed 30 million, North America must attain close 200 million USD Box Office to recoup the cost. 虽然这部电影首周拿到了3600万美元票房,不过依旧没有达到索尼的预期,因为《全面回忆》的制作成本高达6500万美元,宣发成本也超过了3000万,北美要拿到接近2亿美元票房才能收回成本。 However, and screens the later echo from the first week result of movie, this movie has not harvested the 200 million USD Box Office potential obviously. 不过,从电影的首周成绩和上映之后的反响来看,这部电影显然没有收割2亿美元票房的潜力。 But another «Back to the Future Part III», next week Box Office decline range reaches as high as 49%, only attains 14 million Box Office, Box Office broken hundred million have not hoped completely. As for some of Disney Bowei international distribution dud, does not raise, Firefly and Disney have spent the good time. To that movie actor puts aside public's attention. 而另外一部《回到未来3》,次周票房跌幅高达49%,只拿到1400万票房,票房破亿完全没有希望。至于迪斯尼旗下博伟国际发行的某颗‘哑弹’,不提也罢,萤火虫迪斯尼可是花了好一番功夫。才将公众对那部电影男主角的注意力移开。 《The Silence of the Lambs》 preview ceremony scale is not big, besides Eric. Is several of movie acts the leading role, Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins and the others. 《沉默的羔羊》首映式规模并不算大,除了艾瑞克之外。就是电影的几位主演,朱迪.福斯特,安东尼.霍普金斯等人。 Naturally, three Producer of movie, Elisabeth Murdoch and Julia Roberts as well as...... Drew Barrymore. 当然,还有电影的三位制作人,伊丽莎白.默多克茱莉亚.罗伯茨以及……德鲁.巴里摩尔 In Eric interrogating and torturing, small girl the matter about TG Film Studio will make a clean breast to Eric, Eric only knows that the girl held 30% stocks in TG Film Studio. Moreover, in 《The Silence of the Lambs》 also has the investment of Drew 3 million USD, this sum of money gives certainly in her credit card to delimit secretly from Eric, before was responsible for managing the Eric personal finance Carloyn Elliot to raise in credit card unusual the matter about the Drew hand, but, Eric did not care, he believes that small girl will not act unreasonably. 艾瑞克的一番‘拷问’之下,小妮子将关于tg电影公司的事情向艾瑞克和盘托出,艾瑞克这才知道,丫头在tg电影公司占有了30%的股份。而且,《沉默的羔羊》中也有德鲁300万美元的投资,这笔钱当然是从艾瑞克给她的信用卡里偷偷划出来的,之前负责打理艾瑞克个人财务的卡洛琳.艾略特就提过关于德鲁手中信用卡异常的事情,不过,艾瑞克并不是太在意,他相信小妮子不会乱来。 Has not thought that now can actually see this kind of pleasant surprise. 没想到,现在竟然能够看到这样一番惊喜。 If just, this movie according to path originally, obtained the best picture. That has quite lived it up, because the best picture are most confers three main Producer of movie, but this 《The Silence of the Lambs》. On Producer that column just has three people, three women. 只不过,如果这部电影真的按照原本的轨迹,获得了最佳影片。那就相当热闹了,因为最佳影片最多是颁给电影的三位主要制作人,而这部《沉默的羔羊》制作人那一栏上刚好有三个人,三个女人。 The development of matter is, has not waited till future Oscar, the movie on June 8 after 1500 theaters screen, 《The Silence of the Lambs》 three female Producer were the same to the content of this movie, has become afterward several days of Hollywood most fiery topics. 事情的发展是,还没有等到将来的奥斯卡,电影在6月8号在1500家影院上映之后,《沉默的羔羊》三位女制作人就与这部电影的内容一样,成了随后几天好莱坞最火热的话题。 Because narrated that the food person crazy demon, skins the bloody terrorist piece of killer, Producer unexpectedly is three pretty beautiful women, this contrast was really too big, let alone. Acting the leading role of movie is also Hollywood famous star Jodie Foster. 因为一部讲述食人狂魔、剥皮杀手的血腥恐怖片,制作人竟然是三位娇滴滴的美女,这种反差实在是太大了,更何况。电影的主演也是好莱坞的著名女星朱迪.福斯特 Under this intense topic effect and movie itself very splendid influence, first Wednesday day. 《The Silence of the Lambs》 has attained 14 million Box Office, because the movie R-rated rating and screens the limit of theater. This result was good, the Box Office statistical agency estimated that this movie first week can attain near 20 million USD Box Office . Moreover, because of the good reputation, this movie after long-line showing, Box Office broken hundred million is very hopeful. 在这种强烈的话题效应和电影本身非常精彩的影响下,首周三天。《沉默的羔羊》就拿到了1400万票房,因为电影r级评级和上映影院的限制。这个成绩已经非常不错了,票房统计机构预计这部电影首周能够拿到将近2000万美元票房,而且,因为良好的口碑,这部电影经过长线放映,票房破亿是非常有希望的。 Here has to mention another sad Cui movie, Disney's another dud «Rocketeer». 这里就不得不提到另外一部悲催的电影,迪斯尼的又一颗‘哑弹’《火箭专家》。 Before this movie, has arranged one after another for several years, it is said for certain scene effects, Disney also specially spent a sum of money to develop a special camera support. 这部电影之前已经陆陆续续筹备了好几年时间,据说为了某些镜头效果,迪斯尼还特意花了一笔钱研制了一种专门的摄影机支架。 Under the butterfly effect influence of Eric, «Rocketeer» was ahead of time for one year to appear, although the actor has not changed, as before was that not well-known Bill. Campbell, but, Heroine actually changed into Brooke Shields from previous life Jennifer Connelly, because in 《Running Out of Time》 met with the fame that the girl brings last year, what although Brooke Shields plays is a vase, but in the salary that in this movie attains is Bill. Campbell three times. 艾瑞克的蝴蝶效应影响下,《火箭专家》提前了一年出现,虽然男主角没变,依旧是那位不知名的比尔.坎贝尔,不过,女主角却从前世詹妮弗.康纳利换成了波姬.小丝,因为去年《暗战》中邂逅女郎带来的名气,波姬.小丝虽然饰演的是一个花瓶,但在这部电影里拿到的片酬是比尔.坎贝尔的三倍。 What tragedy is, this total investment surpasses 40 million, tight is propagandizes the expense to surpass the big manufacture of 20 million USD, the first Wednesday day has only attained more than 9 million USD Box Office, threw the street to be unavoidable. 悲剧的是,这部总投资超过4000万,紧紧是宣传费用就超过2000万美元的大制作,首周三天只拿到了900多万美元票房,扑街是在所难免了。 Although Sony and Universal two manufactured Box Office to be inferior to the same time last year movie greatly, but others distributed through the overseas, recouped the cost to take in the late video recording while convenient gains one is the affirmation. But Disney this consecutively two dud, lost money has also affirmed, because the North America Box Office result was so disappointing, the overseas release definitely was beset with difficulties, especially first dud, that result overseas do not want to distribute. 虽然索尼环球的两部大制作票房都不如去年同期的电影,但人家通过海外发行,收回成本顺便在后期的录像带上赚一笔是肯定的。但迪斯尼这连续两部‘哑弹’,赔钱也是肯定了,因为北美票房成绩如此差劲,海外发行肯定困难重重,特别是第一颗‘哑弹’,那种成绩海外都别想发行了。 Therefore, Eric has studied other this summer Disney's several specially in several movies that will then show one after another, discovered that besides with Firefly together release «Ghost», several other Eric do not have what impression, it seems like Disney then this quarter financial reporting quite ugly, does not know that what response Michael Eisner will have. 为此,艾瑞克特意研究了今年暑期迪斯尼的其他几部在接下来将陆续上映的几部影片,发现除了与萤火虫共同发行的《人鬼情未了》之外,其他几部艾瑞克都没有什么印象,看来迪斯尼接下来这个季度的财务报表将相当的难看,就是不知道迈克尔.艾斯纳会有什么样的反应。 After 《The Silence of the Lambs》, the Firefly next movie «Sleeping with the Enemy» white raid was warmer, naturally, all these are Robert Shay I are operating, because read to the Robert Shay resentment, no matter Eric simply did not ask that this movie can definitely be successful in any case, so long as he waited receives money finally is good. 《沉默的羔羊》之后,萤火虫的下一部电影《与敌共眠》的宣传攻势更加热烈了起来,当然,这一切都是罗伯特.谢伊本人在操作,因为对罗伯特.谢伊的怨念,艾瑞克干脆不管不问起来,反正这部电影肯定能够成功,他只要坐等最后收钱就好了。 Although does not need to worry about «Sleeping with the Enemy», but, the times of Eric many leisure, because of initially, him have not complied with Cameron current wife Kathryn Bigelow to be the «Point Break» producer personally, at this time have to worry for this movie. ( to be continued ) 虽然不用操心《与敌共眠》,不过,艾瑞克并没有多少闲暇的时刻,因为当初,他答应了卡梅隆的现任妻子凯瑟琳.毕格罗亲自担任《惊暴点》的制片人,此时不得不为这部电影操心起来。(未完待续)
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