IAIH :: Volume #4

#341: Loses

Stayed one in the «Basic Instinct» square in the afternoon, examined this movie shoots various progress, Eric stays in the «Basic Instinct» dramatic team in the evening the hotel, the dramatic team specially has also held a small cocktail party. 在《本能》片场呆了一下午,查看了这部电影拍摄的各种进度,艾瑞克当晚下榻在了《本能》剧组所住的酒店,剧组还特意举办了一个小小的酒会。 Next morning, Eric left the «Basic Instinct» dramatic team, arrived at Cisco to attend a small high-level regular meeting situated in San Francisco Bay south San Jose Headquarters, immediately hurriedly returned to Los Angeles. 第二天上午,艾瑞克就离开了《本能》剧组,来到思科位于旧金山湾南部的圣何塞总部参加了一次小型的高层例会,随即就急匆匆地返回了洛杉矶 Leaves the Los Angeles less than two days of time, he received more than ten to urge telephone that he went back, majority was the Firefly internal affairs, this made the resentment of Eric to Robert Shay read is deeper. 才离开洛杉矶不到两天时间,他就接到了不下十个催促他回去的电话,大部分都是萤火虫的内部事务,这让艾瑞克罗伯特.谢伊的怨念更深。 As Firefly CEO, these should be the matter that Robert Shay must handle, the Firefly present business is not numerous and diverse, so long as with the thoughts, can handle these matters in good order. 作为萤火虫ceo,这些本应该是罗伯特.谢伊要处理的事情,萤火虫现在的事务并不算繁杂,只要用点心思,就可以将这些事情打理的井井有条。 However, what disappointing Eric is, Robert Shay more energy will actually place him to hold the post on «Sleeping with the Enemy» of producer personally, all release business Robert Shay own strength about «Sleeping with the Enemy» kisses is, it is estimated that this is in Firefly Film Studio Eric only not the project that uses to worry about, if after has not looked at the wool of rough cut | the piece, Eric is also satisfied to this movie, he estimated that must get angry with Robert Shay. 不过,让艾瑞克失望的是,罗伯特.谢伊却将更多的精力放在了他亲自担任制片人的《与敌共眠》上,所有关于《与敌共眠》的发行事务罗伯特.谢伊都亲力亲为,估计这是萤火虫电影公司艾瑞克唯一不用操心的项目,如果不是看过初步剪辑的毛丨片之后艾瑞克对这部电影也非常满意的话,他估计要跟罗伯特.谢伊翻脸了。 The Hollywood big Film Studio management through managing the successful movie project consolidates own status, gains more benefits is a very normal phenomenon, therefore, Robert Shay attaches great importance to the behavior of «Sleeping with the Enemy» this movie is not difficult to understand. 好莱坞电影公司的高管通过经营成功的电影项目稳固自己的地位,争取更多的利益是一种很正常的现象,因此,罗伯特.谢伊如此重视《与敌共眠》这部电影的行为也不难理解。 However, Robert Shay this behavior actually completely runs counter with the plan of Eric. What he does not know, if he can the investment of total involvement to management of company, then in the future he definitely will become one of the Hollywood most puissant people. But Robert Shay wants to prove itself through manufacture movie, wants to seize some not own that authorities, this behavior makes Eric more and more intolerable. 不过,罗伯特.谢伊这种行为却与艾瑞克的计划完全背道而驰。他不知道的是,如果他能够全身心的投入到公司的经营方面,那么将来他肯定会成为好莱坞最有权力的人之一。但罗伯特.谢伊偏偏想要通过制作电影证明自己,想要攫取并不属于自己的那部分权力,这种行为让艾瑞克越来越不能容忍。 Flies to the Los Angeles airplane. How Eric forehead micro wrinkle thinks should solve the Firefly present condition ear to broadcast the Joanna Pacula supple sound: Eric, what do you want to drink?” 飞往洛杉矶的飞机上。艾瑞克眉宇微皱地思索着该怎么解决萤火虫现在的状况耳边传来乔安娜.帕库拉柔柔的声音:“艾瑞克,你要喝点什么吗?” Eric looks to side that a golden hair stewardess is facing the smile to gaze at itself. The front is putting a stroller. 艾瑞克向旁边看去,一个金发空姐正面对微笑地注视着自己。面前放着一辆小推车。 Gave me one pure water on the line.” “给我一杯纯净水就行了。” The golden hair stewardess nodded, is Eric poured water to hand over. Eric puts out a hand to meet, the arm crossed the Joanna front, the girl subconsciousness toward the relieving shrinking, as if will want entire to have the body to melt the chair. 金发空姐点了点头,为艾瑞克倒了杯水递过来。艾瑞克伸手去接,胳膊越过乔安娜胸前,女郎下意识朝后缩了缩,似乎想要将整具身体融进座椅。 After the stewardess leaves, but Eric said: Joan, relaxes points, I am not the tiger, last night I was really not intentionally. I drink is a much less.” 等空姐离开后,艾瑞克才无奈道:“,放松一点好吗,我又不是老虎,昨晚我真不是故意的。我喝的有点多。” Joanna Pacula cheek one red, remembers the picture that yesterday evening saw once more. 乔安娜.帕库拉脸蛋一红,再次想起了昨天晚上看到的画面。 That is the «Basic Instinct» dramatic team is the Eric arrival, but after script small cocktail party, because feels somewhat tired, Joanna left ahead of time, walks, Eric filled in own room card her hand directly, the meaning needless saying that the girl received very much amenable, returning to the Eric apartment, after Joanna to take a bath, quick has rested. 那是《本能》剧组为艾瑞克到来而剧本的小型酒会之后,因为感觉有些累,乔安娜提前就离开了,走的时候,艾瑞克直接将自己的房卡塞到了她手里,意思自不必说,女郎很顺从地接了过来,回到艾瑞克的套间,乔安娜洗澡之后很快就睡了下来。 How long has not known. Joanna hears in the living room outside bedroom to transmit some abnormal noises, just started her to think that was Eric came back, has not cared. 不知道过了多久。乔安娜听到卧室外的客厅里传来一些异响,刚开始她以为是艾瑞克回来了,并没有太在意。 Blurry some little time. Joanna has not seen Eric to enter bedroom, realized that some unusual, barefoots to get out of bed carefully, opens a seam to look toward the outside living room the bedroom door, immediately almost called with amazement. 迷糊了好一会儿。乔安娜都没有看到艾瑞克进入卧室,才察觉到一些不同寻常,赤着脚小心地下了床,将卧室门打开一条缝朝外面客厅望去,顿时惊讶地差点叫了出来。 In the living room, Eric by a lateral her single-seat sofa, the complexion is comfortably red, often sends out several satisfied sighs. On the man front rug is kneeling two clothing half bare girls, one on the left and other on the right by near his leg. The hand mouth and land help Eric look, sucks | the sound absorption to make Joanna is red in the face instantaneously. 客厅里,艾瑞克舒服地靠在侧向她的一个单人沙发上,脸色通红,不时发出几声满足的叹息。男人面前的地毯上跪着两个衣衫半裸的女郎,一左一右地靠在他腿边。手口并用地帮艾瑞克侍弄着,吮丨吸声让乔安娜瞬间就变得面红耳赤。 Joanna has recognized quickly. That two women are «Basic Instinct» two Heroine, plays Kathryn Diane Lane and plays Beth's Jeanne Tripplehorn. Because of the reason of growth environment. Joanna is quite conservative in this aspect, therefore sees this situation suddenly, the Joanna brain becomes a blank piece. To return to the bed to disguise to go to sleep, but the curiosity urged her then to look. 乔安娜很快认了出来。那两个女人是《本能》的两位女主角,饰演凯瑟琳戴安.莱恩和饰演贝丝的珍妮.特里普里霍恩。因为成长环境的缘故。乔安娜在这方面还是比较保守的,因此陡然看到这种情形,乔安娜大脑变得空白一片。想要回到床上去假装睡下,但强烈的好奇心又促使她接着看了下去。 After more than ten minutes, Joanna saw that Eric puts out a hand suddenly, presses the head of Diane Lane stubbornly in own legs, some little time loosens the girl. Then, Joanna hears Eric not to know that said anything to two women, the clothing half bare two women had sent out the charmingly angry expression, but quickly respectively tears off the disorderly small gore, crawled to the Eric opposite tea table on stark naked hugs and kisses in one. 十多分钟之后,乔安娜就看到艾瑞克突然伸出手,将戴安.莱恩的脑袋死死按在自己腿间,好一会儿才松开女郎。然后,乔安娜又听到艾瑞克不知道对两个女人说了些什么,原本已经衣衫半裸的两个女人都发出娇嗔的语气,但还是很快就各自扯掉身上凌乱小布片,一丝不挂地爬到艾瑞克对面的茶几上拥吻在了一起。 Again then, did not have anything then. 再然后,就没有什么然后了。 How long two graceful female bodies Eric has not appreciated same *, heard in the bedroom the woman to pour in the sound of ground softly. Is good because of the Eric feeling of being drunk is not too thick, remembered at the cocktail party to confess Joanna to own bedroom quickly his details. 艾瑞克还没有欣赏多久两具曼妙女体的同*,就听到了卧室里女人软倒在地上的动静。好在艾瑞克的醉意并不是太浓,很快想起了酒会上交代乔安娜到自己卧室等他的细节。 Sends two women, after Eric returns to the bedroom, good comforting to make Joanna relax. 将两个女人打发走,艾瑞克回到卧室之后好一番安抚才让乔安娜放松下来。 However, these situations of yesterday evening, Joanna was very obviously long in time not to be impossible to forget. 不过,昨天晚上的那些情形,乔安娜显然很长一点时间内都不可能忘记了。 At this time, hears the apology in Eric expression, Joanna nips the lower lip, finally low voice asked: Eric, can you such to me?” 此时,听到艾瑞克语气里的歉意,乔安娜咬了咬下唇,才终于小声问道:“艾瑞克,你会那样对我吗?” Naturally, they will not want to flatter me, I am also only and they play, you are my woman.” “当然不会,她们想要讨好我,我也只是和她们玩玩而已,你可是我的女人。” Joanna knows what Eric said is the truth, this matter is common in Hollywood, these years Joanna also has to receive similar suggestion, if she can put down to persist in integrating in the Hollywood rule, will not come the United States ten years not to have becomes. 乔安娜知道艾瑞克说的是实情,这种事情在好莱坞再普遍不过,这些年来乔安娜也不是没有接到过类似的暗示,如果她能放下坚持融入好莱坞的规则中,也不会来了美国十年时间都一无所成。 However, the girl cannot bear complain in a soft voice: Originally I am only your woman, is not your lover.” 不过,女郎还是忍不住轻声抱怨道:“原来我只是你的女人,不是你的爱人啊。” Eric has hugged the girl: If the lover, you definitely thought that I was false, right?” 艾瑞克将女郎搂了过来:“如果说爱人的话,你肯定又觉得我虚伪了,对吗?” You do not know the women are glad deceive?” “难道你不知道女人都是很乐意被骗的吗?” Lies very much spends the mental ability, you know that I am very busy, do not have the too much time to ponder over this matter. Your future I have helped you arrange, so long as you think that you become a Hollywood big star, can take each movie several million salaries, can win the Oscar prize, if in the future were tired, does not want to act in a play, you can change professions to make other at will. We can also take several children, looks that they grow up day-by-day, then becomes mindless, the stratagem seizes our properties by any means possible.” “撒谎可是很费脑力的,你知道我很忙,没太多时间琢磨这种事情。你的未来我已经帮你安排好了,只要你想,你会成为一个好莱坞的大明星,可以拿每部电影几百万的片酬,可以获得奥斯卡奖,将来如果累了,不想演戏了,你可以随意转行做其他的。我们还可以要几个孩子,看着他们一天天长大,然后变得没心没肺,千方百计地谋夺我们的财产。” Joanna hears Eric to speak of last, cannot bear smile to make noise, said: Probably, except for love and marriage.” 乔安娜听到艾瑞克说到最后一句,忍不住笑出声,说道:“好像,除了爱情和婚姻啊。” Love and marriage are not sturdy, especially in United States, that two women you knew last night?” “爱情和婚姻是非常不牢靠的,特别是在美国,昨晚那两个女人你认识吗?” Joanna nodded. 乔安娜点了点头。 Eric then said: Plays Kathryn secure. She was born 13 days of parents to divorce, plays Beth's Jeanne Tripplehorn, in she three -year-old time parents divorced.” 艾瑞克接着道:“饰演凯瑟琳的戴安.琳恩,她出生13天父母就离婚了,饰演贝丝的珍妮.特里普里霍恩,她三岁的时候父母里离婚了。” You,” Joanna asked subconsciously. “那你呢,”乔安娜下意识问道。 Eric thinks that said lightly: I do not know who own mother is.” 艾瑞克想了想,淡淡地说道:“我根本就不知道自己母亲是谁。” Joanna hugged the arm of Eric arm to tighten, has not closely examined anything again. ( to be continued ) 乔安娜搂着艾瑞克胳膊的手臂紧了紧,没有再追问什么。(未完待续)
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