IAIH :: Volume #4

#340: The doctor fainted

The business automobile that Eric takes leaves Emeryville that Pixar was, entered the San Francisco urban district through the undersea tunnel of San Francisco Bay Highway 80, the destination is «Basic Instinct» in San Francisco Pacific Ocean high ground nearby square. 艾瑞克乘坐的商务车离开了皮克斯所在的爱莫利维尔市,通过旧金山湾80号高速公路的跨海大桥进入了旧金山市区,目的地是《本能》在旧金山太平洋高地附近的片场。 Close to the Pacific Ocean high ground of San Francisco fort park is the San Francisco most expensive residential district, in «Basic Instinct» several plays in this place shoots. 临近旧金山要塞公园的太平洋高地是旧金山最昂贵的住宅区,《本能》中好几场戏都是在此地拍摄 Eric arrives at the Pacific Ocean high ground Broadway street shoots place according to the address that Jeffrey provides, just got out, saw that outside the mansion of warning line had been defended dozens fully-armed anti-riot police | to observe by pulling. 艾瑞克根据杰弗里提供的地址来到太平洋高地百老汇街拍摄地,刚刚下车,就看到一栋被拉了警戒线的豪宅外守着几十名全副武装的防暴警丨察。 Several people just got out, Jeffrey then welcomed. 几个人刚刚下车,杰弗里便迎了上来。 Jeffrey, did this somewhat exaggerate?” Eric referred to that group of anti-riot police | the inquiry saying, although he, when New York shoots «Ghost», heard here something, but saw the situation of scene felt somewhat accidentally. 杰弗里,这有些夸张了吧?”艾瑞克指了指那群防暴警丨察问道,虽然他在纽约拍摄人鬼情未了》的时候,就听说了这边的一些事情,但看到现场的情况还是感觉有些意外。 Jeffrey has smiled bitterly under: Eric, we are advanced, if some people discovered that you come to here, it is estimated that must go wrong, said , after I urged you, do not write such script again.” 杰弗里苦笑了下:“艾瑞克,我们还是先进去吧,万一有人发现你来这里,估计又要出乱子,说真的,我劝你以后再也别写出这样的剧本了。” Led Eric and the others to enter the shoots location, Jeffrey explained: San Francisco is the North America homosexuality supreme headquarters, after previous «Basic Instinct» some plot details were disclosed that the San Francisco homosexuality organization thought that this movie is a suspect to discriminate against the homosexual, this day merely over 100 people protest activities occurred four times, to prevent the somewhat radical homosexual obstructs shoots forcefully, we have more careful.” 带着艾瑞克等人进入了拍摄场地,杰弗里才解释道:“旧金山本来就是北美同性恋的大本营,上次《本能》的一些剧情细节被透露之后,旧金山的同性恋组织觉得这部电影涉嫌歧视同性恋者,这段日子仅仅100人以上的抗议活动就发生了四次,为了防止有些激进的同性恋者强行阻挠拍摄,我们不得不更加小心。” Eric and Jeffrey and are walking, listening to Jeffrey saying that also asked: What meaning San Francisco county politics | is mansion that side?” 艾瑞克杰弗里并行走着,听杰弗里说完,又问道:“旧金山县政丨府那边是什么意思?” Jeffrey has referred to outside SWAT team: Looked at their just knows, our movies invested more than 30 million USD, spent majority in San Francisco, this to the San Francisco county government was not a small tax revenue. In addition before me, with you have raised that donation, they are impossible to see the dramatic team to have any accident. However, the SWAT team can only prevent the excessive behavior of homosexual. Cannot scatter the opposite party forcefully.” 杰弗里指了指外面的防暴队:“看他们就知道了,我们这部电影投资3000多万美元,大部分都花费在了旧金山,这对旧金山县政府来说是一笔不小的税务收入。再加上我之前跟你提过的那笔捐款,他们不可能看到剧组出任何意外。不过,防暴队只能防止同性恋者的过激行为。并不能强行驱散对方。” This is good,” Eric nodded satisfied. Several people arrive at beyond the shoots location, actually saw that several staff defend outside a leafed door. “这样就好,”艾瑞克满意地点了点头。几人来到拍摄场地外,却看到几个工作人员守在一扇门外。 Inside is killing Johnny in shoots Catherine Tramell. Baz's that play, had been cleared.” “里面正在拍摄凯瑟琳.楚梅杀死约翰尼.巴兹的那场戏,已经被清场了。” Jeffrey just explained that the gate of bedroom was opened. 杰弗里刚刚解释了一句,卧室的门就被打开。 Quick, some people fainted, helped to lift him,” that staff said anxiously that immediately returned to the bedroom. Defended outside several stage supervisors also walked. “快,有人晕过去了,帮忙把他抬出去,”那位工作人员焦急地说完,就立刻返回了卧室。原本守在外面的几个场务也走了进去。 Eric and Jeffrey looked at each other were the same, wear a look of worried that looked toward the bedroom. 艾瑞克杰弗里对视了一样,都面带担忧地朝卧室内看去。 Because this play is bloody, to prevent some people receives the stimulation to faint, we have arranged a doctor beforehand specially in inside, therefore felt relieved that will not have problems,” Jeffrey answered. “因为这场戏过于血腥,为了防止有人受到刺激晕过去,我们事先专门安排了一个医生在里面,所以放心吧,不会出问题的,”杰弗里解释道。 Eric remembers in the memory the picture, nodded, the attractive bed | the play scene transforms the murder that the blood has scattered suddenly, even if clearly knows that is false. Receives the stimulation to be also unavoidable. 艾瑞克想起记忆中画面,点了点头,诱人的床丨戏场面突然转变成了鲜血四溅的谋杀,哪怕明知道是假的。受到刺激也是在所难免的。 Eric is just thinking must go to have a look, wears white coat both eyes to shut tightly the face whiten middle-aged person to lie down on the stretcher, was lifted by several staff hurriedly. 艾瑞克正想着要不要进去看看,一个身穿白大褂双目紧闭脸色苍白的中年人躺在担架上,被几个工作人员急匆匆地抬了出来。 This is...... That doctor who we arrange?” Jeffrey thought somewhat unbelievable muttered. “这是……我们安排的那个医生?”杰弗里觉得有些难以置信的喃喃自语了一句。 Eric sees this scene. The corners of the mouth have also pulled out pulling out, looks at each other one with Jeffrey, wants to smile does not dare to smile, after all this situation smiled to salute. Just, facing the bloody scene, the shoots personnel does not have any accident, the doctor who is responsible for processing the accidental condition has actually fainted, how this scene saw comedy. 艾瑞克看到这场面。嘴角也抽了抽,与杰弗里对视一眼,想笑又不敢笑,毕竟这种情形笑出来就太施礼了。只不过,面对血腥场面,拍摄人员没有出任何意外,负责处理意外状况的医生却晕了过去,这场面怎么看都搞笑了一些。 „Sorry, Mr. Williams. Had an accident,” Director Roger Spottiswoode walked quickly. Shakes hand to say with Eric. “真是抱歉,威廉姆斯先生。出了点意外,”导演罗杰.斯波蒂伍德很快走了出来。与艾瑞克握手道。 Has not related, that. Can I go to look at?” “没关系,那么。我可以进去看一下吗?” Naturally,” Roger nodded, sees to follow in Eric behind Joanna Pacula, Roger also saying: I suggested that this woman do not go, although in the room has carried on preliminary cleaning up, but is somewhat horrible to look.” “当然,”罗杰点了点头,看到跟在艾瑞克身后的乔安娜.帕库拉,罗杰又说道:“我建议这位女士还是别进去了,房间里虽然已经进行了初步的清理,但还是有些惨不忍睹。” Joan, you wait outside,” Eric had confessed to the girl, entered the bedroom with Roger Spottiswoode. ,那你就等在外面吧,”艾瑞克对女郎交代了一声,跟着罗杰.斯波蒂伍德走进了卧室。 This is a very spacious western-style style bedroom, establishes according to script, on the ceiling also thinks at the same time the giant mirror, at this time several staff are cleaning up dripping with blood bed, naturally, these possibly are not the real blood, but is not the ketchup, looks like quite lifelike. 这是一间非常宽敞的欧式风格卧室,按照剧本中设置,天花板上还装着一面巨大的镜子,此时几个工作人员正在清理‘鲜血淋漓’的大床,当然,那些不可能是真血,不过也不是番茄酱,看起来相当逼真。 Heroine Diane Lane quick walked from nearby bathroom, the body is also throwing over a spacious white bathrobe, sees Eric to appear, in the girl vision brings some to walk to go forward pleasantly surprised: Mr. Williams, hello, really cannot think that you will come today, Mr. Spotti Wood have not told me.” 女主角戴安.莱恩很快从旁边的浴室里走了出来,身上还披着一件宽大的白色浴袍,看到艾瑞克出现,女郎目光里带着些许惊喜地走上前:“威廉姆斯先生,你好,真想不到你今天会来,斯波蒂伍德先生都没有告诉我。” Eric and Diane Lane have grasped starting, said with a smile: It seems like just the shoots scene had not brought any illness to Miss Ryan, this is really the matter that very rejoices, I just noticed that the doctor was lifted.” 艾瑞克戴安.莱恩握了下手,笑着说道:“看来刚刚拍摄的镜头并没有对莱恩小姐带来什么不适,这真是一件挺庆幸的事情,我刚刚看到医生被抬出去了。” Diane Lane that was all smiles does not know that has thought of anything, the trace received the smiling face on face, said: Actually I just also felt am very uncomfortable, feeling that even some wants to vomit, but just with the cold laundering under the face felt that is better.” 原本笑容满面的戴安.莱恩不知道想到了什么,不着痕迹地收起了脸上的笑容,道:“其实我刚刚也感觉很难受,甚至有想要呕吐的感觉,不过刚刚用冷水洗了下脸才感觉好一些。” Roger Spottiswoode looked at the woman of lying strangely, just shoots arrived finally, defends in nearby doctor supercilious look turned corona past tense, Diane Lane is teased to smile. If not the scene has completed, perhaps must come again. 罗杰.斯波蒂伍德奇怪地看了眼说谎的女人,刚刚拍摄到最后,守在附近的医生白眼一翻晕过去时,戴安.莱恩可是被逗得笑了出来的。如果不是镜头已经完成,说不定还要再来一遍。 However, meaning that this not worthy of mentioning minor matter, Roger Spottiswoode has not seen through. 不过,这种微不足道的小事,罗杰.斯波蒂伍德也没有拆穿的意思。 Eric nodded, hears in the bathroom also to have the colored underwater sound, asked curiously: Some inside also people?” 艾瑞克点了点头,听到浴室中还有花花的水声,好奇地问道:“里面还有人?” Yes, Mr. Cabell is cleaning dirt, words that this type of periston does not clean immediately, after being dry, is very difficult to make from the skin,” Roger Spottiswoode said. “是的,卡贝尔先生正在清洗身上的污渍,这种人造血浆不立刻清洗掉的话,干燥之后很难从皮肤上弄下来,”罗杰.斯波蒂伍德说道。 Inside has the curtain screen, I had just washed starting,” Diane Lane explained one. “里面有帘子的,我刚刚只是洗了下手,”戴安.莱恩跟着解释了一句。 Eric looked, sees the staff to start to move the shoots instrument outward, suddenly also asked: Was right, I remember that the following scene should be the police | observe the reconnaissance to scene?” 艾瑞克四下看了看,见工作人员已经开始向外搬拍摄仪器,突然又问道:“对了,我记得接下来的镜头应该是警丨察对现场的勘察啊?” Roger Spottiswoode explained: To arrange the running schedules of some supporting roles, that scene has shotted beforehand.” 罗杰.斯波蒂伍德解释道:“为了安排一些配角的档期,那个镜头事先已经拍完了。” That following?” Eric also asked. “那接下来呢?”艾瑞克又问道。 Roger Spottiswoode must come the shoots planning chart to give Eric from assistant there: Then must go to Catherine Tramell villa shoots several groups of scene, is not far from here, in nearby Vallejo street.” ( to be continued ) 罗杰.斯波蒂伍德从助手那里要来拍摄计划表递给艾瑞克:“接下来还要去凯瑟琳.楚梅的别墅拍摄几组镜头,离这里不远,就在附近的瓦列霍街。”(未完待续)
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