IAIH :: Volume #4

#339: Monopoly tentative plan

John Lasseter and Ed Carmore rigid in manufacturing 3D Animation, similarly is to the premonition of this animation form favorable outlook, will hear Eric to favor the computer special effect the future, they will unable to find out any rebuttal the reason. After all, 3D Animation that they insist has not yielded any result, but vision of Eric in movie was confirmed through many movies. 约翰.拉塞特埃德.卡莫尔执着于制作3d动画,同样是处于对这种动画形式良好前景的预感,听到艾瑞克看好电脑特效的将来,两人都想不出任何反驳的理由。毕竟,两人坚持的3d动画还没有取得任何成果,而艾瑞克在电影方面的眼光已经通过多部电影被证实了。 Said these many, Eric the detailed program plan will place in front of Ed Carmore, Ed Carmore also realizes the Eric intention. Although he is manufacturing 3D Animation now, but, 3D Animation as before is computer CG Special Effects one, but Ed Carmore most when Lucas Film Industry, responsible is the computer cg scene in 《Star Wars》. Therefore obviously, Eric is hopes that he can manage this team. 说了这么多,艾瑞克又将详细的计划方案放在埃德.卡莫尔面前,埃德.卡莫尔也意识到艾瑞克的意图。虽然他现在正在制作3d动画,不过,3d动画依旧是电脑cg特效的一种,而埃德.卡莫尔最早在卢卡斯影业的时候,负责的就是《星球大战》中的电脑cg场景。因此显而易见,艾瑞克是希望他能够主持这个团队。 John Lasseter also realized certainly this point, in the expression brought to worry that worked together as colleagues together such for a long time, among them the cooperation became very tacit, if Eric adjusted Ed Carmore to manage the digital domain computer special effect department, that Pixar what to do? 约翰.拉塞特当然也意识到了这一点,表情中带着担忧,一起共事这么久,两人之间的合作已经变得非常默契,如果艾瑞克埃德.卡莫尔去主持数字领域的电脑特效部门,那皮克斯怎么办? Eric, you must know, although now the «Toy Story» majority of technical question has been solved, but Pixar cannot leave Eder as before......” 艾瑞克,你要知道,虽然现在《玩具总动员》的大部分技术问题都已经解决,但皮克斯依旧离不开埃德……” Eric nodded: I understood that your worry, John, I have not wanted Eder to leave the meaning of Pixar, I planned that establishes one to study the computer special effect and for its software engineering the technology team of specially, but Eder is not only a splendid computer technology expert, but also compared with Hollywood most special effect personnel more familiar computer special effect technologies, after all, his more than ten years ago started the encounter computer special effect, therefore I hope the chief technology officer who he can hold a concurrent post of the digital domain, led this team.” 艾瑞克点了点头:“我了解你的顾虑,约翰,我并没有要埃德离开皮克斯的意思,我只是打算成立一个专门研究电脑特效并为其软件工程化的技术团队,而埃德不但是一位出色的计算机技术专家,而且比好莱坞大多数特效人员都更加熟悉电脑特效技术,毕竟,他十多年前就开始接触电脑特效了,所以我希望他能兼任数字领域的首席技术官,领导这个团队。” Eric and John Lasseter talked time, Ed Carmore has been pondering at heart fast. At this time hears Eric to own arrangement, he starts the heart movement. 艾瑞克约翰.拉塞特交谈的时候,埃德.卡莫尔心里一直在快速地思考着。此时听到艾瑞克对自己的安排,他开始心动起来。 From the Eric plan, Ed Carmore feels the ambition of Eric to computer special effect. The plan prospect that although he proposed to Eric had suspected as before, but did not hinder his cognition to this huge plan. 艾瑞克的方案中,埃德.卡莫尔就感觉到艾瑞克对电脑特效方面的野心。虽然他对艾瑞克提出的方案前景依旧有所怀疑,但并不妨碍他对这一庞大计划的认知。 The direction that once the development trend of film and television special effect said toward Eric develops. Then, starts to stress compared with any other special effect companies in the figure domain of computer special effect research without doubt becomes the lead goat of profession. 一旦影视特效的发展趋势向着艾瑞克所说的方向发展。那么,比其他任何特效公司都更开始侧重于电脑特效研究的数字领域将无疑成为行业的领头羊。 Let alone also has the software engineering this plan of special effect disposal plan, although this plan will consume the huge manpower financial resource, if by any chance accumulated the certain extent, then, the digital domain without a doubt will become the overlord of special effect profession . Moreover the status did not have to shake. 更何况还有特效处理方案的软件工程化这一计划,虽然这个计划将耗费巨大的人力财力,但等积累到了一定程度,那么,数字领域将毫无疑问成为特效行业的霸主,而且地位无可撼动。 When because a successor enters the film and television special effect domain, when they faced with a special effect issue. Discovery digit domain had the special effect software of detailed solution this issue, they are the choice form dozens people of over a hundred people of technology team again development solutions, is to the digital domain direct purchase software? 因为当一家后来者进入影视特效领域的时候,当他们面临一个特效问题。却发现数字领域已经有了详细的解决这个问题的特效软件,那么,他们是选择组建几十人上百人的技术团队重新开发解决方案,还是向数字领域直接购买软件呢? The answer is obvious. 答案显而易见。 Has pondered the moment, notes to team up the expression on John Lasseter face, had planned Ed Carmore that complies with said: Eric, I hope that the engineering research team Headquarters of digital domain can set up in San Francisco, like this I can give dual attention to Pixar . Moreover, although Los Angeles is the supreme headquarters of film industry. But has Silicon Valley San Francisco to gather to the topest computer technician.” 沉思了片刻,注意到搭档约翰.拉塞特脸上的表情,原本已经打算答应下来的埃德.卡莫尔说道:“艾瑞克,我希望数字领域的这个技术研究团队总部能够设立在旧金山,这样我可以兼顾皮克斯,而且,洛杉矶虽然是电影行业的大本营。但拥有硅谷旧金山才能招揽到最顶尖的电脑技术人才。” The Eric nod said: Naturally, I am this plan, even if sets up team Headquarters in Emeryville also yes. Perhaps can also be neighbor with Pixar.” 艾瑞克点头道:“当然,我本来就是这个打算,就算将团队总部设立在爱莫利维尔也是可以的。或许还可以与皮克斯做邻居。” Also spent for several hours to discuss simply under the detail, the specific plan wanted Stan Winston and Ed Carmore consults. 又花了几个小时时间简单商议了下细节,具体方案还是要斯坦.温斯顿埃德.卡莫尔协商。 Left on Pixar that Chevrolet business automobile, Eric had relaxed, another important board game piece was falls. 离开皮克斯上了那辆雪佛兰商务车,艾瑞克才松了口气,又一颗重要棋子算是落下了。 Nobody compared with the development trend of his clearer film and television special effect, the computer special effect becomes in the future the mainstream of film and television special effect, Industrial Light & Magic that even if builds up by the model special effect, after new century, closed once to create in 《Star Wars》 numerous virtual role model special effect departments, but concentrates on the digital special effect. 没有人比他更加清楚影视特效的发展趋势,电脑特效将成为未来影视特效的主流,哪怕是靠模型特效起家的工业光魔,新世纪之后也关闭了曾经创造出《星球大战》中众多虚拟角色的模型特效部门,而将主要精力放在数字特效上。 Moreover, reason that requests the software engineering of special effect solution forcefully. Also is not Eric is spur-of-the-moment, instead is the process thinks. This plan stems from the understanding of Eric special effect profession another development trend. 而且,之所以强行要求特效解决方案的软件工程化。也并不是艾瑞克的一时冲动,反而是经过深思熟虑的。这个计划源于艾瑞克对特效行业另外一个发展趋势的了解。 After new century, along with the rapid development of computer technology. Enters the film and television special effect profession the threshold to be getting more and more low, the film and television special effect company within global range emerges like mushrooms after a spring rainfall, in this case, the living environment of film and television special effect industry magnates was also getting more and more bad, to originally compete with the Hollywood special effect giant, United States other states, even other countries outside United States, implement high quota the tax reimbursement subsidy and other subsidies to the special effect company. 新世纪之后,随着计算机技术的迅速发展。进入影视特效行业的门槛越来越低,全球范围内的影视特效公司如雨后春笋般涌现,这种情况下,原本影视特效行业巨头们的生存环境也越来越恶劣,为了与好莱坞原本的特效巨头竞争,美国的其他州,甚至美国以外的其他国家,都对特效公司实施高额的退税补贴等财政支持。 Under this brutal competition, the Hollywood established special effect company goes out of business one after another. 在这种残酷的竞争下,好莱坞老牌特效公司一个接一个倒闭。 Eric is certainly impossible the destiny that makes the previous life digit domain go bankrupt to occur again, he has not wanted to save the entire special effect profession the thought that as movie Producer, he opposes with the special effect company in the economic interest. 艾瑞克当然不可能让前世数字领域破产的命运再次发生,他也没有想要拯救整个特效行业的念头,作为一位电影制作人,他在经济利益上与特效公司是对立的。 Plan of Eric through leading technical accumulations in other special effect companies, as well as to the software engineering of commonly used special effect plan, finally through sell special effect the way of solution and special effect software, not only makes the digital domain maintain absolute being in the lead of profession, even also hopes that the digital domain can become the oligarch of special effect profession, forms the monopoly in technology. 艾瑞克的计划是通过领先于其他特效公司的技术积累,以及对常用特效方案的软件工程化,最后通过出售特效解决方案和特效软件的方式,不但让数字领域保持行业的绝对领先,甚至还希望数字领域能够成为特效行业的寡头,形成技术上的垄断。 This tentative plan and has the feasibility, because of the present, the computer special effect just emerged, the aristocrat in special effect company or the profession of major suit, Film Studio wants to produce the special effect movie, the special effect company that can choose are not many, in this case, the digital domain definitely does not lack the special effect movie project, so long as gives up the investment, then the figure domain will accumulate enough many special effect solution. 这种设想并不是没有可行性,因为现在,电脑特效才刚刚兴起,大牌的特效公司还是行业内的贵族,电影公司想要制作特效电影,可以选择的特效公司并不多,这种情况下,数字领域肯定不缺少特效电影项目,只要舍得投入,那么数字领域将积累足够多的特效解决方案。 Waits for ten years later, the special effect profession threshold reduces, these less advanced special effect factories will discover that needs to establish the special effect technology of technologies division research and development, had the mature special effect software digital domain here, these companies definitely will choose the purchase software, but does not spend high price to research and develop. 等十年之后,特效行业门槛降低,那些后进的特效工厂会发现,很多需要成立技术部门研发的特效技术,在数字领域这里已经有了成熟的特效软件,那么,这些公司肯定会选择购买软件而不是花大价钱自己研发。 Software that what, you want we also? 什么,你要的软件我们也没有? No rush, we have enough formidable technology team, so long as pays for an appropriate expense, the digital domain can fast and inexpensive the technical research and development that you want, this may support a technology team to be much cheaper than you, not? 别急,我们有足够强大的技术团队,只要支付一笔合适的费用,数字领域就可以快速而廉价地将你想要的技术研发出来,这可比你自己养活一个技术团队要便宜得多,不是吗? Like many professions, once the monopoly forms, is very difficult to break. 和很多行业一样,垄断一旦形成,是很难打破的。 previous life Industrial Light & Magic had this potential, because of the early 90's, the computer special effect started was in vogue, Industrial Light & Magic in special effect profession single hegemony, seven big Film Studio wants to produce the special effect excellent movie, the first choice forever was Industrial Light & Magic. What what a pity is, George Lucas after the 《Star Wars》 trilogy succeeds, has the vast fortune of a lifetime not being able to all spend, did not have to develop the ambition of jumbo Industrial Light & Magic. ( to be continued ) 前世工业光魔原本是有这种潜力的,因为九十年代初,电脑特效开始盛行的时候,工业光魔在特效行业一家独大,七大电影公司想要制作特效精良的电影,第一选择永远是工业光魔。可惜的是,乔治.卢卡斯《星球大战》三部曲成功之后,拥有了一辈子花不完的巨额财产,也就没有了将工业光魔发展成巨无霸的野心。(未完待续)
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