IAIH :: Volume #4

#338: Impractical plan

Although work room for one year had the tremendous changes, but the working method any change of Pixar staff, as before has not been one year ago such that Eric sees at will. 虽然工作室一年来出现了翻天覆地的变化,但皮克斯员工的工作方式并没有任何改变,依旧是一年前艾瑞克看到的那样随意。 Except that after office district time, a young female staff has recognized Eric, shouted that one group of sisters jumped to demand beyond several signatures, the arrival of Eric has not provoked any big response. 除了经过办公区的时候,一个年轻的女员工认出了艾瑞克,喊出一堆姐妹跳出来索要了几个签名之外,艾瑞克的到来并没有引起任何大的反应。 Indoor showing, Eric and John Lasseter and Pixar several other heads together, watched have manufactured good «Toy Story» Large expanse, although did not have the sound, but, has manufactured the fragment that completed is very interesting, from beginning to end at least sat in Eric Joanna looks with great interest. 一间放映室内,艾瑞克约翰.拉塞特皮克斯另外几名负责人一起,观看了已经制作好的《玩具总动员》成片,虽然没有声音,但是,已经制作完成的片段还是非常有趣,至少坐在艾瑞克身边的乔安娜从头至尾都看的津津有味。 Compares original in memory, «Toy Story» of this edition really had very big promotion in the detail, the picture is more exquisite and real, the movement of toy also nimble and resourceful. 相比于记忆中的原版,这一版本的《玩具总动员》确实在细节上有了很大的提升,画面更加细腻和真实,玩具的动作也更加的灵动。 Looked that has manufactured good Large expanse, Eric and John Lasseter chatted a while, after the end product has made an affirmation, John Lasseter finally asks: Eric, I think that you come today, not only to look at our manufacture successes?” 看完了已经制作好的成片,艾瑞克约翰.拉塞特聊了一会儿,对成品做了一番肯定之后,约翰.拉塞特才终于问道:“艾瑞克,我想你今天过来,不仅仅是为了看我们的制作成功的吧?” Eric showed a faint smile, refers to sitting in the John Lasseter nearby Pixar chief technology officer: Naturally, actually, I am look for Mr. Ed Carmore.” 艾瑞克微微一笑,指了指坐在约翰.拉塞特旁边的皮克斯的首席技术官:“当然,其实,我是来找埃德.卡莫尔先生的。” The Ed Carmore interest is not too high, if not the Eric Big Boss status, Ed Carmore already sneaked in oneself office research technology, compares in treating with courtesy, he likes working. 埃德.卡莫尔原本兴致一直不是太高,如果不是艾瑞克大老板的身份,埃德.卡莫尔早就钻进自己办公室研究技术了,相比于应酬,他还是更加喜欢工作。 Saw that Eric aims at itself suddenly, Ed Carmore recovers from some technical question: Looks for me?” 看到艾瑞克突然指向自己,埃德.卡莫尔才从某个技术问题中回过神来:“找我?” Yes, we go to the conference room to discuss that” Eric stands up to say. “是的,我们还是去会议室谈吧,”艾瑞克站起身说道。 The group shifted in conference room, Eric under going to seat of honor, Alan put out one pack of distributions of paper from the official business package to Ed Carmore and John Lasseter. 一行人转移到了会议室内,艾瑞克在上首坐下,艾伦从公务包内拿出一叠文件分发给埃德.卡莫尔约翰.拉塞特 Mr. Stan Winston should also come. But he tied down by something cannot withdraw the body, has my this layman to discuss. Although before me, has read some materials, but. If there is any an impractical place, you can say at any time.” “原本斯坦.温斯顿先生也应该过来的。但他被一些事情缠住脱不开身,只好我这个外行过来谈了。虽然我之前看过了一些资料,不过。如果有什么不切实际的地方,你们可以随时提出来。” Hears treating a matter seriously that Eric said. Ed Carmore and John Lasseter seriously nodded. 听到艾瑞克说的郑重其事。埃德.卡莫尔约翰.拉塞特都郑重地点了点头。 Eric also said quickly: This is I in the shoots «Ghost» process, makes a plan that with the help of Stan, the software engineering plan about film and television special effect technology, you can look first, waits for us to chat again.” 艾瑞克很快就又说道:“这是我在拍摄人鬼情未了》的过程中,在斯坦的帮助下做出来的一个计划,关于影视特效技术的软件工程化方案,你们可以先看一下,等下我们再聊。” Ed Carmore and John Lasseter then opened front Alan just to apportion their documents, along with reading of document, John Lasseter was better, Ed Carmore has actually shown the shocking expression. He is the computer technology doctor comes, therefore, the plan huge scale that conceives Eric to propose has a sincerer experience slightly. 埃德.卡莫尔约翰.拉塞特这才翻开面前艾伦刚刚分给他们的文件,随着对文件的阅读,约翰.拉塞特还好一些,埃德.卡莫尔却露出了震惊的表情。他是计算机技术博士出身,因此,稍微设想一下艾瑞克所提出的计划庞大规模有更加深切的体会。 In the document, Eric proposed looks like the somewhat impractical plan in Ed Carmore, he hopes to found a top technology team, the computer special effect technology that in the movie will use in the future carries on the software engineering. 文件中,艾瑞克提出了一个在埃德.卡莫尔看来有些不切实际的方案,他希望创建一个顶尖的技术团队,将未来电影中所使用的电脑特效技术进行软件工程化。 Usually, in must use the computer special effect in the movie, movie Director comes across an issue, for example, he hopes that in the scene a living photograph heated up candle same melts. Then, the engineers of computer special effect department specially to solve this problem, but development corresponding procedure code. Generally. After solving this problem, these codes will turn into the useless data. 通常来说,在一部要使用到电脑特效的电影中,电影导演遇到一个问题,比如,他希望镜头中一个活生生的人像被加热的蜡烛一样融化掉。那么,电脑特效部门的工程师们就会专门为了解决这个问题,而开发出相应的程序代码。一般情况下。解决这个问题之后,这些代码就会变成了无用的数据。 But in the tentative plan of Eric, truly the hope these useless data further intensive processing, turns into one set of fixed software, if meets the same class again the special effect issue, can directly use. 艾瑞克的设想中,确实希望将这些无用的数据进一步的深加工,变成一套固定的软件,如果再遇到同一类的特效问题,可以直接使用。 Although many movies started to use the computer to manufacture the special effect now, but as a whole, the computer special effect is also in the model special effect for the focus time. 虽然现在很多电影都已经开始使用电脑来制作特效,但总体上,电脑特效还处于模型特效为主的时代。 Therefore, plan that Eric proposed. It looks like in Ed Carmore of expert very impractically and wastes extremely, after all. In order to solve the special effect problem develops the corresponding code procedure quite time-consuming to expend effort, if these retreatment software. Wasted the time and money . Moreover, the software that processed whether can also with obtaining in the future is also a very major problem. 因此,艾瑞克所提出的计划。在内行的埃德.卡莫尔看来非常的不切实际而且极度浪费,毕竟。为了解决特效问题开发出相应的代码程序已经相当的耗时耗力,如果将这些再加工成软件的话。就更加浪费时间和金钱了,而且,加工成的软件将来是否还能用得到也是一个非常大的问题。 They read the Eric prospectus in detail, then gains ground. 两人详细地将艾瑞克的计划书读完,然后抬起头。 Eric shrugs: Good, you have any issue, directly raises, John, you said first.” 艾瑞克耸了耸肩:“好吧,你们有什么问题,就直接提出来吧,约翰,你先说。” Eric, I thought that this does not need completely, this too wasted.” John Lasseter said own view very much straightforwardly. 艾瑞克,我觉得,这完全没有必要,这太浪费了。”约翰.拉塞特很直白地说出了自己的看法。 Eder, you?” “埃德,你呢?” My view is the same with John, this is a matter of unusual waste.” Ed Carmore said: Takes «Toy Story», to solve the cowboy Woody facial expression movement appears more lifelike, our teams have spent one month of compilation corresponding procedure code, this problem solve. But to manufacture the software this group of codes, the time of consumption definitely surpasses the compilation code the time . Moreover, after producing the software, but also needs to carry on the promotion maintenance along with turning to a new generation of computer hardware to the software, this is a consumption. But can this software, use is very difficult in the future to talk clearly once more, even if «Toy Story» has the sequel, most can use 34 times, or 45 times.” “我的看法跟约翰一样,这是一件非常浪费的事情。”埃德.卡莫尔说道:“就拿《玩具总动员》来说,为了解决牛仔胡迪的面部表情动作显得更加逼真,我们的团队花了一个月时间编写相应的程序代码,才将这个问题解决。但如果想要将这一组代码制作成软件的话,消耗的时间肯定超过编写代码的时间,而且,制作成软件之后,还需要随着电脑硬件的升级换代对软件进行升级维护,这又是一笔消耗。而这个软件,将来能不能再次用到却很难说清,就算《玩具总动员》有续集,也最多能用34次,或者45次。” Eric nodded: I understand your meaning, but this point, I have given the solution in the plan, we will form a very specialized assessment panel, carries on the usability evaluation to the special effect procedure, classifies for the code procedure that the solution special effect issue develops the technical personnel, then chooses the procedure that in the future will possibly use to carry on the software engineering.” 艾瑞克点了点头:“我明白你的意思,但是这一点,我在方案中已经给出了解决方案,我们会成立一个非常专业的评估小组,对特效程序进行可用性评估,将技术人员为解决特效问题开发出的代码程序进行分类,然后选择将来最可能使用到的程序进行软件工程化。” John Lasseter asked: Eric, I want to know why you do want such to do? Now uses the computer special effect the movie to be few, moreover compares in the computer special effect, the model special effect is more inexpensive, moreover every so often wants lifelike many, I really cannot find out to have any movie-making chamber of commerce to give up the inexpensive and lifelike computer special effect, instead uses expensively, but the effect is not good computer special effect.” 约翰.拉塞特还是问道:“艾瑞克,我想知道,你为什么要这么做?现在使用电脑特效的电影还很少,而且相比于电脑特效,模型特效要廉价很多,而且很多时候要逼真的多,我实在想不出有什么制片商会放弃廉价而逼真的电脑特效,反而去使用昂贵的、但效果并不是太好的电脑特效。” Eric said: Because I have one premonition, the computer special effect will become in the future the mainstream of film and television special effect, now I have no way to prove my view, but soon, so long as James Cameron «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» and my «Jurassic Park» project manufacture will be completed, you can definitely realize this.” ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克说道:“因为我有一种预感,电脑特效将成为将来影视特效的主流,现在我没法证明我的说法,但是用不了多久,只要詹姆斯.卡梅隆的《终结者2》和我的《侏罗纪公园》项目制作完成,你们肯定能体会到这点。”(未完待续)
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