IAIH :: Volume #4

#337: Dud

At the end of May, «Ghost» in New York Manhattan shoots official filmed, Eric led the dramatic team hosts to create to return to Los Angeles to start the later period to manufacture. 五月底,《人鬼情未了》在纽约曼哈顿拍摄正式封镜,艾瑞克带着剧组主创返回洛杉矶开始了后期制作。 Meanwhile, as the North America schools start to have a vacation one after another, 1990 summer files arrived officially. 同时,随着北美大中小学陆续开始放假,1990年的暑期档正式到来。 On May 25, Universal Pictures «Back to the Future Part III» and Disney produced the Bowei international distribution «Flamingo Attack» separately screen over 2000 theaters. 5月25日,环球影业的《回到未来3》和迪斯尼出品博伟国际发行的《火鸟出击》分别在超过2000家影院上映。 «Back to the Future Part III» this filmmaking is quite hasty, after all, «Back to the Future Part II» screened at the end of last year, as for the reason, almost and last year Columbia restarted the «Ghostbusters» series after five years is exactly the same. Universal parent company MCA and acquisition negotiation of Japan Matsushita Financial group was in the final stage, in order to sells a good price MCA, Universal Pictures need better achievement support. 回到未来3》这部电影制作相当仓促,毕竟,《回到未来2》去年年底才上映,至于原因,几乎和去年哥伦比亚时隔五年重启《捉鬼敢死队》系列一模一样。环球的母公司mca日本松下财团的收购谈判已经进入了最后阶段,为了能够将mca卖个好价钱,环球影业需要更好的业绩支撑。 Because time press, although this «Back to the Future Part III» holds the post of the producer by Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis Director, but after the movie opens, receives the criticism of general film critic, even if there is a hardcore movie fan of a large part of series to support, the first weekend three days have attained as before only 19 million USD Box Office. 因为时间紧迫,虽然这部《回到未来3》由斯皮尔伯格担任制片人,罗伯特.泽米基斯导演,但电影上映后受到广大影评人的批评,哪怕有很大一部分系列的铁杆影迷支持,首周末三天依旧只拿到了1900万美元票房 However, if compared with another movie that the same time shows, the «Back to the Future Part III» result can only describe with the bright eye. 但是,如果与同期上映的另外一部电影相比,《回到未来3》的成绩则只能用亮眼来形容了。 That is Disney's that «Flamingo Attack», this is one narrated that the story of US forces Apache helicopter aviation pilot, compares in the dispute that in the «Back to the Future Part III» movie quality causes, after a fiery propaganda, screened later «Flamingo Attack» actually immediately has become dud, did not have flood how much water splash. 那就是迪斯尼的那部《火鸟出击》,这是一部讲述美军阿帕奇直升机部队飞行员的故事,相比于《回到未来3》影片质量上惹出的争议,经过一番火热宣传,上映之后的《火鸟出击》却立刻成了一枚哑弹,没有泛起多少水花。 This movie and Tom Cruise attain the 350 million USD Box Office signature work to be similar in global, therefore on newspaper was occasionally mentioned by film critic, only ends up to turn out one this appraisal to the shoddy imitation of «Top Gun». 这部电影与汤姆.克鲁斯全球拿到3.5亿美元票房的成名作非常相似,因此报纸上被影评人偶尔提及,也只落得一句‘对《壮志凌云》的拙劣模仿’这种评价。 Similarly was 2000 opens picture theater, «Flamingo Attack» has only attained pitiful 6 million USD Box Office, this Box Office result remised Disney to sign two to three weeks to screen the contract theater Manager to complain. Three weeks later, this invests the 30 million USD movie faced with the destiny of below files, is counted the cost of capital. This movie is Disney will bring at least the loss of 30 million USD. 同样是2000家开画影院,《火鸟出击》只拿到了可怜的600万美元票房,这份票房成绩让与迪斯尼签署了两到三周上映合约的影院经理们怨声载道。三周之后,这部投资3000万美元的影片将面临下档的命运,算上发行成本。这部电影将为迪斯尼带来至少3000万美元的亏损。 Disney summer the first artillery turned dud, Eric should take pleasure in others'misfortunes is. Because of the reason of this movie actor, Eric happy. 迪斯尼暑期第一炮变成了哑弹,艾瑞克本应该非常幸灾乐祸才是。因为这部电影男主角的缘故,艾瑞克却怎么也高兴不起来。 Because this spends 3000 USD movie actors, is Nicolas Cage, the Eric this edition of «Ghost» actor. 因为这部耗资3000美元的电影男主角,正是尼古拉斯.凯奇,艾瑞克这一版《人鬼情未了》的男主角。 On the morning of May 29, when Eric and «Ghost» several hosts created just went out of the Los Angeles airport, by one troop paparazzi, was being inquired Eric to the view of «Flamingo Attack». Eric gets up to catch the airplane to return to Los Angeles very early in the morning, knows nothing about the «Flamingo Attack» matter. Possibly how to have any view, in the paparazzi issue that in addition surrounds has filled the spoken language trap, Eric is more impossible to deal rashly, can only hastily leave under protecting and sustaining of bodyguard silent. 5月29日上午,当艾瑞克与《人鬼情未了》的几位主创刚刚走出洛杉矶机场,就被一大群狗仔堵个正着,纷纷询问艾瑞克对《火鸟出击》的看法。艾瑞克一大早起来就赶飞机回洛杉矶,对《火鸟出击》的事情还一无所知。怎么可能有什么看法,再加上围堵的狗仔问题中充满了言语陷阱,艾瑞克就更不可能冒然应对,只能沉默地在保镖的护持下匆匆离开。 But his silent obviously is not the good means that next day, on tabloid newspaper presented Williams to be inquired about «Flamingo Attack» cold face by to the news, the article talked about Nicolas Cage from Eric, quick changes to the goal is carrying in late «Ghost». 但他的这种沉默显然不是什么好办法,第二天,小报上就出现了‘威廉姆斯被问及《火鸟出击》冷脸以对’的新闻,文章从艾瑞克谈到尼古拉斯.凯奇,很快就将目标转到正在进行后期的《人鬼情未了》上面。 Just also has the «Back to the Future Part III» hasty manufacture causes the Box Office unsatisfactory example before, many media start to question the «Ghost» movie quality. 刚好又有《回到未来3》仓促制作导致票房不尽人意的例子在前,不少媒体又开始质疑《人鬼情未了》的影片质量。 When the matter is noisily restless, Eric actually left Los Angeles to fly to San Francisco. 事情沸沸扬扬地闹腾起来时,艾瑞克却已经离开了洛杉矶飞往旧金山 After all. This matter can only give Firefly and Disney's propaganda department deals, Eric only needing enabled the agent publication statement to be OK. Believes that Disney just experienced Box Office to be defeated, will definitely not treat it lightly on «Ghost». 毕竟。这种事情只能交给萤火虫迪斯尼的宣传部门应对,艾瑞克只需要让代理人发表一些声明就可以了。相信迪斯尼刚刚经历了一次票房失败,在《人鬼情未了》上肯定不会掉以轻心。 Although is not too far Los Angeles to San Francisco. Takes plane only takes one hour, because has been bustling about, Eric more than one year had not come to here, previous time come to purchase the Pixar matter. 虽然洛杉矶旧金山并不算太远。坐飞机只需要一个多小时,不过因为一直在忙碌,艾瑞克已经一年多时间没有来过这里了,上次过来还是为了收购皮克斯的事情。 In more than one year, Pixar here business Eric was plenary powers has given John Lasseter, two people of majority of time both through telephone exchange, matter that even if needs to discuss face to face, was John Lasseter goes to Los Angeles. 这一年多来,皮克斯这边的事务艾瑞克都是全权交给了约翰.拉塞特,两人大部分时间都是通过电话交流,哪怕需要当面商议的事情,也都是约翰.拉塞特洛杉矶 Because Eric fund without hesitation pours into, before Pixar no longer is more than one year, shrank the poor animation studio in San Francisco Bay Richmond Little Lou. 因为艾瑞克毫不犹豫的资金注入,皮克斯已经不再是一年多前缩在旧金山湾里士满市小楼里的寒酸动画工作室了。 This time Pixar Headquarters moved to arrive the small town of Uncle Yu Keli nearby Emeryville. The staff also increased to more than 300, but was the 3D Animation manufacture provides the engineer team over 100 people of technical support specially. When compares just purchased the Pixar scale, the present team with the luxury described that a point is not overrated. 此时的皮克斯总部已经搬迁到了位于伯克利附近一座名叫爱莫利维尔的小城。员工也增加到了300多名,而专门为3d动画制作提供技术支持的工程师团队就超过100人。相比刚刚收购时的皮克斯规模,现在的团队用奢侈来形容一点也不为过。 John. Compares in Jobs, my this Boss simply likely is the angel is right?” Hugged with John Lasseter that going out of the Pixar office building greets , the Eric first few words such said. 约翰。相比于乔布斯,我这个老板简直像是天使对不对?”与走出皮克斯办公楼迎接的约翰.拉塞特拥抱了下,艾瑞克第一句话就这么说道。 Naturally, Eric, we have gone.” John Lasseter knows that Eric is cracking a joke with oneself, with following after Eric behind Alan and Joanna shake hand, John Lasseter said: Naturally, Eric, we have gone.” “当然了,艾瑞克,我们进去吧。”约翰.拉塞特知道艾瑞克是在跟自己开玩笑,与跟在艾瑞克身后的艾伦乔安娜握手之后,约翰.拉塞特道:“当然了,艾瑞克,我们进去吧。” Eric enters the office building with John Lasseter, disguises to say morosely: But, «Toy Story» I only complied to invest 30 million not to have, money that but now, you spend approached 30 million, the shadow of my gearing picture has not actually seen.” 艾瑞克跟着约翰.拉塞特走进办公楼,假装不高兴地说道:“可是,《玩具总动员》我原本只答应投资3000万没有的,但现在,你花掉的钱就已经接近3000万了,我却连动画片的影子都没有看到。” Even if John Lasseter knows Eric in blaming him, but somewhat blushes as before however, previous life «Toy Story» first part completes in the extremely difficult situation, therefore cost also only then 30 million USD, many details do are quite rough. 约翰.拉塞特即使知道艾瑞克并不是在责怪他,但依旧有些赧然,前世的《玩具总动员第一部是在极其艰难的情况下完成的,因此成本也只有3000万美元,很多细节做得都相当粗糙。 But after having Eric sufficient financial support, John Lasseter causes trouble as the perfectionism tendency of artist, the budget overspending has almost become the affirmative matter. 而得到艾瑞克充足的资金支持之后,约翰.拉塞特作为艺术家的完美主义倾向作祟,预算超支几乎成了肯定的事情。 Therefore the animation now will has completed two-thirds, but the cost approached three surely USD, John Lasseter does not spend freely luckily like Cameron reckless, after all, he does not have 100% confidence to 3D Animation, to reduce as far as possible in the future the influence and loss that because possibly the failure brings, John Lasseter consumes the fund to come to control. 因此动画现在才堪堪完成了2,但成本已经接近三千万美元,也幸好约翰.拉塞特不像卡梅隆那样挥霍起来不顾一切,毕竟,他对3d动画也没有100的信心,为了尽量减少将来可能因为失败带来的影响和损失,约翰.拉塞特消耗起资金来才非常节制。 But previous life, because of the success of «Toy Story» first part, the second part cost directly rose dramatically 100 million USD, the third cost was to reach as high as 200 million, thus it can be seen, in the pursue perfect aspect, as the John Lasseter bone of Director in James Cameron was a kind of person, he did not have Cameron to be so crazy. ( to be continued ) 前世,因为《玩具总动员第一部的成功,第二部的成本则直接飙升到了一亿美元,第三部成本更是高达两亿,由此可见,在追求完美方面,作为导演约翰.拉塞特骨子里跟詹姆斯.卡梅隆是一类人,他只是没有卡梅隆那么疯狂而已。(未完待续)
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