IAIH :: Volume #4

#336: This aspect I am experienced

Just Eric was only looks at the story program to throw down this script simply, hears Charlie Walker saying that Warner sent out the 1 million USD salary, Eric in detail looked at script. 刚刚艾瑞克只是简单的看了眼故事大纲就将这部剧本丢下,听到查理.沃克华纳报出了100万美元的片酬,艾瑞克才详细地将剧本又看了一遍。 Mr. Walker, I had not seen any highlight from this movie. To be honest, this story was somewhat scattered in disorder . Moreover the story subject is somewhat slurred, is very pale to the description of kinship, instead exaggerates Heroine to raise a sum of money detail that with the massive words, but has to cooperate with the criminal, although female Lord transformation at heart described reluctantly is splendid, but before these words instead desalinated the author mother and daughter, wanted to express kinship subject, or the script author two subjects both want to display, but if in this case, instead did not involve clear,” looked at script, Eric commented subconsciously. 沃克先生,我并没有从这部电影了看到什么亮点。说实话,这个故事有些散乱了,而且故事主题有些模糊不清,对亲情的描写很苍白,反而用大量笔墨渲染女主角为了筹集一笔钱而不得不与犯罪分子合作的细节,虽然女主的心里转变方面描写勉强算是出色,但这些笔墨反而淡化了作者想要表达的母女之前亲情的主题,又或者说,剧本的作者两个主题都想表现出来,但如果这样的话,反而更加牵扯不清,”看完了剧本,艾瑞克下意识评论了起来。 Charlie Walker is listening to appraisal of Eric earnestly to script, such opportunity are not many, believes that seven big Film Studio any producers are willing to pay not the small price to listen attentively to the direction of Eric to script specially, although Charlie Walker now is also only manager, but the future matter will be uncertain, manager will transfer the duty becomes the producer or the matter of Film Studio management in industry is very universal matter, even can say that does not want to work as manager of producer is not good manager. 查理.沃克认真听着艾瑞克剧本的评价,这样的机会可不多,相信七大电影公司任何一个制片人都愿意花不小的代价来专门倾听艾瑞克剧本的指点,虽然查理.沃克现在还只是一个经纪人,但将来的事情可不一定,经纪人转职成制片人或者电影公司高管的事情在业内是很普遍的事情,甚至可以说不想当制片人的经纪人不是好经纪人 Waited for Eric saying that Charlie Walker nodded saying: Mr. Williams, you said is very reasonable, but, this movie has not begun shooting, believes that will want your telephone, the Warner aspect definitely to be willing to coordinate to revise script.” 艾瑞克说完,查理.沃克才点头道:“威廉姆斯先生,你说的很有道理,不过,这部电影还没有开拍,相信只要你一个电话,华纳方面肯定会非常愿意配合修改剧本的。” Eric smiled to Charlie Walker: This is the affirmation, but, I may not have the duty to direct Warner to revise any script, the time early, Mr. Walker, I have not thought that you should go back.” 艾瑞克查理.沃克笑了笑:“这是肯定的,不过,我可没有义务指点华纳修改什么剧本,时间已经不早了,沃克先生,我想你该回去了。” Mr. Williams. Why does not listen to the opinion of Miss Pacula, is this 1 million USD salary, how many stars Hollywood has to attain such salary after all?” 威廉姆斯先生。为什么不听一下帕库拉小姐的意见呢,这毕竟是100万美元的片酬,好莱坞有多少女星能够拿到这样的片酬啊?” My opinion is the opinion of Joan. Mr. Walker,” Eric has stood. Sat a hand signal of seeing a visitor out. “我的意见就是的意见。沃克先生,”艾瑞克站了起来。坐了一个送客的手势。 Charlie Walker received script, stands up reluctantly, cannot bear say: Mr. Williams, if you like Miss Pacula, should think of her. She is Actor, should make the movie, but does not help you here...... Does laundry.” 查理.沃克剧本收了起来,无奈地站起身,还是忍不住说道:“威廉姆斯先生,如果你喜欢帕库拉小姐的话,就应该多为她着想一些。她是一个演员,应该去拍电影,而不是在这里帮你……洗衣服。” Eric raised the eyebrow: Mr. Walker, if you get sense of injustice. I can telephone to icm that side immediately, lets Marvin. Mr. Joseph finds the person to replace your work.” 艾瑞克挑了挑眉:“沃克先生,如果你对此感到不平的话。我立刻就可以打电话给icm那边,让马文.约瑟夫先生找人替换你的工作。” Charlie Walker hears these words, immediately realized one have somewhat impulsed, the Eric present status is not he small manager can challenge. 查理.沃克听到这句话,顿时意识到自己有些冲动了,艾瑞克现在的身份可不是他一个小小的经纪人能够挑战的了的。 Sorry, I was somewhat rude, Mr. Williams, then, I went back first.” “抱歉,我有些失态了,威廉姆斯先生,那么,我先回去了。” Has not related,” Eric beckoned with the hand: Mr. Walker, Joan sooner or later becomes a star. However, this needs the patience.” “没关系,”艾瑞克摆了摆手:“沃克先生,早晚会成为一线明星的。但是,这需要耐心。” I think, yes.” After Charlie Walker said goodbye, took up own briefcase the Eric room. “我想,是的。”查理.沃克道别之后,拿起自己的公文包出了艾瑞克的房间。 Charlie Walker just got to the elevator entrance, saw that Joanna Pacula held several to wash the good clothes from the elevator. 查理.沃克刚刚走到电梯门口,就看到乔安娜.帕库拉抱着几件洗好的衣服从电梯中走了出来。 Is you, Mr. Walker, do you want to leave?” Joanna sees Charlie Walker, greeted. “是你啊,沃克先生,你这是要离开吗?”乔安娜看到查理.沃克,打了声招呼道。 Charlie Walker looks at the beautiful girl, thoughts moves, wants to instigate several, but remembers Eric just had spoken the words. manager gave up this thought quickly. If he incited successfully, that Eric definitely will ask him to do accounts. When the time comes Joanna manager is who is uncertain, do not say that the salary pulled out. 查理.沃克看着美艳的女郎,心思动了动,想要怂恿几句,但想起艾瑞克刚刚说过的话。经纪人很快就放弃了这个念头。如果他挑唆成功了,那艾瑞克肯定会找他算账。到时候乔安娜经纪人是谁还不一定呢,更不要说片酬抽成了。 Yes. Miss Pacula, the matter has finished talking,” Charlie Walker nodded, pulls out a name card to give the girl from the pocket: Was right, this is my name card, above has my various contact methods, if there is a matter to need to help to contact with me at any time.” “是的。帕库拉小姐,事情已经谈完了,”查理.沃克点了点头,从口袋里掏出一张名片递给女郎:“对了,这是我的名片,上面有我的各种联系方式,如果有事需要帮忙的话可以随时联系我。” Joanna Pacula received the name card to admit in the pocket, has referred to toward the Eric room: I went back first.” 乔安娜.帕库拉接过名片放进口袋里,朝艾瑞克房间指了指:“那我先回去了。” That, bye,” another elevator door opens, Charlie Walker walked hastily, beckoned with the hand toward Joanna. “那么,再见,”又一台电梯门打开,查理.沃克连忙走了进去,朝乔安娜摆了摆手。 The girls return to the room, saw that Eric is sitting on the sofa, on the knee puts the sketch board, in the hand is grasping the pencil fast to draw above together. 女郎回到房间,看到艾瑞克正坐在沙发上,膝盖上放着一块速写板,手里握着铅笔飞快地在上面描画着。 Gains ground to see Joanna to walk, Eric said: Actually, these matters give the hotel service person to be good.” 抬头看到乔安娜走进来,艾瑞克才说道:“其实,这些事情交给酒店服务员就好。” You did not say that before liquid detergent flavor that likes them using,” girl arrives on the Eric side sofa to sit down, attains in front of a bosom shirt Eric: Smells, lemon taste.” “你之前不是说不喜欢她们用的洗衣液味道嘛,”女郎走到艾瑞克身边沙发上坐下,将怀里的一件衬衫拿到艾瑞克面前:“闻闻,柠檬味的。” Eric lowered the head on the clothes heard, direct jump goal, in gathering girl necks: Un, very nice-smelling.” 艾瑞克低头在衣服上闻了下,直接转移目标,凑到女郎颈间:“嗯,很好闻。” Joanna shrank the neck, rebukes wants to shove open the man, Eric actually puts aside the sketch board on knee, supports the girl to fall on the sofa directly. 乔安娜缩了缩脖子,嗔怪地想要将男人推开,艾瑞克却将膝盖上的速写板丢开,直接拥住女郎倒在沙发上。 Eric, leaves here, I just probably had not locked a door, in the past few days by Drew was seen that matter was awkward.” 艾瑞克,别在这里啊,我刚刚好像没锁门,前些天被德鲁看到那件事就让人尴尬死了。” Eric does not have movement that goes too far, but supports Joanna to kiss on the girl cheek, said: I just handed your manager there script to push these days completely, includes a 1 million USD salary.” 艾瑞克却没有太过火的动作,只是拥住乔安娜在女郎脸蛋上亲吻着,说道:“我刚刚把这段时间递到你经纪人那里的剧本全部都推了,其中还包括一部100万美元片酬的。” The Joanna expression stagnates, the vision glitters several, but quick relaxes. If not the relations of Eric, let alone 1 million USD salary, even if will be 100,000 USD will not have any person to invite her, although has missed 1 million USD, will lose at heart unavoidably, but Joanna quickly has known own position, she understands that Eric will be she biggest dependence. 乔安娜表情一滞,目光闪烁几下,但很快就放松下来。如果不是艾瑞克的关系,别说100万美元的片酬,就算是10万美元都不会有什么人邀请她,虽然错失了100万美元,心里难免失落,但乔安娜还是很快摆正了自己的位置,她明白艾瑞克才是她最大的依靠。 Eric, I listen to your arrangement,” girl has not hesitated too for a long time, quick said. 艾瑞克,我听你的安排,”女郎并没有迟疑太久,很快就说道。 Eric cannot bear on girl attractive pupil kisses, is feeling the tremor of slender eyelash, said: That is 1 million USD Oh, isn't angry really?” 艾瑞克忍不住在女郎漂亮的眸子上吻了吻,感受着修长睫毛的颤动,说道:“那可是100万美元,真的不生气吗?” Feels the lip of man to leave oneself eye pupil, Joanna opens eyes, looks the expression that Eric teased, in the expression had one to put in great inconvenience and act like a spoiled brat rarely, broke down the small face honestly: Vitality, that is 1 million, some feeling at heart.” 感受到男人的嘴唇离开自己眼眸,乔安娜才睁开眼,看着艾瑞克略带戏谑的表情,语气里难得带着一丝委屈和撒娇,诚实地垮下小脸:“生气,那可是一百万呢,感觉心里有些堵。” Wow, this was too serious, I help you have a look.” Eric was chatting, the big hand had wormed one's way into through the skirt-width of girl long sleeve T-shirt, was upward along the smooth flesh, opens out the chest | to encircle, according, in the left that was only soft on: Rubs can good?” 哇哦,这太严重了,我帮你看看。”艾瑞克说笑着,一直大手就通过女郎长袖t恤的下摆钻了进去,沿着光滑的肌肤一路向上,拨开胸丨围,按在左侧的那只柔软上:“揉一揉会不会好点?” Feels the movement of front that hand, the girl shazam must flatter | the eye such as the silk to get up very much, on the mouth said: „It is not good, is very uncomfortable.” 感受着胸前那只手的动作,女郎很快变得媚丨眼如丝起来,嘴上却还是说道:“不好,还是很难受。” Eric set out to hug the girl directly got up to walk toward the bedroom: It seems like, needs some violently | the fierce method to cure, this aspect I experienced.” ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克起身直接将女郎抱了起来向卧室走去:“看来,需要一些更加激丨烈的手段才能治好,这方面我有经验。”(未完待续)
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