IAIH :: Volume #4

#335: 1 million salaries

Regardless to anybody, 20 years old is a quite important birthday, but the Eric 20 th birthday will definitely bring to the multimedia attention, in addition the Hollywood honored and popular characters appeared on birthday party, therefore, after party, the media will fry inevitable hotly. 无论对任何人来说,20岁都是比较重要的一次生日,而艾瑞克的20岁生日肯定会引起更多媒体的注意,再加上好莱坞很多有头有脸的人物都出现在了生日派对上,因此,派对过后,媒体无可避免地会热炒一番。 Entertainment tabloid newspaper focus centralized, in participated on the party star, at the beginning of the year after that disturbance presents the big reversal, how the originally attacked star regardless , the surface in has made clarification to the fact in private, in addition Eric and Aniston’s bid good-bye, therefore, the candidate of Eric next girlfriend becomes the focal point that tabloid newspaper pursued. 娱乐小报们关注的焦点都集中在了参加派对的女星身上,年初那场风波出现大逆转之后,原本被攻击的女星无论私下如何,表面上都对事实做出了澄清,再加上艾瑞克安妮斯顿的分手,因此,艾瑞克下一位女友的人选就成了小报们追逐的焦点。 In Los Angeles, Eric has paid attention very much protects own hidden | private, paparazzi cannot dig out many matters. 洛杉矶的时候,艾瑞克一直很注意保护自己的隐丨私,狗仔们一直都没能挖出多少事情来。 But this situation has very big difference, many stars specially catch up for the Eric birthday, in addition here is New York, but is not Los Angeles, the dramatic team at the shoots movie, a lot wants to keep secret is almost the impossible matter. 而这一次情形却有很大的不同,很多女星都为了艾瑞克的生日专门赶来的,再加上这里是纽约而不是洛杉矶,剧组又在拍摄电影,很多事情想要保密几乎是不可能的事情。 However, was dug first by paparazzi, does not leave the square to catch up to celebrate Eric birthday Nicole, Julia and other females specially, instead just appeared side Eric soon Joanna Pacula. 但是,最先被狗仔们挖出来,并不是专门离开片场赶来庆祝艾瑞克生日的妮可茱莉亚等女,反而是刚刚出现在艾瑞克身边不久的乔安娜.帕库拉 After all, the Joanna appearance does not lose to with Eric has passed on sex scandal any star, under the paparazzi formidable excavation offensive, the Joanna detailed personal data appeared on the media quickly. 毕竟,乔安娜的容貌丝毫不输给与艾瑞克传过绯闻的任何一位女星,在狗仔们强大的挖掘攻势下,乔安娜的详细个人资料很快就出现在了媒体上。 Suddenly, girl's crest of wave on media covered many star directly, the fame straight line had risen, because of the public to Joanna intense curious, had girl beforehand several movie copyright Production Studio to distribute the recording tape of Joanna Pacula participating performance movie at the right moment, greatly has gained one in afterward some time. 一时间,女郎在媒体上的风头直接盖过了不少一线女星,名气直线上涨,因为公众对乔安娜的强烈好奇,拥有女郎之前几部电影版权制作公司适时地发行了乔安娜.帕库拉参演影片的录像带,在随后的一段时间内都大赚了一笔。 Regarding the public opinion of outside, Eric has not made the person make any response, and improved the security work of «Ghost» dramatic team. The movie month will finish in any case most mostly, moreover is indoor play, therefore nearby the dramatic team revolves many paparazzi every day. But the shoots work has not come under many influences. 对于外界的舆论,艾瑞克没有让人做出任何的回应,并且加强了《人鬼情未了》剧组的安保工作。反正电影最多半个月就会完工,而且很多都是室内戏,因此剧组附近每天都围绕着不少狗仔。但拍摄工作并没有受到多少影响。 Charlie Walker sits on the living room sofa of Eric room, is staring at some bedroom door recollections of shutting tightly in close succession. 查理.沃克坐在艾瑞克房间的客厅沙发上,盯着紧闭的卧室房门有些浮想联翩。 He is icm( international innovation management company) is Joanna Pacula arrangement manager. The reason that because recently a media heat cooked up, Charlie Walker received invited Joanna Pacula to play the piece of movie to make much, several big manufacture movies from seven big Film Studio. 他是icm(国际创新管理公司)为乔安娜.帕库拉安排的经纪人。因为这些日子媒体一番热炒的缘故,查理.沃克接到了不少邀请乔安娜.帕库拉出演电影的片约,其中还有几部来自七大电影公司的大制作电影。 Originally in Los Angeles Charlie Walker telephones excitedly here, has not actually related including own customer, only then the Eric that named Alan Fisman assistant passed on to his Eric has turned down completely the words. 原本在洛杉矶查理.沃克兴奋地打电话到这边,却连自己的客户本人都没联系到,只有艾瑞克那位名叫艾伦.菲斯曼的助理转告了他艾瑞克的一句‘全部推掉’的话。 That many pieces approximately turn down completely, Charlie Walker is certainly impossible to be resigned, must know that a movie from Warner directly has started out the 1 million USD salary, as Joanna manager. This also means that he will obtain deducting a percentage of 100,000 USD, this sum of money to under is only several two Actor Charlie Walker is not a poor income. 那么多片约全部推掉,查理.沃克当然不可能甘心,要知道来自华纳的一部电影可是直接开出了100万美元的片酬,作为乔安娜经纪人。这也就意味着他将获得10万美元的提成,这笔钱对手下只有几个二线演员查理.沃克来说可是一笔不菲的收入。 Although Charlie Walker also realized that Eric is very possible to the strength hold this beautiful Polish beautiful woman personally. But Eric this movie has not manufactured to complete now, the lower part movie does not have any shadow, he thought that ahead of time makes Joanna Pacula meet a movie first, running schedule surely does not have any issue. 虽然查理.沃克也意识到,艾瑞克很可能要亲自力捧这位美艳的波兰美女。但艾瑞克现在这部电影都还没有制作完成,下部电影更是没有任何影子,他觉得提前让乔安娜.帕库拉先接一部电影,档期方面肯定是没有任何问题的。 After 78 minutes, the bedroom gate opened finally, replaces tossed about day of dirty clothes in the square, at this time on Eric wore the simple white shirt and slacks, but Joanna Pacula held several clothes to follow in Eric behind. 78分钟之后,卧室门终于打开,换掉了在片场折腾了一天的脏衣服,此时艾瑞克身上穿着简单的白衬衫和休闲裤,而乔安娜.帕库拉则捧着几件衣服跟在艾瑞克身后。 Sees them to come out. Charlie Walker stands up hastily, smiles is greeting to them. 见两人出来。查理.沃克连忙站起身,微笑着向两人打招呼。 Eric and Charlie Walker have grasped starting, but Joanna actually nodded toward manager. Then changes Eric saying: You discussed that I helped you wash the clothes.” 艾瑞克查理.沃克握了下手,而乔安娜却只是朝经纪人点了点头。然后转向艾瑞克道:“你们谈吧,我去帮你把衣服洗了。” In the manager somewhat dumbfounded expression, the girl turned around to leave the room. 经纪人有些目瞪口呆的表情中,女郎转身离开了房间。 Waits for the door to close, Charlie Walker brings intense envying to look to Eric, if there are this kind of outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman to wash clothes to prepare food for oneself to fold makes a bed, making him little live ten years of value. 等房门关上,查理.沃克才带着强烈的羡慕看向艾瑞克,如果有这样一个绝色美女为自己洗衣做饭叠被铺床,让他少活十年都值了。 Sorry, is Mr. Walker?” Eric hints manager to sit down, the doubts asked one. “抱歉,是沃克先生吗?”艾瑞克示意经纪人坐下,疑惑地问了一句。 Charlie Walker does not certainly dare, because Eric cannot record the clear own surname to be angry, hastily nod. Gives Eric own name card respectfully: Yes, Mr. Williams. I called Charlie Walker, this was my name card.” 查理.沃克当然不敢因为艾瑞克没能记清自己的姓氏而生气,连忙点头。恭敬地将自己的名片递给艾瑞克:“是的,威廉姆斯先生。我叫查理.沃克,这是我的名片。” Eric received to come to see. Although does not care at heart very much, but the Eric very much politeness forces in the name card the shirt pocket, said to manager: Mr. Walker, I remembers that I made Alan reply you.” 艾瑞克接过来看了看。虽然心里并不是很在意,不过艾瑞克还是很礼貌地将名片塞进衬衣口袋里,才对经纪人说道:“沃克先生,我记得我让艾伦回复过你了。” Charlie Walker nodded: Yes, Mr. Williams, but, I thought that should better be able to make Ms. Pacula look at script personally, the words that gives up directly are the matter that is a pity.” 查理.沃克点了点头:“是的,威廉姆斯先生,不过,我觉得最好还是能让帕库拉女士亲自看一下剧本,直接放弃的话是一件非常可惜的事情。” manager said that pulls out thick one pack of probably 78 script from own official business package, put on the tea table to hand in front of Eric. 经纪人说完,就从自己的公务包中掏出厚厚一叠大概78部剧本,放到茶几上递到了艾瑞克面前。 About the safe, Eric then conveniently reads. 左右无事,艾瑞克便随手翻看起来。 Charlie Walker is bringing anxious and anticipates to gaze at Eric, because of the continual success of Eric movie, he selects the script vision is the Hollywood colleague known to all matter. 查理.沃克带着紧张和期待注视着艾瑞克,因为艾瑞克电影的连续成功,他挑剧本的眼光已经是好莱坞同行人所共知的事情。 If Eric can nod, even if chooses is not salary highest that Warner sent out, he can also have a liking for this movie with Eric is the excuse, bargained back and forth with these Production Studio, believes that the opposite party definitely is willing to give the satisfactory offer. 如果艾瑞克能够点头,哪怕挑选的不是华纳报出的片酬最高的那部,那他也可以用艾瑞克看上这部电影为借口,跟那些制作公司讨价还价一番,相信对方肯定愿意给出满意的报价。 Has spent for more than ten minutes, Eric front script, he mainly looks at the story program, if interested, simply will read the content, but, these 78 script, Eric had not seen that any has movie script of impression, but front these script contents, has not made him have at present a bright feeling. 花了十多分钟时间,艾瑞克就将面前的剧本过了一遍,他主要是看故事大纲,如果感兴趣的话,才会简单地翻看一下内容,不过,将这78个剧本过了一遍,艾瑞克都没有看到任何一部有印象的电影剧本,而面前的这些剧本内容,也没有让他产生眼前一亮的感觉。 Shook the head gently, if in this really has good script, Eric did not mind that makes Joanna following. 轻轻摇了摇头,如果这里面确实有不错的剧本的话,艾瑞克并不介意让乔安娜接下来。 Sorry, Mr. Walker, is not good, I think that you could run a fruitless errand one.” “抱歉,沃克先生,都不行,我想你可能要白跑一趟了。” Charlie Walker loses at heart, unwilling say|way: Mr. Williams, I think that «Shivering» . Moreover, Warner has started out the 1 million USD salary, why doesn't make Ms. Pacula try?” 查理.沃克心里一阵失落,不甘道:“威廉姆斯先生,我觉得那部《颤抖》不过,而且,华纳开出了100万美元的片酬,为什么不让帕库拉女士试试呢?” 1 million,” Eric has duplicated one, has selected script that Charlie Walker said that looked at the note, is really script that Warner sends, budgets in 30 million USD about, what narrated after was a wife and rascal husband divorces, story that to strive for daughter's foster power has to take risks. ( to be continued ) 100万,”艾瑞克重复了一句,将查理.沃克说的剧本挑了出来,看了看备注,果然是华纳送来的一部剧本,预算在3000万美元左右,讲述的是一个妻子与无赖丈夫离异后,为了争夺女儿的抚养权不得不铤而走险的故事。(未完待续)
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