IAIH :: Volume #4

#334: In the morning

Because of yesterday evening party, Eric sat the temporary accent to rest to the dramatic team, every week a day of holiday will adjust today, all people of dramatic team last night revelry a night, has bustled about these many days, although therefore present already not early, the person but who got out of bed were not many. 因为昨天晚上的派对,艾瑞克对剧组坐了临时调休,将每周一天的休息日调到了今天,剧组的所有人昨晚狂欢了一夜,又忙碌了这么多天,因此虽然现在已经不早了,但起床的人不多。 In Joanna Pacula is carrying the breakfast, in another hand is holding one pack of today's newspaper, stands somewhat hesitates to knock on a door before the Eric door. 乔安娜帕库拉手里拎着早餐,另外一只手上抱着一叠今天的报纸,站在艾瑞克房门前有些迟疑该不该敲门。 Looked at the watch, already 8 : 30, although being together time are not much, but Joanna Pacula knew about the work and rest custom of Eric very much that under normal conditions, Eric definitely should get out of bed at this time. 看了看手表,已经八点半,虽然相处时间不多,但乔安娜帕库拉艾瑞克的作息习惯很了解,通常情况下,这个时候艾瑞克肯定应该起床了。 However, that also under normal conditions, last night last night Drew that small girl together went to the room with Eric, who knows when they will be insane. 不过,那也只是通常情况下,昨晚昨晚德鲁那个小妮子跟着艾瑞克一起回了房间,谁知道两人会疯到什么时候。 Thinks of certain scenes, the Joanna Pacula complexion blushes slightly, although she gave the Eric gift yesterday is also a tie. 想到某些场景,乔安娜帕库拉脸色微微发红,虽然她昨天送给艾瑞克的礼物也是一条领带。 However, Joanna Pacula the ambitions like other women, these many years later, the girl had not clearly recognized many realities, or have lost heart to a lot, she only hopes to be able on one type to be quite calm and steady now, no longer does not have the life of whereabouts. 不过,乔安娜帕库拉并没有像其他女人那样的野心,这么多年下来,女郎已经认清了很多现实,或者说,对很多事情已经死心,她现在只希望能过上一种比较安稳的,不再没有着落的生活。 Actor this profession as if always means money and fame in bystander opinion, but the reality actually by far is not happiness that such people imagine, takes Hollywood, the person who the Actor trade union registers surpasses 100,000, but mingles among the surrounding, joins the trade union qualifications continually no develops ●↘ is countless. 演员这个行业在外人看来似乎总是意味着金钱和名望,但现实却远远不是人们想象的那样美好,就拿好莱坞来说,演员工会注册的人超过100000,而混迹在外围,连加入公会资格都没有的演●↘员更是不计其数。 But in this enormous group, can on the attractive dignified life actually only then these 12 stars, these people, so long as can every year pat film, can moisten to live very much. 但这个庞大群体中,能过上光鲜体面生活的却只有那些12线明星,这些人只要能够每年拍上一部片子,就可以很滋润地生活下去。 But in addition. Below three Actor must go down in the world. Did not say too not popular Actor. With three, these people usually can only play the supporting role in the movie, even if these produces the movie greatly, many supporting role 1% of salary insufficient lead, lead with several million USD salaries, but the supporting role has tens of thousands USD reward, moreover this is the quite regular big manufacture. These alone | sets up the movie, even if the lead usually also has tens of thousands USD salaries. 但除此之外。三线以下的演员就要落魄许多。不说太不入流的演员。就拿三线来说,这些人通常只能在电影里饰演配角,哪怕是那些大制作电影,很多配角的片酬都不足主角的1,主角拿几百万美金片酬,而配角则只有几万美金酬劳,而且这还是比较正规的大制作。那些独丨立电影哪怕是主角通常也只有几万美金的片酬。 But Joanna Pacula is in the middle of this Actor level, even all year round all year round is under the conditions of enterprise. 而原本乔安娜帕库拉就处在这一演员层次当中,甚至整年整年都处在事业的状态下。 Good morning. Miss Pacula,” a leafed door in corridor suddenly opens, the lighting engineer of dramatic team walks from the room, sees Joanna Pacula to stand in Eric door, has not thought that spoke thoughtlessly to greet. “早上好啊。帕库拉小姐,”走廊里的一扇门突然打开,剧组的一位灯光师从房间走出来,看到乔安娜帕库拉站在艾瑞克房门口,并没有多想,随口打了声招呼。 „, Mr. Lawrence, good morning,” Joanna Pacula greeted hastily, is afraid is seen own awkwardness by the opposite party. The girls fish out room card of Eric room from the pocket hastily, opened the door directly. “啊,劳伦斯先生,早上好,”乔安娜帕库拉连忙打了声招呼,害怕被对方看出自己的尴尬。女郎连忙从口袋里摸出艾瑞克房间的房卡,直接开门走了进去。 Closing. Joanna Pacula relaxed, in room quiet, in the living room is scattering all kinds of packing boxes. 关上门。乔安娜帕库拉才松了口气,房间里静悄悄的,客厅里散落着各种各样的包装盒。 Looks bedroom gate that has shut tightly, Joanna Pacula thinks that Eric has not gotten out of bed, places on the thing in hand the tea table peacefully, bends the waist to tidy up one piece to be scattered in disorder on own initiative. 看了看紧闭的卧室门,乔安娜帕库拉以为艾瑞克还没有起床,安静地将手里的东西放在茶几上,弯腰主动收拾起一片散乱来。 Just folds the colored paper that several packing used in the same place, the girl hears the sound that side the balcony has heard opens the door, gained ground, saw that was red the upper body to put on a trunks Eric correct use towel to wipe the beads of sweat on forehead. 刚刚将几张包装用的彩纸叠在一起,女郎就听到了阳台那边传来开门的响声,抬起头,看到赤着上身穿着一条运动短裤艾瑞克正用毛巾擦着额头上的汗珠。 Joan, good morning,” Eric greeted to the girl. ,早上好,”艾瑞克对女郎打了声招呼。 Early, Eric,” Joanna Pacula hastily sets out to reply. “早,艾瑞克,”乔安娜帕库拉连忙起身答道。 The girls know that in the balcony has a treadmill, is the same day that Eric moves in makes the hotel arrange specially, looked at the situation, Eric obviously from just the movement, was only...... 女郎知道阳台上有一台跑步机,是艾瑞克入住的当天专门让酒店安排的,看情况,艾瑞克显然是从刚刚运动过,只是…… Shot a look at the bedroom gate, girl somewhat is accidental, by her the understanding Eric, this man last night and Drew rested in the same place, impossible anything not to have done, cannot think that Eric can also early morning get out of bed the exercise body. 瞥了眼卧室门,女郎心里有些意外,以她对艾瑞克的了解,这个男人昨晚与德鲁睡在一起,不可能什么都没做,想不到艾瑞克还能一大早起床锻炼身体。 Eric sees Joanna Pacula to look to bedroom door, guessed correctly the thoughts of girl quickly, asked with a smile: What thinks?” 艾瑞克乔安娜帕库拉看向卧室房门,很快猜出了女郎的心思,笑着问道:“想什么呢?” Does not have, does not have anything,” Joanna Pacula shakes the head saying: Was right, the breakfast I have prepared, today's newspaper.” “没,没什么,”乔安娜帕库拉摇头道:“对了,早餐我已经准备好了,还有今天的报纸。” Eric has not moved toward to put the tea table of breakfast, but walked to Joanna directly, holds in the arms to wear the girl of career suit, brings to select | the funny expression saying: I want to eat now other.” 艾瑞克没有走向放着早餐的茶几,而是径直向乔安娜走了过来,搂住身着职业套装的女郎,带着挑丨逗的语气说道:“我现在想吃点别的。” Just the movement from now on intense male aura will let Joanna brains dizziness, along with the Eric injured movement, girl breath very shazam rapid. 刚刚运动过后强烈的男子气息让乔安娜头脑一阵眩晕,随着艾瑞克受伤的动作,女郎呼吸很快变得急促起来。 Now, is the morning . Moreover, you, you...... Joanna both hands supported last night in the Eric chest, said low voice. “现在,是早上呢,而且,你,你昨晚……”乔安娜双手撑在艾瑞克胸口,小声地说道。 Eric has not explained last night matter, but has hugged the girl directly, walked toward the bathroom. 艾瑞克并没有解释昨晚的事情,而是直接将女郎抱了起来,朝浴室走去。 Although the bathroom gate was closed, but spreads the woman somewhat restless voice as before quickly: This, don't my clothes, how wait for you to make me go out?” 虽然浴室门被关上,不过依旧很快传出女人有些不安的声音:“别这样,我的衣服,等下你让我怎么出门?” Good, that lies on the washing the hands stage, um, this.” “好吧,那趴在洗手台上,嗯,就这样。” The aura as if disorder of girl: „Can I first......” 女郎的气息似乎更加紊乱:“我能不能先……” Puts on the clothes comparison to have the flavor.” “穿着衣服比较有味道。” A sigh chants | recites resounds, was broken quickly. 一声叹息般呻丨吟响起,又很快被打断。 Called, the girl rested very ripe, could not hear.” “叫吧,丫头睡得很熟,听不到的。” Eric, I, I thought that this, is not good,” Joanna off and on saying. 艾瑞克,我,我觉得,这样,不好,”乔安娜断断续续的说道。 Eric had not replied again, but immerses in some type joyfully middle. 艾瑞克没有再回答,而是沉浸在某种愉悦当中。 In the bedroom, sleeps Drew to stand up from failure very much dishonestly greatly, quilt was pedalled to start, pair of tender and delicate very dew comes out, felt that the cool feeling of chest, the girl non- sentiment hope has not brandished two small hands, must grasp any thing likely, actually has achieved nothing, therefore has to open eyes reluctantly, looked side, Eric already no longer side. 卧室里,睡觉很不老实地德鲁大大翻了个身,身上的被子被蹬开,一对娇嫩挺露出来,感觉到胸口的凉意,丫头不情不愿地挥舞了两下小手,像是要去抓什么东西,却一无所获,于是只好懒懒地睁开眼,看了看身旁,艾瑞克已经不再身边。 Mumbled two, the girl fished the Eric pillow to hug in the bosom, making an effort of puppy smelled two, groaned several, planned that continued to rest to doze off again after waking up early, indistinct actually probably hears any sound, the voice of woman. 嘟囔了两句,丫头捞过艾瑞克的枕头抱在怀里,小狗似的使劲嗅了两下,哼哼几声,打算继续睡回笼觉,隐隐约约却总是好像听到什么声音,女人的声音。 Vigilant small girl stares big both eyes quickly, cocked the ears has listened attentively carefully, although the sound was weak, but she can determine that this absolutely was not the illusion. 警觉的小妮子很快瞪大双眼,侧耳仔细倾听了下,虽然声音非常微弱,但她可以确定,这绝对不是幻觉。 Jumps down the bed, looked for a Eric T-shirt set at will on the body, the girl barefooting cat same walks slowly and aimlessly the bedroom, just went to the living room, that sound becomes is clearer immediately. 跳下床,随意找了一件艾瑞克的t恤套在身上,丫头赤着脚猫一样的踱出卧室,刚刚来到客厅,那种声音顿时变得更加清晰起来。 Crawled to listen secretly a while to the bathroom entrance, Drew has distinguished the status of woman. 爬到浴室门口偷听了一会儿,德鲁就分辨出了女人的身份。 Really is not concerned about face,” girl mumbled one bitterly, put out a hand to grip the door knob to open the door, has hesitated the moment, received the hand, tore the neckband of spacious T-shirt to look toward own front, the girl vicissitudes sighed very much, arrived on the sofa to sit cross-legged to sit down, opens the lunch box on tea table, decided that finished eating to be discontented all breakfasts completely.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “真是不要脸,”丫头恨恨地嘟囔了一句,伸手握住门把手想要开门,迟疑了片刻,还是将手收了回来,扯开宽大t恤的领口朝自己胸前看了看,丫头很‘沧桑’地叹了口气,走到沙发上盘腿坐下,打开茶几上的便当盒,决定将所有早餐全部吃完以示不满。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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