IAIH :: Volume #4

#333: Many ties

As the attendant advances the party hall a multi-layered cake, the birthday song resounds, party also arrived at high | the moist stage, several recognition and Eric related the quite intimate woman to be promoted the crowd by the guest of creating a disturbance, blushes the crowding around to help to blow out the candle on cake side Eric together. 随着侍应生将一个多层蛋糕推进派对大厅,生日歌响起,派对也来到了高丨潮阶段,几个公认与艾瑞克关系比较亲密的女人被起哄的宾客推出了人群,红着脸簇拥在艾瑞克身边一起帮忙吹熄了蛋糕上的蜡烛。 party carried on to finish lively before dawn, the people of enjoying oneself to the full diverged gradually, saw off as master 11 of Eric politeness, in this period unavoidably met several pairs of hidden bitterness the looks. But under this condition, is certainly impossible to lead any woman to return to own dwelling, not only to consider other woman moods, but, conducted outside birthday party Hilton Hotel to gather many sense of smell keen paparazzi, Eric tonight's every action and every movement definitely will become the paparazzi attention object. 热热闹闹地派对进行到凌晨才结束,尽兴的众人逐渐散去,作为主人的艾瑞克礼貌的11相送,期间难免遇到几双幽怨的眼神。但这种状况下,当然不可能带任何一个女人回自己的住处,不但是为了照顾其他女人心情,而且,举办生日派对希尔顿酒店外已经聚集了不少嗅觉敏锐的狗仔,艾瑞克今晚的一举一动肯定会成为狗仔们的关注对象。 For example now, sits when comes that car to hurry back to the hotel, behind followed several obviously is the paparazzi vehicles, even also several paparazzi rode the motorcycle closely to fall near Eric car. 比如现在,坐在来时的那辆汽车赶回酒店的时候,后面就跟了好几个明显是狗仔的车辆,甚至还有几个狗仔骑着摩托车紧紧地坠在艾瑞克轿车附近。 Although restrains as far as possible, but must treat with courtesy that many people, some Eric unavoidable feeling of being drunk, at this time some prostrations by the car chairback, but sits in his nearby Drew is the cat equally by Eric, because on party many people and many voices, the girl have not drunk very much cleverly. 虽然尽量克制,不过要应酬那么多人,艾瑞克难免有些醉意,此时有些虚脱地靠在轿车椅背上,而坐在他旁边的德鲁则是小猫一样靠在艾瑞克身上,因为派对上人多嘴杂,丫头很乖巧地没有喝酒。 The hotel that returns to the dramatic team to stay, Eric directly enters the floor that the dramatic team is at from the elevator of underground parking garage, small girl without hesitation with Eric, as if is also natural. 回到剧组下榻的酒店,艾瑞克直接从地下停车场的电梯进入剧组所在的楼层,小妮子也毫不犹豫地一路跟着艾瑞克,仿佛一切都理所当然。 Dramatic team members who although many simultaneously comes back noted this detail, appearance that actually one turning a blind eye, after all, girl before now , after being raised , the small appearance that curled upwards was very easy to neglect her age. 虽然不少同时回来的剧组成员注意到了这个细节,却都一副视若无睹的样子,毕竟,丫头现在前凸后翘的小模样实在很容易让人忽略她的年龄。 Looked at tagalong small girl, Eric reluctantly has shrugged: Drew, did you open the room in the hotel?” 看了看跟屁虫似的小妮子,艾瑞克只是无奈地耸耸肩:“德鲁,你在酒店开了房间了吗?” Drew lifted the hand to refer to toward the Eric door: My baggage in inside.” 德鲁抬手朝艾瑞克的房门指了指:“我的行李都在里面呢。” Volume, good.” Eric knows that said anything is definitely useless, then pulls out room card from the pocket, just shoved open | the door. Saw in the apartment living room to pile up the hill same beautifully packaged gift box. “额,好吧。”艾瑞克知道多说什么肯定没用,便从口袋里掏出房卡,刚刚推开丨房门。就看到套间客厅里堆积了小山一样包装精美的礼品盒。 Wow, when is this sends?” Eric asked with amazement. 哇哦,这是什么时候送来的?”艾瑞克惊讶地问道。 Opens party time I told that the person delivers. Actually for these days one after another had the gift to mail, I and Alan they made the big effort to hide the truth from this matter,” Drew said along the cheek grinningly, appearance that taking undeserved credit. “开派对的时候我吩咐人送过来的。其实这几天就陆陆续续有礼物邮寄过来,我和艾伦他们花了好大力气才瞒住这件事呢,”德鲁沿着脸蛋笑嘻嘻地说道,一副邀功的模样。 Good, gives the pleasant surprise that I prepare thank you, I like very much,” the small chin of Eric cradling girl kisses on the small girl cheek, felt that a pair of small hand also has to hold in the arms own sign. Eric lets loose hastily: We open the gift to have a look, I have not received these many gifts.” “好吧,谢谢你给我准备的这个惊喜,我很喜欢,”艾瑞克托住丫头的小下巴在小妮子脸蛋上亲了亲,感觉一双小手又有要搂住自己的迹象。艾瑞克连忙放开:“我们拆礼物看看吧,我还从来没有收到过这么多礼物呢。” I help,” Drew also is obviously interested, three gaits took up a gift box to look in the past at will, has cast aside the small mouth: „, This you do not come.” “我来帮忙,”德鲁显然也很感兴趣,三两步走过去随意拿起了一个礼品盒看了看,撇了撇小嘴:“唔,这个你自己来吧。” Eric received to look under the above name, originally was Nicole delivers, no wonder the girl met such expression. 艾瑞克接了过来看了下上面的名字,原来是妮可送的,怪不得丫头会那样一副表情。 Unties time on the packing box, Eric opens the box of palm size, saw the content of present. A Fan Sizhe pure silk stripe tie of blue white interaction. 解开包装盒上的时代,艾瑞克将手掌大小的盒子打开,才看到了礼品的内容。一条蓝白相间的范思哲真丝条纹领带。 Has paid attention to the Eric hand movement small girl to see the gift content, immediately stares the big eye, immediately discontentedly said: She also really not minces matter. Why simply does not deliver a red tie.” 一直注意着艾瑞克手中动作的小妮子看到礼物内容,顿时瞪大眼睛,随即就不满地说道:“她还真是毫不掩饰呢。为什么不干脆送一条红色领带呢。” Eric smiled, has not paid attention to the snack taste of girl. 艾瑞克笑了笑,没理会丫头的小吃味。 Generally only then relates among the intimate men and women, the woman will deliver the man the tie, is the hope locks the man, if bestows the red tie, that means that the woman hope and man marry, therefore the girl just will say. 一般只有关系亲密的男女之间,女人才会送男人领带,是希望将男人套牢,而如果赠送红色领带的话,那就意味着女人希望和男人结婚,因此丫头刚刚才会那么说。 Was good, opens other,” girl said. Sits cross-legged to sit on gift pile of nearby rugs directly, takes up one quite in a big way definitely will not be the box of tie will have opened. “好了,拆其他的吧,”丫头说完。直接盘腿坐在礼物堆旁边的地毯上,拿起一个比较大的肯定不会是领带的盒子拆了起来。 Eric places the one side the tie that Nicole delivers. Also arrives by one pile of gifts, sat by Drew. Took up a box to open conveniently. 艾瑞克妮可送的领带放在一旁。也走到一堆礼物旁边,在德鲁旁边坐了下来。随手拿起一个盒子拆了起来。 After a while, Eric disassembles the gift box that Virginia delivers, therefore, another tie appears before them. 过了一会儿,艾瑞克拆开维吉尼娅送的礼品盒,于是,又一条领带出现在两人面前。 Snort, has not savored, choice this pattern,” girl just response is not unexpectedly big, mumbled one as before discontentedly. “哼,真没品味,竟然选择这种花纹的,”丫头这一次没有刚刚的反应那么大,却依旧不满地嘟囔一声。 Eric have a relish took up the pale blue dot tie that Virginia delivered to gesticulate in the front, then installed in the box, thinks that Eric started to seek directly in one pile of gifts. 艾瑞克饶有兴致地拿起维吉尼娅送的淡蓝色圆点领带在胸前比划了一下,然后装回盒子里,想了想,艾瑞克直接开始在一堆礼物里找寻起来。 After more than ten minutes, several ties appear before them. 十多分钟后,又有几条领带出现在两人面前。 Do not move, I count,” Drew blocks Eric to want the movement that these gifts receive depressed. “别动,我数数,”德鲁郁闷地拦住艾瑞克想要将这些礼物收起来的动作。 One, two, three, four, five and six...... I do not live,” girl seized | deceitful Little Women the unfaithful husband at the scene likely, the ball sets out to throw on nearby sofa to deceive the head to cry out with the back cushion. “一、二、三、四、五、六……呜哇,我不活了,”丫头像是将花心丈夫捉丨奸当场的小妇人,弹起身扑到了旁边沙发上用靠枕蒙住脑袋叫唤起来。 Eric has not paid attention to the girl, but takes the gift box that has not signed somewhat to stare blankly, six ties, other five have the name, separately is Virginia, Nicole, Jennifer Connelly, Famke Janssen and Joanna Pacula, but has with him is not the tie that Julia and Elizabeth of relations deliver, then, who is another person? 艾瑞克没有理会丫头,而是拿着一个没有署名的礼品盒有些发怔,六条领带,其他五个都有名字,分别是维吉尼娅妮可詹妮弗.康纳利法米克.詹森乔安娜.帕库拉,而与他有过关系的茱莉亚伊丽莎白送的并不是领带,那么,另外一个人是谁呢? Smelled the gift box gathering wing of the nose , the light fresh perfume, seems to have met before, a pretty and stubborn cheek appears in the Eric mind. 将礼品盒凑到鼻翼下闻了闻,淡淡的清新的香水味,似曾相识,一张俏丽而倔强的脸蛋浮现在艾瑞克脑海中。 Then, the 《Friends》 second quarter soon began shooting, for a long time has not seen little girl. Acquaintances in the sentiment of fine powder always unforgetable. Although two people bid good-bye, but, occasionally sees the Aniston’s news on television newspaper, little girl by paparazzi was inquired about when with own matter, does not have initially that matter just erupted the excitement again. 说起来,《老友记》的第二季已经快要开拍,好久没见过小丨妞了。相识于微末的感情总是让人难以忘怀的。虽然两个人已经分手,不过,偶尔在电视报纸上看到安妮斯顿的消息,小丨妞狗仔问及与自己的事情,再没有当初那件事刚刚爆发时的激动。 Sees Eric not to come to roar itself, the girl finds out the head from the back cushion quickly, sees a Eric appearance looking pensive, spits the small tongue, crawls to gather side cleverly Eric from the sofa. 艾瑞克没有过来哄自己,丫头很快从靠枕下面探出脑袋,看到艾瑞克一副若有所思的模样,吐了吐小舌头,乖巧地从沙发上爬下来凑到艾瑞克身边。 Eric Eric Eric......” Drew put out a hand to shake shaking in Eric at present, called several his names continuously. 艾瑞克艾瑞克艾瑞克……”德鲁伸手在艾瑞克眼前晃了晃,连续叫了好几遍他的名字。 Eric opens the small hand of girl, asks: Was right, your gift?” 艾瑞克将丫头的小手打开,问道:“对了,你的礼物呢?” „?” small girl opened mouth, has hesitated the moment, sets out to rush to the living room corner, opens own suitcase, pulls out 32 steps to return to side Eric a small box: .” “啊?”小妮子张了张嘴,迟疑了片刻,还是起身跑到客厅角落里,打开自己的行李箱,将一个小盒子掏出来32步回到艾瑞克身边:“。” Eric is looking in the hand the palm of the hand big small box, has some premonition at heart immediately, 2-3 disassemble the box, has carried a red color tie quickly, shook shaking before the girl: This too bare naked, somebody added a moment ago what is coming?” ( to be continued ) 艾瑞克看着手中巴掌大的小盒子,心里顿时产生某种预感,三两下将盒子拆开,很快将一条大红色的领带拎了出来,在丫头面前晃了晃:“这太赤丨裸裸了吧,刚才某人还说什么来着?”(未完待续)
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