IAIH :: Volume #4

#332: You were definitely insane

Had doubts of forehead, after Eric tidied up the square head and tail, to return to stay at the hotel, discovered that dramatic team in a yet higher goal of dramatic team lonely, after the dramatic team stopped work for the day the lively scene completely to vanish. 带着一脑门的疑惑,艾瑞克收拾完片场首尾之后回到了下榻酒店,发现剧组所剧组的一层楼里冷冷清清的,原本剧组收工之后的热闹场景完全消失了。 Just opened the door to enter oneself room, a pink form tenderly shouted to flutter on him, entangling of koala one routine rubbed gently to cherish one's relatives in Eric. 刚刚推开门走进自己房间,一个粉红色身影就娇呼着飘到了他身上,树袋熊似的缠在艾瑞克身上一番例行地磨磨蹭蹭亲亲。 Good, Drew, how did you come New York?” Eric entrained to size up Drew from the body, the girl wore a talcum powder red complete knee short skirt, package Baotou originally turned into the shawl wave volume, it seems like has met the hair, one bunch of slanting bangs before volume served as contrast several points of different kind nature the childish face | the feeling aura. “好了好了,德鲁,你怎么来纽约了?”艾瑞克德鲁从身上拽了下来打量一番,丫头穿着一身粉红色的齐膝短裙,原本的包包头变成了披肩波浪卷,看来是接了头发,额前的一束斜刘海将娃娃脸衬托出了几分别样的性丨感气息。 I search the class,” Drew was saying grinningly, drew the side to sit down Eric, the whole person cross sat on the Eric thigh. “我来探班啊,”德鲁笑嘻嘻地说着,将艾瑞克也拉到了身边坐下,整个人又跨坐在艾瑞克大腿上。 Eric looks that the girl does not rotate several eyeballs, realized quickly that today's matter and small girl cannot be inseparable from. 艾瑞克看着丫头不是转动几下的眼珠,很快意识到,今天的事情与小妮子脱不了干系。 Clapped a palm of the hand on the girl small buttocks, Eric said: Was good, the honest confession, what are you planning?” 在丫头小屁股上拍了一巴掌,艾瑞克才道:“好了,老实交代,你们到底在谋划着什么?” Hee hee, did not tell you,” the Drew small hand supported in the Eric front acts shamelessly said that Eric began on flexure directly the girl creak the nest, after small girl one swayed from side to side, Eric let off her. “嘻嘻,就不告诉你,”德鲁小手撑在艾瑞克胸前耍赖地说道,艾瑞克直接动手挠上了丫头的咯吱窝,小妮子叽里呱啦一番扭动之后,艾瑞克才放过她。 Said?” Eric makes one to the hand signal that continues to stress. “说不说?”艾瑞克做出一副要继续抓下去的手势。 Good good, when under your just knows,” Drew was saying fluttered stands up, sat several deep breath, put out from the tea table already prepared a good eye-shade: , puts on first, I lead you to go to a place.” “好啦好啦,等下你就知道了,”德鲁说着飘乎乎地站起身,坐了几个深呼吸,才从茶几上拿出早就准备好的一个眼罩:“,先戴上,我带你去一个地方。” Eric received to hold appreciatively two, gained ground to say with a smile: I, if doesn't want?” 艾瑞克接过来把玩了两下,抬头笑道:“我要是不愿意呢?” I...... Cries to give you to look that small girl threatens to say immediately. “那我就……哭给你看,”小妮子立刻威胁道。 This scene is uncommon. Come, cries,” Eric immense interestsaid immediately ‚. “这个场景可不常见。来,哭一个,”艾瑞克立刻‘兴趣盎然’地说道。 Drew wrinkles the childish face. Has pulled out several small noses, drop of tears have not pushed. Immediately called one, throws to the Eric bosom, small stray cat fast is scratching on Eric: Takes, takes, takes......” 德鲁皱起娃娃脸。抽了几下小鼻子,一滴眼泪也没挤出来。随即哇地叫了一声,就扑到艾瑞克怀里,小野猫似的在艾瑞克身上飞快抓挠着:“带上,带上,带上……” Ok, other flexure, I took and that's the end,” Eric resigned-looking said. Has produced at heart actually also curiously, wants to have a look at the girl to be able entire to play tricks today. “ok,别挠了,我带上就是了,”艾瑞克一脸无奈地说道。心里却也产生了好奇,想要看看丫头今天到底会整出什么花样来。 Puts on the eye-shade, Drew pulls up Eric immediately, walks outward. 将眼罩戴上,德鲁随即拉起艾瑞克,向外走去。 Eric only felt one entered elevator, then drew in a car(riage), afterward felt sound that the vehicles start. 艾瑞克只感觉自己进了电梯,然后被拉上了一辆车,随后感觉到车辆发动的声音。 Hello, first reaches an agreement, cannot play goes too far, otherwise I will be angry.” “喂,先说好,不能玩的太过分,否则我可是会生气的。” „Am I such person?” The girls refuted one discontentedly. “我是那样的人吗?”丫头不满地反驳了一句。 You not?” “你不是吗?” Snort.” “哼。” The vehicle speed is not quick, Eric is not anxious. Brought the eye-shade by to carry on the back after chair, just can close eye rest a while, how long has not known. Eric felt that the vehicle as in, the meaning of slightly not having stopped, but Eric was somewhat drowsy. 车速并不快,艾瑞克也不急。带着眼罩靠在了座椅后背上,刚好可以闭上眼睛休息一会儿,不知道过了多久。艾瑞克感觉车子依旧在开着,丝毫没有停下来的意思,而艾瑞克已经有些昏昏欲睡了。 How long also wants?” Eric could not bear ask one. “还要多久啊?”艾瑞克忍不住问了一句。 Do not be anxious,” girl looked to take the beeper in hand, actually, car has spun on the Manhattan avenue the protracted time, but Eric did not know. “别急啊,”丫头看了看一直拿在手里的寻呼机,其实,轿车一直在曼哈顿大街上打转拖延时间,只是艾瑞克不知道而已。 Eric has not spoken again, depends once more on the chairback. 艾瑞克没再说话,再次靠在椅背上。 The pager in hand dropped drop to make a sound finally, Drew has given a hand signal toward the driver. The vehicle speed sped up, only for more than ten minutes. Arrived at the destination. 手中的传呼机终于滴滴地响了起来,德鲁朝司机做了个手势。车速加快了一些,只用了十多分钟。就来到了目的地。 Eric is going out of underground parking garage, steps onto the express lift. After several minutes, the girl shoves open a leafed door, gathered the Eric ear in a soft voice to say sentence surprise, then has torn off the Eric eye-shade rapidly. 拉着艾瑞克一路走出地下停车场,走上直达电梯。几分钟之后,丫头推开一扇门,凑到艾瑞克耳边轻声说了句‘surprise’,然后迅速扯下了艾瑞克的眼罩。 The colored ribbon that bang bang salute sound and flies upwards heads on, the person in hall has rehearsed obviously, with one voice. 砰砰的礼炮声和飞扬的彩带扑面而来,大厅中的人显然已经排练好,异口同声。 Happy birthday!” “生日快乐!” Wow,” Eric some sighed helplessly, hears these words, finally has thought that today was on May 16, the birthday of this body original master, previous life Eric did not care about the birthday, now say nothing, in addition for serveral days the busy foot did not moisten, Eric could not think this matter. 哇哦,”艾瑞克有些不知所措地感叹了一句,听到这句话,终于想了起来,今天是5月16日,他这具身体原主人的生日,前世艾瑞克就不太在意生日,现在就更不用说,再加上这些天忙的脚不沾地,艾瑞克就更加想不起来这件事了。 Familiar faces crowd around, besides these days dramatic team members, Actor Director basically also came with he has cooperated in this year, Firefly and Pixar management also appeared here, Eric also saw should in Los Angeles Stan Winston, as well as should arrange «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» James Cameron and the others. 一张张熟悉的面孔簇拥上来,除了这些天的剧组成员之外,这一年来与他合作过的演员导演基本上也都来了,萤火虫皮克斯的高管也出现在了这里,艾瑞克还看到了应该在洛杉矶斯坦.温斯顿,以及本该在筹备《终结者2》的詹姆斯.卡梅隆等人。 Obviously, to help oneself arranges this birthday party, Drew affirmed that has put very big thoughts, hides the truth from this not to be easy to achieve merely. 显然,为了帮自己筹备这次生日派对,德鲁肯定花了很大的心思,仅仅是瞒住自己这一项就不是那么容易做到的。 Presses together has kidded around, the people slowly disperse. 挤在一起嬉闹了一番,众人才慢慢散开。 Hi, later Jonah, 《The Silence of the Lambs》 does how...... Very good, my movie? Naturally, quick filmed.” “嗨,乔纳,《沉默的羔羊》后期做的怎么样了……很不错啊,我的电影?当然,也快封镜了。” Wow, cannot think that you also came, Tom, you had met any film recently...... Naturally naturally, I had said the words make the number as before.” 哇哦,想不到你也来了,汤姆,最近你接了什么片子……当然当然,我说过的话依旧作数。” Hello, Julia...... Hey, Liz, today is my birthday, you cannot like this, like only old mother hen.” “你好,茱莉亚……嘿,莉兹,今天可是我的生日,你不能这样吧,像只老母鸡似的。” Robert, «Sleeping with the Enemy» shoots how...... Un, when I complete «Ghost», can pass to have a look...... You should believe Julia, she currently has enough Box Office rallying point.” 罗伯特,《与敌共眠拍摄的怎么样了……嗯,等我做完《人鬼情未了》,会过去看看的……你应该相信茱莉亚,她现在有足够的票房号召力。” „......” “……” „......” “……” Transferred a great-circle, 11 exchanged greetings greeting with guests, Eric finally can short resting, look for sofa in a corner to sit, has entangled righteously in his small girl carefully is Eric took one fruit juice. 转了一大圈,与客人们11寒暄招呼,艾瑞克才终于得以短暂的休憩,找了一张角落里的沙发坐下来,一直理直气壮地缠在他身旁的小妮子细心地为艾瑞克取了一杯果汁。 At this time, James Cameron that some time ago had greeted pulled wife Kathryn Bigelow to walk once more. 这时候,不久前打过招呼的詹姆斯.卡梅隆挽着妻子凯瑟琳.毕格罗再次走了过来。 Hi, Jim, Ms. Bigelow,” Eric sets out, James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow sit down by Eric together. “嗨,吉姆,还有毕格罗女士,”艾瑞克直起身,詹姆斯.卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗一起在艾瑞克旁边坐下。 Sized up this to the husband and wife, Eric is remembering previous life some memories, Cameron did not say that Kathryn Bigelow actually was also a Hollywood legendary female, this female Director shoots movie theme and other Hollywood females were completely different, even can say, Kathryn Bigelow shoots movie completely with feminine not many relations. 打量着这对夫妻,艾瑞克不由地想起了前世的一些记忆,卡梅隆就不说了,凯瑟琳.毕格罗却也是一位好莱坞的传奇女性,这位女导演拍摄的电影题材与好莱坞其他女性完全不同,甚至可以说,凯瑟琳.毕格罗拍摄的电影完全与女性没有多少关系。 Listens to her Director a series of movie name, «Assassination *» and «The Hurt Locker» and «k-19: Widowed | woman manufacturer» and «Dark Angel Discipline Raging tide»...... 听听她导演的一系列电影名字,《刺杀*》、《拆弹部队》、《k-19:寡丨妇制造者》、《末世纪狂潮》…… And. What is most important, in parallel space and time, Kathryn Bigelow is in the Oscar history the first feminine best Director winner. Moreover, that Oscar. The Kathryn Bigelow biggest match, at this time sits in her James Cameron, its splendid degree can shoots leave a movie fully, for example «Ex-wife's Counterattack» anything. 而且。最最重要的是,平行时空中,凯瑟琳.毕格罗奥斯卡历史上第一位女性最佳导演获得者。而且,那一届的奥斯卡凯瑟琳.毕格罗的最大对手,正是此时坐在她身边的詹姆斯.卡梅隆,其精彩程度足可以拍摄出一部电影,比如《前妻的逆袭》什么的。 In memory, James Cameron when shoots «Terminator 2: Judgement Day», has produced the spark with «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» Heroine Linda Hamilton, after «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» screens, Cameron on fast divorced with Kathryn Bigelow. 记忆中,詹姆斯.卡梅隆正是在拍摄终结者2》的时候,与《终结者2》的女主角琳达.汉密尔顿产生了火花,《终结者2》上映之后,卡梅隆就飞快的与凯瑟琳.毕格罗离了婚。 Eric. Actually, I want to discuss something with you,” after James Cameron and Eric have greeted, said. 艾瑞克。其实,我是想跟你商量一些事情,”詹姆斯.卡梅隆艾瑞克打过招呼后,说道。 Un?” Eric made doubts expression, the heart said that such quickly do not invest best, movie special hasn't begun shooting? “嗯?”艾瑞克做了个疑惑的表情,心说不会这么快就要最佳投资吧,电影都特么的还没开拍呢? Saw Eric expression, James Cameron sees the wife, Kathryn Bigelow has opened the mouth to say on own initiative: Is this, Mr. Williams......” 看到艾瑞克神情,詹姆斯.卡梅隆看了看妻子,凯瑟琳.毕格罗主动开口道:“是这样的,威廉姆斯先生……” Called me Eric to be good,” Eric has interrupted the opposite party words. “叫我艾瑞克就好,”艾瑞克打断了对方的话。 Kathryn Bigelow has not expressed disgruntledly. Nodded, said: A while ago, I obtained good script. Is story about surfrider, because chose in the corner/horn to have the conflict, copyright all Columbia Film Studio gave up this project, therefore, I am seeking for the investor now.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗并没有表示不悦。点了点头,道:“前段时间,我得到了一个不错的剧本。是一个关于冲浪者的故事,不过因为选角上产生了冲突,原本版权所有的哥伦比亚电影公司放弃了这个项目,所以,我现在正在寻找投资方。” Eric heard surfrider this word, in the mind has remembered some movie indistinctly, but he has not looked, but previous life accidentally had seen said that only remembered the actor of that movie. 艾瑞克听到‘冲浪者’这个词,脑海里隐约想起了某部电影,但他并没有看过,只是前世偶然看到过一些介绍,只记得那部电影的男主角。 Can introduce the plot?” Eric asked. “可以介绍一下剧情吗?”艾瑞克问道。 Approximately is this. Newly appointed young FBI detective Johnny is investigating together the bank robbery, after one presses for payment. He discovered that many clues have aimed on one group of surfriders. Therefore Johnny arrived at the southern California beach, explained young surfing coach Taylor on the beach......” “大致是这样的。新上任的年轻fbi探员强尼正在调查一起银行抢劫案,一番追索下来之后。他发现很多线索都指向了一伙冲浪者身上。于是强尼来到了南加州的海滩,在海滩上解释了年轻的冲浪教练泰勒……” Has used for five minutes. Kathryn Bigelow narrated the entire story simply, added some view on shoots. 用了五分钟时间。凯瑟琳.毕格罗将整个故事简单地叙述了一遍,还说了一些自己在拍摄上的看法。 Then, you hope that told this story darker right?” Eric asked. “这么说来,你是希望将这个故事讲述的更加黑暗对吗?”艾瑞克问道。 Kathryn Bigelow nodded: I thought that this can interrogate and torture the human nature, has the practical significance.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗点了点头:“我觉得,这样能够更加拷问人性,也更具有现实意义。” Was right, you just said that you and Columbia in choosing the corner/horn have had the conflict, is the actor who you choose who?” Although Eric had answer at heart, asked one prudently. “对了,你刚刚说,你与哥伦比亚在选角上产生了冲突,你选择的男主角是谁?”艾瑞克虽然心里已经有了答案,还是慎重地问了一句。 Keanu Reeves,” Kathryn Bigelow said: This big boy last year played Ted in «Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure», Columbia said that the Keanu Reeves image was widely divergent with a FBI detective, but, I thought that Keanu Reeves can definitely become splendid movement Actor, his body had this potential.” 基努.里维斯,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗道:“这个大男孩去年在《比尔与泰德的冒险》中饰演泰德,哥伦比亚基努.里维斯的形象与一个fbi探员大相径庭,不过,我觉得,基努.里维斯肯定能够成为一个出色的动作演员,他身上有这种潜力。” Really right, in the Eric heart said that remembers in the memory after the short introduction of this movie, Eric had eight points of affirmation, at this time, hears Kathryn Bigelow to say the Keanu Reeves name, Eric again does not have any suspicion. Although does not know that this movie is what kind, but a little, Eric truly remembers very clearly, the best this movie to obtain on Box Office successfully. 果然没错,艾瑞克心中说了一句,想起记忆中关于这部电影的短暂介绍之后,艾瑞克就有了八分的肯定,此时,听到凯瑟琳.毕格罗说出基努.里维斯的名字,艾瑞克就再也没有任何怀疑。虽然不知道这部电影到底怎样,不过有一点,艾瑞克确实记得很清楚,最好这部电影在票房上获得成功了。 So long as can confirm this, Eric had the decision. 只要能确认这点,艾瑞克就已经有了决定。 Ms. Bigelow, I need detailed script and project budget material,” Eric said. 毕格罗女士,我需要详细剧本和项目预算资料,”艾瑞克说道。 Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow have shown the surprised look, Eric, since said that definitely means the opposite party complied. The couple did not report the too high hope, after all, their two do not think that this is a commercial film, otherwise, Columbia will not give up this project. 卡梅隆凯瑟琳.毕格罗都露出了惊讶的神色,艾瑞克既然这么说,那肯定就意味着对方答应了下来。夫妻俩原本都不报太大的希望,毕竟,他们两个都不认为这是一部商业片,要不然,哥伦比亚也不会放弃这个项目。 Prestige...... Eric, these materials I have not brought today, but, I can give you within three days these materials.” “威……艾瑞克,这些资料我今天没有带,不过,我可以在三天之内将这些资料交给你。” Eric nodded, said: Was right, your this movie who is the producer?” 艾瑞克点了点头,道:“对了,你这部电影谁来做制片人?” Kathryn Bigelow saw a husband: Jim complied, but now looks like, must trade Producer, because we cannot confirm when can draw the investment, I think that Jim pats «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» is not late.” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗看了眼丈夫:“原本吉姆已经答应了,不过现在看来,要换一个制作人了,因为原先我们并不能确认什么时候才能拉到投资,我以为吉姆拍完《终结者2》也不晚。” That I come to make Producer personally,” Eric thinks to say. “那就我来亲自做制作人吧,”艾瑞克想了想说道。 „Do you come?” Kathryn Bigelow has shown the light question look immediately. “你来?”凯瑟琳.毕格罗顿时露出了淡淡的质疑神色。 Hey, Kate, you do not believe that Eric does have this strength?” Cameron disguises the discontented staring wife. “嘿,凯特,难道你不相信艾瑞克有这个实力吗?”卡梅隆假装不满的瞪了眼妻子。 Kathryn Bigelow then responded, although Eric today is only 20 years old, but, the achievement of this youth makes Hollywood surpass 90% Director to feel at present to feel inferior, in addition the opposite party now manages Hollywood is being next to seven big Film Studio, made Producer of movie definitely to have more than enough to spare. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗这才反应过来,虽然艾瑞克今天才20岁,不过,眼前这个青年的成就让好莱坞超过90的导演都感到自卑,再加上对方现在经营着好莱坞仅次于七大的电影公司,做一部电影的制作人肯定绰绰有余。 Good,” the Kathryn Bigelow nod said: I am thinking, Eric, don't you need shoots your movie?” “好吧,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗点头道:“我只是在想,艾瑞克,你难道不需要拍摄自己的电影吗?” Naturally needs, but this as if not conflict, just, I had not done the concrete movie-making work before, believes that this is also an exercise,” saw that Kathryn Bigelow showed just look, Eric has beckoned with the hand hastily: Relax, Ms. Bigelow, you should believe that my strength, I think, so long as has enough understanding to me, Hollywood nobody will suspect that I have this strength, right?” “当然需要,不过这似乎并不冲突,刚好,我以前还没有做过具体的制片工作,相信这也是一次锻炼,”看到凯瑟琳.毕格罗又露出了刚刚的神色,艾瑞克连忙摆摆手:“放心吧,毕格罗女士,你应该相信我的实力,我想,只要对我有足够的了解,好莱坞没有人会怀疑我有这个实力,对吗?” Probably, yes,” Kathryn Bigelow nodded finally. “好像,是的,”凯瑟琳.毕格罗最终还是点了点头。 Saw that the matter so simply was solved, the Cameron look moves, wants to make persistent efforts, for example...... Adds the point to budget anything for «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» again. 见到事情如此简单地就得到了解决,卡梅隆神色动了动,想要再接再厉,比如……为《终结者2》再加点预算什么的。 However Eric saw obviously Cameron hits the thoughts of snake on along with stick, making Cameron so easy to prevail is not the great idea, Eric to stand up obviously directly: That like this, Jim, after concrete matter, discussed again that today is my birthday, plays is happier.” 不过艾瑞克明显看出了卡梅隆打蛇随棍上的心思,让卡梅隆这么容易得逞显然不是什么好主意,艾瑞克直接站起身:“那就这样了,吉姆,具体的事情以后再谈,今天是我的生日,玩的开心一些。” Then, whatever Eric small girl is pulling own arm, walks toward other places. 说完,艾瑞克任由小妮子挽着自己的胳膊,向其他地方走去。 Hey, Jim, that kid definitely saw that you want to say anything, after” and other Eric left, Kathryn Bigelow is bringing lightly ridicules to tease. “嘿,吉姆,那个小家伙肯定看出你想说什么了,”等艾瑞克离开之后,凯瑟琳.毕格罗带着淡淡的揶揄调侃道。 Cameron shrugs indifferently: In any case...... Sooner or later will unable to escape.” 卡梅隆无所谓地耸耸肩:“反正……早晚都逃不掉的。” Although Kathryn Bigelow wants to persuade the husband to restrain some, but thinks Cameron when making the movie as harsh as the disposition of nitpicking, relinquishes, he knows that the husband will definitely not listen his. 凯瑟琳.毕格罗虽然想要劝说丈夫收敛一些,不过想想卡梅隆在拍电影时苛刻到吹毛求疵的性格,还是作罢,他知道丈夫肯定不会听自己的。 Jim, to be honest, how much money «Terminator 2: Judgement Day» do you plan to spend?” 吉姆,说实话,《终结者2》你到底打算花多少钱?” Cameron plate consider as finished, then looked at the surroundings slightly, stretched out a finger toward the wife stealthily. 卡梅隆稍微盘算了一下,然后看了看周围,鬼鬼祟祟地朝妻子伸出了一根手指。 Kathryn Bigelow has inhaled a cold air: 100 million USD?” 凯瑟琳.毕格罗吸了口凉气:“一亿美金?” Cameron nods. 卡梅隆点点头。 You affirmed insanely, that kid by Kathryn Bigelow that you irritated, but said that after all, entire Hollywood, did not have the investment of any movie to achieve 100 million USD until now, the investment surpasses 50 million enough Film Studio hotly to cook up one. “你肯定疯了,那个小家伙会被你气死的”凯瑟琳.毕格罗无奈道,毕竟,整个好莱坞,到现在为止都还没有任何一部影片的投资达到一亿美金,投资超过五千万都足够电影公司热炒一番了。 He is very rich, money is not used to make the movie,” Cameron refuted righteously.( To be continued m.) ( to be continued ) “他有的是钱,钱不就是用来拍电影的嘛,”卡梅隆理直气壮地反驳道。(未完待续m.)(未完待续)
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