IAIH :: Volume #4

#331: Inconceivable

In the scene, the girl is similar to the koala hangs on Sam generally, the love is hugging and kissing with the man, they go to nearby sofa together slowly but actually. 镜头中,女郎如同树袋熊一般挂在山姆身上,迷恋地与男人拥吻着,两人一起缓缓向旁边的沙发上倒去。↑ good, this, after” four hours, sat stares at Eric of picture to shout behind the monitoring device finally, but all people on the scene, both relaxed including just two leads who crawled from the sofa. good,这条过了,”四个多小时之后,坐在监视器后面凝视着画面的艾瑞克终于喊了出来,而在场的所有人,包括刚刚从沙发上爬起来的两位主角都松了一口气。 Less than on four minutes and script is only then trivial one page of scene, shoots four hours, anybody unavoidably will have had the anxious mood, Eric that but, as most should erupt does not have any to indicate that the people on the scene do not certainly dare to display the impatient look, but is duplicating this play repeatedly. 不到四分钟、剧本上更是只有区区一页的镜头,足足拍摄了四个小时,任何人心里都难免会产生焦躁的情绪,不过,作为最应该爆发的艾瑞克都没有任何表示,在场的众人当然更不敢表现出不耐烦的神色,只是一遍又一遍地重复着这场戏。 Eric looked at the watch, said: Today arrived here, was very late, here did not need to tidy up temporarily, went back to rest as soon as possible.” 艾瑞克看了看表,道:“今天就到这里吧,已经很晚了,这里暂时就不用收拾了,尽快回去休息。” All people did not have cheer for sympathizing of Mr. Director with enough time, Eric on in addition: Tomorrow cannot be late.” 所有人还没来得及为导演先生的体贴欢呼,艾瑞克就加了一句:“明天不许迟到。” All around resounds piece of Ai Hu immediately, actually also nobody dares to seek vengeance anything, after all, they took enough overtime pay, but Eric then definitely also has the work to do, wants tired many compared with them. 四周顿时响起一片哀呼,却也没有人敢报怨什么,毕竟,他们都是拿了足够的加班费的,而艾瑞克接下来肯定还有工作要做,比他们要劳累的很多。 The people diverged quickly, wait for Eric to inspect with vice- Director the shoots good source material together, loaded into the safety deposit box adduction to be good, the time crossed for a half hour. 众人很快散去,等艾瑞克与副导演一起将拍摄好的素材检查了一遍,装进保险箱内收好,时间已经又过了半个多小时。 Unknowingly has carried on New York Manhattan shoots for nearly one month, because in the Eric mind has the ready-made movie to make the reference, the progress that therefore, his shoots gets up always be quicker than other Hollywood Director. 纽约曼哈顿拍摄不知不觉已经进行了将近一个月时间,因为艾瑞克脑海中有现成的影片做参考,因此,他拍摄起来的进度一向要比好莱坞其他导演快很多。 One month, the «Ghost» shoots progress has completed two-thirds, then perhaps only needs to carry on ten days of shoots again. Can filmed. That side Los Angeles also often spreads the news. The manufacture of movie special effect is very smooth, Eric also watched part of effects through the videophone. 才一个月,《人鬼情未了》的拍摄进度已经完成了2,接下来或许只需要再进行十天的拍摄。就可以封镜洛杉矶那边也不时传来消息。电影特效的制作很顺利,艾瑞克还通过可视电话观看了一部分效果。 But in San Francisco shoots «Basic Instinct» was not that smooth, the male & female leads reason, the performances of two leads were very actually good, but was other matters, it is well known, San Francisco was the North America homosexuality accumulation city, because in «Basic Instinct» had one dispute actor's pay about homosexuality to be reported by paparazzi with highly colored details. Therefore has provoked the protest of San Francisco homosexuality organization, even once somewhat stirred up | enters the member to obstruct shoots of movie. 而在旧金山拍摄的《本能》就不是那么顺利了,倒不是男女主角的原因,两位主角的表演都很不错,而是另外一些事情,众所周知,旧金山北美同性恋聚集的城市,因为《本能》里有一场关于同性恋的争议戏份被狗仔添油加醋地报道了出来。因此引起了旧金山同性恋组织的抗议,甚至一度有些激丨进分子阻挠电影的拍摄 Jeffrey has to relate the San Francisco police authorities to seek the help personally, recently, «Basic Instinct» has carried on shoots under the entire day protections of over 50 police officers, for this reason, the dramatic team has to pay for not a small support fee to the San Francisco related police authorities. 杰弗里不得不亲自联系旧金山警局寻求帮助,这些日子,《本能》一直都是在超过50名警员的全天保护下进行拍摄的,为此,剧组不得不向旧金山相关警局支付了一笔不小的赞助费。 But Firefly soon will have heated bamboo strips for writing material in first part movie 《The Silence of the Lambs》 that the summer promoted for one week, it is said to complete the movie as soon as possible, the dramatic team has to be divided into three. 萤火虫即将在暑期推出的第一部电影《沉默的羔羊》已经杀青了一个多星期,据说为了尽快完成影片,剧组不得不一分为三。 At the end of May, this movie fully will complete works later, but. The reason that because rushes a job, less than 20 million costs increased to 25 million. Eric has not seen the preview. But he believes that has original Jonathan Demme to direct, even two act the leading role does not have any change, this movie should not have the too big difference with previous life. 在五月底的时候,这部电影将会全部完成后期工作,但是。因为赶工的缘故,原本不到20000000的成本增加到了25000000。艾瑞克至今还没有看到样片。但他相信有原版乔纳森.戴米执导,甚至两位主演都没有任何变化,这部电影应该不会与前世有太大差异。 According to the plan, this movie will start the film critic preview and point in early June reflects, official release date arrangement on June 8, but, Robert Shay has only arranged 1500 first showing theaters for this movie. 按照计划,这部电影将会在六月初开始影评人试映和点映,正式上映日期安排在6月8号,不过,罗伯特.谢伊只为这部电影安排了1500家首映影院。 Although Eric knows that this is Robert Shay occupies the resources for oneself personally leadership movie «Sleeping with the Enemy», but Eric has not said anything, can place summer the files to be very good, 《The Silence of the Lambs》 after all is a R-rated bloody terrorist piece, according to the Hollywood convention, this film either places the Easter running schedule, either places summer end of the files, now can push in the popular summer files, said that was lucky, are not also few to a horror film as for 1500 theaters. 虽然艾瑞克知道,这是罗伯特.谢伊在为自己亲自主导的影片《与敌共眠》挤占资源,但艾瑞克却没有多说什么,能够放在暑期档已经很不错了,《沉默的羔羊》毕竟是一部r级的血腥恐怖片,依照好莱坞的惯例,这种片子要么放在复活节档期,要么放在暑期档末尾,现在能够挤在热门的暑期档,说起来已经非常幸运,至于1500家影院对一部恐怖片来说也并不算少。 Except for the matter of movie, Eric discovered gradually that own matter slowly were also many, not only need worry about the management of Firefly, Pixar and that side digital domain even Cisco, often has the matter to need him to process personally. 除了电影的事情,艾瑞克渐渐发现,自己的事情也慢慢多了起来,不但要操心萤火虫的经营,皮克斯、数字领域甚至思科那边,都不时有事情需要他亲自处理。 Although will focus in Firefly continuously, but Eric has not reduced the concerns over these companies, because of the sufficient financial support, the manufacture of «Toy Story» has been over half, perhaps the end of the year Christmas files cannot catch up, but can certainly catch up with next year summer files, this edition of «Toy Story» in that fine many compared with memory, but also increased many details, the total length is not the previous life 81 minutes, but increased to 90 minutes of comparison standard, Eric believes that the appearance of «Toy Story» will be surprised by the Hollywood film circle affirmative. 虽然一直将重心放在萤火虫上,但艾瑞克并没有减少对这几家公司的关注,因为充足的财力支持,《玩具总动员》的制作已经超过了一半,年底的圣诞档或许赶不上,但一定能够赶上明年的暑期档,这一版的《玩具总动员》要比记忆中的那一部精致的多,还增加了不少细节,总长度也不是前世的81分钟,而增加到了比较标准的90分钟,艾瑞克相信,《玩具总动员》的出现肯定会让好莱坞影坛大吃一惊。 As for the digital domain, Eric very much felt relieved that has given Stan Winston, he arranged a chief financial officer to supervise the digital domain finance for the company, how other aspects did not meddle. 至于数字领域,艾瑞克则是很放心地交给了斯坦.温斯顿,他只是为公司安排了一位财务总监监督数字领域的财务,其他方面并不是怎么插手。 In February after going on the market, the Cisco stock price soars, although one month later slow, but after the Cisco first quarter profit report form draws a charge, the stock price rises once more, seven USD that Eric invests, the present value has surpassed 200 million surely . Moreover the meaning of slightly not having stopped, many investment institutions started to regret that the stock subscription share originally will give to the Firefly investment company. 二月份上市之后,思科的股价就一路飞涨,虽然一个多月后缓慢了下来,但思科第一季度的利润报表出炉之后,股价再次上扬起来,艾瑞克投资进去的七千万美元,现在的价值已经超过了两亿,而且丝毫没有停下来的意思,不少投资机构都已经开始后悔将原本的股份认购份额转让给萤火虫投资公司了。 Pays attention to these matters at the same time, in the recent several days, Eric gradually discovered that the surrounding person becomes somewhat unusual, occasionally also visits him with strangely the look, probably is preparing anything, this feeling is very subtle, is he could not say his misconception. 关注这些事情的同时,最近几天,艾瑞克又逐渐发现周围的人都变得有些异样,偶尔还会用奇怪地眼神看着他,好像在筹划着什么,这种感觉很微妙,他也说不出来到底是不是自己的错觉。 On for example today, the dramatic team members finds the excuse to ask for leave, hoping Eric can one hour of conclusion today's shoots, simultaneously express ahead of time they have the matter to be busy, if two good, but all person this, Eric, if cannot realize anything again, the intelligence quotient really had the issue. 就比如今天,剧组成员一个个地都找理由请假,希望艾瑞克能够提前一小时结束今天的拍摄,同时表示他们有事情要忙,如果一个两个还好,但所有人都这样,艾瑞克要是再意识不到什么,智商就真的有问题了。 Because of people manner firm unanimous request, Eric has to make the compromise, tired these many days, the movie was also in any case about to have been completed, he also plans to comply with the public opinion. 因为众人态度坚决的一致要求,艾瑞克不得不做出妥协,反正累了这么多天,影片也快完成了,他也就打算顺应民意。 However stops work for the day, Eric seized photographer Nickel that wants to leave: Nickel, you told me, exactly what happened?” 不过收工的时候,艾瑞克还是逮住了想要离开的摄影师尼克尔:“尼克尔,你告诉我,到底发生了什么事情?” A Nickel face is looking at Eric strangely, seems is reminding, feels somewhat inconceivable, facing pressing for an answer of Eric, Nickel looked at all around, sees many people to look to here, shakes the head to say hastily: Eric, I cannot say that will be killed.” 尼克尔一脸奇怪地望着艾瑞克,似乎是在提醒,又感觉有些不可思议,面对艾瑞克的逼问,尼克尔看了看四周,见不少人都看向这边,连忙摇头道:“艾瑞克,我不能说,会被干掉的。” You, or said that I kill you now,” the Eric threat said. “你要不说,我现在就干掉你,”艾瑞克威胁道。 The photographer mister stem drew out the neck, the appearance that being unafraid of death, he knows in any case Eric cannot take him to be what kind. 摄影师先生梗起了脖子,一副视死如归的模样,反正他知道艾瑞克不能拿他怎么样。 Eric has hammered a fist in the Nickel chest: Was good, gets the hell out, hoping you not to annoy to go wrong to me.” 艾瑞克尼克尔胸口锤了一拳:“好了,滚蛋吧,但愿你们别给我惹出什么乱子来。” Definitely not, certain,” Nickel is laughing and playing the nod, after walking away several steps, after confirming Eric cannot hear, Nickel cannot bear sigh two: Inconceivable, is really inconceivable, this matter can forget, worthily is the workaholic.”( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “肯定不会的,一定,”尼克尔嬉笑着点头,走远几步之后,确认艾瑞克听不见之后,尼克尔才忍不住感叹两句:“不可思议,真是不可思议,这种事情都能忘,不愧是工作狂。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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