IAIH :: Volume #4

#330: Toleration

«Hamlet», is very good, so long as does not delay shoots, time in secret you arrange at will,” nod that Eric shows neither approval nor disapproval, has not expressed any opinion, then said: „The following play prepares how?” “《哈姆雷特》,很不错啊,只要不耽误拍摄,私下里的时间你们随意安排,”艾瑞克不置可否的点点头,并没有发表什么意见,接着道:“下面的这场戏准备的怎么样了?” Heard Eric saying that Bridget Fonda somewhat was obviously disappointed, although present Cage is very splendid, but compared to miss with Eric as before was too far. 听到艾瑞克这么说,布里吉特.方达明显有些失望,虽然现在的凯奇很出色,但与艾瑞克相比起来依旧差了太远。 Attains this role time, Bridget Fonda thought that in Eric the disposition by the hearsay, shoots in the process of movie, certainly must have anything, after all she to her appearance is very self-confident. What a pity is contrary to what expects, now shoots has carried on over half a month, Eric has actually never had any to express that to her favorable impression action, the woman far resentful instinct unavoidably makes Bridget Fonda have not a willingly thought. 拿到这个角色的时候,布里吉特.方达就觉得,以传闻中艾瑞克的性格,拍电影的过程中,肯定要发生些什么,毕竟她对自己的容貌还是很自信的。可惜事与愿违,现在拍摄已经进行了大半个月,艾瑞克却从来没有任何对她表示好感的举动,女人远之则怨的天性难免让布里吉特.方达产生一丝不甘心的念头。 Sees Bridget Fonda no longer to open the mouth, Cage said hastily: Has prepared, I and Bridge have rehearsed several times in the idle time, definitely will not have problems.” 布里吉特.方达不再开口,凯奇连忙说道:“已经准备好了,我和布莉姬在空闲时间已经排练了好几次,肯定不会出问题。” Rehearsal?” Eric asked subconsciously, must know, after drawing the embrionic scene, is two minutes of intimate play. “排练?”艾瑞克下意识问了一句,要知道,拉胚镜头之后,接下来可是长达两分多钟的亲热戏啊。 Cage also realized that own reply some different meanings, explained awkwardly: Is only the simple rehearsal, not other.” 凯奇也意识到自己的回答有些歧义,尴尬地解释道:“只是简单的排练,并没有其他的。” Eric does not have the interest to care that this detail, nodded saying: Good, you prepare again, I have a look at the background.” 艾瑞克也没有兴趣关心这种细节,点了点头道:“好吧,你们再准备一下,我去看看布景。” Eric just left, Bridget Fonda somewhat rudely and unreasonably held toward Cage on a fist: Who has rehearsed with you, we casually chatted obviously.” 艾瑞克刚刚离开,布里吉特.方达就有些泼辣地往凯奇身上捅了一拳:“谁跟你排练了,我们明明只是随便谈了谈而已嘛。” Cage some are the channel: You want my truth to tell Director, haven't we done too prepare?” 凯奇有些为渠道:“难道你要我实话告诉导演,我们并没有做太多准备吗?” You should not say that you know obviously is any play.” “那你也不应该那么说,你明明知道接下来是什么戏。” Good, this is a fault,” Cage shrugs: „. Bridge, you do not have the opportunity, everyone can look. The life assistant relations of Eric with his named Joanna Pacula is very affectionate, tells you Oh. Couple days ago in the morning I got out of bed to jog, but also discovery that woman came out from the Eric room.” “好吧,这是个失误,”凯奇耸了耸肩:“不过。布莉姬,你没有机会的,谁都看得出来。艾瑞克跟他那个名叫乔安娜.帕库拉的生活助理关系很亲昵,告诉你。前几天早上我起床跑步,还发现那个女人从艾瑞克房间里出来呢。” Bridget Fonda has not thought that own small thoughts looked by Cage unexpectedly, conditioned reflex rebuttal: This has any relations with me.” 布里吉特.方达没想到自己的小心思竟然被凯奇看了出来,条件反射般地反驳道:“这跟我有什么关系。” Good, when I had not said that Cage said that took up the playscript with stage directions to read. “好吧,那就当我没说,”凯奇说完,拿起台本读了起来。 Bridget Fonda also held up script in hand to keep off before the face, is only somewhat will be unavoidably absent-minded. 布里吉特.方达也跟着举起手中的剧本挡在了脸前,只是难免会有些心不在焉。 The scene have framed the moment on the tranquil corridor, then moves slowly. Finally frames once more , is making on vase Molly dedicated. 镜头在宁静的走廊上定格了片刻,然后缓缓移动。最终再次定格在正在专注地做着一只花瓶莫莉身上。 Vertical orange light shines on putting on the girl of simple sleeveless shirt, there is a light indescribable sense of beauty. 垂直的橘黄色灯光照射在穿着简单无袖衬衫的女郎身上,有一种淡淡的难以言喻的美感。 These days leisure time, Bridget Fonda is studying to draw the embrionic craft with the ceramic master who the dramatic team invited, on the girl nearby rack of laid aside was the works that she completed for serveral days personally. Decent that at this time in the scene, Bridget Fonda also makes, a vase embryo takes shape in the girl hand gradually. 这些天的闲暇时光,布里吉特.方达都在跟着剧组请来的陶瓷师傅学习拉胚工艺,女郎附近的架子上放置的都是她这些天来亲自完成的作品。此时镜头中,布里吉特.方达也做的像模像样,一件花瓶胚胎渐渐在女郎手中成型。 Has continued the moment tranquilly, was red Sam of upper body behind to walk from the jasmine, both hands hugged in the front, appearance that having a drowsy look. 宁静持续了片刻,赤着上身的山姆从茉莉身后走了出来,双手抱在胸前,一副睡眼惺忪的模样。 What are you making?” “你在做什么?” I cannot fall asleep,” Molly turned head to look at one. Said. “我睡不着,”莫莉扭头看了一眼。说道。 Sam moved a stool to sit in the lover behind, having the light apology saying: I was rest certainly, now several : 00?” 山姆搬了张凳子坐在爱人身后,带着淡淡的歉意说道:“我一定是睡过去了,现在几点来着?” 2 : 00 am.” Molly has searched the head, has pecked near Sam lip gently, said. “凌晨两点。”莫莉探过脑袋,在山姆唇边轻轻啄了一下,说道。 Stared at a while Molly movement earnestly, while the girl bends the waist, Sam gently in the girl waist poked , the vase embryo in Molly hand distorts immediately. 认真盯了一会儿莫莉的动作,趁女郎弯腰的时候,山姆轻轻在女郎腰间戳了下,莫莉手中的花瓶胚胎顿时变形。 Molly did not mind that turned the waist, the boyfriend has had to let loose her, put out a hand to touch the porcelain embryo gently, immediately ruined an embryo. 莫莉毫不介意地扭了扭腰肢,男友只好放开她,伸手轻轻触了触瓷胚,顿时将一件胚胎毁掉。 Oh. No, hopes that this is not your masterpiece.” Sam said totally lacking in sincerity with a smile. 。不,希望这不是你的杰作。”山姆毫无诚意地笑着说道。 Molly has cast aside the small mouth reluctantly: Now not.” 莫莉无奈地撇了撇小嘴:“现在不是了。” Takes down from pulling embryo the porcelain putty, Molly plans again. Sam is probing asking: „Can I help?” 将瓷泥从拉胚器上取下,莫莉打算重新再来。山姆试探着问道:“我可以帮忙吗?” Naturally, places here the hand, making the soil wind through from referring,” Molly is instructing Sam's movement. “当然,把手放在这里,让泥土从指间流过,”莫莉指导着山姆的动作。 Sam is actually not too honest, keeps teasing the girl, Molly also starts the sentiment to move gradually, two people kissed naturally in one. 山姆却一直不是太老实,不停地挑逗女郎,渐渐地,莫莉也开始情动,两个人自然而然地吻在了一起。 Card,” Eric shouted making noise at the right moment, two Actor both stopped, arrives at side him under the instruction of Eric. “卡,”艾瑞克适时地喊了出声,两位演员都停了下来,在艾瑞克的指示下走到他身边。 Eric to confessing one, the stage supervisor moved quickly, will lay aside with just a exactly the same embryo on pulling embryo. 艾瑞克对交代了一声,场务很快动了起来,将与刚刚一模一样的一件胚胎放置在拉胚器上。 Although this is sixth shoots, but, Eric was playbacking just scene as before calmly, acted the leading role to narrate to the men and women just in shoots their good and bad points, did not have the impatient mood to reveal, because Eric knows, once displayed unable to see, then, two Actor definitely also become by the infection of oneself mood anxious. Therefore, in the expression that he spoke has been bringing light encouragement. 虽然这已经是第六遍拍摄,不过,艾瑞克依旧语气平静地回放着刚刚的镜头,向男女主演讲述着刚刚拍摄中两人的优缺点,丝毫没有不耐烦的情绪表露出来,因为艾瑞克知道,一旦自己表现出不能见,那么,两位演员肯定也会受到自己情绪的感染而变得焦躁起来。因此,他说话的语气中一直带着淡淡的鼓励。 Nick, you just displayed were nearly perfect, but also a little needs to pay attention, you look at this scene, your smiling face too desirably, again relaxed some to be better. Also wants Bridge, you only need to remember one mood firmly, that tolerates, although the lover is disturbing to oneself, but you cannot display the disgruntled look from beginning to end, but tolerates the child who oneself make trouble such to tolerate own boyfriend to a mother.” “尼克,你刚刚的表现已经近乎完美了,不过还有一点需要注意,你看这个镜头,你的笑容就太刻意了一些,再放松一些就更好了。还要布莉姬,你只需要牢牢记住一种情绪,那就是纵容,虽然爱人在给自己捣乱,但你自始至终都不能表现出不悦神色,而是向一个母亲纵容自己捣蛋的孩子那样纵容自己的男友。” Like...... Mother?” The Bridget Fonda doubts asked one. “像……母亲?”布里吉特.方达疑惑地问了一句。 The Eric nod said: Right, thinks you are young time, mother makes the supper in the kitchen, but you run the situation of being more of a hindrance than a help, although at that time mother will disguise be angry to stare your two eyes, but on the face definitely hangs the smile that is favoring to drown, I am the mood of this toleration needs you to express.” 艾瑞克点头道:“对,想想你们小的时候,母亲在厨房做晚餐,而你们跑进去帮倒忙的情形,那时候母亲虽然会假装生气地瞪你们两眼,但脸上肯定挂着宠溺的微笑,我需要你表达的就是这种纵容的情绪。” Bridget Fonda hears the Eric words, vision instead becomes somewhat vacant, Eric wants to cover the volume reluctantly, it seems like it is the marital unhappy family background pitiful kid. 布里吉特.方达听到艾瑞克的话,目光反而变得有些茫然,艾瑞克无奈地想要捂额,看来又是个婚姻不幸家庭出身的可怜娃。 In brief, tolerates, to rest for five minutes, making the make-up artist help you make up the makeup, realized well my just words, should not be anxious, so long as today can complete this actor's pay were good,” Eric said again. “总而言之,就是纵容,休息五分钟,让化妆师帮你们补一下妆,好好体会一下我刚刚的话,不要急,今天只要能将这场戏份完成就好了,”艾瑞克再次说道。 Bridget Fonda and Cage nodded, moves toward the rest area together, Eric walks toward that automatic phonograph record machine, forces in phonograph record within the aircraft the «Bold Melody» phonograph record, pressed down the broadcast key, the square spread the familiar melody immediately, Fang Da and Cage who made up the makeup looked here with the help of make-up artist, understands that this was Eric gives to issue to specially their, listened attentively peacefully. ( to be continued ) 布里吉特.方达凯奇点了点头,一起走向休息区,艾瑞克则是向那台自动唱片机走去,将《奔放的旋律》唱片塞进唱片机内,按下了播放键,片场顿时传出了熟悉的旋律,在化妆师的帮助下正在补妆的方达和凯奇看了看这边,明白这是艾瑞克专门放给他们的,安静地倾听起来。(未完待续)
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