IAIH :: Volume #4

#329: Did not plan to reason with

My reward, Eric, 20 USD,” Ivanka righteous saying, Lolita's small money-mad appearance periphery the person will amuse. “我的酬劳啊,艾瑞克,20美元,”伊万卡理直气壮的说道,洛丽塔的小财迷模样将周围人都逗乐了。 Eric has also smiled, puts out a hand to feel the wallet in pocket, asked curiously: Inny, what do you ask for money to make?” 艾瑞克也笑了起来,伸手摸着口袋里的钱包,好奇地问道:“伊妮,你要钱做什么?” I did not like Papa, decided, did not spend his money, I wanted | to stand alone,” Ivanka said crisp. “我不喜欢爸爸了,决定以后再也不花他的钱,我要独丨立,”伊万卡脆生生地说道。 Donald Trump that has stood awkwardly has covered the forehead, but on the face is having the happy expression. 一直站在旁边的唐纳德.特朗普则尴尬地捂了捂额头,不过脸上却带着笑意。 Eric looked at Donald Trump, the wallet that will pull just out covers in the hand, pursues once more asks: School expense that but, you go to school and eats meal the lodging colored is your Papa money?” 艾瑞克看了眼唐纳德.特朗普,将刚刚掏出的钱包捂在手里,再次追问道:“可是,你上学的学费和吃饭住宿花的都是你爸爸的钱啊?” My checked, this is my Papa as the duty that the father should fulfill, but in addition, I do not spend the Papa money, you looked that the rabbit rag doll is I cleans the room to make money to buy,” Ivanna said as before seriously that the earnest small appearance appears very adorable, the sparkling big eye stubbornly is actually staring at the Eric wallet, like will be is afraid Eric to repudiate a debt. “我查过了,这是我爸爸作为父亲应该履行的义务,但除此之外,我再不要花爸爸的钱了,你看,兔子布偶就是我打扫房间赚钱买来的,”伊万娜依旧一本正经地说道,认真的小模样显得非常可爱,亮晶晶的大眼睛却死死盯着艾瑞克的钱包,像是害怕艾瑞克会赖账一样。 Eric lowered the head to look in the wallet, pulls out a 100 USD paper money to hand over: Takes away, part that comes out considered you just the reward of excellent performance.” 艾瑞克低头在钱包里找了找,掏出了一张100美元的纸币递了过去:“拿去,多出来的部分就当是你刚刚出色表现的奖励。” Cannot me, when the child roars, Papa like this has also done, I do not want, 20 USD on 20 USD.” “不许把我当小孩子来哄,爸爸也这样干过,我才不要嘞,20美元就20美元。” The crowd of watching the fun smiles to make noise finally. 看热闹的人群终于笑出声来。 Good good,” Eric is laughing in spite of trying not to shaking the head, opens the wallet to look, actually in discovery only then one pack of hundred Yuan United States bank notes: Inny, you look at me not to have the pocket money, what to do did you say?” “好吧好吧,”艾瑞克失笑着摇摇头,翻开钱包找了找,却发现里面只有一叠百元的美钞:“伊妮,你看我没有零钱啊,你说怎么办?” Although the surrounding person definitely has 20 USD United States bank notes, but Eric shows the wallet in front of Ivanka, wants to tease the funny little girl again. 虽然周围人肯定有20美元的美钞,不过艾瑞克还是将钱包展现在伊万卡面前,想要再逗逗小女孩。 Ivanka searched the too small head to look at the Eric wallet earnestly. Immediately was shocked, as the Donald Trump daughter, small girl in the past does not need to worry about food or clothing the life. Wants some anything people to buy for her, therefore little contacts money the matter. 伊万卡认真地探过小脑袋看了看艾瑞克的钱包。顿时愣住了,作为唐纳德.特朗普的女儿,小丫头以往过的都是衣食无忧的生活。想要什么都会有人替她买来,因此很少接触金钱的事情。 Because the parents divorced a while ago suddenly. Ivanka produced itself to make money this thought that now facing has not experienced so complex the issue, does not know immediately how to have processed, therefore, the small girl looked subconsciously to her father. 因为前段时间父母突然离婚。伊万卡才产生了自己赚钱这种念头,现在面对从来没有经历过的如此‘复杂’的问题,顿时不知道怎么处理了,因此,小丫头下意识看向自己的父亲。 Inny, the words that wants me to help must collect the consultation fee Oh, 20 USD,” Donald Trump pulls a long face with the expression of being conscientious in discharging official duties said. 伊妮,要我帮忙的话可是要收咨询费的,20美元,”唐纳德.特朗普绷着脸用公事公办的语气说道。 Ivanka be angry staring father. Looks once more to Eric. 伊万卡生气地瞪了眼父亲。再次看向艾瑞克 20 USD,” Ivanka has duplicated one, then the eye winks does not wink looks to Eric, obvious little loli did not plan to reason with. “20美元,”伊万卡重复了一句,然后眼睛眨也不眨地看向艾瑞克,明显啊小萝莉是不打算讲理了。 Eric saw that vice- Director gestures to oneself, expressed that the next scene have prepared, therefore does not have the time to crack a joke again with Ivanka, fills in 100 USD bills Ivanka: , 100 USD take away, remaining 80 USD considered the salary that paid in advance, later you were a guest performer four times in my movie again well.” 艾瑞克看到副导演向自己打手势,表示下一个镜头已经准备好,因此也没有时间再跟伊万卡开玩笑下去,将100美元的钞票塞到伊万卡手里:“,100美元拿去,剩下的80美元就当是预支的片酬了,以后你再在我电影里客串四次就好。” Ivanka discontented being just about gives back to Eric the money in hand. Heard the opposite party saying that was crooked the small head to think, thought this idea actually also good. What is most important is Eric has not received itself like the hateful father consultation fee, therefore nods refreshedly: Does not have the issue, but can only be a guest performer four Oh.” 伊万卡不满的正要将手中的钱还给艾瑞克。听到对方这么说,歪着小脑袋想了下,觉得这个主意其实也不错。最重要的是艾瑞克没有像自己可恶的父亲那样收自己‘咨询费’,于是爽快地点点头:“没问题,不过只能客串四次。” Naturally,” Eric nods, looks at the Ivanka small appearance, has remembered some bewilderedly always in old man that in the Superhero movie mysteriously appears and disappears, if in own movie always presents one to hug rag doll the little girl of mysteriously appearing and disappearing, is very interesting, not? “当然,”艾瑞克点点头,看着伊万卡的小模样,莫名其妙地想起了某个总是在超级英雄电影里神出鬼没的老头,要是自己的电影里总是出现一个抱着布偶的神出鬼没的小女孩,也很有趣,不是么? After the shoots work starts once more. The Donald Trump very much being tactful region daughter is also departing, some following days. Similar that outdoor scene play basically patted, Eric then started the most important several indoor play. 拍摄工作再次开始之后。唐纳德.特朗普也很识趣地带着女儿离去,接下来的一些天。外景戏基本上已经拍的差不多,艾瑞克便开始了最重要的几场室内戏。 Sam and apartment of selecting a scene of Molly Family situated in New York Manhattan Soho. ( soho ) area is a New York old industrial district, afterward as a result of the decline of New York manufacturing industry, for sometime massive workshop apartments vacant, because of the rent cheap reason, various type artistic creators who comes the New York pursue dream then gathers here, rents the inexpensive workshop to take own work room, along with dozens years of development, Soho gradually turned into the synonym of contemporary art, but the concept of soho has also spread over the world along with the development of time. 山姆和莫莉家的取景位于纽约曼哈顿苏豪区的一栋公寓。苏豪(soho)区原本是纽约的一个老工业区,后来由于纽约制造业的衰退,有一段时间大量的厂房公寓空置,因为租金便宜的缘故,很多来纽约追求梦想的各类型艺术创作者们便聚集在这里,租用廉价的厂房作为自己的工作室,随着几十年的发展,苏豪区渐渐地变成了当代艺术的代名词,而soho的概念也随着时代的发展传遍了全世界。 In «Ghost» Molly is an artist, therefore, two people live also perfectly conform to the status in play here. 人鬼情未了》中莫莉就是一个艺术家,因此,两人居住在这里也非常符合剧中的身份。 Because sees in the television the related report of air crash, Sam somewhat pessimistic words caused Molly to lose sleep, therefore, the girl alone got out of bed to start the ceramics, but Sam who dim woke up discovered the lover to leave, came to the Molly work room. 因为看到电视机中飞机失事的相关报道,山姆一番有些悲观的话导致莫莉失眠了,因此,女郎独自起床做起了陶瓷,而朦胧中醒来的山姆发现爱人离开,也来到了莫莉的工作室。 Immediately, has accomplished in «Ghost» the most classical play. 随即,也造就了《人鬼情未了》中最经典的一场戏。 This plays me to be able shoots has stage effect some, main is the light, this play is divided probably two, first is to draw the embrionic scene, here, you look, although here light, but I do not need it to apply in the scene, what I need is only a border light effect. What I need as for the second part minute is the illumination effect of high contrast,” Eric leads the lighting engineers of dramatic team to walk back and forth in the room said that but lighting engineer this is echoes again and again indicates to understand. “这场戏我要能够拍摄的具有舞台化效果一些,最主要的就是灯光,这幕戏大概分成两场,第一场是拉胚场景,这里,你看,这里虽然有一盏灯光,但我不需要它在镜头中派上用场,我需要的只是一个顶光效果。至于第二部分我需要的是高对比的光照效果,”艾瑞克带着剧组的灯光师在房间里走来走去地说道,而灯光师这是连连附和地表示明白。 After a confession, Eric arrives is preparing side Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda, Cage was chatting with Bridget Fonda with ease, can look, among them the relations are somewhat affectionate, actually this is the effect that Eric needs, as a touching movie, if male & female leads does not come the electricity, only if two Actor performing skills arrived at certain boundary, otherwise to the movie is a disaster. 一番交代之后,艾瑞克才走到正在做准备的尼古拉斯.凯奇布里吉特.方达身边,原本凯奇正与布里吉特.方达轻松地聊着天,看得出来,两人之间的关系有些亲昵,其实这正是艾瑞克需要的效果,作为一部感人的爱情片,如果男女主角不来电的话,除非两位演员的演技都到了一定境界,否则对电影来说就是一场灾难。 Also so, although Bridget Fonda is very attractive, Eric such has not actually gotten rid to the past, he needs Heroine maintains with the actor comes the electricity condition. 也正是如此,虽然布里吉特.方达很漂亮,艾瑞克却没有向以往那样出手,他需要女主角一直保持与男主角的来电状态。 In the movie and woman, Eric always obtains the clear primary and secondary relations, in Eric at heart, the movie is most important, this is he sets up the basis of body in Hollywood. So long as he can achieve enough achievement in movie, then pursues the woman is only the easy matter. 在电影和女人方面,艾瑞克一向都分得清主次关系,在艾瑞克心里,电影一直都是最重要的,这是他在好莱坞立身的根本。只要他能在电影方面取得足够的成就,那么追女人只是手到擒来的事情。 Sees Eric to come, two who originally chatted cannot help but want to set out. 看到艾瑞克过来,原本正在聊天的两人都不由自主地想要起身。 All right, sits,” Eric beckoned with the hand, pulls a chair to sit down in their opposite, along with tastes: What was just chatting?” “没事,坐吧,”艾瑞克摆了摆手,拉过一张椅子在两人对面坐下,随口道:“刚刚在聊什么?” They looked at each other one, Bridget have opened the mouth saying: Cage said that tomorrow evening Broadway has a famous United Kingdom theatrical troupe to perform «Hamlet», asked that I must look.” ( to be continued ) 两人对视了一眼,布里吉特才开口道:“凯奇说明天晚上百老汇有一个著名的英国剧团要表演《哈姆雷特》,问我要不要去看。”(未完待续)
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