IAIH :: Volume #4

#328: Is hugging the rag doll little girl

Ivanka Trump was wrinkling the small nose light snort|hum, then stared discontentedly oneself father. 伊万卡.特朗普皱着小鼻子轻哼了一声,然后不满地瞪了眼自己父亲。 Donald Trump said to Eric awkwardly in a soft voice: Inny is mad at me, I complied to lead her to visit you to make the movie, the small girl is willing to speak several words to me.” 唐纳德.特朗普尴尬地轻声对艾瑞克道:“伊妮正在生我的气呢,我答应了带她过来看你拍电影,小丫头才肯跟我说几句话。” Eric selects the eyebrow slightly: Had an accident?” 艾瑞克微微挑眉:“出了什么事了吗?” I...... Had divorced with Inny Mama a while ago,” Donald Trump has not concealed: Therefore, you understand.” “我……跟伊妮妈妈前段时间离婚了,”唐纳德.特朗普也没有隐瞒:“所以,你明白的。” Eric remembers year ago has also seen the Donald Trump wife in «Home Alone 2» preview ceremony, at that time two people as if did not have what improper, but, this is others' family work, he many did not ask that the divorce rate of United States person surpasses 50%, this matter Eric almost saw, among person who he knows well now, has divorced majority, or the parents have divorced. 艾瑞克记得年前在《小鬼当家2》首映式上还见过唐纳德.特朗普的夫人,那时候两个人似乎并没有什么不妥,不过,这是别人的家事,他也不好多问,美国人的离婚率超过50%,这种事情艾瑞克几乎已经见惯了,他现在熟识的人当中,大部分都离过婚,或者父母离过婚。 Wandered several, before Ivanka has gathered suddenly the Eric body: Eric, Papa has divorced with Mama, you are not a good person.” 转悠了几圈,伊万卡突然凑到艾瑞克身前:“艾瑞克,爸爸妈妈离婚了,你也不是好人。” Eric stares slightly. 艾瑞克微微一愣。 This...... The logic is somewhat formidable. 这……逻辑有些强大啊。 Your Papa has flung your Mama, has half cent relations with me. 爸爸把你妈妈甩了,跟我有半美分关系啊。 But Eric the stall lets go: Inny, I am very innocent, such is has probably not related with me?” 艾瑞克无奈地摊摊手:“伊妮,我很无辜的,这么是好像跟我没关系吧?” You forgot that what you initially had complied with my?” Ivanka be angry asked. “你忘记你当初答应过我什么了吗?”伊万卡生气地问道。 Eric thinks that then shook the head: Or, do you prompt?” 艾瑞克想了想,然后摇了摇头:“要不,你提示一下?” Snort, the bastard,” rabbit myna rag doll of Ivanka in hand has knocked on Eric under: You initially obviously promised me, making me play your movie, now you are making the movie obviously, has not actually informed me.” “哼,坏蛋,”伊万卡用手中的兔八哥布偶在艾瑞克身上敲了下:“你当初明明答应我,让我出演你的电影的,现在你明明在拍电影,却没有通知我。” Oh, this,” Eric suddenly. He initially spoke thoughtlessly a saying, thinks that perhaps at the Ivanka age, will quickly forget. Has not thought that little loli this matter remembers is deeper than him: But, in this movie doesn't have the role of little girl?” ,这个啊,”艾瑞克恍然。他当初只是随口一说,以为以伊万卡的年龄,说不定很快就会忘记。没想到小萝莉把这件事记得比他还深:“可是,这部电影里没有小女孩的角色啊?” Snort. The bastards, quibbled, did not mean what he says, I later again paid no attention to you,” Ivanka turned the cheek be angry to say. “哼。坏蛋,狡辩,说话不算话,我以后再不理你了,”伊万卡扭过脸蛋生气地说道。 Pays no attention to itself, this threat may be a little serious! 不理自己,这威胁可有点严重! Eric thinks that said: Inny, are you look like this good. Waits for you to act one little girl who from acting the leading role in the side passed by, um, should better hug your this rabbit again.” 艾瑞克想了想,才说道:“伊妮,你看这样好不好。等下你扮演一个从主演身边路过的小女孩,嗯,最好再抱着你这只兔子。” Ivanka wants to continue to be angry one slightly, but, could not actually have stood up to Eric tempts | is puzzled, has turned the cheek quickly: Really?” 伊万卡想要继续生气一小下,不过,却没有禁得起艾瑞克的‘诱丨惑’,很快扭过脸蛋:“真的?” Naturally,” Eric nods seriously, in any case is only a passer-by armor role, irrelevant weight, naturally. This words definitely cannot say: Probably you had said participated in the performance class, lets the result that I have a look at you to practice.” “当然,”艾瑞克郑重地点点头,反正只是一个路人甲的角色,无关轻重,当然。这种话肯定是不能说出口的:“好像你说过自己参加了表演班,也让我看看你练习的结果。” Definitely will make you be surprised, except for Director anything cannot fellow.” little loli sought vengeance satirized one. “肯定会让你大吃一惊的,除了导演什么都不会的家伙。”小萝莉报怨地讽刺了一句。 Eric is somewhat speechless, these words have not forgotten. 艾瑞克有些无语,这句话还没忘啊。 The lunch break quickly in the past, Nicolas Cage and Whoopi Goldberg their actor's pay did not certainly need saying that the passers- by avenue were only an adult, not having the little girl to appear, now suddenly joins little loli, Eric has to arrange. 午休时间很快过去,尼古拉斯.凯奇乌比.戈德堡两人戏份当然不用多讲,原本大街上的路人都只是成年人,没有小女孩出现,现在突然加入一个小萝莉,艾瑞克不得不重新安排一番。 Inny, after waiting for that woman to come here, this woman can draw you together to start the surroundings. Along this road, has arrived at that side. Remembers Oh, must pretend appearance calmly. Cannot look at the scene of camera, cannot size up that to put on the woman of pink coat curiously.” 伊妮,等下那位女士走到这里之后,这位女士才能拉着你一起开始周围。一直沿着这条路,走到那边。记住,要装作若无其事的样子。不能看摄影机的镜头,也不能好奇地打量那位穿着粉红色外套的女士。” Aiya, I know that I knew, you may be really wordy,” Ivanka lays out the small hand to say. 哎呀,我知道我知道了,你可真啰嗦,”伊万卡摆摆小手道。 Eric shrugs, turns back on the Director seat, he is the proposition made Donald Trump pull the small girl to sit passer-by armor together, can relax the relations with the daughter, Donald Trump was very certainly happy that what a pity little loli does not want, Eric can only select a woman to draw the small girl from temporary Actor, uses temporarily as acts pair of mother and daughter. 艾瑞克耸了耸肩,走回导演的位子上,原本他是提议让唐纳德.特朗普牵着小丫头一起坐路人甲的,能与女儿缓和关系,唐纳德.特朗普当然很高兴,可惜小萝莉死活不愿意,艾瑞克只能从临时演员中挑了一位女士拉着小丫头,权当扮演一对母女。 Takes the stations, prepares to begin shooting,” Eric took the loudspeaker to shout toward all people, audiences Actor started to bury the position. “各就各位,准备开拍,”艾瑞克拿着喇叭朝所有人喊了一声,一众演员开始埋位。 „!” “!” The voice falls, in the monitoring device demonstrated with patting the scene, just had donated Orde beautiful face depressed stand forth of welfare home the four million USD checks in hand. 话音落下,监视器中显示出跟拍的镜头,刚刚将手中的四百万美元支票捐给了福利院的奥德美一脸沮丧地向前走去。 Orde beautiful, I am proud for you,” Sam's spirit follows behind to say in Orde beautiful. “奥德美,我为你感到自豪,”山姆的幽灵跟在奥德美身后说道。 I do not care about you to take me as the honor, the nun want that much money to do!” Orde beautiful that Whoopi Goldberg plays was complaining indignantly to the air: Be not entangling me again, leaves speaks to me again.” “我才不在乎你是不是以我为荣,修女要那么多钱干嘛!”乌比.戈德堡饰演的奥德美气愤填膺地对着空气抱怨道:“别再缠着我,也别再跟我说话。” Sam looks to go far away Orde beautiful, added one once more: You are very great.” 山姆看着远去奥德美,再次加了一句:“你很了不起。” Hears these words Orde beautiful to turn around suddenly, she cannot certainly see Sam, therefore looked around, maliciously spat one toward the air, turns around to depart, the personal appearance looks like funny incomparable, Eric almost wants to applaud. 听到这句话的奥德美突然转过身,她当然看不到山姆,因此四下张望了一眼,才朝空气中狠狠地啐了一口,转身离去,身形看起来滑稽无比,艾瑞克几乎想要鼓掌。 Therefore meanwhile, in monitoring device, street other one side, hugs the rabbit myna rag doll little girl to hold a woman's hand, the traversing street calmly, little loli also very much entered the play to glance as if to Orde beautiful that the air spoke, then gained ground as if said sentence anything to mother, but that dragon embroidered costume Actress had not responded obviously the little girl will speak with oneself suddenly, expression, the footsteps also had the short stagnation slightly. 因此同时,监视器中,马路的另外一边,抱着兔八哥布偶的小女孩拉着一位女士的手,若无其事的穿过街道,小萝莉还很入戏地瞟了似乎在对空气说话的奥德美,然后抬头似乎跟‘母亲’说了句什么,只是那个龙套女演员显然没有反应过来小女孩会突然跟自己说话,表情微微一顿,脚步也有短暂的停滞。 Card,” Eric shook the head regrettably, if the female dragon embroidered costume can coordinate, this scene will be perfect, after all, Orde beautiful was talking endlessly to the air, but also spat the saliva, if the surrounding passer-by did not have any response, that did not call normally, but the little girl inquired curiously mother Orde beautiful was making anything, this looked like very natural. “卡,”艾瑞克遗憾地摇了摇头,要是女龙套能够配合一下,这个镜头将非常完美,毕竟,奥德美对着空气喋喋不休,还吐口水,周围的路人要是没有任何反应,那才叫不正常,而小女孩好奇地询问母亲奥德美在做什么,这看起来非常自然。 Waits a bit,” Eric said to the people that then arrives at side Ivanka and that female dragon embroidered costume: „Does this woman, you name?” “稍等一下,”艾瑞克对众人说道,然后走到伊万卡和那位女龙套身边:“这位女士,你叫什么名字?” Director Williams, you can call my Elenas,” female dragon embroidered costume somewhat is obviously disturbed, she also realized that just issue left on oneself, although some seeking vengeance little girls did not press the speech of common sense at heart suddenly, but she does not dare saying that after all, this little girl's relations with the Director was not very ordinary. 威廉姆斯导演,你可以叫我伊莲娜,”女龙套显然有些忐忑,她也意识到刚刚的问题出在自己身上,虽然心里有些报怨小女孩突然不按常理的说话,但她也没敢说出来,毕竟,这个小女孩跟导演的关系很不一般。 Un, did Ms. Elenas, what just Inny say to you?” “嗯,伊莲娜女士,刚刚伊妮对你说什么?” She asked me, Aunt, why can that woman such?” Elenas said honestly. “她问我,阿姨,那位女士为什么会那样?”伊莲娜诚实地说道。 Eric nodded: This was right, if you just made the appropriate response, just that scene will be then perfect, compared with, Ms. Whoopi Goldberg was speaking, the person who to the air passed by must certainly look at two, therefore, the response of Inny right, Oh, should not be anxious, I was not am criticizing you, but was hopes that you can then coordinate this scene again, made the appropriate response.” 艾瑞克点了点头:“这就对了,如果你刚刚作出适当的反应,那么,刚刚那个镜头将非常完美,比较,乌比.戈德堡女士对着空气说话,路过的人肯定要多看两眼,所以,伊妮的反应没错,,你别急,我并不是在批评你,而是希望你能再接下来配合一些这个镜头,做出合适的反应。” „Should I make what kind of response?” Elenas asked. “那我该做出怎样的反应呢?”伊莲娜问道。 Eric looks at Whoopi Goldberg that the eye has collected, says with a smile: If you noticed that a woman goes crazy facing the street, the side is leading a child, the first response must certainly step out to leave.” 艾瑞克看了眼凑过来的乌比.戈德堡,笑着道:“如果你看到一个女人当街发疯,身边带着一个孩子,第一反应肯定是要加快脚步离开。” Hey, Eric, did my which point image go crazy?” “嘿,艾瑞克,我哪一点像是发疯了?” Which point looks like,” Eric with a smile said to Whoopi Goldberg. “哪点都像啊,”艾瑞克笑着对乌比.戈德堡说道。 Was good, this,” Eric said that put out a hand to pinch the cheek of little loli: Good that Inny, just displayed, we continue.” “好了,就这样吧,”艾瑞克说完,伸手捏了捏小萝莉的脸蛋:“伊妮,刚刚表现的不错,我们继续。” Repugnant, cannot pinch my face,” also brought small self-satisfied Ivanka be angry to brandish the small hand immediately, evil clutches opens Eric reaches oneself cheek. “讨厌,不许捏我的脸,”原本还带着点小得意的伊万卡顿时生气地挥舞小手,将艾瑞克伸向自己脸蛋的‘魔爪’打开。 Eric shrugs with a smile, then told that people make a fresh start. 艾瑞克笑着耸耸肩,然后吩咐众人重新开始。 Was just that scene, the performance of Nicolas Cage and Whoopi Goldberg as before is as before impregnable. 依旧是刚刚那个场景,尼古拉斯.凯奇乌比.戈德堡的表演依旧无懈可击。 When Orde beautiful arrives at the road center to the tone is spitting the saliva, a pair mother and daughter just passed by, hug the rabbit myna rag doll little girl to look at the Orde beautiful, was curiously supine the small face to say to the middle-aged woman sentence anything, the woman fast looked at Whoopi Goldberg, had not explained that anxiously the small hand but who held on the girl stepped out to depart. 在奥德美走到路中央对着口气吐口水的时候,一对‘母女’刚好路过,抱着兔八哥布偶的小女孩看了眼奥德美,好奇地仰起小脸对中年女人说了句什么,女人飞快地看了眼乌比.戈德堡,没有解释,而是紧张地拉住女孩的小手加快脚步离去。 good, is perfect!” Eric applauds saying that although surroundings many people do not know that had anything specifically, but also very much holds the location to applaud. good,非常完美!”艾瑞克鼓掌说道,周围很多人虽然不知道具体发生了什么,但也很捧场地鼓起掌来。 The gap of arrangement next scene, little loli arrives at side Eric complacently, extended the small hand toward him. 安排下一个镜头的间隙,小萝莉得意洋洋地来到艾瑞克身边,朝他伸出了小手。 What?” The Eric doubts look at the small hand who extends, asked. ( to be continued ) “什么?”艾瑞克疑惑地看着伸过来的小手,问道。(未完待续)
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