IAIH :: Volume #2

#110: She is my

The Firefly Inc. screen test room, after a morning screen test, impression quite good Actress truly several, does not have any to make Eric have at present a bright feeling. Therefore, several Actress that screens can only be alternative, if could not find finally is more appropriate, will carry on the third round screen test to these alternative Actor. 萤火虫公司试镜室,经过一上午的试镜,印象比较好的女演员确实有几个,却没有任何一个让艾瑞克产生眼前一亮的感觉。因此,筛选出来的几个女演员都只能作为备选,如果最后找不到更加合适的,会对这些备选演员进行第三轮的试镜。 《Running Out of Time》 was not the Hollywood movie, therefore the Actor aspect has not referred to completely, Eric can only in the tentative plan according to own heart choose, except for Cruise and Hanks as well as Qiao beyond the Pesci three people of roles, Eric most cares met with girl role. Therefore, puts after this role the majority of lead supporting roles determined, starts the screen test, in order to choose slowly. 《暗战》原本不属于好莱坞电影,所以演员方面完全没有参照,艾瑞克只能按照自己心中的设想来选择,除了克鲁斯汉克斯以及乔・佩西三人的角色之外,艾瑞克最在意的就是邂逅女郎这个角色。因此,才将这个角色放到大部分主角配角都确定之后,才开始试镜,以便能慢慢挑选。 After this role is also the 《Running Out of Time》 public screen test role, receives to apply many, although the actor's pay is few, is actually main actress. Therefore even arouses several interests of A level stars, because the actor's pay are not many, several expressed the A level stars of participating performance intention to comply with zero salary to play, only for brushed to have the feeling in the movie of this being a focus of public attention. 这个角色也是《暗战》公开试镜角色后收到申请最多,虽然戏份很少,却是女一号。因此甚至引起几个A级女星的兴趣,因为戏份不多,几个表达了参演意向的A级女星都答应零片酬出演,只为在这部万众瞩目的电影中刷一下存在感。 What a pity, after Eric read several people of materials, has rejected, because in not his pleasing candidate. 《Running Out of Time》 current Actor lineup already very formidable, does not need to improve on perfection to give in to the A level star who these images do not tally. 可惜,艾瑞克看了几人的资料后就拒绝了,因为里面并没有他中意的人选。《暗战》目前的演员阵容已经十分强大,并不需要为了锦上添花而迁就那些形象并不符合的A级女星。 He thinks that met with the girl to be have at present a bright feeling, this can in short in the mirror process, makes the profound impression on the audience. This point previous life that Actress has not achieved, the opposite party made the audience remember in 《Running Out of Time》 have such warm public vehicle to meet with, but Actress I had not actually been remembered. Although one year after 《Running Out of Time》, that Actress developed big pile of film to brush crazily has the feeling, may the non- worried thoughts not be as before hot. 他认为邂逅女郎必须能让人产生眼前一亮的感觉,这样才能在短暂的出镜过程中,给观众留下深刻的印象。这一点前世那个女演员并没有做到,对方只是让观众记住了《暗战》里有那么一场温馨的公车邂逅,但女演员本人却并没有被人记住。虽然《暗战》之后的一年,那个女演员演了一大堆片子狂刷存在感,可依旧不愠不火。 The afternoon screen test non- worried thoughts are not as before hot, but in the alternative list were also many several quotas. Bustled about for day, Eric returned to the Beverly Hills mansion, in the spacious villa, the television in living room was bored to death is broadcasting the news. Alone has bustled about in the kitchen a while, has prepared a simple supper, then goes to the living room to enjoy slowly. 下午的试镜依旧不愠不火,只不过备选名单里又多了几个名额而已。忙碌了一天,艾瑞克回到贝弗利山豪宅,空旷的别墅中,客厅里的电视机百无聊赖地播放着新闻节目。独自在厨房忙碌了一会儿,准备了一份简单的晚餐,然后来到客厅慢慢享用起来。 Eric does not like lonely, previous life he is one very much loves the lively person, what a pity after arriving at this world, Eric bewilderedly liked an atmosphere of this person. This condition will make his entire heart calms down, can ponder a lot calmly, determined that the present all are are not having a dream, but exists. Therefore Eric previous time has rejected the Drew please several servants' propositions. Naturally, may be his disposition deep place hide some type really primitive and territory consciousness of Basic Instinct. 艾瑞克并不喜欢孤独,前世他就是一个很爱热闹的人,可惜来到这个世界之后,艾瑞克就莫名其妙地喜欢上了这种一个人的氛围。这种状况会让他整颗心变得冷静下来,可以从容地思考很多事情,确定现在的一切都不是在做梦,而是真实存在的。因此艾瑞克上次才拒绝了德鲁请几个佣人的提议。当然,也有可能是他性格深处真的隐藏着某种原始而本能的领地意识。 Has the supper to tidy up tableware, heard the ringtone in living room, meets, the sound that the opposite immediately has not actually spread the master, has instead resounded one group of girls' kidding around sound. Eric heard Drew sound doping indistinctly, smiled was waiting for a while patiently. 吃过晚餐正收拾着餐具,就听到了客厅里的电话铃声,接起来,对面却没有立刻传出主人的声音,反而响起了一群女孩的嬉闹声。艾瑞克隐约听到了德鲁的声音掺杂其中,微笑着耐心等了一会儿。 In the girl's school dormitory, this time Drew whole person was beaming and buoyant, standard night owl habit, because has not slipped out the plan that tonight plays, therefore on Drew wears the night clothes as before. Knew Drew after giving Eric telephones, the girl's several girls with dormitory has collected on a face curiously, they continuously to the relations of Drew and Eric are curious. 女子学校宿舍里,此时的德鲁整个人已经神采奕奕,标准的夜猫子习性,因为今天晚上并没有溜出去玩儿的计划,所以德鲁身上依旧穿着睡衣。得知德鲁是在给艾瑞克打电话之后,丫头同宿舍的几个女孩就一脸好奇地凑了过来,她们一直对德鲁艾瑞克的关系非常好奇。 Is laughing and playing to drive out one group of gossip females brutally, locks on the other side on the gate of bedroom, Drew returns to pick up the microphone: Eric, is I, I want to ask that next today's Gwyneth is the Paltrow screen test what kind of?” 拳打脚踢地嬉笑着将身边一群八卦女赶了出去,反锁上寝室的门,德鲁才返回来重新拿起话筒:“艾瑞克,是我,我想问一下今天格温妮丝帕特洛的试镜怎么样?” Eric told the facts: Performance is not good, Drew, is Gwyneth makes you ask?” 艾瑞克实话实说道:“表现并不是太好,德鲁,是格温妮丝让你问的吗?” Yes,” opposite girl hears the appraisal of Eric, the look has not changed slightly: „After no wonder her today's screen test, hurried calls me, wants to make me give her to take a screen test opportunity, originally is this reason.” “是啊,”对面的丫头听到艾瑞克的评价,神色丝毫没有变化:“怪不得她今天试镜之后,就匆匆忙忙的给我打电话,想让我在给她要一个试镜机会,原来是这个原因。” I thought that tries a time effect to be the same again, moreover her image and role establish badly was too far. Otherwise can make her try actually, this role does not need too many performing skills in any case. Drew, your relations with Gwyneth, such words, I can help her pay attention the role in the later movie very much , the 《Running Out of Time》 movie on consider as finished.” “我觉得再试一次效果还是一样,而且她的形象与角色设定差的太远了。不然的话倒是可以让她试一下,反正这个角色并不需要太多演技。德鲁,你跟格温妮丝的关系很好吗,真这样的话,我可以在以后的电影里帮她留意一下角色,《暗战》电影就算了。” No, no, no, naturally does not use,” Drew refuses to say hastily: I am very common with her relations.” “不,不,不,当然不用,”德鲁连忙拒绝道:“我跟她的关系很一般。” The Eric doubts said: „Aren't you Spielberg's goddaughters?” 艾瑞克疑惑道:“你们俩不都是斯皮尔伯格的教女吗?” This is also our only common grounds,” the expression of Drew speech becomes somewhat ill and weary: Gwyneth Papa is movie Producer, Mama is the big star, carefree of since childhood crossing, before occasionally saw in The Godfather several times, a Gwyneth proud looks like princess, the side has encircled one group of kids. Which looks like me, several months were held to do the advertisement to make money by Mama to support the family. Actually Gwyneth looks down upon at heart very much my, this time just needs me to help, she forever on own initiative will not relate my.” “这也是我们唯一的共同点啊,”德鲁说话的语气变得有些恹恹的:“格温妮丝爸爸是电影制作人,妈妈是大明星,从小就过的无忧无虑,以前在教父家偶尔见过几次,格温妮丝都骄傲的像一个公主,身边围了一群小屁孩。哪像我啊,才几个月就被妈妈抱去拍广告赚钱养家。其实格温妮丝心里是很看不起我的,要不是这次刚好需要我帮忙,她永远也不会主动联系我的。” The Drew ordinary several words, let the feeling that the person sounds actually a little to feel sad, closed right up against the sofa seat back cushion to stand Eric by telephone sighed lightly, urged: Girl, was different from before now, you do not need to give in to anybody completely again, now you are the genuine princess. Next time will run into the repugnant person, directly lost to an opposite party supercilious look was good, relax, came across the matter I to support to you.” 德鲁普普通通的几句话,让人听起来竟然有点心酸的感觉,靠着沙发靠背站在电话机旁的艾瑞克轻叹了一下,劝道:“丫头,现在跟以前不同了,你完全不用再迁就任何人,现在你才是真正的公主。下次遇到讨厌的人,就直接丢给对方一个白眼好了,放心,遇到事情我给你撑腰。” Drew in opposite bedroom hey has laughed foolishly several, holds the entire telephone to jump to the bed on several get lost excitedly, was almost pulled apart to stop until the telephone line: Eric, this was the most interesting to listen to talk between lovers that I heard, I loved you.” 对面寝室里的德鲁嘿嘿傻笑了几声,抱着整部电话跳到床上兴奋地几个滚,直到电话线差点被扯断才停了下来:“艾瑞克,这是我听到的最动听的情话了,我爱你。” „...” “…” Good good, I know that you do not love me, you did not need to say again attack me.” The Drew sound has made a sound quickly once more: „Did that female role elect?” “好啦好啦,我知道你不爱我,你就不用再说出来打击我了。”德鲁的声音很快再次响了起来:“那个女角色选出来了吗?” Had not determined that -and-a-half one day can all cross all screen test Actor, if have not determined as before, will carry on the third round screen test.” “还没有确定,还有一天半才能将所有试镜演员全部过一遍,如果依旧没有确定的话,会进行第三轮的试镜。” Oh, if has third round, again gives a Gwyneth opportunity.” ,那如果有第三轮的话,就再给格温妮丝一次机会吧。” Eric knit the brows: I just did not say...” 艾瑞克皱了皱眉:“我刚刚不是说了吗…” Opposite Drew with a smile has badly interrupted the Eric words: I want to make Gwyneth owe me again a favor, the disposition of although by her narcissism thinking oneself infallible, this favor definitely do not count on, but I can enjoy the feeling of creditor.” 对面的德鲁坏笑着打断了艾瑞克的话:“我只是想让格温妮丝再欠我一个人情而已,虽然以她那种自恋又自以为是的性格,这个人情肯定是别指望还了,但我还是能享受一下债主的感觉啊。” Eric smiled: Good, if there is the third round screen test, I will inform her.” 艾瑞克跟着笑了:“好吧,如果有第三轮试镜的话,我会通知她的。” ... Miss Lopez, the screen test thank you, has the result words we to inform you as soon as possible.” The words of another formulation, UU reads “洛佩兹小姐,谢谢你的试镜,有结果的话我们会尽快通知你。”又一遍公式化的言辞,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com After waiting for the opposite party to exit, Eric had drawn a fork behind just that girl name once more. 等对方出去之后,艾瑞克再次在刚刚那位女郎名字后面画了个叉。 Nickel has collected, looked at the Eric picture red fork, the regret said: Eric, I thought just this also good, especially... Especially...” 尼克尔凑了过来,看了艾瑞克画的红叉,遗憾道:“艾瑞克,我觉得刚刚这个还不错啊,特别是…特别是…” Eric white Nickel: You will not have the love buttocks hobby, bumps into this woman to shine on the vision?” 艾瑞克白了尼克尔一眼:“你不会是有恋臀癖吧,碰到这种女人就眼光发亮?” In the screen test room has resounded laughter immediately, the colleague who Nickel stared laughing awkwardly, refuted: I am a photographer, appreciates beautiful and records is my occupation.” 试镜室里顿时响起了笑声,尼克尔尴尬地瞪了一圈发笑的同事,反驳道:“我可是摄影师,欣赏美并记录下来是我的职业。” Yesterday was satirized vice- Director Royce to seize the opportunity to ridicule by Nickel to say finally: Appreciates the buttocks also almost, you do not know that night in the Brady bar was this, Nickel he...” 昨天被尼克尔讽刺了一通的副导演罗伊斯终于抓住机会揶揄道:“欣赏屁股还差不多,你们不知道,那天晚上在布雷迪酒吧就是这样,尼克尔他…” Royce, shut up, I will kill you.” Nickel threw to cover the mouth of Royce hastily, they pestered in one, until Royce by Nickel soon has not gasped for breath, was separated by the people. 罗伊斯,闭嘴,我会杀了你的。”尼克尔连忙扑上去捂住了罗伊斯的嘴,两人纠缠在了一起,直到罗伊斯尼克尔勒的快要喘不过气来,才被众人分开。 Eric has pounded on the table with a smile: Was good, hurrying makes next screen test come, earlier completes the screen test we quite to prepare the following work.” 艾瑞克笑着拍了拍桌子:“好了,赶紧让下一个试镜者进来吧,早点完成试镜我们好准备接下来的工作。” Eric said that has opened the next Actress material, has not looked at the name of opposite party with enough time, a girl followed the staff to walk. Eric felt obviously the surrounding all male gently inspired, look up. 艾瑞克说完,翻开了下一份女演员的资料,还没来得及看对方的名字,一个女孩就跟随工作人员走了进来。艾瑞克明显感觉到周围所有男性都轻轻吸了口气,抬头望去。 Shocking! 惊艳! This is the first feeling that Eric has. 这是艾瑞克所产生的第一感觉。 She is my! 她是我的! This is the Eric second thought. 这是艾瑞克的第二个念头。 If likes 《I am in Hollywood》, please issue your friend website. 如果喜欢《我就是好莱坞》,请把网址发给您的朋友。
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