HE :: Volume #10

#944: The myth arrives!

Chapter 944 第944章 All completely changed! The city of Talas has not presented Behemoth Legion,...... don't tell me all these appear because of my involvement?” “一切都完全变了!怛罗斯之城从来都没有出现过巨兽军团,……难道这一切又是因为我的介入而出现的吗?” In the Wang Chong heart surges. 王冲心中激荡。 Once certain absurd legends of dismissing with a smile, at this moment once more reappearing mind. In legend, Caliphate Empire Emperor, or Caliph, when most peak, the subordinates have two formidable Legion, one is Behemoth Legion. This Behemoth Legion only receives the control of Caliphate Empire Caliph, jurisdiction that the governor in any place has not had jurisdiction over. 曾经某些付之一笑的荒谬传说,这一刻再次浮现脑海。传说中,大食帝国皇帝,或者说哈里发,在最巅峰的时候,麾下有两支强大的军团,其中一支就是巨兽军团。这支巨兽军团只受大食帝国哈里发的控制,任何地方的总督都没有管辖的权限。 Now these Behemoth appear in remote Talas, can only explain a point, Caliphate Caliph noted here. This war became is not completely steerable. 现在这些巨兽出现在遥远的怛罗斯,只能说明一点,大食哈里发已经注意到这里了。这场战争已经变得完全不可控制。 Thump!” “咚!” Quick, a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth battle drum sound, resounds from the Caliphate People military compound, with the shake the heavens battle drum sound, was dense and numerous boundlessly, such as sea Caliphate Heavy Cavalry is similar to the water spray distributes, vacates more than a 50 zhang (3.33 m) channel , a steel defense line channel to Great Tang, another extends to that huge Behemoth, the atmosphere all of a sudden becomes tight. After the first steel defense line, innumerable warhorses long hiss, opens the eye, looks like extremely startled. 很快,一声惊天动地的战鼓声,从大食人的军营中响起,随着惊天的战鼓声,原本密密麻麻、茫茫如海的大食铁骑如同水浪般分开,空出一条50多丈长的通道,通道的一头通往大唐的钢铁防线,另一头则延伸向那头庞大的巨兽,气氛一下子变得紧张起来。第一道钢铁防线后,无数的战马长嘶,睁大眼睛,看起来极其惊慌。 Even if these well-trained, experiences for a long time the warhorse of war, feels on these Behemoth terrifying aura , the feeling of instinct the fear, wanted to shake off the control, escapes, is far away from this stretch of battlefield. 即便是这些训练有素,久经战争的战马,感受到那些巨兽身上的恐怖气息,也本能的感觉到了恐惧,想要挣脱控制,逃跑出去,远离这片战场。 Was too astonishing! Caliphate People also has this lethal card unexpectedly, if they early put this Behemoth, perhaps the city of Talas already broke, has no need for our take action!” “太惊人了!大食人居然还有这种杀手锏,如果他们早把这种巨兽放出来,或许怛罗斯之城早就已经破了,根本用不着我们出手!” East the battlefield, on the high hill, Du Wusili and Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and the others stood, they are in this mainland the topest character, however Caliphate People card in a hand, even if they, feels suitable shock. 战场东侧,高高的丘陵上,都乌思力大钦若赞火树归藏等人站在一起,他们都是这片大陆上最顶尖的人物,然而大食人的底牌,即便是他们,也是感到相当的震撼。 Matter is impossible to be so simple, Caliphate People is not willing to use these Behemoth definitely to have any reason, these Behemoth that but no matter what, Caliphate People draws on, sufficiently pose the huge threat to Great Tang!” “事情绝不可能这么简单,大食人不肯动用这些巨兽肯定有什么原因,但是不管怎么样,大食人招来的这些巨兽,都足以对大唐造成巨大的威胁!” After Daqin Ruozan silent moment, opens the mouth to say. 大钦若赞沉默片刻后,开口道。 Although with the Great Tang armistice, then makes Caliphate cope with Great Tang, is his strategy, however the Caliphate People strength makes him feel deep shock. Although is not willing to acknowledge, but the Caliphate Empire strength truly compared with the U-Tsang Empire formidable, entire mainland, Caliphate and Great Tang stands without doubt in all Empire peaks. 虽然和大唐休战,转而让大食对付大唐,本来就是他的计策,但是大食人的实力还是让他感到深深的震撼。虽然不愿承认,但是大食帝国的实力确确实实比乌斯藏帝国更加的强大,整个大陆上,大食大唐无疑站立在所有帝国的顶端。 Can cope with Great Tang, only then Caliphate, can cope with Caliphate, similarly also only has Great Tang! 能够对付大唐的,只有大食,能够对付大食的,同样也只有大唐 On the high hill, is quickly peaceful, the vision of all people gathered in the west of city of Talas completely, the Caliphate People camp, body of that huge Behemoth. 高高的丘陵上,很快安静下来,所有人的目光全部聚集到了怛罗斯之城的西方,大食人的营地,还有那头庞大巨兽的身上。 A long whip moves in void, in the under foot of that Behemoth, a stature is thin and small, meanwhile the camel Caliphate People of back, is putting on red red robe, is keeping drinking anything to Behemoth severely, although look ugly, but this humpbacked Caliphate People status, actually looks like high, in him behind, countless servants and maids lowers the head, gingerly, looks like serves his person. 啪,一根长长的鞭子在虚空中甩动,就在那头巨兽的脚下,一名身材瘦小,同时还驼着背的大食人,穿着绯红色的衣袍,正不停对着巨兽厉喝着什么,虽然相貌奇丑,但是这名驼背大食人的身份,却看起来极高,在他身后,无数的仆人和婢女低着头,战战兢兢,看起来都是侍奉他的人。 But in being away from he not far place, the Caliphate bodyguard of another black clothes, in the hand is grasping a fulcra flute, is playing a strangeness, does not have the song of rule. But in the whip moves with the direction of bone flute, this mountain range Behemoth also slowly moves forward. 而就在距离他不远的地方,另一名黑衣的大食侍卫官,手里握着一支骨笛,正吹奏着一首怪异,毫无规律的曲子。而就在鞭子甩动和骨笛的指挥下,这头山峦般的巨兽也慢慢的向前移动起来。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! One after another, that monster keeps enters toward the battlefield, the serious sound of footsteps, resounds through the entire battlefield. In golden red morning sun toward shooting, that Behemoth appears is even more fierce and terrifying, whish, at that moment, let alone is Great Tang before city of Talas / army, the distant place tens of thousands, dense and numerous, boundless such as sea Caliphate People, sees that huge form, looks alarmed and afraid, to go toward retreat in abundance. 一声又一声,那怪兽不停的朝着战场走进,沉重的脚步声,响彻整个战场。在金红色的朝阳朝射下,那头巨兽显得越发的狰狞、恐怖,哗,那一刻,别说是怛罗斯之城前的大唐/军队,就连远处成千上万,密密麻麻,茫茫如海的大食人,看到那庞大的身影,都一个个面露惊惧,纷纷往后退去。 Too, too...... Big!” “太,太……大了!” Before Behemoth, a bravest of the brave, the muscle dragon knot, the physique extremely vigorous and healthy Caliphate brave warrior raises head to look at the place above, looks at that mountain peak golden frontal bone, as well as the castle huge body, as well as the scarlet look, the vision flashes, body cannot help but goes toward retreat. 巨兽前,一名勇冠三军,肌肉虬结,体格极其健壮的大食勇士仰头望着上方,看着那根山峰般的金色犀角,以及城堡般的庞大身躯,以及猩红的眼神,目光闪动,身躯不由自主的往后退去。 The boundary of myth and reality, becomes in this moment fuzzy, resembles Behemoth in Archaic myth, suddenly passed through the space and time, arrived at the world to be ordinary. 神话和现实的界限,在这一刻变得模糊不已,就好像远古神话中的巨兽,突然穿越了时空,降临到了人间一般。 Roar!” “吼!” Behemoth roared, the air wave tumbled, the infinite great strength and pressure that in that sound contained, raised a big wave day in the Talas sky the storm, even was rolled up and pushed along including the dark cloud of sky, one layer upon layer pushed in the direction of Eastern sunrise. Raises clean sky in the Caliphate People sky. 巨兽咆哮,气浪翻滚,那声音中蕴含的无穷巨力和威压,在怛罗斯的上空掀起一阵涛天的风暴,甚至连天空的乌云都被卷动起来,一层层的向着东方日出的方向推去。在大食人的上空掀出一片干净的天空。 Roars, sees this, the Caliphate soldier who originally has looked the scared look, fights the horse's neigh cry, is calling out in alarm in abundance, goes toward retreat in a panic. Looks at also Formation neat armed forces immediately piece of chaos. 哄,看到这一幕,原来就已经面露惧色的大食战士,一个个战马嘶鸣,纷纷惊叫着,仓皇往后退去。原本看着还阵列整齐的军阵顿时一片大乱。 Behemoth army! 巨兽军队! In legend, one of the Caliph control terrifying Legion, is one of the Caliph divine nature theocracy symbols, even if regarding the brave Caliphate People soldier, these is also existence of absolute nightmare. 传说中,哈里发控制的恐怖军团之一,也是哈里发神性神权的象征之一,哪怕是对于骁勇善战的大食人战士来说,这些也是绝对噩梦的存在。 Finally came!” “终于来了!” At this time, was most excited, was most joyful, was east entire Caliphate, supreme, had the highest right, was next to Caliphate Emperor governor Abmuslin. His both hands press, has stood from the black golden giant throne slowly, that flash, a huge aura erupts from his body. 这个时候,最兴奋的,最喜悦的,莫过于整个大食东方,至高无上,拥有最高权利,仅次于大食皇帝的总督艾布穆斯/林了。他的双手一按,缓缓的,从乌金色的巨大宝座上站了起来,那一刹那,一股庞大的气息从他的身上爆发而出。 In this world, without the city that any Caliphate People is unable to break through, does not have the match who any Caliphate People is unable to defeat! 这个世上,没有任何大食人无法攻破的城池,也没有任何大食人无法战胜的对手! Looks at this Behemoth, Abmuslin resembles at present saw the own most favorite weapon is the same! 看着眼前这头巨兽,艾布穆斯/林就好像看到自己最得意的武器一样! On this mainland ground, had had the innumerable formidable civilizations. Like U-Tsang Plateau on, once had one formidable like the male dynasty, the remote west side, the bank of sea, has had some similarly once the formidable civilization. Although these civilizations early vanished, and was unable to estimate about their many facts. 在这片大陆地上,曾经存在过无数强大的文明。就像乌斯藏高原上,曾经拥有一个强大的象雄王朝一样,遥远的西侧,大海之畔,同样存在过一些曾经强大的文明。这些文明虽然早已经消失,并且关于它们的很多事迹都已经无法去揣度。 However these civilizations still have some scale claws to remain. 但是这些文明依然还有一些只鳞片爪残留下来。 Behemoth Legion is Caliphate Empire uses one special method that on ancient scroll its another ancient civilization left behind, used the rhinocero, the great shape, lion the fierce large animal cultivation. After the innumerable failure, cultivated west the Caliphate Empire famous town finally frontier, makes Behemoth Legion that the innumerable matches were panic at the news. 巨兽军团就是大食帝国利用其另一个古代文明留下的古卷上的一种特殊的方法,利用犀牛、巨象、狮子等性情凶猛的大型动物培育而成的。经过无数次的失败,最后才培育出了大食帝国名镇西陲,令无数对手闻风丧胆的巨兽军团 These Behemoth quantities are not many, but is actually the Caliphate Empire formidable symbol. On this mainland ground, did not have any defense, can resist the attacks of these Behemoth. 这些巨兽的数量不多,但却是大食帝国强大的象征。在这片大陆地上,还没有任何的防御,能够抵挡得住这些巨兽的攻击。 Mizer!” 麦西尔!” Abmuslin stands before the throne, vision flashes, has wielded in the direction of slanting side quickly. 艾布穆斯/林站在宝座前,目光一闪,很快朝着斜侧的方向挥了一下。 Sir Governor!” 总督大人!” The after silence of moment, quick, is low and deep and hoarse, the coarse sound resounds in the people ear. That sound is cloudy and cold, the probably underground poisonous snake crawls, crawls and creeps along the skin of person to be the same, as Eastern vice- governor Zhihad cannot bear frown. 片刻的沉默之后,很快,一个低沉、沙哑,难听至极的声音在众人耳边响起。那声音阴冷无比,就好像地下的毒蛇爬出来,在人的皮肤上蠕行、爬动一样,就连身为的东方副总督齐亚德都忍不住皱起了眉头。 But Caliphate Famous General of Abmuslin body week, subconscious goes toward retreat, as to distant place that camel the back, the red red form that the rickets lead the way. 艾布穆斯/林身周的大食名将们,也不禁下意识的往后退去,似乎想要离远处那个驼着背,佝偻前行的绯红色身影远一点。 Mizer, Caliphate Empire Emperor your majesty near body bodyguard, is Commander of Behemoth army. 麦西尔,大食帝国皇帝陛下的近身侍卫官,同时也是巨兽军队的统领 About this person, mysterious layer on layer/heavily, nobody knows that his origin, only knows he appeared in Emperor Bagg suddenly, appeared in the Empire Emperor front, and won the trust of Caliph rapidly. But shortly , one of the Empire most terrifying Legion, Behemoth Legion started to appear. 关于这个人,神秘重重,没有人知道他的来历,只知道他突然之间出现在了巴格帝,出现在了帝国皇帝的面前,并且迅速获得了哈里发的信任。而之后不久,帝国最恐怖的军团之一,巨兽军团就开始出现了。 About the Mizer's origin already was a secret, Empire Emperor already transmitted orders, strict any place governor and General investigated the Mizer's details. 关于麦西尔的来历早就是个秘密,帝国皇帝早就传令下去,严格任何的地方总督和将军调查麦西尔的底细。 Once battle-hardened, was nominated Famous General of governor candidate in Empire, because suspected the Mizer's secret, sent for investigating him, quick on into thin air. The Caliph bodyguard even leads Imperial Guard of brigade to break in his mansion, his entire family extermination of entire extended family. 曾经有一位能征惯战,在帝国被提名总督侯选人的名将,就因为怀疑麦西尔的秘密,派人去调查他,很快就人间蒸发了。哈里发的侍卫官甚至带领大队的禁军冲入他的府邸,将他的全家族灭。 This matter once initiated the stir in the Caliphate imperial capital, creates very big influence. 这件事情在大食的帝都曾经引发轰动,造成很大的影响 Although Caliph announced to the outside is that Famous General harbors evil intentions, scheme rebellion, but all people know how he dies. 虽然哈里发对外宣布是那位名将居心叵测,图谋造反,但是所有人都知道他到底是怎么死的。 From now, the Mizer's name is terrible in entire Caliphate, simply does not have any military commander to approach him easily. 从此以后,麦西尔的名字在整个大食都是谈虎色变,根本没有任何武将于轻易靠近他。 Abmuslin sees that say/way red red form silently, advance slowly, in look not too big fluctuation. The Mizer status is special, everybody dreaded, but Abmuslin to regarding his status and origin, is not interested. Moreover as Eastern Iron Blood to/clashes supervises, Abmuslin is interested, only then same thing, is the thorough conquering present match. 艾布穆斯/林默默看着那道绯红色的身影,慢慢的前进,眼神中并没有太大的波动。麦西尔身份特殊,人人忌惮,不过艾布穆斯/林向对于他的身份和来历,根本不感兴趣。而且身为东方的铁血冲督,艾布穆斯/林感兴趣的只有一样东西,就是彻底的征服眼前的对手。 Other all are immaterial. 其他的一切都无关紧要。 This time Quest, thinks that you did understand?” “这次的任务,想必你都已经明白了吧?” Abmuslin looks that slowly arrives at present Mizer to say. 艾布穆斯/林看着慢慢走到眼前的麦西尔道。 The Mizer's look is really ugly incomparable, although he has covered the most face with the red face-cloth, the skin that but exposes is still dry, the numerous rivers, are similar to the bark that loses plant are ordinary. That dust eye, is glittering the intermittent evil ray, makes person the feeling of being afraid all seeing. 麦西尔的相貌真的是丑陋无比,尽管他已经用红色的面巾罩住了大半个面孔,但是裸露出来的皮肤依然干巴巴,千沟万壑,如同枯死的树皮一般。那双灰褐色的眼睛,闪烁着阵阵邪恶的光芒,令所有看到的人都有一种不寒而栗的感觉。 Sir Governor felt relieved, comes time, your majesty already told, this Talas's War, all are primarily the opinion of Sir Governor, only the Sir follows the lead!” 总督大人放心,来的时候,陛下早已吩咐,这次怛罗斯之战,一切都以总督大人的意见为主,唯大人马首是瞻!” The Mizer camel the back, lip creeping motion was saying. 麦西尔驼着背,嘴唇蠕动道。 Un, were our time matches formidable, see these steel defense line and that city? I need your Behemoth to beat them thoroughly, the following matter, will be solved by me.” “嗯,我们这次的对手非常强大,看到那些钢铁防线和那座城池了吗?我需要你的巨兽将他们彻底击垮,接下来的事情,将由我来解决。” Abmuslin, serious said: 艾布穆斯/林顿了顿,一脸严肃道: Mizer, this motion, relates to us to conquer the entire Eastern plan, therefore I hope you whole-heartedly, cannot have the slight general idea!” 麦西尔,这次的行动,关系到我们征服整个东方的计划,所以我希望你全力以赴,不能有丝毫的大意!” hē hē, the Sir felt relieved, in this world, did not have the match who my Behemoth Legion could not conquer, this was not the first match who Behemoth Legion conquered, is not last!” 呵呵,大人放心,在这个世界上,还没有我的巨兽军团征服不了的对手,这不是巨兽军团征服的第一个对手,也决不会是最后一个!” Mizer sneers to say intermittently. Spoke these words, a Mizer leader a ritual, turned around to depart quickly. 麦西尔阵阵冷笑道。说完这句话,麦西尔点头行了一礼,很快转身离去。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” Battle drum, this is the bugle of attack, entire west battlefield, earth silent, all vision in abundance centralized on a that person of beast body. 战鼓声声,这是进攻的号角,整个西侧战场,大地无声,所有的目光纷纷集中在那一人一兽的身上。 Mizer stands before the castle huge Behemoth body, finally has issued the order of attack: 麦西尔站在城堡般庞大的巨兽身前,终于下达了进攻的命令: Kills!” “杀!”
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