HE :: Volume #10

#943: Behemoth Legion!

Chapter 943 第943章 Scoundrel, was really too extremely arrogant!” “混账,实在是太狂妄了!” The gripping tightly fist of Huoshu Guicang straight air/Qi, clenches jaws, coming out that Daqin Ruozan can listen, how he cannot listen, was only tiger of Zhangchou Jianqiong past Empire not to them so dissolute, Wang Chong also rather went too far. 火树归藏直气的紧握拳头,咬牙切齿,大钦若赞能听的出来,他又如何听不出来,只是当年就连帝国之虎章仇兼琼都不曾对他们如此放肆过,王冲也未免欺人太甚。 Great Minister do not receive his influence, this bastard is to enrage us, Great Minister should not be swindled.” 大相不要受他的影响,这混蛋就是想要激怒我们,大相千万不要上当。” hē hē.” 呵呵。” Daqin Ruozan shook the head, has prevented Huoshu Guicang: 大钦若赞摇了摇头,阻止了火树归藏: How his intention I possibly cannot look, but this game of we truly lost, being sincerely convinced that this game of I lose.” “他的用意我又怎么可能看不出来,不过这一局我们确实输了,这局我输的心服口服。” Wang Chong's Art of War is really different, not only the Central Plains earth, takes a broad view at all sea, has not presented such Art of War, such Commander-in-Chief. Daqin Ruozan wants to study Wang Chong's Art of War, attacks other shield with other lance, but he lost. 王冲的兵法实在是太不一样了,不只是中原大地,放眼四海,都不曾出现过这样的兵法,这样的统帅大钦若赞想要学习王冲的兵法,以彼之矛攻彼之盾,但他还是输了。 However Daqin Ruozan shook the head, quick was normal on Recovery, has not imagined that type dispirited and comes under the attack the appearance: 然而大钦若赞只是摇了摇头,很快就恢复了正常,并没有想象中那种颓废和受到打击的样子: No matter Wang Chong wants to display any scheme, or what Effect wants to achieve on me, this game of he misjudged. Because this fights his match at all is not we, but has someone else! Huoshu Guicang, passes on this letter for me. War between this Caliphate and Great Tang, we have done utmost, give them to help most greatly, then looked their.” “不管王冲想要施展什么计谋,或者想要在我身上达到什么样的效果,这一局他都失算了。因为这一战他的对手根本不是我们,而是另有其人!火树归藏,替我把这封信传出去。这一场大食大唐之间的战争,我们已经竭尽全力,给予他们最大的帮助了,接下来就看他们自己的了。” Understood!” “明白!” Huoshu Guicang received letter from the Daqin Ruozan hand, bows to say. 火树归藏大钦若赞手中接过信,躬身道。 Walks!” “走吧!” The sound falls, Daqin Ruozan turns round wharf, walks toward the U-Tsang People camp, about ten zhang (3.33 m), he stopped, finally turned head to look at one again, his vision crossed the city of big grand Talas, looked to another end of battlefield, saw only innumerable Caliphate Heavy Cavalry to be dense and numerous, was preparing for war, is making the pre-war preparation. Compared with yesterday, today's Caliphate army appears completely different, atmosphere solemn and respectful, fill killing qi. 声音一落,大钦若赞拨转马头,朝着乌斯藏人的营地走去,在十丈开外,他停了下来,最后回头再看了一眼,他的目光越过高大宏伟的怛罗斯之城,看向战场的另一端,只见无数的大食铁骑密密麻麻,正在厉兵秣马,做着战前的准备。和昨天相比,今天的大食军队显得完全不同,气氛更加的肃穆,也更加的充满杀气 ...... …… „!” “呼啦啦!” In Daqin Ruozan returns to shortly after the camp, black Saker Falcon, the feather rouses, from the sky rapid flight, falls into the Caliphate People position. 就在大钦若赞返回营地后不久,一只黑色的猎隼,翎毛抖擞,从天空疾飞而下,落入大食人的阵地中。 Quick, the tall and powerfully built Caliphate guard, is holding that only Saker Falcon, is taking the letter of taking down, the half step goes toward the position that Abmuslin is. 很快,就有一名身材魁梧的大食侍卫,一手托着那只猎隼,一手拿着取下来的信,快步朝着艾布穆斯/林所在的位置而去。 Sir Governor, U-Tsang People letter!” 总督大人,乌斯藏人来信!” The messenger single knee kneels down, respectful has handed over the letter paper in hand. 传令兵单膝跪下,恭恭敬敬的将手中的信纸递了过去。 Oh? brings.” 哦?拿来。” Abmuslin sits well on the throne, right hand extends, received the letter paper from the messenger hand, but looked at one, immediately has smiled: 艾布穆斯/林端坐在宝座上,右手一伸,从传令兵手中接过信纸,只是看了一眼,顿时笑了起来: Interesting! Zhihad, the U-Tsang People letter, you have a look.” “有趣!齐亚德,乌斯藏人的来信,你也看看吧。” Abmuslin, the Zhihad brow selects, looked at former one surprisedly, received the letter paper to look quickly. 艾布穆斯/林的身后,齐亚德眉头一挑,惊讶的看了前者一眼,很快接过信纸看了起来。 U-Tsang People loses seriously, today doesn't go to battle? U-Tsang People what is this?” 乌斯藏人损失惨重,今天不出战?乌斯藏人这是什么意思?” Zhihad raised the head, inconceivable of whole face. 齐亚德抬起头来,满脸的不可思议。 hē hē, he not in letter said is very clear, this war, he is hopes that we deal with the Great Tang person independently, shows our Caliphate People true strength.” 呵呵,他不是在信里已经说的很清楚吗,这一战,他是希望我们自己独立对付大唐人,展现出我们大食人的真正实力。” Abmuslin indifferently said. 艾布穆斯/林淡淡道 These U-Tsang People are really damn, since is the ally should work with concerted efforts, don't tell me they also do want to maintain the strength?” “这些乌斯藏人真是该死,既然是盟友就该同心协力,难道他们还想保存实力?” In the Zhihad double pupil shows anger faintly, Caliphate People does not need the ally, at least in the Caliphate People going on an expedition history, but also little invited any person to become the ally, regarding Caliphate People, complied with the U-Tsang People alliance, is actually a favor especially. However U-Tsang People also wanted to refuse battle at this time unexpectedly, maintains the strength, was unappreciative simply. 齐亚德双眸之中隐隐透出一股怒意,大食人是不需要盟友的,至少在大食人的征战历史中,还很少邀请什么人成为盟友,对于大食人来说,答应和乌斯藏人联盟,其实已经是一种格外的恩宠。但是乌斯藏人居然还想要在这个时候避战,保存实力,简直是不识抬举。 This also no wonder they!” “这也怪不得他们!” Abmuslin showed a faint smile, beckoned with the hand, has prevented Zhihad: 艾布穆斯/林微微一笑,摆了摆手,阻止了齐亚德: Daqin Ruozan said, they lost 50,000-60,000 sharpest military force(s), 80,000 great wolves, this point do not lie but actually. Although this loss regarding our Caliphate at all is not anything, but regarding U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person, this perhaps is not a small number, no wonder they want to refuse battle the preserved strength. Moreover, does not rely on hearsay, seeings is believing, U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person, if has not experienced to our formidable strengths, will think not true being convinced, impossible true laughing in the face of death, will help our Caliphate. After all in the future will conquer in the Great Tang process, we also need to use them.” 大钦若赞说,他们已经损失了五六万最精锐的兵马,80000多头巨狼,这一点倒并不是说谎。虽然对于我们大食来说这点损失根本不算什么,但是对于乌斯藏人西突厥人来说,这恐怕不是个小数目,也难怪他们想要避战保存实力。而且,耳听为虚,眼见为实,乌斯藏人西突厥人如果没有见识到我们强大的实力,想必也不会真正的心服,也不可能真正的舍生忘死,帮助我们大食。毕竟未来征服大唐的过程中,我们还需要用到他们。” That two armies that Zhihad, your majesty sends how?” 齐亚德,陛下派来的那两支军队怎么样了?” Abmuslin turned head to look suddenly to behind Zhihad. 艾布穆斯/林突然扭头望向了身后的齐亚德 Two armies all arrived, all have been ready, momentarily can accept the verbal command, launches the attack!” “两支军队已经全部抵达,一切已经准备就绪,随时可以接受号令,发动进攻!” The Zhihad clean agile say/way, spoke of that two armies time, the facial expression makings of Zhihad whole person were completely different, probably held some huge trump card, ate them to be the same. 齐亚德干净利索道,说到那两支部队的时候,齐亚德整个人的神情气质完全不同,就好像握有某种巨大的王牌,吃定了他们一样。 Was very good, transmitted orders, preparation!” “很好,传令下去,准备吧!” ...... …… Western Turkic and U-Tsang of east battlefield, Great Tang of central region, as well as Caliphate People of western battlefield, three huge influences faintly become the potentials of corner in the Talas battlefield, is confronting mutually. From the morning sun initial rise to the present, no one has launched the attack arbitrarily, but all people know that this tranquil peace and cannot maintain is too long. 东面战场的西突厥乌斯藏,中央地带的大唐,以及西部战场的大食人,三股庞大的势力在怛罗斯的战场上隐隐成犄角之势,相互对峙着。从朝阳初升到现在,谁都没有擅自发动进攻,但是所有人都知道这种宁静和平和保持不了太久。 tí dā dā!” 蹄哒哒!” Fights the horse's hoof , the mist and dust is billowing, the west side of city of Talas, a serious hoofbeat broke the peace of battlefield rapidly, attracted the attention of countless person. 战马蹄哒,烟尘滚滚,怛罗斯之城的西侧,一阵沉重的马蹄声迅速的打破了战场的宁静,吸引了无数人的注意。 In the vision of people, fully has more than eight chi (0.33 m) high, the right-hand man thick circle, the powerful and brave Caliphate military commander, is riding a grandiose black warhorse, the place more than 300 zhang (3.33 m) away outside the city of Talas stopped. 就在众人的目光中,一名足有八尺多高,膀臂粗圆,孔武有力的大食武将,骑着一匹壮硕的黑色战马,在怛罗斯之城外300多丈外的地方停了下来。 All Great Tang people are listening, our Sir Governor has the command, gives you again the last opportunity, surrender Caliphate, submits to us, but can also give you means of livelihood. Otherwise, today was your city destroys the date of person perishing!” “所有的大唐人听着,我们总督大人有令,再给你们最后一次机会,投降大食,臣服我们,还可以给你们一条活路。否则的话,今天就是你们城毁人亡之日!” Before the first steel defense line, a silence, afterward, laughter shake the heavens penetrating place. 第一道钢铁防线前,一片寂静,随后,一阵哄笑声惊天彻地。 Caliphate People, these words should not be we say? Hurries get lost/rolled to tell your governors, when making him consider to be good surrender Great Tang!” 大食人,这句话不应该是我们说的吗?还是赶紧滚回去告诉你们总督,让他考虑好什么时候投降大唐吧!” In that Caliphate Heavy Cavalry opposite, Sun Zhiming is riding high big horse, stands in the first steel defense line opening place, laughs intermittently. 就在那名大食铁骑的对面,孙知命骑着一头高头大马,站在第一道钢铁防线的豁口处,阵阵大笑。 Caliphate People is really extremely arrogant, after has had these many defeats one after another, unexpectedly also dares to threaten Great Tang, making Great Tang surrender, big of slippery world checks simply. 大食人果然狂妄,在接连吃了这么多败仗之后,居然还敢威胁大唐,让大唐投降,简直滑天下之大稽。 The distant place, that Caliphate Heavy Cavalry looks at the people silently, is listening to full Er the laughter, the facial expression is as before serious, remains unmoved slightly. 远处,那名大食铁骑默默看着众人,听着满耳的哄笑声,神情依旧严肃,丝毫不为所动。 This is you chooses, such being the case, that makes war!” “这是你们自己选择的,既然如此,那就开战吧!” The sound has not fallen, that Caliphate Heavy Cavalry steep turning the head, gestured toward the distant place, the next quarter, the mutation breaks out 声音未落,那名大食铁骑陡的转过头来,朝着远处打了个手势,下一刻,异变突起 Bang!” “轰隆!” A shake the heavens loud sound transmits from the distant place, that loud sound is so loud and clear, hundreds of thousands of people of wars, appear tiny incomparable. Incessantly so, that loud sound sound transmits at the same time, the people earth shivers. 一声惊天巨响从远处传来,那声巨响如此洪亮,以至于数十万人的大战,都显得渺小无比。不止如此,那巨响声传来的同时,众人脚下的大地都随之颤抖起来。 Flash, is not only Sun Zhiming, after the first steel defense line tens of thousands of Great Tang soldiers, in abundance changed the complexion. 一刹那,不仅是孙知命,连同第一道钢铁防线后成千上万的大唐战士,都纷纷变了脸色。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Sound transmits from the West, what has Caliphate People made? What secret weapon don't tell me have they used?” “动静是从西方传来的,大食人到底做了什么?难道他们又使用了什么秘密武器吗?” One group of people are surprised, however is quick, that sound shaking vanished. But when the people think all had finished, bang, is huge trembling transmits from the distant place, following close on, the entire big Talas battlefield, is shivering once more, moreover this time sound even more loud and clear, the sound distance people are also getting more and more near. 一群人惊疑不定,然而很快,那声震动就消失了。但就在众人以为一切就已经结束的时候,轰,又是一道巨大的震颤从远处传来,紧跟着,整个偌大的怛罗斯战场,再次颤抖起来,而且这次的声音越发的洪亮,声音距离众人也越来越近。 What is this? How likely is the sound of footsteps?” “这到底是什么?怎么像是脚步声?” Is impossible, you were insane! What thing can have such heavy sound of footsteps?” “不可能的,你疯了吗!什么东西能有这么重的脚步声?” One group of people opened eye, why does not know, although anything could not see, but everyone felt that one type was intense and restless. 一群人都睁大了眼睛,不知道为什么,尽管什么都看不到,但是每个人都感觉到了一种紧张和不安。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Has first to have second, the third tone......, The fierce vibration, that sound is one after another getting more and more loud and clear, is away from the people also getting more and more near, the entire earth, the present unconquerable force, as well as Carriage Crossbow in city, at present trembles in the people. 有第一声就有第二声,第三声……,剧烈的震动,一声接着一声,那声音越来越洪亮,距离众人也越来越近,整个大地,连带眼前的钢铁长城,以及城中的车弩,都在众人眼前震颤起来。 Roar!” “吼!” Only listens to a beast roar of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, the strong winds are vast, the blown sand walks the stone, in vision that in countless people shock, a huge form, big incomparable, stands and waits for a long time like the mountain range in the west horizon place. In the face of this huge body, for Caliphate People that tall, tall and strong is famous, just like the ants is tiny. 只听一声惊天动地的兽吼,狂风浩浩,飞沙走石,就在无数人震撼的目光中,一道巨大的身影,高大无比,有如山峦般伫立在西侧的地平线处。在这座庞大的身躯面前,以身材高大、魁梧着称的大食人,也犹如蝼蚁般渺小。 That is anything!” “那是什么!” Has so huge thing? I have certainly misread, misread absolutely!” “怎么有如此庞大的东西?我一定是看错了,绝对是看错了!” What monster is this? Inconceivable!” “这到底是什么怪物?不可思议!” All people look there, shocks unable to speak. Even if away from very far distance, the people can also be able to feel, Great Desolation and tyranny that on that shadow sends out, Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth common terrifying aura. The strength of person, including the martial artist strength, in comparison, appears tiny incomparable. 所有人都看着那里,一个个震撼得说不出话来。即便隔着很远的距离,众人也能感觉得到,那道黑影身上散发出来的洪荒、暴虐,毁天灭地一般的恐怖气息。人的力量,包括武者的力量,与之相比,都显得渺小无比。 What is this?” “这到底是什么?” At this moment, the west side of city of Talas, abreast in row stands Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi felt that shocks. This has exceeded mediocre imagination, in the Wang Chong's memory, although the big or small war of life experience are innumerable, but has not encountered this situation. 此时此刻,怛罗斯之城的西侧,就连并排站在一起的王冲高仙芝都感到震撼不已。这已经超出了凡俗的想象,在王冲的记忆中,虽然一生经历的大小战争无数,但还没有遇到过这种情况。 Does not know! Before Caliphate People had not presented this type of thing, was incredible! If personally does not see, cannot believe that in really the world also has such Great Desolation Behemoth!” “不知道!之前大食人从来没有出现过这种东西,不可置信!如果不是亲眼所见,真的不敢相信世界上还有这样的洪荒巨兽!” Gao Xianzhi muttered, shock in his heart in Wang Chong. 高仙芝喃喃道,他心中的震惊一点也不下于王冲 The war is the matter between human, however the present all, have gone beyond the normal category. Looks following morning sun of initial rise, although the distance is very far, but can still see that living thing the outline. Said is the lifeform , because it can move freely, no matter Wang Chong or Gao Xianzhi, can feel a strong life aura from it. The martial artist life aura in comparison, probably is insignificant. 战争是人类之间的事情,但是眼前的一切,已经超出了正常的范畴。顺着初升的朝阳看去,虽然距离很远,但是依然能看出那头生物的轮廓。说是生物,是因为它能自由移动,而且不管是王冲还是高仙芝,都能从它身上感受到一股浓烈的生命气息。武者的生命气息与之相比,就好像沧海一粟。 Moreover this living thing, has the rhinocero equally huge golden yellow alone corner/horn, castle common huge body, with a pair of scarlet incomparable eye pupil, that cross-eye pupil, even if away from is very far, can make people be able to feel that on it that type destroys all desires, everyone visits it, cannot help but will produce trembling from innermost soul and startled palpitates, is similar to the ants is ordinary facing Deity. 而且这头生物,有着犀牛一样巨大的金黄色独角,城堡一般的庞大躯体,和一对猩红无比的眼眸,那对眼眸即便隔着很远,也能让人感觉得到它身上那种毁灭一切的欲望,每个人看着它,都会不由自主的产生一种发自灵魂深处的颤栗和惊悸,如同蝼蚁面对神灵一般。 This don't tell me is...... Caliphate Empire had had Behemoth Legion?!” “这难道是……大食帝国曾经存在过的巨兽军团?!” Wang Chong stands in the high city wall, in the heart continuously, first time he felt this war has surpassed his memory completely, becomes may not estimate completely. Behemoth Legion is the product of Caliphate Empire most peak time, about their legends, on the noise dust, the legend they once helped Caliphate, has conquered several formidable states. 王冲站在高高的城墙上,心中此起彼伏,第一次他感觉到这场战争已经完全超出了他的记忆,变得完全不可揣度。“巨兽军团”是大食帝国最巅峰时代的产物,关于它们的传说,喧嚣尘上,传说它们曾经帮助大食,征服过好几个强大的国度。 Because of some own reason, these Behemoth Legion from Caliphate Empire historical vanished. 但是因为某种自身的原因,这些巨兽军团大食帝国的历史上消失了。 Wang Chong did not know the genuine and fake of this legend, because simply with own eyes has not experienced, does not have the means to confirm. The heart of hearts, Wang Chong has thought this is an illusory legend, until now at this moment. 王冲一直都不知道这个传说的真假,因为根本没有亲眼见识过,也没有办法去证实。内心深处,王冲一直认为这是一个虚无缥缈的传说,直到现在这一刻。
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