HE :: Volume #10

#942: Separates the spatial junction quantity!

Chapter 942 第942章 But, a matter, that newly arrived Great Tang Commander-in-Chief, as if Wanhe Peiluo had a conflict. Moreover the Karluks person has not always deferred to agreement, opens the Talas city gate, perhaps does not solve these two matters, the Karluks person does not have the means to trust.” “不过,还有一件事情,那个新来的大唐统帅,似乎和万赫裴罗发生了一点冲突。而且葛罗禄人始终没有按照约定,打开怛罗斯的城门,不解决这两件事情,葛罗禄人恐怕还是没有办法信任。” In a minute, Zhihad opens the mouth to say suddenly. 片刻,齐亚德突然开口道。 The battlefield separated far, in addition Great Tang ten ten thousand military force(s) were dense and numerous, spans in the middle, even if were / the present forest and Zhihad , can only know merely, distant place the Chengkou of Talas as if had a conflict, however concrete actually does not know. 战场隔得太远了,再加上大唐十多万兵马密密麻麻,横亘在中间,即便是艾布穆/斯林和齐亚德,也仅仅只能知道,远处的怛罗斯之城口似乎发生了一场冲突,但是具体的却并不知道。 Is incredible, when the time comes kills off them!” “不可信,到时候就杀光他们!” Abmuslin waved, the facial expression is callous: 艾布穆斯/林挥了挥手,神情冷酷无比: Was right, that two do Legion that your majesty said when arrive?” “对了,陛下说的那两只军团什么时候到达?” I sent the letter to ask, they are rushing to here road, distance here was not far, should be able precisely to arrive in the battlefield to sunrise.” “我已经去信问过了,他们正在赶往这里的路上,距离这里已经不远了,到日出时分应该能够正是抵达战场。” Zhihad said. 齐亚德道。 Is very good, perhaps we cannot use the Karluks person, when that two Legion arrive, we can destroy together with the city of Talas the Great Tang person thoroughly!” “很好,或许我们根本用不到葛罗禄人,等到那两支军团到达,我们就可以将大唐人连同怛罗斯之城彻底毁灭!” The Abmuslin vision is bright, is unable to cover including the dim light of night. 艾布穆斯/林的目光熠熠,连夜色都无法掩盖。 Slowly, all belong to tranquilly, but the danger of some ambush actually unceasing the violence in the air opens. 慢慢的,一切归于平静,但是某种潜伏的危险却在空气中不断的激张。 ...... …… „!” “呜!” Along with loud and clear yak bugle horn sound, the East daybreak, the tens of thousands of say/way bright red sunlight gush out from the horizon place, in a minute, a round morning sun raised slowly, has scattered all darkness, shone being scarred, the city of palatial grand Talas, as well as U-Tsang and camp of Western Turkic person. 随着一声洪亮的牦牛号角声,东方破晓,成千上万道鲜红的阳光从地平线处喷薄而出,片刻间,一轮朝阳缓缓升起,驱散了所有黑暗,也照耀出了伤痕累累,巍峨壮阔的怛罗斯之城,以及乌斯藏西突厥人的营地。 Along with the bugle sound, tens of thousands of U-Tsang People gush out from the tent, assembles Formation, Plateau Tibetan barleys valiant, spirited, has been full of the will of fight. 随着号角的声音,成千上万的乌斯藏人从营帐中涌出,集结成阵列,一匹匹高原青稞吗雄赳赳,气昂昂,充满了战斗的意志。 Last night all traces of fight, in sunlight arrival was covered instant completely, the entire U-Tsang Great Army murderous intention like the tide, filled once more has fought intent. 昨夜所有战斗的痕迹,在阳光到来的刹那全部被掩去,整个乌斯藏大军杀机如潮,再次充满了战意。 But distant place, before the city of Talas, between two steel defense lines, is bustling and filled with people, innumerable Great Tang military force(s) are transferring after the wall of steel, has made the gesture of defense. 而远处,怛罗斯之城前,两道钢铁防线之间,人头攒动,无数的大唐兵马在钢铁之墙后调动着,做出了防御的姿态。 By murderous intention and war aura that the dark night covers, arrives in the daybreak instant, fills the air void. 被黑夜掩盖的杀机和战争气息,在黎明到来的刹那,又重新弥漫虚空。 Thump thump thump thump! 咚咚咚咚! City of the intermittent crowded battle drum sound penetrating entire Talas, the city gate opens, the innumerable soldiers have welled up from inside, but between two steel defense lines, infantry, archer, Crossbow Carriage Unit, axe soldier(s), Cavalry......, All unit distinguish right from wrong, arranges in behind. 一阵阵密集的战鼓声响彻整个怛罗斯之城,城门打开,无数的士兵从里面涌了出来,而两道钢铁防线之间,步兵,弓兵,弩车部队,斧兵,骑兵……,所有的兵种泾渭分明,排列在后面。 Cry!” “唳!” When the atmosphere in battlefield slowly becomes tight, a long arrow from out of the blue, from the direction leap of U-Tsang camp to the sky of city of Talas, that ear-piercing howls sharply, even if separated more than ten miles to hear clearly. 就在战场上的气氛慢慢变得紧张的时候,一支长箭破空,从乌斯藏营地的方向飞跃到怛罗斯之城的上空,那刺耳的锐啸,即便隔了十多里都能听得清清楚楚。 Wang Chong! But dares to come out to see!” 王冲!可敢出来一见!” A loud and clear sound conveys from the U-Tsang camp suddenly, the sound is loud and clear, the clear pronunciation and mellow voice, is very difficult to believe that is a U-Tsang People sound. 一个洪亮的声音突然从乌斯藏的营地中传来,声音洪亮无比,字正腔圆,很难相信是一个乌斯藏人的声音。 The sound has not fallen, fights the horse's hoof , the mist and dust is billowing, three person's shadows ride the warhorse to progress from the U-Tsang People camp, spreads in the direction of city of Talas. 声音未落,战马蹄哒,烟尘滚滚,三道人影骑着战马从乌斯藏人的营地中策马而出,向着怛罗斯之城的方向驰来。 In being away from the places beyond city of also more than 1000 Talas, Daqin Ruozan stopped, holds up the head, is waiting for silently. His eye narrows the eyes, seems anticipating anything. 就在距离怛罗斯之城还有1000多张外的地方,大钦若赞停了下来,昂着头,默默的等待着。他的眼睛微眯,似乎在期待着什么。 Void silent, although in two steel defense lines atmosphere even more anxious, but the entire Great Tang camp is quiet, a deathly stillness, without any sound response. 虚空寂静,尽管两道钢铁防线中气氛越发的紧张,但是整个大唐营地却是静悄悄的,一片死寂,没有任何的声音回应。 How long has not known, when Daqin Ruozan Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi some are impatient, a young sound, the aura is formidable, suddenly distant transmitting: 不知道过了多久,就在大钦若赞身旁的火树归藏都松莽布支都有些不耐烦的时候,一个年轻的声音,气息强大,突然远远的传来: Daqin Ruozan, has been well since last meeting!” 大钦若赞,别来无恙!” Along with intense horse's neigh, by far, in the vision of people, pure white like the snow, the warhorse that the fine dust does not dye, is carrying on the back together the young form leap, appears in the northeast corner of city of Talas. 随着一声激越的马嘶,远远的,就在众人的目光中,一匹洁白如雪,纤尘不染的战马,驮着一道年轻的身影飞跃而出,出现在怛罗斯之城的东北角。 Wang Chong!” 王冲!” The Daqin Ruozan eye narrows the eyes, has turned head fiercely, he has not thought that Wang Chong will appear unexpectedly in this position. However quick Daqin Ruozan has smiled: 大钦若赞眼睛一眯,猛地扭过头来,他也没有想到王冲居然会出现在这个位置。不过很快大钦若赞就笑了起来: A half year does not see, cannot think that Sir Protectorate Art of War is getting more and more wise, had only heard the domestic animal student, had not heard the excellent study domestic animal, Sir Protectorate really lets broaden the outlook below!” “半年不见,想不到都护大人兵法越来越高明,只听说过畜生学人,从没听说过人学畜生,都护大人真是让在下大开眼界!” Daqin Ruozan was saying, but also while has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, heartfelt appearance of admiration. 大钦若赞一边说着,还一边拱了拱手,一副“由衷”敬佩的样子。 Haha, where ratio has resulted in Great Minister again wisely, clear(ly) knows that I early am prepared, but also sends more than 3000 people to hit toward my knife point on!” “哈哈,再高明又哪里比得过大相啊,明知道我早有准备,还派3000多人往我刀尖上撞!” Wang Chong laughs to say similarly. 王冲同样大笑道。 In an instant, Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi gloomy gets down, Wang Chong was clearly satirizing them to send out the night assault army last night, was blocked by Wang Chong, loses the serious matter. Similarly is sends out the army to sneak attack, similarly is camouflages the opposite party the army, in this contest, Daqin Ruozan was thorough losing. 刹那间,大钦若赞,火树归藏都松莽布支阴沉下来,王冲分明是在讽刺他们昨晚派出夜袭部队,被王冲阻击,损失惨重的事情。同样是派出军队偷袭,同样是伪装对方的部队,在这场较量中,大钦若赞是彻底的输了。 However quick, Daqin Ruozan was normal on Recovery. 不过很快,大钦若赞恢复了正常。 Victory or defeat is the School of the Military routine matter, the U-Tsang also loss, Young Marquis is actually different, did not have 500 Carriage Crossbow, then this war, hopes coming out that Young Marquis also smiles.” “胜败乃兵家常事,乌斯藏还损失的起,倒是少年侯就不一样了,没了500架车弩,接下来这场战争,希望少年侯还笑的出来。” Daqin Ruozan said with a smile slightly, among the manners, the air/Qi calmed down idly, had a calm excellent bearing, even if were Wang Chong saw, has to admire one. 大钦若赞微微笑道,举止之间,气定神闲,自有一种从容过人的气度,即便是王冲见了,也不得不佩服一声。 Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈……” Wang Chong occupies a commanding position, progressing stands on the high Talas City wall, hears these words to laugh. Shangdang reveals a plot, gets down the party to cut down soldier, launches a psychological attack for on, siege is below, Daqin Ruozan these words say, Wang Chong already understood his purpose in coming. 王冲居高临下,策马站在高高的怛罗斯城墙上,听到这番话不由大笑起来。上党伐谋,下党伐兵,攻心为上,攻城为下,大钦若赞这句话一说出口,王冲已然明白他的来意。 This point work Great Minister did not worry, Great Tang essence or quintessence of things Tianbao, let alone is only trivial 500 Carriage Crossbow, even if many Carriage Crossbow, will make is also only shortly matter.” “这一点就不劳大相操心了,大唐物华天宝,别说只是区区500架车弩,就算是再多的车弩,造出来也只是顷刻的事情。” Wang Chong looks at the distant place, is not returning, the right hand layer on layer/heavily wields: 王冲望着远处,头也不回,右手重重挥下: Chen Bin!” 陈彬!” Bang, the Wang Chong's sound falls, like some signal, under the illumination of morning sun, the city gate of city of Talas loudly is big, in Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and in Dusong Mangbuzhi vision, huge Carriage Crossbow under the consignment of personnel carrier, enormous and powerful, from the city of Talas one after another. Another harnesses huge Carriage Crossbow, is under head the direction of Chen Bin, well-trained, distributes the second steel defense line by extremely quick Speed opening places. 轰隆,王冲的声音一落,就像某种信号,在朝阳的照射下,怛罗斯之城的城门轰然大开,就在大钦若赞,火树归藏都松莽布支的目光中,一架架巨大的车弩在运兵车的托运下,浩浩荡荡,从怛罗斯之城中鱼贯而出。一架又一驾巨大的车弩,在为首的陈彬的指挥下,训练有素,以极快的速度分布到第二道钢铁防线的一道道豁口处。 Looks from afar, these huge Carriage Crossbow are dense and numerous, is nothing more or less, is happen to close about 500. Yesterday evening, Great Tang already by ruining 500 Great Tang Carriage Crossbow, on two steel defense lines, only remaining about 2500, but now, Wang Chong unexpectedly changed 500. 远远看去,那些巨大的车弩密密麻麻,不多不少,正好接近500架左右。昨天晚上,大唐已经被“毁掉”了500架大唐车弩,两道钢铁防线上,只剩下2500架左右,但是现在,王冲居然又变出了500架。 Puts!” “放!” In the crossbow trigger sound of click-clack, along with issuing an order of Chen Bin, 500 Carriage Crossbow adjustment directions, lifts high, aims airborne, has shot fiercely. Rumbling, along with thundering of shake the heavens, 500 long crossbow bolts crowded like locust, all injected the vault of heaven deep place, after the moment, 500 thick crossbow bolts drop from the clouds, along with the sound of giant broken wind, the battlefields of numerous insertion City of Steel 56 hundreds of zhang (333 m). 轧轧的机括声中,随着陈彬的一声令下,500架车弩调整方向,高高抬起,对准空中,猛的射了出去。轰轰轰,随着一阵惊天的轰鸣,500根长长的弩箭密集如蝗,全部射入了苍穹深处,片刻后,500根粗大的弩箭从天而降,伴随着巨大破风之声,重重的插入钢铁之城56百丈的战场。 wēng! 嗡! Sees this, Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang, Dusong Mangbuzhi, U-Tsang Empire one two on probably by the person fierce fan a palm of the hand, the complexions of three people immediately became ugly incomparable. 看到这一幕,大钦若赞,火树归藏,都松莽布支,乌斯藏帝国的一相二将就好像被人猛的扇了一巴掌,三个人的脸色顿时变得难看无比。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Scout reports back, wasn't has destroyed 500 Carriage Crossbow? Why some of their also these many Carriage Crossbow?” “探子回报,不是已经毁了500架车弩吗?为什么他们还有这么多车弩?” How possibly to have this matter, scouts the army not to be absolutely impossible to present this deviation!” “怎么可能有这种事情,斥候部队绝对不可能出现这种偏差的!” That feared is Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang this flash is also startled, scouting that last night night assault, sent out was repeatedly indeed the submission, the Absanji army has truly ruined close 500 Great Tang Carriage Crossbow, this will not have the mistake. Scouting of U-Tsang perhaps does not have Great Tang that elite, but will not present the mistake in this basic issue absolutely. 那怕是大钦若赞,火树归藏这一刹那也怔住了,昨晚的夜袭,派出的斥候都是一再的确认过的,阿布桑吉的部队确确实实是毁掉了接近500架大唐车弩,这点绝不会有错。乌斯藏的斥候或许没有大唐那么精锐,但是也绝对不会在这种基本的问题上出现错误。 Was planned by him! Absanji attack perhaps at all is not true Carriage Crossbow!” “又被他算计了!阿布桑吉攻击的恐怕根本不是真正的车弩!” Daqin Ruozan deep inspiration, in heart sudden fluctuating. 大钦若赞深深的吸了一口气,心中急剧的起伏。 But can this? Absanji can't don't tell me divide Carriage Crossbow?” “但是这怎么会?阿布桑吉难道车弩都分不出来吗?” A Huoshu Guicang face unbelievable say/way. 火树归藏一脸难以置信道。 Absanji thinks the brave warrior who elegantly Long system, goes on an expedition to experience extremely richly, is impossible to make this childish mistake, if after did not confirm repeatedly, Absanji will not send out easily. 阿布桑吉是雅觉隆系的悍将,征战经验极其丰富,不可能犯下这种幼稚的错误,如果不是一再确认过后,阿布桑吉是不会轻易出动的。 I do not know that what's the matter, but without a doubt, Absanji should be their snares. The concrete structure of Great Tang Carriage Crossbow, throughout is a secret, even if the person who Tang People knows are not many, do not say is we, Absanji are most also can only distinguish a contour. If no accident/surprise, the fellow fudged in this above.” “我也不知道是怎么回事,但是毫无疑问,阿布桑吉应该是中了他们的圈套。大唐车弩的具体构造,始终是个秘密,就算是唐人知道的人也不多,更不要说是我们,阿布桑吉最多也就只能分辨一个外形而已。如果没有意外,那家伙就是在这上面动了手脚。” Daqin Ruozan said. Looks at the white horse in city of distant place Talas, that say/way young form, in Daqin Ruozan heart five senses Chen Za. 大钦若赞道。看着远处怛罗斯之城上的白马,还有那道年轻的身影,大钦若赞心中五味陈杂。 Great General, is the head of army, is a Great Army soul is, their every action and every movement, so long as presents a flaw, or in the mind has a loophole, may incur the Great Army ruinous attack. This is also Daqin Ruozan sees right in front of one Wang Chong's real cause. 大将,是军队的首脑,也是一支大军的灵魂所在,他们的一举一动,只要出现一丝破绽,或者心灵上出现一丝漏洞,都有可能招致大军毁灭性的打击。这也是大钦若赞面见王冲的真正原因。 If can curl upwards in his mind a flaw, damages his confidence, then, will create influence to entire big * the team. However without a doubt, in this round contest, Wang Chong won once more. 如果能够在他的心中翘出一丝破绽,打击他的信心,接下来,将会对整个大*队都造成影响。但是毫无疑问,这一轮较量中,王冲再次胜出了。 Great Tang has this person, perhaps our U-Tsang 40 years are unable to be peaceful.” 大唐有此人在,我们乌斯藏恐怕40年都无法安生。” In the Daqin Ruozan heart deeply sighed, has the feeling of not being able to say. 大钦若赞心中深深一叹,有种说不出的感觉。 In U-Tsang Empire, the Daqin Ruozan wisdom has almost excelled by far Plateau, except for Tibet King Imperial Minister Dalun Qinling, almost unmanned can with him side by side, but Daqin Ruozan has met Wang Chong, has met one in the Art of War wisdom and strategy, compared with the match who he goes beyond. This made Daqin Ruozan think had read a Central Plains Divine Province ancient book. 乌斯藏帝国,大钦若赞的智慧几乎已经冠绝高原,除了藏王身边的帝相大论钦陵,几乎无人可以和他相比肩,但是大钦若赞偏偏遇到了王冲,遇到了一个在兵法智慧和谋略上,都比他有过之而无不及的对手。这让大钦若赞不由想到了曾经读过的中土神州的一本典籍。 Also lives fine jade He Shengliang, in the Daqin Ruozan heart deeply sighed, cannot speak. 既生瑜何生亮,大钦若赞心中深深一叹,说不出话来。 , In the city of high Talas, Wang Chong is riding the snow white warhorse by far, looks under the city the silent three people, smiles not to speak. 远远的,高高的怛罗斯之城上,王冲骑着雪白的战马,看着城下沉默的三人,笑而不语。 The technique of launching a psychological attack! 攻心之术! Daqin Ruozan shows off Central Plains Art of War in front of this Central Plains Soldier Saint, shows off meager skills before an expert simply, brings contempt upon oneself. 大钦若赞在他这个中土兵圣面前卖弄中土兵法,简直是班门弄斧,自取其辱。 Great Minister! The Central Plains culture is broad and profound, heard that Great Minister likes collecting Central Plains various Confucian classics , history , philosophy and belles-letters, the book on military strategy fights the plan, waited for this war to end, another day will have free time, Wang Chong delivered the Great Minister 1000 books again, studied hundred, its righteousness from presently, Great Minister must study much!” 大相中土文化博大精深,听说大相喜欢收集中土的各种经史子集,兵书战策,等这一战结束,改天有空,王冲再送大相1000书卷,读书百遍,其义自现,大相还要多多读书啊!” The last few words, Wang Chong said special is heavy, the sound falls, is one laughs: 最后一句话,王冲说的特别重,声音一落,又是一阵哈哈大笑: Great Minister, the Wang Chong military affairs are busy, no longer has accompanied, in our battlefield said goodbye!” 大相,王冲军务繁忙,就不再奉陪了,我们战场上再见!” xī yù yù, fights the horse's neigh cry, Wang Chong reins, turns round the wharf, is riding that pure white such as the warhorse of snow, vanished in the top rapidly. 希聿聿,战马嘶鸣,王冲一勒缰绳,拨转马头,骑着那匹洁白如雪的战马,迅速消失在了城头。 But the distant place, the bonus is Daqin Ruozan astuteness is extremely deep, the happy anger does not show, hearing Wang Chong must deliver thousand volume of books, ridiculed oneself scholarship not fine, could not bear on the face azure white. The solemn U-Tsang wisdom, dares to ridicule his scholarship not fine, perhaps also only had Wang Chong. 而远处,饶是大钦若赞城府极深,喜怒不形于色,听说王冲要送自己千册书卷,讥讽自己学艺不精,也忍不住脸上一阵青一阵白。堂堂乌斯藏智相,敢讥讽他学艺不精的,恐怕也就只有王冲了。
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