HE :: Volume #10

#945: Behemoth attack!

Chapter 945 第945章 The roar, a fierce beast roar, the next quarter, the earth thunders, the battlefield atmosphere suddenly becomes tight incomparable. The bang, in the vision of all people, that mountain range Behemoth, four hooves disperses, the huge golden alone corner/horn sparkles under the sunlight, is similar to to/clashes like lightning in two steel defense lines directions. 吼,一声狰狞的兽吼,下一刻,大地轰鸣,战场的气氛骤然变得紧张无比。轰,就在所有人的目光中,那头山峦般的巨兽,四蹄撒开,巨大的金色独角在阳光下闪耀,如同一道闪电般朝着两道钢铁防线的方向冲来。 Bang, a giant sole layer on layer/heavily treads, a Caliphate soldier whole face is panic-stricken, dodges, was trod the discus by Behemoth instantaneously, but Behemoth does not have any feeling to be the same probably, raises the billowing mist and dust, flushing away that forward Speed does not reduce. 砰,一只巨大的脚掌重重踏下,一名大食士兵满脸惊恐,闪避不及,瞬间被巨兽踏成铁饼,而巨兽却好像没有任何感觉一样,掀起一路滚滚烟尘,速度丝毫不减的向前冲去。 hōng lōng lōng, suddenly, the earth-shaking, entire Talas battlefield is similar to the deck that in the ocean waves jolts, sudden rocks, the strong winds sweep across, covers the city of entire Talas, the innumerable war horse's neigh cry, the long neck hair flap flap, compared with before any time, must appear hot tempered and restless. 轰隆隆,一刹那间,天翻地覆,整个怛罗斯战场如同海浪中颠簸的甲板,急剧的晃动起来,狂风席卷而下,笼罩整个怛罗斯之城,无数的战马嘶鸣,鬃毛猎猎,比之前任何时候,都要显得暴躁和不安。 Defends!” “防住!” Holds on the warhorse! All person various its, array building up!” “拉住战马!所有人各就其位,列阵集结!” Carriage Crossbow preparation! Fully attack!” 车弩准备!全力进攻!” ...... …… In defense line, an entire Great Army confusion, when that huge Fierce Beast charge comes, that type of terrifying aura blots out the sky, moves mountains, let alone is the warhorse, has fought many battles, the will firmest Great Tang soldier, cannot bear fearful and apprehensive, feels a fear of the heart deep place. 防线内,整个大军一片混乱,当那头巨大的凶兽冲锋而来,那种恐怖的气息铺天盖地,排山倒海,别说是战马,就连身经百战,意志最坚定的大唐战士,都忍不住心惊胆战,感觉到一种发自内心深处的恐惧。 This war has exceeded the imagination completely, this is not the war among people, but is person and fight between Behemoth. 这场战争已经完全超出了想象,这已经不是人与人之间的战争,而是人与巨兽之间的战斗。 All people prepare!” “所有人准备!” At this time, a thunder called out, resounded in all person ears, the ray flashed, a shadow from the city of high Talas, jumped down, Soaring Dragon Technique, in a flash, Wang Chong without hesitation displayed this secret skill. The city wall in city of Talas, reaches to the sky, martial artist falls from above, must die basically without doubt, although Wang Chong's Soaring Dragon Technique the battle efficiency is not strong, but was actually this time most suitable cultivation method. 就在这个时候,一声雷霆暴喝,在所有人耳边响起,光芒一闪,一道黑影从高高的怛罗斯之城上,一跃而下,腾龙术,电光石火间,王冲毫不犹豫的施展出这种绝学怛罗斯之城的城墙,高耸入云,武者从上面坠下,基本必死无疑,王冲的腾龙术虽然战斗力不强,但却是这个时候最适合的功法 Bang, the Wang Chong single foot falls, body in airborne several maneuvers, steady falling below steel city wall. 砰,王冲单脚落下,身体在空中几个回旋,稳稳的落在下方一段钢铁城墙上。 When Wang Chong appears, entire Great Army rapidly is suddenly peaceful, most flurried Mercenary(-ies), like finding pillar, xi su waited for, prepares for action. Wang Chong heart startled shaking, only then he knows, in his heart shocks are not less than other people. Only then he knows, Caliphate People Behemoth Legion, should not present the thing in this piece of battlefield, but Wang Chong cannot reveal shock in heart, his vision like electricity, stubbornly stares at distant place that charge to come Behemoth that. 王冲出现,一刹那间,整个大军迅速安静下来,就连最慌乱的雇佣兵们,也像找到了主心骨一样,窸窣等待,准备作战。王冲心惊摇动,只有他自己知道,他心中的震撼一点也不比其他人少。只有他自己知道,大食人巨兽军团,根本不是该出现在这片战场上的东西,但是王冲丝毫不能将心中的震撼表露出来,他的目光如电,死死的盯着远处那头冲锋而来的巨兽 Caliphate People and Tang People, as well as rear distant place tens of thousands of U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person, the number is gazing at the distant place by all officers of 100,000 ideas completely, is gazing at that mountain range terrifying Behemoth, Daqin Ruozan and Huoshu Guicang and the others are narrowing the eye, got rid of the breath. 大食人唐人,以及后方远处成千上万的乌斯藏人西突厥人,数以100000计的各方将士全部注视着远处,注视着那头山峦般的恐怖巨兽,就连大钦若赞火树归藏等人都眯着眼睛,摒住了呼吸。 This war, is directly related with east and west two big Empire victories or defeats and final results. If Caliphate won, perhaps the entire mainland will raise an unprecedented big change in situation, but U-Tsang and Western Turkic as the affecting side of this war, will be inevitably also involved. 这一场战争,直接关系到东、西两大帝国的胜败和最终结局。如果大食胜利了,恐怕整个大陆都将掀起一场前所未有的大变局,而乌斯藏西突厥作为这场战争的攸关方,必然也会牵扯其中。 Was too formidable! That thick Vital Power, at all is not human can have, even if Great General is unable to compare!” “太强大了!那种浓厚的生命力,根本不是人类能够拥有的,就算是大将都无法比拟!” Now looked how Great Tang has dealt, in any event, this was not the ordinary method can prevent!” “现在就看大唐怎么应对了,无论如何,这都不是普通手段能够阻挡得了的!” Good fierce lethal card, destruction of Anxi Protectorate Army, perhaps in the present!” “好厉害的杀手锏,安西都护军的毁灭,恐怕就在今朝了!” ...... …… Huoshu Guicang, Dusong Mangbuzhi and Du Wusili, Daqin Ruozan, three one, set up in an array, robe flutters, stands on the hill of distant place, stops to wait and see. 火树归藏都松莽布支都乌思力,还有大钦若赞,三将一相,一字排开,衣袍猎猎,站在远处的丘陵上,驻足观望。 The distant place, that rhinocero shape Behemoth charge comes, the distance is getting more and more near, that type of tidal terrifying aura is simply suffocating. 远处,那头犀形巨兽冲锋而来,距离越来越近,那种潮水般的恐怖气息简直令人窒息。 3000 zhang (3.33 m), 2000 zhang (3.33 m), 1000 zhang (3.33 m)...... 3000丈,2000丈,1000丈…… After the first steel defense line, all Great Tang soldier and Mercenary(-ies) soldiers closely grip the weapon, in the eye show the tense look, the breathing becomes heavy incomparable, the Death aura is strong in the extreme in this moment. 第一道钢铁防线后,所有的大唐士兵和雇佣兵战士都紧紧握住武器,眼中露出紧张的神色,就连呼吸声都变得沉重无比,死亡的气息在这一刻浓烈得无以复加。 Wang Chong stands on the tall wall, two temples send the silk to dance in the air, robe flutters, spiritual unprecedented centralism. 王冲站在高墙上,两鬓发丝飞舞,衣袍猎猎,精神前所未有的集中。 Divine Archer Square Formation, fire!” 神箭手方阵,射击!” The Wang Chong calm sound resounds through the entire battlefield. 王冲冷静的声音响彻整个战场。 Click-clack! 轧轧! After the first steel defense line, Divine Archer whole body mail-armor and helmets, drew pinnacle strong bows in hand, these person of gods ended the air/Qi foot, the physique was formidable, completely was elite in Anxi Protectorate Army. Founds a country from Great Tang now, entire Great Tang Empire to Sage Emperor one generation, has poured into unprecedented attaching great importance to the entire western region, 600,000 Great Tang are confined to barracks to be selective, the most powerful that native of Poland all transports the western region, the achievement present Anxi Protectorate Army. 就在第一道钢铁防线后,一名名神箭手全身甲胄,将手中的一张张强弓拉到了极致,这些人神完气足,体格强大,全部都是安西都护军中的精锐。自大唐开国到现在,整个大唐帝国圣皇一代,对整个西域倾注了前所未有的重视,600000的大唐禁足精挑细选,最强悍的那波人全部输送到了西域,成就了现在的安西都护军 Square Formation that purely comprised of Divine Archer, only then can find in Anxi Protectorate Army, Wang Chong does not have. 一支纯粹由神箭手组成的方阵,只有在安西都护军中才能找到,就连王冲都没有。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! But suddenly, the air fulmination, flash is tens of thousands of arrow rain, like the locust, explodes to shoot crowded. Divine Archer in Anxi Protectorate Army, everyone can control arrow five to ten, one second can take action twice to three times, a might of hundred people of Divine Archer Square Formation displays, quite in 3000 to 4000 archers, even the might goes beyond. 只不过眨眼间,空气爆鸣,一瞬间就是成千上万的箭雨,密集如蝗,爆射而出。安西都护军中的神箭手,每个人都能控箭五支到十支,一秒钟就能出手两次到三次,一支百人的神箭手方阵发挥的威力,就相当于3000到4000的弓箭手,甚至威力有过之而无不及。 Scoffs, the next quarter in the vision of countless person, tens of thousands of arrow rain, from the sky draws huge arcs, rapid concentrated fire on that build huge rhinocero shape Behemoth. 嗤嗤嗤,下一刻就在无数人的目光中,成千上万的箭雨,在空中划出一道道巨大的弧线,迅速的攒射在那头体型庞大的犀形巨兽身上。 However the shocking matter occurred, close 10,000 terrifying arrow rain, at least over 90%, on shooting that Behemoth instant, was shot completely. 但是让人震惊的事情发生了,接近10000的恐怖箭雨,至少有九成以上,在射到那头巨兽身上的刹那,全部被弹了下来。 By the Divine Archer strength of arm, completely shoots airtight that Behemoth sincere skin unexpectedly. 神箭手的臂力,居然也完全射不透那头巨兽厚重的皮肤。 „!!!” “!!!” Sees this, all people feared. Anxi Protectorate Army Divine Archer, is elite elite, although is the multi- arrow salvo, but the might of each arrow, about thousand zhang (3.33 m), can shoot the broken hard rock, even if ordinary War Armor cannot resist completely, but that Behemoth shot unexpectedly over 90% arrows. 看到这一幕,所有人都惊住了。安西都护军神箭手,是精锐中的精锐,虽然是多箭齐射,但是每一箭的威力,在千丈开外,都能射破一块坚硬的岩石,就算是普通的战甲也完全抵挡不住,但是那头巨兽居然将九成以上的箭都弹开了。 Inconceivable!” “不可思议!” At this moment, Du Wusili and the others who the distant place observes feel deep shock. 这一刻,就连远处观战的都乌思力等人都感到深深的震撼。 In the high city wall, Wang Chong looks at this, in the heart is the mighty waves is also turbulent, the present lifeform has subverted all that he knew completely. Perhaps its body does not have the steel to be so hard, but the tenacious degree actually goes beyond. These long arrows, most likely fly by his tough ball of fascia and skin. 高高的城墙上,王冲看着这一幕,心中也是波涛汹涌,眼前的生物已经完全颠覆了他所知道的一切。它的身体或许没有钢铁那么坚硬,但是坚韧程度却有过之而无不及。那些长箭,十有八九都是被他筋膜和皮肤的韧性弹飞。 „The skin of this Behemoth at least is equal to half foot thick steel, only depends on the fire of Divine Archer, cannot cause the effective damage to them.” “这头巨兽的皮肤至少相当于半尺厚的钢铁,仅凭神箭手的射击,根本不能对他们造成有效伤害。” In the Wang Chong heart the thought hundred revolutions, calculated to injure the strength that this Behemoth needed quickly. 王冲心中念头百转,很快计算出了伤害这头巨兽所需要的力量。 The strong winds are vast, along with the impact of Behemoth, two steel defense line above strong winds is getting more and more intense. 身后狂风浩浩,随着巨兽的冲击,两道钢铁防线上空的狂风越来越强烈。 But ten ten thousand Great Tang reinforcements are also getting more and more scared, formidable command all person hearts of this only Behemoth live to tremble. 而十万大唐援军也越来越恐慌,这只巨兽的强大令所有人都心生颤栗。 Shoots again! The long arrow quantity of firing at reduces to two!” “再射!将射击的长箭数量减少到两只!” When Great Army is in a tumult more and more, Wang Chong looks that the distant place ordered again. 就在大军越来越骚动的时候,王冲看着远处再次下令道。 Huang Botian! Preparation! Earth vibration technique!” 黄搏天!准备!大地震动术!” Other military officers obey orders! Preparation roar!” “其他所有将领听令!准备狮子吼!” ...... …… The Great Army atmosphere is getting more and more tight, the Wang Chong's sound becomes the entire Great Army only Dinghai god needle, in the short time, Wang Chong has issued a series of orders one after another. But along with the Wang Chong's order, entire Great Tang / army all goes into action including Anxi Protectorate Army. 大军的气氛越来越紧张,王冲的声音成为整个大军唯一的定海神针,短短时间内,王冲接连发布了一连串的命令。而随着王冲的命令,整个大唐/军队包括安西都护军在内全部行动起来。 collapse Bengbeng! 崩崩崩! With giant bellow, is arrow rain of Bowo collection howls, has delimited west most the battlefield, centralized concentrated fire on Behemoth. These time draws the lesson that first time has fired, reduces a long arrow quantity of simultaneous firing, the strength of single fire increased. 随着巨大的轰鸣声,又是一波密集的箭雨呼啸而出,划过大半个西部战场,集中攒射在巨兽身上。这一次吸取了第一次射击的教训,减少一次同时射击的长箭数量,单次射击的力量增加了许多。 But Effect also gets quick results, pū pū, in the vision of people, an intermittent iron arrow crowded stabs into the leather the sound to transmit. Several thousand long arrows, complete complete/even root submerged the body of Behemoth, was shot to open without any long arrow. 效果也是立竿见影,噗噗噗,就在众人的目光中,一阵阵铁箭密集剌入皮革的声音传来。几千只长箭,全部齐根没入了巨兽的身体,没有任何一只长箭被弹开。 However has not waited for the people to cheer, the response of Behemoth made all people silent. 然而还没等众人欢呼,巨兽的反应就让所有人都沉默了。 Although were many several hundred long arrows, moreover an only completely complete/even root submerges, but Behemoth actually Speed does not reduce, absolutely does not have a wee bit responses, has not winked including the eye, resembles these arrow rain to shoot in other people are same. 尽管身上多了几百支长箭,而且一只只全部齐根没入,但是巨兽速度不减,完全没有一丁点反应,连眼睛都没眨一下,就好像那些箭雨是射在其他人身上一样。 This Behemoth...... Good, good thick skin!” “这头巨兽……好,好厚的皮肤!” After the first steel defense line, a soldier eyelid of Qixi Protectorate Army jumps crazily, the throat cluck makes noise. But around him, in the innumerable soldier eyes is reappearing the same panic. Generally the skin of lifeform be only light one, however present Behemoth obviously incessantly so, its thickness even ultra was three chi (0.33 m) arrow. 第一道钢铁防线后,一名碛西都护军的战士眼皮狂跳,喉头咕咕作响。而他周围,无数的战士眼中浮现着同样的恐慌。一般生物的皮肤只有薄薄一层,但是眼前的巨兽显然不止如此,它的厚度甚至超是了三尺长的箭支。 This looks like on the Behemoth First Layer defense, solely is this, sufficiently made people many attack methods invalid. 这就像是巨兽身上的第一重防御,单单是这一层,就足以让众人许多的攻击手段无效了。 The rumor/wind sound howls, at this moment, throughout keeps cool also only had Wang Chong. His vision is looking at the distant place, has been calculating. 风声呼啸,此时此刻,始终保持镇定的也就只有王冲了。他的目光望着远处,一直不停的计算着。 1500 hundreds of zhang (333 m)! 1500百丈! 1000 zhang (3.33 m)! 1000丈! ...... …… From is getting more and more near, the earth vibration scope of under foot has even been half foot high. Looks up to that Behemoth to like the ant to look up to the elephant in this distance to be the same, oppression in impact and soul on that vision is indescribable. This flash, even has an intense dangerous feeling including the Wang Chong mind, that groups of Death aura comes like the sea tide generally, as if momentarily can submerge the person. 距离越来越近,脚下的大地震动幅度甚至达到了半尺之高。在这个距离仰望那头巨兽就有如蚂蚁仰望大象一样,那种视觉上的冲击和灵魂上的压迫难以言喻。这一刹那,甚至连王冲脑海中都产生一种强烈的危险感,那一拨拨死亡的气息有如海潮一般汹涌而来,似乎随时都能够把人淹没。 Eight, seven, six, five, four......” “八,七,六,五,四……” In Wang Chong heart silently reciprocal, when the number to one, Wang Chong ordered without hesitation: 王冲心中默默倒数,就在数到一的时候,王冲毫不犹豫下令: Starts!” “开始!” Good!” “好!” In instant, entire big * team that Wang Chong ordered, including Wang Chong and Gao Xianzhi two Great Protectorate, altogether more than 150 Famous General led simultaneously to call out, displays the roar. In a flash, before entire steel defense line, starts from ten zhang (3.33 m), an invisible ripple proliferation, but the short dozens zhang (3.33 m), the instantaneous incarnation is dreadful monstrous waves, is similar to the storm sweeps across, covers the entire west battlefield, including that mountain range rhinocero shape Behemoth. 就在王冲下令的刹那,整个大*队上上下下,包括王冲高仙芝两位大都护在内,总共150多名将齐齐暴吼,施展出了狮子吼。一瞬间,整个钢铁防线前,从十丈外开始,一股无形的波纹扩散而出,只不过短短几十丈,瞬间化身为一片滔天巨浪,如同风暴般席卷开来,笼罩整个西部战场,包括那头山峦般的犀形巨兽
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