HE :: Volume #10

#909: Three Great Cavalry, Wushang fights Sky Wolf!

Chapter 909 第909章 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Sees this, several people on distant place hill are the complexion change, in the eye shows the anger faintly. Wang Chong second Aura, lets several people of deceived feelings, as if played with by Wang Chong in applauding general. 看到这一幕,远处丘陵上的几人都是脸色一变,眼中隐隐透出怒火。王冲第二道光环一出,让几人都有一种被愚弄的感觉,似乎被王冲玩弄于鼓掌一般。 Daqin Ruozan, I suddenly understand why now you want to kill him!” 大钦若赞,我现在突然明白你为什么这么想杀他了!” Under azure bottom gold/metal wolf war flag of fluttering in the breeze, the Du Wusili look hidden in the shade, the whole body erupts intermittent dreadful killing qi, twisted including the surrounding air. Is only two rounds separates fights spatially, has not contacted truly, Wang Chong thoroughly has detonated this Western Turkic Sky Wolf Great General murderous intention. 迎风招展的青底金狼战旗下,都乌思力眼神阴翳,浑身爆发出阵阵滔天的杀气,连周围的空气都扭曲了。仅仅只是两轮隔空交手,还没有真正接触,王冲就彻底引爆了这位西突厥天狼大将的杀机。 Such person is living, no matter to U-Tsang to Western Turkic, no end of trouble for the future!” “这样的人活着,不管是对乌斯藏还是对西突厥,都后患无穷!” Can who Du Wusili this Sky Wolf Great General pays attention to not many, including Agudul this Empire Quasi-General is his subordinate, is his one teaches, it can be imagined, Du Wusili vision high. However although Wang Chong has not achieved Empire Quasi-General Level, has made Du Wusili remember him sufficiently firmly. 能让都乌思力这位天狼大将放在眼里的人不多,连阿骨都蓝这种帝国准将都是他的部下,是他一手教出来的,可想而知,都乌思力的眼光有多高。但是王冲虽然没有达到帝国准将级别,却已经足以让都乌思力牢牢的记住了他。 Shamshak, takes Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, prepares take action, kills Tang People!” 沙木沙克,带上天狼铁骑,准备出手,干掉唐人!” Du Wusili opens the mouth to say suddenly. 都乌思力突然开口道。 Quiet, a moment later transmits one hoarsely, cloudy sad sound: 身后静悄悄的,片刻之后才传来一个沙哑的,阴恻恻的声音: Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” Daqin Ruozan and Huoshu Guicang turn the head, this discovers Du Wusili behind, does not know that are when many to have been wearing all the silver Sky Wolf War Armor Western Turkic military commander. His personal appearance is lanky, the whole body does not have a wee bit aura to reveal, stands in these Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, cannot pay attention to him. 大钦若赞火树归藏转过头来,这才发现都乌思力身后,不知什么时候多了一名全身披着银色天狼战甲西突厥武将。他的身形瘦长,浑身没有一丁点气息泄露出来,站在那些天狼铁骑中,让人根本注意不到他。 If not the Du Wusili opens the mouth, people could not have paid attention him. 如果不是都乌思力开口,众人还根本留意不到他。 Quasi-General! 准将 A thought subconscious grazes from mind, Daqin Ruozan and in the Huoshu Guicang eye shows the look that dreads slightly. To restrain the aura in front of one crowd of Empire Great General, hides itself, absolutely is not an easy matter, only depends on this point, the opposite party has the extremely excellent skill. 一个念头下意识的从脑海中飞掠而过,大钦若赞火树归藏眼中都透出一丝微微忌惮的神色。想要在一群帝国大将面前收敛气息,隐藏自己,绝对不是一件易事,只凭这一点,对方就拥有极其过人的本事。 Incessantly so, the aura of this Shamshak whole body gloomy and cold, looked that is that type is dangerous, extremely hard to deal with role. 不止如此,这个沙木沙克全身的气息阴冷,一看就是那种非常危险,极其难缠的角色。 All people obey orders, the Sir has the life, prepares set off!” “所有人听令,大人有命,准备出发!” Shamshak has not paid attention to the vision of people, his turns over/stands up, rides the Turkic Sky Wolf marvelous horse that a whole body stabs sharp, in the item jumps projects the intense bright, but the aura of his whole person also the flash on rising horseback had the tremendous changes, from original vague, the change was uncertain, turned into the storm violence and great strength. 沙木沙克没有理会众人的目光,他一个翻身,骑上一匹全身尖剌的突厥天狼神驹,目中迸射出强烈的亮光,而他整个人的气息也在翻上马背上的一刹那发生了翻天覆地的变化,从原来的若有若无,变化不定,变成了风暴般的暴烈、强大。 xī yù yù! 希聿聿 Grows over ten thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry whole bodies to vibrate, neighed on the hill under morning sun intermittently, these Turkic Top Level warhorses after the special training and cultivating method, likely are not the warhorses, but was the real pack of wolves is likely ordinary. 成长上万的天狼铁骑浑身抖动,在朝阳下的丘陵上阵阵嘶鸣,这些突厥顶级战马经过特殊的训练和培养方法,已经不像是战马,而像是真的狼群一般。 Prepares!” “准备一下!” Almost is simultaneously, Daqin Ruozan also turned head, looks to behind Huoshu Guicang: 几乎是同时,大钦若赞也回过头来,望向了身后的火树归藏: Makes Hobasani also send out!” “让火拔桑野也出动吧!” Does not use! I have prepared!” “不用了!我已经准备好了!” The Daqin Ruozan sound just fell, hoof is having in the hoofbeat of metal vibrato, is tall, robust, threw over the grandiose men of black red two color/look armor to progress from the rear area with horse to walk slowly. If his item copper bell, skin slightly black, on the shoulder two inlay the red ribbon belt of gold-edged to dance in the air. 大钦若赞的声音刚落,蹄哒的带着金属颤音的马蹄声中,一名身材高大,虎背熊腰,连人带马披着黑红两色铠甲的壮硕男子策马从后方缓缓走了过来。他的目若铜铃,皮肤微黑,肩膀上两根镶金边的红色绦带飞舞。 This is the symbol of Mu Chi Great Cavalry highest Commander ! 这是穆赤大铁骑最高统领的象征! Hobasani, U-Tsang Empire Royal Capital guards the officer, Mu Chi Great Cavalry Leader, is behind Daqin Ruozan the earliest supporter. This long-distance raid, expedites Talas, one of the fire pull Gui wild precisely main forces. If no his support, 7000 powerful Mu Chi Great Cavalry have not followed, goes on an expedition, even if Daqin Ruozan wants to make anything, even to expedite Talas, lacks powerful Mu Chi Great Cavalry is also has a mind to be incapable. 火拔桑野,乌斯藏帝国王都守卫官,穆赤大铁骑首领,同时也是大钦若赞背后最早的支持者。这次长途奔袭,远征怛罗斯,火拔归野正是主力之一。如果没有他的支撑,没有7000强悍的穆赤大铁骑跟随,征战,大钦若赞即便想做点什么,即便想要远征怛罗斯,缺少强悍的穆赤大铁骑也是有心无力。 As Royal Capital guards the officer, moreover is most important Muche Great Cavalry Commander , the Hobasani most important responsibility is to guard Tibet King. Royal Capital of those who lived in ages guarded the palace completely is the loyal and devoted model, did not have the order of Tibet King, cannot leave absolutely. 身为王都守卫官,而且是最重要的穆赫大铁骑统领,火拔桑野最重要的职责就是守卫藏王。历朝历代的王都守卫宫全部都是忠心耿耿典范,没有藏王的命令,绝对不能擅离。 However now, Hobasani does not have the order of Tibet King, is not only absent without authorization, but also transferred most formidable Mu Chi Great Cavalry, this in U-Tsang historical, has not had the matter, according to the law experience of U-Tsang, this is the capital crime. 但是现在,火拔桑野没有藏王的命令,不但擅离职守,而且还调走了最强大的穆赤大铁骑,这在乌斯藏的历史上,还是从来都没有发生过的事情,按照乌斯藏的律历,这已经是死罪。 Daqin Ruozan, this fights, no matter the result how, I only have a request. In any event, do not prevent me among the wars with these Wushang Heavy Cavalry!” 大钦若赞,这一战不管结果如何,我只有一个要求。无论如何,不要阻挡我和那些乌伤铁骑之间的战争!” The Hobasani vision is bright, the look is solemn, his vision has not cared about the war, but concentrates on throughout on a person. 火拔桑野目光熠熠,神色冷峻,他的目光没有在意战争,而是始终贯注在一个人身上。 Naturally!” “当然!” Daqin Ruozan nodded, nod of without hesitation: 大钦若赞点了点头,毫不犹豫的点了点头: That is among us the agreement.” “那本来就是我们之间的约定。” Hobasani gravely says. This time he braves the capital crime to leave Royal Capital, leading Mu Chi Great Cavalry to rush to Talas, except for must help Daqin Ruozan defeat Great Tang, redeems the U-Tsang prestige, what is more important, he must defeat a match. 火拔桑野沉声道。这次他冒着死罪离开王都,带领穆赤大铁骑赶到怛罗斯,除了要帮助大钦若赞击败大唐,挽回乌斯藏的声誉,更重要的是,他必须要击败一个对手。 Great Tang Wushang Heavy Cavalry! 大唐乌伤铁骑 U-Tsang dominates the world by Cavalry, trapezoid charge Formation is world-famous, on entire Plateau everywhere is U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry. But in all Heavy Cavalry, is most formidable, stands erect in the pyramid peak is white Hero, Qinghai and Mu Chi three big Royal Capital Heavy Cavalry. 乌斯藏骑兵称雄天下,梯形冲锋阵列举世闻名,整个高原上到处都是乌斯藏铁骑。而在所有铁骑中,最为强大,屹立在金字塔巅峰的就是白雄、青海、穆赤三大王都铁骑 This is three king in all U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry! 这是所有乌斯藏铁骑中的三大王者! However, like a male Training Camp war, 8000 Qinghai soldiers were killed in the hand of Wang Chong's Wushang Heavy Cavalry, but five thousand White Valiant Soldier that a Triangle Jag service, Dayan Mangbojie leads are also annihilated. U-Tsang topest Heavy Cavalry three go to its two, only remaining last Mu Chi Great Cavalry. 但是,象雄训练营地一战,8000青海兵全部丧生于王冲的乌伤铁骑之手,而三角缺口一役,达延芒波杰带领的五千白雄兵也全军覆没。乌斯藏最顶尖的铁骑三去其二,只剩下最后一个穆赤大铁骑 Two big topest Heavy Cavalry unexpectedly complete destruction in same match, this at the U-Tsang historical no matter, moreover Great Tang that the match never dominates by Cavalry. This matter enables U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry on entire Plateau therefore to be completely shamed, including Mu Chi Great Cavalry! 两大最顶尖的铁骑居然全部覆灭于同一个对手,这在乌斯藏的历史上还是从来没有的事情,而且对手还是从不以骑兵称雄的大唐。这件事情使得整个高原上的乌斯藏铁骑全部因此而蒙羞,包括穆赤大铁骑 This is also Hobasani violates the imperial edict, carries over Royal Capital seven thousand Mu Chi Great Cavalry, appears in the reason outside city of wilderness Talas. 这也是火拔桑野违背王命,将七千穆赤大铁骑带出王都,出现在怛罗斯之城旷野外的原因。 Mu Chi Great Cavalry has more than 300 years of history, is strongest existence of entire U-Tsang Empire recognition. No matter for entire U-Tsang Empire, for all U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry honors and pride, Mu Chi Great Cavalry must defeat Great Tang Wushang Heavy Cavalry before the world person, proves itself to all people! 穆赤大铁骑拥有300多年的历史,是整个乌斯藏帝国公认的最强的存在。不管是为了整个乌斯藏帝国,还是为了所有乌斯藏铁骑的荣誉和骄傲,穆赤大铁骑都必须在天下人面前击败大唐乌伤铁骑,向所有人证明自己! For this goal, therefore Hobasani fully supports Daqin Ruozan, even there are many military force(s), is Hobasani uses own personal connection , helping Daqin Ruozan borrow from other king area. 为了这个目标,所以火拔桑野全力支持大钦若赞,甚至有不少的兵马,就是火拔桑野利用自己的人脉,从其他的王区帮大钦若赞借过来的。 Preparation!” “准备!” Hobasani Long Sword refers to slantingly, that scarlet red was bestowed the treasured sword that to point to behind the hill by Five Dynasties Tibet King, raised slowly, forever glorious morning sun. hōng lōng lōng, the earth vibrates, the mist and dust is billowing, along with the order of Hobasani, has stood and waited for a long time motionless Mu Chi Great Cavalry to move rapidly, a huge imposing manner, from seven thousand Mu Chi Great Cavalry erupts, rushed to Yang Zhigang the heat wave, on the weeds including hill instantaneously withered. 火拔桑野长剑斜指,那赤红色的由五代藏王钦赐的宝剑直指丘陵后方,冉冉升起,光芒万丈的朝阳。轰隆隆,大地震动,烟尘滚滚,随着火拔桑野的命令,原本一直伫立不动的穆赤大铁骑迅速的动了起来,一股庞大的气势,从七千穆赤大铁骑身上爆发出来,一股至阳至刚的热浪澎湃,连丘陵上的野草都瞬间为之枯萎。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The next quarter, seven thousand Mu Chi Great Cavalry in morning sun, are similar to the flood is ordinary, falls in torrents from the hill peak, at that moment, serious hoofbeat, shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, even eastern part the fight sound in battlefield has pressed continually. Seven thousand Mu Chi Great Cavalry are quick, but eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry that Shamshak leads are quicker, in that moment that Mu Chi Great Cavalry to/clashes, eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry rushed to the thunder to be as fast as lightning, curls up the billowing mist and dust, dashes to the battlefield to go. 下一刻,七千穆赤大铁骑在朝阳中,如同洪水一般,从丘陵顶端倾泻而下,那一刻,沉重的马蹄声,惊天动地,甚至连东部战场上的战斗声都压了下去。七千穆赤大铁骑快,而沙木沙克率领的八千天狼铁骑更快,就在穆赤大铁骑冲下来的那一刻,八千天狼铁骑已经奔雷掣电,一路卷起滚滚烟尘,直扑战场而去。 That flash, changes colors including the world. 那一刹那,连天地都为之失色。 Sir! Looks there quickly!” “大人!快看那里!” Meanwhile, in boundless Great Army, a Kongzi An mail-armor and helmet, as if felt that anything, raised the head fiercely, looks at Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry of distant place, in the eye is revealing surprised expression. These Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry the mail-armor and helmet, imposing manner or the strength, are entirely different from other Turkic Heavy Cavalry, this makes Kongzi An have the feeling of being critical situation. 与此同时,茫茫的大军中,孔子安一身甲胄,似乎感觉到了什么,猛地抬起头来,望着远处的天狼铁骑,眼中露出一丝惊色。这些天狼铁骑无论是甲胄、气势还是实力,都和其他突厥铁骑截然不同,这让孔子安有种如临大敌的感觉。 That side! U-Tsang also take action!” “还有那边!乌斯藏出手了!” Meanwhile, another Wushang Heavy Cavalry military officer, noted the sound of distant place, was pointing at another direction high sound said. The people turn head to look, sees only the Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry rear area, Heavy Cavalry of another wear yellowish red two color/look mail-armor and helmets, such as the mighty waves are billowing, from another direction with lightning speed. 与此同时,另一名乌伤铁骑的将领,也注意到了远处的动静,指着另一个方向高声道。众人扭头望去,只见天狼铁骑的后方,另一支穿着金红两色甲胄的铁骑,如波涛滚滚,从另一个方向风驰电掣而来。 Two most formidable Heavy Cavalry one after the other, mutually become the potentials of corner, to/clashes toward here. 两只最强大的铁骑一前一后,互成犄角之势,向着这里冲来。 In an instant, an intense dangerous feeling sweeps across to come, no matter Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, is Mu Chi Great Cavalry, is on the entire land one of the most formidable Heavy Cavalry, stands erect in the entire mainland myriad Heavy Cavalry peak. The two optional its one was very formidable, let alone is two Great Cavalry also comes. 刹那间,一股强烈的危险感席卷而来,不管是天狼铁骑,还是穆赤大铁骑,都是整个陆地上最强大的铁骑之一,屹立于整个大陆地万千铁骑的巅峰。二者任选其一已经很难对付,更何况是两大铁骑同时汹涌而来。 The strong winds are enormous and powerful, Li Siye rides blood and sweat treasured horse to stand erect in myriad Heavy Cavalry, in heart surging forward, suddenly passed over gently and swiftly the innumerable thoughts. 狂风浩荡,李嗣业骑着汗血宝马屹立于万千铁骑之中,心中汹涌澎湃,瞬息间掠过无数的念头。 No matter Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry or Mu Chi Great Cavalry, is the reputation illustrious, becomes famous for a long time top Heavy Cavalry in this world, the battle efficiency is far from other Heavy Cavalry may compare, moreover quantity that two Great Cavalry add, are much more than Wushang Heavy Cavalry. Enters or draws back, fights or defends, Li Siye must make the decision in the shortest time. 不管是天狼铁骑还是穆赤大铁骑,都是声名赫赫,在这个世界成名已久的顶尖铁骑,战斗力远非其他铁骑可比,而且两大铁骑加起来的数量,也远比乌伤铁骑多得多。进还是退,战还是守,李嗣业必须在最短的时间内作出决定。 Sir! What to do?” “大人!怎么办?” The Kongzi An anxious sound conveys from the ear. Two Heavy Cavalry are threatening, everyone felt that a formidable pressure, this is the beforehand fight has not had. 孔子安焦急的声音从耳边传来。两股铁骑来势汹汹,每个人都感到一股强大的压力,这是之前的战斗所不曾有的。 Li Siye has not spoken, a pair of eyes pupil rapid passing over gently and swiftly audience, the fight was still continuing like lightning, full Er from shouting sound in all directions, warhorses in fight unceasing layer on layer/heavily fell down, the blood light four shot in all directions, mist and dust everywhere, two big Cavalry approached gradually, to retreat also comes now sharply. 李嗣业没有说话,一双眼眸闪电般迅速掠过全场,战斗还在继续,满耳都是来自四面八方的嘶吼声,一匹匹战马在战斗中不断的重重倒在地上,四处血光四射,烟尘漫天,两大骑兵渐渐逼近,如果想要撤退现在还来得急。 However, when the Li Siye vision sweeps periphery has been battling, pesters in together Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi and the others with the Western Turkic person and U-Tsang People, in the heart is startled, set firm resolve suddenly. 不过,当李嗣业的目光扫过周围正在激战,和西突厥人、乌斯藏人纠缠在一起的孙知命庄正平池韦思等人,心中一怔,陡然之间下定了决心。 We did not have the escape route, all people obey orders, prepare for action!” “我们已经没有退路了,所有人听令,准备作战!” Li Siye draws out Long Sword, person of high Wootz Steel Giant Sword holds up high, refers to Gaoyang slantingly, erupts a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth imposing manner. That flash, world for it! 李嗣业拔出长剑,一人多高的乌兹钢巨剑高高举起,斜指高阳,爆发出一股惊天动地的气势。那一刹那,天地都为之所动! Bang!” “轰隆!” The silence of moment, the earth trembles immediately, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry are moved by static, is similar to racing Leiban electricity shoots suddenly, but this time, the goal no longer is any Western Turkic or U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, but is Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry as well as rear Mu Chi Great Cavalry that the distant place charge comes. 只是片刻的寂静,随即大地震颤,五千乌伤铁骑由静而动,如同奔雷般猛然电射而出,只不过这一次,目标不再是任何一支西突厥或者乌斯藏铁骑,而是远处冲锋而来的天狼铁骑以及后方的穆赤大铁骑 That flash, even if early is prepared, the imposing manner that five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry erupt lets Shamshak and Hobasani of distant place as before looks askance. 那一刹那,即便是早有准备,五千乌伤铁骑爆发出来的气势依旧让远处的沙木沙克火拔桑野为之侧目。 【The good news, beyond season to approach, Yin people series second shot the Bai Siling biography to upload, for these days will be linking beyond upload. We hope that everybody generous support, many to praise, hits to enjoy! ^-^, wants to look beyond exclusive, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then!】 【好消息,番外季来临,尹人系列第二弹白思菱传上传了,这几天会连着上传番外。希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,打赏啊!^-^,想看独家番外,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可!】 Other, the micro blog eruption activity must start, everybody pays attention to my micro blog in a big hurry, participates in the activity. Erupted many to visit you!】 【另外,微博爆发活动就要开始了,大家快快关注我的微博,参加活动吧。爆发多少就看你了!】
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