HE :: Volume #10

#908: Diverts Great General!

Chapter 908 第908章 What's all this about?!” “这是怎么回事?!” Assumed personal command behind the battlefield, as stable as Mount Tai, motionless Abmuslin whole body severe shake, fierce has stood from the seat, first time shows the look that has shocked extremely. He attended these many wars, has gone on a punitive expedition against these many states, has not come across this matter, 200,000 elite Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, in an instance, the aura completely weakened a big truncation. 原本坐镇在战场后方,稳如泰山,一动不动的艾布穆斯/林浑身剧震,猛的从座位上站了起来,第一次露出了极度震撼的神色。他参加了这么多战争,征伐了这么多国度,还从来没有遇到过这种事情,200000精锐的大食铁骑,就在一个瞬间,气息全部削弱了一大截。 Caliphate People piece of chaos that incessantly so, this sudden accident, making the front fought, to responded in forefront Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, was punctured the screen by the lance soldier directly. The bang, a long crossbow bolt from huge Carriage Crossbow, came from out of the blue, the long arrow suddenly crosses the sky of heavy shields, appears in place more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) away, shoots toward rows of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. 不止如此,这突如其来的变故,使得前方正在战斗的大食人一片大乱,一名名冲在最前面的大食铁骑反应不及,直接被长矛兵刺成筛子。轰,一根长长的弩箭从巨大的车弩中破空而出,呼啸而来,长箭瞬息间越过一面面重盾的上空,出现在20多丈外的地方,向着一排排大食铁骑射过去。 Roar!” “吼!” A Iron Beast Legion soldier was howling, was holding a corpse of warhorse, shot up to the sky, threw toward that thick crossbow bolt. However this time, can be used to resist the crossbow bolt might the link of dark blood shield and iron beast has not played the role, that giant crossbow bolt after piercing warhorse corpse, with hands down pierced on that Iron Beast Legion soldier heavy armor, then Speed does not reduce, drags to soar him. 一名铁兽军团的士兵吼叫着,一手托着一匹战马的尸体,冲天而起,向着那根粗大的弩箭扑去。但是这一次,可以用来对抗弩箭威力的黑暗血盾和铁兽之环没有发挥作用,那巨大的弩箭在刺穿战马尸体之后,不费吹灰之力的洞穿了那名铁兽军团士兵身上的重甲,然后速度不减,将他拖得腾空而起。 Then is third, fourth, in the short time, that long black crossbow bolt pierces the Caliphate Heavy Cavalry corpse that 89 charges came directly, and final four Caliphate Heavy Cavalry corpse numerous nails in the same place. 接着是第三名,第四名,短短时间内,那根长长的黑色弩箭直接刺穿了89名冲锋而来的大食铁骑的尸体,并且将最后的四名大食铁骑尸体重重的钉在一起。 pū pū, the same matter also performs in each place of battlefield, tens of thousands of crossbow bolts crowded like rain, blotted out the sky, covers the entire battlefield, similarly was the crossbow bolt fire, before this wave of Effect actually, entirely different. Bang bang bang, only hears the sound that an intermittent corpse layer on layer/heavily drops down, before the first steel defense line, under the massed fire of crossbow bolt, in an instant for it. 噗噗噗,相同的事情在战场的各个地方同时上演,成千上万的弩箭密集如雨,铺天盖地,笼罩住了整个战场,同样是弩箭射击,这一波的效果却和之前截然不同。砰砰砰,只听一阵阵尸体重重倒下的声音,第一道钢铁防线前,在弩箭的密集射击下,刹那间为之一空。 Puts!” “放!” Puts!” “放!” Puts!” “放!” In Crossbow Carriage Great Army, the Chen Bin look is solemn, stands on a high personnel carrier, under Long Sword unceasing wielding in hand. Follows the Wang Chong combat to be so long, Chen Bin just checked clearly has anything. This is once in a thousand years opportunity, is the excellent opportunity of Crossbow Carriage Great Army display might. 弩车大军中,陈彬神色冷峻,站在一辆高高的运兵车上,手中的长剑不断的挥下。跟随王冲作战这么久,陈彬再清楚不过刚刚一刹发生什么了。这是千载难逢的机会,也是弩车大军发挥威力的绝佳时机。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! 9000! 9000! 10,000! 10000! 11,000! 11000! 12,000! 12000! Facing the Crossbow Carriage crowded concentrated fire, Caliphate People presented the heavy casualties instantaneously . Moreover the figure of casualties still increases sharply in the according to how much multiple, this group of fires, at least 20,045 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry poured under Chen Bin the attack of Crossbow Carriage Great Army. 面对弩车的密集攒射,大食人瞬间出现了重大伤亡,而且伤亡的数字还在以几何倍数激增,就这一拨射击,至少有20045的大食铁骑倒在了陈彬弩车大军的攻击下。 But at the same time, receives influence U-Tsang People and Western Turkic that person more than Caliphate People, the east line battles. 而同一时间,受到影响的远不止大食人,还有东线作战的乌斯藏人西突厥人。 U-Tsang and Western Turkic of Heavy Cavalry east line relied on the overwhelming Heavy Cavalry quantity temporary suppression Li Siye, Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi they, when Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura puts, the situation had the reversal immediately. Western Turkic and U-Tsang situation becomes greatly for is not immediately wonderful, and massive military force(s) die in the charges of other Wushang Heavy Cavalry and during Great Tang Heavy Cavalry. 东线的乌斯藏西突厥铁骑本来凭借压倒性的铁骑数量暂时的压制住了李嗣业,孙知命,庄正平,池韦思他们,但是当王冲的万卒之敌光环放出来,情况立即发生了逆转。西突厥乌斯藏的处境顿时变得大为不妙,并且大量的兵马死在乌伤铁骑和其他大唐铁骑的冲锋当中。 What is that? What just had that boy made?” “那是什么?刚刚那小子到底做了什么?” The Great Army rear area, the Du Wusili eye is narrowing the eyes, the pupil contracts suddenly, in heart shocks is not inferior to battlefield another side Abmuslin. Almost is subconscious, Du Wusili has turned head, looks to nearby Daqin Ruozan and Huoshu Guicang. Du Wusili is first time with the Wang Chong contact, but Daqin Ruozan and Huoshu Guicang are different, if the person can explain that in the battlefield had anything, perhaps also only had Daqin Ruozan. 大军的后方,都乌思力眼睛眯着,瞳孔急剧收缩,心中的震撼一点都不亚于战场另一侧的艾布穆斯/林。几乎是下意识的,都乌思力扭过头来,望向一旁的大钦若赞火树归藏都乌思力是第一次和王冲接触,但是大钦若赞火树归藏不同,如果说有一个人能够解释战场上发生了什么的话,恐怕也只有大钦若赞了。 Great General, this matter I do not have the means interpretation.” 大将军,这件事情我也没办法解释。” The Daqin Ruozan forced smile, his where does not know that Du Wusili is thinking anything, but this situation Daqin Ruozan is similarly indecipherable. Although with Wang Chong is not first fighting, but on Wang Chong still has many riddles is he did not find matter that for example now occurred. 大钦若赞苦笑,他哪里不知道都乌思力在想什么,但是这种情况大钦若赞同样无法解释。尽管和王冲已经不是第一次交手,但是王冲身上依然有很多的谜团是他所不了解的,比如说现在正在发生的事情。 Actually when southwest the war, this matter I have met, but did not have now to be so formidable at that time, looks like he, not only rose in the Great Tang status, other strengths outside Military Dao also grew much.” “其实在西南之战的时候,这种事情我就已经遇到过了,但是那时候还远没有现在这么强大,看起来他不只是在大唐的地位上升了,兵道以外的其他实力也增长了不少。” On Wang Chong had too many riddles, the steel module that his Art of War, he used, he in these several thousand miles cement road that Great Tang built, the special Aura that he used, before then, Daqin Ruozan has not met unable to explain existence of one like Wang Chong. 王冲身上有太多的谜团了,他的兵法,他使用的钢铁模块,他在大唐修筑的那些数千里的水泥路,还有他使用的这种特殊的光环,在此之前,大钦若赞从来没有遇到过一个像王冲这样无法解释的存在。 His family background completely has the vein to seek with the growth, but his thing does not have the means to explain with these completely, probably two entirely different people are the same! 他的出身和成长完全有脉络可寻,但是他身上的东西全部没有办法用这些来解释,就好像两个截然不同的人一样! Other means that perhaps have not had the Great General Level character to counter-balance this wave of influence.” “没有其他办法了,恐怕只有大将级别的人物才能抵消这一波影响。” Daqin Ruozan said, the vision is looking at Du Wusili and Huoshu Guicang. 大钦若赞道,目光望着都乌思力火树归藏 Even if has made the sufficient preparation for this war, but something, are beyond the Daqin Ruozan abilities, for example fight between martial artist. Daqin Ruozan becomes famous by the wisdom, Art of War and strategy, therefore is called the wisdom. He considers more is the overall situation, but non- single individual Martial Strength. 即便为这一战做了充足的准备,但是有些东西,还是大钦若赞能力之外的,比如说武者之间的战斗。大钦若赞是以智慧、兵法、谋略出名,所以被称为智相。他所考虑的更多是全局,而非单个个体的武力 On the one hand, what are more is Du Wusili, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi these Top Level Empire Great General should consider the matter that. 那一方面,更多的是都乌思力火树归藏都松莽布支这些顶级帝国大将所应该考虑的事情。 Now this, in disguised form has become Wang Chong to Du Wusili, Huoshu Guicang and the others the challenges. 现在这一幕,变相成了王冲都乌思力火树归藏等人的挑战。 Also can only like this.” “也只能这样了。” Du Wusili subconscious frowning. As side Supreme Commander, generally will not step into the battlefield easily, only then in some specially essential decisive battle time, or is in the situation of opposite party Top Level Great General enter the venue, will make an exception take action. However now, that side Great Tang did not have any Empire Great General to enter the stadium, because of Aura, was broken away from the convention by oneself merely together, ahead of time take action, this makes Du Wusili feel bad. 都乌思力下意识的皱起了眉头。身为一方最高统帅,一般是不会轻易踏进战场的,只有在一些特别关键的决战时刻,或者说是对方顶级大将入场的情况下,才会破例出手。但是现在,大唐那边还没有任何帝国大将入场,仅仅因为一道光环,就让自己打破惯例,提前出手,这让都乌思力心中不快。 Incessantly so, all Aura are the expended energies, in other words, will consume Du Wusili and the others the strengths, in the event of this situation, has fought a decisive battle to the later period, between Great General and Great General fight time, this becomes extremely fatal. This is also all Great Army Commander-in-Chief, tacitly approves in the fight earlier period mutually, little take action reason. 不止如此,所有的光环都是会消耗能量的,换句话说,会消耗都乌思力等人的实力,一旦出现这种情况,到了后期决战,大将大将之间战斗的时候,这将变得极为致命。这也是所有的大军统帅,在战斗前期相互默认,很少出手的原因。 The present situation has been beyond control he! 只是现在的情形已经由不得他! take action, all Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry, quick should not be routed by four ten thousand Great Tang Heavy Cavalry thoroughly. 再不出手,所有的西突厥铁骑,很快就要被四万大唐铁骑彻底击溃。 This is Du Wusili is unable to allow absolutely. 这是都乌思力绝对无法容许的。 wēng! 嗡! Du Wusili raised the head, the back is stiff, in the double pupil flashes through swift and fierce cold glow, then turns toward the front to tread fiercely one step. Bang, in the Du Wusili war boots, layer on layer/heavily treads in the ground instant, the hill vibrates, the golden brilliance from the Du Wusili under foot proliferation, changes into huge and radiant golden Saint Martial Realm Aura together instantaneously, in Aura is reappearing a imperial crown. These imperial crown and Central Plains imperial crown is different, in the imperial crown is carving the design of sheep and wolf, the imperial crown of hemispheroid top/withstand, golden eagle that is spreading the wings. 都乌思力抬起头来,背脊挺直,双眸之中闪过一丝凌厉的寒芒,然后向着前方猛地踏出一步。轰隆,就在都乌思力的战靴,重重踏在地面上的刹那,丘陵震动,一道金色的光焰从都乌思力脚下扩散而出,瞬间化为一道巨大、璀璨的金色圣武境光环,光环中浮现着道道皇冠。这些皇冠和中原的皇冠不同,皇冠上雕着羊和狼的图案,半球形的皇冠顶上,则是一只展翅的金鹰。 This is the typical Western Turkic Khan imperial crown. 这是典型的西突厥可汗皇冠。 Buzz, along with the Du Wusili movement, golden Aura, from the Du Wusili under foot proliferation, spreads to the entire Western Turkic Great Army under foot. Suddenly, Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura, rapidly by largely weakening. 嗡,随着都乌思力的动作,一圈圈金色的光环,从都乌思力脚下扩散而出,扩散到整个西突厥大军脚下。一刹那间,王冲的万卒之敌光环,迅速受到大幅的削弱。 Bang!” “轰!” Almost simultaneously, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, is separated by not the far place, U-Tsang Empire Great General Huoshu Guicang, proceeded two steps, the same foot layer on layer/heavily trod, has emitted War Aura, saw only the gold/metal flame flap flap, in addition formidable Aura from out of the blue, similarly was similar to the storm is together ordinary, rapidly expanded to several tens of thousands U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry under feet, resists Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura. 几乎是同时,天摇地动,相隔不远的地方,乌斯藏帝国大将火树归藏,往前走了两步,同样一脚重重踏下,放出了身上的战争光环,只见金焰猎猎,另一道强大的光环破空而出,同样如同风暴一般,迅速扩展到数万的乌斯藏铁骑脚下,来对抗王冲的万卒之敌光环 Takes the similar action, more than U-Tsang and Western Turkic, outside the second steel defense line, the earth thunders, as if a tremendous strength hit in the ground, Caliphate Eastern Governor Abmuslin same take action, jet black such as the Aura in addition of black ink holds Great Army, radiated the under foot of each Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. 采取同样行动的,远不止乌斯藏西突厥,第二道钢铁防线外,大地轰鸣,仿佛一股巨大的力量撞击在地面上,大食东方总督艾布穆斯/林同样出手,一道道漆黑如墨的光环加持大军,辐射到了每个大食铁骑的脚下。 Because of Wang Chong's Aura, affects Western Turkic, U-Tsang and Caliphate three parties together, causes three top Empire Great General simultaneously take action, this is also the unprecedented matter. 因为王冲的一道光环,牵动西突厥乌斯藏大食三方,使得三位顶尖的帝国大将同时出手,这也是史无前例的事情。 Really take action!” “果然出手了!” The distant place, Wang Chong is riding White-hoofed Shadow, stands under the Qixi Protectorate Army commander's flag that flutters against the wind, sees this, not only does not have slight surprised, on the face has instead shown a smiling face. The strategy has the plot and open intrigue, battlefield cutting is the Wang Chong first use open intrigue, now this is the second time. 远处,王冲骑着白蹄乌,站在迎风飘扬的碛西都护军帅旗下,看到这一幕,不但没有丝毫的惊讶,脸上反而露出了一丝笑容。谋略有阴谋和阳谋,战场切割是王冲第一次使用阳谋,现在这是第二次。 In order to resist Bane of the Soldiers Aura influence, Huoshu Guicang, Du Wusili and Abmuslin three Empire Great General, really have to display strongest Aura, passive acts to deal. The war just started, U-Tsang, Western Turkic and Caliphate three Supreme Commander strengths, started to weaken. 为了对抗万卒之敌光环影响,火树归藏都乌思力艾布穆斯/林三位帝国大将,果然不得不施展出自己最强的光环,被动的出面应对。战争才刚刚开始,乌斯藏西突厥大食三位最高统帅的实力,就已经开始削弱了。 Aura needs the expended energy, the time that from now on, this war will continue will be longer, Huoshu Guicang, Du Wusili and Abmuslin strength will drop quickly, if will continue more than half double-hour, three people of strengths fell the Saint Martial Realm peak. However regarding Wang Chong, all these completely is different. 光环是需要消耗能量的,从现在开始,这场战争持续的时间越长,火树归藏都乌思力艾布穆斯/林的实力下降得越快,如果持续半个时辰以上,三人的实力就跌出圣武境巅峰了。但是对于王冲来说,这一切却完全不同。 Although Bane of the Soldiers Aura expended energy, but is minimal, almost does not have influence, what it is more consumes the energy that in the world itself has. 万卒之敌光环虽然会消耗能量,但是却微乎其微,几乎没有影响,它更多的是消耗天地间本身存在的能量。 Such being the case, simply helps you!” “既然如此,就索性成全你们!” The Wang Chong long hair rustle, looks at distant place to show a faint smile, displayed within the body instantaneously in addition together Aura. The bang, Wang Chong within the body is a ray flashes through, after Bane of the Soldiers Aura, Wang Chong second Bane of the Generals Aura with the broken body, radiates the audience. 王冲长发簌簌,望着远处微微一笑,瞬间施展出了体内的另一道光环。轰,王冲体内又是一道光芒闪过,就在万卒之敌光环之后,王冲第二道万将之敌光环跟着破体而出,辐射全场。 Buzz, is only suddenly, originally already by the scene that Huoshu Guicang, Du Wusili and Abmuslin control, changes once more. In dense and numerous Great Army, U-Tsang, Western Turkic and Caliphate military commanders, do not have the slight indication, suddenly, the aura shake of whole body, is similar to the candlelight drags, but flashes, drops Level completely. 嗡,只是一刹那间,原本已经被火树归藏都乌思力艾布穆斯/林控制住的场面,再次变化。密密麻麻的大军之中,一名名乌斯藏西突厥大食的武将,没有丝毫的征兆,突然之间,全身的气息震荡,如同烛火摇曳,只是一闪,全部下降一个级别 Incessantly so, under the chain-reaction, these military commanders displayed, in addition holds Great Army Aura also to vanish, these only have the function to the military commander Bane of the Generals Aura, instantaneously also influence to other soldiers. Caliphate, Western Turkic and strength of U-Tsang tripartite officers receives influence, drops a small truncation once more. 不止如此,连锁反应下,这些武将原本施展出来,加持到大军身上的光环也跟着消失,那些只对武将产生作用的万将之敌光环,瞬间也影响到了其他的士兵。大食西突厥乌斯藏三方的将士的实力受到影响,再次下降一小截。 The good news, beyond the season to approach, Yin people series second shot the Bai Siling biography to upload, for these days will be linking beyond upload. We hope that everybody generous support, many to praise, hits to enjoy! ^-^, wants to look beyond exclusive, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then! 好消息,番外季来临,尹人系列第二弹白思菱传上传了,这几天会连着上传番外。希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,打赏啊!^-^,想看独家番外,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可! Moreover, beyond after season, ahead of time gave advance notice how long could not want, immediately was this month erupts to move! ^-^ 另外,番外季之后,提前预告,要不了多久,马上就是本月爆发活动了!^-^
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