HE :: Volume #10

#907: Wang Chong take action, Bane of the Soldiers Aura!

Chapter 907 Second 第907章【第二更】 Li Siye, Sun Zhiming, Gao Feng and Nie Yan......, The innumerable Qixi subsidiary troops' crazy rush before the second defense line. However is only 40,000 many Heavy Cavalry cannot block ten ten thousand U-Tsang and Western Turkic elite impacts merely by far. Soldier expensive essence, but inexpensive many, Talas of this fight west of Cong Ridge, is separated by several thousand miles, the matter of this tiring the troops on a long expedition wants the news not to reveal, is impossible to take too many military force(s). 李嗣业孙知命高峰聂岩……,无数碛西的援军在第二道防线前疯狂的冲杀。不过仅仅只是40000多的铁骑远远挡不住十多万乌斯藏西突厥精锐的冲击。“兵贵精而不贵多”,这次战斗远在葱岭以西的怛罗斯,相隔数千里,这种劳师远征的事情想要消息不泄露,不可能带上太多太多的兵马 Therefore looks freely the person of belt are not many, Daqin Ruozan only then 70,000 people, Du Wusili only has more than 40,000 people, but these completely are elite elite. 所以尽管看着带的人不多,大钦若赞只有70000人,都乌思力只有40000多人,但是这些全部都是精锐中的精锐。 Ten ten thousand Western Turkic and U-Tsang elite, facing 40,000 many Great Tang crack troops, as before are continuously, like tidal flushed. Wushang Heavy Cavalry that even if Li Siye leads to rushes horizontally, to throwing over the broom corn millet is unable to prevent their footsteps in Great Army by far. 十多万西突厥乌斯藏的精锐,面对40000多的大唐劲卒,依旧是源源不断,有如潮水般冲了过来。哪怕李嗣业率领的乌伤铁骑横冲直闯,在大军中所向披糜也远远无法阻挡他们的脚步。 Some Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry even bypasses Li Siye and Sun Zhiming they, with the pack of wolves same place that Du Wusili brings, has charged into the second steel defense line directly. But Crossbow Carriage Great Army that Xu Keyi leads is their most important targets. 一些西突厥乌斯藏铁骑甚至绕过李嗣业孙知命他们,和都乌思力带来的狼群一起,直接冲向了第二道钢铁防线。而许科仪率领的弩车大军更是他们首要的打击目标。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Warhorse long hiss, before Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry is treading the second steel defense line, the wolf corpse of earlier stack, vertical leaps, has leapt the high infantry heavy shield, bang numerous falling to defense line rear Great Army. pū pū, the innumerable sword and spear sword halberd layer on layer/heavily has stabbed in all directions. 战马长嘶,一匹西突厥铁骑踏着第二道钢铁防线前,前期堆积的狼尸,纵跃而起,跃过高高的步兵重盾,轰隆一声重重的落到了防线后方的大军之中。噗噗噗,四面八方无数的刀枪剑戟重重剌了过去。 That Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry just fell to the ground, held the screen, the blood crossflow, turns corpse that was unable dead again. However this actually has become a symbolic signal, when there is the first person to cross the defense line, crashed in Great Army, then in the xī yù yù warhorse long hissing, another Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry one after another, took place of the fallen, soars, vertical leapt in Great Army. 那名西突厥铁骑刚一落地,就捅成了筛子,鲜血横流,变成了一具死得不能再死的死尸。但是这却成了一个象征性的信号,当有了第一个人冲过防线,冲进大军之中,接下来希聿聿的战马长嘶声中,一匹又一匹的西突厥乌斯藏铁骑接二连三,前仆后继,腾空而起,纵跃到了大军之中。 Kills!” “杀!” Meanwhile, another place of distant great distance, above crazy shouting sound penetrating, but is actually not the Great Tang language, but is having the Caliphate language of bloodthirsty and tyrannical aura. Beast of Halid Caliphate Iron Beast Legion, although was shot horse leg by permits refined Crossbow Carriage Legion, entire Legion discards thoroughly. 与此同时,遥遥相隔的另一处地方,一阵疯狂的嘶吼声响彻上方,但却并不是大唐的语言,而是带着嗜血、暴虐气息的大食语。大食之兽哈立德的“铁兽军团”虽然被许彬的弩车军团射断马腿,整个军团彻底废掉。 However Iron Beast Legion has played the huge role as before, they carry corpses that in the battlefield found, even is the injured warhorse, then uses own body to resist the fire of Crossbow Carriage Legion, the Iron Beast Legion warhorse, although loses, but the link and the dark blood shield iron beast are having an effect as before, can reduce the Crossbow Carriage Legion lethality as before. 但是铁兽军团依旧发挥了巨大的作用,他们扛着战场上找到的一具具尸体,甚至是受伤的战马,然后利用自己的身躯来抵挡弩车军团的射击,铁兽军团的战马虽失,但是铁兽之环和黑暗血盾依旧在起作用,依旧可以削减弩车军团杀伤力。 The roar, did not have the Iron Beast Legion soldier of warhorse to be full , and blue vein stuck out suddenly, the dragon knot, held a giant horse corpse, settled on Carriage Crossbow to throw directly. The giant crossbow bolt shoots through horse corpse stiffly, shot through his armor, but was actually flushed by him has the leaning path, air-launched goes toward the day. 吼,一名没了战马的铁兽军团战士满且青筋暴起、虬结,抱起一具巨大的马尸,看准一架车弩直接扑了过去。巨大的弩箭硬生生射穿马尸,又射穿了他身上的铠甲,但却被他冲得带偏轨迹,向着天空射去。 Can be so fierce, so rarely does not fear, knew perfectly well that the might of crossbow bolt also keeps off with the body, only then in takes fighting as to live, Caliphate Empire can achieve to fight dead”. 能够如此凶猛,如此罕不畏死,明知弩箭的威力还用身躯去挡,也只有出在“以战为生,为战而死”的大食帝国才能做到。 By fight that these Iron Beast Legion laugh in the face of death, entire Caliphate Empire military force(s) obtained the extremely precious fighter aircraft. Tens of thousands of military force(s) poured under the attack of beehive and Crossbow Carriage, but also had tens of thousands of warhorses taking this opportunity, rushed to under steel city walls. 凭借这些铁兽军团舍生忘死的战斗,整个大食帝国兵马获得了极其宝贵的战机。成千上万的兵马倒在了蜂箱和弩车的攻击下,但却也有成千上万的战马借着这个机会,冲到了一堵堵钢铁城墙下。 Some people are going against crowded such as lance of forest unceasingly, is treading the corpse, surmounts, even if in landing in all directions was held to stab the hedgehog by attack instantaneously, rushes to be first as before, takes place of the fallen. On the bodies of these Caliphate People, as if cannot see the frightened two characters. 不断有人顶着密集如林的长矛阵,踏着尸体,翻越过去,即便在落地的瞬间被四面八方的攻击捅成剌猬,依旧是争先恐后,前仆后继。在这些大食人的身上,似乎根本看不到恐惧两个字。 Is Death, is the dripping with blood, is brutal, as if more can stimulate their fighting wills. After steel defense line, the size Bo Lv hire lance soldier who impetuss unceasingly noticed that these like Caliphate People that the wild animal shouts, feels on them cut-throat, cannot bear the eyelid jump crazily, produces deep fear, let alone was other Mercenary(-ies). 越是死亡,越是鲜血淋漓,越是残酷,似乎越是能够激发他们身上的战斗意志。就连钢铁防线后,不断剌激的大小勃律的雇佣矛兵看到这些如野兽般嘶吼的大食人,感受到他们身上的凶狠,都忍不住眼皮狂跳,产生一种深深的畏惧,更别说是其他的雇佣兵了。 West of the entire western region, with the war related legend, Caliphate People is the Death synonym. Does not know many influence, many Empire, is feels Caliphate People the fearfully, formidable will that fierce does not fear, but fights intent to collapse, changes into the birds to be loose in the battlefield, was extinguished the city to extinguish the country by Caliphate People invincibly, the achievement the latter, the undefeated legend! 在整个西域以西,和战争相关的传说中,大食人就是死亡的代名词。不知道多少的势力,多少的帝国,就是感受到大食人的这种可怕的,悍不畏死的强大意志,而战意崩溃,在战场上化为鸟兽散,被大食人灭城灭国,成就了后者无敌、不败的传说! A wave, two waves, three waves......, Caliphate Legion rolling like tide, unceasing comes toward the first defense line, comes toward the first steel defense line. 一波,两波,三波……,一支又一支的大食军团滚滚如潮,不断的向着第一道防线汹涌而来,向着第一道钢铁防线汹涌而来。 Endures!” “挺住!” Executioner prepares!” “刀斧手准备!” Archer prepares!” “弓箭手预备!” ...... …… The entire battlefield, is most solemn most and respectful, is calmest, without a doubt is infantry Legion that Wang Yan and Wang Fu father and son lead, all various professions, rows, are similar to the average whetstones, stands after the first defense line, is entirely still. No matter the attack of Caliphate People is fierce, no matter also they have not to fear rarely, no matter they launch many impacts, throughout is unable to penetrate infantry Square Formation that Wang Yan and Wang Fu lead. 整个战场,最为肃穆,最为镇定的,无庸置疑就是王严王符父子二人带领的步兵军团,一行行,一列列,如同中流砥石般,站在第一道防线后,纹丝不动。不管大食人的攻击有多么凶猛,也不管他们有多么罕不畏死,更不管他们发起多少次冲击,都始终无法穿透王严王符率领的步兵方阵 In the entire steel defense line, Wang Yan and Wang Fu defensive section, is all Caliphate People Death rates is highest. No matter many Caliphate People break through City of Steel, breaks through the infantry heavy shield, broke through the bee and attack of Carriage Crossbow, to finally, intruded Wang Yan infantry Square Formation the time, almost must die without doubt. 在整段钢铁防线中,王严王符的防守段,是所有大食人死亡率最高的。不管有多少大食人冲破钢铁之城,冲破步兵重盾,冲过蜂相和车弩的攻击,到了最后,闯入王严步兵方阵的时候,几乎都是必死无疑。 The entire Legion segmentum posterius, about ten thousand Legion infantry looks are solemn and respectful, even had not begun using. 整个军团的后段,近万的军团步兵神色肃穆,甚至一直都没有启用过。 In this Cavalry for the time of king, the Great Tang terrain natural does not raise the place of fine warhorse freely, does not dominate by Cavalry, but spoke of the infantry, all over the world, has resulted in Great Tang without any influence ratio. Past Great Tang, by huge quantity of infantry Legion crush peripheral U-Tsang, Eastern and Western Turkic, Goguryeo and Mengshe Polity, and very entered the western region. 在这个骑兵为王的时代,尽管大唐的地形天然不是豢养优良战马的地方,也并不以骑兵称雄,但是说到步兵,普天之下,没有任何势力比得过大唐。当年的大唐,就是以数量庞大的步兵军团碾压周边乌斯藏东西突厥高句丽蒙舍诏,并且一路挺入到了西域。 That is a time of infantry! 那是一个步兵的时代! Great Tang made all people experience the great strength of Central Divine Continent infantry Legion, has therefore established the Great Tang this time rule level hegemonic position. Takes a broad view at all sea, can resist all Cavalry Square Formation by the infantry, withstands all Cavalry to attack, only then Great Tang can achieve. 大唐让所有人都见识到了中土神洲步兵军团的强大,也因此奠定了大唐今时今日的统治级霸主地位。放眼四海,能够以步兵对抗所有骑兵方阵,顶住所有骑兵攻击的,也只有大唐才能做到了。 Although Wang Yan Commander infantry Legion the impulse is inferior to Cavalry, the mobility is also inferior to Cavalry, however in positional warfare, actually like impenetrable defense, firm incomparable, especially coordinates the Wang Chong's steel defense line, displays pinnacle this formidable defense capability. 王严统领的步兵军团虽然冲击力不如骑兵,机动性也不如骑兵,但是在阵地战中,却是有如铜墙铁壁,坚固无比,特别是配合王冲的钢铁防线,更是将这种强大的防御能力发挥到极致 Wind!” “风!” The strong winds howl, after the first steel defense line, in four Black Armored Imperial Guard environmental sanitation, the Wang Yan look is solemn and respectful, the right hand layer on layer/heavily wields suddenly. Crash-bang, tens of thousands of guards in shield soldier(s) soldier retreat of wall of gap steel, reveal behind a giant channel suddenly. 狂风呼啸,第一道钢铁防线后,就在四名黑甲侍卫的环卫之中,王严神色肃穆,右手猛然重重一挥。哗啦啦,成千上万守卫在钢铁之墙缺口的盾兵战士突然后退,露出身后一道巨大的通道。 After the first steel defense line that the flash, for a long time could not capture presented several thousand like this giant channels. 只是一瞬间,原本久攻不下的第一道钢铁防线后就出现了数千道这样的巨大通道。 wēng! 嗡! Has flash that looks at this sudden gap, the Caliphate People mind blank after defense line, stunned. However the next quarter, thousands of Caliphate People are whooshing, brandished the sickle to rush following channels. But their rear Caliphate Heavy Cavalry have not cared about the front to have anything, was shouting " kill ", overran. 有那么一刹那,看着这突然出现的一道道缺口,防线后的大食人脑海空白,一片错愕。但是下一刻,数以千计的大食人嘶吼着,挥舞着弯刀顺着一个个通道闯了进去。而他们后方的大食铁骑根本就没有在意前方发生了什么,一个个喊杀着,跟着冲了过去。 Fire!” “火!” The Wang Yan facial expression is resolute, the right hand wields once more, the next quarter, only listens to the intermittent steel to thunder, shield soldier(s) soldiers are coordinating the rear executioner, bang, has shut off these channels once more. Has stopped up the gap on first steel defense line, but these follow the Caliphate soldier who the channel rushes, immediately has become the dead pigeon. 王严神情刚毅,右手再次挥下,下一刻,只听阵阵钢铁轰鸣,一名名盾兵战士配合着后方的刀斧手,轰隆一声,再次切断了这些通道。将第一道钢铁防线上的缺口堵了起来,而那些顺着通道闯进来的大食士兵,顿时成了瓮中之鳖。 Kills!” “杀!” Intermittent war cry shocking penetrating place, in instant, the innumerable sword and spear sword halberd that the gap blocks from holds to puncture in all directions. No matter these Caliphate Heavy Cavalry have formidable, fierce and valiant, no matter also they have fierce not to fear, is more than own Great Tang infantry facing the quantity, fell down instantaneously in the pool of blood, did not have including ripples flood. 一阵阵喊杀声震天彻地,就在缺口堵上的刹那,无数的刀枪剑戟从四面八方捅刺过来。不管那些大食铁骑有多么的强大、凶猛、彪悍,也不管他们有多么的悍不畏死,面对数量远多于自己的大唐步兵,一个个瞬间扑倒在了血泊里,连一个涟漪都没有泛起来。 Wind!” “风!” Fire!” “火!” ...... …… In the hand of Wang Yan, such tactical unceasing relapse, the Caliphate soldier group by group was put unceasingly, group by group was cut to kill. When the shield soldier(s) soldier closes the gap instant, can survive time of breath in Wang Yan Commander infantry Square Formation without any Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. 王严的手中,这样的战术不断反复,一批又一批的大食战士被不断放进来,又一批一批的被斩杀。当盾兵战士重新合上缺口的刹那,没有任何一个大食铁骑能够在王严统领的步兵方阵中存活过一个呼吸的时间。 In the hand of Wang Yan, infantry is not used in the defense merely, simultaneously the sharp weapon of attack, the house attacks in guard, the house defends in attack. 20,000 many infantries are similar to a precisest machine, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that keeps slaughtering to clash at the extremely high efficiency, puts one wave, encircles one wave, kills one wave......, That type extremely calm and calm even makes opposite Caliphate Heavy Cavalry be frightened. 王严的手中,步兵绝不仅仅只是用于防御,同时还是进攻的利器,寓攻于守,寓守于攻。20000多的步兵如同一架最精密的机器,以极高的效率不停的杀戮着冲过来的大食铁骑,放一波,圈一波,杀一波……,那种极度的镇定和冷静甚至让对面的大食铁骑都受到了震慑。 But with Wang Yan infantry Legion neighboring Square Formation, Mercenary(-ies) soldier unconscious receive influence of these western regions, is coordinating the Wang Yan infantry Square Formation same place, is resisting the impact of Caliphate People unceasingly. 而和王严的步兵军团相邻的方阵,那些西域的雇佣兵战士也不自觉的受到了影响,配合着王严的步兵方阵一起,不断的抵御着大食人的冲击。 This is also the entire defense line firmest region. 这也是整个防线最为坚固的区域。 ...... …… Was similar!” “差不多了!” Between two steel defense lines, in tens of thousands of warhorses crowd around, Wang Chong is riding White-hoofed Shadow, stands and waits for a long time under Great Tang war flag that in flap flap makes noise, is entirely still. In his ear listens to the both sides intense fight sound, in the eye to flash through together the sharp ray. This fight, is conducted now, tended to be intense, no matter Caliphate People, the Western Turkic person, is U-Tsang People, has almost pressed the complete military strength, the thing two steel defense lines, almost simultaneously are bearing the huge pressure. 两道钢铁防线之间,就在成千上万的战马拥簇中,王冲骑着白蹄乌,伫立在猎猎作响的大唐战旗下,纹丝不动。他的耳中听着两侧激烈的战斗声,眼中闪过一道锋利的光芒。这场战斗,进行到现在,已经趋于激烈,不管是大食人,西突厥人,还是乌斯藏人,都已经几乎把全部的兵力压上,东西两道钢铁防线,几乎同时承受着巨大的压力。 But now, arrived in the Wang Chong plan an important part. 而现在,也到了王冲计划中重要的一环。 wēng! 嗡! Dark, the strong winds are vast, must flaming the bright white light compared with Sun together, explodes from the Wang Chong eye flashes to pass, the next quarter, bang, the entire thing battlefield earth vibrates, is centered on Wang Chong, light cream Aura falls together from Wang Chong within the body, then by slightly is increased, spreads rapidly like the hurricane, attacks the entire battlefield. 冥冥中,狂风浩浩,一道比太阳还要炽亮的白光,从王冲眼中爆闪而逝,下一刻,轰隆,整个东西战场大地震动,以王冲为中心,一道淡淡的乳白色光环王冲体内坠下,然后由小变大,有如飓风般迅速扩散开来,冲击整个战场。 Bane of the Soldiers Aura! 万卒之敌光环 Interlocks in the four directions military strength in the same place, the fight tends to be intense instant, Wang Chong any hesitation, has not emitted this Bane of the Soldiers Aura instantaneously. Buzz, is similar to the strong winds transits, dense and numerous, tens of thousands of U-Tsang, Western Turkic and Caliphate Heavy Cavalry under foot bright Aura, is similar to the precariousness of life fire drags and shakes suddenly generally, has not waited for the people to respond, clang clang clang, in the entire battlefield, the number dropped a level by War Aura of 100,000 ideas instantaneously, suddenly dim many. 就在四方的兵力交错在一起,战斗渐趋激烈的刹那,王冲没有任何的犹豫,瞬间放出了这道万卒之敌光环。嗡,如同狂风过境,密密麻麻,成千上万的乌斯藏,西突厥大食铁骑脚下灿烂的光环,突然如同风中烛火一般摇曳、震荡,还没等众人反应过来,锵锵锵,整个战场上,数以100000计的战争光环瞬间下降了一个层级,突然黯淡了不少。 Originally rubber because the battlefield in an instant this Aura had the tremendous changes. 原本胶着的战场刹那间因为这道光环发生了翻天覆地的变化。 【 The good news, beyond season to approach, Yin people series second shot the Bai Siling biography to upload, for these days will be linking beyond upload. We hope that everybody generous support, many to praise, hits to enjoy! ^-^, wants to look alone 【好消息,番外季来临,尹人系列第二弹白思菱传上传了,这几天会连着上传番外。希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,打赏啊!^-^,想看独 Beyond family/home, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then! 】 家番外,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可!】 Other, beyond after season, ahead of time gave advance notice how long could not want, immediately was this month erupts to move! ^-^ 【另外,番外季之后,提前预告,要不了多久,马上就是本月爆发活动了!^-^】
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