HE :: Volume #10

#906: Point, Deflecting Blades Court general!

Chapter 906 today two, a chapter! ^-^ 第906章今天两更,还有一章!^-^ Puts!” “放!” Xu Keyi is directing the surplus Carriage Crossbow armies, is coordinating the beehive, makes the best use of the time, Heavy Cavalry to coming Western Turkic and U-Tsang is carrying on the crazy fire. 许科仪指挥着剩余的车弩部队,配合着蜂箱,抓紧时间,对迎面而来的西突厥乌斯藏铁骑进行着疯狂的射击。 Daqin Ruozan that group of trebuchet attacks influence imagination is much bigger, especially Crossbow Carriage Unit of Xu Keyi leadership, completely is the key objectives of Daqin Ruozan trebuchet attack. Several groups of stone rain, at least have ruined one after another 40-50 Crossbow Carriage, Crossbow Carriage of quite many quantity were crushed and injured by the trebuchet, is still servicing to the present. 大钦若赞的那一拨投石机攻击的影响远比想象中的大得多,特别是许科仪领导的弩车部队,全部都是大钦若赞投石机攻击的重点目标。接连几拨的投石雨,至少毁掉了四五十架弩车,还有相当多数量的弩车被投石机砸伤,到现在还在维修中。 Although the steel trebuchet of Chen Burang leadership, succeeds beating, but Western Turkic and U-Tsang troops also smooth before going near the second steel defense line. Xu Keyi can only make the best use of the time, takes the short opportunity to kill the opposite party, prevents U-Tsang People and attack of Western Turkic person. 尽管陈不让领导的钢铁投石机,成功的将之击垮,但是西突厥乌斯藏的人马也顺利的接近到了第二道钢铁防线前。许科仪只能抓紧时间,利用着短暂的时机射杀对方,阻止乌斯藏人西突厥人的攻击。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! A crossbow bolt, blots out the sky, howls, after seeing only the second steel defense line, person supine horse's neigh, one after another U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry and Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry drop down unceasingly, the corpse delimits to be very far in the ground, raises the billowing mist and dust. However, the actual lethal power that the wave of attack of Xu Keyi, creates is not big. 一波波的弩箭,铺天盖地,呼啸而出,只见第二道钢铁防线后,人仰马嘶,一名又一名乌斯藏铁骑西突厥铁骑不断地倒下,尸体在地面划出很远,掀起滚滚的烟尘。但是,许科仪的这一波攻击,造成的实际杀伤力远没有那么大。 Daqin Ruozan and Du Wusili almost give each Heavy Cavalry of subordinates, has provided a circular heavy shield. These Western Turkic and U-Tsang soldier, hides after the round shield, bends down on the horseback, similarly is the crossbow bolt attack, however actual killing Effect actually weakened the several fold to continue. 大钦若赞都乌思力几乎给麾下的每一个铁骑,都配备了一面圆形重盾。这些西突厥乌斯藏的战士,躲在圆盾后,伏在马背上,以至于,同样是弩箭攻击,但是实际的杀伤效果却削弱了数倍不止。 Often a crossbow bolt shoots, but has killed four, five Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, most is also 56, but has 12 ten thousand Heavy Cavalry U-Tsang and Western Turkic regarding in addition, this radically is a drop in the bucket, at least has not gone to the situation that makes them cause heavy losses. 往往一根弩箭射出去,只不过射杀了四、五个西突厥乌斯藏铁骑而已,最多也就是56个,但是对于加起来拥有12万铁骑乌斯藏西突厥来说,这根本就是九牛一毛,至少远没有达到让他们重创的地步。 Preparation!” “准备!” Vigorous sincere, as if the mighty bell Lu's battlefield of voice east entire in resounds greatly, Li Siye is riding that big blood and sweat treasured horse, clang, has drawn out his symbolic U-Tsang Giant Sword. But comes out of the sheath along with Long Sword, five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry behind rapidly assemble in him. 一身雄浑厚重,仿佛洪钟大吕的声音在整个东部战场上响起,李嗣业骑着那匹高大的汗血宝马,锵的一声,拔出了他那道标志性的乌斯藏巨剑。而随着长剑出鞘,五千乌伤铁骑在他身后迅速集结。 5000 troops, fully-armed, what puts on is the Spatial Meteorite Iron armor, what equipment is Wootz Steel Long Sword, no matter the vigor or the physical strength, have achieved pinnacle, it may be said that is Central Plains Divine Province in history most formidable Heavy Cavalry. What is more important, these 5000 troops act in harmony, the rigid discipline, is any Heavy Cavalry is unable to compare. 5000人马,全副武装,穿的是天外陨铁盔甲,配备的是乌兹钢长剑,不管精气神还是体力,都达到了极致,可谓是中土神州有史以来最强大的铁骑。更重要的是,这5000人马配合默契,纪律严明,是任何铁骑都无法比拟的。 All people obey orders! The preparation attacks!” “所有人听令!准备攻击!” Long Sword leave the sound of sheath continuously, after resounding through the second steel defense line. This flash, the preparation starts to attack more than Li Siye and Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Chen Burang, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi and other Deflecting Blades Court the elites, in other military officers with Qixi reinforcements, including hire western region Heavy Cavalry, set up in an array, the platoon becomes Square Formation, the visual front, simultaneously is making the pre-war preparation. 一声声长剑出鞘的声音此起彼伏,响彻第二道钢铁防线后。这一刹那,准备开始攻击的远不止李嗣业乌伤铁骑,陈不让庄正平池韦思止戈院的精英,和碛西援军中的其他将领,包括雇佣的西域铁骑,一字排开,排成一个个方阵,目视前方,同时做着战前准备。 This Talas's War, the Deflecting Blades Court Mercenary(-ies) of people as well as western region, is not first time with the Li Siye combat teamwork, both sides prepare jointly to attack at any time. 这次怛罗斯之战,止戈院的众人以及西域的雇佣兵,已经不是第一次和李嗣业协同作战了,双方随时准备联合出击。 „!” “嗷!” The tens of thousands of azure great wolves come, Du Wusili this time does not know that has brought many wolves, these wolves are groups, as if can never kill to be the same, beehive clear light one group, one group comes. But in sky, baby howls strangely intermittently, these vulture groups, go to return, swoops once more , what is most frightening is 100,000 charges comes Western Turkic and U-Tsang that Heavy Cavalry. 成千上万的青色巨狼汹涌而来,都乌思力这次不知带来了多少狼群,这些狼群一拨又一拨,似乎永远杀不完一样,蜂箱清光一拨,又有一拨呼啸而来。而天空中,婴儿般的怪啸阵阵,那些秃鹫群,去而复返,再次飞扑而下,但是最让人心惊的还是100000冲锋而来的西突厥乌斯藏铁骑 Kills!!” “杀!!” Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry was roaring, Speed was getting quicker and quicker, no matter the attack of beehive, the crossbow bolt rain completely could not prevent them. 一名名西突厥乌斯藏铁骑咆哮着,速度越来越快,不管是蜂箱的攻击,还是弩箭雨都完全阻止不了他们。 20 zhang (3.33 m)! 20丈! Ten zhang (3.33 m)! 十丈! Clash/To!” “冲!” Saw that the Western Turkic person and U-Tsang People come on strategic place, not slightly hesitant, Li Siye Long Sword refers to slantingly, One with the Horse, is similar to together the thunderclap, sharply to/clashes from the steel city wall. The bang, is almost simultaneously, the earth trembles, myriad things silent, 5000 Wushang Heavy Cavalry, are similar to 5000 sharp blade comes out of the sheath, a follower Li Siye electrification shoots. 眼看着西突厥人和乌斯藏人就要冲过来,没有丝毫犹豫,李嗣业长剑斜指,人马合一,如同一道霹雳般,从钢铁城墙后面急冲而出。轰,几乎是同时,大地震颤,万物无声,5000名乌伤铁骑,如同5000把利刃出鞘,跟随者李嗣业一起电射而出。 Imposing manner shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth of that flash, 5000 people charge together, are actually the power and influence that 50,000 people that erupts are hard to be a worthy opponent. 那一刹那的气势惊天动地,5000人一起冲锋,爆发出来的却是50000人都难以匹敌的威势。 Kills!” “杀!” At the same time runs out also has Chen Burang, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi and other Qixi reinforcements. Several tens of thousands troops were roaring, rushed to be first, rushed ahead the past by astonishing Speed toward the opposite Western Turkic person and U-Tsang People. This time, after the west steel defense line, after the second steel defense line, is actually and first defense line entirely different strategy that Wang Chong adopts. Enough 40,000 many Great Tang Heavy Cavalry run out after the defense line, without any retention, facing these Western Turkic people and U-Tsang People, Great Tang Heavy Cavalry does not have the choice to make concessions, but rushed directly. 同一时间冲出的还有陈不让,庄正平,池韦思等其他碛西的援军。数万人马咆哮着,争先恐后,以惊人的速度向着对面西突厥人和乌斯藏人冲杀过去。这一次,在西侧的钢铁防线后,在第二道钢铁防线后,王冲采取的却是和第一道防线截然不同的策略。足足40000多的大唐铁骑从防线后冲出,没有任何的保留,面对这些西突厥人和乌斯藏人,大唐铁骑没有选择退让,而是直接冲了上去。 Central Divine Continent, no matter Western Turkic Khaganate Heavy Cavalry, is U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, Great Tang does not have any reason of making concessions. 土神洲,不管是西突厥汗国铁骑,还是乌斯藏铁骑,大唐都没有任何退让的理由。 Bang! 轰隆! As if two steel prehistoric Behemoth numerous hits in together, after the second steel defense line, the troops not slight hesitations of two sides, does not have the slight revolutions vast domain. hōng lōng lōng, sword light raises, is only one instant, thousands of Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry poured under the horse's hooves of five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 仿佛两头钢铁般的史前巨兽重重的撞击在一起,就在第二道钢铁防线后,两方的人马没有丝毫的犹豫,也没有丝毫的转寰。轰隆隆,剑光扬起,只是一个刹那,数以千计的西突厥乌斯藏铁骑纷纷倒在了五千乌伤铁骑的马蹄下。 Before the Wootz Steel Sword point, the iron armor that Western Turkic and U-Tsang are proud, completely is similar to general that the paper sticks, is only one instant, under the point of Large expanse of Large expanse of Wushang iron. Five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry like chopping melon cut the dish to rush ahead in the crowd, absolutely does not have enemy of the gathering. 乌兹钢剑的锋芒前,西突厥乌斯藏引以为傲的铁甲,全部都如同纸糊的一般,只是一个刹那,成片成片乌伤铁的锋芒下。五千乌伤铁骑就像砍瓜切菜一样在人群中冲杀,完全没有一合之敌。 Bang, is only a charge, Western Turkic and U-Tsang sharpest armed forces Heavy Cavalry is shattered immediately, several tens of thousands people of Great Army confusions. 轰隆,只是一个冲锋,西突厥乌斯藏最精锐的中军铁骑立即被冲垮,数万人的大军一片混乱。 Clash/To! Violates my Great Tang, even if far away, will cetainly be executed! Kills off them!” “冲!犯我大唐者,虽远必诛!杀光他们!” By Wushang Heavy Cavalry impetusing that Li Siye and he leads, Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi and other Deflecting Blades Court the elite intermittent blood upward well up, Commander each one behind Heavy Cavalry, is following close on rushing. Rumbling, innumerable Defense Aura and charge ray, Attack Aura and Halo of Strength, after such as rain , the bamboo shoots split open. 李嗣业和他率领的乌伤铁骑剌激,孙知命庄正平池韦思止戈院的精英阵阵一个个血往上涌,统领着各自身后的铁骑,紧跟着冲了上去。轰轰轰,无数的防御光环、冲锋光芒、攻击光环力量光环,如雨后竹笋般绽开。 Aura and Aura shake, the warhorse and warhorse attack, the troops of both sides interwine. 光环光环震荡,战马与战马冲击,双方的人马交织在一起。 Sun Zhiming, Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi lead several tens of thousands troops to rush ahead in the battlefield respectively courageously, but is different from general Cavalry, Sun Zhiming and the others are not simple and Western Turkic and Oursse person to spelling, but is coordinating the Li Siye unceasing expansion victory. 孙知命庄正平池韦思各自率领着数万的人马在战场上奋勇冲杀,只不过和一般的骑兵不同,孙知命等人并不是简单的和西突厥和乌斯人对拼,而是配合着李嗣业不断的扩大战果。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Heavy Cavalry that Sun Zhiming leads follows in Li Siye behind, an arc attacks, instantaneous hit in 8000 people of U-Tsang flanks, moreover point of attack that chooses, precisely these 8000 people of most scattered in disorder places. No matter this wave the opportunity or the position just right, rumbling, only listen to an intermittent warhorse hit the play sound, the blade glittering, fights the horse's neigh cry, the wave of troops who Sun Zhiming leads just right, but a wave of impact washes out and tears into shreds these 8000 people. 孙知命率领的铁骑跟在李嗣业身后,一个弧形冲击,瞬间撞击在一股8000人的乌斯藏侧翼上,而且选择的攻击点,正是这8000人最散乱的地方。这一波不管时机还是位置都恰到好处,轰轰轰,只听一阵阵战马撞击的剧响,刀光闪烁,战马嘶鸣,孙知命率领的这波人马恰到好处,只是一波冲击就将这8000人冲散、撕碎。 Was killed by Li Siye, two side allied armies that impact results in the chaos, comes under Sun Zhiming this wave of attack, the chaotic range expands immediately once more. 李嗣业砍杀一顿,冲击得大乱的两方联军,受到孙知命这一波攻击,混乱的范围顿时再次扩大。 But at the same time, Zhuang Zhengping, Chi Weisi, Gao Feng, Nie Yan and other Deflecting Blades Court the people simultaneously are coordinating, rapidly impact, unceasing along channel that Li Siye opens, alternates and hits toward about two wings repeatedly. No matter Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi, are Gao Feng and Nie Yan, they have had the Wang Chong's Art of War education in Deflecting Blades Court completely, has accepted the strategic tactics study of system. 而同一时间,庄正平池韦思高峰聂岩止戈院的众人同时配合着,急速冲击,不断的沿着李嗣业打开的通道,向着左右两翼反复穿插、撞击。不管是庄正平池韦思,还是高峰聂岩,他们全部都在止戈院中受过王冲的兵法教育,接受过系统的战略战术学习。 Incessantly so, when Wang Chong not, them also under Wang Chong incites, mutual study. Sun Zhiming once studied from Wang Chong there oneself, the technique of Cavalry combat as well as comprehend, public address in Deflecting Blades Court, and taught to all people. Some this future Great Tang first Cavalry Famous General taught, no matter Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi, are Gao Feng and Nie Yan as well as his other people, regarding the understanding of various Cavalry as well as tactics, is not the average person can compare. 不止如此,当王冲不在的时候,他们还在王冲授意下,彼此之间互相学习。孙知命就曾经把自己从王冲那里学来的,以及自己领悟的骑兵作战之术,在止戈院中公开演讲过,并且传授给了所有人。有这位未来的大唐第一骑兵名将教导,不管是庄正平池韦思,还是高峰聂岩以及其他人,对于骑兵以及各种战术的理解,都远不是一般人可以比拟的。 Their strengths perhaps are also not very strong, but the fighter aircraft sensation and tactic carry out the ability are actually extremely astonishing. 他们的实力或许还并不是很强,但是战机感知和战术执行能力却是极其惊人的。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! One made the warhorse impact noise of person of tooth acid unceasing intermittently before the second defense line transmitted, Great Tang Heavy Cavalry under the Deflecting Blades Court people's leadership, like tidal washed and sweeps, sweeps across all. 40,000 people of Great Tang Heavy Cavalry, instantaneously opposite 50,000-60,000 U-Tsang and Western Turkic troops wash out. 一阵阵令人牙酸的战马撞击声不断的从第二道防线前传来,一波波的大唐铁骑止戈院众人的带领下,有如潮水般冲涮、扫荡,席卷一切。40000人大唐铁骑,瞬间将对面五六万的乌斯藏西突厥人马冲散。 Sees this, distant place hill Du Wusili, Daqin Ruozan, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi and the others on are out of control the eyelid combination. 看到这一幕,就连远处丘陵上的都乌思力大钦若赞火树归藏都松莽布支等人都禁不住眼皮连跳。 What people are this? When Great Tang started to have these many fierce characters, some Qixi Protectorate General these many Famous General!” “这都是些什么人?什么时候大唐都开始有这么多厉害的人物了,连个碛西都护府都有这么多名将!” Du Wusili is also the experienced generation, this comes Talas, thinks copes only then Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong, as well as Anxi Protectorate Army some Famous General, have not thought, under a Wang Chong name has these many fierce tactical military officers. Their strengths do not look high, however the assurance ability of fighter aircraft, is simply incredible. 都乌思力也是见多识广之辈,这趟来怛罗斯,本来以为对付的就只有一个高仙芝王冲,以及安西都护军的一些名将,没想到,一个王冲名下就有这么多厉害的战术将领。他们的实力看着不高,但是战机的把握能力,简直令人难以置信。 Du Wusili stands on the hill, can feel the threat of that making a great show of one's talents. These Great Tang young fellow Commander tens of thousands of Cavalry, like a handle handle sharp sword, the repeated alternation, these that Du Wusili and Daqin Ruozan bring is having fought many battles, the experienced elite crack troops washed out, that point degree can be imagined. 就连都乌思力站在丘陵上面,都能感觉到那种锋芒毕露的威胁。那些大唐的小将统领着成千上万的骑兵,就像一柄柄利剑一样,反复的穿插,就连都乌思力大钦若赞带来的这些身经百战,经验丰富的精锐劲卒都被一个个冲散,那种锋芒程度就可想而知。 Does not know!” “不知道!” Daqin Ruozan frowns, finally opens the mouth to say. Accidental/Surprised and surprised far more than Du Wusili, beforehand time only knows that Wang Chong's Military Dao and tactic and battlefield command capability are extremely formidable, actually does not know that Wang Chong person hand/subordinate also so is fierce. Wang Chong has such subordinate, simply is even more powerful. 大钦若赞皱着眉头,终于开口道。意外和惊讶的又何止一个都乌思力,以前的时候只知道王冲的兵道和战术、战场指挥能力极其强大,却根本不知道就连王冲手下的人也这么厉害。王冲有这样的部下,简直是如虎添翼。 In weakness as for their own strength, were on the contrary unimportant at this time. 至于他们自身实力上的弱点,这个时候反倒并不重要。 Heard that Great Tang has three special military Training Camp, is Great Tang Sage Emperor incites to establish. In which Kunwu Training Camp has Deflecting Blades Court, is that present Qixi Great Protectorate establishes. In that Deflecting Blades Court has bought in many Kunwu Training Camp students, perhaps was they.” “听说大唐有三座专门的军事训练营,都是大唐圣皇授意建立的。其中的昆吾训练营中有一座止戈院,就是那位现在的碛西大都护建立的。那座止戈院中吸纳了不少的昆吾训练营的学生,恐怕就是他们了。” Daqin Ruozan two temple long hair fly upwards, open the mouth to say. 大钦若赞两鬓长发飞扬,开口道。 Although / the young fellows in army to these Great Tang did not understand similarly, but Daqin Ruozan after all regards as the lifetime old enemy Wang Chong, be much more than Du Wusili to his understanding. Suddenly, Daqin Ruozan on guessed correctly Sun Zhiming, Gao Feng and Nie Yan indistinctly their origin. 虽然也同样对那些大唐/军队中的小将不了解,但大钦若赞毕竟将王冲视为毕生宿敌,对他的了解要比都乌思力多得多。只是一刹那间,大钦若赞就隐隐约约猜出了孙知命高峰聂岩他们的来历。 The good news, beyond the season to approach, Yin people series second shot the Bai Siling biography to upload, for these days will be linking beyond upload. We hope that everybody generous support, many to praise, hits to enjoy! ^-^, wants to look beyond exclusive, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then! 好消息,番外季来临,尹人系列第二弹白思菱传上传了,这几天会连着上传番外。希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,打赏啊!^-^,想看独家番外,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可! Moreover, beyond after season, ahead of time gave advance notice how long could not want, immediately was this month erupts to move! ^-^ 另外,番外季之后,提前预告,要不了多久,马上就是本月爆发活动了!^-^
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