HE :: Volume #10

#905: Caliphate pressing offense!

Chapter 905 第905章 Quick! Will push the trebuchet in the future, leaves here, do not make them all destroy!” “快!把投石机往后推,离开这里,不要让他们全毁了!” A Caliphate military officer responded rapidly, thinks pushed these trebuchets to the war zone. Although Caliphate People trebuchet big heavy, but in each domain has installed 78 giant wheels, can move smoothly. But Chen Burang will there let their successful withdrawing at this time? 一名大食将领迅速反应过来,想到把这些投石机推离战区。大食人的投石机虽然高大沉重,但是每一架的地盘上都装了78个巨大的轮子,能够顺利的移动。可这个时候陈不让那里又会让他们成功的撤出? Rumbling, the dense and numerous stone rain drop from the clouds, these trebuchet Square Formation that Caliphate People establishes with great difficulty, but several waves of attacks were destroyed over 80%. These lay aside by the trebuchet beforehand, big iron ball that helps throwing, at this time actually has become the Caliphate People most fatal flaw. 轰轰轰,密密麻麻的石雨从天而降,大食人好不容易建立的这些投石机方阵,只不过几波攻击就被摧毁了八成以上。那些事先放置在投石机旁,便于抛掷的大铁球,此时却成了大食人最致命的破绽。 Entire trebuchet Square Formation in flaming burns. 整个投石机方阵都在熊熊燃烧。 Damn!” “该死!” Trouble starting near at hand, but the short flash, shoots toward the Tang People first steel defense line big iron ball vanishes, without a trace that all seas of fire and thick smokes vanish, only the other ash fires soar, see this, behind Great Army, Abmuslin and Zhihad vice- two big Commander-in-Chief complexions both changed. 变生肘腋,只不过短短一刹那,射往唐人第一道钢铁防线的大铁球消失,所有的火海和浓烟都消失的无影无踪,只余下一点余烬腾空而起,看到这一幕,大军后方,艾布穆斯/林齐亚德正副两大统帅脸色都变了。 Superiority that the earlier period establishes, is only nothing left in the flash. 前期建立的优势,只在一瞬间就荡然无存。 take action kills the Tang People military officer in that city wall!” “费哈塔出手干掉那个城墙上的唐人将领!” The Abmuslin vision sinks, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 艾布穆斯/林目光一沉,突然开口道。 Caliphate People stone car(riage) Square Formation had destroyed the firm city, was destroyed by the enemy stone car(riage) like this type, moreover before the situation, by own kerosene being burnt down also never has occurred. Abmuslin looks, all keys on the Talas City wall on that Tang People young fellow. 大食人的投石车方阵曾经摧毁过很多坚固的城池,像这种被敌方投石车摧毁,而且还被自己的火油焚毁的情况以前还从未发生过。艾布穆斯/林一眼就看出来,所有的关键的都在怛罗斯城墙上那名唐人小将身上。 Yes!” “是!” Abmuslin behind, a whole body mail-armor and helmet, the sound humming sound, the loud and clear incomparable Caliphate military officer strided greatly. The click-clack, a sound of bowstring resounds, the named Caliphate military officer, the left hand pulled -and-a-half person of high ivory strong bows, a right hand five chi (0.33 m) long iron arrow, arrow dark red like blood, as if the ruby of twinkle was common, has aimed at Chen Burang in city wall distantly. 艾布穆斯/林身后,一名全身甲胄,声音嗡嗡,洪亮无比的大食将领大跨步走了出来。轧轧,一声弓弦的声音响起,名叫费哈塔的大食将领,左手挽住了一张半人多高的象牙强弓,右手一根五尺多长的铁箭,箭头殷红如血,仿佛闪烁的红宝石一般,遥遥对准了城墙上的陈不让 When the bowstring pulls open, in a surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range, all rays twist completely, collected on the long arrow in hand, that ruby arrow, sent out the extremely dangerous ray. 当弓弦拉开,方圆十丈范围内,所有的光线全部扭曲起来,汇集到了费哈塔手中的长箭上,那红宝石般的箭头,散发出极其危险的光芒。 Bang! 轰! Only listens to a shake the heavens loud sound, that flash, the sky has as if blasted out startling thunderclap, all people have not responded, Caliphate the long arrow in Dao of Bow Famous General hand from out of the blue, rushed to the thunder to be as fast as lightning, directly soars the top to go. Speed of this arrow wonderful quick incomparable, most starts, but also in hand, but the next quarter, the long arrow appeared in the Talas top, assumes to direct Chen Burang that from the top , several feet remote. 只听一声惊天巨响,那一刹那,天空仿佛炸开了一道惊雷,所有人还没有反应过来,大食箭道名将费哈塔手中的长箭就已经破空而出,奔雷掣电般,直奔城头而去。这一箭的速度奇快无比,最开始的时候,还在费哈塔的手中,但是下一刻,长箭就已经出现在了怛罗斯的墙头,距离城头上坐镇指挥的陈不让,不过数丈之遥。 wēng! 嗡! Saw long arrow that this presents suddenly suddenly, the Chen Burang entire face changed. Although his binaural already heard this long arrow, but the body actually completely cannot follow. 看到这一支骤忽出现的长箭,陈不让整个人脸都变了。他的双耳虽然早就听到了这支长箭,但是身体却完全跟不上。 Strength of opposite party too many were too formidable many! 对方的实力比自己强大太多太多了! Saint Martial Realm Dao of Bow Powerhouse!” 圣武境箭道强者!” In the Chen Burang mind suddenly flashes through this thought that the whole person face whiten like the paper. He is the Kunwu Training Camp Deflecting Blades Court member, the Military Dao attainments and archery cultivation base is extremely high, the might of rows of steel trebuchet displays are extremely in his hands terrorist, is other military officers difficult and person's back. 陈不让脑海中瞬息间闪过这道念头,整个人脸色苍白如纸。他是昆吾训练营止戈院的成员,兵道造诣和箭术修为极高,一排排钢铁投石机在他手中发挥的威力极其恐怖,是其他将领所难及项背的。 Although the Chen Burang tactical capability is high, however his cultivation base, is not formidable. Caliphate People sets out Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse to cope with him, by Chen Burang cultivation base, almost must die without doubt. 虽然陈不让的战术能力高,但是他本身的修为,却并没有那么强大。大食人出动一个圣武境强者对付他,以陈不让修为,几乎必死无疑。 Ended!” “完了!” In Chen Burang mind only remaining this thoughts. 陈不让脑海中只剩下这个念头。 Bang!” “轰!” When Chen Burang eyes closed treats, the ray flashes, an invisible gas hood, behind bursts out from Chen Burang, covers him. Only listens to a shake the heavens loud sound, a ruinous arrow, shoots on the gas hood, probably hit a target hard steel, clang, the steel has thundered, the air wave four shot, that ruby arrow and long shaft, shot to hit the powder powder on the gas hood directly. 就在陈不让闭目待死的时候,光芒一闪,一道无形的气罩,从陈不让身后迸发而出,将他笼罩在内。只听一声惊天巨响,费哈塔毁灭性的一箭,射在气罩上面,就好像射中了一层坚硬的钢铁,锵,钢铁轰鸣,气浪四射,那红宝石般的箭头和长长的箭杆,射在气罩上面直接撞成了齑粉。 Great Protectorate!” 大都护!” Hears behind sound, Chen Burang opens eyes, saw that the look is after death calm, Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi that gradually walks, in the heart long breathed a sigh of relief. 听到身后的动静,陈不让睁开眼来,看到身后神色从容,缓步走来的安西大都护高仙芝,心中长舒了一口气。 Continues to direct! Has me, does not need to be worried.” “继续指挥吧!有我在,不必担心。” The Gao Xianzhi sound resounds in the ear, his step is calm, optional proceeded several steps, protected Chen Burang after behind. The strong winds are enormous and powerful, that flash, in Gao Xianzhi the fine glow explodes shoots, his line of sight crosses layer upon layer void, looked to Abmuslin, with his behind Caliphate Dao of Bow Famous General. 高仙芝的声音在耳边响起,他的步履从容,随意的往前走了几步,就将陈不让护在了身后。狂风浩荡,那一刹那,高仙芝目中精芒爆射,他的视线越过层层虚空,望向了艾布穆斯/林,和他身后的大食箭道名将 At the same time, Abmuslin also felt that anything, the body leans forward, looked slightly similarly to Gao Xianzhi on top. Two engaged in fierce battle two months of old enemy in Talas, the line of sight intersection, in the eye bursts out to fight intent similarly intensely. 同一时间,艾布穆斯/林也感觉到了什么,身体微微前倾,同样望向了城头上的高仙芝。两位在怛罗斯鏖战两个多月的宿敌,视线相交,眼中同样迸发出了强烈的战意。 Sir, must adjust several General to come again......” “大人,要不要再调几位将军过来……” Zhihad at the right moment proceeded two steps, opened the mouth to say. 齐亚德适时的往前走了两步,开口道。 Does not need, to have Gao Xianzhi, we could not kill him.” “不必了,有高仙芝在,我们杀不了他。” Abmuslin beckoned with the hand, overruled the suggestion of Zhihad: 艾布穆斯/林摆了摆手,否决了齐亚德的建议: Trebuchet Square Formation has ruined, does not need to manage again. Informs the front officers, intensifies the attack effort. Before the sunset, I want them Tang People west defense line, thorough tearing and destroying! In any event, we must thorough defeating Great Tang!” “投石机方阵已经毁掉了,不必再管。通知前方的将士,加大攻击力度。在日落之前,我要他们将唐人西侧的防线,彻底的撕裂、摧毁!无论如何,我们都必须彻底的击败大唐!” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” The Zhihad associative compound, left quickly, transmits the order of Abmuslin. 齐亚德会意,很快离开,传达艾布穆斯/林的命令去了。 This fights the relations to be significant, is final decisive battle between Caliphate and Great Tang, the sole messenger is unable to transmit the Abmuslin will, this is also the reason that Zhihad sets out personally. 这一战关系重大,是大食大唐之间的最终决战,单单传令兵是无法传达艾布穆斯/林的意志的,这也是齐亚德亲自出动的原因。 ...... …… By far, before Talas City gate, between two steel defense lines, puts into the fight along with the Chen Burang steel trebuchet, Daqin Ruozan and Abmuslin strategy disintegrates rapidly. Daqin Ruozan hides trebuchet Square Formation and Abmuslin after hill in the Great Army rear stone car(riage), in the short time totally was destroyed completely. 远远地,怛罗斯城门前,两道钢铁防线之间,随着陈不让的钢铁投石机投入战斗,大钦若赞艾布穆斯/林的战略迅速瓦解。大钦若赞藏在丘陵后的投石机方阵艾布穆斯/林大军后方的投石车,短短时间内全部被摧毁殆尽。 In the battlefield, the flame and thick smoke vanish completely, the situations of hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements, obtained the thorough reverse instantaneously. 战场上,火焰和浓烟全部消失,十几万碛西援军的处境,瞬间得到了彻底的扭转。 Fire!” “射击!” Without any hesitation, seizes this wave of rare opportunity, Chen Bin stands on the personnel carrier, rapid direction side all Crossbow Carriage squads, to the front Caliphate camp, crazy fire. First steel defense line situation, now already quite dangerous, Caliphate People that wave of kerosene attacks, enabling the Chen Bin Crossbow Carriage squad to play the normal role, massive Caliphate Heavy Cavalry clash, rushed to under the first steel defense line city wall. 没有任何的犹豫,抓住这一波难得的机会,陈彬站在运兵车上,迅速的指挥身边所有的弩车小队,对着前方的大食阵营,疯狂射击。第一道钢铁防线的处境,现在已经相当危险,大食人的那波火油攻击,使得陈彬弩车小队没能发挥正常的作用,以至于大量的大食铁骑冲过来,冲到了第一道钢铁防线的城墙下。 All steel city walls and infantry heavy shields, are suffering the strong winds wild waves attack, like the raindrop impact noise, floods crowded binaural. Front line all Caliphate Heavy Cavalry try in the fee, tries to shatter this defense line. 所有的钢铁城墙和步兵重盾,都在遭受狂风骇浪般的攻击,密集如雨点般的撞击声,充斥双耳。最前方所有的大食铁骑都在费尽全力,试图冲垮这道防线。 But another side of steel defense line, all infantries tightly bite in the root, doom support. 而钢铁防线的另一侧,所有的步兵都在牙根紧咬,死命支撑。 survive lives! Do not make them clash!” 坚持住!不要让他们冲过来!” Blocks them! This is military order!” “挡住他们!这是军令!” All infantries are bulging muscles, on the forehead the blue vein dragon knot, including the face because makes an effort becomes red. Also at this time, the attack of Chen Bin Crossbow Carriage Great Army, at the right moment appeared at this time 所有的步兵都是肌肉贲起,额头上青筋虬结,连脸孔都因为过于用力而变得通红。也就在这个时候,陈彬弩车大军的攻击,在这个时候适时出现 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The dense and numerous long crossbow bolts are howling, blots out the sky, is similar to the god of death sickle, appear here stretch of battlefield again. The bang, attacks Caliphate Heavy Cavalry of infantry heavy shield violently, responded, once more was attacking the instance of infantry heavy shield, by one jet black such as crossbow bolt of black ink, when the chest passed through, the tremendous strength picked up from the horseback him, with the long arrow same place, hit rearward second Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, was third, fourth...... 密密麻麻的长长弩箭呼啸着,铺天盖地,如同死神的镰刀般,在这片战场上再次出现。轰,一名猛烈冲击步兵重盾的大食铁骑,反应不及,就在再次冲击步兵重盾的瞬间,被一根漆黑如墨的弩箭当胸贯穿,巨大的力量将他从马背上托起,和长箭一起,撞向后方第二名大食铁骑,接着是第三名,第四名…… Merely one crossbow bolt, has suddenly killed 78 fully-armed Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, but all these also merely start. 仅仅一根弩箭,瞬息间射杀了78名全副武装的大食铁骑,而这一切还仅仅只是开始。 pū pū, crossbow bolt one after another howls, each has carried off over six Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, merely is only one round, before the first steel defense line, died in battle 7,000-8,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, is the second round, the third round fire, one after another continuously. 噗噗噗,一根又一根的弩箭呼啸而出,每一根都带走了六名以上的大食铁骑,仅仅只是一轮,第一道钢铁防线前就已经阵亡了七八千名大食铁骑,接着是第二轮,第三轮射击,一轮又一轮接连不断。 Caliphate People was dying in battle by astonishing Speed, before entire steel defense line, everywhere is the corpse, the person, the horse, the blood flows on the ground recklessly. However this time Caliphate People already completely crazy, does not care about the casualties. When both sides engage in hand-to-hand combat, in the precisely Caliphate People legend is fiercest, is most fearful, most invincible time, so long as can kill the opposite party, beats the opposite party by the fierce attack thoroughly, Caliphate People does not care about the casualties. 大食人正以惊人的速度阵亡,整个钢铁防线前,到处都是尸体,人的,马的,鲜血在地上肆意流淌。但是这个时候的大食人已经完全疯狂,根本不顾及伤亡。当双方短兵相接的时候,正是大食人传说中最凶猛,最可怕,最无敌的时候,只要能够杀死对方,以凶猛的攻击彻底击垮对方,大食人根本不在意伤亡。 precisely this type is fierce and senseless, achievement Caliphate People west of Cong Ridge, to the invincible legend of Red Sea. 正是这种勇猛和无谓,成就了大食人葱岭以西,一直到红海的无敌传说。 Kills!” “杀!” Tens of thousands, enormous Caliphate Heavy Cavalry look is fierce, rushing to be first flushes away toward the first defense line. , Caliphate Heavy Cavalry holds up long spear in hand, throws ruthlessly, long spear crosses the infantry heavy shield, shoots down in crowded Tang People Great Army. 成千上万,无以计数的大食铁骑神色狰狞,争先恐后的向着第一道防线冲去。噗,一名大食铁骑举起手中的长枪,狠狠地投掷出去,长枪越过步兵重盾,射落在密集的唐人大军中。 Several Great Tang infantries are caught off guard, was passed through by long spear directly, nails tight on the ground. Such long spear one after another, throws unceasingly, behind the defense line, the Great Tang Qixi reinforcements present the casualties rapidly. Incessantly so, even if the front is the double-barreled attacks of beehive and Carriage Crossbow, still has massive Caliphate People top/withstand the attack, taking advantage of the corpse of stack, climbs up the city wall, flew over the past from the high heavy shield directly. 几名大唐的步兵措手不及,直接被长枪贯穿,钉死在地上。这样的长枪一根又一根,不断地投掷出去,防线后面,大唐碛西援军迅速出现伤亡。不止如此,即便前方是蜂箱和车弩的双重攻击,依然有大量的大食人顶着攻击,借着堆积的尸体,攀爬城墙,直接从高高的重盾上面飞越过去。 pū pū, behind the infantry heavy shield, a famous size Bo Lv regular soldier, grasps the lance, like the forest, holds to puncture crowded. These lances are common like the spirit snake, by the armor slits of these Caliphate soldiers, holds to put on them, hangs on the lance. 噗噗噗,步兵重盾后面,一名名大小勃律的正规兵,手持长矛,密集如林,一个个捅刺过去。这些长矛有如灵蛇一般,透过这些大食士兵的铠甲缝隙,将他们一个个捅穿,挂在长矛上面。 The might of size Bo Lvmao soldier manifests in this time without doubt, the sole view armor piercing ability, the entire western region fears nobody to compare favorably with they. However even if so is unable to prevent Caliphate. 大小勃律矛兵的威力在此时体现无疑,单论破甲能力,整个西域恐怕没有人比得上他们。不过即便如此也无法阻挡大食 Fight! Kills off them!” “战斗!杀光他们!” A Caliphate soldier oversteps the corpse to climb over the wall of steel, both hands takes the sickle to swoop, kills in the crowd wantonly. Two, three......, The innumerable Caliphate soldiers, rush to be first, laugh in the face of death, toward the first steel defense line rush in the past. 一名大食战士踏过尸体爬过钢铁之墙,双手拿着弯刀飞扑而下,在人群中大肆砍杀。一个,两个,三个……,无数的大食士兵,争先恐后,舍生忘死,向着第一道钢铁防线冲杀过去。 One after another, no matter beehive, Carriage Crossbow definitely is unable to prevent them. 一名又一名,不管是蜂箱,还是车弩都完全无法阻止他们。 The situation becomes critical not only the first defense line, at the same time, Eastern battlefield, after the second defense line, the Qixi Protectorate Army situation similarly becomes bad. 情况变得危急的远不只是第一道防线,与此同时,东方的战场,第二道防线后,碛西都护军的处境同样变得恶劣起来。 Beyond the Xu Qiqin biography gets online, everybody searches my slightly Xin Gong Huangfu strange attention! ^-^ 【番外许绮琴传上线,大家搜索我的微信公号“皇甫奇”关注啊!^-^】
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