HE :: Volume #10

#910: Sky Wolf Illusion Array!

Chapter 910 第910章 The micro blog eruption activity started, everybody pays attention to my micro blog in a big hurry, actively participates in the activity. Erupted many to look at everybody! ^-^ 微博爆发活动开始了,大家快快关注我的微博,积极参加活动吧。爆发多少就看大家了!^-^ Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry gods keep off Killing God, Buddha keep off *, the place visited, almost sweeps away all obstacles, does not have enemy of the gathering. Bang, Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry keeps off in the front, was hit by Wushang Heavy Cavalry, pitiful yell, the whole person is similar to the kite with broken string, was thrown more than ten meters sky by that huge impulse with horse. 五千乌伤铁骑神挡杀神,佛挡*,所过之处,几乎是所向披靡,无一合之敌。砰,一名西突厥铁骑挡在前方,被乌伤铁骑一撞,啊的惨叫一声,整个人如同断线风筝般,被那股巨大的冲击力连人带马抛上十多米的天空。 Two, three, innumerable Western Turkic and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry is similar to by five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry the withered grass is ordinary, or hits totters, either hits to throw the sky, that imposing manner frightening. 一名,两名,三名,无数的西突厥乌斯藏铁骑被五千乌伤铁骑如同败草一般,或者撞得东歪西倒,或者撞得抛上天空,那种气势让人心惊不已。 Good! After such enemy kills, even more will have the sense of achievement!” “好!这样的敌人杀死之后,才会越发的有成就感!” Shamshak volt on horseback, distant sees this, not only does not have slight fear, instead shows an excited look, whole person looks like fierce incomparable. Entire Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, including Western Turkic Khaganate, Shamshak can be said as cloudiest evil, strange Quasi-General. 沙木沙克伏在马背上,远远的看见这一幕,不但没有丝毫的畏惧,反而露出一丝兴奋的神色,整个人看起来狰狞无比。整个天狼铁骑,包括西突厥汗国中,沙木沙克可以说是最为阴邪,怪异的准将 He cruel, bloodthirsty, simultaneously looks like the poisonous snake to be sly, sinister, absolutely does not have a prestige illustrious Empire Quasi-General proper breadth of spirit and character. However, no matter he has many odd, no matter also his attitude has how loathfully, Shamshak forever will be the section that under the Du Wusili place will most regard as important, even in the Du Wusili heart, his component compared with having Azure Wolf Ye Hu Agudul of Imperial Family blood relationship will also want heavy many. 他残忍、嗜杀,同时又像毒蛇般狡猾,阴险,完全没有一个威名赫赫的帝国准将应有的气魄和风骨。不过,不管他有多少的怪癖,也不管他的作风有多么的让人讨厌,沙木沙克永远都是都乌思力座下最看重的部将,甚至在都乌思力心中,他的分量比拥有皇室血统的青狼叶护阿骨都蓝还要重的多。 Reason that Du Wusili attaches great importance to him, the reason is very simple, because Shamshak knows how to kill own match, no matter the opposite party has formidable how! 都乌思力之所以如此的重视他,原因很简单,因为沙木沙克知道怎么样去杀死自己的对手,不管对方有多么的强大! All people obey orders! That Sovereign Martial Realm Tang Chieftain turns over to me, anyone of you cannot move him! I must cut off his head, brings to make the drinking vessel!” “所有人听令!那个皇武境的唐人首领归我,你们谁也不许动他!我要把他的头砍下来,带回去做酒器!” Shamshak ferocious sound said, was saying, while licks the lip that became dry excitedly, in the look disclosed the pinnacle bloodthirsty. 沙木沙克狞声道,一边说着,一边兴奋的舔了舔发干的嘴唇,眼神中透露出极致的嗜血。 Yes!” “是!” One crowd of Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry were responding loudly, became excited incomparable. 一群天狼铁骑大声的回应着,一个个也跟着变得兴奋无比。 Was a pity that such fierce Heavy Cavalry has matched such small and weak Sovereign Martial Realm Leader, does not know how really Agudul loses to their. However has not related, I can with hands down take off his head immediately, revenges for you!” “可惜啊,这么厉害的铁骑配了一个这么弱小的皇武境首领,真不知道阿骨都蓝是怎么输给他们的。不过没有关系,我立刻就可以不费吹灰之力的摘下他的头,替你报仇!” Shamshak looks at Li Siye of distant place, like looking at small and weak treating butchers the lamb. Expert of Quasi-General level, must massacre Sovereign Martial Realm martial artist, was really too easily. 沙木沙克看着远处的李嗣业,就像看着一只弱小的待宰羔羊一样。一个准将级的高手,要杀掉一个皇武境武者,实在是太容易不过了。 In the Shamshak eye, Li Siye is a deceased person. 沙木沙克的眼中,李嗣业已经是个死人了。 Bang, the mist and dust is billowing, jet black such as Aura of black ink bursts out together from Shamshak within the body, is similar to the storm sweeps across generally, radiated the under foot of each Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, with lightning speed, Speed had achieved pinnacle Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, held in this Aura in addition, Speed rose suddenly once more a section, was similar to handle giant Long Sword on the earth, went toward Li Siye and five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry charges. 轰隆,烟尘滚滚,一道漆黑如墨的光环沙木沙克体内迸发出来,如同风暴一般席卷而出,辐射到了每一个天狼铁骑的脚下,原本风驰电掣,速度已经达到了极致天狼铁骑,在这道光环的加持下,速度再次暴涨一截,在大地上如同一柄巨型长剑般,向着李嗣业和五千乌伤铁骑冲锋而去。 That flash, the earth thunders, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, relative charge of eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry and five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry on the earth, attracted the attention of countless person. 那一刹那,大地轰鸣,天摇地动,八千天狼铁骑和五千乌伤铁骑在大地上相对冲锋,吸引了无数人的注意。 Lord Marquis! General Li was dangerous!” 侯爷李将军危险了!” In the position of second steel defense line, Xue Qianjun stands and waits for a long time side Wang Chong's, almost first noted the sound of distant place. Looks at two potential of relative charge decisive battle Heavy Cavalry, in the Xue Qianjun eye reveals deep worry. 第二道钢铁防线的阵地上,薛千军伫立在王冲的身旁,几乎第一时间就注意到了远处的动静。看着两支以决战之势相对冲锋的铁骑,薛千军的眼中露出一丝深深的担忧。 Xue Qianjun never suspected that Wushang Heavy Cavalry strength, in his mind that is in the world most formidable Heavy Cavalry. However, that refers to Lord Marquis leading in the Commander-in-Chief situation. Between Sovereign Martial Realm and Saint Martial Realm, have together the hard-to-pass natural moat, Li Siye is only Sovereign Martial Realm peak cultivation base, without Wang Chong leading, is impossible to resist Empire Quasi-General Level Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry Commander . 薛千军从不怀疑乌伤铁骑的实力,在他的心中那就是世界上最强大的铁骑。不过,那是指有侯爷带队统帅的情况下。皇武境圣武境之间,有着一道难以逾越的天堑,李嗣业只是皇武境巅峰的修为,在没有王冲带领的情况下,根本不可能对抗一个帝国准将级别天狼铁骑统领 Does not need to be worried!” “不必担心!” A light sound conveys from ear, Wang Chong stands and waits for a long time under the huge commander's flag that flutters against the wind, on the face a tranquility, does not have the slight mighty waves. 一个淡淡的声音从耳边传来,王冲伫立在迎风飘扬的巨大帅旗下,脸上一片平静,没有丝毫的波澜。 But Lord Marquis “可是侯爷 Xue Qianjun also wants to argue anything, but beckoned with the hand to break by Wang Chong. 薛千军还想争辩什么,但是被王冲摆了摆手打断了。 Relax, Li Siye will not have the matter.” “放心吧,李嗣业不会有事的。” The matter in battlefield he has been paying attention, top Heavy Cavalry that Du Wusili Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry and Great Tang Wushang Heavy Cavalry, two historically never have met launches the decisive battle here, this is accidental, is a necessity, but for this war, he has made the sufficient preparation, including the Li Siye issue. 战场上的事情他一直在关注,都乌思力天狼铁骑大唐乌伤铁骑,两支历史上从未碰过面的顶尖铁骑在这里展开决战,这是一种偶然,更是一种必然,而为了这一战,他已经做出了充足的准备,包括李嗣业的问题。 Goes! Only the danger can whet your potential, I believe that one day, you will reveal in the family background the genuine point!” “去吧!只有危险才能磨砺出你身上的潜能,我相信,总有一天,你会显露出身上真正的锋芒!” Wang Chong looks at the Li Siye back, in the mind is flashing through myriad thoughts. 王冲望着李嗣业的背影,脑海中闪过万千的念头。 Li Siye has sheltered since under own wing, no matter Triangle Jag copes with a Dayan Mangbojie service, is Qixi Armory and Agudul that war, completely is so, because of security, because there are to replace him to keep off all winds and rains and dangers, therefore Li Siye to the present is also only the Martial Sovereign peak, cannot break through Saint Martial Realm, became true Divine Great General. 一直以来,李嗣业都庇护在自己的羽翼下,不管是三角缺口对付达延芒波杰一役,还是碛西军械库阿骨都蓝那一战,全部都是如此,因为过于的安全,因为有自己代替他挡下了所有的风雨和危险,所以李嗣业到现在还都只是皇武巅峰,并没有能够突破圣武境,成为真正的神通大将 On but reason that first, Li Siye can achieve that high achievement, leaps in the short time, becomes can rely on strength of the, changes the entire battlefield trend, reverses the entire war Divine Great General, because of continuous bad risk fight. 而上一世,李嗣业之所以能够达成那么高的成就,在短短时间内一路飞跃,成为能够凭借一己之力,改变整个战场趋势,逆转整个战局的神通大将,就是因为接连不断的凶险战斗。 Risking one's life, being saved from death, in the life and death edge, Li Siye forced the potential in within the body, in the short time, the achievement a legend, became the Empire legend. 一次次的出生入死,一次次的死里逃生,在生与死的边缘,李嗣业逼迫出了体内的潜力,才在短短时间内,成就了一段传奇,成为了帝国的传说。 Death with being injured, this is the thing that Li Siye lives to be destined, only then faces directly these bad risks, Li Siye may the growth. 死亡与受伤,这是李嗣业生命中注定的东西,只有去直面这些凶险,李嗣业才有可能得到成长。 This is also the conclusion that the Wang Chong ponder for a long time draws very much. 这也是王冲思考很久得出的结论。 Xue Qianjun looks at the Wang Chong's profile, is feeling firm and resolute of his vision, as if understood anything, slowly the whole body relaxes, with the Wang Chong same place, looks at the distant place silently, will look into the distance that will soon be launching, in world two topest Heavy Cavalry showdowns. 薛千军怔怔的看着王冲的侧脸,感受着他目光的坚毅,仿佛间明白了什么,慢慢全身放松下来,和王冲一起,默默看着远处,眺望着那场即将展开的,世界上两支最顶尖铁骑的对决。 „!” “嗷!” The distant place, the mist and dust is billowing, two Heavy Cavalry are getting more and more near, is distanced in two Heavy Cavalry also more than 200 zhang (3.33 m), each other internal Qi distant locking instant, suddenly, a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth wolf howling resounds in all person ears, that is not howling of any great wolf, because does not have any wolf to make this sound. 远处,烟尘滚滚,两支铁骑越来越近,就在两支铁骑相距还有200多丈,彼此气机遥遥锁定的刹那,突然之间,一声惊天动地的狼嚎在所有人耳中响起,那并不是任何一头巨狼的吼叫,因为没有任何一头狼可以发出这种声音。 Buzz, in instant, the mutation that wolf howling sound gets up breaks out, around eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, an invisible strength suddenly is similar to the tsunami gushes out, the air instantaneous twist deformation, becomes fuzzy, but eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry internal Qi, change into a mountain peak huge golden color wolf head instantaneously, both eyes looks disdainfully, is dignified and fierce. 嗡,就在狼嚎声响起的刹那,异变突起,就在八千天狼铁骑周围,一股无形的力量突然如同海啸般喷薄而出,空气瞬间扭曲变形,变得模糊起来,而八千天狼铁骑身上的气机,瞬间化为一头山峰般巨大的金色狼头,双目睥睨,威严而狰狞。 Bang, in the wolf head appears in instant, the mutation breaks out, eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry Speed, strength and Dexterity dramatically increase, even including the build of warhorse as if the change, became expands, was more grandiose. In was heavy including the sound of horse's hoof in an instant. 轰隆,就在狼头出现在的刹那,异变突起,八千天狼铁骑速度、力量、敏捷都大幅增加,甚至连战马的体型都似乎了变化,变得膨大,壮硕了许多。连马蹄的声音都在刹那间沉重了许多。 But winks, the constriction and aura that eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry send out assume the geometrical multiple level immediately, has had the tremendous changes. The mist and dust that raises from several meters, leapt to 20-30 meters high high, Speed has soared. However changes of eight thousand Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry also more than so. 只不过一眨间,八千天狼铁骑散发出来的压迫感和气息立即呈几何倍数级,产生了翻天覆地的变化。掀起的烟尘更是从十几米,腾高到了二三十米高,速度直线上升。然而八千天狼铁骑的变化还远不止如此。 General, looks quickly!” 将军,快看!” The Li Siye side, the Kongzi An eyelid jumps, the pupil contraction, points at the distant place to say suddenly. 李嗣业的身旁,孔子安眼皮一跳,瞳孔收缩,突然指着远处道。 Under the noses of five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, opposite Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry in instant, suddenly the ray that the golden great wolf appears flashes, the population was doubled by 8000 people, turns into the dense and numerous 16,000 people, threatens, charge. 就在五千乌伤铁骑的眼皮底下,对面的天狼铁骑在金色巨狼出现的刹那,突然光芒一闪,人数由8000人增加了一倍,变成密密麻麻16000人,气势汹汹,冲锋而来。 Ghost!” “幻像!” Sees this, Li Siye sits well on blood and sweat treasured horse, the eyelid beat fiercely several, immediately has distinguished. Entire Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry in suddenly, suddenly the quantity turned one time, present Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry at least over 16,000 people, even are more, but this is impossible. Without a doubt, including more than 50% at least are the ghosts. 看到这一幕,李嗣业端坐在汗血宝马上,眼皮猛的跳动了几下,立即辨别了出来。整个天狼铁骑在一刹那间,突然数量翻了一倍,眼前的天狼铁骑至少16000人以上,甚至更多,但这是根本不可能的。毫无疑问,其中有一半以上至少都是幻像。 Li Siye so is vertically and horizontally long in the battlefield, first time encounters this situation. 李嗣业在战场上纵横那么久,还是第一次遇到这种情况。 Sky Wolf Illusion Array! 天狼幻阵 A thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, Li Siye has remembered suddenly when the Beiting Protectorate General service, has listened to one side hearsay. In the legend, in the Turkic prairie has Top Level Sky Wolf Illusion Array. These strange Shaman priests of this Illusion Array on by the prairie invents, the inheritance is remote, is Western Turkic Khaganate one of the three big top Array. 一个念头掠过脑海,李嗣业突然想起了在北庭都护府服役时,听过的一侧传闻。传说之中,突厥大草原上有一门顶级天狼幻阵。这种幻阵由草原上那些诡异的萨满祭司发明,传承久远,是西突厥汗国的三大顶尖阵法之一。 Beiting Great Protectorate An Sishun assumes personal command for many years in the north border region, the entire life rare rival. But in entire life only defeat, defeats under that Sky Wolf Illusion Array. 北庭大都护安思顺在北部边陲坐镇多年,生平罕有敌手。而生平中唯一一次败绩,就是败在那门天狼幻阵之下。 In the hearsay, that war, on the prairie outside entire Beiting Protectorate General, everywhere is the Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry mixture of truth and deceit form, because the genuine and fake are difficult to distinguish, Beiting Great Protectorate lost that war. Li Siye has not attended that war, does not know the concrete inside story. However Sky Wolf Illusion Array this matter, is almost known to everybody to be known to everybody in entire Beiting Protectorate General, this is the determination without doubt. 传闻之中,那一战,整个北庭都护府外的草原上,到处都是天狼铁骑虚虚实实身影,因为真假难辨,北庭大都护才输了那一战。李嗣业没有参加那一战,也不知道具体的内情。但是天狼幻阵这件事情,在整个北庭都护府几乎无人不知无人不晓,这个是确定无疑的。 Lord Marquis, what to do?” 侯爷,怎么办?” In the rear battlefield, Wang Chong one crowd of Qixi section will see this, each one is Li Siye and five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry worried. Wushang Heavy Cavalry and Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, Great Tang and Western Turkic, this showdown was mammoth, is not Xue Qianjun few individuals who alarmed, even the numerous after first steel defense line also will have continually a feeling, subconscious looked at one toward Li Siye and direction of Shamshak battle. 后方的战场上,王冲身边一群碛西的部将看到这一幕,个个为李嗣业和五千乌伤铁骑捏了把汗。乌伤铁骑天狼铁骑,大唐西突厥,这一场对决声势浩大,惊动的已经不是薛千军寥寥几个人了,甚至连第一道钢铁防线后的众将也有所感,下意识的往李嗣业沙木沙克交战的方向瞄了一眼。 The Wushang Heavy Cavalry strength is excellent, but Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry is also one to keep off ten, has brave of ten thousand men opening, looks from the scene, in any event, the situation seems like disadvantageous to population slightly few Wushang Heavy Cavalry. 乌伤铁骑战力过人,但是天狼铁骑也是一以挡十,有万夫莫开之勇,从场面上看,无论如何,情况看起来都对人数略少的乌伤铁骑不利。 Believes him!” “相信他!” Wang Chong rides a horse to stand erect under commander's flag that in flap flap makes noise, only said three characters, the facial expression not slight mighty waves. 王冲骑马矗立在猎猎作响的帅旗下,只说了三个字,神情没有丝毫的波澜。 Wushang Heavy Cavalry is under his place the sharpest strength, was relying on past able to move unhindered world. Although present Wushang Heavy Cavalry has not experienced that many fights, without that many having fought many battles, the Spatial Meteorite Iron armor and Wootz Steel Sword that but they equip, excel by far the world, is the equipment of Top Level, this was past Wushang Heavy Cavalry has not had. 乌伤铁骑是他座下最精锐的力量,也是当年纵横天下的凭借。虽然现在的乌伤铁骑还没有经历那么多的战斗,没有那么多“身经百战”,但是他们装备的天外陨铁铠甲和乌兹钢剑,冠绝天下,是顶级的装备,这是当年的乌伤铁骑都不曾有的。 From this point, present Wushang Heavy Cavalry is the most luxurious equipment condition. 从这一点来说,现在的乌伤铁骑已经是最豪华的装备状态了。 If Wushang Heavy Cavalry is not the Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry match, then entire Central Plains, any strength has not been the Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry match, did not have any Cavalry to resist them. 如果连乌伤铁骑都不是天狼铁骑的对手,那么整个中土,已经没有任何力量是天狼铁骑的对手,也没有任何的骑兵可以对抗他们了。 The good news, beyond the season to approach, Yin people series second shot the Bai Siling biography to upload, for these days will be linking beyond upload. We hope that everybody generous support, many to praise, hits to enjoy! ^-^, wants to look beyond exclusive, remembers that pays attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then! 好消息,番外季来临,尹人系列第二弹白思菱传上传了,这几天会连着上传番外。希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,打赏啊!^-^,想看独家番外,记得关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可!
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