HE :: Volume #10

#902: Terrifying Daqin Ruozan!

Chapter 902 第902章 Daqin Ruozan! 大钦若赞 Wang Chong does not need to look also knows, this certainly is the order of Daqin Ruozan. Two big Commander-in-Chief in this Eastern battlefield, a use pack of wolves, a use vulture, from the different positions, has sent out the exploratory attack separately. No matter the pack of wolves or the vulture, domestic animal on these prairie and Plateau, regarding Du Wusili and Daqin Ruozan, wants many to have many, no matter casualty many, will not love dearly. 王冲不用看也知道,这一定是大钦若赞的命令。这东方战场上的两大统帅,一个使用狼群,一个使用秃鹫,分别从不同的方位,发出了自己试探性的攻击。不管是狼群还是秃鹫,这些草原和高原上的畜生,对于都乌思力大钦若赞来说,都是要多少有多少,不管死伤多少,都绝不会心疼。 However two people can actually in this way, probe defense capability of Wang Chong in east side battlefield. 但是两人却能通过这种方式,试探出王冲在东面战场上的防御能力。 Such being the case, such as you hope!” “既然如此,就如你们所愿吧!” Wang Chong looks on the opposite hill that two bright as snow vision, the corners of the mouth shows a light smiling face. Any idea that no matter Du Wusili and Daqin Ruozan have, wants breaks through own defense line by several tens of thousands wolves and cinereous vultures, simply is the wishful thinking, even if the probe, two people are also doomed not to be impossible to probe to obtain the thing. 王冲看着对面丘陵上那两道雪亮的目光,嘴角露出一丝淡淡的笑容。不管都乌思力大钦若赞打的什么主意,想靠数万的狼群和秃鹫突破自己的防线,简直就是痴心妄想,就算是试探,两人也注定不可能试探得出东西。 20 zhang (3.33 m)! 20丈! Ten zhang (3.33 m)! 十丈! Puts!” “放!” in a flash, a calm sound, suddenly after the east defense line resounds. The next quarter, in all person ears hears one humming sound, probably the colony dances in the air, vibrates the sound of wing. In instant, in that steel city walls that the pack of wolves and airborne vulture group soon swoop, the innumerable dense and numerous holes open, the cold light flashes through, number by the arrow varieties of 100,000 ideas crowded like rain, explodes to shoot from inside. 电光石火间,一个冷静的声音,突然从东面的防线后响起。下一刻,所有人耳中都听到一阵嗡嗡,好像蜂群飞舞,震动翅膀的声音。就在狼群和空中的秃鹫群快要飞扑过来的刹那,那一堵堵钢铁城墙上,无数密密麻麻的孔穴张开,寒光闪过,数以100000计的箭簇密集如雨,从里面爆射出来。 „!” “嗷呜!” Clash/To dodges in forefront huge Azure Wolf, on the forehead a blood hole, suddenly was nailed tight by 67 advantage arrows in the ground. But like Death foreword chapter of opening, sky over this huge Azure Wolf, the number by the crowded arrow rain of 100,000 ideas, howls , the second steel defense line first 70-80 zhang (3.33 m) scopes, like the sea, enormous pack of wolves nails tight boundlessly completely on the ground. 一头冲在最前面的巨大青狼闪避不及,额头上一个血洞,瞬息间被67根利箭钉死在地面。而就像一首死亡序章的开启,就在这头巨大青狼上空,数以100000计的密集箭雨,呼啸而下,将第二道钢铁防线前七八十丈的范围内,茫茫如海,无以计数的狼群全部钉死在地上。 Incessantly so, pū pū, in midair, another vulture is calling out in alarm, was shot through the nape of the neck, wing and abdomen by the arrow rain, an only as if stone fell. But under them, clearly can see the Great Tang soldiers, the hand grabs the giant cuboid steel box, on the box the innumerable holes, has aimed airborne. 不止如此,噗噗噗,半空之中,一头又一头秃鹫惊叫着,被箭雨射穿脖颈、翅膀、腹部,一只只仿佛石头般掉了下来。而在他们下方,分明可以看到一个个大唐的战士,手抓着巨大的长方体钢铁箱子,箱子上无数的孔穴,对准了空中。 But such a small change, instantaneously airborne also will turn into a stretch of Death region. 只不过这么一个小小的变化,瞬间将空中也化成了一片死亡地带。 The pack of wolves is miserable, the vulture calls out in alarm, but several breath, before the second defense line , the vulture that boundless such as the pack of wolves of sea and airborne blots out the sky, was emptied immediately instantaneously, the vision institute, everywhere is the corpse of these pack of wolves and vulture, entire battlefield suddenly one static. 狼群惨嚎,秃鹫惊叫,只不过几个呼吸,第二道防线前茫茫如海的狼群和空中铺天盖地的秃鹫,立即被瞬间清空,目光所及,到处都是这些狼群和秃鹫的尸体,整个战场突然一静。 wēng! 嗡! Sees this, on distant place hill, giant azure bottom gold/metal wolf, the Du Wusili corner of the eye beats, the whole person complexion changed. 看到这一幕,远处丘陵上,巨大的青底金狼旗下,都乌思力眼角跳动,整个人脸色都变了。 What is this?!” “这是什么?!” In the Du Wusili heart the mighty waves are turbulent, the form that looks at distant place that youngster, the feeling in heart is earth-shaking, completely changed. Although this time he comes at the invitation of Daqin Ruozan, the goal was also to eliminate Great Tang in western region all effective strengths, but between he and Wang Chong, has not fought. 都乌思力心中波涛汹涌,看着远处那个少年的身影,心中的感觉天翻地覆,完全变了。这一次他虽然是应大钦若赞的邀请而来,目的也是为了消灭大唐在西域所有的有生力量,但是他和王冲之间,还从来没有交过手。 That type suddenly projects the number by the terrifying steel installments of 100,000 idea arrow rain, Du Wusili entire life never has also seen. This has overturned his cognition to the bow and arrow completely. 那种瞬息间射出数以100000计箭雨的恐怖钢铁装置,都乌思力生平还从未见过。这完全打翻了他对弓箭的认知。 Nearby not far away, in the Daqin Ruozan eye has started the intermittent mighty waves similarly. 旁边不远处,大钦若赞的眼中同样掀起了阵阵波澜。 He when southwest the war fights with Wang Chong, Wang Chong merely has also provided another steel city wall, facing several hundred thousand Meng-U Allied Army, can only the passive defense, but also simply does not have these many terrifying slaughtering sharp weapons. The beehive, this formidable group killed the sharp weapon, Daqin Ruozan had already listened in the Royal Capital dungeon, Wang Chong when coped with Dayan Mangbojie, had used. 他在西南之战和王冲交手的时候,王冲也仅仅只是配备了一堵又一堵钢铁城墙而已,面对几十万的蒙乌联军,只能被动的防守,还根本没有这么多恐怖的杀戮利器。蜂箱,这种强大的群杀利器,大钦若赞王都地牢里早已听过,王冲在对付达延芒波杰的时候,也曾经使用过。 However hears with sees truly, completely is two different concepts. 但是听到和真正看到,完全是两种不同的概念。 Remembers that wave to shoot up to the sky, boundless such as the arrow rain of sea, on hill, everyone felt deep shock from innermost soul. 想起那波冲天而起,茫茫如海的箭雨,丘陵上,每一个人都感觉到了一种发自灵魂深处的深深震撼。 Puts! ” ”放!” Same sound, not only resounds in the battlefield east side, similarly in city west of side Talas, after the first steel defense line, has made a sound. Buzz, in an instant, the number by the arrow rain of 100,000 ideas, explodes to shoot, rear Iron Beast Legion, covers with Caliphate Legion that other charges come completely. 相同的声音,不只是在战场的东侧响起,同样在怛罗斯之城西侧,第一道钢铁防线后也响了起来。嗡,刹那之间,数以100000计的箭雨,爆射而出,将后方的铁兽军团,和其他冲锋而来的大食军团全部笼罩。 Puts! ” ”放!” Puts! ” ”放!” Puts! ” ”放!” Tens of thousands of beehives install on the wall of steel, behind each beehive the soldier guards the operation. The number blots out the sky by the arrow rain of 100,000 ideas, is ordinary like the sea tide, unceasing howls to project. Although these arrow lethality cannot compare the crossbow bolt that Carriage Crossbow projects by far . Moreover the armor that a large number of arrow were put on by Caliphate People on keeps off, when these arrow quantities reach a terrifying magnitude, the might is quite still astonishing. 成千上万的蜂箱安装在钢铁之墙上面,每一个蜂箱后面都有一个士兵把守操作。数以100000计的箭雨铺天盖地,有如海潮一般,不断的呼啸射出。虽然这些箭支的杀伤力远远比不上车弩射出的弩箭,而且相当一部分的箭支被大食人身上穿的铠甲挡下,但是当这些箭支的数量达到一个恐怖的数量级,威力依然相当惊人。 pū pū, benefits the arrow to prick the sound of human body to transmit from the city west of side Talas battlefield unceasingly, before the warhorse and Cavalry, have not rushed to the first steel defense line, then the whole body inserted completely arrow, after running out of a distance, numerous falling down on the ground. But in short time, first City of Steel front, immediately field littered with corpses, piled up. 噗噗噗,利箭刺入人体的声音不断从怛罗斯之城西侧的战场上传来,战马、骑兵、还没有冲到第一道钢铁防线前,便满身插满了箭支,冲出一段距离后重重的扑倒在地上。只不过短短时间内,第一道钢铁之城的前方,立即尸横遍野,堆积成山。 Fire! ” ”射击!” On high personnel carrier vehicle, the Chen Bin vision is solemn, Long Sword in hand time and time again layer on layer/heavily wields. Crossbow Carriage launches unceasingly, each crossbow bolt brings the big arrow rain in the battlefield, takes away the massive Caliphate soldiers. Great Tang consumes the massive financial resource, physical resource, is symbolizing Crossbow Carriage of highest forged technology in the battlefield of this foreign land, played the strongest might. 高高的运兵车车上,陈彬目光冷峻,手中的长剑一次又一次的重重挥下。一波波的弩车不断发射,每一根弩箭都在战场上带起大蓬的箭雨,带走大量的大食战士。大唐耗费大量的财力,物力,象征着最高锻造技术的弩车在这个异域的战场上,发挥出了最强的威力。 In short time, thousands big * fell on this stretch of battlefield sharply. 短短时间内,数以万计的大*锐倒在了这片战场上。 However at this time, Caliphate People fierce and fearless exposes immediately without doubt, although is facing Carriage Crossbow and arrow rain attacks of beehive dual terrifying, massive Caliphate People died before the Great Tang first steel defense line freely, however rear Caliphate Legion liked as before vastly general, took place of the fallen, comes in waves. On their faces, cannot see a wee bit regarding fear of Death, instead is more like some huge glory is ordinary. 不过在这个时候,大食人的凶猛和无畏立即展露无疑,尽管面对着车弩和蜂箱双重恐怖的箭雨攻击,尽管大量的大食人死在了大唐的第一道钢铁防线之前,但是后方的大食军团依旧有如汪洋一般,前仆后继,滚滚而来。在他们的脸上,看不到一丁点对于死亡的畏惧,反而更像是某种巨大的荣耀一般。 The Caliphate People instinct was militant, takes dying in battle battleground as the honor, regarding them, Death in the battlefield, was equal to returning to the bosom of Deity, this was an extremely high gracious gift and glory. Therefore Caliphate People compared with it U-Tsang People and Turkic People, but also wants to be formidable and fierce. 大食人天性好战,以战死沙场为荣,对于他们来说,在战场上死亡,就等于回归神灵的怀抱,这是一种极高的恩赐和荣耀。所以大食人比之乌斯藏人突厥人,还要强大和凶猛。 Rushes to be first facing these, Caliphate Legion that the charge comes, the Wang Chong also eyelid jumped jumping. 面对这些争先恐后,冲锋而来的大食军团,就连王冲也不禁眼皮跳了跳。 A wave has not put down, a wave gets up, when Caliphate People starts the army charge, the distant place, dense and numerous, tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry and Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry were crying out, simultaneously charged. The thousands great wolf and Death of Turkic group, cannot let these U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person has slight fear. 一波未平,一波又起,就在大食人发动全军冲锋的时候,远处,密密麻麻,成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑西突厥铁骑呐喊着,同时冲锋而来。数以万计巨狼和突厥群的死亡,并没有能够让这些乌斯藏人西突厥人有丝毫的畏惧。 Huoshu Guicang, besides Mu Chi Great Cavalry, sends all troops! ” 火树归藏,除了穆赤大铁骑之外,把所有人马都派出去!” On the hill, the strong winds howl, Daqin Ruozan sits on a U-Tsang marvelous horse, the visual front, the look is firm. The great strength of Tang People is without a doubt, in the Great Tang war, any wants to avoid losing, or defeats the idea of Great Tang at the small price is impractically and is quite weak. 丘陵上,狂风呼啸,大钦若赞坐在一匹乌斯藏神驹上面,目视前方,神色坚定无比。唐人的强大是毋庸置疑的,在和大唐的战争中,任何想要避免损失,或者以微小代价就战胜大唐的想法都是不切实际和极为幼稚的。 The war will have the sacrifice, this Talas's War, Daqin Ruozan has completed the worst plan. So long as can thorough destroys Anxi Protectorate Army and Qixi Protectorate Army, strangles Wang Chong, then all sacrifices were worth. 战争就会有牺牲,这一次怛罗斯之战,大钦若赞已经做好了最坏的打算。只要能够彻底的摧毁安西都护军碛西都护军,扼杀掉王冲,那么一切的牺牲都是值得的。 Tripartite alliance, decisive battle Great Tang, in any event imperative. 三方联盟,决战大唐,无论如何都势在必行。 Great Tang does not have the principle of survival certainly! 大唐绝无幸存之理! ”, Did the following thing assemble? ” ”扎波,后面的东西都组装好了吗?” Daqin Ruozan proceeded two steps along the hill, did not return to say. 大钦若赞沿着丘陵往前走了两步,头也不回道。 Prepared, all and other orders of Great Minister! ” ”都准备好了,一切就等大相的命令!” A sound conveys from behind. 一个声音从后面传来。 Un. ” ”嗯。” Daqin Ruozan nodded: 大钦若赞点了点头: Informs Caliphate People to move together . Moreover, starts! ” ”通知大食人一起行动,另外,开始吧!” Yes! ” ”是!” Daqin Ruozan behind, the form departed together quickly, disappears behind the hill. 大钦若赞身后,一道身影很快离去,消失在了丘陵后方。 ...... …… hōng lōng lōng, the strong winds howl, the warhorse gallops, tens of thousands of U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person collaborates to rush ahead. A wolf is howling, the tens of thousands of azure great wolves charge from these Heavy Cavalry Great Army once more, but with the first difference, when the distance second steel defense line also more than 200 zhang (3.33 m), the mutation breaks out, buzz, under the noses of all people, the ray flashes, all U-Tsang and Western Turkic person puts out a hand to search from the barrel, unexpectedly simultaneously puts out circular heavy shields to come out. 轰隆隆,狂风呼啸,战马奔腾,成千上万的乌斯藏人西突厥人联手冲杀而来。嗷呜,一声狼嚎,成千上万青色巨狼再次从这些铁骑大军后方冲锋而出,但是和第一次不同,就在距离第二道钢铁防线还有200多丈的时候,异变突起,嗡,就在所有人的眼皮底下,光芒一闪,所有的乌斯藏西突厥人从马腹下伸手一探,居然同时拿出一面面圆形的重盾出来。 Kills! ” ”杀!” Eliminates them! Seizes the western region! ” ”消灭他们!占领西域!” Kills them! ” ”干掉他们!” ...... …… War cry shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person, although language barrier, but at this moment tacit like same army. They are bending down the body immediately, the abdomen is pasting the horseback, before the round shield in hand are lifting, like a handle umbrella, blocks the warhorse and own majority of strategic point. 喊杀声惊天动地,乌斯藏人西突厥人虽然语言不通,但这一刻默契的就像同一个军队一样。他们在马上伏着身子,腹部贴着马背,手中的圆盾前举,就像一柄伞一样,挡住战马和自身的大部分要害。 Sees this, after the second steel defense line, all Great Tang officers slightly changed the complexion. No matter vulture or pack of wolves, or the present round shield, U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person comes prepared obviously, moreover made fully the completely safe preparation. 看到这一幕,第二道钢铁防线后,所有的大唐将士都微微变了脸色。不管是秃鹫还是狼群,又或是现在的圆盾,乌斯藏人西突厥人明显有备而来,而且做足了万全的准备。 Preparation! ” ”准备!” Of Xu Keyi clang draws out Long Sword, the solemn sound resounds after the entire defense line. But along with the order of Xu Keyi, after the second defense line, the click-clack makes the sound, 1500 Carriage Crossbow adjustment directions slowly, under morning sun of initial rise, sharp arrow variety upholds slowly, start toward U-Tsang People and Western Turkic that person the opposite charge comes aim. 许科仪锵的一声拔出身上的长剑,冷峻的声音在整个防线后响起。而随着许科仪的命令,第二道防线后,轧轧做响,1500架车弩缓缓的调整方向,初升的朝阳下,一道道锋利的箭簇缓缓的抬起,开始向着对面冲锋而来的乌斯藏人西突厥人瞄准。 However also at this time, Xu Keyi felt that in the eye flashed probably, immediately has closed the eye subconsciously. 不过也就在这个时候,许科仪感觉眼中好像闪了一下,立即下意识的闭上了眼睛。 Sunlight! ” ”阳光!” In Xu Keyi heart one cold, immediately changed the complexion. Just time has not paid attention, but in this moment, all people prepared to aim at time, the Eastern morning sun shot, in this moment angle, has happen to aimed at the eyes of all people, this also exactly was U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person launches the attack the time. 许科仪心中一凛,顿时变了脸色。刚刚的时候还没有注意,但是就在这一刻,所有人准备瞄准的时候,东方的朝阳射过来,在这一刻的角度,正好对准了所有人的眼睛,这也恰好是乌斯藏人西突厥人发动进攻的时刻。 don't tell me Daqin Ruozan this did calculate continually? ” 难道大钦若赞连这个都计算到了吗?” In the Xu Keyi heart has produced deep dreading suddenly. 许科仪心中突然产生了一种深深的忌惮。 Daqin Ruozan is a planning minister, is the wisdom, moreover excels in the computation, is the Lord Marquis equally formidable match, southwest Empire, almost compels into the deathtrap the people. This Daqin Ruozan thousand li (500 km) surprise attack, maintaining composure has evaded Zhang Que all informers , and has brought the pack of wolves and vulture, round shield that as well as Cavalry uses. But if he launches the attack when Cavalry, calculated including the sunlight, that rather was extremely also terrifying. 大钦若赞是谋臣,是智相,而且擅于计算,是和侯爷一样强大的对手,在帝国西南,差点把众人逼入死地。这次大钦若赞千里突袭,不动声色的就避过了张雀手下的所有眼线,而且还带来了狼群和秃鹫,以及骑兵用的圆盾。但是如果他在骑兵发动攻击时,连阳光都计算到了,那也未免太过恐怖了。 Beyond newest female Lord has gotten online, everybody pays attention to my slightly letter public number quickly, searched Huangfu strange to be OK! ^-^ 【最新女主番外上线了,大家快去关注我的微信公众号啊,搜索皇甫奇就可以了!^-^】
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