HE :: Volume #10

#903: wisdom method!

Chapter 903 第903章 Line of sight lowers, evades the sunlight, the shadow in attention ground! ” ”视线放低,避过阳光,注意地面上的影子!” A familiar sound conveys from rear area. At this time, Wang Chong suddenly opened the mouth. Hears this sound, all people are peaceful immediately, adjusts the line of sight, but in Xu Keyi heart also rapid calms down. 一个熟悉的声音从后方传来。就在这个时候,王冲突然开口了。听到这个声音,所有人顿时安静下来,调整视线,而许科仪心中也迅速的冷静下来。 Changes the direction, pays attention to the barrel following position, the preparation! ” ”改变方向,注意马腹以下的位置,准备!” Xu Keyi rapid issue a series of orders, however, raises in his Long Sword, the preparation wields instant, bang, a ear-piercing cry howls, after the second steel defense line, in the ground together the shadow rapid expansion of fist size, has not waited for the people to respond, the giant stone that two person joint holds together drops from the clouds, numerous pounding fall are being away from the Crossbow Carriage Great Army not far rear area. 许科仪迅速的发布一连串的命令,然而,就在他的长剑扬起,准备挥下的刹那,轰隆,一声刺耳的唳啸,就在第二道钢铁防线后,地面上一道拳头大小的黑影迅速的扩大,还没等众人反应过来,一块双人合抱的巨大石头从天而降,重重的砸落在距离弩车大军不远的后方。 Marbles! ” ”石弹!” Wang Chong rides on White-hoofed Shadow, saw the giant stone of this dropping from the clouds, the eyelid beat fiercely: 王冲骑在白蹄乌上面,看到这块从天而降的巨大石块,眼皮猛的跳动了一下: Be careful! ” ”小心!” However has not waited for Wang Chong to send out Warning, a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth explosive sound from behind transmits, Wang Chong turned head, sees only the thick smoke to be after death billowing, flame flaming, in the ground, thick black liquor flows everywhere, flaming combustion in ground, these flame and thick smokes, are these black liquor combustion send out. 然而还没有等王冲发出警告,一声惊天动地的爆炸声从身后传来,王冲回过头来,只见身后浓烟滚滚,火焰熊熊,地面上,一股浓稠的黑色液体四处流淌着,在地面上熊熊燃烧,那些火焰和浓烟,就是这些黑色液体燃烧散发出来的。 Caliphate kerosene! 大食火油 The Wang Chong pupil shrinks, immediately has distinguished. in a flash, innumerable thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, Wang Chong understood anything. 王冲瞳孔一缩,立即辨别了出来。电光石火间,无数的念头掠过脑海,恍惚间王冲明白了什么。 Trebuchet! 投石机! Caliphate and U-Tsang simultaneously prepared this type of thing to cope with itself unexpectedly. 大食乌斯藏居然同时准备了这种东西来对付自己。 Puts! ” ”放!” Behind hill that east the battlefield, fields of vision cannot see from afar, at this moment, the hundreds and big stone car(riage)s stand and wait for a long time in the rear area. In side of these trebuchets, U-Tsang People still from large carts, take down wooden trebuchet parts, is assembling intensely. 战场东方,远远的,一座座视野看不到的丘陵后方,此时此刻,数以百计、高大的投石车伫立在后方。在这些投石机的旁边,一名名乌斯藏人还在从一辆辆大车上,取下一块块木制的投石机部件,紧张的组装着。 U-Tsang Plateau is primarily the prairie, little has the big tree, all these manufacture the giant lumber of trebuchet, is Daqin Ruozan ahead of time purchases completely from Mengshe Polity merchant there. How Wang Chong's City of Steel is the construction, the internal how connection, the modular manufacture, until now to various countries is a secret, but, Daqin Ruozan actually obtains the inspiration, has found out the method of trebuchet modulation, a land transport to Talas. 乌斯藏高原以草原为主,很少有高大的乔木,所有这些制作投石机的巨大木料,全部都是大钦若赞提前从蒙舍诏商人那里购买过来的。王冲的钢铁之城是怎么架构的,内部如何接驳,模块化制作的,到现在为止对各国来说都还是一个秘密,但是,大钦若赞却从中获得灵感,想出了将投石机模块化的方法,一路运到了怛罗斯 Great Tang Crossbow Carriage is world-famous, almost sweeps away all obstacles in battlefield, cannot be stopped. 大唐弩车天下闻名,在战场上几乎是所向披靡,锐不可当。 But these assemble the stone car(riage) that and stands and waits for a long time unceasingly, is Daqin Ruozan is used to cope with the Wang Chong's sharp weapon. 而这些不断组装、伫立起来的投石车,就是大钦若赞用来对付王冲的利器。 Puts! ” ”放!” Issues an order, after the trebuchet, giant rocks shoot up to the sky immediately, draws giant parabolas in void, crosses the hill, crosses the eastern battlefield, toward the first steel defense line behind, the position that Crossbow Carriage were at layer on layer/heavily has pounded. 只是一声令下,投石机后,一块块巨大的岩石立即冲天而起,在虚空中划出一道道巨大的抛物线,越过丘陵,也越过东部的战场,向着第一道钢铁防线后面,一架架弩车所在的位置重重的砸了过去。 Bang! 轰! Crossbow Carriage moves aside not anxiously, was pounded by the giant stone ball, together with Crossbow Carriage below personnel carrier same place, pounded smashing. Steel and iron parts together with crossbow bolt, as well as wheel high Gao Fei get up, flings toward four sides. But around Crossbow Carriage five Carriage Crossbow soldiers, by tremendous strength ruthlessly throws, was similar to the kite with broken string flew. 一架弩车躲闪不急,被巨大的石球砸中,连同弩车下方的运兵车一起,被砸的粉碎。一块块钢铁部件连同弩箭,以及车轱辘高高飞起,向着四面甩去。而弩车周围的五名车弩战士,则被巨大的力量狠狠的抛起,如同断线风筝般飞了出去。 Bang, is a giant rock crashes, two Qixi soldiers responded, miserable howling, by the rock of dropping from the clouds, was pounded the meat sauce. Together, two, three, four......, The sharp howl of sky is lingering on faintly, is on the rise, face upwards to look, every day airborne, hundreds of great big rock is tumbling, one after another is pounding toward here. 轰,又是一块巨大的岩石坠落下来,两名碛西的士兵反应不及,惨嚎一声,被从天而降的岩石,砸成肉酱。一块,两块,三块,四块……,天空的锐啸声不绝于耳,抬起头,仰天望去,之见天空中,数以百计的巨大岩石翻滚着,接二连三正在朝着这里砸来。 Puts! ” ”放!” Almost is at the same time, west the battlefield, behind 20 ten thousand Caliphate Legion battlelines, is far away from the battlefield place, elevates to be big and grand, more than ten meters high trebuchets set up in an array fully, in front of these trebuchets, a Caliphate military commander vision is swift and fierce, wielding under ruthlessly arm. 几乎是于此同时,战场西侧,20多万大食军团的阵线后方,远离战场的地方,一架架高大、雄伟,足有十多米高的投石机一字排开,就在这些投石机的前面,一名大食武将目光凌厉,狠狠的挥下手臂。 Rumbling, giant iron balls howl high Gao Fei to get up sharply, have delimited the most battlefield, falls between the first steel defense lines and second steel defense lines. The iron ball falls to the ground, changes to the innumerable fragments to jump to shoot, black thick Caliphate kerosene that inside packs flows out place, changes into the flaming flame to burn instantaneously. 轰轰轰,一个个巨大的铁球锐啸着高高飞起,划过大半个战场,落在第一道钢铁防线和第二道钢铁防线之间。铁球落地,化作无数碎片迸射开来,里面装满的黑色浓稠的大食火油流泻一地,瞬间化为熊熊的火焰燃烧起来。 Giant iron balls fall to the ground unceasingly, behind the first defense line, changes into a sea of fire instantaneously. The situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn, but in the short time, becomes is quite instantaneously disadvantageous to Great Tang. 一个又一个巨大的铁球不断地落地,第一道防线后面,瞬间化为一片火海。情况急转直下,只不过短短时间内,瞬间变得对大唐极为不利。 Rumbling, taking advantage of this wave of confusion, the leading troops success of Caliphate is close, the Caliphate soldier gets angry one after another is being howling, numerous hits on the heavy shield of wall of as well as front line steel. The wall and infantry heavy shield fierce shivering all steel, sends out the intermittent ear-piercing steel to thunder. 轰轰轰,借着这波混乱,大食的先头部队成功接近,一名又一名大食士兵怒嚎着,重重的撞击在钢铁之墙以及最前方的重盾上。所有的钢铁之墙和步兵重盾剧烈的颤抖,发出阵阵刺耳的钢铁轰鸣。 Overruns! ” ”冲过去!” Kills off them! ” ”杀光他们!” All heathens damn! ” ”所有的异教徒都该死!” ...... …… A roaring sound of intermittent Caliphate language resounds through the sky. 一阵阵大食语的咆哮声响彻天空。 But in the battlefield east side, horse's hoof is intermittent, heavily like the thunder, taking advantage of the attack of trebuchet, as well as the dazzling sunlight, all U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry and Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry is rapidly close. But in these Heavy Cavalry front line, these huge Azure Wolf has swooped. 而在战场的东侧,马蹄阵阵,沉重如雷,借着投石机的攻击,以及刺眼的阳光,所有的乌斯藏铁骑西突厥铁骑急速接近。而在这些铁骑的最前方,那些巨大的青狼已经飞扑过来了。 Lord Marquis, what to do? U-Tsang People is aiming at Carriage Crossbow! ” 侯爷,怎么办?乌斯藏人在瞄准车弩!” The Xu Keyi anxious sound conveys from front. The changing situation in battlefield was too rapid, on moment people are also in the winning side, but the next quarter, hundreds of thousands big * the team fell into the extremely disadvantageous status immediately. 许科仪焦急的声音从前面传来。战场上的情况变化太快了,上一刻众人还处于上风,但是下一刻,十几万大*队顿时陷入了极度不利的地位。 Can see the opposite party trebuchet position? ” ”可以看到对方的投石机位置吗?” The strong winds howl, Wang Chong rides in White-hoofed Shadow carries on the back, full head the long hair flap flap makes noise. Rock unceasing pounding falls one after another, some even pound in being away from the Wang Chong several step far places, the air wave that raises even rushed to White-hoofed Shadow, but Wang Chong's facial expression throughout extremely calm. 狂风呼啸,王冲骑在白蹄乌背上,满头的长发猎猎作响。一块又一块岩石不断的砸落下来,有些甚至就砸在距离王冲数步远的地方,掀起的气浪甚至都冲到了白蹄乌身上,但是王冲的神情始终是极其的冷静。 Cannot see! All trebuchets hide behind hill, we simply do not have the means to fire! ” ”看不到!所有的投石机都隐藏在丘陵后面,我们根本没有办法射击!” Xu Keyi anxious say/way. 许科仪焦急道。 People rushes to Talas from Qixi time, but also once passed through that stretch of rough terrain, because precisely bullies nearly to the hill nearby successfully, the people can hit Omar and Caliphate People successfully are caught off guard. However no one has thought, this hill coped with the people by the Daqin Ruozan use unexpectedly. 众人从碛西赶到怛罗斯的时候,还曾经经过那片丘陵地带,正是因为成功欺近到丘陵附近,众人才能成功打欧麦尔大食人一个措手不及。但是谁也没有想到,这个丘陵居然被大钦若赞利用来对付众人。 The trebuchet in behind, is in the invincible position basically, but the Daqin Ruozan formidable computing power, can actually constantly adjust the direction of trebuchet, causes trebuchet unceasing attack Carriage Crossbow. 投石机在后面,基本处于不败之地,而大钦若赞强大的计算能力,却能不断的调整投石机的方向,使得投石机不断的打击车弩 But the Carriage Crossbow firing distance is inferior to machine stone Ji the weakness, is exposing at this moment without doubt. 车弩射程不及机石机的弱点,在此刻暴露无疑。 Lord Marquis, what to do? ” 侯爷,怎么办?” At the same time, Chen Bin anxious call after the first steel defense line transmits. 同一时间,陈彬的急呼声从第一道钢铁防线后传来。 Pack the kerosene big iron ball unceasing crashes, the massive hot holes jump to shoot, everywhere is the thick smoke and heat wave, many people were even hit by kerosene, the whole body burns. Billowing thick smoke, even has produced influence to the line of sight of Crossbow Carriage Great Army. 一颗颗装满火油的大铁球不断的坠落下来,大量的火洞迸射开来,到处都是浓烟、热浪,很多人甚至被火油击中,浑身都燃烧起来。滚滚的浓烟,甚至对弩车大军的视线都产生了影响 These Caliphate kerosene even are much bigger than the U-Tsang People rock attack might. 这些大食火油甚至比乌斯藏人的岩石攻击威力还要大得多。 Daqin Ruozan!” 大钦若赞!” In Wang Chong cold light flashes, looked to the first defense line opposite, on the hill, that say/way used wastefully swift and fierce vision under ox Heidi the flag. If Daqin Ruozan does not come prepared, if all these merely are the coincidences, Wang Chong does not believe. Very obviously, Daqin Ruozan for today's all these, to cope with oneself, has prepared the extremely long time absolutely. 王冲目中寒光一闪,望向了第一道防线对面,丘陵上,那道白耗牛黑底大旗下的凌厉的目光。如果说大钦若赞不是有备而来,如果说这一切仅仅是巧合,王冲是绝不相信。很显然,大钦若赞为了今天这一切,也为了对付自己,绝对准备了极长的时间。 At least, Daqin Ruozan these trebuchets, are not in the short time prepare to come out. 至少,大钦若赞的那些的投石机,就不是短短时间内准备出来的。 Lord Marquis, I brought Wushang Heavy Cavalry to rush ahead the past, ruined these stone car(riage)s!” 侯爷,我带乌伤铁骑冲杀过去,毁掉那些投石车!” In everywhere rock rainstorm, a sound clenches teeth to convey from slanting checking tightly, the Li Siye eye pupil burns brightly, jumps is shooting the intense murderous intention. 漫天的岩石暴雨中,一个声音紧咬着牙从斜刹里传来,李嗣业眼眸灼亮,迸射着强烈的杀机。 The situation is urgent, Daqin Ruozan stone car(riage) at least several hundred, moreover completely beyond the field of vision and firing distance, that piece of continuous hill has become the trebuchet best protection. Hundreds of thousands big * the situation of team rapidly becomes the danger. 情况紧急,大钦若赞的投石车至少有数百架,而且全部都在视野和射程之外,那片连绵的丘陵成了投石机最好的保护。十几万大*队的处境迅速变得危险起来。 Does not need!” “不必了!” At this time, a sound spread. The strong winds howl, Wang Chong is listening to the ear bank full ear bang the impact noise and Great Army miserable howling sound, his facial features are resolute, on the face as before is maintaining extremely calm: 就在这个时候,一个声音传出。狂风呼啸,王冲听着耳畔满耳轰隆的撞击声和大军的惨嚎声,他的面容刚毅,脸上依旧保持着极度的镇定: „The present situation, did not have to that situation critically. Moreover, Du Wusili, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi three do Great General on the hill, how you prepare to rush completely?!” “现在的情形,还没有危急到那种地步。而且,都乌思力火树归藏都松莽布支三员大将全部都在丘陵上,你准备如何闯过去?!” The Li Siye look stagnates, immediately is stiff there, did not speak the set off words. 李嗣业神色一滞,顿时僵在那里,说不出发话来。 Du Wusili, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi, U-Tsang and Western Turkic Khaganate topest several Great General completely collections in this, span like together the mountain there, becomes natural moat that could not jump over. This natural moat even compares that hill wanting to be hard-to-pass. 都乌思力火树归藏都松莽布支,乌斯藏西突厥汗国最顶尖的几员大将尽集于此,就像一道山岳一样横亘在那里,成了一道不可愈越的天堑。这道天堑甚至比那一座座丘陵还要难以逾越。 Although Li Siye the future promotes to Empire Great General Level, honorific titles Divine Great General, but that is also the future matter. At least now has not gone to this situation, even the distance breaks through Saint Martial Realm, he has missed also half remote, meets three strength powerful Empire Great General, basically only has the dead end. 李嗣业虽然未来晋升到帝国大将级别,尊号神通大将,但那也是未来的事。至少现在还没有达到这种地步,甚至距离突破到圣武境,他都还差了半步之遥,遇上三位实力强悍的帝国大将,基本上只有死路一条。 But does the Sir, don't tell me Lord Marquis our don't tell me think so?” “可是大人,难道侯爷我们难道就这么看着吗?” Li Siye said bitterly, in heart extremely unwilling. 李嗣业恨恨道,心中万分的不甘。 Wang Chong has not spoken, the vision looks at that say/way azure robe form on opposite hill, in the mind suddenly is flashing through the innumerable thoughts. The preparation of Daqin Ruozan imagines him is much fuller. Caliphate Carriage Crossbow is world-famous, if Daqin Ruozan has been paying attention to itself, certainly collected quite many information. These trebuchets are hide, is used to cope with own method. 王冲没有说话,目光望着对面丘陵上的那道青袍身影,脑海中瞬息间闪过无数念头。大钦若赞的准备比他想像的还要充分得多。大食车弩天下闻名,而如果大钦若赞一直在关注着自己的话,一定搜集了相当多的信息。这些投石机就是隐藏的,用来对付自己的手段。 However, no matter Daqin Ruozan has made many preparations, he is doomed unable to result in recompenses to hope. For because this war makes the foot preparation, more than he. 但是,不管大钦若赞做了多少准备,他都注定无法得偿所愿。因为为了这一战做足准备的,远不止他一人而已。 Opens the old seniors, the preparation!” “张老前辈,准备吧!” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say suddenly. 王冲突然开口道。 Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” An old sound from behind conveys. The Li Siye look is stunned, turns the head, discovered that a Zhang Shouzhi azure black long unlined close-fitting gown, stands on a carriage, does not know when appeared after behind. Respectful good a ritual, Zhang Shouzhi had not looked at Li Siye, but took several passed on the disciple in a hurry toward reaching to the sky the city of Talas went, only a while vanished in the city gate. 一个苍老的声音从身后传来。李嗣业神色愕然,转过头来,才发现张寿之一身青黑色的长衫,站在一架马车上,不知什么时候出现在了身后。恭恭敬敬的行了一礼,张寿之也没有看李嗣业,而是带上十几名亲传弟子匆匆的往高耸入云的怛罗斯之城去了,只一会儿就消失在城门中。 Chen Burang, you also go! This war, copes with Caliphate People and U-Tsang People, needs your strength!” 陈不让,你也去吧!这一战,对付大食人乌斯藏人,需要你的力量!” When Zhang Shouzhi leaves, Wang Chong has turned around, looks to one side not far away, the body is straight, has been standby, stands and waits for a long time motionless Chen Burang to say. Chen Burang is bow and arrow soldier, this fights treated in the frontline, but this war, Wang Chong specifically called from the frontline him, summoned itself side. 等到张寿之离开,王冲又掉过头来,望向一旁不远处,身躯笔挺,一直处于待命状态,伫立不动的陈不让道。陈不让是弓箭兵,这一战本来是待在前线的,但是这一战,王冲却特意把他从前线叫来,召到了自己身边。 Beyond this book female Lord first Xu Qiqin passes on top and bottom has uploaded, welcome everybody to pay attention to my slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then! ^-^, if thinks attractive, welcome to hit to enjoy! ^-^ 【本书女主第一番外许绮琴传上、下已经上传,欢迎大家关注我的微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可!^-^,如果觉得好看,欢迎打赏啊!^-^】
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