HE :: Volume #10

#901: Iron Beast Legion!

Chapter 901 第901章 Launch!” “发射!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The air trembles, thick crossbow bolts are similar to severe roar, is similar to the violent storm, fully, howls. Suddenly, aura of death in air instantaneous strong hundred times have continued. Carriage Crossbow! Great Tang most formidable kingdom guardian sharp weapon, is overawes various Bang kills greatly, but to the Wang Chong hand , the might that they played simply has been similar to Scythe of the Death God. 空气震颤,一根根粗大的弩箭如同厉啸着,如同狂风暴雨般,扑天盖地,呼啸而出。一刹那间,空气中的死亡气息瞬间浓烈的了百倍不止。车弩大唐最强大的镇国利器,也是威震诸帮的大杀器,而到了王冲手中,它们发挥出的威力简直如同死神之镰般。 Arrives in the Talas battlefield from the east side, with the Omar first meeting engagement, 70,000 many Caliphate Heavy Cavalry was almost the collapse before the Carriage Crossbow fearful point. 从东边抵达怛罗斯战场,和欧麦尔第一次遭遇战,70000多的大食铁骑几乎就是崩溃在了车弩可怕的锋芒前。 1500 Carriage Crossbow, a round salvo even can carry off 10,000 Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, this is its fearful might! 1500具车弩,一轮齐射甚至就可以带走10000的大食铁骑,这就是它的可怕威力! The roar, fierce roaring, Caliphate brave general Halid of distant place saw blots out the sky crossbow bolt that comes, in eye steep flashes through a sad and shrill ray, the bang, only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, on Halid, the swarthy ray broken body, the rapid expansion, waits to crash to the ground together time, changes into two huge black red two color/look War Aura instantaneously. 吼,一声狰狞的咆哮,远处的大食猛将哈立德看到铺天盖地而来的弩箭,眼中陡的闪过一丝凄厉的光芒,轰,只听一声惊天动地的巨响,哈立德身上,一道黝黑的光芒破体而出,迅速的扩大,等坠落到地上的时候,瞬间化为两圈巨大的黑红两色的战争光环 When these two Aura appear instant, suddenly, an invisible strength proliferation to the entire battlefield, covers several tens of thousands Caliphate Iron Beast Legion. But a blink, all Iron Beast Legion the aura formidable one time have continued immediately, metal some covering residence Iron Beast Legion soldiers of time flies, so, in these Iron Beast Legion soldier, the tens of thousands, micro black red two color/look War Aura rapid appearances, suddenly select for promotion their strengths incessantly. 当这两道光环出现的刹那,瞬息间,一股无形的力量扩散到整个战场,笼罩住数万的大食铁兽军团。只不过一眨眼,所有的铁兽军团顿时气息强大了一倍不止,一道金属的流光迅速的笼罩住所有的铁兽军团士兵,不止如此,就在这些铁兽军团的士兵脚下,成千上万,微缩的黑红两色战争光环迅速出现,将他们的实力急剧拔升。 The link of iron beast! 铁兽之环! Dark blood shield! 黑暗血盾! Halid displayed oneself famous town Caliphate two big Aura instantaneously, was different from other Caliphate Famous General, Halid had two to achieve extremely War Aura of top level similarly. Former can on the big Strenghten Legion soldier all steel parts, including the armor, cause their defensive powers and degree of hardness dramatically increases, is ordinary like the iron beast. This is also the origin of Halid subordinates Legion name. 哈立德瞬间施展出了自己名镇大食的两大光环,和其他的大食名将不同,哈立德拥有两门同样达到极高层次的战争光环。前者可以大大的强化军团战士身上所有的钢铁部件,包括铠甲,使得它们的防御力和硬度大幅增加,有如铁兽一般。这也是哈立德麾下军团名字的由来。 As for latter's dark blood shield, the Caliphate soldier who causes the Halid subordinates can merge into one organic whole with the warhorse of crotch, transforms Blood Qi in within the body to protect the shield, melts two with the armor is one, together on Strenghten the defense effort of armor. 至于后者的黑暗血盾,使得哈立德麾下的大食战士能够和胯下的战马融为一体,将体内的血气转化为护盾,和铠甲融二为一,一起强化身上铠甲的防御力度。 Is these two big Aura, causes Halid Iron Beast Legion, each time the war, is the charge before, to rushes horizontally, sweeps away all obstacles. 就是这两大光环,使得哈立德铁兽军团,每次战争,都是冲锋在前,横冲直闯,所向披靡。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Long crossbow bolts are lending the extremely dangerous aura, explodes to shoot, each accurate has hit a target the Iron Beast Legion soldiers. However the next quarter, making all person shocking matters of occur, on tens of thousands of Iron Beast Legion appeared suddenly extremely firm blood shields, after these crossbow bolts shot through these blood shields, odd/surplus Shi did not rest, shot through the rear Iron Beast Legion soldier. 一根根长长的弩箭散发着极度危险的气息,爆射而出,每一根都精准的射中了一名名铁兽军团的战士。但是下一刻,让所有人震惊的事情发生了,成千上万的铁兽军团身上突然浮现出一个个极为坚固的血盾,那些弩箭射穿这些血盾之后,余势不歇,将后方的铁兽军团士兵一个个射穿。 However shot through a Iron Beast Legion soldier merely, in the past the powerful force, can shoot through 78 continuously, even straight line the crossbow bolts of more than ten soldiers, this chapter of Speed and might drastically reduce rapidly, resembles is not the flesh and blood that the crossbow bolt just shot through, but is the human form steel is ordinary. 但是仅仅射穿了一个铁兽军团的士兵,以往威力强大,可以连续射穿78个,甚至一条直线上的十多个士兵的弩箭,这回速度和威力迅速大幅削减,就好像弩箭刚刚射穿的不是一个个血肉之躯,而是人形的钢铁一般。 Rumbling, when the crossbow bolt salvo of first wave of powerful force finished, the people anticipated the situation that Large expanse of Large expanse of Iron Beast Legion soldier drops down has not appeared, entire several tens of thousands people of Iron Beast Legion has just dropped down more than 1000 people, because some people have evaded the strategic point, even still lived in this wave of salvo. 轰轰轰,当第一波威力强大的弩箭齐射完毕,众人期待中的那种成片成片铁兽军团士兵倒下的情况并没有出现,整个数万人的铁兽军团只不过倒下了1000多人,有些人因为躲过了要害,甚至还在这波齐射中活了下来。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” After the first steel defense line, Chen Bin look severe shake, raised the head fiercely, around him, all Crossbow Carriage group soldiers has also shown the look of shock. 第一道钢铁防线后,陈彬神色剧震,猛地抬起头来,在他周围,所有的弩车组战士也露出了震撼的神色。 The Great Tang Carriage Crossbow might, the world all knows, that is the god of death harvesting sharp weapon. With the Caliphate People just first bitter experience, 3000 Carriage Crossbow at least have harvested several tens of thousands people of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, but reviewed just that group of fire, a crossbow bolt were most only shot through 2-3 individuals, then was the spent force, this situation has not appeared by the dealings. 大唐车弩的威力,天下皆知,那就是死神的收割利器。和大食人只不过第一次遭遇,3000架车弩就至少收割了数万人的大食铁骑,但是反观刚刚那一拨的射击情况,一根弩箭最多只射穿了两三个人,然后便是强弩之末了,这种情况以往还从来没有出现过。 Has flash that after steel defense line, an all Carriage Crossbow soldier deathly stillness, all people shock could not speak. 有那么一刹那,钢铁防线后,所有的车弩战士一片死寂,所有人都震撼的说不出话来。 „...... Just forgot to tell you, the Halid Iron Beast Legion defensive power was extremely terrifying, in the beforehand city garrison war, our Crossbow Carriage had also hit a target they, but Effect was limited. The Caliphate soldier who these climb up the top has a large number is actually the Halid iron beast soldier. Before Sir Protectorate, on tower over a city gate, had been consumed quite many Astral Qi by these iron beast soldiers, will therefore cause heavy losses by Abmuslin.” “……刚刚忘了告诉你,哈立德铁兽军团防御力极其恐怖,之前的城防战中,我们的弩车也曾经射中过他们,但是效果非常有限。那些爬上城头的大食士兵倒是有相当一部分都是哈立德的铁兽战士。都护大人之前在城楼上,也是被这些铁兽士兵消耗了相当多的罡气,所以才会被艾布穆斯/林重创。” The strong winds caress the face, Cheng Qianli walked from the rear area, full long hair blown rustle makes noise. 狂风扑面,程千里从后方走了上来,满头长发被吹的簌簌作响。 This is by Caliphate Legion that Abmuslin sends, each strength is extraordinary, is the Anxi Protectorate Army powerful enemy. This fights might as well imagine is so optimistic. 这是被艾布穆斯/林派出来的大食军团,每一个都实力非凡,是安西都护军的劲敌。这一战远不如想象中那么乐观。 Vice- Protectorate what Xu is anxious, but a boorish fellow, to fear insufficient, moreover doesn't have General?” “副都护何需忧虑,只不过一个莽夫而已,不足为惧,而且不是还有席将军吗?” Wang Chong beckoned with the hand, even poor business conditions of face are light. 王冲摆了摆手,一脸的平淡风轻。 Beast of Halid this Caliphate is truly fierce, double Aura can reduce the Carriage Crossbow might to this situation unexpectedly, Wang Chong also first time sees. However the formidable wild animal is also a wild animal, the Wang Chong at least several means can cope with him. Present Qixi Protectorate Army was more formidable, today we are no longer as we have been, the contact of this Level fights also has no need for his personally take action. 这个大食之兽哈立德确实厉害,双光环居然能将车弩的威力削减到这种地步,王冲也还是第一次见到。不过再强大的野兽也还是头野兽,王冲至少有好几种办法可以对付他。只是现在的碛西都护军已经强大了很多,今非昔比,这种级别的接触战还用不着他亲自出手 Preparation!” “准备!” In this flash, before the first steel defense line, in Chen Bin cold light flashes, rapidly has made the response, has issued second military order: 就在这一刹那,第一道钢铁防线前,陈彬目中寒光一闪,迅速的做出了反应,发布了第二道军令: All people obey orders, adjustment in direction, goal, horse leg! Joint spot! Fire!” “所有人听令,方向修正,目标,马腿!关节部位!射击!” The slight hesitation, Chen Bin rapidly has not made the revision, no longer chooses the Iron Beast Legion soldier, but has chosen frailer warhorse joint. 没有丝毫的犹豫,陈彬迅速的做出了修正,不再选择铁兽军团的士兵,而是选择了更加脆弱的战马关节。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three waves of Crossbow Carriage Squandron five, 500 people of one group, in turn the fire, altogether 1500 crossbow bolts keep firing, the arrow rainstorm of blotting out the sky shoots. Position that this crossbow bolt fires is lower. Only listens to an intermittent shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, second round corrects later fire Effect to get quick results, xī yù yù, only listens to intermittent sad and shrill horse's neigh, tens of thousands of horse legs break off in abundance, the innumerable Iron Beast Legion soldiers from fall immediately, knocks down in the dust, raises everywhere mist and dust. 三波弩车队伍,500人一拨,轮流射击,总共1500枚弩箭不停射击,铺天盖地的箭雨暴射而出。这一次弩箭射击的位置更低。只听一阵阵惊天动地的巨响,第二轮调校之后的射击效果立竿见影,希聿聿,只听一阵阵凄厉的马嘶,成千上万的马腿纷纷折断,无数的铁兽军团士兵从马上摔下,撞倒在尘埃之中,掀起漫天烟尘。 The link and dark blood shield Halid formidable iron beast can prevent the series fire of Crossbow Carriage, but actually cannot protect the warhorse frailest horse leg joint, in the face of Crossbow Carriage terrifying might, all warhorse joints frail is similar to the slip of paper. Bang bang bang, tens of thousands of crossbow bolts crowded like rain, projects unceasingly, each crossbow bolt at least shot through the horse legs of 20-30 warhorses. 哈立德强大的铁兽之环和黑暗血盾可以阻挡住弩车的连环射击,但却保护不住战马最脆弱的马腿关节,在弩车恐怖的威力面前,所有的战马关节都脆弱的如同纸片般。砰砰砰,成千上万的弩箭密集如雨,不断射出,每一根弩箭都至少射穿了二三十匹战马的马腿。 Iron Beast Legion that tens of thousands of threatened, the instantaneous piece of chaos, the warhorse and warhorse hit in the same place, the soldier and soldier fall in the same place, everywhere is the horse's neigh sound and roaring angrily sound. Incessantly so, Iron Beast Legion piece of chaos that after Halid leads, Caliphate Heavy Cavalry that the rear area charges was hindered immediately, some Heavy Cavalry dodge, even collision ruthlessly on the front Iron Beast Legion soldier. 成千上万原本气势汹汹的铁兽军团,瞬间一片大乱,战马和战马撞在一起,士兵和士兵摔在一起,到处都是马嘶声和怒叫声。不止如此,当哈立德率领的铁兽军团一片大乱之后,后方冲锋过来的大食铁骑立即受到了阻碍,一些铁骑闪避不及,甚至狠狠的撞在了前方的铁兽军团士兵身上。 The mist and dust is billowing, bang bang the impact noise is lingering on faintly, an entire battlefield confusion. 烟尘滚滚,砰砰的撞击声不绝于耳,整个战场一片混乱。 But a small adjustment, Crossbow Carriage Legion this wave of fire of Chen Bin, although has not killed a Iron Beast Legion soldier, Effect that but has is actually many wheel fires has no way to achieve. Moreover entire Iron Beast Legion almost completely was also abandoned in this wave of attack. 只不过一个小小的调整,陈彬弩车军团这一波射击虽然没有杀死一个铁兽军团的士兵,但是所起的效果却是多少轮射击都没法达到的。而且整个铁兽军团也在这波攻击中几乎全部被废。 How possibly to have this matter!” “怎么可能有这种事情!” Trouble starting near at hand, just also self-satisfied, violent disposition sends greatly, is thinking kills Halid that kills especially greatly, looks at the Legion soldier everywhere, on the face the fierce facial expression coagulates instantaneously. Similarly is a round fire, previous round fire time, but died more than 1000 people, but the second round fire, almost whole army has been annihilated, all warhorses damage completely. 变生肘腋,刚刚还志得意满,狂性大发,想着大杀特杀的哈立德,看着满地的军团战士,脸上狰狞的神情瞬间凝固。同样是一轮射击,前一轮射击的时候,只不过死了1000多人,但是第二轮射击,几乎全军覆灭,所有的战马全部损毁。 Did not have Iron Beast Legion of warhorse, strength at least to drop half, at best was also several fierce infantries, has not been that sweeping away all obstacles invincible Legion by far. 没有了战马的铁兽军团,实力至少下降了一半,充其量也就是几个厉害的步兵而已,已经远远算不上那种所向披靡的无敌军团 Fire!” “射击!” A sound conveys from the ear, in instant, the Chen Bin look that all Iron Beast Legion soldiers drop down is solemn, has issued the order of fire once more, but this time, aiming no longer is the warhorse, but is tens of thousands of Iron Beast Legion soldiers. 一个声音从耳边传来,就在所有的铁兽军团战士倒下的刹那,陈彬神色冷峻,再次下达了射击的命令,只不过这一次,瞄准的不再是战马,而是成千上万的铁兽军团士兵。 Damn! I must tear into shreds you!” “该死!我要撕碎你们!” Halid bellows fiercely, whole person ominous sends greatly, he pats the horseback fiercely, is having the black red two rays, is ordinary like the beyond the heavens meteorite, toward the Great Tang first steel defense line, hit ruthlessly in the past. 哈立德猛地大吼一声,整个人凶性大发,他猛地一拍马背,带着黑红两道光芒,就像天外陨石一般,向着大唐的第一道钢铁防线,狠狠的撞击过去。 ...... …… Time when Halid One with the Horse, fast attacks by as powerful as a thunderbolt, a Wang Chong vision revolution, turns round the wharf, toward the second steel defense line. Halid is fierce , is just a person, to Wang Chong, when thousands Iron Beast Legion falls down on the ground instant, own strategy has been completed. 哈立德人马合一,以雷霆万钧之速冲击过来的时候,王冲目光一转,拨转马头,已经朝着第二道钢铁防线去了。哈立德再凶猛,也只不过是一个人,对王冲来说,当数以万计的铁兽军团栽倒在地上的刹那,自己的策略就已经完成。 Then, even if Caliphate People is fierce, is the impenetrable defense several defense lines that faces. At least in a long time, they were impossible to break through this defense line. 接下来,就算大食人再厉害,面对的也是自己铜墙铁壁般的数道防线。至少在相当长的一段时间内,他们不可能冲破得了这道防线。 Then was Turkic People and U-Tsang People.” “接下来就是突厥人乌斯藏人了。” In the Wang Chong mind flashed through this thought that the vision looks to the East of city of Talas. A sad and shrill wolf howling biography hears, in the east battlefield, the situation had the astonishing change similarly. In the Wang Chong's vision, welcomed morning sun that the East was raising, suddenly tens of thousands of huge Azure Wolf, charged from Taotao flood U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry and Caliphate Heavy Cavalry. 王冲脑海中闪过这道念头,目光望向了怛罗斯之城的东方。嗷呜,一声凄厉的狼嚎传入耳中,在东面的战场上,情况同样发生了惊人的变化。就在王冲的目光中,迎着东方升起的朝阳,突然成千上万的巨大青狼,从涛涛洪水般的乌斯藏铁骑大食铁骑后面冲锋而出。 These great wolves, look fierce, moreover Speed is extremely quick, but a while, crossed all Cavalry, is similar to tide of surging is ordinary, blots out the sky, moves mountains, comes. The Wang Chong's vision institute, almost is this huge Azure Wolf. 这些巨狼,一个个龇牙咧嘴,而且速度极快,只不过一会儿,就越过了所有的骑兵,如同一片涌动的潮水一般,铺天盖地,排山倒海,汹涌而来。王冲的目光所及,几乎全是这种巨大的青狼 Turkic great wolf! 突厥巨狼! In the Wang Chong mind flashes through the electric light, the vision crosses the entire plain together, looked to the opposite hill. In that giant azure bottom gold/metal wolf, Wang Chong saw a vision is bright, the hawk regards to be very suspicious, as if storm form. Can bring these many wolves , can only be that Western Turkic Khaganate Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili. 王冲脑海中闪过一道电光,目光越过整个平原,望向了对面丘陵上方。就在那杆巨大的青底金狼旗下,王冲看到了一道目光熠熠,鹰视狼顾,仿佛风暴般的身影。能带来这么多狼群的,也只能是那位西突厥汗国天狼大将都乌思力了。 gua!” “呱!” A wave has not put down, a wave gets up, after the pack of wolves that these blot out the sky, an intermittent baby sound, conveys from the place above of top of the head. Wang Chong raised the head, sees only in the sky dense and numerous, as if the dark cloud general U-Tsang vulture, forms groups, from airborne is swooping, toward the second against diffraction. 一波未平,一波又起,就在这些铺天盖地的狼群之后,一阵阵婴儿般的声音,从头顶的上方传来。王冲抬起头,只见天空中密密麻麻,仿佛乌云一般的乌斯藏秃鹫,成群结队,正从空中飞扑而下,朝着第二道防线射了过来。 But their goals...... Impressively is the Crossbow Carriage squad in ground! 而它们的目标……赫然就是地面上的弩车小队! Beyond person sovereign Ji Xinfan the Xu Qiqin biography has gotten online, beyond this book first female Lord, on everybody quick slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange to pay attention. Besides female Lord, Su Zhengchen biography! ^-^ 【人皇纪新番外许绮琴传上线了,本书第一篇女主番外,大家快上微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇关注吧。除了女主番外,还有苏正臣传啊!^-^】
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