HE :: Volume #9

#900: No. 3 character Xi Yuanqing!

Chapter 900 第900章 wēng! 嗡! Hears this military order, in an instant makes entire Great Army tranquil, then entire Great Army goes into action. 听到这道军令,刹那间让整个大军平静下来,接着整个大军跟着行动起来。 Clang clang clang, the one who first reacts is the shield soldier(s) group, the innumerable work excellent big shields, layer on layer/heavily rumble on the ground, then the rear size Bo Lv lance soldier follows, crowded such as the lance of forest simultaneously aims at the flank, in the future, the Cavalry sword will come out of the sheath again, simultaneously follows the crossbow trigger sound of click-clack, thing two, altogether 3000 Crossbow Carriage groups simultaneously the crossbow bolt palate, the crossbow trigger will pull open, the entire process, more than 10,000 people will act cut down one neatly, resounded and sound of conclusion including the crossbow trigger of click-clack is exactly the same, precise inconceivable. 铿铿铿,首先做出反应的是盾兵组,无数做工精良的大盾,重重轰在地上,接着后方大小勃律的矛兵跟上,密集如林的长矛同时对准外侧,再往后,骑兵刀剑出鞘,同时伴随着轧轧的机括声,东西两支,总共3000个弩车小组同时弩箭上膛,机括拉开,整个过程,10000多人动作整齐伐一,连轧轧的机括响起和结束的声音都一模一样,精确的不可思议。 When all these complete, the aura that hundreds of thousands Great Tang / army lends also suddenly changes, is similar to a terrifying war machine, war harvesting that starts to get ready to be alarmed. 而当这一切完成,十几万大唐/军队散发出来的气息也陡然一变,如同一架恐怖的战争机器,开始准备惊怖的战争收割。 The roar, a shake the heavens roaring sound transmits from the west of city of Talas, launches the attack first Caliphate People. Crash-bang, the Great Army lineup change, tens of thousands of Caliphate Heavy Cavalry are galloping, but in these Caliphate Heavy Cavalry most central, Great Army separates, a big incomparable form is riding god steed incomparable big horse, pushes to the front, flushed suddenly. 吼,一声惊天的咆哮声从怛罗斯之城的西面传来,最先发动进攻的大食人。哗啦啦,大军阵型变化,成千上万的大食铁骑奔腾着,但就在这些大食铁骑的最中央,大军分开,一道高大无比的身影骑着一匹神骏无比的大马,一马当先,陡然从中冲了出来。 When sees that person's shadow instant, Wang Chong could not bear the eyelid meet the combination several. 当看到那道人影的刹那,就连王冲都忍不住眼皮接连跳了几下。 High! Specially high! 高!特别高! Li Siye stature in Central Divine Continent, even takes a broad view at all sea is outstanding, extremely top. However this person is unexpectedly higher than Li Siye. That grandiose stature, even if has separated the distance of number hundred zhang (333 m), gives people as before an extremely intense visual impact strength. 李嗣业的身材在中土神洲,甚至放眼四海都已经是出类拔萃,极为顶尖的了。但是这个人居然比李嗣业还要高。那壮硕的身材,即便隔了数百丈的距离,依旧给人一种极其强烈的视觉冲击力。 Especially the warhorse of his crotch, must be higher than two heads compared with the person, is quite rare in the marvelous horse. 特别是他胯下的战马,比人还要高出两个头,在神驹中都极为罕见。 That person from top to bottom, is throwing over black red heavy armor completely, in the hand two heavy great hammers, rides a horse to dash about wildly, while howls crazily, is similar to the Djinn god in legend is simply ordinary. 那人从上到下,全部披着黑红色的重甲,手上两杆沉重的巨锤,一边骑马狂奔,一边疯狂呼啸,简直如同传说中的巨灵神一般。 Gourde twelfth branch is distressed, the gram stabs the gully!......”( Kills to me!) “古德亥怛,克剌壑!……”(给我杀!) That Djinn god Caliphate brave general is drinking greatly, in the eye is sending out the astonishing ray, rapidly charge. Behind him, tens of thousands of big, and he equally fierce Caliphate People is shouting out similarly, killing qi is steaming, charge. Similarly is Caliphate People, Heavy Cavalry of Omar as well as compared with his subordinates but who defeated with Wang Chong and the others before, this Caliphate Heavy Cavalry formidable more than planned two to plan. 那巨灵神般的大食猛将大喝着,眼中散发着惊人的光芒,急速冲锋而来。在他背后,成千上万高大的,并且和他一样凶猛的大食人同样呼喝着,杀气腾腾,冲锋而来。同样是大食人,但是和王冲等人之前击败的欧麦尔以及他麾下的铁骑相比,这支大食铁骑强大了不止一筹两筹。 Flash, before the first steel defense line, the Great Tang shield soldier(s) wills are firm, but also survive results, however other western region soldiers, have shown the look of fear completely. 一刹那,第一道钢铁防线前,一名名大唐盾兵意志坚定,还坚持得住,但是所有其他的西域兵,全部露出了畏惧的神色。 That is Halid! Caliphate People brave general!” “那是哈立德大食人的猛将!” A dignified sound conveys from ear, when does not know, Cheng Qianli progressed to arrive at side Wang Chong, looks at the Caliphate Djinn of distant place, in the item worried completely: 一个凝重的声音从耳边传来,不知什么时候,程千里策马走到了王冲身边,看着远处的大食巨灵,目中满是担忧: We and Caliphate People have engaged in fierce battle for two months, there are many officers dead in the hand of this Halid . Moreover the dead shape was extremely miserable. Halid likes throwing sky the match, then attacks from, therefore battles with him almost does not have the entire corpse. Moves one's seat forward General to kill him, finally not only has not succeeded, instead was seriously injured!” “我们和大食人鏖战了两个月,有不少的将士就是死在了这个哈立德的手上,而且死状极惨。哈立德喜欢将对手抛上天空,然后再从下方攻击,所以和他作战的几乎没有全尸的。之前席将军想要杀死他,结果不但没有成功,反而受了重伤!” Seat General is Xi Yuanqing, No. the 3 character in Anxi Protectorate Army, Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse, the strength is next to Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli, was injured including Xi Yuanqing, it can be imagined, this Halid is formidable! 将军就是席元庆,安西都护军中的三号人物,圣武境强者,实力仅次于高仙芝程千里,连席元庆都受了伤,可想而知,这个哈立德有多么强大! Right?” “是吗?” Wang Chong coldly is looking at Halid of distant place, raised the head, in the profound eye pupil flashes through wipes the rich murderous intention. Beast of Halid Caliphate, Wang Chong has not thought the Abmuslin first war sends out is east this Caliphate first brave general: 王冲冷冷望着远处的哈立德,抬起头,深邃的眼眸中闪过一抹浓郁的杀机。大食之兽哈立德,王冲没有想到艾布穆斯/林第一战派出的就是这名大食东部的第一猛将: Any Caliphate brave general, I looks also mediocre!” “什么大食猛将,我看也不过如此!” General Cheng, you have no need to be worried, called seat General, I had the means to make him cut to massacre this Halid!” 程将军,你也用不着担心,把席将军叫过来,我自有办法让他斩杀掉这个哈立德!” Wang Chong defeated/carrying both hands, a face from channel. 王冲负着双手,一脸自信道。 „!!” “啊!!” Cheng Qianli looks at Wang Chong, was startled. He said that this turns the words, but reminded Wang Chong to be careful, the opposite party was formidable. However has not thought, Wang Chong said unexpectedly can have the means to make Xi Yuanqing turn defeat into victory, massacres Halid, this makes Cheng Qianli stunned. If changed a person saying that this turned the words, he may think that the opposite party was cracking a joke. 程千里怔怔的看着王冲,吃了一惊。他说这翻话,只是提醒王冲小心,对方非常强大。但是没有想到,王冲居然说可以有办法可以让席元庆反败为胜,杀掉哈立德,这让程千里大为错愕。如果换了一个人说这翻话,他或许会以为对方是在开玩笑。 However the Wang Chong earnest facial expression, making people definitely unable to neglect his words. 但是王冲认真的神情,让人完全无法忽略他的话。 Protectorate Wang, do you have the means to massacre Halid really?” 王都护,你真的有办法杀掉哈立德吗?” How doesn't try to know?” “不试试又怎么知道呢?” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Xi Yuanqing comes quickly, only to listen to a tí dā dā hoofbeat, the city gate to open wide, a tall and strong form is riding a muddy body snow white, the white marvelous horse that the fine dust does not dye appears in Wang Chong behind. 席元庆来得很快,只听一阵蹄哒哒的马蹄声,城门洞开,一阵魁梧的身影骑着一匹浑体雪白,纤尘不染的白色神驹出现在王冲身后。 Protectorate Wang, you look for me.” 王都护,你找我。” That tall and strong form turns over/stands up dismount, the both feet falls to the ground, stopped side Wang Chong. His look is serious, on the face the blade truncates the pitching chisel, looks like serious in speech and manner. 那魁梧的身影翻身下马,双脚落地,在王冲身旁停了下来。他的神色严肃,脸上刀削斧凿般,看起来不苟言笑。 Wang Chong has not spoken, but is taking a look at this Anxi Protectorate Army No. 3 character carefully. The Xi Yuanqing injury is heavy, other people have not approached, Wang Chong smelled a rich smell of blood. Sizes up carefully, Wang Chong immediately notes on his body and arm is entangling the blood-stained bandage. 王冲没有说话,而是仔细打量着这位安西都护军的三号人物。席元庆的伤势不轻,他人还没有靠近,王冲就闻到了一股浓郁的血腥味。仔细打量,王冲立即注意到他身上和手臂上缠着的染血绷带。 It seems like his injury is very serious.” “看来他伤势很重。” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. 王冲心中暗暗道 Gao Xianzhi goes out of town, other Cheng Qianli and Anxi all generals have gone out of town, but Wang Chong has not seen this seat General in the Gao Xianzhi subordinates. Very obviously, he should injury be very heavy at that time, but also heals from a wound in the city. 高仙芝出城的时候,程千里和其他安西诸将都跟着出城了,但是王冲高仙芝麾下并没有见过这位席将军。很显然,他那个时候应该伤势很重,还在城中养伤。 In instant, Wang Chong that Xi Yuanqing comes to a stop puts out a hand suddenly, like lightning buckle to the arm of Xi Yuanqing, a Xi Yuanqing brow wrinkle, subconscious withdraws to stop doing, but by Xi Yuanqing cultivation base, this pulls out has not flashed through unexpectedly, an arm hemp, was covered by Wang Chong suddenly, the whole body cannot move. Xi Yuanqing this startled no small matter, the whole body shakes, steep raising the head. 唰,就在席元庆站稳的刹那,王冲突然伸手,闪电般扣向了席元庆的手臂,席元庆眉头一皱,下意识的后撤抽手,但是以席元庆修为,这一抽居然没有闪过,手臂陡然一麻,就已经被王冲扣住,浑身动弹不得。席元庆这一惊可非同小可,浑身一震,陡的抬起头来。 The reason that because Xi Yuanqing heals from a wound, has not seen Wang Chong. Therefore does not have too to understand regarding him. However until this moment, Xi Yuanqing discovered that although present Qixi generation of Protectorate look, only then 16 or 17-year-old, but unexpectedly is also Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse, moreover cultivation base is not only weak. 席元庆因为养伤的缘故,并没有见过王冲。所以对于他也没有太多了解。但是直到这一刻,席元庆才发现,眼前的这位碛西都护虽然看着只有十六七岁,但是居然也是圣武境强者,而且修为比自己只强不弱。 Seat General, do not lose concentration, I help your helping hand finally, the convalescent injury!” “席将军,不要分神,我最后助你一臂之力,疗养伤势!” The Wang Chong's sound from the ear conveys, the next quarter, rivers and streams lake sea general Astral Qi, to Yang Zhigang, enormously and powerful, broke in Xi Yuanqing within the body fiercely. Xi Yuanqing is startled, immediately responded, got rid of the breath to collect the god hastily, with the aid of Wang Chong's Astral Qi, the injury in recuperation within the body. «Greatly Positive Cloudy day Good fortune Merit» can absorb Cultivation Power of match incessantly, returns nurturing to parents Cultivation Power to give the opposite party, simultaneously can borrow Cultivation Power to recuperate the injury of opposite party. 王冲的声音从耳中传来,下一刻,一股江河湖海一般的罡气,至阳至刚,浩浩荡荡,猛的冲入了席元庆的体内。席元庆一怔,顿时反应过来,连忙摒息敛神,借助王冲的罡气,调养体内的伤势。《大阳阴天地造化功》不止是可以吸收对手的功力,反哺功力给对方,同时可以借用功力调养对方的伤势。 Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art new ability that this is also Master Wang Chong's Evil Emperor old man in coming out of old age comprehension, but this move, needing Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art practice achieve Saint Martial Realm extremely high cultivation base to be good, moreover can only not surpass own person use to cultivation base. 这也是王冲的师父邪帝老人在晚年领悟的出来的大阴阳天地造化功的新的能力,不过这一招,必须要大阴阳天地造化功的修练者达到圣武境极高修为才行,而且只能对修为不超过自己的人使用。 wēng! 嗡! The Xi Yuanqing top of the head white vapor is billowing, in other Cheng Qianli and Anxi numerous in surprised vision, Xi Yuanqing originally pale complexion, rapid is ruddy by astonishing Speed. The aura also cotton wool of whole person randomly becomes stabilizes. 席元庆头顶白色的蒸气滚滚,就在程千里和其他安西众将吃惊的目光中,席元庆原本苍白的脸色,迅速的以惊人的速度红润起来。整个人的气息也絮乱变得稳定起来。 Sir Protectorate, many thanks!” 都护大人,多谢!” But the time of moment, Xi Yuanqing opens eyes, stares at the Wang Chong's vision fully is being astonished. Only knows that the Wang Chong Military Dao ability is good, but has not actually heard, the Wang Chong's Martial Path strength so is also astonishing. 16 or 17-year-old Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse, takes a broad view at entire Great Tang, perhaps is also the outstanding, unusual refined apex exists. 只不过片刻的时间,席元庆睁开眼来,盯着王冲的目光满是惊异。只知道王冲兵道能力不错,但却从没听说过,王冲的武道实力也这么惊人。十六七岁的圣武境强者,放眼整个大唐,恐怕也是出类拔萃,超凡脱俗的顶尖存在。 Wang Chong gives a calm smile. Helps Xi Yuanqing therapy, the Wang Chong's complexion slightly somewhat is also pale, but actually radically insufficient is the worry. By the Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art ability, only need moment can Recovery such as beginning. 王冲只是淡然一笑。帮助席元庆疗伤,王冲的脸色也微微有些苍白,不过却根本不足为虑。以大阴阳天地造化功的能力,只消片刻就能恢复如初。 Seat General, namely however helps the person help, my also thing delivers you.” “席将军,即然帮人就帮到底,我还有一件东西送你。” Wang Chong was saying, suddenly proceeded to tread several steps, whispered in somebody's ear several. Nobody knows that Wang Chong said anything, near at hand Cheng Qianli has not listened clearly. But all people saw, after Wang Chong said that Xi Yuanqing has turned around, looks at Wang Chong, the astonishment of surface face. 王冲说着,突然往前踏了几步,附耳低语几句。没有人知道王冲说了什么,就连近在咫尺的程千里都没有听清楚。但所有人都看到,王冲说完之后,席元庆转过身来,看着王冲,面脸的惊异。 Sir Protectorate, the obligation did not say thanks. If looked like you saying that can massacre that Halid, in his hands revenged for all tragic death Anxi Protectorate Army soldiers, Xi forever thanked you!” 都护大人,大恩不言谢。如果像你说的,真的能杀掉那个哈立德,为所有惨死在他手中的安西都护军战士报仇,席某永远感激你!” Speaking of last, the eye of Xi Yuanqing was red. 说到最后一句,席元庆的眼睛都是红的。 Anxi Protectorate Army only then more than 30,000 people, depended on these 30,000 people to suppress western region various countries, has blocked the attack of U-Tsang and Western Turkic, the achievement the legend of western region. If not unite as one, each other trust, has the brotherly friendship is impossible to achieve. When the hundreds of Anxi Protectorate Army officers were thrown the sky by beast of Halid Caliphate, in oneself surface fore-runner round number truncation, the sentiment in Xi Yuanqing heart can be imagined. 安西都护军只有30000多人,就靠这30000人镇压住了西域诸国,挡住了乌斯藏西突厥的攻击,成就了西域的传奇。如果不是团结一致,彼此信任,有着兄弟般的情谊是不可能做到的。当数以百计的安西都护军的将士被大食之兽哈立德生生抛上天空,在自己面前震成数截,席元庆心中的感情可想而知。 Different, seat General why looks at him too high. Prepares, kills him! Wang Chong waits for General to play the song of victory!” “一个异番而已,席将军又何必把他看得太高。准备一下,干掉他!王冲等着将军高奏凯歌!” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Kills!” “杀!” In this time, the horse's hoof is intermittent, the mist and dust is billowing, one to/clashes war cries shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth intermittently, from opposite fully. In Wang Chong for a while that such Xi Yuanqing therapy, Iron Beast Legion that Halid leads pushes to the front, has charged. Is away from 60-70 zhang (3.33 m) distance, everyone can see clearly, Iron Beast Legion one that Halid leads big strong, is similar to the angry glare diamond is ordinary. 就在此时,马蹄阵阵,烟尘滚滚,一阵阵冲杀声惊天动地,从对面扑天盖地而来。就在王冲席元庆疗伤的这么一会儿,哈立德率领的铁兽军团一马当先,已经冲锋而来。隔着六七十丈的距离,每个人都能看得清清楚楚,哈立德率领的铁兽军团都一个都高大健硕,如同怒目金刚一般。 They from top to bottom, including the warhorse, are throwing over 2-3 cuns (2.5 cm) thick armor completely, probably mechanical Behemoth of package are the same, like these Bakel Heavy Cavalry that Amer leads, although to defend formidable, the armor is famous sincerely, however in front of Halid Iron Beast Legion, must pale by comparison, feels dwarfed general. 他们浑身上下,包括战马在内,全部披着两三寸的厚厚铠甲,一个个包裹的好像机械巨兽一样,就像阿穆尔率领的那些伯克尔重骑兵,虽然以防御强大,铠甲厚重着称,但是在哈立德铁兽军团面前,也要相形见绌,小巫见大巫一般。 Merely more than 10,000 people jointly charge, the air wave that but raises, actually as if the violent storm, whips on City of Steel, sends out is actually thundering of intermittent steel. Even linked the air before first defense line to twist and blur. 仅仅10000多人联合冲锋,但掀起的气浪,却仿佛狂风暴雨,拍打在一堵堵钢铁之城上,发出的却是一阵阵的钢铁的轰鸣。甚至连第一道防线前的空气都扭曲、模糊了。 Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” Halid from the city wall also dozens zhang (3.33 m) places, the horizontal blade immediately, points to the front. That tyrannical, bloodthirsty shouting sound, fierce loud and clear, is similar to savage Behemoth is ordinary, made the person palpitation. 哈立德在距离城墙还有数十丈的地方,横刀立马,直指前方。那暴虐、嗜血的嘶吼声,凶猛洪亮,如同凶残的巨兽一般,令人心悸不已。 Wang Chong and Cheng Qianli stand shoulder to shoulder, whatever the wild air wave blows, on the face does not have the slight mighty waves. His vision revolution, looked at Chen Bin before first steel defense line. 王冲程千里并肩而立,任由狂暴的气浪拂面而过,脸上没有丝毫的波澜。他的目光一转,望了一眼第一道钢铁防线前的陈彬 Preparation!” “准备!” Chen Bin stands on a high personnel carrier, looks solemn, the Wootz Steel Sword direction sword in hand points to the front. Click-clack, along with the Chen Bin sound, 1500 Carriage Crossbow rapid changes, regulates the direction. Aims Caliphate Iron Beast Legion that several tens of thousands charges came. 陈彬站在一辆高高的运兵车上,神情肃穆,手中的乌兹钢剑指挥剑直指前方。轧轧,随着陈彬的声音,1500具车弩迅速的进行改变,调准方向。对准了数万冲锋而来的大食铁兽军团 Female Lord external, everybody adds my slightly letter public number quickly, searched Huangfu strange to be OK. Haha, thanks everybody to support!】 【女主番外来了,大家快加我的微信公众号啊,搜索皇甫奇就可以了。哈哈,谢谢大家支持!】
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