HE :: Volume #9

#899: The war starts!

Chapter 899 第899章 wēng! 嗡! Heard Wang Chong Shangdang to reveal a plot finally, launches a psychological attack for on two, the Wang Fu brow to beat. Wang Clan military and political leaders' family/home, the family/home study deep pool is far, all Art of War fight the plan, Wang Fu all knows, thoroughly ripe in chest/heart. However the little brother collapses two such words to come once for a while, Wang Fu spreads to search for in the chest to study does not have the impression. 听到王冲最后“上党伐谋,攻心为上”两句,王符眉头跳动了一下。王家将相之家,家学渊远,所有兵法战策,王符都悉数知道,熟烂于胸。但是自家小弟时不时崩出两句这样的话来,王符遍搜胸中所学也毫无印象。 „...... Now, no matter Daqin Ruozan is willing not to want, he needed take action!” “……现在,不管是大钦若赞愿意还是不愿意,他都必须要出手了!” Wang Chong calm free say/way. 王冲从容自若道。 No matter Abmuslin, is Daqin Ruozan, is most Top Level Famous General, the former can compel into the hopeless situation Gao Xianzhi, the latter was needless saying that must use facing these two people fully, cannot have the slight general idea, but as Central Plains Soldier Saint, Wang Chong had the means to take the favorable position as before, turned the passive situation into initiative. 不管是艾布穆斯/林,还是大钦若赞,都是最顶级名将,前者能够将高仙芝逼入绝境,后者就不用说了,面对这两个人必须倾尽全力,不能有丝毫的大意,但是做为中土兵圣,王冲依旧有办法抢占先机,化被动为主动。 Art of War has the cloud, ten encircle it, five attack it, divides it, enemy war, if the quantity of soldier does not have the opposite party to be many, does not have the escape route, the best means are to depend on the fortification, compelling the opposite party to attack on own initiative. In siege fights, defense side forever is the military strength loses few, most occupies superiorly. 兵法有云,“十则围之,五则攻之,倍则分之,敌则战之”,如果士兵的数量没有对方多,又没有退路,最好的办法就是依托工事,逼对方主动进攻。在攻城战中,守城方永远都是兵力损失最少,也最占优的。 But now, Wang Chong is urging Daqin Ruozan take action. 而现在,王冲就是在促使大钦若赞出手 ...... …… „His is the open intrigue, did not fear that we were not swindled, did not fear that we do not pass. If not want to be divided by him completely, during grasps in share/thigh to hold, we must attack!” “他这是阳谋,根本不怕我们不上当,更不怕我们不过去。如果不想被他完全分割,掌握于股掌之中,我们就必须进攻!” On the hill of distant place, Daqin Ruozan occupies a commanding position, is in front of three Empire Great General, slowly said this to turn the words. At a lot, he and Wang Chong likely are not enemies, is more like the ally. Wang Chong knows that he is thinking anything, he also knows that Wang Chong is thinking anything. 远处的丘陵上,大钦若赞居高临下,当着三名帝国大将的面,缓缓的说出这翻话来。在很多事情上,他和王冲不像是敌人,更像是盟友。王冲知道他在想什么,他也知道王冲在想什么。 This does not have the plot plot! 这是没有阴谋的阴谋! The true strategy, is even if the opposite party has seen through, does not have the means that can only illuminate your strategy. 真正的谋略,就是即便对方看穿了,也毫无办法,只能照着你的策略来。 „...... However, our troops have arrived in full. The tripartite gathering, amounts to 40 ten thousand military force(s) also to surpass Great Tang, did not have the reason of dragging. The signalling number to Caliphate Empire, preparation attacks, this time, our three big Empire destroy Great Tang together in all military strength of western region!...... My this, is the open intrigue!” “……不过,我们人马已经到齐。三方汇聚,总计40万兵马也远超过大唐,也没有拖延的理由了。传信号给大食帝国,准备进攻,这一次,我们三大帝国一起摧毁大唐在西域的所有兵力!……我这,也是阳谋!” Speaking of finally, Daqin Ruozan sneered, in the eye also jumps projects the intermittent cold glow. 说到最后,大钦若赞冷笑一声,眼中也迸射出阵阵寒芒。 Caliphate Empire and Western Turkic Khaganate, in addition U-Tsang Empire, the entire western region peripheral has the time to be longest, most ancient three big Empire gets together in this finally, copes with Great Tang this newcomer together. 大食帝国西突厥汗国,再加上乌斯藏帝国,整个西域周边存在时间最长,最古老的三个大帝国终于在此齐聚,一起对付大唐这个新来者。 Completely eradicates in the root system of western region Great Tang one time, this is also Daqin Ruozan plans, U-Tsang Empire wants to defeat the Great Tang only turning point. 一次性将大唐在西域的根系彻底铲除,这也是大钦若赞谋划中,乌斯藏帝国想要战胜大唐的唯一契机。 „!” “呜!” Under arm numerous wielding of Daqin Ruozan, in an instant, the East of city of Talas, ancient and loud and clear consuming cow bugle horn sound suddenly remembers in the entire world. Was different from any war bugle of past, the sound of this bugle was having the unique temperament, was the same like some signal. 大钦若赞的手臂重重的挥下,刹那间,怛罗斯之城的东方,一阵古老、洪亮的耗牛号角声瞬息间在整个天地间想起。和以往的任何战争号角都不同,这阵号角的声音带着独特的音律,有如某种信号一样。 ...... …… Has been OK, U-Tsang People round of signal!” “可以了,乌斯藏人发信号了!” Almost simultaneously, hears this unique and vigorous bugle the sound, hōng lōng lōng, the west side of city of Talas, the earth movement day swings, Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor Abmuslin slowly has stood from the seat, in the look jumps projects including Sun and Moon for the fine glow that it changes colors. 几乎是同时,听到这独特、浑厚号角的声音,轰隆隆,怛罗斯之城的西侧,地动天摇,大食帝国东方总督艾布穆斯/林缓缓的从座位上站了起来,眼神中迸射出连日月都为之失色的精芒。 Halid!” 哈立德!” Subordinate in!” “属下在!” A loud and clear rough sound, as if fierce wild animal is common, transmits from slanting checking. Along with this sound, together the huge shadow-casting, * as well as the surrounding several Caliphate Empire officers covers in inside. 一个洪亮粗犷的声音,仿佛凶猛的野兽一般,从斜刹里传来。随着这个声音,一道庞大的阴影投射过来,将艾布*以及周围十几名大食帝国的将士笼罩在里面。 Sun that raises taking advantage of the East, can see clearly, this is a body is big, has two meters fully 78, even also wants the huge Caliphate brave general compared with Divine Great General Li Siye. His body is sturdy, like a giant iron pole, merely toward there station, even the entire earth downward sank continually the next difference. 借着东方升起的太阳,可以看清楚,这是一个身体高大,足有二米78,甚至比神通大将李嗣业还要巨大的大食猛将。他的身躯粗壮无比,就像一根巨大的铁柱一样,仅仅只是往那里一站,甚至连整个大地都往下沉了下分。 When this person stands in front of Abmuslin, seemed blocked including the Eastern Sun. But the periphery height of that Giant terrifying, lets pale by comparison for the Caliphate Empire soldier who is famous tall and powerfully built sufficiently, is similar to before him the child is ordinary. 当这个人站在艾布穆斯/林面前,连东方的太阳似乎都被挡住了。而那巨人般恐怖的身高,足以让周围以身材魁梧着称的大食帝国战士相形见绌,在他面前如同小孩一般。 In an instant, surroundings all Caliphate Empire soldiers raise head, see that huge form, in abundance alarmed and afraid goes toward retreat, is similar to meets the Great Desolation beast of prey to be ordinary. 刹那间,周围所有的大食帝国战士一个个仰着头,看着那庞大的身影,纷纷惊惧的往后退去,如同遇到洪荒猛兽一般。 The beast of Caliphate, Halid! 大食之兽,哈立德 Entire East, cruelest and fiercest, most bites the blood in the Caliphate military officer, is most militant, most fearful existence, this is one to fight and slaughter fresh human form Behemoth. 整个东方,所在大食将领中最残暴、最凶猛、最噬血、同时也是最好战,最可怕的存在,这是一头为了战斗和杀戮而生的人形巨兽 In process that in Caliphate Empire expands, beast of Halid Caliphate created in conquering the Khorasan process, fights for three days three nights, does not stand still, kills people the full wild record. Arrived has conquered the Khorasan end, even only remaining he fights. 大食帝国扩展的过程中,大食之兽哈立德曾经创造过在征服呼罗珊的过程中,战斗三天三夜,毫不停歇,杀人盈野的记录。到了征服呼罗珊的末期,甚至只剩下他一个人战斗。 But is he, that type is wild and cut-throat, has actually routed the entire Khorasan final all remnant armed forces, that type cruel and fierce thorougher routed them to fight the will that making Khorasan thorough be tranquil. 但就是他一个人,那种狂暴和凶狠,却击溃了整个呼罗珊最后的所有的残军,那种残暴和凶猛更彻底的击溃了他们战斗的意志,使得呼罗珊彻底平静下来。 The Halid physical strength, will and tenacity, as well as savage and wild, is other Caliphate military officers is unable to compare. 哈立德的体力、毅力、坚韧,以及凶残、狂暴,都是所有其他大食将领无法比拟的。 The beast of this Caliphate bites Fierce Beast of blood like one, once lets out, must bite the blood to return! 这位大食之兽就像一头噬血的凶兽,一旦放出去,就必须噬血而回! Leads your Iron Beast Legion, kills that Great Tang. I need thoroughly your destroys their defense lines!” “带领你的铁兽军团,去干掉那个大唐吧。我需要你彻底的摧毁他们的防线!” Abmuslin said. 艾布穆斯/林道。 Even if the Halid front, this Caliphate Empire Blood and Iron Governor aura Sun and Moon is also enormous and powerful, no one is able to suppress. 即便哈立德的面前,这位大食帝国铁血总督气息也日月般浩荡,谁也无法压住。 Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Excessively many languages, in the beast of Halid eye Caliphate have not revealed wipe the fierce and cruel look, fierce has turned head, looked was billowing to the opposite thick smoke, flame flaming Great Tang defense line. 没有过多的语言,大食之兽哈立德眼中露出一抹狰狞、残暴的神色,猛的扭过头来,望向了对面浓烟滚滚,火焰熊熊的大唐防线。 Roar!” “吼!” Halid is looking at the East, fierce gives out angry roaring of shocking penetrating place. In an instant, the armor vibrates, devils, killing qi is steaming, the obvious height and build compared with on other Caliphate soldier many Caliphate Heavy Cavalry, are similar to like a crane among chickens, emerges from 20 ten thousand Caliphate armies. 哈立德望着东方,猛的发出一声震天彻地的怒吼。刹那之间,铠甲振动,一支凶神恶煞,杀气腾腾,明显身高和体型比其他大食战士强上许多的大食铁骑,如同鹤立鸡群般,从20多万大食军队中脱颖而出。 But in this only Great Army, tí dā dā, the horse's hoof is intermittent, a body best pupil has more than nine chi (0.33 m), the build is other warhorse two times of black Caliphate marvelous horses long hiss, flushed from Great Array, dashed the Halid side. 而就在这只大军中,蹄哒哒,马蹄阵阵,一头身高足有九尺多,体型是其他战马两倍的黑色大食神驹长嘶着,从大阵中冲了出来,飞奔到了哈立德的身旁。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Halid without delay, the vision flashes, rises this black marvelous horse, rapid such as flies to go. 哈立德二话不说,目光一闪,翻上这匹黑色神驹,迅速如飞而去。 Abmuslin stands erect behind Great Army, looks at Halid to vanish in the distant place, has taken back the vision quickly, simultaneously wielded the arm: 艾布穆斯/林矗立在大军后方,看着哈立德消失在远处,很快收回了目光,同时挥下了手臂: To U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person signal, Great Army sends out!” “给乌斯藏人西突厥人信号,大军出动吧!” Thump!” “咚!” Along with the order of Abmuslin, the Caliphate Empire direction, resounds a thunder loud and clear battle drum sound immediately, this battle drum sound is serious . Moreover the accident, is not same as the normal battle drum sound. Thump thump the sound in the battlefield cities of Talas, passed to east side on the remote hill. 随着艾布穆斯/林的命令,大食帝国的方向,立即响起一阵雷霆般洪亮的战鼓声,这战鼓声沉重无比,而且三长两短,和正常的战鼓声绝不相同。咚咚声透过怛罗斯之城中间的战场,一路传到了东面遥远的丘陵上。 Great Minister, Caliphate People received the signal!” 大相,大食人收到信号了!” A U-Tsang military officer turned head, looks to Dalun Qinling. 一名乌斯藏的将领回过头来,看向大论钦陵 Dalun Qinling un, nodded: 大论钦陵嗯了一声,点了点头: Saw.” “看到了。” hōng lōng lōng, in ten ten thousand Great Tang / another side of army, the west side of city of Talas, without any indication, Caliphate Legion that advanced slowly suddenly speeds up advancing the step. If advancement Speed is similar to the snail crawled, then now is beast of prey running quickly. Trim region that Talas is, earth in a small boat like storm, violent vibration. 轰隆隆,就在十万大唐/军队的另一边,怛罗斯之城的西边,没有任何的征兆,原本缓慢推进的大食军团突然加快了推进了步伐。如果说原本推进的速度是如同蜗牛爬行的话,那么现在就是猛兽奔驰。怛罗斯所在的整片区域,大地就像暴风雨中的一叶扁舟般,猛烈的抖动起来。 Lord Marquis, Caliphate People attacked!” 侯爷,大食人进攻了!” In position that two long steel defense lines build, Xue Qianjun fierce has turned head, looks to Wang Chong, in the look discloses a tense flavor/smell. 两道长长的钢铁防线筑成的阵地里,薛千军猛的扭过头来,望向王冲,眼神中透露出一股紧张的味道。 From yesterday to the present, tranquil for a long time Talas battlefield has raised the war clouds finally once more. The strong winds are enormous and powerful, the air current surges, in all person ears only heard one after another crowded and heavy battle drum sound. When 20 ten thousand Heavy Cavalry send out together, quickens pace suddenly, that imposing manner moves mountains, blots out the sky, making all people feel a formidable pressure. 从昨天到现在,平静了许久的怛罗斯战场终于再次掀起了战云。狂风浩荡,气流涌动,所有人耳中只听到了一阵接一阵密集、沉重的战鼓声。而当20余万铁骑一起出动,陡然之间加快步伐,那股气势排山倒海,铺天盖地,令所有人都感觉到一股强大的压力。 The war atmosphere strong ten times and hundred times has continued instantaneously! 战争气氛瞬间浓烈了十倍、百倍不止! Knew.” “知道了。” Wang Chong indifferently said, but a few words made Xue Qianjun peaceful. Xue Qianjun has turned head, sees only the strong wind from afar to surge, blows the Wang Chong's long hair flap flap makes noise. In the light shadow of moving out of place, the Wang Chong look is resolute, calm calm, cannot see the slight mighty waves. In an instant, as if one invisible strength injects the mind, Xue Qianjun has turned around, the guard side Wang Chong, no longer spoke. 王冲淡淡道,只是一句话就令薛千军安静下来。薛千军扭过头来,只见长风激荡,将王冲的长发吹得猎猎作响。在错动的光影之中,王冲神色刚毅,镇定从容,看不到丝毫的波澜。刹那间,仿佛一种无形的力量注入心灵,薛千军转过身来,护卫在王冲身边,不再说话。 War triggering! 战争一触发! Daqin Ruozan, to you!” 大钦若赞,到你了!” Wang Chong looks to the east side, in the item flashes through together the bright as snow ray. 王冲望向东边,目中闪过一道雪亮的光芒。 ...... …… set off!” 出发吧!” Almost is at the same time, on the hill, Daqin Ruozan in the eyes flashes a cold light, has issued the order of attack. 几乎是同一时间,丘陵上,大钦若赞眼中寒光一闪,下达了进攻的命令。 hōng lōng lōng, along with a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, the battlefield east side, on the hill of that be continuous fluctuating, tens of thousands of U-Tsang and Western Turkic military force(s) is similar to releases the water of floodgate by far suddenly, racing wells up under! 轰隆隆,随着一阵惊天动地的巨响,战场的东边,远远的,那一座座绵延起伏的丘陵上,成千上万的乌斯藏西突厥兵马突然如同泄闸之水般,奔涌而下! That checks, the world is silent, all sounds are still, an entire world peace, only sounds of remaining warhorse charges! 那一刹,天地寂静,万籁无声,整个世界一片安静,只剩下战马冲锋的声音! Caliphate People, U-Tsang People and Turkic People, in this moment, have chosen the attack as if by prior agreement. The three parties add altogether 400,000 elite military force(s), facing, be only 100,000, the quantity is less than own match, has chosen without hesitation simply, is crudest, is the most direct way, the attack! 大食人乌斯藏人突厥人,在这一刻,不约而同的选择了进攻。三方加起来总共400000的精锐兵马,面对只有100000,数量远少于自己的对手,毫不犹豫的选择了最简单,最粗暴,同时也是最直接的方式,攻击! tí dā dā! 蹄哒哒 Warhorse hoofbeat is linking one, like the thunder, simultaneously transmits from the battlefield crowded, each like treading in the pit of the stomach of people. 400,000 military force(s), are similar to the high sea is turbulent, from comes in all directions. 战马马蹄声一阵连着一阵,密集如雷,同时从战场东西两侧传来,每一记都像踏在众人的心坎上一样。400000的兵马,如同怒涛汹涌,从四面八方呼啸而来。 The strong winds surge, the warhorse is crazy, along with approaching of warhorse, the tense atmosphere of Talas battlefield suddenly rises suddenly by the geometrical multiple! 狂风激荡,战马狂嚎,随着战马的逼近,怛罗斯战场的紧张气氛瞬息间以几何倍数暴涨! But before the city of Talas, among defense lines that the walls of two steel cast, is at this moment quiet. Tens of thousands of Qixi reinforcements muscle collapses tightly, everyone closely has gripped the weapon in hand, on hand backs the blue vein sticks out suddenly, look anxious is staring at the front. 怛罗斯之城前,两道钢铁之墙铸成的防线之间,此时此刻却是静悄悄的。成千上万的碛西援军肌肉紧崩,每个人都紧紧的握住了手中的武器,一个个手背上青筋暴起,眼神紧张的盯着前方。 Hundreds of thousands Great Army complete silence, but atmosphere actually anxious suffocating! 十几万大军鸦雀无声,但是气氛却紧张的令人窒息! Preparation!” “准备!” When the atmosphere collapses tightly reaches peak, an ice-cold heartless sound, sky over entire Great Army resounds. Wang Chong sits in the White-hoofed Shadow's horseback, finally has issued first military order. 就在气氛紧崩达到巅峰的时候,一个冰冷无情的声音,在整个大军上空响起。王冲坐在白蹄乌的马背,终于发布了第一道军令 Beyond this book first female Lord, the last volume has uploaded, everybody quickly searches slightly letter public number Huangfu strange to pay attention, haha!】 【本书第一篇女主番外,下卷已经上传,大家赶快搜索微信公众号皇甫奇关注吧,哈哈!】
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