HE :: Volume #9

#898: Open intrigue!

Chapter 898 第898章 Haha, good that said!, No matter Turkic, U-Tsang, or Caliphate, all peripheral various countries, how could has Great Tang feared? Sir Protectorate, no matter you want to make anything, all defer to your idea, felt relieved bold does. I fully will coordinate you!” “哈哈,说的好!,不管是突厥,乌斯藏,又或者大食,所有周边诸国,大唐又何曾怕过?都护大人,不管你想做什么,一切就按照你的想法,放心大胆的去做吧。我会全力的配合你!” The Gao Xianzhi long sound said, in the item ray flashes. On 17-year-old Wang Chong, he also faintly found himself to lose for a long time fervor. 高仙芝长声道,目中光芒闪动。在17岁的王冲身上,他也隐隐找到了自己失去已久的激情。 U-Tsang how? Caliphate how? 乌斯藏又如何?大食又如何? Past, did not rely on the impulse that a day was not fearing, does not fear, to rush to the vigor, in the western region complex environment, killed a stretch of world, finally attached great importance to by Sage Emperor, became Anxi Great Protectorate, War God of western region? 当年的自己,不就是凭借着一股天不怕、地不怕的冲劲、闯劲,在西域复杂的环境里,杀出一片天地,最后受到圣皇的重视,成为安西大都护,西域的战神吗? Haha, good!” “哈哈,好!” Wang Chong hears this to turn the words, is the confidence rises suddenly. One is end world Soldier Saint, one is Anxi War God, perhaps in the Empire top strength, Great Tang also compared with Caliphate, U-Tsang and Western Turkic, but this disposition, was extremely astonishing. Great Tang goes on a punitive expedition against peripheral, how could also to have used the overwhelming military strength? 王冲听到这翻话,也是信心暴涨。一个是末世兵圣,一个是安西战神,或许在帝国的顶尖战力上,大唐还比不过大食乌斯藏西突厥,但是这个配置,已经极其惊人了。大唐征伐周边,又何曾用过压倒性兵力? Moreover, Dao of the Art of War to be just right, by wonderful victory, in the battlefield, forever so many surprise-attack forces cannot rely on borrows, but as qualified Commander-in-Chief, is one-to-one in the upfront, even in the one-to-many situation, by the outstanding command capability, the thorough crush, kills the opposite party. 而且,兵法之道“以正合,以奇胜”,战场上,不会永远有那么多的“奇兵”可以倚借,而做为一个合格的统帅,就是在正面一对一,甚至一对多的情况下,以超卓的指挥能力,彻底的碾压,干掉对方。 This fight any flower is not skillful, this is the Commander-in-Chief ability and Military Dao can manifestation of most pinnacle! 这种战斗没有任何的花巧,这是统帅能力和兵道才能最极致的体现! This is a Commander-in-Chief war! 这是一场统帅的战争! Zhang Que, some nosing clear opposite party altogether how many people?” 张雀,查探清楚对方总共有多少人吗?” Wang Chong is looking into Turkic and U-Tsang of allied armies distant place, indifferently said. 王冲眺望着远处的突厥乌斯藏联军,淡淡道 Returned to Lord Marquis, U-Tsang People has sent out vulture Great Army, our rock hawks were insufficient, not having the means to approach, can only speculate a general idea. The U-Tsang People more than 70,000 people, Turkic People should be more than 40,000 people, completely is elite!” “回侯爷,乌斯藏人派出了秃鹫大军,我们的岩鹰不够,没有办法靠近,只能推测出一个大概。乌斯藏人70000多人,突厥人应该是40000多人,全部都是精锐!” Young, has the sound of young air/Qi from behind to transmit, Zhang Que kneels bends down in four Great Tang Commander-in-Chief, on the shoulder is stopping king of Xiaosha that rock hawk, the manner is respectful. 一个年轻、带着雏气的声音从身后传来,张雀跪伏在四位大唐统帅的身后,肩膀上停着那只岩鹰之王小沙,神态恭恭敬敬。 The U-Tsang People vulture Great Army quantity is extremely huge, crowds of block the sky, making one look to live intimidated. In addition Caliphate Empire Saker Falcon, the two sides converging attack, the Great Tang spatial birds and beasts now the situation becomes very difficult, can only deter the opposite party through Divine Archer of ground the spatial birds and beasts, secures the activity space for the rock hawks. 乌斯藏人的秃鹫大军数量极其庞大,一群群遮天蔽日,令人望而生怖。再加上大食帝国猎隼,两边夹击,大唐空禽现在处境变得非常艰难,只能通过地面的神箭手威慑对方的空禽,为岩鹰们争取活动空间。 Is the Turkic People 40,000 people of digit, flies the upper air through Zhang Que through little sand, the risk reconnoiters. 就是突厥人40000人的数字,也是通过张雀通过“小沙”飞上高空,冒险侦察来的。 „More than 70,000 U-Tsang Great Army, more than 40,000 Western Turkic Khaganate elite, altogether add about 120,000 military strength, was enough! Namely however that side U-Tsang and Western Turkic have not been willing to begin temporarily, that makes us compel them to battle on own initiative!” “70000多乌斯藏大军,40000多西突厥汗国的精锐,总共加起来120000左右的兵力,足够了!即然乌斯藏西突厥那边暂时还不愿意动手,那就让我们逼他们主动作战吧!” The strong wind from afar is enormous and powerful, Wang Chong is shouldering both hands, is looking into the hill of distant place, from top to bottom, naturally reveals an intense imposing manner, in the past Central Plains Soldier Saint of that able to move unhindered world, gradually fused with the present this Qixi Great Protectorate status together. Present Wang Chong, body, not only cannot see slightly 17 -year-old young young tender, instead disclosed that one type sincere like deep pool, makes a great show of one's talents, looks disdainfully the domineering Commander-in-Chief makings, looks around Wang Yan and Gao Xianzhi cannot bear the eyelid combination. 长风浩荡,王冲背负着双手,眺望着远处的丘陵,浑身上下,自然而然的流露出一种强烈的气势,当年那个纵横天下的中土兵圣,和现在这个碛西大都护的身份渐渐融合在一起。现在的王冲,身上非但看不出丝毫17岁年轻的雏嫩,反而透露出一种厚重如渊,锋芒毕露,睥睨霸气统帅气质,看得一旁的王严高仙芝都忍不住眼皮连跳。 Opens the old seniors, starts!” “张老前辈,开始吧!” Wang Chong does not return to say. 王冲头也不回道。 Zhang Shouzhi, obeys! Made!” 张寿之,遵!令!” Issues an order, the carriage drives, Zhang Shouzhi as the leaders of several tens of thousands artisans, steps up to the carriage rapidly, goes toward the distant place. 一声令下,马车驶动,张寿之做为数万工匠的头领,迅速跨上马车,朝着远处而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Only listens to a shake the heavens loud sound, the side long two steel defense lines that under the nose of people, originally cultivated, probably had oneself life to be ordinary, accelerated to proceed to spread. Rumbling, the giant steel city wall under the innumerable the function of artisan and machinery, numerous falling on the earth, is second, third, fourth......, The billowing thick smoke shoots up to the sky, this sudden sound attracted the attention of Caliphate and U-Tsang People immediately. 只听一声惊天的巨响,就在众人的眼皮底下,原本已经修的极长的两道钢铁防线,就好像拥有了自己的生命一般,加速往前蔓延开去。轰轰轰,一面又一面巨大的钢铁城墙在无数工匠和机械的作用下,重重的落在大地上,紧接着是第二道,第三道,第四道……,滚滚的浓烟冲天而起,这突然的动静立即吸引了大食乌斯藏人的注意。 What these are Tang People is making? Weren't they had two defense lines? What clever trick don't tell me do they have?” “这些唐人是在做什么?他们不是已经有了两道防线吗?难道他们还有什么诡计?” The distant place hill peak, Dusong Mangbuzhi sees this, cannot bear the eyelid slightly run-up track. Although before , has only contacted Wang Chong's City of Steel, but Wang Chong's these steel city walls and City of Steel, have made the indelible impression to this U-Tsang Empire Great General, in the Dusong Mangbuzhi life the biggest disastrous defeat occurred there. 远处丘陵顶端,都松莽布支看到这一幕,忍不住眼皮微跳道。虽然之前只接触过一次王冲的钢铁之城,但是王冲的那些钢铁城墙和钢铁之城,给这位乌斯藏帝国大将留下了难以磨灭的印象,都松莽布支人生中最大的惨败就是在那里发生的。 Regarding the steel defense line that Wang Chong arranges, the Dusong Mangbuzhi instinct has had the deep alert and trauma. 对于王冲摆下的钢铁防线,都松莽布支本能产生了深深的戒备和心理阴影。 Daqin Ruozan has not spoken, a pair of brow wrinkled slightly. 大钦若赞没有说话,一双眉头微微的皱了起来。 He wants us and Abmuslin thorough division.” “他是想将我们和艾布穆斯/林彻底的分割开来。” Daqin Ruozan is narrowing the eye, looks into the front to say. 大钦若赞眯着眼睛,眺望着前方道。 If said that this world some people are familiar with the Wang Chong's strategy, perhaps also only then he. Southwest that campaign, Daqin Ruozan, although is defeated, but also once compelled the end of hills and rivers Wang Chong the situation. But in Royal Capital dungeon that several months, he is tossing about in the mind, estimates and studies that repeated review of fight. 若说这个世界有人对王冲的计策了如指掌,恐怕也就只有他了。西南那场战役,大钦若赞虽然失败,但也一度将王冲逼到山穷水尽的地步。而在王都地牢那几个月里,他更是翻来覆去的将那场战斗在脑海中反复的检讨、揣摩、研究。 Daqin Ruozan is deep, Wang Chong will not do any does not have the matter of significance, his every action and every movement inevitably have the special goal. 大钦若赞深深清楚,王冲绝不会做任何没有意义的事情,他的一举一动都必然有着特殊的目的。 What meaning? This fight is not we and Caliphate collaborates from outside with the inside, does the thing converging attack, cope with Great Tang together? What significance does he such do to have?” “什么意思?这场战斗不是我们和大食里应外合,东西夹击,一起对付大唐吗?他这么做有什么意义?” Some Du Wusili doubts said. 都乌思力有些疑惑道。 Before set off, that side Ishbara Khan will be massive about the Wang Chong's material has delivered to his table-top. However the material is the material, the honorable person is an honorable person. Has blackmailed Western Turkic Khaganate regarding this, Qixi Great Protectorate of 200,000 fine Turkic warhorses, Du Wusili had not understood very much. 早在出发之前,沙钵罗可汗那边就将大量关于王冲的资料送到了他的案头。不过资料是资料,真人是真人。对于这个敲诈了西突厥汗国,200000匹优良突厥战马的碛西大都护,都乌思力还并不是很了解。 This is different.” “这不一样。” Daqin Ruozan shook the head, looks at the billowing thick smoke that the distant place braves, the look was more dignified. 大钦若赞摇了摇头,看着远处冒起的滚滚浓烟,神色凝重了很多。 We and Caliphate collaborate from outside with the inside, thing converging attack, this is our tripartite military strength fuses together, forms the alliance. We are a side, Great Tang are another side. If makes him use the steel city wall to divide us, turned into Great Tang to cope with our two sides in the middle separately, this war evolved the war between three parties. We are a side, Caliphate is a side, Great Tang are the third parties.” “我们和大食里应外合,东西夹击,这是我们三方的兵力融为一体,形成联盟。我们是一方,大唐是另一方。如果让他用钢铁城墙将我们分割开来,就变成了大唐在中间分别对付我们两方,这场战争就演变成了三方之间的战争。我们是一方,大食是一方,大唐是第三方。” Moreover makes Great Tang stand in the middle divides successfully, information transmit between we and Caliphate will also receive influence, this is quite disadvantageous to us, perhaps at least, between we and Abmuslin, can only transmit through the carrier pigeon.” “而且让大唐站在中间分割成功,我们和大食之间的消息传递也会受到影响,这对我们极为不利,至少,我们和艾布穆斯/林之间,恐怕就只能通过信鸽来传递。” Daqin Ruozan said. 大钦若赞道。 Therefore, you are hope, once does the wartime is disadvantageous, immediately changes the strategy, attack Tang People with the Caliphate People union?” “所以,你原本是希望一旦战时不利,立即改变战略,和大食人联合一起攻击唐人?” Du Wusili asked. 都乌思力问道。 Has this idea, but now was impossible.” “是有这个想法,但是现在已经不可能了。” Daqin Ruozan indifferently said, the vision looks at the distant place. 大钦若赞淡淡道,目光看着远处。 Wang Chong always has the means that can use the simplest method, will distinguish right from wrong, one clear-sighted situation complication. This point, even if for enemy Daqin Ruozan, admires. 王冲总是有办法,能够使用最简单的手段,将原本泾渭分明,一眼明了的局势复杂化。这一点,哪怕是为敌人大钦若赞,也佩服不已。 Entire Central Plains, the sole view Military Dao ability, again nobody was perhaps more formidable than him. Said that Wang Zhongsi is Central Plains War God, but is Wang Zhongsi, on Dao of the Art of War, is unable with placing on a par!” “整个中土,单论兵道能力,恐怕再没有人比他更加强大了。都说王忠嗣中土战神,但就算是王忠嗣,在兵法之道上,也无法与相提并论吧!” In the Daqin Ruozan heart says with emotion. 大钦若赞心中感慨道。 Holds the post of the Ngari Royal Faction Great Minister many years, refuses to compromise and confront for many years in the southwest with Great Tang Empire fierce tiger Zhangchou Jianqiong, Daqin Ruozan had not felt that on a person so intense threat, that talent startled certainly colorful, making one appreciate, was the Daqin Ruozan oath must destroy it. 担任阿里王系大相多年,和大唐帝国猛虎章仇兼琼在西南僵持、对峙多年,大钦若赞从没有在一个人身上感觉到如此强烈的威胁,那种才华惊才绝艳,令人赞赏,也是大钦若赞誓要将之毁灭的。 Has this person , after U-Tsang, perhaps not will forever sleep well. 有这种人在,乌斯藏以后恐怕永无安寝。 „Is really impossible to circle?” 难道真的不可能绕过去吗?” A sound resounds from the ear, Huoshu Guicang looks at the distant place, some unwilling say/way. Ten ten thousand Western Turkic and Oursse and allied armies, 27-28 ten thousand Caliphate Empire armies, easily had been separated by Wang Chong several small City of Steel, the thing separation, operates independently, this sounds not to besiege Great Tang like the three parties, the reversed image is the Great Tang division three parties, rather makes people somewhat be hard to accept. 一个声音从耳边响起,火树归藏看着远处,有些不甘道。十多万西突厥和乌斯和的联军,二十七八万的大食帝国军队,被王冲几堵小小的钢铁之城就轻易隔开了,东西分离,各自为战,这听起来不像三方围攻大唐,倒像是大唐分割三方,未免让人有些难以接受。 „It is not good!” “不行!” Daqin Ruozan shook the head, the vision shot a look at a distant place Wei gorgeously, reaching to the sky the city of Talas: 大钦若赞摇了摇头,目光瞥了一眼远处巍巍然,高耸入云的怛罗斯之城: Terrain decision, he adroitly guided action according to circumstances, has used this point.” “地形决定的,他只是因势利导,利用了这一点。” „The terrain of city of Talas is complex, although the trim region is a plain wilderness. However around this piece of plain, is actually the numerous rivers, bare, mountain range of fluctuating, moreover there are very many gulleys, the topography is steep, does not favor climbs up. The Stone Country person chose in the past constructs city here, is this reason.” 怛罗斯之城的地形非常复杂,虽然整片区域是一片平原旷野。但是在这片平原周围,却是千沟万壑,光秃秃,起伏的山峦,而且还有非常多的深沟,地势陡峭,非常不利于攀爬。石国人当年选择在这里建城,也是这个原因。” Daqin Ruozan calm say/way. Talas is routing Great Tang that he selects, the battlefield of thorough disintegration western region pattern, Daqin Ruozan carefully had studied here, is familiar with here: 大钦若赞一脸平静道。怛罗斯是他选中的击溃大唐,彻底的瓦解西域格局的战场,大钦若赞曾经仔细研究过这里,对这里了如指掌: Behind the city of Talas is these dangerous dangerous shore cliffs, between the cities and mountain range cliffs, only then a very narrow channel. To pass, can only pass the front down country. Now, Wang Chong uses two steel defense line divisions there, was equal to that convergence channel thorough the division between us and Caliphate, turns the passive situation into initiative. If I had not guessed, his two defense lines, will certainly leave behind a gap, but does not construct.” 怛罗斯之城后方就是那些危险的悬岸峭壁,城池和山峦峭壁之间,只有很窄的一段通道。想要通过,只能通过前方的平原地带。现在,王冲将那里用两道钢铁防线分割,就等于将我们和大食之间的汇合通道彻底的分割,化被动为主动。如果我没有猜测,他的两道防线,一定还会留下一段缺口,而不修建到底。” Why?” “为什么?” Encircles three error one!” “围三阙一!” Daqin Ruozan indifferently said, a language said answer. 大钦若赞淡淡道,一语道出答案。 But the distant place, seemed responding to the Daqin Ruozan words, has constructed crazily, in two steel defense lines that on the earth extended unceasingly, slowly stopped, has left behind a narrow neutral gear with the plain edges. 而远处,似乎回应着大钦若赞的话,一直疯狂建设,在大地上不断延伸的两道钢铁防线,慢慢的停了下来,和平原的边缘之间留下了一段窄窄的空档。 Was OK!” “可以了!” The distant place, is almost simultaneously, Wang Chong stands erect in Great Army, waved, has issued the order of stop. 远处,几乎是同时,王冲屹立在大军之中,挥了挥手,下达了停止的命令。 Encircles three error one! Leaves behind a channel to them.” “围三阙一!给他们留下一条通道吧。” Little brother, that Daqin Ruozan may not cope easily. You in this way, encircle three error one, leaves behind a channel intentionally, perhaps cannot hide the truth from Daqin Ruozan.” “小弟,那个大钦若赞可并不容易对付。你用这种方法,围三阙一,故意留下一段通道,恐怕瞒不过大钦若赞。” A sonorous sound of footsteps, along with the vibration of armor piece, transmits from behind, Big Brother Wang Chong's a Wang Fu armor, the body is straight, does not know when walked from behind. The war of southwest, 一个铿锵的脚步声,伴随着甲片的振动,从后面传来,王冲的大哥王符一身铁衣,身躯笔挺,不知什么时候从后面走了上来。西南之战, „It is not does not conceal the truth, will be he definitely knows.” “不是瞒不过,是他一定会知道。” Wang Chong indifferently said, the vision is looking on the opposite hill the form of that scholarly, the look is calm and self-confident: 王冲淡淡道,目光望着对面丘陵上那道儒雅的身影,神色从容而自信: Seeks the plot and open intrigue, my this is the frank and upright open intrigue, even if Daqin Ruozan understands that also has no alternative. Shangdang reveals a plot, launches a psychological attack for on!” “谋有阴谋和阳谋,我这是光明正大的阳谋,就算是大钦若赞明白也无可奈何。上党伐谋,攻心为上!” 【The good news, beyond first female Lord of this book has uploaded, the slightly letter public number searched Huangfu strange to be OK, welcome everybody to pay attention, asks a to praise, asked to hit to enjoy! Haha ^-^ 【好消息,本书的第一篇女主番外上传了,微信公众号搜索皇甫奇就可以了,欢迎大家关注,求点赞,求打赏!哈哈^-^】 Other embarrassed, upload in the evening, perspiration!】 【另外不好意思,上传晚上了,流汗!】
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