HE :: Volume #9

#897: black and pledge suddenly!!

Chapter 897 第897章 " Du Wusili, stop! " "都乌思力,住手!" The Huoshu Guicang complexion changes, body one horizontal, spans rapidly before the Daqin Ruozan body. But is almost simultaneously, Dusong Mangbuzhi also simultaneously emits a formidable aura, protects Daqin Ruozan, forces the Du Wusili aura outside. 火树归藏脸色一变,身躯一横,迅速横亘在大钦若赞身前。而几乎是同时,都松莽布支也是同时放出一股强大的气息,护住大钦若赞,将都乌思力的气息逼迫在外。 Between U-Tsang and Turkic are always not the monolithic bloc, before Great Tang enters the western region, both sides on won to be heavily engaged. If not Great Tang takes the third party, enters the western region, has controlled the trim region, simultaneously attracted the attention of two sides, perhaps now both sides also hit are heavily engaged. 乌斯藏突厥之间从来都不是铁板一块,早在大唐进入西域之前,双方就已经争得不可开交。如果不是大唐做为第三方,杀入西域,控制了整片区域,同时吸引了两方的注意,恐怕现在双方还打得不可开交。 Although between present U-Tsang and Western Turkic already not that many conflicts, but if defeats Great Tang successfully, then both sides can be the enemies, in this case, Du Wusili estimated that did not mind kills Daqin Ruozan. 虽然现在的乌斯藏西突厥之间已经没有那么多的冲突,但是如果成功打败大唐,接下来双方又会是敌人,在这种情况下,都乌思力估计也并不介意干掉大钦若赞 Relax, Du Wusili cannot take action.” “放心,都乌思力不会出手的。” Daqin Ruozan beckoned with the hand, indifferently said, from protection of Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang, while welcomed Du Wusili to walk self-confidently calmly: 大钦若赞摆了摆手,淡淡道,一边从都松莽布支火树归藏的保护中走了出来,一边迎着都乌思力自信从容的走了上去: Irkin, welcome to return!” 俟斤,欢迎归来!” Du Wusili stares at Daqin Ruozan, in the item is fluctuating erratically, finally finally changes into one to laugh: 都乌思力盯着大钦若赞,目中变幻不定,最后终于化为一声大笑: Haha, good, Great Minister good courage!” “哈哈,好,大相好胆魄!” As this long smiles, the atmosphere between both sides was suddenly gentle. U-Tsang Empire five Great Minister in Western Turkic Khaganate must kill in the list, this is the result of long-time gratitude and grudges, the concrete origin did not know. However both sides first meeting, Daqin Ruozan can be so confident, the appearance of having no scruples in front of oneself, this breadth of spirit, Du Wusili has to appreciate several points. 随着这一声长笑,双方之间的气氛突然柔和了许多。乌斯藏帝国的五大相可是在西突厥汗国的必杀名单上,这是长久恩怨的结果,具体的由来已经不知道了。但是双方第一次见面,大钦若赞能够这么坦然,毫无顾忌的出现在自己面前,这种气魄,都乌思力就不得不赞赏几分。 Such? Tang People situation situation how?” “这么样?唐人的情况处境如何?” Du Wusili was saying, while has looked into the distance the hill, looked to distant place the city of Talas. Sees that two long steel defense lines, Du Wusili could not bear slightly changed the complexion. 都乌思力一边说着,一边眺过丘陵,望向了远处的怛罗斯之城。看到那两道长长的钢铁防线,就连都乌思力也忍不住微微变了脸色。 Good quick response can't Speed, break through their securities by the Great Minister ability?” “好快的反应速度,以大相的能力也没能突破他们的警戒吗?” Great General should not be extremely negligent, that fellow is perhaps young, but is actually Young Marquis that Great Tang Sage Emperor seals, moreover bestows the character to him personally, is broad Emperor's Disciple! We have defeated in his hands several times, died including your Azure Wolf Ye Hu in his subordinate.” 大将军还是不要太过大意,那个家伙或许年轻,但却是大唐圣皇亲封的少年侯,而且还亲自给他赐字,是唐皇的天子门生!我们已经败在他手中几次了,连你们的青狼叶护都是死在了他的手下。” A mellow sound conveys from side, Dusong Mangbuzhi walked from the rear area, the reminder said. 一个醇厚的声音从旁边传来,都松莽布支从后方走了过来,提醒道。 Du Wusili has not spoken, a pair of brow actually cannot help but wrinkled slightly. U-Tsang People failed several times, is not Western Turkic Khaganate, and Western Turkic Khaganate also equally is not necessarily incompetent. However these words to the mouth, heard Azure Wolf Ye Hu several characters, the Du Wusili words shrank. The war of Qixi, a failure of Azure Wolf Ye Hu Quasi-General returns the close at hand, even the four imperial princes in perspiration courtyard were grasped, but also had been coerced 200,000 most outstanding Turkic warhorses by the enemy, this matter estimated that side U-Tsang also already knew. 都乌思力没有说话,一双眉头却不由自主的微微皱了起来。乌斯藏人失败了几次而已,又不是西突厥汗国,并不见得西突厥汗国也一样无能。不过这句话到了嘴边,听到“青狼叶护”几个字,都乌思力的话又缩了回去。碛西之战,青狼叶护一个准将的失败还近在眼前,甚至汗庭的四皇子被抓,还被对方要挟了200000匹最优秀的突厥战马,这事估计乌斯藏那边也早就知道了。 Both sides are the same, everyone not necessarily is better than the opposite party on many! 双方半斤八两,谁也不见得比对方好上多少! „The Azure Wolf Ye Hu matter does not need you to worry, my this time came for him. That boy in any event, I personally will massacre certainly!” 青狼叶护的事情就不必你们操心了,我这次本来就是为他而来的。那个小子无论如何,我都一定会亲自杀掉的!” The Du Wusili hawk looked into the distant place, vision has been sweeping, has locked boundlessly such as Wang Chong in sea Tang People Great Army quickly. 都乌思力鹰眺望着远处,目光只是扫了一圈,很快锁定了茫茫如海唐人大军中的王冲 hē hē, that looked like we achieved consistently!” 呵呵,那看来我们已经达成一致了!” Daqin Ruozan says with a smile. U-Tsang and Western Turkic, the two big old enemies in western region, historically this is first collaboration, it can be said that unprecedented grand occasion. But before then, Daqin Ruozan through the falcon, simply has also contacted one time with Du Wusili. 大钦若赞微笑着道。乌斯藏西突厥,西域的两大宿敌,在历史上这还是第一次联手,可以说是前所未有的盛事。而在此之前,大钦若赞也只是通过鹰隼,和都乌思力简单的联系过一次而已。 In the past although had hearing, but actually never met. 以往虽有耳闻,但却从未见面。 However this flash, Daqin Ruozan believes firmly, this war, Du Wusili inevitably is the firmest ally. 但是这一刹那,大钦若赞确信,此战,都乌思力必然是自己最坚定的盟友。 How that side Caliphate People to say?” 大食人那边怎么说?” Du Wusili has not struggled to distinguish, looks into the distant place, comes straight to the point to say directly. This war, seems like the union of U-Tsang and Western Turkic, but actually essential actually battlefield another side Caliphate Empire. Because precisely has invitation of Caliphate Empire, therefore had this union. 都乌思力也没有争辨,眺望远处,直接开门见山道。这一战,看起来是乌斯藏西突厥的联合,但却关键的其实还是战场另一边的大食帝国正是因为有大食帝国的邀约,所以才有了这次联合。 This is also premise that Du Wusili complies with. 这也是都乌思力答应的前提。 Otherwise, when the time comes Western Turkic Empire helps Caliphate People cope with Great Tang, finally the Caliphate Empire victory copes with itself in turn, that was lifts a rock to drop it on one's own feet. Turkic People is nomadic nation, activity very broad model/pattern, regarding another end remote Caliphate Empire, Turkic is also all understanding. 否则的话,到时候西突厥帝国帮助大食人对付大唐,结果大食帝国胜利反过来对付自己,那就是搬起石头砸自己的脚了。突厥人是游牧民族,活动非常广范,对于另一端遥远的大食帝国,突厥也是所有了解的。 That is one compared with U-Tsang Empire more formidable existence! 那是一个比乌斯藏帝国更加强大的存在! If unnecessary, Western Turkic Khaganate is not willing to make war with Caliphate Empire. 如非必要,西突厥汗国绝不愿意和大食帝国开战。 Relax. All have arranged appropriately, I with Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor through the letter, he had ensure this fights, if wins, can carve up the western region with our U-Tsang and Western Turkic together.” “放心吧。一切已经安排妥当,我已经和大食帝国东方总督通过信,他已经保证,这一战如果胜利,一定会和我们乌斯藏西突厥共同瓜分西域。” The Daqin Ruozan indifferent say/way, graces, naturally reveals planning strategy(-ies) formidable self-confident. 大钦若赞淡然道,举手投足,自然而然的流露出一种运筹帷幄的强大自信。 „The Caliphate ambition is always very heavy, if after they win, in turn copes with us, do we let a wolf into the fold? How at that time should, these Great Minister consider?” “不过大食的野心一向很重,如果他们胜利之后,反过来对付我们,我们岂不是引狼入室?那时又该如何,这些大相考虑过吗?” Du Wusili came straight to the point. 都乌思力单刀直入道。 „, These I have certainly considered.” “呵,这些我当然考虑过。” Daqin Ruozan smiles in a soft voice, as if already expected Du Wusili to ask this, said unflustered: 大钦若赞轻声一笑,似乎早已料到都乌思力会问到这个,从容不迫道: Therefore, I already with the Eastern Governor agreement of Caliphate, this fight, if wins, our three parties continue maintain this union, enters Anxi together, crosses Qixi, enters Longxi, attacks and captures the Great Tang national capital, carves up the Central Plains world together!” “所以,我已经和大食东方总督约定,这场战斗如果胜利,我们三方继续保持这种联合,一起入安西,过碛西,进陇西,攻克大唐京师,一起瓜分中土天下!” Bang!” “轰!” A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, hears the Daqin Ruozan chuckle sound, Dusong Mangbuzhi, Huoshu Guicang and Du Wusili three people of whole body severe shake, in the heart starts giant mighty waves. Daqin Ruozan thoroughly understands the several languages and writing, among the communication intercourse with Abmuslin, Daqin Ruozan also completely wrote with the Caliphate writing hand-written letter. 一石激起千层浪,听到大钦若赞的轻笑声,都松莽布支火树归藏都乌思力三人浑身剧震,心中掀起一片巨大波澜。大钦若赞通晓多国语言、文字,和艾布穆斯/林之间的通信往来,大钦若赞也全部是用大食文字手书写成。 Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang only know that both sides achieved, jointly have coped consistently with Great Tang, but discussed anything specifically, Daqin Ruozan had not said, two people do not know completely. They thought this cooperation, together defeats Great Tang, has not thought that Daqin Ruozan unexpectedly already after Caliphate Eastern Governor agreement victory continues to push onward, carves up Great Tang! 都松莽布支火树归藏只知道双方达成了一致,共同对付大唐,但具体商谈了什么,大钦若赞没有说,两人也完全不知道。本来两人以为这次合作,也就是共同击败大唐为止,没想到,大钦若赞居然已经和大食东方总督约定胜利之后继续挺进,瓜分大唐 The boldness of this idea, Dusong Mangbuzhi and Huoshu Guicang two U-Tsang Empire Great General, feel the deep shock! 这个想法之大胆,就连都松莽布支火树归藏两位乌斯藏帝国大将,都感到深深震惊! U-Tsang and Western Turkic, in addition formidable Caliphate Empire, if this matter succeeds, this perhaps will be the unprecedented huge alliance. Perhaps three big Empire unions, really may throw the land the domain, the domain of thorough change entire world, realizes Western Turkic Khaganate and U-Tsang Empire never has realized the cause. 乌斯藏西突厥,再加上强大的大食帝国,如果此事成功,这恐怕将是前所未有的庞大联盟。三大帝国联合,恐怕真有可能抛动陆地的版图,彻底的改变整个世界的版图,实现西突厥汗国乌斯藏帝国从未实现过的伟业。 Haha, good!!” “哈哈,好!!” Hears the Daqin Ruozan words, Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili laughs, the excited vision jumps projects the intermittent bright: 听到大钦若赞的话,天狼大将都乌思力哈哈大笑,兴奋的目光迸射出阵阵亮光: Daqin Ruozan, I have not really misread you, has the courage! Caliphate People is unprepared, has not defeated including Gao Xianzhi, did not understand Central Plains. That Abmuslin is impossible to propose that this condition, this perhaps is your meaning. wisdom, wisdom......, U-Tsang four big Royal Faction, four names, you are situated first, I comply with your alliance really right. You could rest assured that I can promise you for Ishbara Khan now. This meritorious military service becomes, we carve up together in a big way! Tang! Day! Next!” 大钦若赞,我果然没有看错你,有胆魄!大食人立足未稳,连高仙芝都没有战胜,对于中土更是不了解。那个艾布穆斯/林根本不可能提出这种条件,这恐怕还是你的意思吧。智相,智相……,乌斯藏四大王系,四位名相,你排行第一,我答应和你的联盟果然没错。你放心,我现在就可以替沙钵罗可汗答应你。此战功成,我们共同瓜分大!唐!天!下!” Bang!” “轰!” As Du Wusili issues an order, distant place tens of thousands of Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry, as well as one of the Western Turkic most intrepid three Great Cavalry, Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry comes in swarms, jumps onto outside Talas City the recent hill. Western Turkic silver Sky Wolf of reputation illustrious, famous world rides, with U-Tsang black red two color/look armor Mu Chi Great Cavalry, one on the left and other on the right, unprecedented abreast in row stands, stands erect in the dike is ordinary, the long hill peak, sends out a formidable oppression strength. 随着都乌思力一声令下,远处成千上万的西突厥铁骑,以及西突厥最强悍的三大铁骑之一,天狼铁骑蜂涌而至,跃上怛罗斯城外最近的丘陵。名声赫赫,驰名天下的西突厥银色天狼骑,和乌斯藏黑红两色甲的穆赤大铁骑,一左一右,史无前例的并排站在一起,矗立在堤岸一般,长长的丘陵顶端,散发出一股强大压迫力。 U-Tsang and Western Turkic Khaganate, the old enemies in these two western regions, united in this moment truly! 乌斯藏西突厥汗国,这两个西域的宿敌,在这一刻真正的联合了! ...... …… Clang! Clang! Clang!” “锵!锵!锵!” Outside the Talas City wall, the second defense line, tens of thousands of iron hammers one after another, under the hammer, every time falls, pounds myriad sparks/Mars. First pounding down, these steel defense lines become the powerful point. Erecting that beehives keep to these unconquerable forces on, built wall of the Death in this stretch of Cong Ridge foreign land battlefield. 怛罗斯城墙外,第二道防线,成千上万的铁锤接二连三,不停的锤下,每一次落下,都砸出万千的火星。第一次砸下,这些钢铁防线就变得强悍一分。一具具蜂箱不停的架设到了这些钢铁长城上,在这片葱岭以西的异域战场上筑造出了一片死亡之墙。 Wall of module tens of thousands of steel, tens of thousands of beehives, various types of weapons...... 成千上万的钢铁之墙模块,成千上万的蜂箱,还有各种军械…… Until this moment, Wang Chong two months prepares Effect fully, truly exposes in this moment. However for all this, the atmosphere slight relaxedness in battlefield, before on the contrary has not actually compared it, collapse tight even more. Everyone saw the distant place hill peak emergying azure bottom gold/metal Langju flag, as well as great that aura is formidable, regards Western Turkic Great General that is very suspicious like the destruction storm hawk. 直到这一刻,王冲两个月的充分准备效果,才在这一刻真正展露出来。不过尽管如此,战场上的气氛却并没有丝毫的轻松,反倒比之之前越发的崩紧。每个人都看到了远处丘陵顶端新出现的青底金狼巨旗,以及巨旗下那一身气息强大无比,有如毁灭风暴般鹰视狼顾的西突厥大将 Tens of thousands of eyes covetously, stands abreast in row, grandiose incomparable U-Tsang Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, is lets in all person hearts heavy, feels a formidable pressure. Three under the flag stand shoulder to shoulder Western Turkic and U-Tsang Great General, as well as Daqin Ruozan, letting is makes the person breathe feels to suffocate. 成千上万虎视眈眈,并排而立,壮硕无比的乌斯藏穆赤大铁骑天狼铁骑,更是让所有人心中沉甸甸的,感觉到一种强大的压力。三名在大旗下并肩站在一起的西突厥乌斯藏大将,以及大钦若赞,让是让人呼吸都感觉窒息。 Rumble sound of footsteps everything may become vulnerable, Caliphate People as in unflustered, approaches with the extremely stable footsteps. After the first steel defense line, King of Ganke and tens of thousands of Tang People soldiers are getting rid of the air/Qi with rapt attention, the entire gods deal. But after the second steel defense line, Wang Chong, Wang Yan, Li Siye and Cheng Qianli, four Great Tang highest Commander-in-Chief rows stand, no one has paid attention behind. 身后,隆隆的脚步声地动山摇,大食人依旧在从容不迫,以极其稳定的脚步靠近。第一道钢铁防线之后,冈克之王和成千上万的唐人士兵在摒气凝神,全神应对。但第二道钢铁防线之后,王冲王严李嗣业程千里,四名大唐最高的统帅一排站开,谁也没有注意身后。 Atmosphere at daggers drawn, heavy. 气氛剑拔弩张,沉甸甸的。 Sir Protectorate, this war, how do you want to hit?” 都护大人,这一战,你想怎么打?” The Gao Xianzhi visual front said. 高仙芝目视前方道。 Anxi Protectorate Army only remaining more than 10,000 people, in addition Mercenary(-ies) in city, only then about 30,000 people, do not have Wang Chong's Qixi Protectorate Army to be many, from military force(s), Wang Chong without a doubt is this fight true first Commander-in-Chief. Gao Xianzhi is only the auxiliary status. 安西都护军只剩下10000多人,加上城中的雇佣兵,也只有30000人左右,远没有王冲的碛西都护军多,从兵马来看,王冲毫无疑问是这次战斗的真正第一统帅高仙芝只是辅助地位。 hē hē, is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available! This fights is inevitable, Great Tang quiet was too long, needs like this war, making all people understand, on the mainland ground that this various country stands in great numbers, Great Tang is still in various countries first, is still this world most formidable existence!” 呵呵,兵来将挡,水来土掩!这一战是不可避免的,大唐已经沉寂太久了,也需要这样一场战争,让所有人都明白,在这片诸国林立的大陆地上,大唐依然是诸国中的第一,依然是这个世界最强大的存在!” Wang Chong is looking at the front, indifferent say/way. Simple turns the words, said Gao Xianzhi, Wang Yan and Cheng Qianli three Commander in Chief Great Tang, cannot bear the eyelid jump, in the heart is out of control to start mighty waves, burnt faintly bunch of quiet for a long time flame. 王冲望着前方,淡然道。简简单单的一翻话,说得高仙芝王严程千里三位大唐主帅,都是忍不住眼皮一跳,心中禁不住掀起道道波澜,隐隐燃烧起了一团团沉寂已久的火焰。 Truly, Great Tang was too quietly long! 确实,大唐沉寂太久了! Back then, Great Tang of that making a great show of one's talents, closed right up against several hundred thousand military force(s) merely, dares to pursue perishes to pursue fleeing enemy troops, suppresses all peripheral various countries, approached all Royal Capital, eight thousand Heavy Cavalry, dare to pursue big Turkic Empire several hundred thousand military force(s) to flee in panic, escapes from beyond several thousand miles, the perspiration courtyard does not want! 想当年,那个锋芒毕露的大唐,仅仅靠着几十万兵马,就敢追亡逐北,镇压所有周边诸国,逼近各方王都,八千铁骑,就敢追得大突厥帝国几十万兵马仓皇逃窜,逃出数千里之外,连汗庭都不要了! If were initially that most intrepid, sharpest, is most militant, most domineering Great Tang , the generations of where some that many ganefs, do dare the light cherry Great Tang point? 如果是当初那个最强悍,最精锐,最好战,最霸气大唐,又哪里有那么多宵小之辈,敢于轻樱大唐的锋芒?
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