HE :: Volume #9

#896: Sky Wolf Great General!

Chapter 896 第896章 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Outside Talas City, Gao Xianzhi is riding a deep red marvelous horse, welcomed toward Wang Chong rapidly. 怛罗斯城外,高仙芝骑着一匹枣红色神驹,迅速向着王冲迎了过来。 Daqin Ruozan and Caliphate People already colluded, after this time meets, they will launch quickly the attack.” 大钦若赞大食人早已勾结,这次见面之后,他们很快就会发起攻击。” Wang Chong tranquil say/way. 王冲平静道。 Therefore between Caliphate People and U-Tsang, do cope with U-Tsang People first?” “所以大食人乌斯藏之间,先对付乌斯藏人吗?” Gao Xianzhi asked. Wang Chong nearly 80% military strength will gather in the east line, looks like to U-Tsang People unusual attaching great importance. 高仙芝问道。王冲将近乎八成的兵力聚集到了东线,看起来对乌斯藏人非常的重视。 „It is not U-Tsang People, copes with U-Tsang and Western Turkic first!” “不是乌斯藏人,是先对付乌斯藏西突厥!” Wang Chong shook the head, investigates Righteous Path with a smile. 王冲摇了摇头,笑着纠正道 Western Turkic?” 西突厥?” The Gao Xianzhi body slightly shakes, has shown the look of accident/surprise obviously. hōng lōng lōng, precisely doubts time, everything may become vulnerable, behind more than 70,000 U-Tsang, another mist and dust is suddenly enormous and powerful, shoots up to the sky, does not know that many troops are charging toward here. 高仙芝身躯微震,明显露出了意外的神色。轰隆隆,正是疑惑的时候,突然之间地动山摇,就在70000多乌斯藏后方,另一股烟尘浩浩荡荡,冲天而起,不知道多少人马正朝着这里冲锋而来。 wēng! 嗡! The time of moment, a huge commander's flag raises from the horizon place, the golden great wolf that on flag making threatening gestures, leaps forward all person views instantaneously. Sees this golden great wolf, all people are the pupil shrink, the atmosphere suddenly becomes dignified incomparable. 只是片刻的时间,一杆巨大的帅旗从地平线处升起,旗帜上一只张牙舞爪的金色巨狼,瞬间跃入所有人眼帘。看到这只金色的巨狼,所有人都是瞳孔一缩,气氛突然变得凝重无比。 Trim land, various countries, only then an will influence use the great wolf of this making threatening gestures to take own symbol, Western Turkic Khaganate! But in Western Turkic Khaganate, this golden great wolf also only then the minority most honored Top Level characters can use. 整片陆地,所有诸国,只有一个势力才会使用这种张牙舞爪的巨狼作为自己的标志,西突厥汗国!而在西突厥汗国,这种金色巨狼也只有少数最尊贵的顶级人物才可以使用。 Commander these military force(s), are Western Turkic Empire Great General! 统领这些兵马的,是一名西突厥帝国大将 Du Wusili!” 都乌思力!” The Gao Xianzhi look suddenly becomes dignified incomparable. In western region able to move unhindered many years, although many character Gao Xianzhi have not seen, but these topest Great General did not have Gao Xianzhi not to know. 高仙芝的神色突然变得凝重无比。在西域纵横多年,虽然还有很多人物高仙芝并没有见过,但是那些最顶尖的大将还没有高仙芝不知道的。 Sky Wolf Great General! 天狼大将 One of Western Turkic Khaganate topest Great General, the operational experience is extremely rich, Beiting Great Protectorate An Sishun has had the defeat in his hand! What is more important is 西突厥汗国最顶尖的大将之一,作战经验极其丰富,就连北庭大都护安思顺都在他手上吃过败仗!更重要的是 Wang Chong, be careful! What comes is Western Turkic Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili, you in that Azure Wolf Ye Hu Agudul that Qixi kills, once will be his section, was his one raises to pull out. Incessantly so, he hand/subordinate also has Western Turkic Khaganate to be topest, one of the most formidable three Great Cavalry, Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry! This Heavy Cavalry population are not many, but the battle efficiency is extremely intrepid, in the past Beiting Great Protectorate An Sishun defeated on this Heavy Cavalry.” 王冲,小心!来的是西突厥天狼大将都乌思力,你在碛西杀的那个青狼叶护阿骨都蓝,曾经就是他的部将,是他一手提拔出来的。不止如此,他手下还有西突厥汗国最顶尖,最强大的三大铁骑之一,天狼铁骑!这支铁骑的人数不多,但是战斗力极其强悍,当年北庭大都护安思顺就是败在他这支铁骑身上。” Gao Xianzhi stern-faced say/way. 高仙芝一脸凝重道。 Un?” “嗯?” The Wang Chong eyelid jumped, subconscious turning head looks to that huge azure gold/metal Langqi. Du Wusili, this Western Turkic Khaganate Sky Wolf Great General name Wang Chong is not strange, takes a broad view at the trim land, in the Great Tang peripheral various countries, Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili is one of the topest military officers absolutely. 王冲眼皮跳了一下,下意识的扭头望向那杆巨大的青色金狼旗。都乌思力,这个西突厥汗国天狼大将的名字王冲并不陌生,放眼整片陆地,大唐周边的诸国之中,天狼大将都乌思力绝对属于最顶尖的将领之一。 This person can treat as an equal with Gao Xianzhi absolutely. 这个人绝对是能和高仙芝平起平坐的。 However Wang Chong has not thought that Du Wusili unexpectedly and between Agudul also has the relations. 但是王冲从没有想过,都乌思力居然和阿骨都蓝之间还有关系。 Therefore, because of the Agudul death, has drawn out him?” “所以,是因为阿骨都蓝的死,才引出了他吗?” The Wang Chong vision flashes, in heart continuously. 王冲目光闪动,心中此起彼伏。 Dusong Mangbuzhi, Du Wusili, in addition......, Wang Chong turned head to look to distant place, stood in a Daqin Ruozan behind fiery-red form, regarding that form, Wang Chong was not strange, precisely and Daqin Ruozan burnt not to Meng, Huoshu Guicang that Meng was not out of focus! 一个都松莽布支,一个都乌思力,再加上……,王冲扭头望向了远处,站在大钦若赞身后的一道火红色的身影,对于那道身影,王冲并不陌生,正是大钦若赞焦不离孟,孟不离焦的火树归藏 City of the small Talas, gathered U-Tsang and Western Turkic three Empire Great General impressively, if adds on Caliphate Empire Eastern Governor Abmuslin again, Great Tang simultaneously is facing four Empire Great General Level matches impressively. The situation is extremely disadvantageous regarding Great Tang. 小小一个怛罗斯之城,赫然聚集了乌斯藏西突厥三名帝国大将,如果再加上大食帝国东方总督艾布穆斯/林,大唐赫然同时面对着四名帝国大将级别的对手。情况对于大唐极其不利。 Incessantly so, Du Wusili has also brought on the trim land, stands erect in pyramid top Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, if adds on Caliphate People Mamluk Heavy Cavalry again, as well as five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, here gathered three big world topest Heavy Cavalry. 不止如此,都乌思力还带来了整片陆地上,屹立于金字塔顶尖的天狼铁骑,如果再加上大食人马克留木重骑兵,以及自己的五千乌伤铁骑,这里已经聚集了三大世界最顶尖的铁骑 This situation, in entire history, has not appeared. 这种情况,在整个历史上,还从来没有出现过。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Suddenly, in the Wang Chong heart jumps, looks to the hill of distant place. In the Daqin Ruozan rear area, tens of thousands of U-Tsang irons such as running water dispersing, special Heavy Cavalry, physique strong, fat fat horse robust, on the armor is dyeing scarlet such as the mark of blood, drove from the U-Tsang Great Army rear area slowly. 突然之间,王冲心中一跳,望向远处的丘陵后方。就在大钦若赞的后方,成千上万的乌斯藏铁如流水散开,一支特殊的铁骑,体格健硕,膘肥马壮,铠甲上染着猩红如血的印记,从乌斯藏大军的后方缓缓的驶了出来。 These Heavy Cavalry are spurting the cold air/Qi, compared with nearby U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, obviously big a number, like baby and adult. 这些铁骑喷着冷气,和旁边的乌斯藏铁骑相比,明显大了一个号,就像幼儿与成年人一样。 But on them storm aura, attracted the attention of all people instantaneously, making the people who all sees feel an invisible oppression strength. 而他们身上风暴般的气息,也瞬间吸引了所有人的注意,让所有看到的人都感觉到一股无形的压迫力。 Mu Chi Great Cavalry!” 穆赤大铁骑!” A sound conveys from side, Li Siye looks that black red two color/look U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry blurted out, whole body muscle steep one stretched closely. 一个声音从旁边传来,李嗣业看着那黑红两色的乌斯藏铁骑脱口而出道,浑身的肌肉陡的一下绷得紧紧的。 Wang Chong has not spoken, but facial expression same dignity. Knows Daqin Ruozan to come prepared, but Wang Chong has not actually thought that he drew U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry to be most ancient unexpectedly, was most formidable Heavy Cavalry! 王冲没有说话,但神情同样的凝重。知道大钦若赞有备而来,但是王冲却没有想到他居然拉来了乌斯藏铁骑最古老,同时也是最强大的铁骑 Mu Chi Great Cavalry! 穆赤大铁骑 In hearsay, more than 300 years ago, by strongest Heavy Cavalry of U-Tsang Mu Chi Tibet King name, they shoulders is protecting the Royal Capital responsibility, never leaves U-Tsang Royal Capital. previous life Caliphate Empire invades Plateau time, U-Tsang People has not used them. 传闻中,300多年前,以乌斯藏穆赤藏王命名的最强铁骑,他们肩负着守护王都的职责,从不离开乌斯藏王都。就连上辈子大食帝国入侵高原的时候,乌斯藏人都没有动用过他们。 On entire Plateau, this is only one with Cavalry that Great Cavalry names. 在整个高原上面,这是唯一一只用“大铁骑”命名的骑兵 On the battle efficiency, this Cavalry by far Wang Chong already the Qinghai soldiers and White Valiant Soldier who exterminates. Wang Chong has not thought, Daqin Ruozan is capable of so big adjusting Mu Chi Great Cavalry unexpectedly. 论战斗力,这支骑兵远胜王冲已经剿灭掉的青海兵和白雄兵王冲没有想到,大钦若赞居然有如此大的能力调来穆赤大铁骑 Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry and Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Wushang Heavy Cavalry, in addition Caliphate Empire Mamluk Legion......, In the world topest several big Cavalry simultaneously gathers place unexpectedly, this is in the Cavalry history never has the matter! 天狼铁骑穆赤大铁骑乌伤铁骑,再加上大食帝国马克留木军团……,世界上最顶尖的几大骑兵居然同时聚集一地,这是骑兵史上从未有过的事情! wēng! 嗡! A familiar constriction transmits from the mind, in the Wang Chong heart jumps, the next quarter, the Stone of Destiny familiar sound resounds in the ear: 一种熟悉的压迫感从脑海中传来,王冲心中一跳,下一刻,命运之石熟悉的声音在耳中响起: Destiny is unusual interweaving, in the world is topest, the most outstanding thing gathers the together time, definitely will have the subtle response, either unites together, either one point high under. The world is therefore bursts, is the opening new pattern, this depends on that special time, as well as the choice of destiny!” “命运是种奇特的交织,世上最顶尖的,最杰出的东西聚集到一起的时候,必然会发生微妙的反应,要么一起联合,要么一分高下。世界是因此破裂,还是开辟新的格局,这取决于那特殊的时刻,以及命运的抉择!” Quest destiny showdown opening! The host difficulty increases, from now on, Wushang Heavy Cavalry of host will strike to kill Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry every time, will reward Destiny Energy Points 0, every time will strike to kill Caliphate Mamluk Heavy Cavalry, will reward Destiny Energy Points 50, host each Death Wushang Heavy Cavalry will deduct Destiny Energy Points 100. The Quest rewards and punishment calculate in the fight immediately.” 任务‘命运的对决’开启!宿主难度增加,从现在开始,宿主的乌伤铁骑每击杀一名穆赤大铁骑天狼铁骑,奖励命运能量点0,每击杀一名大食马克留木重骑兵,奖励命运能量点50,宿主每死亡一名乌伤铁骑扣除命运能量点100。任务奖惩在战斗中即时计算。” Attention! Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry and Mamluk Heavy Cavalry, if dies of other unit, is not Wushang Heavy Cavalry kills, does not calculate the rewards and punishment!” “注意!穆赤大铁骑天狼铁骑马克留木重骑兵,如果死于其他兵种,并非乌伤铁骑所杀,不计算奖惩!” ...... …… Heard this sound, Wang Chong is startled being startled, in the heart floated off a strange feeling. He has not thought that Stone of Destiny at this time, will issue this Quest. The Quest that Stone of Destiny issues, seemed like gives itself to open one to accumulate the Destiny Energy Points way in the battlefield, but in fact completely was not so. 听到这个声音,王冲怔了怔,心中浮起一种奇异的感觉。他没想到命运之石会在这个时候,发布这个任务命运之石发布的这个任务,看似给自己开启了一条在战场上积累命运能量点的途径,但实质上完全不是如此。 Wang Chong now besides Wushang Heavy Cavalry, most formidable is Crossbow Carriage Great Army, no matter Crossbow Carriage Great Army, is other armies, according to those words that Stone of Destiny finally spoke, they strike Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Sky Wolf that Heavy Cavalry kills, or Mamluk Heavy Cavalry, does not calculate completely in the range of rewards and punishment. 王冲现在除了乌伤铁骑外,最强大的就是弩车大军,但是不管是弩车大军,还是其他的军队,按照命运之石最后说的那句话,他们击杀的穆赤大铁骑天狼铁骑,或者马克留木重骑兵,完全不计算在奖惩的范围内。 In other words, if Wang Chong wants to obtain the Stone of Destiny reward these Destiny Energy Points, can only through Wushang Heavy Cavalry, in the showdown between Heavy Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry obtains. 也就是说,王冲要想获得命运之石奖励的那些命运能量点,只能是通过乌伤铁骑,在铁骑铁骑之间的对决获得。 Incessantly so, Wushang Heavy Cavalry strikes to kill Mu Chi Great Cavalry and Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry every time, rewards 0 Destiny Energy Points, strikes to kill Mamluk Heavy Cavalry also only then 50, but each Death Wushang Heavy Cavalry, actually deducts 100 Destiny Energy Points. 不止如此,乌伤铁骑每击杀一名穆赤大铁骑天狼铁骑,才奖励0命运能量点,击杀一名马克留木重骑兵也就只有50,但是每死亡一名乌伤铁骑,却扣除100命运能量点 Therefore, this had considered that has put on the Spatial Meteorite Iron armor completely, protects the strength to surpass in them?” “所以,这是已经考虑到了全部穿上天外陨铁铠甲,防护力远超于他们吗?” In Wang Chong heart secretly thought. 王冲心中暗暗道 Lord Marquis, we now what to do?” 侯爷,我们现在怎么办?” Li Siye turned head to look to Wang Chong. 李嗣业扭头望向了王冲 Transmitted orders, prepares for action!” “传令下去,准备作战!” Wang Chong looks at the distant place, smiles cold, rapid goes toward the distant place. 王冲看着远处,冷然一笑,迅速的向着远处而去。 Almost is at the same time, Gao Xianzhi also hands down the order, returned to the second steel defense line after Wang Chong rapidly. 几乎是同一时间,高仙芝也传下命令,和王冲一起迅速的返回了第二道钢铁防线之后。 ...... …… Distant place, a row long, on the high hill, tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry settle down above, immediately has not sent out. Pair of both eyes light is pursuing Daqin Ruozan, looked together to the Great Army rear area. In there, the giant azure bottom Azure Wolf flag, is eagerly anticipating innumerable Western Turkic Heavy Cavalry at the same time, is ordinary like the great waves, comes in waves toward here. 远处,一排长长的,高高的丘陵上,成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑驻足在上面,并没有立即出动。一双双目光追着大钦若赞,一起望向了大军的后方。在那里,一面巨大的青底青狼旗,引领着无数的西突厥铁骑,有如浪涛一般,朝着这里滚滚而来。 In this Great Army front, is a hawk regards to be very suspicious, the body especially tall and strong big Turkic middle age, is riding a Turkic marvelous horse, is sharp-eyed, is similar to nine days of War God is ordinary. In his behind, is one throws over the silver armor, on the armor is having strange trace Great Army. With U-Tsang, as well as any Heavy Cavalry is different, on this Heavy Cavalry completely is the hangnails, moreover looks from afar, this Heavy Cavalry armor construction is strange, just like a fierce silver great wolf is ordinary, but looks at one, makes the person unable to bear have the feeling that startled palpitates, looks to live intimidated. 在这支大军的前面,是一名鹰视狼顾,身躯格外魁梧高大的突厥中年,骑着一匹突厥神驹,目光锐利,如同九天战神一般。在他的后面,是一支披着银色铠甲,铠甲上有奇异纹路的大军。和乌斯藏,以及任何铁骑都不同,这支铁骑身上全部都是倒刺,而且远远看去,这支铁骑的铠甲形制诡异,犹如一头狰狞的银色巨狼一般,只是看一眼,就让人忍不住生出一股惊悸的感觉,望而生怖。 „!” “嗷呜!” The sad and shrill wolf resounds through the sky howlingly, tens of thousands of Sky Wolf Heavy Cavalry, each famous metropolis is eagerly anticipating ten four chi (0.33 m) high great wolves, in the direction of hill, comes in swarms. 凄厉的狼嚎响彻天空,成千上万的天狼铁骑,每一名都引领着十多头四尺多高的巨狼,朝着丘陵的方向,蜂拥而来。 Du Wusili, you really came!” 都乌思力,你果然来了!” Daqin Ruozan stands in the hill peak, laughs. This tripartite union, in the Daqin Ruozan plan, final side Zhongyu was taken to the threshing ground. 大钦若赞站在丘陵顶端,哈哈一笑。这次三方联合,在大钦若赞计划中,最后的一方终于登场了。 „Since invitation, this carves up the Great Tang grand feast, I how possibly?” “既然应邀,这场瓜分大唐的盛宴,我怎么可能不来?” A thunder loud and clear sound resounds in the people ear, 一声雷霆般洪亮的声音在众人耳边响起, xī yù yù, shake the heavens shrill cry, in the vision of all people, the strong winds howls, Du Wusili pushes to the front, steep soaring, is similar to together the combustion flame across layer on layer/heavily void, appears in the hill peak. 希聿聿,一声惊天长鸣,就在所有人的目光中,狂风呼啸,都乌思力一马当先,陡的腾空而起,如同一道燃烧火焰般穿过重重虚空,出现在丘陵的顶端。 Place that the strong winds flap flap, Du Wusili bases, entire hill peak probably starts storm, the huge pressure, oppresses the surrounding person to go toward retreat. 狂风猎猎,都乌思力立足的地方,整个丘陵顶端就好像掀起一股风暴般,庞大的威压,压迫得周围的人纷纷往后退去。 U-Tsang these military commanders do not have the means in the hill peak, in the Daqin Ruozan surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m) to base, was forced. 就连乌斯藏的那些武将都没有办法在丘陵顶端,大钦若赞周围十丈之内立足,一个个纷纷被逼迫下去。
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