HE :: Volume #9

#895: The meeting of wise enemy!

Chapter 895 第895章 Transmitted orders, without my order, all Great Army, refuses to move heedlessly.” “传令下去,没有我的命令,所有大军,严禁乱动。” Daqin Ruozan has opened the mouth suddenly, in the item is glittering a fine glow: 大钦若赞突然开口了,目中闪烁着道道精芒: As for that person, your I have put in an appearance in the southwest with him, has such performance, by his ability isn't very normal? And......, Also only then defeats such him, meaningful, not?” “至于那个人,你我都和他在西南照过面,有这样的表现,以他的能力不是很正常吗?而且……,也只有击败这样的他,才更加的有意义,不是吗?” Daqin Ruozan was saying, suddenly shows a faint smile, harnesses, steep pats the horseback, Daqin Ruozan welcomes the strong winds that the city of Talas is blowing, from the hill peak, progressed to walk slowly. That flash, his vision crossed the numerous spaces, fell on the opposite that 16 or 17-year-old youngster. 大钦若赞说着,突然微微一笑,驾,陡的一拍马背,大钦若赞迎着怛罗斯之城吹过来的狂风,从丘陵顶端,策马缓缓的走了下去。那一刹那,他的目光越过了重重空间,落在了对面那名十六七岁的少年身上。 In the world, does not have anything to attract his attention again, except for that progresses the Great Tang youngster! 天地间,再没有什么能够吸引他的注意,除了那名策马走过来的大唐少年! ...... …… Lord Marquis, Daqin Ruozan came.” 侯爷,大钦若赞过来了。” The distant place, in the Li Siye eye bright glow flashes, turns head to look that nearby Wang Chong said. 远处,李嗣业眼中精芒一闪,扭头看着旁边的王冲道。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong looks at the distant place, shows a faint smile. The person of Daqin Ruozan belt is few, only then few 2-3 individuals, moreover is not top Expert. 王冲看着远处,微微一笑。大钦若赞身边带的人很少,只有寥寥两三个人,而且都不是什么顶尖的高手 You stay here to await orders, I see Daqin Ruozan.” “你留在这里待命吧,我去见见大钦若赞。” This......” “这……” Li Siye hesitant, in heart somewhat was worried, but nodded eventually. The Wang Chong's strength now is getting higher and higher, except for Great General Level Expert, Quasi-General is not his match, can threaten his person not to be many. Moreover, Daqin Ruozan comes to Lord Marquis obviously. 李嗣业犹豫了一下,心中有些担心,但终究还是点了点头。王冲的实力现在越来越高,除了大将级别高手,就连准将都不是他的对手,能威胁他的人已经不多了。而且,大钦若赞明显是冲着侯爷来的。 The place of southwest, is the place of Daqin Ruozan total defeat, is the place that Lord Marquis prominence. They are the old enemies in opposite party life, in any event, this is their times, other person of not suitable meddle. 西南之地,是大钦若赞折戟沉沙的地方,也是侯爷声名鹊起的地方。两人都是对方生命中的宿敌,无论如何,这都是属于他们的时刻,其他人不宜插手 Hoof !” “蹄哒!” The clear hoofbeat reverberates in the entire plain, the east side of city of entire Talas, a deathly stillness, the needle falls may hear, this and scary momentum of west Caliphate People hōng lōng lōng everything may become vulnerable has formed the striking contrast. Nobody spoke, the vision of all people were looking at opposite slowly close two forms, Gao Xianzhi in northeast corner city wall was so. 清脆的马蹄声在整个平原中回响,整个怛罗斯之城的东面,一片死寂,针落可闻,这和西面大食人轰隆隆地动山摇的骇人声势形成了鲜明对比。没有人说话,所有人的目光都望着对面缓缓接近的两道身影,就连东北角城墙上的高仙芝都是如此。 The appearance of U-Tsang People, in the Talas battlefield, drops an important board game piece, sudden appearances of more than 70,000 U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, already the trend of being enough thorough change entire war. Gao Xianzhi is waiting for the development of this war. 乌斯藏人的出现,在怛罗斯的战场上,落下重要的一枚棋子,70000多乌斯藏铁骑的突然出现,已经足以彻底改变整个战争的走向。就连高仙芝都在等待着这场战争的发展。 Transmitted orders, the Great Army preparation, momentarily waits for my order!” “传令下去,大军准备,随时等候我的命令!” Gao Xianzhi said. 高仙芝道。 Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” A Anxi Protectorate Army military officer has turned around, departs rapidly in a hurry. 一名安西都护军的将领转过身,迅速匆匆离去。 ...... …… The mist and dust is billowing, yellow sand everywhere, two were not the specially big form actually captured tens of thousands of attention. 烟尘滚滚,黄沙漫天,两道并不是特别高大的身影却吸引了成千上万的目光。 Is away from more than 50 zhang (3.33 m) distances, two people vision faces each other across a great distance, jumps in void projects the innumerable electric lights. 隔着50多丈的距离,两人目光遥遥相对,在虚空中迸射出无数的电光。 Wang Chong, had not seen you for a long time!” 王冲,久违了!” In continuously mist and dust that the warhorse raises, a sound conveys from the opposite. Daqin Ruozan receives the reins immediately, the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, show a smiling face. 战马扬起的一缕缕烟尘中,一个声音从对面传来。大钦若赞收缰立马,嘴角微微翘起,露出一丝笑容。 Southwest one leaves, a half years, congratulate you fully, such since short time, rises high Qixi Great Protectorate, Great Tang founds a nation, perhaps also not compared with you younger Empire Great Protectorate.” “西南一别,足有半年,恭喜你,这么短的时间,就高升碛西大都护,大唐立国至今,恐怕还没有比你更年轻的帝国大都护了。” Where, previous time leaves, Great Minister looks like Yue Zhiyuan is near, calm was even more sincere. The thousand li (500 km) long-range raid, does not have the slight sound, the bird under my arrange/cloth, as well as Suyab City Anxi Protectorate Army had not discovered that Great Minister trail, Great Minister is also highly regarded.” “哪里,上次一别,大相看起来岳峙渊临,越发的沉稳厚重了。千里奔袭,却没有丝毫的声息,就连我布下的鸟雀,以及碎叶城安西都护军都没有发现大相的踪迹,大相也是不可小觑啊。” Wang Chong said with a smile. Daqin Ruozan is taking a look at him, Wang Chong is sizing up Daqin Ruozan. 王冲笑吟吟道。大钦若赞在打量着他,王冲又何尝不在打量着大钦若赞 Daqin Ruozan was thin, moreover was thinner, but felt to Wang Chong's, is actually the cosmetics sheds completely, has been short of many points, were many many reserved, but gives the feeling of person, is nastier. The thousand li (500 km) long-range raid, appeared at this time in the East of city of Talas, has saying that the opportunity of Daqin Ruozan choice just right, suddenly made Wang Chong fall into the extremely disadvantageous status. 大钦若赞瘦了,而且瘦了很多,但是给王冲的感觉,却是铅华褪尽,少了许多锋芒,多了许多内敛,但给人的感觉,却更加难以对付。千里奔袭,在这个时候出现在怛罗斯之城的东方,不得不说,大钦若赞选择的时机恰到好处,瞬息间让王冲陷入了极度不利的地位。 Where, wasn't discovered by you finally?” “哪里,最终不还是被你发现了吗?” Daqin Ruozan said, the corners of the mouth show a light smiling face, even if meets in the battlefield, mutually is the foe, Daqin Ruozan maintains his is also being calm and free and easy throughout: 大钦若赞道,嘴角露出一丝淡淡的笑容,即便是在战场相见,互为仇敌,大钦若赞也始终保持着他的那份从容和洒脱: „Other half a year, in the Royal Capital dungeon, is constantly not keeping thinking about Great Protectorate below. Remembers that southwest the first time meets, you gave me a big present, the Ngari Royal Faction several thousand miles surrounding area prairie did not have one person now, the water plant was lush, green and luxuriant, did not have cattle, did not use as before, was worried that in the winter the water plant was insufficient, issue that the thousand li (500 km) herded. This does obeisance your excellency to bestow, Daqin Ruozan thinks gratefully in this, engraves on one's memory. Therefore this time also specially prepared a big ritual to give your excellency.” “一别半载,在王都的地牢里,在下无时无刻不惦记着大都护。记得第一次西南相见,你送了我一份大礼,阿里王系数千里方圆的大草原现在了无一人,水草肥美,郁郁葱葱,没有一只牛羊,再不用像以前一样,担心冬季水草不够,千里放牧的问题。这都是拜阁下所赐,大钦若赞感念于此,铭记于心。所以这次也特别准备了一份大礼给阁下。” Quiet, the Daqin Ruozan sound spreads in the plain is very far. He said these words time, corners of the mouth are having a faint smile as before, polite, probably was saying the most common matter. But opposite, is leading five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry Li Siye that in the rear area brings up the rear was actually in the heart fiercely jumped. In the southwest, Wang Chong sends out an army, disseminates the plague on Ngari Royal Faction Plateau, Li Siye is the actual executor. 四下里静悄悄的,大钦若赞的声音在平原中传出很远。他说这番话的时候,嘴角依旧带着一份浅笑,客客气气的,就好像说着一件最寻常的事情。但对面,领着五千乌伤铁骑在后方压阵的李嗣业却是心中猛的跳了一下。西南之间,王冲派出一支军队,在阿里王系高原上散播瘟疫,李嗣业就是实际的执行人。 Daqin Ruozan said that the present Ngari Royal Faction water plant is lush and green and luxuriant, truly right, however behind this, is actually the thousand li (500 km) range is desolate and uninhabited, total collapse of entire Ngari Royal Faction. In Wushang, Li Siye received the message, in U-Tsang Empire, the present is a piece of famine. Daqin Ruozan is Ngari Royal Faction Great Minister, he said that worried about Wang Chong half a year in the Royal Capital dungeon, how graveness the hatred in heart has not known. 大钦若赞说现在的阿里王系水草肥美、郁郁葱葱,确实没错,但是在这背后,却是千里范围荒无人烟,整个阿里王系的彻底崩溃。早在乌伤的时侯,李嗣业就已经收到消息,乌斯藏帝国境内,现在是一片饥荒。大钦若赞阿里王系大相,他说在王都地牢里惦念了王冲半载,心中的恨意还不知如何的深重。 Merciful people cannot command troops, friendly does not manage money, Military Dao is the say/way of murdering. Is the enemy and ourselves, naturally does not have to say benevolently, Great Minister is rein Ngari Royal Faction, this simple Intrisic Principle will not be clear. In fact, I also think that plague spreads to entire Empire, what a pity, probably is Empire Great Minister take action of your country, has terminated this plague.” “慈不掌兵,善不掌财,兵道本来就是杀伐之道。即是敌我,自然没有仁慈可言,大相是统御阿里王系,这个浅显的道理不会不明白吧。事实上,我本来还想那场瘟疫扩散到整个帝国,可惜,好像是贵国的帝国大相出手,终止了这场瘟疫。” Wang Chong indifferently said, has not jumped including the eyelid. 王冲淡淡道,连眼皮都没有跳一下。 No matter Ngari Royal Faction dies many people, in the Wang Chong heart will not have any fluctuation, in fact, this is the war brutal and real place. If U-Tsang undefeated, defeat is Great Tang, at that time the marquis lost were only many. Namely however U-Tsang and Mengshe Polity initiate the side of war, that this price they must withstand. 不管阿里王系死上多少人,王冲心中都不会有任何的波动,事实上,这本来就是战争残酷和真实之处。如果乌斯藏不败,败的就是大唐,那时侯损失的只多不少。即然乌斯藏蒙舍诏是发起战争的一方,那这个代价他们就必须承受。 hē hē, Great Protectorate said is. Daqin Ruozan has defeated, will be speechless.” 呵呵,大都护说得是。大钦若赞败了,败军之将,无话可说。” Daqin Ruozan hears these words, is smile however smiles: 大钦若赞听到这句话,也是哂然一笑: But, this war, regardless of the victory or defeat, to finally, has hoped that Great Protectorate can maintain this mentality as before.” “只不过,这一战,不论胜败,到了最后,希望大都护依旧能保持这种心态。” Relax! Great Tang will not defeat!” “放心吧!大唐不会败的!” Wang Chong is looking at Daqin Ruozan more than 50 zhang (3.33 m) away, the firm channel, that pair of stars eye pupil disclosed a steel will. 王冲望着50余丈外的大钦若赞,坚信道,那双星辰般的眼眸透露出来一种钢铁般的意志。 wēng! 嗡! The Wang Chong sound falls, in an instant, the atmosphere suddenly changes, Daqin Ruozan has hung in of corners of the mouth wipes the smiling face to collect suddenly, the facial expression becomes serious incomparable, two Great Tang and U-Tsang old enemies each other face one another, in the eye hidden has the electricity glow twinkle. Two people no one have spoken, but actually simultaneously felt a formidable war intent from the opposite party. 王冲声音一落,刹那之间,气氛陡然一变,大钦若赞一直挂在嘴角的那抹笑容突然敛去,神情变得严肃无比,两位大唐乌斯藏的宿敌彼此相望,眼中隐有电芒闪烁。两个人谁也没有说话,但却同时从对方身上感觉到了一股强大的战意。 Great Protectorate do not say early, on friendly, if the water, does not abandon the day and night! All are change, Great Tang is impossible forever is a victor!” 大都护还是不要说得太早,上善若水,不舍昼夜!一切都是变化的,大唐不可能永远都是胜利者!” Has not known how long, Daqin Ruozan has smiled suddenly, the vision crosses Wang Chong, looks to the opposite two steel defense lines, is ordinary like the black tide, boundlessly like sea, inexhaustible Caliphate Legion. 不知道过了多久,大钦若赞突然笑了起来,目光越过王冲,望向对面两道钢铁防线后面,有如黑色潮水一般,茫茫如海,无穷无尽的大食军团 In this world does not have anything is impossible! Great Tang will not defeat, at least has me in the place, Great Tang will not defeat!!” “这个世界上没有什么是不可能的!大唐不会败,至少有我在的地方,大唐就绝不会败!!” Wang Chong indifferently said, his sound not high is not low, but disclosed a formidable self-confidence. Takes a broad view at the world, by the Daqin Ruozan wisdom the status, almost nobody dares to say this words to come before him, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi before him are respectful, dares to be so haughty before him, such self-confident perhaps also only had Wang Chong. 王冲淡淡道,他的声音不高不低,但却透露出一股强大的自信。放眼天下,以大钦若赞智相的地位,几乎没有人敢在他面前说出这种话来,就连火树归藏都松莽布支在他面前都是恭恭敬敬,敢在他面前这么狂傲,同时也这么自信的恐怕也只有王冲了。 hē hē, right? Then below anticipated that Great Protectorate like southwest, unfolds Divine Might again, swept away our three big Empire!” 呵呵,是吗?那在下就期待大都护像西南一样,再展神威,横扫我们三大帝国了!” Daqin Ruozan gives a calm smile, this time has not argued again, turns round the wharf, the back to Wang Chong, slowly when turns toward the direction goes. 大钦若赞淡然一笑,这次却没有再争辩,拨转马头,背对着王冲,缓缓的向着来时的方向而去。 Lord Marquis, do we want take action to kill him?” 侯爷,我们要不要出手干掉他?” Xue Qianjun lowers the sound, said near the Wang Chong ear. Side this Wang Chong altogether led four guards, Xue Qianjun precisely one of them. The entire process, his vision has been staring at the Daqin Ruozan back stubbornly. Xue Qianjun has not attended southwest the war, however the Daqin Ruozan reputation likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, he already heard in the armed forces. 薛千军压低声音,在王冲耳边道。这次王冲身边总共带了四名侍卫,薛千军正是其中之一。整个过程,他的目光一直死死地盯着大钦若赞的背影。薛千军并没有参加过西南之战,但是大钦若赞的名声如雷贯耳,他在军中早已听闻。 This U-Tsang People thousand li (500 km) long-range raid, without a doubt Daqin Ruozan is the biggest chief instigator, if can kill Daqin Ruozan, can give U-Tsang to be heaviest absolutely strikes. 这次乌斯藏人千里奔袭,毫无疑问大钦若赞就是最大的主谋,如果能够干掉大钦若赞,绝对可以给予乌斯藏最沉重一击。 „...... More than 50 zhang (3.33 m) distances, although is a little far, but by our Speed, completely also has the opportunity.” “……50多丈的距离,虽然有点远,但是以我们的速度,完全还有机会。” Does not need.” “不必了。” Wang Chong indifferently said, overruled the proposition of Xue Qianjun without hesitation: 王冲淡淡道,毫不犹豫否决了薛千军的提议: Saw that U-Tsang People that Daqin Ruozan behind brings up the rear?” “看到大钦若赞身后压阵的那个乌斯藏人了吗?” Xue Qianjun turns head subconsciously, at the back of the Eastern morning sun, somewhat does not look at too clear his face, but looks from his attire, should be the U-Tsang military officer . Moreover the personal appearance is especially familiar, the Xue Qianjun brow slightly wrinkle, has remembered anything probably, suddenly opens the eye: 薛千军下意识扭头过去,背着东方的朝阳,有些看不太清他的脸庞,但是从他的装束上看,应该是个乌斯藏的将领,而且身形格外熟悉,薛千军眉头微皱,好像想起了什么,突然睁大眼睛: That...... Is Dusong Mangbuzhi!” “那……是都松莽布支!” Wang Chong smiled, has turned head: Walks!” 王冲笑了笑,扭过头来:“走吧!” ...... …… When Wang Chong leaves, Daqin Ruozan converges with Dusong Mangbuzhi similarly together. 王冲离开的时候,大钦若赞同样和都松莽布支汇合在一起。 „Can Great Minister, kill him?” 大相,要不要杀了他?” Dusong Mangbuzhi lowers the head, narrows the eyes to focus on pupil jumping projects the intermittent murderous intention. Dayan Mangbojie and Triangle Jag fight throughout are his heart pains, although Daqin Ruozan and Wang Chong meeting, only then short checks, but probably bore patiently the innumerable centuries regarding Dusong Mangbuzhi, entire process he continuously that intense killing intent in hidden being cruel enough. 都松莽布支低着头,微眯着眼眸中迸射出阵阵杀机。达延芒波杰三角缺口一战始终是他心头的痛,虽然大钦若赞王冲会面只有短短的一刹,但是对于都松莽布支来说就好像隐忍了无数个世纪,整个过程他一直在隐忍心中那股强烈的杀念 Does not use.” “不用了。” Daqin Ruozan does not return, progresses to lead the way as before: 大钦若赞头也不回,依旧策马前行: You could not kill him. His working foolproof plan, weren't you have realized? If he were assassinated really easily, already in my hands died has spread surely. Moreover, you had not looked that Gao Xianzhi did walk toward here?” “你杀不了他的。他做事算无遗策,你不是已经体会到了吗?如果他真的那么容易被刺杀,早就在我手里死了千万遍了。而且,你没看高仙芝已经往这里走过来了吗?” Dusong Mangbuzhi is startled, the vision moves ahead, really saw that the familiar form is catching up together toward here. 都松莽布支微怔,目光前移,果然看到一道熟悉的身影正往这里赶来。 Yeah, can only seperately again try to find the solution!” “哎,只能另外再想办法了!” Dusong Mangbuzhi sighed, turned the head to progress to go in the Great Army direction. 都松莽布支叹息一声,转头向着大军的方向策马而去。 ...... ……
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