HE :: Volume #9

#894: The second defense line!

Chapter 894 第894章 wēng! 嗡! Along with the Wang Chong's order, the thousands artisan dense and numerous ants are common, are taking the carriage, rushed to the Talas City east defense line, furnace fire flaming, the black smoke is billowing, in the ear-spitting steel bellow, huge City of Steel modules, by these artisans rapid striking to the east earth, steel juice irrigation, had been fixed the walls of these steel on the east earth rapidly. 随着王冲的命令,数以万计工匠密密麻麻的蚂蚁一般,乘坐着马车,迅速的赶到了怛罗斯城东面的防线,炉火熊熊,黑烟滚滚,震耳的钢铁轰鸣声中,一块块巨大的钢铁之城模块,被这些工匠们迅速的敲打到了东面的大地中,一股股的钢汁浇灌而下,迅速将这些钢铁之墙固定在了东面的大地上。 Initially for the city of today's Talas, Wang Chong has prepared for two months, entire Central Divine Continent, all swordsmith Aristocratic Family, including the sword shop sword building, received the Wang Chong's bicycle completely. Innumerable steel modules, night and day transporting arrives at Wushang, to be forearmed, to deal with today's scene. 当初为了今日的怛罗斯之城,王冲足足准备了两个多月,整个中土神洲,所有的铸剑世家,包括剑铺剑楼,全部都接到了王冲的单车。无数的钢铁模块,日以继夜的运到乌伤,为了就是有备无患,以应付今日的场面。 The modular construction and ordinary defense line build completely differently, its biggest merit, is Speed. 模块化建造和普通防线筑造完全不同,其最大的优点,就是速度 Hundreds of thousands Qixi Protectorate Army behind, are spacious, but in Wang Chong's issuance of order, the time of moment, a section straight, long, the wall of embryonic form steel on the rapid appearance on the earth, was hundreds of thousands Great Army establishes a hard defense line. 十几万碛西都护军身后,原本还是一片空旷,但是就在王冲的命令下达,不过片刻的时间,一截笔直的,长长的,钢铁之墙雏形就迅速的出现在大地上,为十几万大军建立起了一道坚硬的防线。 Like initially in Wushang overnight, established nine zhang (3.33 m) high City of Steel to be the same, this type of thing marvelously, only then can achieve on Wang Chong. 就像当初在乌伤一夜之间,建立起一座九丈多高的钢铁之城一样,这种奇迹般的东西,也只有在王冲手上才能做到。 The thick smoke is billowing, the thousands artisan is still watering, improves this second steel defense line, the distance finishes also has a while time. But another side, hundreds of thousands Great Army sides order according to Wang Chong's, rapid mobilization. 浓烟滚滚,数以万计的工匠还在浇灌,完善这第二道“钢铁防线”,距离完工还有一会儿功夫。而另一侧,十几万大军侧按照王冲的命令,也迅速的动员起来。 Quick, quick, quick!” “快,快,快!” Before the first steel defense line, a Chen Bin Spatial Meteorite Iron armor, the hand grasps Wootz Steel Long Sword, unceasing is issuing the order. Entire Crossbow Carriage Great Army, 3000 Crossbow Carriage, altogether more than 15,000 people, distinguish right from wrong, rapid dividing into two, 7500 people of guarding, rapid boards the high high personnel carrier, controls 1500 Crossbow Carriage above, the platoon becomes three echelons, each team of 500 people, have aimed at the neutral gears of walls of 500 steel from the high place separately. 第一道钢铁防线前,陈彬一身天外陨铁铠甲,手握乌兹钢长剑,不断的下达着命令。整个弩车大军,3000架弩车,总共15000多人,泾渭分明,迅速的一分为二,驻守的7500人,迅速的登上高高高的运兵车,在上面操控1500具弩车,排成三个梯队,每队500人,从高处分别对准了500个钢铁之墙的空档。 The Cavalry charge, the walls of these steel are the best barrier and impediment. If Caliphate People wants to clash, can only disperse the lineup, comes following the City of Steel slit. But this precisely Crossbow Carriage lethality strongest place. 骑兵冲锋,这些钢铁之墙就是最好的障碍和阻挡。大食人要想冲过来,只能分散阵形,顺着钢铁之城的缝隙过来。而这正是弩车杀伤力最强的地方。 When more than 1500 Crossbow Carriage deploy troops for defense rapidly at the same time, in ten ten thousand Qixi Great Army, step shields are holding the big shield, before rushed to the first steel defense line, one after another, one after another, has aimed at all neutral gears. But in entire process, together with size Bo Lv military force(s), was assembled together. 而当1500多具弩车飞速布防的同时,十余万碛西大军之中,一名名步盾持着大盾,迅速的赶到了第一道钢铁防线前,一排又一排,一列又一列,对准了所有的空档。而整个过程中,连同大小勃律的兵马,也一同被调集过来。 Size Bo Lv military force(s), does not have the Great Tang army that elite, in time that this Cavalry dominates, size Bo Lv almost does not have many to have the feeling. However their spear soldier(s) and lance soldier actually extremely elite, lance that provides, compared with lance soldier elite many of any other influences. 大小勃律的兵马,并没有大唐的军队那么精锐,在这个骑兵称雄的时代,大小勃律几乎没有多少存在感。但是他们的枪兵、矛兵却极其精锐,所配备的长矛,也远比任何其他势力的矛兵精锐的多。 This is also Wang Chong from the reason of size suddenly law Mercenary(-ies) horse, coordinates Great Tang shield soldier(s) by the size Bo Lv lance soldier, is almost the perfect coordination, such defense line is also deterrent, happen to restrains Cavalry. 这也是王冲从大小勃律雇佣兵马的原因,以大小勃律的矛兵配合大唐盾兵,几乎是完美的配合,这样的防线也极具威慑力,正好是克制骑兵的。 Buzz, the earth vibrates, in size Bo Lv military force(s) and Qixi, as well as the Wang Yan Commander-in-Chief infantry and shield soldier(s) complete the defense at the same time, King of Ganke is riding deep red high big horse, is getting the aggressive Ganke Race person, as well as the Mercenary(-ies) horses of other western regions, take advantage of opportunity to take place. 嗡,大地震动,在大小勃律的兵马碛西,以及王严统帅的步兵、盾兵完成防御的同时,冈克之王骑着一匹枣红色的高头大马,也领着凶悍的冈克族人,以及其他西域的雇佣兵马,顺势就位。 All people obey orders, without my order, no one must withdraw, disobeying orders, cuts!” “所有人听令,没有我的命令,谁也不得后撤,违令者,斩!” The vision that if the King of Ganke item the stars, to approach/insult benefits passed over gently and swiftly City of Steel to look into Caliphate Great Army that the front black surges tidal. In him about, all Ganke Race person bodies are straight, the platoon becomes Square Formation, vision are cut-throat, fight intent flaming. Caliphate and Great Tang, this is struggle of the lion shape. 冈克之王目若星辰,凌利的目光掠过一堵堵钢铁之城眺望前方黑色潮水般涌动的大食大军。在他左右,所有冈克族人身体笔直,排成一个个方阵,一个个目光凶狠,战意熊熊。大食大唐,这就是一场狮象之争。 In this battle, everyone needs to indicate that own standpoint, makes own choice. 在这场争斗之中,每个人都需要表明自己的立场,做出自己的选择。 Without a doubt, Ganke Race choice is Great Tang. 毫无疑问,冈克族选择的就是大唐 Come! Even though died in battle today, not regretted intent!” “来吧!纵使今日战死,也了无憾意了!” The King of Ganke vision is bright as snow, the big black cloak flap flap makes noise, intense aura, is similar to the flame burns on him. Takes a broad view at the Wang Chong subordinates, King of Ganke belongs to a few Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse, the strength is even higher than present Divine Great General Li Siye. 冈克之王目光雪亮,身后的大黑色披风猎猎作响,一股强烈的气场,如同火焰般在他身上燃烧。放眼王冲麾下,冈克之王属于少数几个圣武境强者,实力甚至比现在的神通大将李嗣业还要高。 King of Ganke is proud, in the western region, he is never low own head. But now, this reputation illustrious King of Ganke was actually Wang Chong low own head. 冈克之王是骄傲的,在西域,他从不低下自己的头颅。但现在,这位声名赫赫的冈克之王却为王冲低下了自己的头颅。 Once base and low Ganke Race, was called dirty wild boar Ganke Race, finally can wash clean shame, open and aboveboard was living, regarding helping oneself Great Tang and Wang Chong, King of Ganke only effectively died by the report! 曾经卑微的冈克族,被称为“肮脏野猪”的冈克族,终于能够洗清身上的耻辱,堂堂正正的活着,对于帮助自己大唐王冲,冈克之王唯有效死以报! Come! War......” “来吧!战吧……” King of Ganke ruthlessly is pinching the hand axe of barbarian god, the whole body blood ebullition. 冈克之王狠狠的捏着自己手中的蛮神之斧,全身血液沸腾。 ...... …… hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” When King of Ganke prepares the dying war, another side, hundreds of thousands Great Army reassignments rapidly. Bends down to stare at from the sky, in the city of front general regions Talas, hundreds of thousands Great Tang Qixi reinforcements is similar to racing wells up the rivers and streams current of water is ordinary, looks at the rapids to be fierce, but the disorder, all teams are not compatible, is agreeing without consultation some rule. 冈克之王准备死战的时候,另一侧,十几万的大军急速的调动。从天空俯瞩而下,就在怛罗斯之城前方广大的区域,十几万大唐碛西援军如同奔涌的江河水流一般,看着湍烈,但却并不紊乱,所有的队伍并行不悖,暗合着某种规律。 Can hundreds of thousands Great Army the methodical rapid reassignment, such as make the arm finger/refer to a short time, moreover does not have any confusion, this point also only then Wang Chong can achieve. 能够将十几万大军在短时间内有条不紊的迅速调动,如使臂指,而且不发生任何的混乱,这一点也只有王冲可以做到了。 When several tens of thousands artisans, when East of city of Talas fast builds the wall of defense line second steel, 1500 groups of Crossbow Carriage squad rapid relieving a garrison to the second defense line gap behind, at the same time, military force(s) that Qixi Protectorate Army and Annan Protectorate Army, as well as Imperial Court relieves a garrison......, The entire Qixi reinforcements about over 80% large armies promptly assemble the direction that U-Tsang People came. 当数万的工匠,在怛罗斯之城的东方快速的修造第二道钢铁之墙防线的时候,1500组弩车小队迅速的调防到第二道防线缺口后面,同一时间,碛西都护军安南都护军、以及朝堂调防的兵马……,整个碛西援军大约八成以上的重兵迅速调集到了乌斯藏人来的方向。 By the infantry, spear soldier(s), shield soldier(s), as well as the Carriage Crossbow squad ambushes, stops 200,000 ten thousand Caliphate armies, delays the time, is other directions armies catches the opportunity, then relies on over 80% superior forces, first annihilates east strength weaker U-Tsang People, then removes comes excessively, the concentration of effort resists Caliphate People, defeat in detail, this is Wang Chong in the strategy of in a flash formulation, this is also gets rid to be attacked front and rear the best means. 以步兵,枪兵,盾兵,以及车弩小队狙击,阻拦200000多万大食军队,拖延时间,为其他方向的军队争取机会,然后凭借八成以上的优势兵力,首先消灭掉东面实力更弱的乌斯藏人,然后再去掉过头来,集中兵力对抗大食人,各个击破,这就是王冲电光石火间制定的策略,这也是摆脱掉腹背受敌最好的办法。 Li Siye, comes with me.” 李嗣业,跟我来。” The gale howls, Wang Chong turns over/stands up to step up to White-hoofed Shadow, in the item the ray flashes, immediately a wisp of azure smoke, passed over gently and swiftly the second steel defense line, plunders in east the city of Talas plain direction. 大风呼啸,王冲翻身跨上白蹄乌,目中光芒一闪,立即一缕青烟般,掠过第二道钢铁防线,朝着怛罗斯之城东面的平原方向掠去。 Great Army obeys orders, comes with me!” 大军听令,跟我来!” Li Siye without delay, beckons, leads five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, the fish dive from Great Army, pursues following the Wang Chong's direction. 李嗣业二话不说,一个招手,带领五千乌伤铁骑,从大军之中鱼跃而出,顺着王冲的方向追去。 The yellow sand is billowing, the mist and dust fills the air, in the vision of countless person, Wang Chong the direction that comes toward east side U-Tsang People presses up to go. 黄沙滚滚,烟尘弥漫,就在无数人的目光中,王冲向着东边乌斯藏人来的方向直逼而去。 Sir......” “大人……” In the city of high city wall Talas, several Anxi Protectorate Army military officers, look at the direction that Wang Chong departs, heavyhearted, subconscious looking have approached Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi in nearby northeast corner city wall. 怛罗斯之城高高的城墙上,几名安西都护军的将领,看着王冲离去的方向,一个个忧心忡忡,下意识的望向了旁边东北角城墙上的安西大都护高仙芝 Might as well, goes by him.” “无妨,由他去吧。” Gao Xianzhi looks at five thousand Wushang Heavy Cavalry, in the item is flashing through a ray, indifferently said. 高仙芝望着五千乌伤铁骑,目中闪过一丝光芒,淡淡道 Moreover, this time comes is his old friend......” “而且,这次来的本来就是他的故人……” Gao Xianzhi in the military many years, is familiar with all parties' influence, that White Yak ox Heidi war flag just a appearance, Gao Xianzhi then knows what is Daqin Ruozan Wang Chong in the southwest old enemy. Although with for this piece of mainland ground top Famous General, one is the U-Tsang Ngari Royal Faction wisdom, one is Anxi Great Protectorate, but, Gao Xianzhi never has also seen Daqin Ruozan. 高仙芝在军方多年,对各方的势力了如指掌,那杆白牦牛黑底战旗刚一出现,高仙芝便知道来的是大钦若赞王冲在西南的宿敌。虽然同为这片大陆地上顶尖的名将,一个是乌斯藏阿里王系的智相,一个是安西大都护,不过,高仙芝从未见过大钦若赞 In comparison, Wang Chong acts him be more appropriate. 相比之下,王冲出面要比他更加合适。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” When Wang Chong vertical Ma Chi leaves, jolting of distant place earth is also getting more and more fierce, achieving pinnacle gradually. Buzz, the distant place, behind hills, the mist and dust is billowing, is similar to the fog sea is common, in that fog sea, tens of thousands of warhorses suddenly gallops, in the Eastern meager dawn, is similar to the spirit that the ghostdom treads is ordinary. 就在王冲纵马驰出的时候,远处大地的颠簸也越来越厉害,渐渐的达到极致。嗡,远处,一座座丘陵后面,烟尘滚滚,如同雾海一般,就在那雾海之中,成千上万的战马突然驰骋而出,在东方微薄的晨光中,如同冥界踏出的幽灵一般。 gua, a baby cries aloud howls strangely, hundred and thousand of cinereous vultures block the sky, swarms from the Great Army rear area, circles erratically in the sky. 呱,一声婴儿啼哭般的怪啸,成百上千的秃鹫遮天蔽日,从大军的后方蜂拥而出,在天空盘旋不定。 But in shadow that the vulture casts, myriad U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry center, a White Yak ox Heidi war flag flutters in the breeze, under the black war flag, puts on the scholarly form of azure robe to mount the hill peak together slowly. 而就在秃鹫投下的阴影里,万千乌斯藏铁骑的中央,一杆白牦牛黑底战旗迎风招展,黑色的战旗下,一道穿着青袍的儒雅身影缓缓登上丘陵顶端。 wēng! 嗡! Sees the Talas City front, the stove of thousands emitting thick smoke flame, as well as the dense and numerous, tens of thousands, busy artisans, with one in the steel defense line of rapid formation, all people in abundance changed the complexion. The people advance is away from a Talas City 18 miles time, Tang People should not have the slight preparation, but the person arrives to Talas City nearby in the presence of everyone time, Speed that Tang People to be hard to imagine unexpectedly constructed a defense line of steel city wall rapidly. 看到怛罗斯城前方,数以万计喷吐浓烟火焰的火炉,以及密密麻麻,成千上万,忙忙碌碌的工匠,和一条正在迅速成型的钢铁防线,所有人纷纷变了脸色。众人突进到距离怛罗斯城18里的时候,唐人应该还没有丝毫的准备,但是当众人抵达到怛罗斯城附近的时候,唐人居然以难以想象的速度迅速修建起了一条钢铁城墙的防线。 Such near distance, such short time, baseless changed an unconquerable force, this command all U-Tsang People stunned, in the heart did not prepare. 这么近的距离,这么短的时间,凭空变出了一座钢铁长城,这令所有的乌斯藏人一片错愕,心中毫无准备。 Great Minister!” 大相!” Pair of both eyes light looked to middle Daqin Ruozan, was waiting for the decision of Daqin Ruozan. 一双双目光纷纷望向了中间的大钦若赞,等待着大钦若赞的决定。 Heavy Cavalry marches, thousand li (500 km) long-range raid, for can make the match unexpected, successful attack match, but currently, the opposite party early is prepared, all superiority were nothing left. 铁骑行军,千里奔袭,为的就是能够让对手猝不及防,成功的袭击对手,但是现在,对方早有准备,所有的优势都荡然无存了。 „Does Great Minister, do now? His relieving a garrison Speed was too quick, moreover these City of Steel, construction Speed looked like before is quicker.” 大相,现在怎么做?他的调防速度太快了,而且那些钢铁之城,修建的速度看起来比以前更快了。” At this time, fought the horse's hoof , a big form walked from the rear area, looks Wang Chong that a distant place walked slowly, in the item reveals the look that worried about. 就在这个时候,战马蹄哒,一道高大的身影从后方走了过来,看了一眼远处缓缓走来的王冲,目中流露出一丝担忧的神色。 Daqin Ruozan has not spoken, but looks at that person's shadow on plain, the brow wrinkled slowly. 大钦若赞没有说话,只是看着平原上的那道人影,眉头慢慢皱了起来。 He from a city of 18 miles place Talas by Wang Chong was discovered that but by Heavy Cavalry advance Speed, when Wang Chong receives the message, he at least broke through in 14 miles. Adds on the time of two confirmation as well as response again, when Wang Chong confirmed truly their status, more than 70,000 military force(s) have advanced in ten miles. 他是在距离怛罗斯之城18里的地方被王冲发现的,但是以铁骑突进的速度,当王冲收到消息的时候,他至少已经突破到了14里以内。再加上二次确认以及反应的时间,当王冲真正确认他们身份的时候,70000多兵马已经突进到了十里以内。 Such near distance, Daqin Ruozan thinks, when arrive, at least will initiate one group of confusions in Wang Chong's Great Army, however present all actually and Daqin Ruozan imagination opposite of clearly. 这么近的距离,大钦若赞本来以为当自己抵达的时候,至少会在王冲的大军中引发一拨混乱,但是眼前的一切却和大钦若赞想象的截然相反。 Takes a broad view at the world, can in such short time, complete relieving a garrison of hundreds of thousands Great Army, in military officer of Daqin Ruozan understanding, perhaps also only then Wang Chong can achieve. 放眼天下,能在这么短短的时间内,完成十几万大军的换防,在大钦若赞认识的将领中,恐怕也就只有王冲才能做到。
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