HE :: Volume #9

#893: Final decision, war!

Chapter 893 第893章 This what's the matter? Wasn't Ngari Royal Faction is eliminated by us? Possibly how also to have the White Yak black bottom flag?” “这到底是怎么回事?阿里王系不是已经被我们消灭了吗?怎么可能还有白牦黑底旗?” A sound muttered, transmitted from side, said the aspiration of people. 一个声音喃喃自语,从旁边传来,说出了众人的心声。 The war of southwest, Chen Bin is also personal experience who that fights, that fights extremely frigidly, entire Annan Protectorate Army is almost annihilated, finally Wang Chong strove to turn the tide, has routed entire Meng-U Allied Army. Daqin Ruozan only brought ten thousand Heavy Cavalry not to arrive to return to Plateau, moreover entire Ngari Royal Faction because of the Wang Chong's plague, the cattle died completely, a piece of famine, almost changed into the unpopulated area. 西南之战,陈彬也是那一战的亲身经历者,那一战极其惨烈,整个安南都护军差点全军覆没,最后还是王冲力挽狂澜,击溃了整个蒙乌联军大钦若赞只带了一万铁骑不到返回高原,而且整个阿里王系因为王冲的瘟疫,牛羊死尽,一片饥荒,几乎化为无人区。 But Daqin Ruozan did not have news since then, entire Ngari Royal Faction survives in name only, the U-Tsang war flag of White Yak black bottom also since then vanishes, no one has thought, unexpectedly will see the Ngari Royal Faction war flag at this time. 大钦若赞也从此没了消息,整个阿里王系名存实亡,白牦黑底的乌斯藏战旗也从此消失,谁也没有想到,居然会在这个时候看到阿里王系的战旗。 Suddenly, the vision of all people looked to Wang Chong. 一刹那间,所有人的目光纷纷望向了王冲 Unexpectedly is he! No wonder......” “居然是他!怪不得……” Wang Chong narrowed the eye slightly, in the heart muttered. Zhang Que patrol region, although he does not have to participate by oneself, however the general deploying troops for defense area truly is directed by him. Can demolish surrounding all informers and informers silently, advances to ten miles range, that is not the average person can achieve. 王冲微微眯了眯眼睛,心中喃喃自语。张雀的巡逻区域,虽然他没有亲身参与,但是大概的布防区确实是由他指点的。能够无声无息的拆除掉外围所有的眼线和耳目,突进到十里的范围内,那绝不是普通人能够做到的。 But if this person is Daqin Ruozan, that all can explain. 但是如果这个人是大钦若赞的话,那一切都可以解释了。 Wang Chong has not thought, this Talas's War, including him to appear unexpectedly! This is previous life has not had the matter, without a doubt, this is the dominoes effect that spark. 王冲没有想到,这次怛罗斯之战,居然连他都会出现!这又是上辈子没有发生过的事情,毫无疑问,这又是自己引发的多米诺骨牌效应。 To take revenge?” “是为了复仇吗?” Wang Chong closes one's eyes, in mind continuously. Although anything could not see, but Wang Chong can actually feel that the Talas City rear area, the form is urging tens of thousands of Heavy Cavalry to catch up together from the direction of western region, in his chest one group of flame combustion, one such as are common. 王冲闭着眼睛,脑海中此起彼伏。虽然什么都看不到,但王冲却能感觉到怛罗斯城的后方,一道身影正驱使着成千上万的铁骑从西域的方向赶来,他的胸中一团火焰燃烧,一如自己一般。 The time changed, the place changed, between he and Daqin Ruozan actually fate met once more, moreover when Talas's War is most essential. Wang Chong even can affirm, this opportunity certainly is Ngari Royal Faction that Great General after the careful computation. 时间变了,地点变了,他和大钦若赞之间却宿命般的再次相遇了,而且还是在怛罗斯之战最关键的时候。王冲甚至能够肯定,这个时机一定是阿里王系的那位大将经过精心计算的。 However for all this, in the Wang Chong heart is fearless. 不过尽管如此,王冲心中却毫无畏惧。 Report! Lord Marquis, the rear area discovers the enemy, was away from our less than eight miles!” “报!侯爷,后方发现敌军,距离我们不到八里了!” In the Wang Chong heart ponders over secretly, the mist and dust is billowing, is one scouts, is riding the warhorse, spins to come, is very nervous. 就在王冲心中暗暗思忖的时候,烟尘滚滚,又是一名斥候,骑着战马,疾奔而来,神情十分紧张。 wēng! 嗡! The sound that scouts falls, atmosphere immediately becomes tying tight even more, not only this time Wang Chong and the others, other Great Army also felt that exceptionally, was somewhat restless. Eight miles distance, flashes by Cavalry Speed, leaves the time of people not to be many, must make the decision as soon as possible. 斥候的声音一落,气氛顿时变得越发的紧绷,这一次不只是王冲等人,就连其他的大军也感觉到了异常,有些不安了。八里的距离,以骑兵速度一晃而过,留给众人的时间不多了,必须尽快的做出决定。 Lord Marquis, looks quickly!” 侯爷,快看!” Also at this time, a restless sound transmitted from the ear, the Li Siye side, the whole body dressed up, Kongzi An of iron armor looked into the front suddenly, pointed at the opposite Caliphate army to say. 也就在这个时候,一个不安的声音从耳边传来,李嗣业的身边,全身披挂,一身铁甲的孔子安突然眺望前方,指着对面的大食军队道。 The people turn head to look, sees only in dawn, the opposite Caliphate army raised suddenly black war flags, 200,000 elite Caliphate Heavy Cavalry just like one limitless black steel mighty currents, slowly direction flowing toward it city. 众人扭头望去,只见晨曦之中,对面的大食军队突然升起了一面面黑色的战旗,200000精锐的大食铁骑犹如一片无边无际黑色的钢铁洪流,正在缓缓地向着之城的方向流动。 This sudden action attracted the attention of all people, on the Talas City wall presented many Anxi Protectorate Army soldiers. 这突然的举动吸引了所有人的注意,就连怛罗斯城墙上都出现了许许多多的安西都护军战士。 The Caliphate Empire soldier before, U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry that Daqin Ruozan leads, 100,000 Qixi reinforcements fell into being attacked front and rear instantaneously, by the huge danger of converging attack. Incessantly so, Caliphate People is trying obviously still to divert the Wang Chong's Qixi reinforcements directly, thinks the rear U-Tsang People manufacture opportunity. 大食帝国的士兵在前,大钦若赞带领的乌斯藏铁骑在后,100000的碛西援军瞬间陷入了腹背受敌,被前后夹击的巨大危险之中。不止如此,大食人显然还在试图正面牵制王冲的碛西援军,以为后方的乌斯藏人制造机会。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The earth movement day swings, when people look to the opposite Caliphate army, the battlefield rear area, the mist and dust is billowing, direct impact sky, a tremor feeling slightly, rapid transmits from the earth of under foot. 地动天摇,就在众人看向对面大食军队的时候,战场的后方,烟尘滚滚,直冲霄汉,一阵微微的颤动感,迅速的从脚下的大地传来。 U-Tsang People advance Speed, is quicker, only such a while that people imagine, they soon appeared in the city of Talas! 乌斯藏人的突进速度,比众人想象的还要快,只这么一会儿,他们就已经快要出现在怛罗斯之城了! Sir!” “大人!” All people felt that intense danger, a pair of both eyes light rapid collection on Wang Chong's, the tense atmosphere was incomparable. The present situation, has been in serious danger, Wang Chong must make the decision as soon as possible. Once lets around Caliphate People and U-Tsang People converging attack, 100,000 big * the team is likely annihilated, all efforts vanish into thin air. 所有人都感觉到了那种强烈的危险,一双双目光迅速的汇集到了王冲的身上,气氛紧张无比。现在的情况,已经危如累卵,王冲必须尽快的作出决定。一旦让大食人乌斯藏人前后夹击,100000大*队很可能全军覆没,所有的努力化为乌有。 hōng lōng lōng, trembling feeling is getting more and more intense, in such a while, U-Tsang People once more advanced, is away from the city of Talas to be getting more and more near, on each face showed the tense look. 轰隆隆,震颤感越来越强烈,就在这么一会儿,乌斯藏人再次突进,距离怛罗斯之城越来越近了,每个人脸上都露出紧张的神色。 Sir, the time press, do we want to enter a city?” “大人,时间紧迫,我们要不要进城?” At this time, Big Brother Wang Chong's Wang Fu behind, big, the somewhat old form breaks the silent say/way slightly, the precisely Wang Clan's old section Chen Shusun. Chen Shusun follows the Wang Chong's father many years, afterward was sent side Wang Fu to protect by Wang Yan personal, has very deep sentiment with Wang Clan three generations. 就在这个时候,王冲的大哥王符身后,一道高大的,微微有些苍老的身影打破寂静道,正是王家的老部将陈叔孙陈叔孙跟随王冲的父亲多年,后来被王严派到王符身边贴身保护,和王家三代人都有很深的感情。 The war of southwest, he once fought side-by-side with Wang Chong, has called Wang Chong is young master. However now Wang Chong has made Qixi Great Protectorate, therefore Chen Shusun turned into the Sir to the Wang Chong's name. 西南之战,他曾经和王冲并肩作战,一直称呼王冲少爷。但是现在王冲已经做了碛西大都护,所以陈叔孙王冲的称呼变成了大人。 „...... The city of Talas at least can hold hundreds of thousands of population, if removes into the city now, can avoid being attacked front and rear, all also with enough time!” “……怛罗斯之城至少可以容纳数十万的人口,如果现在撤入城中,就可以避免腹背受敌,一切还来得及!” The present Qixi reinforcements simply do not have too to choose, either remains same place, falls into region that is attacked front and rear, either removes into the city, with the aid of firm of city of Talas, resists Caliphate People and U-Tsang People allied armies. 现在的碛西援军根本没有太多选择,要么留在原地,陷入腹背受敌的境地,要么就撤入城中,借助怛罗斯之城的坚固,来抵挡大食人乌斯藏人的联军。 Although beforehand Talas City gate already several near destruction, the artisan but who Wang Chong brings, has carried on the comprehensive restore it, and has carried on extremely Strenghten, even also wanted firm many compared with before. If must draw back into the city, this precisely best opportunity. 之前的怛罗斯城门虽然已经几近破坏,但是王冲带来的工匠,已经将它进行全面修复,并且进行了极度强化,甚至比之前还要坚固的多。如果要退入城中,这正是最好的时机。 In fact, this regarding the people, absolutely is the best choice! 事实上,这对于众人来说,绝对是最好的选择! Wang Chong has not spoken, but looking up, has closed the eye slowly. 王冲没有说话,而是微仰着头,缓缓的闭上了眼睛。 The earth trembling sound is getting more and more intense, the Daqin Ruozan army each from a Talas nearly point, covered in the hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements above dark clouds is also stronger. Around Wang Chong, all people got rid of the breath, was waiting for the Wang Chong final decision in abundance. 大地的震颤声越来越强烈,大钦若赞的军队每一刻都距离怛罗斯更近一分,笼罩在十几万碛西援军上方的阴云也就更加浓烈了。王冲周围,所有人都摒住了呼吸,纷纷等待着王冲最后的决定。 Wang Yan is also same! 就连王严也是一样! No matter southwest the war, a Triangle Jag war, is the war between Azure Wolf Ye Hu, Wang Chong fully had proven own ability, won all people to trust. No matter fights remains, if the person can win all people to believe that that also only had Wang Chong. 不管是西南之战,三角缺口一战,还是和青狼叶护之间的战争,王冲已经充分的证明了自己的能力,赢得了所有人信任。不管是战是留,如果说有一个人能够赢得所有人信服的话,那也就只有王冲了。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The distant place mist and dust is billowing, the huge trembling feeling affects the entire battlefield, Great Army that Daqin Ruozan leads possibly appears at any time. But rear area, the black sea tide general Caliphate People army advances Speed to be also getting quicker and quicker, each hoofbeat numerous, probably treads in each Qixi Protectorate Army pit of the stomach. The opportunity is fleeting, no matter remains or walks, fights or removes, Wang Chong must make the decision as soon as possible. 远处烟尘滚滚,巨大的震颤感波及整个战场,大钦若赞率领的大军随时都可能出现。而后方,黑色海潮一般的大食人军队推进速度也越来越快,每一声马蹄声重重的,都好像踏在每个碛西都护军的心坎上。时机稍纵即逝,不管留还是走,战还是撤,王冲都必须尽快的做出决定。 This flash, the lives of hundreds of thousands Qixi reinforcements grasp completely in Wang Chong's decisions. 这一刹那,十几万碛西援军的性命全部掌握在王冲的一个决定之间。 Bang!” “轰隆!” A giant steel bellow transmits, not far away, the city gate of city of Talas opens wide loudly, one crowd of Anxi Protectorate Army military officer facial color presents city gate anxiously, is walking toward the Wang Chong's direction anxious step, is head vice- Protectorate Cheng Qianli of precisely Anxi Protectorate Army. His lip shivers suddenly, seemed just about to say anything to Wang Chong. 一声巨大的钢铁轰鸣声传来,不远处,怛罗斯之城的城门轰然洞开,一群安西都护军的将领面色焦急出现城门口,正朝着王冲的方向急步走来,为首的正是安西都护军的副都护程千里。他的嘴唇急剧颤动,似乎正要对王冲说什么。 But is almost at the same time, the distant place, fights the horse's neigh cry, the billowing mist and dust soars from the hill of distant place, although anything cannot see, however in the intense horse whining noise, a huge commander's flag, black white mark, appears in the field of vision of people impressively. But the above of commander's flag, impressively a precisely muscle dragon knot, strong incomparable white yak, in an instant a formidable pressure fully. 而几乎是同一时间,远处,战马嘶鸣,滚滚的烟尘从远处的丘陵后方腾空而起,虽然什么都看不到,但是激越的马鸣声中,一杆巨大的帅旗,黑色白纹,赫然出现在众人的视野之中。而帅旗的上面,赫然正是一只肌肉虬结,强壮无比的白色牦牛,刹那间一股强大的压力扑天盖地而来。 Daqin Ruozan military force(s) soon flushed! 大钦若赞兵马已经快要冲过来了! „!” “呵!” In a twinkling, the situation of people falls into the extremely disadvantageous condition time, Wang Chong gives a calm smile, to open eyes suddenly, in the profound eye pupil jumps projects one to stab the eye fine glow: 说时迟,那时快,众人的处境陷入极度不利境况的时候,王冲淡然一笑,突然睁开眼来,深邃的眼眸中迸射出一阵剌眼的精芒: Passes on me to order, artisan group all sends out, builds the second steel defense line by quickest Speed east Talas City!” “传我命令,工匠组全部出动,以最快的速度怛罗斯城东方修筑第二道钢铁防线!” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” All infantries and shield soldier(s), together with Ganke Race, as well as the size Bo Lv supporting soldier instantly guard the first defense line, coordinates City of Steel, defends the attack of Caliphate People fully. No matter you attach the big price, must constrain them!” “所有步兵、盾兵,连同冈克族,以及大小勃律的拥兵即刻驻守第一道防线,配合钢铁之城,全力防御大食人的攻击。不管你们附出多大的代价,一定要将他们拖住!” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Chen Bin, divides into two crossbow strength Great Army, every 1500 groups of Crossbow Carriage are armed forces, stays behind, using the personnel carrier, fires from the high place, coordinating the infantry to defend west Caliphate Heavy Cavalry fully! Another appropriation gives Xu Keyi, is directed by him, blocks east U-Tsang Empire military force(s).” 陈彬,将弩力大军一分为二,每1500组弩车为一军,一支留下,利用运兵车,从高处射击,配合步兵全力防御西面的大食铁骑!另一支调拨给许科仪,由他指挥,阻击东面的乌斯藏帝国兵马。” Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” ...... …… In the short time, Wang Chong had issued order that first even/including flees, each order clear incomparable. Last order, Wang Chong turned head to look to nearby tall such as Li Siye of diamond. 短短时间内,王冲发布了一连窜的命令,每个命令都清晰无比。最后一个命令,王冲扭头望向了一旁的身材高大如金刚的李嗣业 Li Siye, prepares, a while sees together along with me...... U-Tsang old friend!” 李嗣业,准备一下,一会儿随我一起去见见……乌斯藏的故人!” Speaking of old friend two characters, in the Wang Chong eye jumps suddenly projects the intermittent fearful ray. 说到“故人”两个字,王冲眼中猛然迸射出阵阵慑人的光芒。 Yes!!” “是!!” Hears these words, the Li Siye eye one brightly, fierce gives out angry roaring of shake the heavens, in that mountain range big body steep bursts out one to fight intent intensely. Although Wang Chong has not stated clearly, but people understood his final decision. First has Caliphate Empire Legion, latter had U-Tsang military force(s), the people have simultaneously encountered the converging attack of two sides, fell into the extremely disadvantageous status, even if so how? 听到这句话,李嗣业眼睛一亮,猛的发出一声惊天的怒吼,那山峦般高大的身躯中陡的迸发出一股强烈的战意。王冲虽然没有明说,但众人已经明白了他的最终决定。前有大食帝国军团,后有乌斯藏兵马,众人同时遭到了两方的夹击,陷入了极度不利的地位,但是即便如此又如何? War war! Only this! 战战战!唯此而已! The southwest people have not drawn back, the Triangle Jag people have not drawn back, these time will not draw back similarly! 西南众人没有退,三角缺口众人没有退,这一次也同样不会退! This is the Great Tang style! 这才是大唐的风范! In this stretch of land, anything cannot make Great Tang retreat, does not have anything to make Great Tang submit! 在这片陆地,没有什么能让大唐撤退,更没有什么能够让大唐屈服! hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” Xu Keyi, Chen Bin, Zhao Jing­dian, Chen Burang, Sun Zhiming, Chen Shusun, King of Ganke, Huang Botian, Kongzi An, Xue Qianjun and the others are riding the warhorse, dashes to go. Had not suspected, has not distinguished to refute, this flash, in all person hearts is similar one group of flame to burn, blood boiling, the entire Qixi reinforcements are similar to a huge machine, rapid revolution. 许科仪陈彬赵敬典陈不让孙知命陈叔孙冈克之王黄搏天孔子安薛千军等人一个个骑着战马,飞奔而去。没有怀疑,没有辨驳,这一刹那,所有人心中都仿佛有一团火焰在燃烧,一个个热血沸腾,整个碛西援军如同一架庞大的机器般,迅速的运转起来。 Before , the suggestion removes into Chen Shusun in city, after Wang Chong issued this order, after having been startled , the rapid transformation, turned over/stood up to start, tantivies to go, carries out Wang Chong's military order. 就连之前建议撤入城中的陈叔孙,也在王冲发布这道命令之后,怔了怔后,也迅速的转变过来,翻身上马,急奔而去,执行王冲的军令去了。
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