HE :: Volume #9

#892: Trouble starting near at hand

Chapter 892 第892章 Was bad!” “糟了!” Looks house sparrow that only rapidly departs, in Daqin Ruozan heart only remaining this thoughts. 看着那只急速离去的麻雀,大钦若赞心中只剩下这个念头。 Although the house sparrow is common in the western region, but this type west of Cong Ridge is bleak and barren, takes the rock extremely to be few as many regions, because simply does not have the thing that the house sparrow looks for food. Moreover now the weather is gradually cold, this season, the house sparrow will not appear in this place. 麻雀虽然在西域常见,但在葱岭以西这种荒凉、贫脊,以岩石为多的地带却极少,因为根本没有麻雀觅食的东西。而且现在天气渐冷,这种季节,麻雀也根本不会出现在这种地方。 Collapses!” “崩!” in a flash, only listens to a loud sound, the bowstring to tremble, a long arrow from the rear electricity shoots, latter sends first , an arrow shot through that house sparrow, the tremendous strength hurls the corpse of house sparrow but actually on the ground. However the Daqin Ruozan complexion does not have, because falling to the ground of this house sparrow has the slight change, the vision institute , the line of sight end, a tiny shadow, has been similar to vanishes in the distant place like lightning. 电光石火间,只听一声巨响,弓弦震颤,一只长箭从后方电射而出,后发先至,一箭射穿了那只麻雀,巨大的力量将麻雀的尸体倒掼在地上。但是大钦若赞的脸色却没有因为这只麻雀的倒地有丝毫改变,目光所及,视线尽头,一个细小的黑影,已经如同闪电般消失在了远处。 That is dust kite. 那是一只灰褐色的鹞子。 When the vulture group from the sky captures and kills five rock hawks, the lines of sight of all people centralized to airborne, at this time, that dust kite, from the branch of distant place, soared, rapid from out of the blue. Its Speed is extremely quick, such a while, departed the line of sight range, the archers are beyond control, did not use is the airborne vulture group. 当秃鹫群在空中捕杀五只岩鹰的时候,所有人的视线都集中到了空中,也就是在这个时候,那只灰褐色的鹞子,从远处的一根树枝上,腾空而起,迅速的破空而出。它的速度极快,就这么一会儿,就已经飞出了视线范围,就连弓箭手都鞭长莫及,更不用是空中的秃鹫群了。 Misjudged!” “失算了!” Daqin Ruozan closes the eye, deeply sighed, gathered together the palm in sleeve to shiver fiercely slightly. 大钦若赞闭上眼睛,深深地叹息一声,拢在袖中的手掌猛地微微颤抖了一下。 Between he and Wang Chong, this invisible contest, from start to the present, has been winning. Tens of thousands of U-Tsang military force(s) approached outside Talas City 18 miles, Wang Chong did not have any response, has not actually thought, in the distance success recent flash, oneself actually plants, in Wang Chong hid a kite on tree child. 他和王冲之间,这场无形的较量,从开始到现在,一直都是在赢。成千上万的乌斯藏兵马都已经接近到了怛罗斯城外18里,王冲都没有任何的反应,却没想到,就在距离成功最近的一刹那,自己却栽在了王冲隐藏在树上的一只鹞子身上。 Army patrol, all spatial birds and beasts basically in airborne, flies high, the range of looking is bigger, the hawk bird that therefore basically nobody will use the detection places the ground, or branch. The Daqin Ruozan accurate judgment Wang Chong's has deployed troops for defense, but has not thought that here lost thoroughly. 军队巡逻,所有的空禽基本都在空中,飞得越高,看的范围越大,所以基本上没有人会把侦查用的鹰雀放在地面,或者枝头。大钦若赞精准的判断出了王冲的布防点,但是没有想到在这里彻底输了。 Great Minister, what to do?” 大相,怎么办?” Around four, all people felt that anything, an eye gathered on Daqin Ruozan in pairs completely, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi changed the complexion. Trouble starting near at hand, kite thorough has disrupted the plan of people. 四周围,所有人都感觉到了什么,一双双眼睛全部聚集到大钦若赞身上,就连火树归藏都松莽布支都变了脸色。变生肘腋,一只鹞子彻底的打乱了众人的计划。 Prevented already without enough time, the Wang Chong that side was prepared and has not prepared, regarding the people completely was an entirely different situation. When without a doubt, instant, the people who that kite flies have exposed. 阻止已经来不及了,王冲那边有准备和没有准备,对于众人来说完全是一种截然不同的情况。毫无疑问,当那只鹞子飞出去的刹那,众人已经暴露了。 The atmosphere immediately becomes dignified. 气氛顿时变得凝重起来。 Great Minister, does the plan change? Whether we also do want to continue to go forward?” 大相,计划是否更改?我们是否还要继续前进?” The Huoshu Guicang probe said. 火树归藏试探道。 Daqin Ruozan has not spoken, in the eye fluctuates erratically, no one knows that he is thinking anything. 大钦若赞没有说话,眼中变幻不定,谁也不知道他在想什么。 As if there is flash, has resembled the innumerable long centuries, when atmosphere strong almost suffocating, Daqin Ruozan smiles suddenly, shook the head: 仿佛只有一刹那,又好像过了无数个漫长的世纪,在气氛浓烈的几乎令人窒息的时候,大钦若赞突然一笑,摇了摇头: Really, worthily is that person who I know, if he does not know, has been traced by us to the city of Talas, I will instead think somewhat restlessly, now is among us true fighting. Since had been discovered by him, we also had no need to conceal, opened the banner, removed to bind the arrange/cloth of horse's hoof to bind, our frank and upright march Talas!” “果然,不愧是我认识的那个人,如果他真的毫无所知,被我们一直摸到怛罗斯之城,我反而会觉得有些不安,现在才算是我们之间真正的交手。既然已经被他发现了,我们也用不着隐瞒了,打开旗号,去掉裹着马蹄的布裹,我们光明正大的进军怛罗斯!” Yes! Great Minister!” “是!大相!” hōng lōng lōng, earth movement day swings, this U-Tsang army no longer conceals, thousands military force(s) raises the billowing mist and dust, directly soars the city of Talas to go. 轰隆隆,地动天摇,这一次乌斯藏军队不再掩饰,数以万计的兵马扬起滚滚的烟尘,直奔怛罗斯之城而去。 ...... …… Lord Marquis! It is not good!” 侯爷!不好了!” Meanwhile, outside remote Talas City, precisely, the Zhang Que complexion in a panic, directly soars the position that Wang Chong to go in the morning. 与此同时,遥远的怛罗斯城外,正是清晨时分,张雀脸色仓皇,直奔王冲所在的位置而去。 How?” “怎么了?” Wang Chong just and father Wang Yan and Big Brother Wang Fu and Divine Great General Li Siye as well as King of Ganke look into the distant place Caliphate People sound together, sees the Zhang Que facial expression, turned head, knit the brows slightly. 王冲正和父亲王严、大哥王符神通大将李嗣业以及冈克之王一起眺望远处大食人的动静,看到张雀神情,回过头来,微微皱了皱眉。 Lord Marquis, left the important matter! Our rear areas, present several tens of thousands people of Great Army, their Speed is extremely quick, bright sentry post dark sentry post under my arrange/cloth also has the hawk bird of airborne inspection all the way, wiped out by them completely. Now they have advanced nearby Talas City, is away from us also to have is less than ten miles!” 侯爷,出大事了!我们的后方,出现一支数万人的大军,他们速度极快,我一路上布下的明哨暗哨还有空中巡视的鹰雀,全部被他们拔除。现在他们已经一路突进到怛罗斯城附近,距离我们还有不到十里!” Zhang Que kneels on the ground said, the face whiten is incomparable. 张雀跪在地上道,脸色苍白无比。 Anything!” “什么!” Hears the Zhang Que words, side Wang Chong, Wang Yan, Wang Fu and Li Siye, King of Ganke and the others body severe shake, all people steep changed the complexion. The people still coped with the Caliphate People strategy at the discussion, but at this time suddenly a deathly stillness. 听到张雀的话,王冲身旁,王严王符李嗣业,还有冈克之王等人身躯剧震,所有人陡的变了脸色。众人本来还在讨论对付大食人的策略,但这个时候突然之间一片死寂。 The East of city of Talas, is away from a plain, 200,000 elite Caliphate military force(s) and Caliphate Eastern Governor Abmuslin is eying covetously, the person concentrates on the presence of everyone , on Caliphate People, at this time rear area suddenly presented several tens of thousands people of military force(s) is extremely fatal. 怛罗斯之城的东方,隔着一座平原,200000精锐的大食兵马大食东方总督艾布穆斯/林正在虎视眈眈,当众人全神贯注在大食人身上的时候,这个时候后方突然出现一只数万人的兵马是极其致命的。 Great Tang was equal to that invisible in fell into the condition of being attacked front and rear, this is taboo in series soldier! 大唐等于无形之中陷入了腹背受敌的状况,这是统兵之中的大忌 All around needle falls may hear, atmosphere suddenly becomes tight incomparable. 四周针落可闻,气氛陡然变得紧张无比。 Zhang Que knelt on the ground, on the forehead seeps out the bean big beads of sweat, the cold sweat one after another, fled like the bead, moistened including robe, the perimeter security, discovered ahead of time, reconnoitered the enemy, this was responsibility of Zhang Que in military soldier. However several tens of thousands hostile military force(s) advance, he did not have the slight detection unexpectedly, even was also traced such near distance by the opposite party, this simply is the huge dereliction of duty. 张雀跪在地上,额头上更是渗出了豆大的汗珠,冷汗一颗接一颗,就像珠窜一样,连衣袍都打湿了,外围警戒,提前发现,侦察敌军,这是张雀军伍中的职责。但是数万的敌对兵马一路突进,他居然还没有丝毫的察觉,甚至还被对方摸到了这么近的距离,这简直是巨大的失职。 This is several tens of thousands enemy soldiers! 这可是数万的敌兵啊! The opposite party is quietly close . Moreover the detecting Hou Hekong birds and beasts that attacks one's own side, the hostility have revealed without doubt. If causes Great Army to be damaged because of own reason, was attacked by the enemy side, perhaps Zhang Que forever is unable to forgive itself. 对方悄悄接近,而且袭击己方的侦侯和空禽,敌意已经表露无疑。如果因为自己的原因而导致大军受创,被敌方攻击,张雀恐怕永远都无法原谅自己。 This what's the matter? Enemy where comes? Entire western region how possibly also so many military force(s)?” “这到底是怎么回事?哪里来的敌军?整个西域怎么可能还有这么多的兵马?” First what spoke was Wang Yan. Receives the Zhang Que message, the first feeling of Wang Yan is impossible. 首先发话的是王严。收到张雀的消息,王严的第一感觉就是不可能。 The Wang Chong front leg just arrived in the city of Talas, merely one day of separation, how possible rear area to present several tens of thousands people of military force(s)? But beforehand doesn't have any indication? This is too sudden! 王冲前脚才刚刚抵达怛罗斯之城,仅仅一天之隔,怎么可能后方就出现一只数万人的兵马?而事先没有任何的征兆?这太突然! „...... Zhang Que, do you determine?” “……张雀,你确定吗?” Wang Yan stares at Zhang Que of tread to say. Sees Zhang Que to nod, the Wang Yan complexion immediately becomes stern. 王严盯着地面的张雀道。看到张雀点了点头,王严的脸色顿时变得严峻起来。 Other military soldier all generals are also the complexion becomes ugly. 其他军伍诸将也是脸色变得难看起来。 „Is this possible? don't tell me has Caliphate People bribed other western region various countries?” “这怎么可能?难道大食人买通了其他的西域诸国?” Wang Fu muttered, the look also became dignified incomparable. 王符喃喃道,神色也变得凝重无比。 If the one-to-one frontal battlefield, Wang Fu will not care. However before the present is, has the wolf, latter has the tiger, the situation that the entire Qixi help wields all of a sudden becomes unprecedented passive and disadvantageous. Talas's War relates significantly, this victory and loss is directly related with behind Anxi of Anxi, Longxi as well as national capital, Great Tang cannot lose. 如果是一对一的正面战场,王符根本不会在意。但是现在是前有狼,后有虎,整个碛西援挥的处境一下子变得前所未有的被动和不利起来。怛罗斯之战关系重大,这一场的输赢直接关系到身后安西陇西以及京师的安西,大唐根本输不起。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” The Wang Fu sound just fell, was overruled by King of Ganke: 王符的声音刚落,就被冈克之王否决了: „The western region is a small country, cannot gather several tens of thousands military force(s), moreover between Great Tang and Caliphate the war, who loses who wins did not have the fate, western region various countries not, did not have the courage to insert at this time. The war of elephant and lion, is not they can mix.” “西域都是小国,根本聚集不出数万的兵马,而且大唐大食之间战争,谁输谁赢还没有定数,西域诸国不会,也没有胆子在这个时候插入进来。大象和狮子的战争,不是他们可以搀和的。” Elephant and lion, this is the impression of all western region various countries' this war regarding Great Tang and Caliphate, who is involved in this war, who will be ground into dust, the wisest procedure stays out, this is also western region various countries is doing by far. “大象和狮子”,这就是所有西域诸国对于大唐大食这场战争的印象,谁卷进这场战争,谁就会被碾成齑粉,最明智的做法就是置身事外,离得远远的,这也是西域诸国正在做的。 King of Ganke does not believe which western region small Congress brought about own destruction at this time! 冈克之王绝不相信有哪个西域小国会在这个时候自寻死路! But north U-Tsang military force(s) of boundary had been swept clear up by us, basic without the soldier faction, Azure Wolf Ye Hu Agudul was also killed by Lord Marquis, military force(s) of all borders completely have also swept clear cleanly, if not western region various countries, at this time, but who can also? Which influence can collect several tens of thousands military force(s) at this time?” “但是乌斯藏北境的兵马已经被我们清扫光了,根本无兵派,青狼叶护阿骨都蓝也被侯爷所杀,所有边境的兵马也已经全部清扫干净,如果不是西域诸国,这个时候,还会有谁?还有哪个势力能在这个时候凑出数万的兵马?” Li Siye has also opened the mouth, the facial expression is similarly dignified. 李嗣业也开口了,神情同样凝重无比。 Nearby the entire western region, now biggest two military force(s), one is Caliphate, one is Great Tang, is impossible baseless changes the third influence. Now what most fishy is, opposite party several tens of thousands military force(s) approached the Talas about ten miles distance, momentarily possibly rushes, but to this time, the people have not known that who completely the opposite party is, the origin of this influence does not know. 整个西域附近,现在最大的两股兵马,一个是大食,一个就是大唐,根本不可能凭空变出第三股势力。现在最蹊跷的是,对方数万兵马都已经逼近到了怛罗斯十里左右的距离,随时都可能赶到,但一直到这个时候,众人还完全不知道对方是什么人,连这股势力的来历都不知道。 This situation by dealings never! 这种情况以往还从来没有过! Did not need to think, certainly was U-Tsang and Western Turkic Khaganate!” “不用想了,一定是乌斯藏西突厥汗国!” At this time, a sound suddenly resounded in the people ear, Wang Chong was looking into opposite boundless such as the Caliphate army of sea, indifferently said: 就在这个时候,一个声音突然在众人耳边响起,王冲眺望着对面茫茫如海的大食军队,淡淡道: „...... Can be worth Abmuslin and several hundred thousand Caliphate military force(s) waiting, the entire western region also only had U-Tsang and Western Turkic Khaganate!” “……能值得艾布穆斯/林和几十万大食兵马等待的,整个西域也就只有乌斯藏西突厥汗国了!” The Wang Chong's sound is not high, a pair of profound eye pupil is crystal clear, disclosed a formidable belief strength. In an instant, four surrounding deathly stillness, all people look at Wang Chong dull, could not speak. 王冲的声音不高,一双深邃的眼眸洞若观火,透露出一种强大的信服力。刹那间,四周围一片死寂,所有人呆呆的看着王冲,都说不出话来。 But Lord Marquis, aren't we talent and Western Turkic person signing armistice agreement?” “可是侯爷,我们不是才和西突厥人签订停战协议吗?” Li Siye gravely says. 李嗣业沉声道 Agreement was used to tear, did we sign that many agreements with U-Tsang same, U-Tsang People have not torn?” “协议本来就是用来撕毁的,我们和乌斯藏之间签订了那么多协议,乌斯藏人不还是一样撕毁了?” Wang Chong look tranquil say/way, when this type critical, but can also keep cool freely also only then he: 王冲神色平静道,在这种危急的时候,还能够保持镇定自若的就还只有他了: Talas's War, Great Tang and Caliphate turn out in full strength, entire Qixi and Anxi military strength for it, U-Tsang and Western Turkic , if no sound, that was really feels strange. Before that paper agreement of Ishbara Khan signing was used to lull our. Zhang Que, searches again!” 怛罗斯之战,大唐大食倾巢而出,整个碛西安西的兵力为之一空,乌斯藏西突厥要是没有动静,那才真是奇怪了。之前沙钵罗可汗签订的那一纸协议是用来麻痹我们的。张雀,再探!” Yes, Lord Marquis!” “是,侯爷!” Zhang Que without delay, receives an order to go immediately. 张雀二话不说,立即领命而去。 Zhang Que goes quickly, comes back quickly, is only a while on once more incoming telegram. 张雀去得快,回来得更快,只是一会儿就再次来报。 Returns to Lord Marquis, rear altogether more than 70,000 military force(s), completely are U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry . Moreover the opposite party simply has not covered up, what flaunts is the U-Tsang banner, and......” “回侯爷,后方总共70000多兵马,全部都是乌斯藏铁骑,而且对方根本没有遮掩,打的是乌斯藏的旗号,而且……” Zhang Que has hesitated, raised the head, has sized up Wang Chong secretly, then said: 张雀迟疑了一下,抬起头,偷偷打量了一下王冲,接着道: Moreover besides the U-Tsang war flag, we have still discovered a White Yak black bottom U-Tsang flag in inside!” “而且除了乌斯藏的战旗,我们还在里面发现了一杆白牦黑底的乌斯藏旗帜!” wēng! 嗡! Hears these words, King of Ganke did not have what response, but other Wang Yan, Wang Fu, Li Siye and the others in abundance changed the complexion, Wang Chong could not bear the brow jump. The U-Tsang war flag of White Yak black bottom, only has an influence to use this type of war flag in entire Plateau: 听到这句话,冈克之王还没有什么反应,但是其他王严王符李嗣业等人都纷纷变了脸色,就连王冲也忍不住眉头跳了一下。白牦黑底的乌斯藏战旗,在整个高原只有一个势力会使用这种战旗: Ngari Royal Faction! 阿里王系
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