HE :: Volume #9

#891: Scout, invisible confrontation!

Chapter 891 第891章 wēng! 嗡! The Daqin Ruozan sleeves fling lightly, Astral Qi broken body, immediately the mainland map in hand hold-up in void. In the vision of people, a Daqin Ruozan palm stretches out, covers on the mainland map, the five fingers move out of place, the star splendor throws down from the place above, by the slit of five fingers, falls on the mainland map. 大钦若赞衣袖轻甩,罡气破体而出,立即将手中的大陆地图托浮在了虚空。就在众人的目光中,大钦若赞一只手掌伸出,覆盖在大陆地图上面,五指错动,星辉从上方投下,透过五指的缝隙,落在大陆地图上。 In an instant in the vision of all people, on the mainland map, the light shadow fluctuates, suddenly appears the innumerable luminous spots. These luminous spots according to some rule change, accurate reappearing on the mainland map, above a everywhere mountain ridge, hill and plain, have extended the Talas City direction. 刹那间就在所有人的目光中,大陆地图上,光影变幻,突然浮现出无数的光点。这些光点按照某种规律变化,精准的浮现在大陆地图上,一处处山岭、丘陵和平原上方,一直延伸到了怛罗斯城的方向。 Sees this, Dusong Mangbuzhi and surrounding U-Tsang military officer slightly changed the complexion, only has a Huoshu Guicang face to be indifferent. 看到这一幕,都松莽布支和周围的乌斯藏将领不禁微微变了变脸色,只有火树归藏一脸淡然。 Daqin Ruozan is not Great General Level Expert, Empire Great Minister needs to spend on the massive time in government affairs processing, therefore majority of martial arts will not be high. However this did not mean that their martial arts are very bad, Daqin Ruozan in the Astral Qi operation of slight Level, is not perhaps weak in Huoshu Guicang. 大钦若赞并非大将级别高手,帝国大相们需要花上大量的时间在政务处理上,所以大部分武功都不会很高。但是这并不是说他们的武功就很差,大钦若赞在细微级别罡气操纵上,恐怕就丝毫不弱于火树归藏 Saw clearly? This is place that Tang People deploys troops for defense, takes vulture Great Army, annihilates them! „ “看清楚了吗?这就是唐人布防的地方,带上秃鹫大军,一个个消灭掉他们吧!“ The Daqin Ruozan tranquil say/way, in the sound disclosed a formidable self-confidence. 大钦若赞平静道,声音中透露出一种强大的自信。 Yes, Great Minister. „ “是,大相。“ A respectful sound conveys from ear, 56 U-Tsang military officers carefully look at these luminous spots on map, is rapid such as flies to go. gua, in the shake the heavens yelling sound, innumerable vulture Great Army blot out the sky, rapid goes toward the forward-swept. 一阵恭敬的声音从耳边传来,56名乌斯藏将领仔细的看着地图上的那些光点,然后迅速如飞而去。呱,惊天的啼叫声中,无数的秃鹫大军铺天盖地,迅速的往前掠去。 Dusong Mangbuzhi looks at luminous spots on mainland map, frowned slightly, in the eye has shown the facial expression of doubts. 都松莽布支看着大陆地图上的一个个光点,微微皱起了眉头,眼中露出了疑惑的神情。 Walked! Your this is first time with the Great Minister cooperation, later the time long you understood! „ “走了!你这还是第一次和大相合作,以后时间久了你就明白了!“ A generous palm has extended from side, Huoshu Guicang has patted the racket on the shoulder of Dusong Mangbuzhi, sprinkles however smiles, progresses to proceed to walk. Dusong Mangbuzhi has been startled being startled, turned head, this discovered when Daqin Ruozan does not know, received the mainland map, before urging on a horse rushes, only leaves behind a back to give itself. 一只宽厚的手掌从旁边伸了过来,火树归藏都松莽布支的肩膀上拍了拍,洒然一笑,策马往前走去。都松莽布支怔了怔,回过头来,这才发现大钦若赞不知什么时候,已经将大陆地图收了起来,驱马前奔,只留下一个背影给自己。 Also is really hard to guess! „ “还真是难以揣测啊!“ Dusong Mangbuzhi looks up the sky, long sigh, in heart actually a relaxedness. 都松莽布支抬头望着天空,长长的叹息一声,心中却一片轻松。 Daqin Ruozan that walks from the Royal Capital dungeon, every action and every movement drift from place to place, like the powerful and unconstrained style, makes people unable to estimate completely. Before Dusong Mangbuzhi, has not cooperated with such Daqin Ruozan, but this regarding entire U-Tsang is actually the Fu non- calamity. 王都地牢里走出来的大钦若赞,一举一动都飘忽不定,有如天马行空,完全让人无法揣度。都松莽布支以前还从来没有和这样的大钦若赞合作过,不过这对于整个乌斯藏来说却是福非祸。 As for Daqin Ruozan these excellent judgments is to or wrong, quick knew. 至于大钦若赞那些绝妙的判断到底是对还是错,很快就知道了。 gua! „ “呱!“ Flocks of cinereous vultures are similar to spirits, ate delicacies strangely was passing over gently and swiftly from the dim light of night, but in ground the U-Tsang military officer faithful executions of Daqin Ruozan strategy. Flocks of cinereous vultures, throw unceasingly toward the position of mainland map polishing indication, in the ear-piercing wailing sound another rock hawk, the feather scatters, from airborne crashes unceasingly. 一群群的秃鹫如同幽灵般,怪啸着从夜色中掠过,而地面上一名名乌斯藏将领忠实的执行着大钦若赞的策略。一群群的秃鹫,不断地向着大陆地图上光点标示的位置扑去,刺耳的尖啸声中一只又一只的岩鹰,羽毛四溅,不断地从空中坠落下来。 Opportunity that these rock hawks escape continually does not have, by vulture in groups, only one after another killing. 这些岩鹰连逃跑的机会都没有,就被成群的秃鹫,一只只接二连三的扑杀掉了。 Two, three, four...... 一只,两只,三只,四只…… In the sky, the vulture group leads the way in sky, in the ground tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, the extreme velocity goes forward. Several tens of thousands U-Tsang Great Army go forward in the direction of city of Talas by astonishing Speed. 天空中,秃鹫群在天空中开路,地面上成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑,极速前进。数万的乌斯藏大军以惊人的速度向着怛罗斯之城的方向前进。 40 miles, 37 miles, 30 miles, 25 miles...... 40里,37里,30里,25里…… Distance between entire U-Tsang Great Army and Talas City is getting more and more near, the Daqin Ruozan strategy has played the role, continuously by the present, Tang People aspect not slight detection. Moreover what is most impressive, judgment of Daqin Ruozan, tiny bit, the place that with meticulous care, Tang People deploys troops for defense was foreseen accurately by him completely, without any mistake. 整支乌斯藏大军怛罗斯城之间的距离越来越近,大钦若赞的战略发挥了作用,一直到现在为止,唐人方面都没有丝毫的察觉。而且最让人惊叹的是,大钦若赞的判断,一丝一毫,丝丝入扣,唐人布防的地点完全被他料中,没有任何的差池。 This time Dusong Mangbuzhi felt, Daqin Ruozan truly found their weakness, accurate inference their all arrangement. 这次就连都松莽布支都感觉出来了,大钦若赞确确实实是找到他们的弱点,精准的推断出了他们的所有布置。 This way, we can really night assault Tang People, will not give them to respond the opportunity slightly. „ “照这样下去,我们真的可以夜袭唐人,而且不会给他们丝毫的反应机会。“ In Dusong Mangbuzhi heart secretly thought. 都松莽布支心中暗暗道 Goes on an expedition for many years with Great Tang, did not have one time, Dusong Mangbuzhi to feel so smoothly. Was different from the past, this time he can definitely believe firmly, that side Tang People really not any response. 25 miles, such near distance is really very astonishing. 大唐之间征战多年,还没有一次,都松莽布支感觉如此顺利。和以往不一样,这一次他完全可以确信,唐人那边真的没有任何的反应。25里,这么近的距离真的是非常惊人。 Half double-hour, before dawn completely with enough time, ten miles, so long as penetrates smoothly, was not discovered that we can hit his to be caught off guard! „ “还有半个时辰,在天亮之前完全来得及,还有十里,只要顺利突防,不被发现,我们就可以打他个措手不及!“ Daqin Ruozan sits on the big U-Tsang marvelous horse, looks up the east sky, the vision twinkle, in the heart computation rapidly. Was getting more and more near from the dawn, but for all this, U-Tsang People still has the opportunity. Near dawn time, the precisely person is easiest the lax time, so long as has hidden the truth from the Tang People informer, at that time launches surprise attack, can still give the Tang People huge heavy losses. 大钦若赞坐在高大的乌斯藏神驹上,抬头看着东面的天空,目光闪烁,心中急速的计算。距离天亮已经越来越近了,不过尽管如此,乌斯藏人依然有机会。将近天亮的时候,正是人最容易松懈的时候,只要瞒过了唐人的耳目,在那个时候发动突然袭击,依然可以给予唐人巨大的重创。 Transmitted orders, all soldier dismount, wrap the horse's hoof, throws down the rear military baggage, full speed advance! „ “传令下去,所有战士下马,包裹马蹄,丢下后方的辎重,全速前进!“ Daqin Ruozan waved, orders. 大钦若赞挥了挥手,下令道。 Yes! Great Minister! „ “是!大相!“ But the time of moment, Great Army starts off, Speed before this is much quicker, almost rises dramatically the limit. 只不过片刻的时间,大军重新上路,速度比这之前还要快得多,几乎飙升到极限。 24 miles! 24里! Two thirteen li (6,500 meters)! 二十三里! One flock of cinereous vultures swoop, in 56 the rock hawks of patrols the sky catches the whole lot in a dragnet, scouting in ground without enough time sends out including the news, was scouted to close by hundred and thousand of U-Tsang, kills completely. 22 miles, 21 miles, the defense line of Tang People arrangement is getting more and more crowded, scouts are also getting more and more, but was exterminated by potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt by Daqin Ruozan completely. 一群秃鹫飞扑过去,将天空上56只巡逻的岩鹰一网打尽,地面上的斥候连消息都来不及发出,就被成百上千的乌斯藏斥候一拥而上,全部杀死。22里,21里,唐人布置的防线越来越密集,斥候也越来越多,但是全部被大钦若赞以雷霆万钧之势剿灭。 This flash, tens of thousands of U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry, together with Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi two big U-Tsang Empire Great General, show the tense look completely. Daqin Ruozan, although has not said anything, but his body leans forward bends down on the horseback, that stretches the look that the straight body and concentrates on, explained that his spirit stretched the extreme. 这一刹那,成千上万的乌斯藏铁骑,连同火树归藏都松莽布支两大乌斯藏帝国大将,全部都露出紧张的神色。就连大钦若赞虽然没说什么,但他身体前倾伏在马背上,那绷直的身体和全神贯注的眼神,都说明他的精神绷到了极点。 20 miles, 18 miles...... 20里,18里…… From is getting more and more near, several miles distance, so long as were not discovered by Tang People, U-Tsang People can initiate a successful sneak attack. 距离越来越近,还有几里的路程,只要不被唐人发现,乌斯藏人就能够发起一场成功的偷袭。 Hurry up!...... „ “快点!……“ In the dark night broadcasts an intense sound, when the sky presents one team of rock hawks, in the ground a U-Tsang military commander sends out the signal rapidly. This time, these rock hawks in sky look like the beforehand rock hawk are more vigilant , a wailing, 56 rock hawks rapid toward divide the dispersion to go in all directions. 黑夜中传来一阵紧张的声音,就在天空出现一队岩鹰的时候,地面上一名乌斯藏武将迅速发出信号。这一次,天空中的那些岩鹰看起来比之前的岩鹰还要警觉,一声尖啸,56只岩鹰迅速向着四面八方分散飞去。 The flash, in the ground the hearts of all people mentioned the throat, in everyone eyes has shown the tense look. 一刹那,地面上所有人的心都提到了嗓子眼,每个人眼中都露出了紧张的神色。 gua, on vulture group rapid throwing in sky, was eating delicacies strangely toward rock hawk rapid killing that in the sky ran away in the past. The fight quickly launches, according to the arrangement of Great Minister, this is in ten miles, Tang People last defense line. So long as breaks through this defense line, only has 15 miles distance from Talas. 呱,天空中的秃鹫群迅速的扑上,怪啸着向着天空中逃走的岩鹰迅速的扑杀过去。战斗迅速展开,按照大相的安排,这已经是十里内,唐人最后一处防线了。只要突破这道防线,距离怛罗斯就只有15里的路程。 So long as can break through to Tang People in silently 15 miles, can carry on a perfect sneak attack to Tang People. 只要能够无声无息的突破到唐人15里之内,就能够对唐人进行一场完美的偷袭。 wēng! 嗡! In the ground all U-Tsang military officers look up the sky, shows the tense look. 地面上所有的乌斯藏将领都抬头看着天空,露出紧张的神色。 They cannot run away! „ “他们逃不了的!“ Daqin Ruozan looks up the day, the look is tranquil, but disclosed a formidable self-confidence imperceptibly. This fights him not to know that for today has prepared how much time, all vulture tactics are he personally arrange, all hawk birds will not have any opportunity of escaping. Scouts as for Great Tang of ground, he has also sent out the army to exterminate. 大钦若赞抬头看天,神色平静,但无形中却透露出一股强大的自信。为了今天这一战他不知道准备了多少时间,所有的秃鹫战术都是他亲手安排的,所有的鹰雀根本不会有任何逃跑的机会。至于地面的大唐斥候,他也已经派出了部队去剿灭。 This elite is he arranges the Huoshu Guicang training in dungeon, the entire process obtained various U-Tsang king area, the full coordination of all military officers, each scouts is selective, moreover carried on has captured and killed the training that Tang People scouted specially, can keep off ten completely. 这支精锐是他在地牢之中安排火树归藏训练的,整个过程获得了乌斯藏各王区,所有将领的全力配合,每一个斥候都是精挑细选,而且进行了专门捕杀唐人斥候的训练,全部都可以以一挡十。 That side Tang People does not have the raising signal to the present, explained that this team that captures and kills Tang People to scout, has succeeded to defend. 唐人那边到现在都没有升起信号,就说明这支捕杀唐人斥候的队伍,已经成功得守。 One, two, three, four,...... Five! „ “一,二,三,四,……五!“ Daqin Ruozan looks at the sky, in the mouth unceasing several, has probably some charm to be the same, a Daqin Ruozan every several digit, the rock hawk was besieged by the vulture group, from airborne falls. When Daqin Ruozan several lastfivecharacter, whiz, a long arrow shoots from the rear electricity, Dusong Mangbuzhi sits on the big Great Snow Mountain marvelous horse of outstanding ability, draws the arrow, an arrow the last rock hawk from airborne will fall. 大钦若赞看着天空,口中不断的数着,就好像有某种魔力一样,大钦若赞每数出一个数字,就有一只岩鹰被秃鹫群围攻,从空中啪哒掉落下来。当大钦若赞数出最后一个“五“字,嗖,一只长箭从后方电射而出,都松莽布支坐在高大俊逸的大雪山神驹上,拉弓开箭,一箭将最后一只岩鹰从空中掉落下来。 Succeeded! „ “成功了!“ Saw that last rock hawk feather disperses, from airborne falls, in the ground exudes low cheers. U-Tsang military officers look up to airborne, has gotten hold of the fist ruthlessly. 看到最后一只岩鹰翎毛飞散,从空中掉落下来,地面上发出一阵低低的欢呼声。一名名乌斯藏将领仰望空中,狠狠的握紧了拳头。 Finally succeeded! 终于成功了! Came, broke through that the defense of Tang People, finally the last defense also broke through, now, before U-Tsang People only needs to push directly into can snow the shame, gave Tang People unprecedentedly heavy struck, and coordinated Caliphate People thorough elimination Great Tang Anxi and Qixi Protectorate Army, the domain of forever change western region. 一路过来,突破了那么多道唐人的防御,终于最后一道防御也突破了,现在,乌斯藏人只需要长驱直入就可以一雪前耻,给予给予唐人前所未有的沉重一击,并配合大食人彻底的消灭大唐安西碛西都护军,永远的改变西域的版图。 Quiet, be only star moon/month shines in the sky, the rumor/wind sound has blown sound. 四下里静悄悄的,只有星月在天空照耀,还有风声吹过的声音。 Daqin Ruozan careful is listening attentively to all around, finally satisfied nod, long air vent. Fights with Wang Chong, cannot have the tiny bit general idea absolutely, from U-Tsang Plateau set off to the present, he has pulled one game finally, has won truly one time. 大钦若赞仔细的谛听着四周,终于满意的点了点头,长长的出了一口气。和王冲交手,绝对不能有一丝一毫的大意,从乌斯藏高原出发到现在,他终于还是扳过了一局,真正的赢了一次。 So long as seized the opportunity, was one's turn itself to leave to incur. U-Tsang and Great Tang, in first round fighting, finally won! 只要掌握了先机,接下来就轮到自己出招了。乌斯藏大唐,第一轮的交手中,终于赢了! set off! „ 出发!“ Looks that cross below Highland Barley Horse spouts an ice-cold white aura, the Daqin Ruozan big hand wields, finally has issued the order of set off. hōng lōng lōng, tens of thousands of U-Tsang erupt formidable killing qi instantaneously, is similar to the glacier of defrosting, goes toward the distant place charge. 看着跨下的青稞马喷出一口冰冷的白色气息,大钦若赞大手一挥,终于下达了出发的命令。轰隆隆,成千上万的乌斯藏瞬间爆发出强大的杀气,如同解冻的冰河般,朝着远处冲锋而去。 squeak squeak! „ “吱吱!“ However also at this time, suddenly, the sharp cry transmitted from the dim light of night. This sound very high-pitched and fine, if not careful, cannot pay attention. However this sound falls to the ear of Daqin Ruozan , a face was calm, planning strategy(-ies), self-possessed Daqin Ruozan whole body severe shake, such as was killed by lightning immediately. 不过也就在这个时候,突然之间,尖锐的叫声从夜色中传来。这个声音非常尖细,如果不是仔细,根本注意不到。但是这声音落到大钦若赞的耳中,原本还一脸镇定,运筹帷幄,泰然自若的大钦若赞顿时浑身剧震,如遭雷殛。 wēng! 嗡! in a flash, Daqin Ruozan fierce raising the head, looks following the direction that high-pitched and fine sound conveys, crosses tens of thousands of warhorses, crosses the front mountain ridge, Daqin Ruozan clearly saw that a tiny house sparrow soars from the branch of front mountain ridge, flies toward the distant place. 电光石火间,大钦若赞猛的抬起头来,顺着那尖细声音传来的方向看去,越过成千上万的战马,越过前方的一座座山岭,大钦若赞分明看到一只细小的麻雀从前方一座山岭的树枝上腾空而起,向着远处飞去。 The western region house sparrow that soars from the branch, seems like really normal. However sees this house sparrow, Daqin Ruozan such as was struck by lightning, in an instant the whole person complexion changed. 一只从树枝上腾空而起的西域麻雀,看起来实在是再正常不过。但是看到这只麻雀,大钦若赞如遭雷击,刹那间整个人脸色都变了。
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